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D20 Item Description

1 Red Right Hand Source: A traveling Assassin who wandered into Barovia.
Requires attunement - He killed seven cult members with his crawling claw
While wearing one, place companion before being subdued and sacrificed.
the other on the hand of a
dead body and cut it off. A pair of red leather gloves, both are right handed. Place
one on your hand, and one on severed humanoid hand.
The severed hand becomes a Crawling Claw under your
control. If it is ever more than 50 feet away from you it
ceases to function and remains in place until you return
within range. If the Crawling Claw is destroyed, you can
recover the glove but may have to repair any damage to

2 Death Mask of the Elk King Source: Found in the excavated burial mounds at Yester
Hill far to the west by Konstanze Durst. This crown once
belonged to the figure known only as the Druid King,
who's primitive people once ruled this valley. Shortly after
its discovery, Konstanze went mad and fled the village of
Barovia, raving about the Lords of Amber.

This golden death mask has two elk horns protruding

from its forehead. Found at Yester Hill it belonged to the
Druid King of the ancient tribes of the area. The crown
has 1d4+2 charges. Any creature who wears the mask can
use their action to cast the spells Command (1 charge)
and Crown of Madness (2 charges). The mask regains 1d4
charges when the full moon rises.

Cursed: Once worn, the mask cannot be removed and the

wearers mind is invaded by the spirit of the Elk King, an
ancient leader of the druids at Yester Hill. They
immediately gain the flaw "I am the lord of this land and
all must obey me or suffer." This flaw is especially
apparent if they meet another authority figure.
3 Rat's tooth Source: A gnomish trickster used this dagger to control
rats for his schemes and heists. They could not save him
when he stumbled through the mists and into Barovia

This dagger has a rat skull set in its pommel. If you reduce
a creature to zero hit points with this knife, you can use a
bonus action to cause a Swarm of Rats to burst forth
from the corpse. The rats attack the nearest creature,
ignoring the holder of the dagger. Once you use this
ability you cannot do so again until you bathe the dagger
in a pool of collected rat blood.

4 Eye of Galhoul Source: During the excavation process of this basement,

the workers hired by the Durst family accidentally
stumbled upon the lair of a nothic; a twisted creature
formed when a practitioner of the arcane Arts delves too
deep into mysterious and forbidden magics. The nothic
drove most of the workers mad and killed the rest before
being subdued by Aldebert Durst, who took its eye and
preserved it into this relic.

An 8-inch-diameter varnished orb made from a nothics

eye, it is a sickly yellow colour with a slit pupil. It can be
used as an Arcane Focus. As an action, you may choose to
see through the eye instead of your own as long as you
are within 100 feet of it.
5 Rod of Kalarel the Vile Source: A gift to the cult from Kalarel, who traded it for
the cults assistance in summoning a vrock demon into his

This rod is an aspergillum (an implement for sprinkling

holy water) but is made from a short wooden rod, with a
tiny humanoid skull placed on the top. It was once owned
by the nefarious cult leader Kalarel the Vile who would
"bless" cult members with the aspergillum so that they
would be devoured by nearby undead.

The skull has eldritch carvings on its surface and a sponge

reservoir. Water placed inside immediately becomes a
shadowy tonic, the living will notice a strange antiseptic
smell, while the undead sense sweetness. As an action
you may sprinkle water on a five foot square area or onto
a creature. Any undead within a 30-foot radius will be
mildly attracted to liquid. They will casually seek out the
euphoric odor so long as they do not detect the living or
suffer any harm. The rod can hold 1d4+1 "charges" of
water per day.

6 Necromancers cloak Source: Made from the flayed hides of Stephan, Darya,
and Elizabeta Donovich. Three local acolytes to the
Church of the Morning Lord who were tortured and
turned into ghouls by cult leader Burkard Durst.

This cloak and hood are stitched from the skin of flayed
ghouls. When you wear this cloak with its hood up,
unintelligent undead creatures have disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you, and you
have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to
hide from them. However you also have disadvantage on
Charisma checks with all living humanoids. You can raise
or lower the hood as an action.
7 Bag of Bones Source: A strange traveling merchant who claimed to be
"From the land where the sun rises in the east" brought
this bag to Barovia. He used the magic within to create
undead servants to do his manual labor, but refused to
have them fight or defend his goods, which was profane
to his religion. He died, like many others, at the hands of
dark creatures in Barovia.

A Bag of Bones is similar in function to a Bag of Tricks but

the creatures it conjures are necrotic in nature.

A bag of bones is stitched together from ornate black

leather, intricately engraved with macabre imagery of
& the undead. It carries a vague scent of damp soil &
and is cool to the touch. Opening the bag, it is partially
filled with funerary ashes and bone fragments.

You can use an action to pull out a handful of the ash &
bone and throw it up to 20 feet. It will immediately start
recompose into an undead creature; roll a d10 and
the below table - see the Monster Manual for the

The undead creature is friendly to you and your

companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a
action to command how the creature moves and what
action it takes on its next turn, or to give it general orders,
such as to attack your enemies. In the absence of such
orders, the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its

The bag can create 1d4+2 undead creatures.

1d10 Undead
1 - 2 Ghoul (CR 1)
3 - 4 Shadow (CR 1/2)
5 - 6 Skeleton (CR 1/4)
7 - 8 Specter (CR 1/2)
9 - 10 Zombie (CR 1/4)

8 Exploding pellets Source: Collected from bats who roost in caves along the
high cliffs of Ravenloft. Several cult members have fallen
to their deaths to retrieve the required reagents.

This small leather bag contains 1d6+2 balls of magically

calcified bat guano. You can throw the pellets at a point
you can see within 30 feet (or use a sling to launch them
further). The balls explode upon impact and an area of
five feet is engulfed in a cloud of nauseating yellow gas.
Any creature who starts their turn in this area or enters
this area on their turn must make a DC12 Constitution
saving throw. On a failure their speed immediately drops
to zero as they begin choking and sputtering. The cloud
lasts for three rounds, and a strong wind will cause it to

9 Agatha's Finger Source: Agatha, Hag of the Old Savalich Woods, traded
her finger for young Jander Durst, many decades ago.

A hag’s severed finger. This shriveled green digit is warm

to touch and covered in perpetual slime and algae. As an
action, you can eat a bite of the finger to cast the spell
Disguise Self. Your appearance will be a very convincing
hag. The finger has enough material for 1d4+1 bites.
10 Lord Othallor Source: When Konstanze Durst returned to Barovia
twenty years later, she carried many strange trinkets,
including this mummy. Her madness had completely
broken her mind however and she uttered little more
than non-sense words. The only clear thing she said was
"The Amber ones, they flow like honey to attract the flies.

This 6 inch tall mummified creature is humanoid but of

indeterminate species. It is extremely dry and brittle. You
can crush the mummy into a fine dust, producing 1d4
doses of a fine poisonous powder. As an action you may
throw or blow a dose of the dust into a living creatures
face and it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
throw or be cursed with mummy rot (See the stat block
for the Mummy Lord, MM ). If the target ingests the dust
with food or drink, they make the saving throw at

Cursed: The mummy is cursed and a person who crushes

it into powdered form begins to have strange nightmares
when they sleep. At the end of a long rest (assuming they
sleep) they must roll on the Short Term Madness table.
This curse can be removed by the spell Remove Curse, or
Greater Restoration.
11 Devil's Amulet Source: Long ago a horribly wounded traveler limped his
way into Barovia. He spoke of a tomb of horrors filled
with traps and golden treasure. He died soon after and
his nurse in the village, a cult member, secured the

An iron amulet adorned with a devil’s face. Inscribed on

the back is the name Acererak. The devil face has a large
gaping mouth inside of which swirls a strange black
energy. Anyone sticking their finger inside the mouth will
immediately be surrounded by nothingness.

The pendant is able to cast Darkness once when used this

way, but the wearer is able to see through the darkness
as if it were bright light.

The amulet has 1d4+1 charges. Once they are used the
energy inside the mouth vanishes and the pendant
becomes a mundane item.

Cursed: Once the last charge is expended, the creature

who did so must make a DC12 Constitution Saving throw
or become Blind for 1d8 hours. At the end of a long rest,
the creature must repeat the saving throw.

12 The Bards head Source: A Halfling once came through the mists and
descended into the valley singing bright and cheerful
songs about the heroes of old. The cult were not a fan of
his musings.

The shrunken, shriveled head of a Halfling, this morbid

fetish has eyes which dart to and fro when the living are
nearby. As an action, the owner of the head can
command it to sing songs about heroes of old. The head
has a surprisingly pleasant voice that causes all allies
within earshot to gain advantage on saving throws against
being frightened for one minute. The head may sing
these songs 1d6+1 times. Once it sings for the last time
the eyes close permanently as it shrivels up.
13 The Good Boy Source: A foolish cult member killed and cut out the
tongue of one of Strahds dire wolf servants. The cult
quietly sacrificed the member but turned the wolf tongue
into this item.

A small wooden coffer containing a dire wolf’s withered

tongue. This tongue tapers to a thin tip which is curved
into a ladle-like form. When picked up a lapping sound
can be heard and the tongue will pull the wielder toward
anyone who is wounded. If permitted, the tongue will
magically lick away wounds.

Roll 2d10+10. This is the total number of hit points that it

can heal. You may distribute the points as you wish
among more than one creature (like the Paladin's Lay on
Hands Ability). Once all the points are used, the tongue
loses all magical properties, but looks like a freshly cut
tongue and begins to rot away. The points otherwise last
indefinitely until used up.

14 Jenny Source: Once in a lifetime, a creature is born with power

coursing through their veins from some magical
connection in their lineage. Such a child was once born in
the valley. Her magical powers manifested while still a
child and she was able to imbue a semblance of life into
her toys, who obeyed her commands and set to work
creating mischief around the town of Vallaki. No one
really knows what happened to the girl, but this doll is a
strange reminder of the power of magic in the hands of a

This children's doll is clearly a homemade toy that has

been passed down through a family, it is worn and ragged
but made of fine materials. It has a tag inside it's dress
that says "Jenny" in a child's handwriting. When you hold
it you get an uneasy feeling that it is watching you and
you can hear a strange echo as if you can hear sounds
from its perspective as well as your own. As an Action
you may speak the dolls command word and it will come
alive as a Homunculus under your control.
15 Silver Blood Potion Source: It is said that the great Silver Dragon, Argonvost,
once watched over the valley of Barovia to protect it from
danger. This potion is likely made from the ground up
powder of molted silver dragon scales. Unlike many of the
other items here, it is unique in that this potion is a holy
charm of protection. How this evil cult came to be in its
possession, you may never know.

This thick viscous potion appears to be melted down

silver or mercury. When you imbibe the potion, your
blood magically transmutes to become the same silvery
liquid for 24 hours. Any vampire who makes a successful
bite attack against you takes acid damage instead of
regaining hitpoints (you still take the damage from the
bite as they draw blood).

16 Bell of Lost Souls Source: This bell is the type used by acolytes of the
Morning Lord during funery processions. In practice they
ring the bell to attract wayward spirits so that they may
be put to rest along with the person being interred.
Normally a symbolic holy symbol, it has been defaced
with profane symbols that would bind the dead instead of
just calling out to them. Who would do such a thing, no
one knows.

This tiny brass bell is inscribed all over with holy symbols
of the Morning Lord, but all the symbols are scratched
out with other necromantic and profane runes. It can be
used as a Divine focus. Once, as an action you may speak
the command word and ring the bell. A Ghost (MM Page
147) is immediately summoned to a space within 5 feet
and you may give it one simple command which it will
obey. After this it will act of its own volition but will not
harm the holder of the bell.
17 Bellview Gravediggers Source: This otherwise ordinary looking shovel has the
Shovel name Bellview & Sons Undertakers inscribed on the
handle. The Bellviews were a family of well-known
undertakers who lived in the town of Krezk in the west of
the valley. The cult does not know who enchanted the
shovel but note that its powers would certainly have been
a boon to lazy grave diggers and may have attributed to
the families reputation.

The shovel can be used as a quarter staff. A wizard or

cleric holding the shovel can cast the cantrip Mold Earth
but at a range of 5 feet (you literally stick the shovel in
the ground and cast the spell in that area).

If a wizard or cleric digs a grave and spends a long rest

sleeping in it with the shovel, they may attune to it. Once
attuned, the shovel can be used to cast the spell Animate
Dead as a 3rd level spell. Once used this ability recharges
in 1d6 days.

18 Skeleton Key Source: A brazen thief once attempted to burgle the Durst
household. Once he was caught, this item was made
from the bones of his fingers.

This key is made from the finger bones of a thief and can
be used as a set of thieves tools. The key is covered in
necromantic carvings that allow it to use a creatures life
force as a power source.

As a part of your thieves tools check, remove one hit die

from your available total. You may roll the hit die and add
the result to your check. You regain the spent hit die as
normal when you complete a long rest.
19 Sacrificial Heart Source: Legend says that when Strahd became a vampire,
his first act was to disrupt the wedding of his brother and
slaughter the guests. The Bishop of the Morning Lord
was presiding over the wedding, and some say that even
when killed his heart continued to beat.

This dried and preserved human heart has the celestial

rune for "Life" stitched into it. The heart is a reservoir of
magical healing that can store some of the owners life
force to protect them from harm later.

You may invest up to three hit dice into the heart for later.
Remove the number of hit dice invested from your total
available. When you drop to zero hit points you may
immediately roll any number of the invested hit dice and
regain that amount of hit points. If the damage you take
would drop you below 0, the stored hit points cover the
deficit. If they return you to 0 hit points you are
unconscious but stable, otherwise you are unconscious
and dying (the heart may prevent instant death if it
reduces the damage taken enough).

Once the heart has expended the invested hit dice, you
regain their use as normal.
20 Hand O' Glory Source: South West of the village of Barovia sits the grand
cemetery, where gallows swing in the wind. The Hand O'
Glory is made from the left hand of a hanged criminal,
and the candle from their rendered fat. Said to have
many mysterious powers, the candle was likely used by
the Cult in many of their rituals and activities.

A preserved left hand, holding a tallow candle. This is the

most prized possession of the cult; a Hand Of Glory. The
hand is that of a hanged criminal, and the candle is made
from rendered fat from the body. The candle has 5
charges and regains 1d4+1 charges at midnight. The
candle can be used in a number of ways:
● You can cast the cantrip Light by lighting the
candle. It never burns away and only the holder
can actually perceive the light.
● You can expend two charges to cast the spell
● You can expend three charges and place the
candle on the floor while it is lit. Any creature
that starts their turn within the area of light or
enters the area on their turn must make a DC15
Wisdom Saving throw or have their speed
reduced to 0. They can repeat this saving throw
at the beginning of their next turn. This effect
lasts for ten minutes before the candle goes out.
If all charges are expended, roll a d20. On a 1 the candle
flares up for a moment and then melts away into a
puddle of wax.

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