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D U (PRONOUNS) 1. Dinh nghia (Definition) Dai tix (pronouns) la tir ding dé thay thé cho danh ti. I. Cac loai dai tiv (Kinds of pronouns) - Dai ti’ nhan xung (personal pronouns) — Dai ti’ sé hiu (possessive pronouns) — Dai tix phn than va dai tir nhén manh (reflexive and emphatic pronouns) — Dai tir chi dinh (demonstrative pronouns) — Dai tir nghi van (interrogative pronouns) - Dai tir lién hé (relative pronouns) - Dai tit phan bé (distributive pronouns) - Dai tir bat dinh (indefinite pronouns) — Dai tir hé tuong (reciprocal pronouns) 1. Dai tY nhan xung (Personal pronouns) Dai tit nhan xung 1a cdc dai tit duge ding dé chi ngudi, vat, nhém nguti hodc vat cu thé. a. Hinh thie (Form) Dai tit nhan xung cé hinh thtic chi ngi (subject) va tan ngéf (object) hoan toan kh4c nhau (trit you va it). b. Céch ding (Use) Dai ti nhan xung duge ding dé thay thé cho danh tit khi kh6ng can thiét stt dung hode lap lai chinh xdc danh tit hodc cum danh tir dé. Ex: John’s broken his leg. He'll be in hospital for a few days. (John bj gay chén. Anh dy sé phdi ndm vién vai ngay.) [NOT John-will be in-hospital ..] Tell Mary I miss her. (Hay néi vdi Mary réng t6i nhé c6 dy.) [NOT Teli MeryT-mise-Mery.) > I, he, she, we, they duge ding lam: - Chi ngit cia dong tir (subjects of a verb) Ex: I like you. (Téi thich anh.) He wants to leave now. (Anh dy muén di ngay bay gid.) ‘They have lived here for twenty years. (Ho da séng 4 déy 20 nam réi.) - Bé ngif cia dong tir to be (complements of the verb to be) Ex: It was I who chose this colour. (Chinh t6i 1a ngudi chon mau nay.) me, him, her, us, them duge ding lam Tan ngif truc tiép hode gidn tiép cia dong tir (direct objects or indirect objects of a verb). Ex: They called us on the telephone. (Ho da goi din cho chung t6i.) Bill’s uncle sent him a birthday present. (Chi cita Bill giti cho anh dy m6t mon qua sinh nhét.) - Tan ngif cia gidi tit (objects of a preposition) Ex: He said he couldn't live without her. (Anh dy néi anh dy khong thé s6ng thiéu c6 ta.) > you va it cé thé duge ding lam chi ngi hode tan ngit vi chting c6 hinh thie cha ngit va tan ngi giéng nhau. Ex: ~ Did you see the snake? (Anh eé nhin thdy con rdn khéng?) ~ Yes, I saw it and it saw me, too. (C6, 16i thdy né vd nd ciing thdy téi.) ~ Did it frighten you? (N6 cé lam anh sg khong?) Luu ¥: Hinh thie tan ngif thudng duge ding khi dai tit ding m6t minh ho&e sau be. Ex. Who spilt coffee all over the table? ~ Me./ Sorry, it was me. (Ai lam a6 ca phé ra khdp ban vay? ~ T6i./ Xin I6i, chinh t6i,) But Who spilt coffee all over the table? ~ I did. * M6t sé edch ding eda it It thutng duge ding thay cho vt, dong vat, tré so sinh hodc tré nhé (khi gidi tinh khong duge biét ho&e khéng quan trong). Ex: I’ve bought a new watch. It’s very modern. (Toi vita mua déng hé deo tay méi. N6 rét hin dai.) Look at that bird. How beautiful it is! (hin con chim dé xem.Dep qual) The baby next door kept me awake. It cried all night. (Dua bé & nha bén lam t6i khéng ng duge. Nb khée suét dém.) — It duge ding dé chi ngudi khi muén xéc dinh ngudi dé la ai. Sau khi da duge x4c dinh, thi he hoc she duge sit dung tity theo nguti dé 1a nam hay ni. Ex: Who was it on the telephone? ~ It was Vicky. She just called to say she’s arrived home safely. (Ai da goi dign udy? ~ Vicky. C6 dy vita goi dé bdo cé dy da vé dén nha binh yen.) There was a knock at the door. I thought it was the postman. He usually came at that time. (Cé tiéng g6 cita. TOi nghi dé la ngudi dua thu. Anh ta thudng dén véo gid dé.) — Dai tir it (diéu do; nd) duge ding dé chi mot hanh dong, mét tinh hudng hoe mét ¥ tuéng da duge néi dén trong mot cum ti, mot ménh dé hoc céu di true. 2 v Ex: When the factory closes, it will means 500 people losing their jobs. (Khi nha may dong cita, diéu d6 cd nghia la sé cé 500 nguvi mat viée.) [it = the close of the factory] He smokes in bed, though I don’t like it. (Anh ta hut thuée trén giving, mde dit ti khéng thich diéu dé.) {it = his smoking in bed] Dai tif it duge ding nhu mét chi ngi gid (formal subject) dé néi vé thei tiét, thai gian, nhiét do, khoang cach, sé do. Ex: It is raining heavily. (Troi dang mua to.) It is half past three now. (Bay gid la 3 gic rudi.) It is thirty degrees in this room. (Nhiét d6 trong phong nay la 30 dé.) It is six miles to the nearest hospital from here. (Khodng cdch tit déy dén bénh vién gdn nhdt la 6 dam.) It is five meters long. (Chiéu dai la 5 mét.) It duge ding lam chi ngit gid (formal subject) khivchi ng that (real subject) cua cau la mot dong tit nguyén mau, mét danh dong tir hodc mét ménh dé ¢ cudi cau. Ex: It was impossible to get a taxi at that, time. (Vao gid dé khéng thé nao don duge taxi.) [To get a taxi was impossible at that time.] It’s always sad saying goodbye to someone you love. (Noi lai tam biét véi ngudi ma ban yeu thuong lic nao ciing rat buén.) [Saying goodbye to someone you love is always sad.] It’s a pity that you can't come with us. (Tiée la ban khéng thé di vdi ching t6i.) (That you can’t come with us is a pity.) It con duge sit dung nhu mt tan ngit gid (formal object), theo sau né 1a mét tinh ti hodc danh tif duge bé nghia bdi cum tit hay ménh dé. Ex: I found it difficult to explain this to him. (T6i thy khé gidi thich diéu nay vdi anh ta.) He thought it no use going over the subject again. (Anh ta cho rang xem xét Iai vdn dé ciing chdng ich Igi gi.) I find it strange that she doesn’t want to travel. (Téi théy la la c6 ta khéng muén di du lich.) Dai tir it duge ding véi dong tif to be (It is/ was ..) dé nhén manh cho mot tit hode cum tif trong cau Ex: It was Jim who lent us the money. (Chinh Jim da cho chiing t6i mugn tién.) It was three weeks later that he heard the news. (Dén ba tudn sau anh ta mdi nghe tin.) Dai tit it ddi khi duge st dung trong cdc dac ngif cé tinh chat than mat. Ex: Hang it all, we can’t wait all day for him. (That buc minh, ching ta khéng thé doi n6 suét cd ngay duge). When I see him, I'll have it out with him. (Gap n6 t6i sé néi cho nd v6 1é ra méi duge). If the teacher sees you doing that, you'll catch it. (Thay ma thdy may lam udy thi may liu hén). 2. Dai tif sé hitu (Possessive pronouns) Dai tit sé hitu (possessive pronouns) la hinh thie sé hitu cia dai ti nhan xung (personal pronouns), duge ding dé chi vat gi thude vé ngudi nao dé. a. Hinh thie (Form) PERSONAL PRONOUNS | POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS _| (Dai ti’ nhan xung) (Dai tit sé hitu) I (t0i) mine (edi ctia toi) You (anh, chi, ban) | yours (edi ela anh/ ban) He (anh dy) his (cdi cita anh dy) She (chi dy) hers (edi ctla chj dy) We (chiing toi) ours (cdi cia chiing ti) They (hg, chuing nd) theirs _(¢di ctia ho/ chting) It khong cé dang dai tit sé hitu. Its la dang tinh tir sé hiu cia it. Céch dang (Use) Dai tir sé hitu duge ding khong ¢6 danh tir theo sau. N6 thay thé cho tinh tw sé hitu + danh tit (possessive adjective + noun) Ex: Can I borrow your keys? I can’t find mine. (Ti cé thé mugn chia khéa cia ban duoc \khéng? Tdi khéng tim thdy chia khéa cia t6i.) [mine = my keys] You are using my pen. Where's yours? (Ban dang ding viét cia toi ddy. Viét cia ban déu?) [yours = your pen] - Dai tit sé hitciing c6 thé duge ding trude danh tir ma n6 thay thé. Ex: Ours is the third house on the left. (Nha ctia ching t6i la ngoi nha thit ba bén tay trdi.) [ours = our house] - Khong dang mao ti truée dai ti sé hitu. Ex: That coat is mine. (Ao khode dé cia téi) [NOT That-coat-is-the-mine.] % Lutu y: DOi khi ta c6 thé thay dai ti sd hitu diing sau gidi ti of Sy két hgp nay duge goi la hiu kép (double possessive). Ex Tom isa friend of mine. (Tom la mét ngudi ban cia t6i) [a friend of mine = one of my friends] | borrowed some magazines of yours. (T6i dd mugn mét s6 tap chi cila ban.) [some magazines of yours = some of your magazines} 3. Dai ti phan than & dai tv nhdén manh (Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns) a. Hinh thifc (Form) Dai tit phan than va dai tit nhan manh c6 chung hinh thuc. is (tul chink ti) You yourself (tu/ chinh ban) He himself” (tu/ chink anh dy) She herself (tu/ chink chi dy) It itself (tu/ chinh nd) We ourselves (tu) chink ching toi) You yourselves (tu) chinh cde ban) They themselves (tl chink ho) b. Cach ding (Use) © Dai t¥ phan than (Reflexive pronouns) Dai tit phan than duge ding lam tan ngit (object) cia dng tit khi hanh dong ctia dong tit do chi ngit thyc hién tac dong lai-ngay chinh chi ngw. N6i cach khéc, dai ti phan than duge ding khi ché ngit va tan ngit cia dong tir 1a cng mot déi tugng. Ex: When the policeman came in, the gunman shot him. (Khi vién canh sdt xong vao, ten cuép da ban anh ta.) [him = the police] When the policeman came in, the gunman shot himself. (Khi vién cénh sat x6ng vao, ten eudp da ditng suing ty sdt.) (himself = the gunman] Jane looks at herself in the mirror. (Jane soi minh trong guong.) We've locked ourselves out. (Chung t0i tu khéa cita nhét minh bén ngodi.) This refrigerator defrosts itself. (Tu lanh nay tu ra déng.) Ngoai chi ngi cia ménh dé, dai tir phan than cdn c6 thé chi nhimg thanh phan khée trong cau. Ex: His letters are all about himself. Thit cia anh ta toan viét vé ban than anh ta.) I love you for yourself, not for your money. (Toi yeu em vi chinh ban than em chit khong phdi vi tién cia em.) > Luu j: Bai tir phan than cé thé dugc ding sau gidi ti, nhung sau gidi ti chT vj tri (preposition of place) ching ta thudng ding dai tir nhdn xung (me, you, him, her,...) Ex. I'm annoyed with myself, (767 gién chinh ban than minh.) But’ Mike didn’t have any money with him. (Mike khOng dem theo tién.) In the mirror | saw a lorry behind me. (hin vao guong t6/ thay mot chiéc xe t2i pha sau.) * Dai t¥ nhdn manh (Emphatic pronouns) Dai ti’ nhén manh cé6 cing hinh thie véi dai ti phan than, duge ding dé nhdén manh mét danh tit hoge dai tit. Dai tit nhaén manh thudng ding ngay sau tiv duge nhén manh va c6 nghia 1a ‘chinh ngudi dé/ vat do’. Ex: My sister herself designed all these clothes. (Chinh chi toi da thiét ké nhitng b6 quén do nay.) I spoke to the president himself. (T6i dé noi chuyén véi chinh ngdi chi tich.) The film itself wasn’t very good but I like the music. (Ban than b6 phim thi khéng hay ldm, nhung t6i thich phdn nhac trong phim.) Khi nhén manh chi ngu, dai tir are manh cé thé ding cudi cau. Ex: I saw him do it myself. (Chinh mde t6i thdy anh ta lam diéu dé.) [= I myself saw him do it.] c. By + oneself = alone, without help By myself! yourself] himself, .. c6 nghia ‘mét minh’ (alone) hodc ‘khéng cé ai gitip da’ (without help). Ex: He likes living by himself. (Ong ta thich sing m6t minh.) [= He likes living alone.] Do you need help? ~ No, thanks. I can do it by myself. (Ban ¢é can gitip khong? ~ Khéng, cém on. T6i c6 thé lam m6t minh.) [= I can do it without help.) 4, Dai ti chi dinh (Demonstrative pronouns) Dai tif chi dinh gém céc tit: this, that, these, those. Dai ti chi dinh duge dang dé chi dinh vat, sy vat hoac dé gidi thiéu hay nhan dang ngudi nao dé. Ex: These are my candies. Those are yours. (Déy la keo ciia t6i. Kia 1a keo ctia ban.) This costs more than that. (Cdi nay ddt hon cdi kia.) This is my brother. (Day la anh trai t6i.) Who's that? ~ That's Tom Jones. (Ai kia? ~ Dé 1a Tom Jones.) a. This (cdi nay/ nguéi nay), sé nhiéu la these (nhitng cdi nay/ nhitng ngudi nay) duge ding 4é - chi vat 6 khoang cach gan (véi ngudi ndi). Ex: In all your paintings I like this best. (Trong tat ca cde bite vé cia ban tdi thich bite nay nhat.) These are my shoes.(Déy 14 gidy cila t6i.) - gidi thiéu ngu’i nao 46. Ex: This is my brother. (Day la anh 16i.) ‘These are the Smiths.(Ddy la éng ba Smiths.) - chi tinh hudng va svf viée dang xay ra, sip sifa xdy ra hodc sp duge néi t6i. Ex: Listen to this. You'll like it. (Hay nghe cdi nay xem. Ban sé thich né day.) I don’t like to say this, but I’m really not happy with the service here. (T6i khong muén néi diéu nay, nhung toi thét su khéng hai long vdi cdch phuc vy 6 day.) b. That (cdi kia/ ngudi kia), sé nhiéu 1a those (nhing cdi kia/ nhitng ngusi kia) duge ding - chi vat 6 khoang cach xa (vdi ngudi néi). Ex; That's Jery's car, over there. (Kia la xe hoi cia Jery, 6 kia kia.) Put those down — they're dirty. (Hay dat nhitng edi dé xuéng — ching do lim.) This is my umbrella. That's yours. (Day la dit etia t6i. Dé 1a dit ctia ban.) - khi x4c dinh hoc nhan dang ngudi nao 46. Ex; Is that Ruth? ~ No, that’s Rita. (Kia la Ruth phdi khéng? ~ Khéng phdi. Dé la Rita.) Who are those? ~ Those look like Mark and Susan. (Nhitng ngudi_ kia ld ai thé? ~ Tréng nh Mark vd Susan.) - Né6i vé diéu gi d6 trong qué khit, diéu gi d6 vila méi xdy ra hodc vita méi duge dé cap dén. Ex: That was nice. What was it? (Cdi dé tht dep. N6 ld cdi gi vay?) [NOT This-was-nice ...] It was a secret - That’s why they never talked about it. (N6 la mét bi mat - Dé la ly do tai sao ho khong bao gid ndi vé 6.) > Trén dién thoai, ching ta ding this dé n6i ching ta la ai, va this hoac that a8 héi ngudi kia 1a ai. Ex: Hello. This is Elisabeth. Is that/ this Ruth? (Xin chao. Day la Elisabeth. Cé phdi Ruth d6/ déy khong?) This/ these, that/ those cé thé duge ding thay cho mét danh ti, mot cum tit ho&c mét ménh dé da duge néi dén trude dé. Ex: He hung his daughter's portrait beside that of his wife's. (Ong ta treo chén dung con gdi éng ta bén canh chan dung vo.) [that = portrait] They are digging up my road. They do this every year. (Ho dang dao xéi con dudng truée nha tdi. Nam nao ho ciing lam vide nay.) [this = digging up the road] Dai tit those c6 thé duge theo sau béi mot ménh dé quan hé xc dinh hoac mé6t ngi phan tir dé chi ngudi. Ex: Those who couldn't walk were carried on stretchers. (Nhitng ngudi khong di duge thi duge khiéng bing cdng.) [Those who.. = The people who..] ‘Those injured in the accident were taken to hospital. (Nhing ngubi bi thuong trong tai nan dé duge dua tdi bénh vién.) [those = people] This boy of yours scems very intelligent. (Cau con trai néy ctia anh c6 vé rat théng minh.) (this boy of yours = your boy] > This! these, that/ those cé thé ating mt minh hodc cé one/ ones theo sau khi cé su so sdnh hoac lua chon. v v Ex; I don’t like these sweaters. I prefer those (ones) over there. (T6i khong thich nhitng chiée do len nay. Toi thich nhitng chiée 6 dang kia hon.) This (one) looks the nicest. (Cai nay ed vé dep nhdt.) 5. Dai t® nghi v&n (Interrogative pronouns) Dai ti nghi van Ia ede dai tit ding dé héi nhu: who, whom, whose, what, which. Céc dai tit nghi van thudng ding dau cau va ludn di trude dong ti Ex: What do you want? (Ban muén gi?) Whose is the red car? (Chiée 6 t6 mau dé cia ai vay?) a, Who (ai): 1 dai tiv nghi van ding cho ngudi, dé héi tén, nét nhén dang, hode chife nang cia mt hay nhiéu ngudi. Who c6 thé duge ding lam: — Chii ngit cia déng tit (subject of a verb) Ex; Who keeps the keys? (Ai gii? chia khéa?) Who is the man in grey coat? (Ngubi dan éng mac do choang xdm la ai thé?) — Tan ngi ciia dong tix hode gidi tix (object of a verb or a preposition) Ex: Who did you see at church? (Ban dé gdp ai @ nha tha?) {who la tan ngit cia dong tit see] Who does this place belong to? (Noi nay thugc vé ai udy?) (who la tan ngit cia giéi tir to} > Luu j: Trong trubng hop who la tén noi cla gidi tU, gidi ti ludn duoc dat cudi cau. Ex Who did you go with? (Anh da di voi ai?) [NOT With-who-did-you-go2] b. Whom (ai): 1a dai tif nghi van ding cho ngudi. Whom duge dung lam tan ngu (object) cho dong tit ho&c gidi ti. Ex; Whom did they invite? (Ho da mai nhitng ai?) To whom were you speaking at that time?/ Whom were you speak- ing to at that time? (Lic dé ban dang néi chuyén véi ai vay?) Lau ¥: = Ga who va whom déu c6 thé lam tan ngi cilia dong ti: hoc gidi tit, nhung who thuing Guge ding hon (nhat la trong 16i noi than m&t). Whom thudng dugc ding trong I6i n6i trinh trong hode trong van viét. Ex Who/ Whom did you invite to your party? (Ban méi nhing ai dén dy tiéc?) - _ Trong tru’ng hgp whom lam tn ngit cho gidi ti, gidi ti c6 thé duc dat true whom hose dat cubi cau. Cach ding gidi ti’ + whom thuding duge ding trong I6i van trinh trong Ex Whom did you go with? or With whom did you go? c. Whose (ciia ai): 1A dai tif nghi van dung dé héi vé su sd hitu. Whose duge ding lam chi ngit cia dong ti. Ex: Whose is that dog? (Con ché kia cia ai?) What about these jackets? Whose are they? (Con nhitng chiée do vét nay thi sao? Ching cua ai vay?) [Whose la chi ngi ca is va are] d. What (cdi gi): 1a dai ti nghi van ding dé héi vé su vat hoae sy viée. What cé thé duge ding lam chii ngit cia dong tif hodc tan ngit cia dong ti va gidi ti. - Ex: What caused the explosion? (Cdi gi da gay ra vu n6?) (What la chi ngit cia caused) What did you say? (Anh da néi gi?) [What la tan ngu cia say] What was your theory based on?/ On what was your theory based? (Ly ludn ctia ban duge céin cit vao edi gi?) [What la tan ngit cia on] Mét sé cach dang véi What - What thudng dug ding 4é héi vé thong tin. Ex: What are you doing? ~ I’m writing a letter. (Ban dang lam gi thé? ~ Toi dang viét thu.) — What duge ding dé héi nghé nghiép. Ex: What is he?/ What does he do? (Anh ta lam nghé gi?) [= What is his profession?) - What ... for? duge ding dé héi vé muc dich hoac ly do. Ex: What is this tool for? (Dung cu nay dé lam gi?) What are they digging the road up for? ~ They're repairing a gas pipe. (Ho dao duéng dé lam gi vay? ~ Ho dang sita 6ng dan gas.) [= Why are they digging up the road?] - What + be .. like? dugc ding dé héi vé tinh céch, tinh chat, ho&c nét die trung cia ngudi, vat hay su vat. Ex: What was the exam like? ~ It was very difficult. (Bai kiém tra nhw thé nao? ~ Rat khd.) What is David like? ~ He's short and fat and wears glasses./ He’s very sociable. (David nhu thé ndo? ~ Anh dy mép lin va mang kinh./ Anh ay rét than thign.) + How + be + (a thing)...? cing c6 thé duge ding dé yéu cdu mé ta mot sy vat hoae su viée nao 46. Ex: How was the film? ~ It was very good. (B6 phim thé nao? ~ Rat hay.) [= What was the film like?] ~ What does he/ she/ it... look like? duge ding dé héi vé vé bé ngoai. Ex: What does she look like? She’s tall and glamorous. (Tréng c6 ta nhut thé nao? Cé ta cao va ddy quyén ri.) - What about + V-ing? (= How about + V-ing?) duge ding dé dua ra m6t goi ¥ hoac dé nghi. Ex: What about going for a walk? (Di dao nhé?) e. Which (ndo, cdi ndo, nguéi ndo) 1a dai tit nghi van duge dung cho cd ngudi va vat, dé chi sy la chon trong sé nguti hay vat da duge biét. Which c6 thé duge ding 1am chi ngi cia déng tix hodc tan ngit cia dong ti va gidi ti. Ex: Which is your favourite subject? (Mon hoc nao 1a mén ban ua thich nhat?) Which is quicker, the bus or the train? (Xe nao nhanh hon, xe bust hay xe lita?) (Which 1 chit ngit cia is] We have two Smiths here. Which (of them) do you want? (G day chiing ti c6 hai nguéi mang ho Smith. Anh can gap ngubi nao?) [Which la tan ng cia dong tit want] There are two addresses in your card. Which do you want me to send it to?/ To which do you want me to send it? (C6 hai dia chi trong danh thiép ca ba. Ba muén ti giti né dén dia chi nao?) [Which la tan ngit cia gidi tit to] © Which cé thé duge ding véi of. Which of duge ding truéc dai tit sé nhiéu hode truée tit xde dinh (the, my, these, nia ) va danh tit sé nhiéu. Ex: Which of these rhataa would you like? (Ban thich tém nao trong sé anh nay?) Which of us is going to do the washing-up? (Ai trong ching ta sé rita bdt?) ‘& Luu §: Ching ta 6 thé ding which hoc what dé hdi vé sy Iya chon — Which dugc ding dé chi-su Iva chon trong mét sé lung c6 gidi han. Ex: There's gin, whisky and sherry. Which will you have? (C6 rugu gin, whisky va sherry. Anh muén ding logi nao?) - What duge diing khi c6 sy Ilya chon rng rai — kh6ng bj gidi han trong mot s6 lugng nhdt dinh. Ex What would you like to drink? (Anh mudin uéng gi?) [NOT Which-would-youlike-to-drink?] . Dai t® quan hé (Relative pronouns) Céc dai tit who, whom, whose, which, that 1a cdc dai tit quan hé duge ding 4é thay cho danh ti di truéc va déng théi c6 chife nang néi ménh dé chinh y6i ménh dé phu trong ménh dé lién hé (relative clauses). Who/ whom duge ding dé chi ngudi, which chi vat hode su vat, that c6 thé chi cd ngudi ldn vat va whose chi sy sé hitu. (Vé nghia va cdch ding cdc dai tit quan hé, xem Relative Clause) Dai ti phan bé (Distributive pronouns) Dai tiv phan bé gém céc tit: all, most, each, both, either, neither. a. All (tt cd): duge dung dé chi toan bd s6 lugng ngudi hoge vat cia mot nh6m tif ba tré lén. All c6 thé 1a chi ngi, tan ngit hode bé ngif trong cAu. Ex: All were unaminous to vote him. (Tét cd déw nhdt tri bdu 6ng ta.) [AIL la chi ngit céia were) Til do all I can. (Toi sé lam tdt cd nhitng gi cd thé.) {ail 1a tan ngit ciia do] Wallet, ticket and a bunch of keys. That’s all in his pocket. (Vi tién, vé va mét chim chia khéa. Dé la tat cd nhiing thit trong uti anh ta.) All of duge dimg truéc danh tit (dém duge sé nhiéu hoac khong dém duge) c6 tir xde dinh (the, my, this, these,..) hodc dang tan ngit cia dai tit nhén xung. Déng tit theo sau 6 hinh thife sé it hay sé nhiéu tly thudc vao danh tu All (of ‘+determiner + plural/ ut All of us/ you/ them (+ plural verb) Ex: All (of) my friends like riding. (Tat cd ban be 16i déu thich cusi ngua.) All (of) the money has been spent. (Tat cd tién da bi tieu sach.) All of us enjoyed the party. (Tat cd chung toi déu thich bua tiéc.) T’m going to invite all of you. (Téi sé mdi tdt cd cdc ban.) All of véi nghia ‘whole’ (todn 66) cing cé thé duge ding truéc mot sé danh tit dém duge sé it (singular countable noun) . Ex: I've eaten all (of) the cake. (Téi da an hét cdi banh.) [= I've eaten the whole cake.] All (of) my family came to watch me playing in the concert. (Ca nha toi da dén xem toi biéu dién trong budi hoa nhac.) [= My whole family came to watch...] Of c6 thé bé khi ding truéc danh tit, nhung khéng duge bé khi dmg trude dai tir. All c6é thé dimg sau mét chi ngit sé nhiéu hode dai tiv nhén xung duge ding 1am tan ngit ma né thaém dinh. Ex: These buildings all belong to the government. (Tat cad nhitng toa nha nay déu thuée vé chinh phil.) He said goodbye to us all. (Anh dy chao tam biét tat cd ching toi.) All c6 thé ding sau trg dong tir (auxiliary verb) hode dong tit to be. Ex: These cups are all dirty. (Tdt ed nhwng edi tich nay déu bi do.) All c6 thé duge dung véi nghia ‘everything’ (moi thi, moi diéu); ‘the only thing’ (cdi duy nhat, diéu duy nhat), nhung trong truéng hgp nay all khong duge ding mt minh ma phai dugc theo sau bang mét ménh dé quan hé [all + relative clause/ that clause] Ex: All (that) I have is yours. (Tét cd nhitng gi anh cé la cia em.) [All = Everything] But: Everything is yours. (Moi thit la cua em.) [NOT All is-yours.] She lost all she owned. (C6 ta mét tdt cd nhitng gi c6 ta cé.) [All = everything] But: She lost everything. (Cé ta mat hét moi thi.) [NOT Shetost-ell.] All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich. (Tat cd nhitng gi 16i da an hom nay la mé6t cdi xang-uych.) [All = the only thing] This is all I've got. (Day la tdt cd nhitng gi tdi cé.) (All = nothing more] i All khong duge ding véi nghia ‘everybody/ everyone’ (moi nguvi). Ex: Everybody enjoyed the party. (Tat cd moi ngudi déu thich bata tiéc.) [NOT All-enjoyed..] Most (phdn lén; hdu hét): duge ding dé chi phan 1én nhét cia cdi gi hoac da s0 ngudi hode vat. Ex: We all ate a lot, but Ashley ate (the) most. (Tét cd ching t6i déu an nhiéu, nhung Ashley an nhiéu nhdt.) All the victims were male, and most were between the ages of 15 and 25. (Tat ca cde nan nhén déu la nam, va da 366 d6 tudi tit 15 dén 25.) ‘There are hundreds of verbs in English, and most are regular. (Tiéng Anh cé hang tram déng tit, va da s6 la déng tit c6 quy tac.) Most of duge ding truée danh tit (dém duge hode khéng dém duge) c6 tit xée dinh (a, the, my, this,...) hodc hinh thie tan ngi cia dai tit nhan xung. Dong tif theo sau 6 s6 it hay s6 nhiéu tiy thudc vao danh ti. Most of + determiner + noun (+ singular/ plural verb) Most of us/you/them (+ plural verb) Ex: Mest of the people here know each other. (Hau hét moi nguii 6 day déu quen nhau.) John spends most of his free time in the library. (Phan ldn thdi gian rénh réi, John & trong thi vién.) He’s eaten most of a chicken. (Anh ta dn gan hét mét con gd.) Most of us enjoy shopping. (Da s6 ching téi thich di mua sdm.) c. Each (méi); duge ding dé chi timg ca nhan hode ting don vi trong mot sé lugng ngudi hode vat tif hai tré len. Ex: I asked two children and each told a different story. (Toi héi hai dita tré va méi dita ké mét cdu chuyén khde nhau.) There are six flats. Each has its own entrance. (C6 6 can h6. Méi can cé Iéi di riéng.) - Each of duge ding truéc mét danh ti sé nhiéu cé tit xAc dinh (the, my, these,..) hoe hinh thtic tan ngi cia dai ti’ nhan xung. Déng tit theo sau thutng 4 sé it. + Za Each of + determiner + plural noun (+ singular Verb) Each of us/ you/ them (+ singular vero) i Ex: She gave each of her grandchildren 50p. (Ba dy cho méi dita chéu 50 penny.) Each of us sees the world differently. (Méi nguai trong ching ta nhin nhén thé gidi mOt cach khée nhau.) - Each cé thé theo sau mét tan ngi (tryc tiép hay gidn tiép) ho&e dig sau mé6t con sé. Ex: I want them each to be happy. (T6i muén méi nguai trong bon ho déu duge hanh phic.) She gave the students each a copy of the script. (C6 dy dua cho méi hoc sink mt bén sao cia kich ban.) He gave us £5 each. (Ong ta cho méi dita chung t6i 5 pao.) - Each cé thé dtimg sau trg dong ti (auxiliary verb) va dong ti fo be, hoke ding truéc dong tir thudng (ordinary verb). Trong trudng hgp nay ta phai ding danh tif, dai tif vA dong tit é sé nhiéu. Ex: We've each got our own cabinets. (Méi ngudi trong ching 16i déu cé ti riéng cia minh.) You are each right in a different way. (Cac ban méi ngudi déu ding theo m6t cach khde nhau.) The students each have different point of view. (Cae sink vién méi ngudi déu c6 quan diém khde nhau.) d. Both (cd hai): duge ding dé chi ca hai ngudi hoac hai vat. Ex: He has two brothers; both live in London. (Anh ta cé hai anh trai; cd hai déu séng 4 London.) I couldn't decide which of the two shirts to buy. I like both. (Trong hai cdi do nay t6i khéng thé quyét dinh nén mua cdi nao. T6i thich cd hai.) = Both (of) duce ding truéc danh tir sé nhiéu cé tit x4c dinh ding truée hoa truéc hinh thie tan ngi cia dai ti nhan xung. Dong tix theo sau ¢ sé nhiéu. Ex: Both (of) her children are boys. (Ca hai dita con cua c6 dy déu la con trai.) Marta sends both of you her regards. (Marta gui loi tham héi dén cé hai ban.) + Of-c6 thé bé khi ding truée danh tit, nhung khéng duge bé khi ding truéc dai ti. - Both c6 thé dig sau tro dong tit (auxiliary verb), sau dOng tit fo be, ho&c truéc dong tiy thung. Ex: We can both swim. (Cd hai chung toi déu biét boi.) I have two daughters. They're both doctors. (Téi c6 hai con gai. Ca hai dita déu la bac si) My parents both work in education. (Cha me t6i déu lam viée trong nganh gido duc.) = Both co thé ding sau mét dai tir-sé nhiéu duge ding lam tan ngi. Ex: She invited us both. (Cé dy moi cd hai ching ta.) Mary sends you both her love. (Mary géi lai tham hai ban.) Luu §: Khong ding mao tit the true both. Ex Both the children are naughty. (Cd hai dua tré déu rat nghich nggm.) [NOT The both-shildren...] e. Either (mdi, mt): duge ding dé chi cdi nay hoac cai kia trong hai cai. Ex: Olive oil and sesame oil are both fine, so you could use either. (Ca déu dliu va déu me déu t6t, vi thé ban co thé ding mét trong hai.) Do you want tea or coffee? ~ Either. I don’t mind. (Anh muén ding tra hay ca phé? ~ Gi cing duge.) - Either of duge ding truéc mot danh tit s6 nhiéu c6 tir xc dinh hode dang tan ngif cia dai ti. Dong tif theo sau thung 6 36 tt Either of + determiner + plural nour Either of us/ you/ them (+ singul Ex: Does either of you speak French? (Trong hai nguti c6 ngudi nao biét ndi tiéng Phép khong?) Take one of the books on the table - either of them will do.” (Hay ldy mét trong hai cuén sdch trén ban - cuén nado cing dugc.) I don’t like either of my math teachers. (T6i khong thich ngubi’ nao trong hai gido vién day todn cd.) f. Neither (cd hai ... khéng)> duge ding dé chi khong phai c4i nay ma cing khong phi cdi kia trong hai cdi. Ex: There were two witnesses, but neither would make a statement. (Cé hai nhén ehiing, nhung cd hai déu khong cho lai khai.) Is your friend British or American? ~ Neither. She's Australia. (Ban cia anh la ngudi Anh hay nguai My? ~ Ca hai déu khong phdi. C6 dy la ngusi Uc.) - Neither of duge ding truéc danh tir sO nhiéu c6 ti xdc dinh (the, my, these,..), howe truée mot dai tit. Bdng ti theo sau een 5 86 "Neither of + determiner + plural noun __ Neither of us/ you/.them ‘Guat elae Ex: Neither of the books was published in this country. (Ca hai cuén sdch déu khong duge xudt bin 6 nude nay.) I asked two people the way to the station but neither of them knew. (Téi da hoi hai ngusi duang dén ga, nhung chdng ngudi nao biét cd.) % Luu yj: Dong ti s6 it (Singular verb) thudng duge ding sau either of va neither of, nhung trong I6i van than mat dng tir s6 nhigu (plural verb) cling c6 thé dugc ding Ex Neither of my sisters is/ are married. (Ca hai ngudi chj cda 16/ déu chuta két hon.) Does/ Do either of you like strawberries? (Cé hai ban déu thich dau phdi khong?) 8. Dai t® bat dinh (Indefinite pronouns) Cae dai tit bat dinh trong tiéng Anh gém c6: some something | someone somebody somewhere any anything anyone anybody anywhere everything everyone —-everybody none nothing no one nobody a. Some, any va none Some va any déu duge ding dé chi sé lugng bat dinh cla ngudi ho&e vat khi khéng can hodc khéng thé néu ro con sé chinh xdc la bao nhiéu. None duge ding dé dién dat khéng mét ai, khong mOt cdi gi/ diéu gi trong mot nh6ém ngudi hoac vat. © Some (mé6t vai, mét sé): dugc ding thay cho danh tit dém duge 6 sé nhiéu va danh tit khong dém duge trong cau khang dinh. Ex: Some were at the meeting yesterday. (Hom qua mét s6 nguai da dén du cude hop.) [some = some people] Td like some milk. ~ There is some in the fridge. (Téi muén uéng sia. ~ Cé mét it trong th lanh.) ‘The children are in the park. Some are playing hide-and-seek. (Bon tré dang 6 trong céng vién. Mét vai dita dang choi trén tim.) - Some cé thé duge ding trong cau héi ché-dgi cau tra 1di ‘déng ¥’, nhét 1a trong Idi mi hoc cau yéu cau. Ex: Do you want some help with your homework? ~ Yes, please! (Ban cé muén t6i gitip banlam bai tap khong? ~Vang, giup t6i nhé!) [Nguvi noi biét ngudi nghe)cdn sy gitp dé] T've got too much strawberries. Would you like some? (Toi cé nhiéu dau dm. Anh ldy mét it nhé?) - Some of duge ding truée danh tit (dém duge sé nhiéu hode khong dém duge) cé tit x4c dinh hode truée dang tan ngif cia dai tiy nhan xung. Dong tit theo sau c6 thé d s6 ft ho&c sé nhiéu toy thudc vao danh tir. Some of + determiner + plural/ uncountable noun (+ singular/ plural verb) Some of us/ you/ them (+ plural verb) : Ex: Some of the chairs are broken. (Cé mdy chiée ghé da bi gay.) Some of the money was stolen. (Cé mét it tién bi mat trom.) Some of us want to go swimming. (M6t vai nguii trong ching toi mudn di boi.) + Trong mét sé tru’ng hgp, some of the cé thé dmg truéc danh tit dém duge 6 s6 it. Ex: Some of the letter is illegible. (Thu cd vai ché khé doc.) ¢ Any (ndo): duge ding thay cho danh tir dém duge 6 sé nhiéu hoac danh tir khong dém duge trong cau phi dinh hoie cau héi. Ex: Jane looked around for her friends, but there weren’t any. (Jane nhin quanh tim ban be, nhung chang ¢6 ngudi ban nao cd.) (any = any friends] I'd like some milk. Is there any left? (T6i muén uéng sta. Con chit nao khéng?) [any = any milk] = Any of duoe ding truée danh tit (dém duge s0 nhiéu ho&c khong dém duge) c6 tit xée dink hodc truée dang tan ngif cia dai tit. Dong tiy theo sau 6 thé 6 s6 it hode s6 nhiéu. Any of + determiner Any of us/ you/t plural/ uncountable noun (+ singular/ plural im (+ singulat/ plural verb) Ex: Does/ Do any of these books belong to you? (C6 cuén nao trong s6 sdch nay la cia ban khéng?) She didn't spend any of the money. (C6 dy khong tiéu déng nao trong sé tién dé.) I don’t think any of us wants/ want to work tomorrow. (Toi nght khong nguisi ndo trong chiing ti muén di lam véo ngay mai.) % Luu ¥: Khi any of diing truéc danh ti: hode dai tu s6 nhiéu(plural noun/ pronoun) thi dong tii theo sau c6 thé la sO it hod sO nhiéu. Bong tir s6 ft thung dupe ding trong I6i van trinh trong va déng tir sé nhiéu thudng duge ding trong-I6i van than mat ho&c van ndi. - Any duge ding sau if/ whether; va sau cdc tit c6 nghia phi dinh hode gidi han never, hardly, barely, scarely, without. Ex: If you recognize any of the people in the photograph, tell us. (Néu ban nhén ra bat cit nguii nao trong anh, hay néi cho ching toi biét.) She spent hardly any of the money. (C6 dy hau nhu khong tiéu mét déng nao.) © None (khong ai, khéng cdi gi/ diéu gi): duge ding thay cho danh tit (d&ém duge hoac khéng-dém duge) da duge néi dén truée d6. Ex: How much money have you got? ~ None. (Anh cé bao nhitu tién? ~ Chéng c6 déng nao cd.) {none = no money] We had three cats once, but none (of them) are alive now. (Ching toi-da cé hic nudi ba con méo, nhung nay khéng con nao cin séng.) [none = no cats] I wanted some cake, but there was none left. (Téi muén dn banh, nhung chdng con chit banh nao.) — None of duge ding truéc danh tit (danh tir dém duge s6 nhiéu hoc khong dém duge) cé tit xéc dinh hoae ding truéc dang tan ngif cia dai ti. Dong tir theo sau c6 thé 6 sd it ho&c sé nhiéu. None of + determiner + plural/ uncountable noun (+ Sailer verb) None of it/ us/ you/ them + (singular/ plural verbs) Ex: None of the tourists want/ wants to climb the mountain. (Khéng mét du khéch nao muén tréo lén ngon nii nay.) None of this money is mine. (Chang cé déng ndo trong sé tién nay la ctia t6i cd.) Look at these clothes. None of them is/ are in fashion now. (Nhin nhitng b6 quan do nay xem. Chéng c6 edi nao hop thai trang cd.) & Luu ¥: Khi none of duge diing truéc danh tis ho&c dai tir sé nhiéu (plural noun/ pronoun), thi Ong ti theo sau c6 thé 6 s6 it hoc s6 nhiéu. Déng ti s6 it (singular verb) dugc ding trong {6i van trinh trong va d6ng tir s6 nhiéu (plural verb) thutng duge diing trong Ii van than mat hode van néi. Bc None of the shops were/ was open. (Khéng mot cifa hang nao mé cila.) b. Something, someone, somebody, somewhere, anything, anyone, anybody, anywhere, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everyone, everybody. Somebody, someone (ai dé), something (cdi gi dé), somewhere (noi nao dé) duge ding giéng nhu cach ding cla some. - Ding trong cau khang dinh, va di véi dong ti sé it (singular verb). Ex: Someone wants to speak to you on the phone. (Cé ngudi muén ndi chuyén dign thogi vdi anh.) I've got something to tell you. (T6i cd diéu mun néi véi ban.) I need to find somewhere to stay. (Téi cén tim mét noi ndo dé dé nghi Iai.) - Ding trong cau héi khi cau tra 1di sé 1a “yes” hodc trong 1di mdi, cau yéu cdu. Ex: Has someone spilt water? (Cé ai dé.dd lam d6 nuéc phdi khong?) (Nguéi néi nhin thay nuée trén san nha va chdc chdn ring c6 ngudi nao dé da lam dé nuéc.) Would you like something to drink? (Anh muén uéng gi khéng?) Anybody, anyone (bdt ci’ ai), anything (bdt cit cdi gi), anywhere (bat cit noi nado) duge ding giéng céeh ding cia any - Dang trong cau phi dinh hofe cau nghi van va di v6i dng tir s6 {t (singular verb). Ex: Has anybody seen my bag? (Cé ai thdy cdi tli cila t6i khong?) I’m not hungry. I don’t want anything to eat. (T6i khong déi. T6i chang muén an gi cd.) Do you know anywhere (where) I can buy a second-hand computer? (Ban c6 biét ché nao cé thé mua mdy vi tinh cit khong?) - Ding trong ménh dé if (If-clause) va sau cdc tif ¢6 nghia phi dinh ho&c gidi han. Ex: If anyone has any questions, I'll be pleased to answer them. (Néu c6 bat ctt ai dat cau héi, t6i sé sdn long tra lai.) Let me know if you need anything. (Hay cho téi biét néu ban edn bat cit thit gi.) I've hardly been anywhere since Christmas. (T6i hdu nhu chang di dau ké tix 18 Gidng Sinh.) Nobody, no one (khéng ai), nothing (khéng gi) - C6 thé ditng dau cau hoac dig mét minh. Ex: What did you say? ~ Nothing. (Anh néi gi thé? ~ Chdng ni gi cd.) Nobody/ No one came to visit me when I was in hospital. (Khi t6i ndm vign chdng cé ai dén tham t6i ed.) = Duge ding véi nghia phi dinh: nothing = not anything; nobody/ no one = not anybody Ex: She told nobody about her plans. (C6 ta da khéng néi vdi bat cit ai vé ké hogch cla minh.) [= She didn’t tell anybody about her plans.) I said nothing. (Téi chdng ndi gi cd.) [= 1 didn’t say anything.) - Duye ding véi dong tit ¢ hinh thite s6 it. Ex: The house is empty. There is nobody living there. (Can nha b6 tréng. Khéng cé ai sing 6 dé ed.) - Khi ding nothing, nobody, no one thi khong ding d6ng tir phi dinh. Ex: He said nothing. (Anh ta chdng ndi gi.) (NOT He-didnt-say-nething.] Nobody tells me anything. (Khéng ai néi cho t6i biét diéu gi cd.) [NOT Nobedy—deesn’t-tell ...] « Everything (moi cdi/ diéu), everyone, everybody (moi ngudi) la céc dai tir s6 it (tuy nghia dé cap dén sé dong) nén duge ding véi dong tit so ft (singular verb). Ex: Everybody has arrived. (Moi ngudi da tdi.) [everybody = all the people] The earthquake destroyed everything within a 25-mile radius. (Tran dong dat da pha hily moi thit trong vong ban kinh 25 dam.) {everything = all the things] Luu y: = Cac dai tit someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, everyone, every body c6 nghia s6 it va di-véi déng ti sO it, nhung thudng duge theo sau béi dang sO nhiéu cia Gai ti (they, them) va tinh ti so hiu (themselves, their) vi gidi tinh Khong x4c dinh. Ex Someone left their luggage on the train. (CO nguéi nao d6 da dé quén han iy trén xe Ida.) No one saw Tom go out, did they? (Khdng mt ai nhin thay Tom ra ngoai, phai khong?) If anybody calls, tell them to call again later. (NU c6 ai goi dién thi bao ho goi lai sau.) Nhung itc6 thé duge ding véi something, anything, nothing. Something went wrong, didn't it. (C6 diéu gi d6 truc trac, phai khdng?) Someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody cé thé ding véi sd hi céch. ‘Someone’s passport has been stolen. (HG chiéu cila nguéi nao dé da bj danh cap.) | don’t want to waste anyone’s time. (TO/ khOng mudi lam mat thdi gian cda bat cd ai.) 9. Dai ty hé tong (Reciprocal pronouns) Dai ti hé tuong 1a dai tit chi moi quan hé qua lai gitia hai hod nhiéu nguti hoac vat vi nhau. Dai tir hd tuong gém each other va one another c6 cing nghia la ‘nhaw, lén nhaw’. Ex: Sue and Ann don’t like each other/ one another. (Sue va Ann khéng thich nhau.) [= Sue doesn’t like Ann and Ann doesn’t like Sue.) ‘They sat for two hours without talking to each other/ one another. (Ho ngéi subt hai tiéng déng hd ma khéng néi gi vdi nhaw,) ie RiRt - Cée dai tir hd tuong thudng duge ding lam tan ngit bé nghia cho dong tix ho&e gidi ti nén vi tri thong thuéng ciia ching 1a sau dong tit hodc gidi tit. Ex: We send each other/ one another Christmas cards every year. (Chung t6i gui thiép ming Né-en cho nhau méi nam.) [tan ngw cia send] ‘ They write to each other/ one another regularly. (Ho thuéng xuyén viét thu cho nhau.) (tan ngit cua to) - Dai tit hé tuong co thé ding véi sé hitu cach. Ex: They wrote down each other’s/ one another’s phone number. (Ho ghi s6 dién thogi cia nhau.) +& Luu : Khong ding each other sau cde tt meet (gap), marry (két hn), va similar (gidng nhau, nhu nhau). Ex They married in 1998. (Ho cudi nhau ném 1998.) [NOT They-martied-each-other...] Their interests are very similar. (Sd thich cila ho rét giéng mhau.) [NOT ... similar-each-other] » EXERCISES 1. Subject or object form? Put in the pronouns. 3 1. There's no need to shout. I can hear you. 2. You and I work well together. _ are a good team. 3. We've got a bit problem. Could____ help , please? 4. John’s two years younger than Alice, but ___ is nearly as tall as__. 5. This is a good photo, isn’t____? ~ Is Jessica in___? ~ Yes, that’s Look, __ is next to Andrew. 6. Who did this crossword? ~__. I did ___ this morning. 7. Is this Nicky's bag? ~ No, didn’t bring one. It can’t belong to _. 8. __ am looking for my shoes. Have___seen__? —~ Yes, are here. 9. What about Emily? ~ I expect ____ will be there. And her brother. both came to the party. ~ Do__ mean Jackson? I don’t like _ very much. 10. Are Rita and Richard coming to the party? ~ We've invited ___, but isn’t sure__ can come or not. Il. Rewrite these sentences, using pronoun i. 1. To keep it somewhere safe is important. It's important to keep it somewhere safe. . The journey to Brighton from London takes only one hour by train. Some parts of King Lear are extremely difficult to understand. That he will fail is clear to everyone but himself. Finding our way home won't be easy. My question itself made him angry. Meeting each other on this occasion is a good chance. Nera es 8 Do you think that to explain to him what happened is difficult? 9, People think that he is the best doctor in this city. 10. To fall asleep like that is stupid. Ill. Put in there or it. 1. What’s the new restaurant like? Is i it good? 2, The road is closed. has been an accident. 3. Takeataxi.__ is along way to the station. 4, Did someone ring? ~ was Vicky. She just called to say she’s arrived safely. 5 6 ____ was a car outside, __ looked very expensive. . When we got to the cinema, __ was a queue outside. _ was a very long queue, so we decided not to wait. 7. How far is from Milan to Rome? 8. __was wet, and was a cold east wind. ___ was after midnight, and were few people on the street. 9. Iwas told that ______ would be somebody to meet me at the airport but wasn’t anybody. 10. _____ is a woman at the door. ~Oh, __ is Aunt Le. IV. Choose the right possessives. 1. Did you and your/ yours friends have a nice holiday? 2. Isthis Alice's book or your/ yours? ~It’s her/ hers. 3, Who/ Whose car is that on the driveway? ~I don’t know, not our/ ours. 4, Take your/ yours feet off the table. It/ Its legs aren't very strong. 5. ‘The Whartons are spending August in our/ ours flat, and we're borrowing their/ theirs. 6. 7 8 9. . That’s my/ mine coat, and the scarf is my/ mine too. , Your/ Yours eyes are blue and her/ hers are brown. They claim the money is all their/ theirs. . Unfortunately, the town has lost it’s/ its only cinema. 10. Rachel has got her/ hers own calculator. She doesn’t borrow my/ mine. V. Complete the conversation. Put in my, your, etc or mine, yours, etc. Laura : Did you and (1) friends have a nice holiday? Emma: Yes, it was wonderful. We had the best holiday of (2)__ lives. It didn't start very well, though. Daniel forgot to bring (3)__ passport. Laura : Oh, dear. So what happened? Emma: Well, luckily he doesn't live far from the airport. He rang (4)___ parents, and they brought the passport over in (5)__ car, just in time. Laura : You remembered (6) T hope. Emma: Yes, Thad (7)_____, even though I’m usually the one who forgets things. Actu- ally Rachel thought for a minute that she'd lost (8)__. Luckily it was in (9), suitease. Anyway, in the end we had a marvellous time. VI. Complete each sentence, using reflexive pronouns (myse/f/ yourself ...] with one of these verbs (in the correct form). joy express hurt dry tum ‘lookat lock bum cut blami . cut myself shaving this morning. ( . John fell out of the window, but he didn’t badly. The computer will off if you don’t use it. We out last night. . Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don’t___. Jane____ in the mirror to check her make-up. . They had a great time. They really Sometimes I can’t say what I mean. I wish I could . better. It isn’t your fault. You really shouldn't 10. Vicky and Emma, you can on these towels. VIL. Put in reflexive pronouns (myself/ yourself/ herself ...] or personal pronouns (me/ you/ her wm.) . Julia had a great holiday. She enjoyed herself. . It’s not my fault. You can’t blame Don’t pay any attention to . He always complains. What I did was very wrong. I'm ashamed of ‘We've got a problem. I hope you can help My mother likes to have all her family near The old man is no longer able to look afte It’s a pity you didn’t bring your camera wi : Igave____a key so that they could let__in. 10, Don’t worry about, Mou can look after 11. Don't tell ___ the answer to the puzzle. We can work it out for __. 12, “Can I take another biscuit?” “ Of course. Help bs Vill. Choose the right answer. PS2rIVRTROVe PSN agaeene 1. Igo to school with every day. a. they b. them c. their d. themselves 2. Wesaw____at the Union last Friday. a. her b. she c. hers d. herself 3. Isn't_____ a nice person? a he b. his c. himself . him 4, John and gave the money to the boy. a. her b. herself c. she d. me 5. Your record is scratched and is, too. a. my b. mine cit d. myself 6. John's shoes were worn out, so he bought a pair of new shoes. a him b. his ¢. them d himself 7. Who does this CD belong to? ~___. I've just bought it. al b. Me c. Mine d. Myself 8. The manager welcomed us to the hotel. a. himself b. he c. his d. him 9. Mary and would rather go to the movies. b. my el d. mine 10. Just help to sandwiches, won't you? a. you b. your c. yourself, d. yours 11. Could you lend Sue your ruler? has just been broken. a. She b. Her c. Hers d. Herself 12. This parcel is for George and al b. me c. myself d. mine 18, Is that Mary over there? Yes, that’s : a. her b. she c. hers d. herself 14, John and Tom, you have to do it. a. yourself b. yours ¢. your d. yourselves 15. It was who called you. a.he b. him c.his d. himself IX. Complete the sentences with some/ any/ somebody/ anybody/ something/ anything 1. I was too surprised to say anything . 2. There’s____at the door. ~Are you expecting 2 3, Did you get the oil? ~ No, there wasn't___left. 4. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost 2? ~Well, I was looking for , but now I can’t remember what it was. 5. Would you like some cheese and biscuits? ~ Oh no, thank you. I couldn’t eat else. 6. You must be hungry. Would you like to eat? 7. Quick, let’s go! There's —_ coming and I don’t want to see us. 8. Sally was upset about __ and refused to talk to 9. This machine is very easy to use. can learn to use it in a very short time. 10, Were there any calls for me? ~Yes, _ rang while you were out. He refused to give his name, but he wanted to discuss __ with you. 1. who saw the accident should contact the police. 12. I didn’t have any money, so I had to borrow 2 Choose the right word. She told (nobody/ anybody) about her wedding. (Everyone/ someone) knows the man is a thief, but (anyone/ no one) dares to say so publicly. 3. I can't go to the party. I haven’t got (nothing/ anything) to wear. 4, T'd like to go away (somewhere/ nowhere) if I can. (Someone/ Anyone) I know has invited me to his villa in Portugal, so I may go there. . What’s in that box? ~(Nothing/ Anything). It’s empty. 6. I don’t know (nothing/ anything) about economics. 7, Has Matthew got a job yet? ~No, but he’s looked (somewhere/ everywhere). He hates the idea of sitting around doing (something nothing). ree a 8. The accident looked serious but fortunately (nobody/ anybody) was injured. 9. Could you do (anything/ something) for me, please? 10. ‘There was completely silence in the room. (Somebody/ Nobody) said (anything/ something). XI. Choose the correct form. 1 1. We had to wait because someone had lost its/ their ticket. 2. One of the policemen had injured his/ their arm. 3. Most of these shoes is/are in fashion now. 4, No one likes/ like going to the dentist, do he/ they? 5. 6. . If anybody wants/ want to leave early, she/ they can. One of the guests had brought something wrapped in brown paper. She put it/ them on the table. 7. Some of my friends has/ have arrived. 8. No tourists ever come/ comes to our village. 9. Everybody have/ has to leave his/ their bags outside. 10. No car is/ are allowed in the city center. Xl, Put in of or nothing (-). Well, some (1) our luggage has arrived, so thing could be worse. I've got the books and papers, but I’ve lost most (2) my clothes. I haven't got any (8) socks at all, and I'll have to buy some more (4) jeans, but at least I've got enough ). underwear for the week. I'm going to buy a few (6) those woolen shirts that you like, and one (7)___ the big coats that we looked at. Unfortunately, they've got no (8). shoes in my size, and none (9), the jackets suit me. Anyway, I'm not alone. Everyone (10) us has lost something. In fact, three (11). people have got no (12). luggage at all. Well, as they say, into each (13), life a little (14) rain must fall. Xlll, Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Sometimes no other words are necessary. Sometimes you need the or of the. I wasn't well yesterday. I spent most of the day in bed. (most/ day) ‘Some cars can go faster than others. (some/ cars) drive too fast. (many/ people) you took on holiday were very good. (some / photographs) learn more quickly than others. (some/ people) We've eaten___we bought. There's very little left. (most/ food) Have you spent you borrowed? (all/ money) Peter can’t stop talking, He talks . (all/ time) We had a lazy holiday. We spent on the beach. (most/ time) 10. George is easy to get on with. like him. (most/ people) 1. The exam was difficult. I could only answer . (half/ questions) 12. It was a public holiday. were open. (none/ shops) XIV. Complete the sentences with a/// both/ neither/ either/ none/ each. 1. I took two books with me on holiday but I didn’t read either of them. 2. We tried a lot of hotels but of them had any rooms. of them were full. SRPAIArReNe 3. I tried twice to phone George but times he was out. 4. There are two good hotels in the town, but of them had any rooms. of them were full. 5. There are a few shops at the end of the street but of them sell newspapers. 6. The book is divided into five parts and _‘_ of these has three sections. 7. [can meet you on the 6th or 7th. Would of those days be convenient for you? 8. John and I couldn't get into the house because of us had a key. 9. There were a few letters this morning but of them were for me. were for my father. 10. I've got two bicycles. of them are quite old. I don’t ride of them any more. of them is in very good condition, I’m afraid. ; XV. Choose the right answer. 1. I can’t go to a party. I haven’t got to wear. a, anything b. everything c. something d. nothing 2. Take care , Ann. a. you b. your c. yours d. yourself 3 would be lovely to see you again. alt b. That c. There d. You 4. Ifyou want some apples, I'll get you at the shop. a, any d. some 5. We've brought some food with a,me b. we d. ourselves 6. Who's there? ~ Only__. al b. me c. mine . myself, 7. Is a post office near here? a. here bait c. there d. this 8. Everyone has to leave bags outside. a. his b. their c. its dher 9. The two girl often wear clothes. a, each other D.each other's _c. themselves. d. themselves’ 10. Have you had enough to eat, or would you like else? a. anything b. nothing c, something d. thing 11. Have you seen my calculator? I can’t find it a. anywhere b. nowhere c. somewhere d. where 12. Peter has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to of them. a. any b. most c. either d. neither 13, Johnson spent his life in the South. a. some b. most, c. none of d, most of 14. We could all do more to keep healthy. We don’t look after properly. a. ourself b. ourselves ¢. ours d, each other 15. The two boxers did their best to knock _ out. a. them b. themselves c. each other d. each other’s 1. Dinh nghia (Definition) Tinh tit (adjectives) 1a tir chi tinh chat cia ngudi, vat, ho&c sy viée duge biéu thi bing mét danh tir hoac dai tir. Il. Cac loai tinh tw (Kinds of adjectives) Dya trén céc tiéu chi khdc nhau tinh ti c6 thé duge phan thanh: 1. Tinh t® m6 ta va tinh tw gidi han (Descriptive adjectives and limiting adjectives) 1.1. Tinh ti mé td (Descriptive adjectives): la tinh ti duge ding dé mo ta hinh dang, kich thuéc, phém chét, dic tinh, mau sd .. cia ngudi, vat hoac su viéc. Ex: tall (cao), fat (mép), heavy (ndng), rich (gidu), old (gid, cu), new (moi), intelligent (thong minh), blue (mau xanh), beautiful (dep), good (t6t), .. That man is a rich businessman. (Nguai dan 6ng dé la mé6t thuong gia gidu cd.) My school is small and old. (Truéng cla t6i nhé va ci.) + Tinh tit mé ta chiém phan 16n sé lugng tinh tir trong tiéng Anh. 1.2. Tinh ti gidi han (Limiting adjectives): 1a tinh tu duge ding dé dat gidi han cho danh tit ma n6 bé nghia. Tinh ti gidi han gém: a. Tw xdc dinh hodc tinh ti chi sy’sé hitu (Possessive determiners/ adjectives): ane dig trudc danh tir dé chi danh tir d6 thude vé ngudi nao hodc vat nao. ADJECTIVES (Tit xde ia nh tad I my (ciia toi) you your (cia ban/ anh/ chi) he his (cia anh dy) she her (cita chi dy) it its (cia nd) we our (cia ching ti) they their (cla ho, cia chiing) Ex: Have you seen my new coat? (Ban cé thdy cdi do khode mdi ciia toi khong?) Her father is a teacher. (Cha cuia c6 dy la gido vién.) The dog has just had its breakfast. (Con ché vita dn xong bila sing cia né.) b. Tit x4c dinh hod tinh tir chi dinh (Demonstrative determiners/ adjec- tives) this, that, these, those, other, another, the other. ° This/ that + danh tir sd it (singular noun) These/ those + danh tit sé nhiéu (plural noun) like these earrings. Where did you get them? (T6i thich déi hoa tai nay. Ban mua 6 dau véy?) That table is nice, isn’t it? ~ Yes, but I don’t like those chairs. oa ban dé dep, phdi khong? ~Vang, nhung thi khong thich nhing cdi ghé dé.) ‘ This/ these: chi nguvi hay vat ¢ khoang cach gan voi ngudi néi. Ex: This little boy says he’s tired. (Thang bé nay néi la né bi mét.) Come and see these photos. (Hay dén xem nhitng tdm hinh nay.) That/ those: chi nguvi hay vat & khodng céch xa. Ex: Tell those men to go away. (Bdo nhing ga hia bién di.) Give me that hammer. (Dua tdi cdy bua do.) This, these, that, those thuéng duge ding véi danh tif chi thdi gian. This/ these chi thai gian hién tai hodc khoang thdi gian sdp téi, that/ those chi thai gian qué khit hoc khodng théi gian xa hon trong tuong lai. Ex: I'm taking my driving test this weekend, so I'm pretty busy these days. (Cuéi tudn nay toi sé thi ldy bang Idi, nén nhitng ngay nay toi khé ban rén.) Do you remember that summer we all went to Spain. (Ban c6 nhé mia he ma tat cd chung ta cing di Tay Ban Nha khéng?) This, these, that, those + danh tw + of + dai tit sé hitu c6 thé duge ding dé nhén manh, thay cho tinh tit sé hitu + danh tit. Ex: This boy of yours seems very intelligent. (CGu con trai nay cia anh cé vé rdt thong minh.) Other + danh tir sé it/ sé nhiéu (singular/ plural noun); mét ho&c nhiéu ngudi, vat hodc su viéc thém vao cdi da duge néu lén hodc ngu ¥ trude d6. Ex: In addition to Nicola, Mrs Stanley has three other children. (Ngoai Nicola, ba Stanley con cd ba ngudi con khdc.) Another + danh tit sé it (singular noun): mot ngudi hodc vat khée ngoai cAi da c6 hode da néu. E must find myself another job. (Téi phdi tim cong viée khdc.) She’s got another boy-friend. (Cé dy da cé ban trai khdc.) The other + danh tif sé it: cdi thit hai trong hai cai. Ex: The insurance office was on the other side of the street. (Cong ty béo hiém & bén kia duéng.) The other + danh ti sé nhiéu: nhimg ngu’i ho&c nhiing vat cdn lai; phan con lai. Ex: When I returned home I found my wife talking to our neighbor. The other guests had gone. (Khi vé nha, toi thdy vg t6i dang ndi chuyén vdi nguai hang x6m. Nhing khéch khde da ra vé.) Where are the other photos? (Con nhing tém hinh khde dau?) . Tu x4c dinh hodc tinh tit phan bé (Distributive determiners/ adjectives): each, every, both, either, neither. Each/ Every + danh tit dém duge sé it (singular countable noun): chi nhém ngudi hoac vat. Dong tif theo sau é sé it (singular verb). Ex: Each room/ Every room has number. (Méi phong déu cé 86.) ‘Trong nhiéu truéng hgp, cd each va every déu cé thé duge ding ma khéng c6 sf khée biét nhiéu vé nghia. Ex: Each time/ Every time I see you, you look more beautiful. (Méi lan t6i gdp ban, tréng ban méi dep hon.) The police questioned each person/ every person in the building. (Canh sdt thdm vdn ting ngudi trong toa nha.) Tuy nhién each va every khéng hoan toan giéng nhau - Each (méi) ham ¥ méi nguvi, mdi vat ho&c mbi sy vat trong mot nh6ém. Every (moi; méi) ham ¥ t&t cA ngubi, vat ho&e sy vat duge xem nhu mot nhém. Ex: Every student in the class passed the examination. (Moi hge sinh trong lép déu thi dé.) Each student has his/ her own place in the library. (Méi hoe sinh cé ché ngéi riéng ctia minh trong thit vién.) - Each duge ding khi noi vé mot sé lugng nhé ngudi hose vat. Every thutng duge ding véi mét sé lugng Ién. Ex: I tried to phone her two or three times, but each time there was no reply. (Toi thit goi cho cé dy hai ba ldn, nhung khéng ldn nao goi duge.) Every time he phones, I always seem to be in the shower. [ = all the time] (Duong nhu ln nao anh dy goi dén t6i citing dang tém.) - Each c6 thé dugc ding dé néi vé hai ngudi, hai vat hoac sy vat. Ex: In a football match, each team has 11 players. (Trong mét tran béng da, méi dgi cé 11 cdu thi.) [NOT everytean ..] She had a child holding on to each hand. (C6 dy dt méi tay mét dita tré.) [NOT ... every-hand] - Every duge ding dé n6i diéu gi d6 da x4y ra thudng xuyén nhu thé nao. Ex: There is a bus every ten minutes. (Méi 10 phit cd mét chiéc xe bust.) [NOT ... each-ten_minutes] Both (ca hai), either (cdi/ ngudi nay hodc cdi/ ngudi kia), neither (khong cdi! ngubi nay hode khong edi! ngubi kia): due ding 46 chi hai ngudi, hai vat ho&e su vat. - Both + danh tir dém duge sé nhiéu (plural countable noun) Ex: Both books are interesting. (Cd hai cuén sdch déu hay.) - Either/ Neither + danh ti dém duge sé it (singular countable noun) Ex: Neither answer is correct. (Cé hai cdu tré loi déu khéng dung.) Come on Tuesday or Thursday. Either day is OK. (Hay dén vao thit Ba hode thit Nam. Ngay ndo citing dugc.) d. Ty xdc dinh hodc tinh tir chi sé lugng (Quantitative determiners/ adjectives) all, most, some, several, many, few, much, little, a lot of/ lots of, no, one, twenty. © All (tat cd), most (phdn Ién) + danh tit dém duge 6 sé nhiéu (plural countable noun) hodc danh tit khéng dém duge (uncountable noun). Dong tif theo sau 6 hinh thtc sé nhiéu hay sé it tuy thudc vao danh ti. Ex: All children need love. (Tdt ed tré em déu cdn tinh thuong.) They had given up all hope. (Ho da tit bd moi hy vong.) Most business meetings are held at the company’s main office. (Hau hét cde cuéc hop déu duge t6 chite 6 van phong chinh ciia céng ty.) Most cheese is made from cow's milk. (Phén lan phé mat duge lam tit sta 6.) Some (mot vai, mét s6), any (nao) + danh tix dém duge 6 s0 nhiéu (plural countable noun) ho&c danh tit khéng dém dugc (uncountable noun). Ex; There were some cornflakes on the table, but there wasn’t any milk. (Trén ban cé vai cdi banh b6t ngd, nhung khong cé sia.) Some thutng duge ding trong cau khang dinh va any thutng duge ding trong cau phii dinh va cau hi. Ex: Some modern music sounds harsh and tuneless. (Mé6t s6 nhac hién dai nghe chéi tai va khéng c6 giai diéu.) Are there any stamps in the drawer? (Cé con tem nao trong ngan kéo khong?) We bought some flowers, but we didn’t buy any roses. (Ching toi da mua m6t it hoa, nhung chiing t6i khéng mua hoa héng.) Some thudng duge ding trong cau dé nghi va cau yéu cu. Ex: Would you like some coffee? (Anh ding chut ca phé nhé?) Could you post some letters for me? (Anh cé thé giti gitip t6i vai ld thu khéng?) Some c6 thé duge ding véi danh tit dém duge 6 sé it dé chi m6t ngudi, mét noi chén, mét vat chuta duge biét dén ho%e chua x4c dinh. Ex: Some man at the door is asking to see you. (O ngoai cita cé ngui nao dé muén gdp anh.) She lives in some village in Yorkshire. (C6 dy séng trong mét ngdi lang ndo do 6 Yorkshire.) Any c6 thé duge ding véi danh tir dém duge 6 s6 it trong cau khang dinh 4é nh&n manh ¥ vé chon Iya ty do, voi nghia ‘bat cw ai; bat cit cdi gi, diéu gi’. Ex: Ask any doctor - They'll all tell you that alcohol is a poison. (Hay héi bat cit bde st nao - tdt cd déu sé ni véi ban réng rugu la chat déc.) I’m free all day. Call any time you like. (Toi rénh réi subt ngay. Hay goi bat cit lic nao ban muédn.) No (= not any; not a: khéng ...ndo) + danh tiv dém duge sé it hode sé nhiéu va danh ti’ khong dém duge. Dong tit theo sau 6 86 it ho&c sé nhiéu tay thude vao danh ti. Ex: I’m afraid I've got no money. (T6i e rang t6i chdng cé déng nao.) [= I haven’t got any money.] No rooms are available. (Khong cé phong tr6ng.) No student is to leave the room. (Khéng mét sinh vién nao dugc ra khéi phong.) * Many, much, a lot off lots of: chi s luong nhiéu. - Many va much thutng duge ding trong cau phi dinh va cau nghi van. Many + danh ti dém duge 4 s6 nhiéu (plural countable noun) Much + danh tit khong dém duge (uncountable noun). Ex: There aren’t many customers in the store. (Khéng cé nhiéu khdch hang trong cita hang.) * [haven't got much time for reading. (Toi khéng c6 nhiéu théi gian doc sdch.) Many va much duge ding trong céu khang dinh sau foo, so, va as. Ex; There are too many spelling mistakes in your writing. (C6 qua nhiéu 16i chinh ta trong bai viét cla ban.) (NOT too-atet-oftets-of] I’ve got so much work to do. (T6i cé rét nhiéw viée phdi lam.) [NOT s0--4ot-oftots-of] Jane doesn’t have as many friends as her sister. (Jane khéng cé nhiéu ban bang chi c6.) (NOT as-a-tot-ef] * ey §: Trong I6i van trinh trong, d6i khi ching ta cfing c6 thé ding manyva much trong cau khang dinh. Ec Many students have financial problems. (Nhiéu sinh vién gap khé khén vé tai chinh.) Many = a large number of, a good number of Much = a great deal of, a good deal of, a large quantity of - A lot of/ lots of thutng duge ding trong cau khang dinh. A lot off lots of + danh tit dém duge 6 sé nhiéu (plural countable noun) ho&e danh tit khéng dém duge (uncountable noun) Ex: A lot of people were queuing for the film. (Nhiéu ngusi dang xép hang mua vé xem phim.) There was a lot of money in the safe. (Cé nhiéu tién trong két.) A lot of/ lots of cing c6 thé duge ding trong cau phi dinh hodc cu nghi van trong 1éi van than mat. Ex: don’t have many/ a lot of friends. (T6i khéng cd nhiéu ban.) Do you eat much/ a lot of fruit? (Ban cé dn nhiéu trai cdy khéng?) ‘ke Luu yj: Khong ding a lot of sau too, so, as va very. Ex Sarah has so many friends. (Sarah co rat nhiéu ban.) [NOT so-2-tet-of] © (a) few va (a) little: chi sé lugng nhé. - A few va a little (mét vai; mét sé) mang nghia khang dinh. A few + danh tit dém duge ¢ s0 nhiéu (plural countable noun) A little + danh tir khong dém duge (uncountable noun) Ex: I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often. (T6i s6ng 6 day rat vui. Ti cd vai ngudi ban vd ching t6i gdp nhau kha thuéng xuyén.) [a few friends = some friends] Let’s go and have a drink. We've got a little time before the train leaves. (Ching ta di u6ng nuéc di. Ching ta vdn con mét it thai gian trudc khi tau chgy.) (a little time = some time] - Few va litile (it) mang nghia phi dinh, ham ¥ ‘khong nhiéu nhu mong doi/ nhu ngudi ta nghy’. Few + danh ti dém duge sé nhiéu Little + danh ti khéng dém duge Ex; He isn’t popular. He has few friends. (Anh ta khéng duge moi ngubi yeu thich. Anh ta cé it ban be.) [few friends = not many friends] We must be quick. There is little time. (Chung ta phdi nhanh len. Khong cé nhiéu thai gian déu.) (little time = not much time] - Very little va very few cing cé thé duge ding. Ex: We must be quick. There is very little time. (Ching ta phdi nhanh lén. C6 rét it thoi gian.) > So sanh hai cu sau: - He spoke little English, so it was difficult to talk to him. (Anh ta n6i duge it ting Anh, nén néi chuyén v6i anh ta that hho khan.) {little English = not much English] - He spoke a little English, so we can talk to him. (Anh ta néi duge mét it tiéng Anh, nén chung ta cé thé néi chuyén véi anh ta.) [a little English = some English] Luu ¥: ‘only a little’ va ‘only a few’ c6 nghia phit dinh. Ex: We must be quick. We've only got a litte time. (Chting ta phai nhanh Ién. Ching ta chi co mét it thoi gian.) [only a little time = not much time] The village was very small. There were only a few houses. (NgGi lang rét nhé. Chi-cd mét vai ngoi nha.) [only a few houses = not many houses} e. Ti xée dinh hode tinh tir nghi van (Interrogative determiners/ adjectives) whose, what, which. © Whose + danh tit dém duge ho&e khéng dém duge (countable/ uncountable noun) Ex: Whose cars are those outside? (Nhing chiée xe ben ngodi kia [a ctia ai vity?) Whose money did you buy the car with? (Anh mua xe bang tién cia ai vay?) © What + danh tif dém duge hodc khéng dém duge (countable/ uncountable noun). Ex: What famous person said this? (Nhén vét néi tiéng néo dé ndi diéu nay thé?) What color are the baby’s eyes? (Mdt bé mau gi?) © Which + danh tir dém dugc ho&c khdng dém dugc (countable/ uncountable noun) Ex: Which secretary sent the fax? (Thi ky ndo da giti ban fax nay?) Which color do you want — green, red, yellow or brown? (Ban thich mau nao - xanh, dé, vang, hay nau?) se Liu ji: = Which va what thudng duge dung dé hdi vé vat. Nhung khi ditng truéc danh ti, which va what c6 thé dugc ding d8 hoi vé ngudi. Ee Which/ What doctor did you see? (Anh da gap bac si nao vay?) ~ Which va what thutng 06 thé dugc ding khong c6 sy khéc biét nhiéu vé ngha. Ex Which/ What train will you catch? (Anh sé dén chuyén xe Ida nao?) Which/ What writers do you like? (Ban thich nhing nha van nao?) Tuy nhién which thudng duge ding khi ngudi ndi nghT dén hodc dua ra mot s6 lugng gidi han 48 chon Iya. Ex. Which size do you want - small, medium or large? (Chi muén kich c6 nao - nhé, via hay In?) Which phone shall | use, this one or the one in the office? (T6i nén ding din thoai nao, ci nay hay cdi trong vin phong?) Khi ngubi ndi khong nghT dén s6 lung gidi han thi ding what Ex What sport do you play? (Anh choi m6n thé thao néo?) [tennis, or golf, or football, or hockey, or ...?] What language do they speak in Greenland? (O Greenland ngudi ta néi tiéng gi?) [English, or Spanish, or Japanese, or Arabic, or...?] 2. Tinh ti thuéc ng@ va tinh tw vi ngi (Attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives) 2.1. Tinh ti thuge ng@ (attributive adjectives) la tinh ti ding true danh tir ma n6 mé ta. Ex: He's a nice man. (Ong dy la ngubi t6t.) 2.2. Tinh ti vi ngi (predicative adjectives) la tinh tit theo sau cdc hé tit be, become, feel, look, get, seem, Ex: She were asleep. (Cé dy dang ngi.) Tinh ti don va tinh tu ghép (Simple adjectives and compound adjectives) 8.1. Tinh ti don (simple adjectives) 1a tinh tit chi c6 mot tit, Ex: beautiful (xinh dep), good (t6t), sad (buén),... 3.2. Tinh ti ghép (compound adjectives) 1a tinh ti dugc thanh lap bing cach két hop hai hoae nhiéu tif lai vi nhau va duge ding nhu mét tinh tit duy nhat. Tinh tir ghép c6 thé duge viét: - thanh mét tir duy nhat. Ex: life + long = lifelong (suét doi, lau dai) home + sick = homesick (nhd nha, nhé qué huong) - thanh hai tir va c6 dau gach néi (-) 6 gitta. Ex: duty-free (mién thué) world-famous (néi tiéng khdp thé gidi) » Tinh ti ghép cé thé duge tao thanh béi: - Danh tit + tinh tir (noun + adjective) Ex: seasick (say séng) blood-red (dé nhu mdu) world-weary (chdn ddi, chén sing) _ lifelong (suét doi, au dai) - Tinh tir + danh tir (adjective + noun) Ex: long-distance (duéng dai) second- rate (hang nhi, logi thudng) - Danh tit + phan ti (noun + present/ past participle) 2 Ex: man-made (nhdn tao) machine-wound (quén bang mdy) heart-breaking (lam dau long) time-consuming (tén thoi gian) - Tinh tir + phan ti (adjective + present/ past participle) Ex: ready-made (lam sn, may sdn) clear-cut (rd rang) easy-going (thodi mdi, dé chju) fine-looking (tréng dep mdt) - Trang tir + phan tit (adverb + present/ past participle) Ex: well-known (néi tiéng) outspoken (rye tinh) hard-working (cdn cit) everlasting (dai dai, bat diet) - Tinh tit + tinh ti (adjective + adjective) Ex: white-hot (rdt néng) absent-minded (dang tri) worldy-wise (titng trdi, loi dai) - Tinh ti + danh tir + ED (adjective + noun + ED) Ex: white-livered (nhdt gan, nhuit nhdt) long-sighted (vién thi) good-humored (vui tinh, dé dai) Phan ti ding nhw tinh ti (Participles functioning as adjectives) Hién tai phan tir (present participle - V-ing) va qué khit phan ti (past participle — V-ed/V,) c6 thé duge ding nhu mét tinh tir truéc danh tit hodc sau dong tit to be va cdc he tit khac. 1, Hién tai phan ti (present participle) duge ding dé mé ta ngudi, vat ho&c su viée tao ra cam xtc — nghia chi dong. Ex: Jane’s job is boring. (Cong viée ctia Jane that té nhat.) {It makes Jane bored.] Tom was very interesting person. (Tom la m6t ngudi rat thi vi.) (He made us interested.] His idea seems exciting. (Y kién cia anh dy cé vé rét hay.) {It makes us excited.] 2. Qué khi phan tix (past participle) duge ding dé mo ta trang thai hoac cdm xtc cia mot ngudi (46i véi nguBi, vat hodc sy viéc nao dé) > nghia thy dong (bi tac dong). Ex: Jane is bored (with her job). (Jane chén céng viée ctia minh.) Boring teachers make bored students. (Thdy budn té khién tro chén.) His explanation made me very confused. (Léi gidi thich cia anh ta lam cho t6i rat b6i réi.) She's an interesting writer, and I'm very interested in the subjects that she writes about. i (Ba Gy la mé6t nha van thi vi, toi rt thich nhitng dé tai ba dy viét.) Luu j: = Cach thanh lap phan ti: + Hign tai phan tir (present participle) duge thanh lp bing céch thém -ing vao sau dang nguyén mau cla dOng ti: interesting, boring, exciting, developing,... + Qué khit phan ti (past participle) dugo thanh lap bang cdch thém -ed vao sau cdc dOng ti cO quy tac. Qua kni phan ti cla cc dong tis bat quy tdc la dong ti nim d cot 3 trong bang déng ti! bat quy t4c: interested, bored, excited, broken, grown, forgotten,...

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