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Edited by:

Ragab Ahmed
0100 393 2818
3 1
3 - 1st Term

THEME ❶ Who am I?
Review ................................................................................................................. 3

Unit ❶ I feel happy! ................................................................................................. 11

Unit ❷ What’s the matter? ............................................................................ 35

Unit ❸ On the weekend .................................................................................... 60

THEME ❷ The world around me

Unit ❹ I love my home ....................................................................................... 91

Unit ❺ At the zoo ....................................................................................................... 120

Unit ❻ Let’s go to the circus! ..................................................................... 145

Fiction Reader : Malak’s Dream ...................................................................... 166

First Term Dictionary .................................................................................................... 177

Performance Evaluation Card ............................................................................ 187

‫‪Part 1 - Review‬‬

‫‪3 - 1st Term‬‬

‫‪❶ The Alphabet‬‬
‫‪Aa‬‬ ‫‪Bb‬‬ ‫‪Cc‬‬ ‫‪Dd‬‬ ‫‪Ee‬‬ ‫‪Ff‬‬ ‫‪Gg‬‬

‫‪apple‬‬ ‫‪bus‬‬ ‫‪cat‬‬ ‫‪door‬‬ ‫‪egg‬‬ ‫‪fish‬‬ ‫‪green‬‬

‫تفاحة‬ ‫أوتوبيس‬ ‫قطة‬ ‫باب‬ ‫بيضة‬ ‫سمكة‬ ‫أخضر‬

‫‪Hh‬‬ ‫‪Ii‬‬ ‫‪Jj‬‬ ‫‪Kk‬‬ ‫‪Ll‬‬ ‫‪Mm‬‬ ‫‪Nn‬‬

‫‪hen‬‬ ‫‪ice cream‬‬ ‫‪jacket‬‬ ‫‪key‬‬ ‫‪lemon‬‬ ‫‪moon‬‬ ‫‪nose‬‬

‫دجاجة‬ ‫أيس كريم‬ ‫جاكيت‬ ‫مفتاح‬ ‫ليمونه‬ ‫قمر‬ ‫أنف‬

‫‪Oo‬‬ ‫‪Pp‬‬ ‫‪Qq‬‬ ‫‪Rr‬‬ ‫‪Ss‬‬ ‫‪Tt‬‬ ‫‪Uu‬‬

‫‪orange‬‬ ‫‪pen‬‬ ‫‪queen‬‬ ‫‪red‬‬ ‫‪sun‬‬ ‫‪ten‬‬ ‫‪umbrella‬‬

‫برتقالة‬ ‫قلم جاف‬ ‫ملكة‬ ‫أحمر‬ ‫شمس‬ ‫عشرة‬ ‫شمسية‬

‫‪Vv‬‬ ‫‪Ww‬‬ ‫‪Xx‬‬ ‫‪Yy‬‬ ‫‪Zz‬‬

‫‪vase‬‬ ‫‪window‬‬ ‫‪x-ray‬‬ ‫‪yo-yo‬‬ ‫‪zebra‬‬

‫زهرية‬ ‫شباك‬ ‫أشعة إكس‬ ‫يويو‬ ‫حمار وحشى‬

‫يوجد في اللغة اإلنجليزية ستة وعشرون حرفا ً أبجديا ً ولكل حرف من هذه الحروف شكالن‬
‫في الكتابة ‪ ،‬إما أن يكتب كبيرا ً ( ‪ )Capital‬وإما أن يكتب صغيرا ً (‪)Small‬‬

Part 1 - Review

3 - 1st Term
❷Consonants and vowels ‫الحروف الساكنة واملتحركة‬

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii

Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr

Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Consonants ‫الحروف الساكنة‬ Vowels ‫الحروف املتحركة‬

b c d f g h j k l a e i o u
m n p q r s t v w
x y z

❸Numbers ‫األرقام‬

one two three four

one two three four

five six seven eight

five six seven eight

nine ten
nine ten
Part 1 - Review

3 - 1st Term
❹ Parts of the body ‫أعضاء الجسم‬

eye nose mouth head

‫عني‬ ‫أنف‬ ‫فم‬ ‫رأس‬
eye nose mouth head

ear hair hand body

‫أذن‬ ‫شعر‬ ‫يد‬ ‫جسم‬
ear hair hand body
❺ Colours ‫األلوان‬

red blue black brown

‫أحمر‬ ‫أزرق‬ ‫أسود‬ ‫بنى‬
red blue black brown

green yellow orange pink

‫أخرض‬ ‫أصفر‬ ‫برتقايل‬ ‫مببى‬
green yellow orange pink
‫‪Part 1 - Review‬‬

‫‪3 - 1st Term‬‬

‫الضمائر الشخصية ‪❻ Personal Pronouns‬‬

‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪He‬‬ ‫‪She‬‬ ‫‪It‬‬

‫أنا‬ ‫هو (للمفرد المذكر)‬ ‫هي (للمفرد المؤنث)‬ ‫هو ‪ ،‬هي (لغير العاقل)‬

‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪He‬‬ ‫‪She‬‬ ‫‪It‬‬

‫‪We‬‬ ‫‪You‬‬ ‫‪You‬‬ ‫‪They‬‬

‫نحن‬ ‫أنت (مفرد)‬ ‫أنتم ‪ ،‬أنتما (جمع)‬ ‫هم ‪ ،‬هن‬

‫‪We‬‬ ‫‪You‬‬ ‫‪You‬‬ ‫‪They‬‬

Part 1 - Review

3 - 1st Term
❶ Look and circle the correct pronoun.

1 2 3

I she they
they he it

4 5 6

it we we
they he I

7 8 9

he they she
she it you

10 11 12

they he it
it she we

13 14 15

they he you
I it it
Part 1 - Review

3 - 1st Term
❼ Singular and plural ‫املفرد والجمع‬
Singular ‫مفرد‬ Plural ‫جمع‬

eye eyes

arm arms

foot feet

tooth teeth

Choose the right word.

1 2 3

feet trees lemon

foot tree lemons

4 5 6

kite girls chairs

kites girl chair

7 8 9

apple arms pencil

apples arm pencils
Part 1 - Review

3 - 1st Term
❽ Verb to “be” »‫فعل «يكون‬

I am / ’m

He We

She is / ’s They are / ’re

It You
I am tall. It is big. They are small.

Choose the right word.
❶ I (am - is - are) happy.
❷ He (am - is - are) happy.
❸ She (am - is - are) happy.
❹ It (am - is - are) happy.
❺ They (am - is - are) happy.
❻ We (am - is - are) happy.
❼ You (am - is - are) happy.
❽ Ragab (am - is - are) happy.
❾ Mona (am - is - are) happy.
❿ Ragab and Mona (am - is - are) happy.
⓫ My mother (am - is - are) happy.
⓬ My father (am - is - are) happy.
⓭ My brother (am - is - are) happy.
⓮ My sister (am - is - are) happy.
⓯ My cats (am - is - are) happy.

Part 1 - Review

3 - 1st Term
❾ Verb to “have” »‫فعل «يمتلك‬

She has have
- He has two eyes.

- I have two ears.

Choose the right word.
❶ I (have - has) two eyes.
❷ He (have - has) two eyes.
❸ She (have - has) two eyes.
❹ It (have - has) two eyes.
❺ They (have - has) two eyes.
❻ We (have - has) two eyes.
❼ You (have - has) two eyes.
❽ Ragab (have - has) two eyes.
❾ Mona (have - has) two eyes.
❿ Ragab and Mona (have - has) two eyes.
⓫ My mother (have - has) two eyes.
⓬ My father (have - has) two eyes.
⓭ My brother (have - has) two eyes.
⓮ My sister (have - has) two eyes.
⓯ Cats (have - has) two eyes.
⓰ Horses (have - has) two eyes.

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term

I feel happy!
!‫(أنا) أشعر بالسعادة‬

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 11

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

Lesson 1

3 First Term
1 Feelings ‫املشاعر‬

happy sad hungry

‫سعيد‬ ‫حزين‬ ‫جوعان‬

thirsty angry excited

‫عطشان‬ ‫غاضب‬ ‫ُمتحمس‬

tired hot
‫غاضب‬ ‫ يشعر بالحر‬، ‫حران‬

2 Other Vocabulary ‫مفردات أخرى‬

daddy = father eat kitchen

‫ والد‬، ‫أب‬ ‫يأكل‬ ‫مطبخ‬

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 12

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
1 How? ‫ كيف‬5 Let’s ... . . ... ‫هيا بنا‬
2 feel ‫ يشعر‬6 soon ‫قريبًا‬
3 something ‫شيء ما‬ 7 come home ‫يرجع للمنزل‬
4 Me, too. .‫وأنا أيضًا‬ 8 go to ‫يذهب إلي‬

.» θ ‫ مثل « ث‬something - thirsty ‫» يف كلمة‬th« ‫ ينطق حريف‬- 1
.» eks « ‫ مثل‬excited ‫» يف كلمة‬x« ‫ ينطق حرف‬- 2
:‫ لهما مرادفات أخري مثل‬mom ‫ وكلمة‬daddy ‫ كلمة‬- 3
daddy = dad = father ‫أب‬ mommy = mom = mum = mother ‫أم‬

Look and complete the word(s):

1. f............................... 2. s....................................

3. e............................... 4. a...................................

5. t................................ 6. h...................................

7. h................................ 8. t......................................

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 13

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

Conversation Time

3 First Term
Look, listen and repeat. ‫أنظر واستمع وردد‬
I feel happy today. How do
you feel, Hana?
‫ ﻛﻴﻒ‬.‫أﻧﺎ أﺷﻌﺮ ﺑﺎﻟﺴﻌﺎدة اﻟﻴﻮم‬
‫ﺗﺸﻌﺮﻳﻦ ﻳﺎ ﻫﻨﺎ؟‬

I feel excited. Daddy is coming home
3 soon!
It’s hot. I feel How do you feel, Youssef?
‫ أﺷﻌﺮ‬.‫اﻟﺠﻮ ﺣﺎر‬ ‫ واﻟﺪي ﺳﻮف ﻳﺄﺗﻲ اﻟﻲ‬.‫أﺷﻌﺮ أﻧﻨﻲ ﻣﺘﺤﻤﺴﺔ‬
‫اﻟﻤﻨﺰل ﻗﺮﻳﺒﺎً! ﻛﻴﻒ ﺗﺸﻌﺮ ﻳﺎ ﻳﻮﺳﻒ؟‬

Me too , and I feel hungry.
.‫ وأﺷﻌﺮ ﺑﺎﻟﺠﻮع‬،‫وأﻧﺎ أﻳﻀﺎ‬

Let’s go to the kitchen to have
something to eat!
.‫ﻫﻴﺎ ﺑﻨﺎ ﻧﺬﻫﺐ ﻟﻠﻤﻄﺒﺦ ﻟﻨﺠﺪ  ﻣﺎ ﻟﻨﺄﻛﻠﻪ‬

Role-play the conversation with a partner.

.‫قم بلعبة تمثيل أدوار املحادثة مع زميل‬

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 14

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

Structures ‫القواعد النحوية‬

3 First Term
:‫لسؤال شخص «بم يشعر؟» نقول‬

How do you feel? ‫بم تشعر؟‬

- I feel + ‫الصفة‬
:‫الحظ التالي‬

I happy!
They excited!
‫اسم جمع‬ sad.
e.g. 1. I feel happy! (Not: I feels happy!)
2. We feel happy! (Not: We feels happy!)
He happy!
She thirsty!
feels excited!
It angry!
‫اسم مفرد‬ sad.
e.g. 1. He feels happy! (Not: He feel happy!)
2. She feels happy! (Not: She feel happy!)
0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 15
Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
How do you feel?
- I feel happy!
How do you feel?
- I feel sad.
How do you feel?
- I feel ....................................................... !
How do you feel?
- I feel ....................................................... !
How do you feel?
- ............................................................................................ !
How do you feel?
- I feel ....................................................... .
How do you feel?
- ............................................................................................ !
‫ يف اإلجابة‬I ‫ يف السؤال إىل‬you ‫ تحول‬- 1
How do you feel?
- I feel happy!
‫معلومة مهمة‬
‫ الحظ استخدام عالمة التعجب ! عند التعبري عن املشاعر‬- 2
① I feel happy! ② I feel hungry! ③ I feel excited!
④ I feel thirsty! ⑤ I feel angry!

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 16

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
Homework on Lesson

happy sad thirsty hungry

‫سعيد‬ ‫حزين‬ ‫عطشان‬ ‫جائع‬
happy sad thirsty hungry

excited angry tired hot

‫ُمتحمس‬ ‫غاضب‬ ‫متعب‬ ‫ حران‬، ‫يشعر بالحر‬
excited angry tired hot

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 17

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
How do you feel? I feel tired.
‫كيف تشعر؟‬ .‫(أنا) أشعر بالتعب‬
How do you feel? I feel tired.

I feel hungry. I feel thirsty.

.‫(أنا) أشعر بالجوع‬ .‫(أنا) أشعر بالعطش‬
I feel hungry. I feel thirsty.

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 18

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
Homework on Lesson

unhappy unkind kitchen mommy

‫غري سعيد‬ ‫ غري حنون‬، ‫غري لطيف‬ ‫مطبخ‬ ‫أم‬
unhappy unkind kitchen mommy

game sandwich kind juice

‫لعبة‬ ‫ساندوتش‬ ‫ حنون‬، ‫ كريم‬، ‫لطيف‬ ‫عصري‬
game sandwich kind juice

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 19

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
Homework on Lesson

healthy food strawberry chocolate

‫طعام صحي‬ ‫فراولة‬ ‫شيكوالته‬
healthy food strawberry chocolate

ice cream burger cheese

‫أيس كريم‬ ‫ساندوتش برجر‬ ‫جبنه‬
ice cream burger cheese

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 20

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
drink eat sleep play
‫يرشب‬ ‫يأكل‬ ‫ينام‬ ‫يلعب‬
drink eat sleep play

watch TV don’t exercise walk

‫يشاهد التلفاز‬ )‫ال تفعل (اليشء‬ ‫يتدرب‬ ‫مييش‬
watch TV don’t exercise walk

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 21

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
go by car vegetables sports
‫يذهب بالسيارة‬ ‫خرضوات‬ ‫ألعاب رياضية‬
go by car vegetables sports

bananas television board games

‫موز‬ ‫تلفزيون‬ ‫ألعاب طاولة‬
bananas television board games

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 22

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
Homework on Lesson

feel happy leaf bee

‫يشعر بالسعادة‬ )‫ورقة (نبات‬ ‫نحلة‬
feel happy leaf bee

clean sleep eat

‫ نظيف‬، ‫ينظف‬ ‫ينام‬ ‫يأكل‬
clean sleep eat

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 23

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
meat team green
‫لحم‬ ‫فريق‬ ‫أخرض‬
meat team green

meet Shereen playground

‫يقابل‬ )‫رشين (اسم‬ ‫ملعب‬
meet Shereen playground

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 24

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
Homework on Lesson
1 cm
1 mm

0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3

long = tall millimeter centimeter

‫طويل‬ ‫مليمرت‬ ‫سنتيمرت‬
long = tall millimeter centimeter

thumb finger hand

‫إصبع اإلبهام‬ ‫اصبع اليد‬ ‫يد‬
thumb finger hand

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 25

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
Review on Unit 1 eat ‫يأكل‬

22 every night ‫كل ليلة‬

Unit Dictionary 23 excited ‫مُتحمس‬
Aa 24 exercise ‫يتدرب‬
1 and ‫و‬ Ff
2 angry ‫غاضب‬ 25 feel ‫يشعر‬
3 at home ‫في المنزل‬ 26 find ‫يجد‬
Bb 27 finger ‫إصبع اليد‬
4 bananas ‫موز‬ 28 friend ‫صديق‬
5 bee ‫نحلة‬ 29 fruit ‫فاكهة‬
6 board games ‫ألعاب طاولة‬ Gg
7 body ‫ جسد‬، ‫جسم‬ 30 game ‫لعبة‬
8 but ‫لكن‬ 31 give ‫يعطى‬
9 by car ‫بالسيارة‬ 32 go to ‫يذهب إلي‬
Cc 33 great ‫ ممتاز‬، ‫عظيم‬
10 can ‫يستطيع أن‬ 34 green ‫أخضر‬
11 capital letter ‫حرف كبير‬ Hh
12 centimeter ‫سنتيمتر‬ 35 happy ‫سعيد‬
13 chocolate ‫شيكوالتة‬ 36 head ‫رأس‬
14 clean ‫ نظيف‬، ‫ينظف‬ 37 healthy food ‫طعام صحي‬
15 cola )‫كوال (مياه غازيه‬ 38 help ‫يساعد‬
16 come ‫يأتي‬ 39 home ‫منزل‬
Dd 40 hot ‫ ساخن‬، ‫حار‬
17 daddy = father ‫أب‬ 41 hour(s) )‫ساعة (ساعات‬
18 day ‫يوم‬ 42 How …? ‫؟‬... ‫كيف‬
19 don’t ‫ال‬ 43 How long ….? )‫؟ (افقي‬.... ‫ما طول‬
20 drink ‫يشرب‬ 44 How tall …? )‫؟ (عمودي‬... ‫ما طول‬

Ee 45 hungry ‫جوعان‬

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 26

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

3 First Term
Jj 67 school ‫مدرسة‬
46 juice ‫عصير‬ 68 sit ‫يجلس‬
Kk 69 sleep ‫ينام‬
47 kitchen ‫مطبخ‬ 70 something ‫شيء ما‬
Ll 71 soon ً ‫ حاال‬، ً ‫قريبا‬
48 leaf ‫ورقة شجر‬ 72 sports ‫ألعاب رياضية‬
49 leg ‫ ساق‬، ‫رجل‬ Tt
50 Let’s … . .... ‫ دعنا‬، . ... ‫هيا بنا‬ 73 talk to ‫يتحدث إلي‬
51 lifestyle ‫نمط حياة‬ 74 tall ‫طويل‬
52 living room ‫غرفة المعيشة‬ 75 team ‫ منتخب‬، ‫فريق‬
53 long ‫طويل‬ 76 television = TV ‫تلفزيون‬
Mm 77 tennis ‫تنس‬
54 make ‫يصنع‬ 78 Thank you. .‫شكرا ً لك‬
55 meat ‫لحم‬ 79 thirsty ‫عطشان‬
56 meet ‫يقابل‬ 80 thumb ‫إصبع اإلبهام‬
57 millimeter ‫المليمتر‬ 81 tired ‫متعب‬
58 mummy = mother ‫أم‬ 82 too ‫أيضا‬
Oo Uu
59 on ‫على‬ 83 unhappy ‫ حزين‬، ‫غير سعيد‬
60 outside ‫بالخارج‬ 84 unhealthy food ‫طعام غير صحي‬
Pp 85 unkind ‫قاس‬
ِ ، ‫غير طيب‬
61 pen ‫قلم جاف‬ Vv
62 period = full stop ‫نقطة‬ 86 vegetables ‫خضروات‬
63 play ‫يلعب‬ 87 video games ‫ألعاب فيديو‬
64 playground ‫ملعب‬ Ww
Ss 88 walk ‫يمشى‬
65 sad ‫حزين‬ 89 watch ‫ ساعة يد‬، ‫يشاهد‬
66 sandwich ‫ساندويتش‬ 90 water ‫مياه‬

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 27

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

2 - Key Sentences

3 First Term
❶ How do you feel? “I feel excited!”
❷ I feel happy! I play with my team.
❸ Let’s go to he kitchen.
❹ They clean the playground.
❺ I feel thirsty and hungry.
❻ I can make you a sandwich.
❼ Hany and Hana are at home in the kitchen.
❽ She feels tired and sad.
❾ Daddy is coming home soon.
❿ He sleeps for eight hours a day.
⓫ How long is it? / How tall is it?
⓬ Maged is 128 cm tall.
⓭ There are 10 millimeters in a centimeter.
⓮ This is my hand. This is my finger.
⓯ It’s healthy to sleep for 8 hours.
⓰ Eat good food to help your body.
⓱ A bee sits on the green leaf.
⓲ Amira meets his friend Shereen.
0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 28
‫!‪Unit ❶ - I feel happy‬‬

‫تسميع أهم كلمات الوحدة ‪Dictation Time‬‬

‫‪3 First Term‬‬

‫يشرب‬ ‫كيك‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫أرز‬ ‫شيكوالتة‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫عصير‬ ‫غاضب‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫فراولة‬ ‫سعيد‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫عنب‬ ‫حزين‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫لعبة‬ ‫ورقة (نبات)‬

‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪16‬‬

‫إصبع اليد‬ ‫أخضر‬

‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬

‫لحم‬ ‫ساندوتش‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫جائع‬ ‫جبنه‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪19‬‬

‫جزر‬ ‫يتدرب‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫‪0100 393 2818‬‬ ‫‪Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed‬‬ ‫‪29‬‬

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

Test 1

3 First Term
❶ Look and write the words:

.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................

.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................

.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................

❷ Circle and write:

1 h 2 c 3 a
b e b
s s r
sandwic_ che_se thi_sty

❸ Circle the odd one out:

① happy TV sad
② school bananas apples
③ green red excited
④ I mum she
⑤ tennis play watch
0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 30
Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

Test 2

3 First Term
❶ Match the words with the pictures:
(A) (B)

1. drink

2. eat

3. angry

4. juice

5. living room

❷ Unscramble and write:

gaem graspe berrystraw riec

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

❸ Write the missing letters:

foo..... sle.....p me.....t ..... inger

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 31
Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

Test 3

3 First Term
❶ Choose the correct answer:
1. How do you .............................................. ? “I feel hungry.”
a. feels b. feel c. feeling
2. I like to drink .............................................. .
a. cheese b. strawberry c. juice
3. I’m .............................................. . I want a sandwich.
a. happy b. hungry c. hot
4. How .............................................. is it? “It’s two centimeters long.”
a. long b. name c. class
❷ Look and complete:

1. I feel .............................................. . 2. It’s a .............................................. .

3. It’s .............................................. . 4. She feels ......................................... .

❸ Punctuate the following sentences:
1. how do you feel

2. i feel happy

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 32

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

4 Test

3 First Term
❶ Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:
Thank - feel - thirsty - sandwich - juice
Hana : How do you ....................................... , Hany?
Hany : I feel ....................................... and hungry.
Hana : I can make you a ....................................... .
Hany : ....................................... you. You are very kind.

❷ Read and match (A) with (B):

(A) (B)
1. I feel a. feel?
b. football or tennis.
2. How do you
c. 8 hours every night.
3. How tall
d. are you?
4. Let's play e. tired.
1. → ........... 2. → ........... 3. → ........... 4. → ...........
❸ Look and write a sentence under each picture:

1. ..................................................................................... 2. .....................................................................................
❹ Punctuate the following sentences:
1. how do you feel

2. i want to be healthy

3. amira meets her friend Shereen


0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 33

Unit ❶ - I feel happy!

Test 5

3 First Term
❶ Look and number:
1. drink cola 2. living room 3. talk 4. juice

❷Rearrange to make correct sentences:

1. do - How - feel - you?

2. tired - I - feel - thirsty - and.


3. for - Sleep - hours - 8.


❸Choose the correct words:

1. ( home - kitchen - school - zoo)

2. ( eat - exercise - help - drink)

3. ( happy - excited - clean - sad)

4. ( apples - bananas - oranges - cucumbers)

0100 393 2818 Designed & written by : Ragab Ahmed 34

‫يوجد كتب كاملة بالشرح‬
‫واالمتحانات ورقية ومطبوعة فقط‬
‫من مناهج ‪ Connect‬مع خصومات‬
‫كبيرة على الكميات‬
‫‪ 248‬صفحة‬ ‫الصف األول االبتدائي‬
‫‪ 268‬صفحة‬ ‫الصف الثاني االبتدائي‬
‫‪ 315‬صفحة‬ ‫الصف الثالث االبتدائي‬

‫لطلب أي عدد أو كمية مع خصومات‬

‫يرجى التواصل عيل رقم ‪:‬‬

‫‪0100 393 2818‬‬

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