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I. Decide whether the relative pronoun is correct or not:

1) The mail carrier which works in this village is very old.
2) The egg which is in the nest is brown.
3) Where is the bed who was in the attic?
4) The bottles that are lying on the floor are green.
5) The cowboy who is wearing the red T-shirt is very funny.
II. Complete these sentences using WHO or WHICH and the information in parentheses:
1) A Dutch is a person _____________________________. (live in the Netherlands)
2) A giant is a person _____________________________. (be very tall)
3) An alarm clock is a clock _____________________________. (wake you up in the morning)
4) A ladybird is a red beetle _____________________________. (have black spots on its black)
5) A waitress is a woman _____________________________. (serve food and drinks in a restaurant)
III. Combine these sentences using relative pronouns. Decider whether to use commas or not:
1) The city seems to be abandoned. It is usually crowded with people.
The city, which was usually crowded with people, seems to be abandoned.

2) A midwife is a woman. She assists other women in childbirth.
A midwife is a woman who assists other women in childbirth.
3) Three youngsters were arrested by the police. They had committed criminal offences.
Three youngsters who had committed criminal offences were arrested by the police.

The police arrested three youngsters who had committed criminal offences.
4) The World Wide Web has become an essential part of our lives. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee.
The WWW, which was created by Tim Berners-Lee, has become an important part of our lives.
IV. In each sentence, choose the correct relative pronoun to introduce the adjective clause.
1) The cougar has powerful legs, ________ it uses to climb and to jump into trees.

A. whom

B. who

C. whose

D. which

2) The cougar, ______ grows to around 8 feet in length, is a member of the cat family.

A. who

B. whom

C. that

D. which

3) Cougars sometimes prey on sheep and goats, so they may be killed by the farmers ________ animals
they attack.

A. whose

B. which

C. who

D. whom

4) The cougar lives in deserts, forests, plains and mountains, but according to scientists ________ have
studied the animal, it is becoming endangered in some areas.

A. whom

B. which

C. who

D. whose

5) However, cougars very rarely attack humans, of ________ they are usually afraid.

A. whom

B. that
C. which

D. who

V. Combine the two sentences in each question using an adjective clause. There may be more than
one correct answer for each question.

1) The Olympic snowboarding event was exciting. Many people watched it on TV.


2) It was the first time snowboarding had been included in the Olympics. Snowboarding is a new sport.


3) The competition was very exciting. A Canadian won it.


4) The winner, Ross Rebagliati, lives in Whistler, BC. Many young snowboarders admire him.


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