4 - Favorite Book

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Favorite Book – 4

Talk about a book that you have read and enjoyed a lot

You should include:

where and when you read it
some brief information about the story and the characters
why you chose to read this book
and whether you recommend it to other or not and why

The genre of the book that I want to talk about is fiction, and it also has a mysterious criminal
story. This book, Sherlock Holmes, was suggested by a friend of mine to me. Surprisingly, 6
.months ago, on my birth day occasion, it was gifted to me

As I said it has a criminal story with too much challenging secrets, and also it was led by a
British detective. In this book, Holmes is renowned for his astute logical reasoning, his ability
to adopt almost any disguise and his use of forensic science to solve difficult cases. In this
book, Holmes and his assistance, Dr. Watson, try to arrest a serial killer, so they have to deal
with many dilemmas. Fortunately, they resolved the situation. I highly recommend this book
to other people. The fact is that it makes you think deeper and challenges your resolving
abilities. Finally, in my opinion, it has a strong plot, and I was moved by this book. To be
honest, were I given a break, I would rather study it. As far as I know this book was written
.by Arthur Canon in Scotland in 1859

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