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test3 2017 physics II.pdf

Exámenes parciales

1º Física II

Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial

Escuela Politécnica Superior

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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WEEK No. 13 - Knowledge Test No. 3: SOLUTIONS

Problem to solve in class. Third knowledge test: Magnetostatics and Faraday’s law.

1. Consider the square loop shown in the figure. Compute:

• the magnetic field created at any point along the z axis by ANY of
the sides of the loop;
• the total magnetic field created by the loop at any point along the z

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Help: The following integral might be of use:
dx x
= √ . (1)
(x2 + a2 )3/2 a2 x 2 + a2

a.1) We will calculate the field created by the segment that lies on the y = a/2 line
using Biot-Savart’s law,

µ0 Z Idl × (r − r0 )
B(r) = . (2)
4π |r − r0 |3

For that segment, we make the choices:

Idl = Idx0 i, r = zk, r0 = x0 i + j. (3)
Thus, we have that,
Idl × (r − r0 ) = −Idx0 zj − Idx0 k (4)

|r − r0 |3 = x02 + (a/2)2 + z 2 . (5)
The integral to solve then simply becomes,
µ0 Z −a/2 −Idx0 zj − Idx0 a2 k
By=a/2 (zk) = = (6)
4π +a/2 (x02 + (a/2)2 + z 2 )3/2
µ0 I a Z −a/2 dx0
= − zj + k 3/2
= (7)
4π 2 +a/2 (x02 + (a/2)2 + z 2 )
 −a/2
µ0 I a x
= − zj + k  q  = (8)
4π 2 2 2 02 2
((a/2) + z ) x + (a/2) + z 2
µ0 Ia a
= zj + k (a/2)2 + z 2 z 2 + a2 /2 . (9)
4π 2

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a.2) For the segment at y = −a/2, the calculation is the same, except that we need
to change a/2 → −a/2 in the choice for r0 , and then integrate from −a/2 to a/2.
The result is simply,
µ0 Ia a
2 2
By=−a/2 (zk) = − zj − k (a/2) + z z2 + a2 /2 . (10)
4π 2

a.3) For the segment on the x = a/2 line, the choices would be:
Idl = Idy 0 j, r = zk, r0 = i + y 0 j. (11)
Thus, we would have that,
Idl × (r − r0 ) = Idy 0 zi + Idy 0 k (12)
|r − r0 |3 = (a/2)2 + y 02 + z 2 . (13)

The integral to solve then simply becomes,

µ0 Z +a/2 Idy 0 zj + Idy 0 a2 k
Bx=a/2 (zk) = = (14)
4π −a/2 ((a/2)2 + y 02 + z 2 )3/2
µ0 I a Z −a/2 dy 0
= zi + k 3/2
= (15)
4π 2 +a/2 ((a/2)2 + y 02 + z 2 )
 +a/2
µ0 I a  y0
= zi + k q  = (16)
4π 2 2 2 02 2
((a/2) + z ) y + (a/2) + z 2
µ0 Ia a
= zi + k (a/2)2 + z 2 z 2 + a2 /2 . (17)
4π 2

a.4) Finally, the segment at the x = −a/2 line is the same, but changing a/2 →
−a/2 in the definition for r0 , and integrating from a/2 to −a/2 instead. The result
µ0 Ia a
2 2
Bx=−a/2 (zk) = − zi − k (a/2) + z z2 + a2 /2 . (18)
4π 2

b) Adding all the fields together, the only component that survives is the z component,
thus yielding a net magnetic field,

µ0 Ia2  2
 q −1
2 2 2
B(zk) = a /4 + z z + a /2 k. (19)

This field points upwards, as it should.

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2. Consider the two infinite, straight cables shown in the figure. The electric
current that flows through the second cable is characterized in terms of
a current density J = J0 (r/R)k, for points satisfying (r < R), being r is the
distance to the center of the second cable. Compute the magnetic field
that is created by this set of cables at any point of the y axis.

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a) The problem does not have any symmetry. However, if we consider them as two
separate problems, then it is easy to do them applying Ampere’s law:
B · dl = µ0 I. (20)

Then, we can use the superposition principle to get the final field.
a.1) Field created by the infinitely thin cable. Symmetry tells us that, if we use
cylindrical coordinates with a z axis that coincides with the cable, the field it creates
must satisfy:
BI (r) = Bθ (r)uθ . (21)
Then, using as Amperians circles of any radius r, centered at the cable, and con-
tained int he XY plane, we have that:
µ0 I
Bθ (r) · 2πr = µ0 I → BI (r) = uθ . (22)

a.2) Field created by the cable of radius R. In this case we will shift the z axis of the
cylindrical system to the rotation axis of the cable. In that case, we have again that
symmetry tells us that BII (r) = Bθ (r)uθ . Thus, we consider again circles of radius
r as Amperians. Ampére’s law then tells that:
(2/3R)πµ0 J0 r3 r < R

Bθ (r) · 2πr = (23)

(2/3)πµ0 J0 R r>R

To calculate the current through any circle, we simply calculate the flux of the current
density J,
2πJ0 r3
Z 2π Z min(r,R) "
Ir = J · dS = rdrdθJ0 = (24)
0 0 R R 3 0

where we use as dS = rdrdθuz .

Thus, the field created by the second cable is:

(1/3)µ0 J0 (r2 /R)u0θ . r < R

BII (r) =  (25)

(1/3)µ0 J0 (R2 /r)u0θ . r > R

However, note that we have used a prime on the θ-director vector. The reason is
that this vector is not the same as the one used before, since it corresponds to a
different origin.
a.3) Now, it is time to sum the fields. It must be remember that fields are vectors.
And, in this case, we have each defined in a different coordinate system. We will
express the sum of both in the coordinate system centered at the infinitely thing
cable. In it, the value of the y coordinate coincides with the r coordinate along the

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Y axis. Therefore, y gives the distance from the point to the infinitely thin cable.
The distance between any point of the y axis and the center of the second cable is
given instead by d = |y − (R + d)|, since y has sign and the distance must be a
positive number.
To calculate the net field, we need to consider where each point of the y axis is with
respect to both cables. The situation is illustrated in Fig. 2, where the field created
by the first cable at the origin is shown in red, the one created by the other cylinder
in dark blue, and the whole problem is seen using a cenital view. A shorter arrow is
used for the field created by the second cylinder in its interior.

Keeping this figure in mind, we can write the net field is:

µ0 J0 R2

µ0 I
− i− i, y<0

2πy 3[y − (R + d)]

µ0 J0 R2

µ0 I

− i−

 i, 0<y<d
2πy 3[y − (R + d)]

µ0 I µ0 J0 |y − (R + d)|2

B(yj) = − i + i d<r <d+R (26)

2πy 3R

µ0 J0 |y − (R + d)|2

 µ0 I
− i− i d + R < y < d + 2R

2πy 3R

µ0 J0 R2

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µ0 I

− i−

 i r > d + 2R
2πy 3[y − (R + d)]

Here, in order to know the direction of each contribution, it must be remember that
y can be positive and negative. We can collapse this into the simpler expression by
intelligently introducing the sign function. The result is,

µ0 J0 |y − (R + d)|3

µ0 I
− i− i, d < r < d + 2R

2πy 3R[y − (R + d)]

B(yj) = (27)

µ0 J0 R2

µ0 I

− i−

 i, otherwise
2πy 3[y − (R + d)]

that is the final solution.


3. Consider the conductor shown in the figure, that is infinite in the Y and
Z directions and has a width d in the X direction. A current flows in the
conductor along the Z direction according to the current density J = J0 k.
Calculate the magnetic field that is created at any arbitrary point in

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We will consider that the conductor is set, along the x axis, so that it extends from
x = −d/2 to x = d/2. The problem is then completely symmetric with respect to
translations along y and z. Thus, the field can only depend on x. Regarding its
direction, it must be perpendicular to the current and it cannot enter the conducting
region. Thus, it must run along y. Thus,

B = By (x)j. (28)

Thus, the circuits that we will consider are rectangles parallel to the XY plane, as
the one shown in the figure:

We will now use Ampere’s law,

B · dl = µ0 I. (29)

The circulation that Ampere’s law requires to calculate is trivial to calculate for these
type of loops, given the symmetry of the field.
We start with the field outside the conductor. Assuming a counter-clock orientation
for the loop, as shown in the figure, the circulation of the magnetic field is given by:
B(x2 )l − B(x1 )l, (30)
being x2 > 0 the x coordinate of the side of the loop which is further from the
conductor, and x1 > 0 that of the closest. If both x2 and x1 are chosen larger than
d/2, it then happens the current through the loop will be zero. This tells us that the
field is constant for all x > d/2. The right-hand-rule then tells us that it must run
in the Y direction. We will call this field Bx>d/2 = B+ j. The same argument can
be used for any x < −d/2, which implies that the field is also constant there. It will
run in the negative Y direction though, and symmetry requires it to have the same
magnitude as on the other side. Thus, the field here will be Bx<−d/2 = −B+ j. We

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can find B+ by considering now a loop that has x1 = −x2 , and x2 > d/2. That is,
a loop that starts on one side of the conductor, and ends on the other side. The
current that traverses this loop is all the current going through the conductor.
Thus, Ampére’s law tells us:
µ0 K 0 d
2B+ l = µ0 J0 dl → B+ = . (31)
Next, to get the field inside, we consider a loop that has x2 > d/2 and d/2 < x1 < 0.
Ampere’s law then gives,
! !
d d
B+ l − B(x)l = µK0 l − x1 → B(x) = B+ − µK0 − x1 . (32)
2 2
Substituting the value of B+ we find,
B(x1 ) = µ0 K0 x1 . (33)
Clearly, symmetry requires that the field reverse sign on the other side. That is,
B(x1 ) = µ0 K0 x1 , (34)
for −d/2 < x1 < 0.
Collecting all these results, we find:
µ0 K 0 d

 j x > d/2

µ0 K 0 x

 j 0 < x < d/2

B(r) = (35)
µ0 K 0 x

−d/2 < x < 0

 j

µ0 K 0 d

 − j x < −d/2
One can collapse this bracket into the single formula,
µ0 K 0 x
B(r) = max(d, |x|)j. (36)
2 |x|

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