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Física II

1º Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial

Escuela Politécnica Superior. Campus de Leganés

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.

WEEK No. 10 - Problems

The first two (or three) problems will be solved in class. The remaining ones are given for
you to practice. Try at your leisure!

1. Compute, using Biot-Savart law, the magnetic field created at any point
of space by an infinitely long, straight conductor that carries an intensity
of current I.
Help: The following integral may be useful:

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dx x
= 2p 2 . (1)
(x2 2
+a ) 3/2
a x + a2

Solution: The symmetry of this problem is cylindrical around the axis that coin-
cides with the cable. We will choose cylindrical coordinates with z running along the
conductor. Then, we simply need to find, in these coordinates, appropriate expres-
sions for all the elements within Biot-Savart’s law:

µ0 Z Idl ⇥ (r r0 )
B= . (2)
4⇡ |r r0 |3


r = rur (3)
r 0 = z 0 uz 0 (4)
dl = dz 0 uz0 (5)

since all points in the conductor, to which r0 refers, are on the z 0 axis1 . For the
position of the point where the field is desired we have chosen r = rur , with z = 0.
This is done on purpose, since the field does not depend on z due to the cylindrical
symmetry. Thus, we choose z = 0 with the expectation of simplifying the calcula-
tion2 . Finally, the di↵erential of length has to be associated to one of the coordinates
of the system3 . In this case, z 0 is the only one that changes as we move along the
conductor. Thus, dl = dz 0 uz0 .

With these choices, the integral that gives the field becomes:

µ0 Z Idl ⇥ (r r0 ) µ0 Ir Z 1 dz 0
B(r) = 0 3
= u✓ 3 (6)
4⇡ |r r | 4⇡ 1 r2 + z 0 2

dl ⇥ (r r0 ) = rdz 0 uz0 ⇥ ur = rdz 0 uz ⇥ ur = rdz 0 u✓ , (7)
Remember we use the prime to denote the sources of the field!
If this is not done, nothing bad happens. Only that we will have to compute a bunch of integrals
that will yield a zero result in the end!
If we have chosen the coordinates properly!

the end values of z 0 go all the way to infinity and where we have pulled everything
that does not depend on z 0 out of the integral. Using the formula provided, this
integral reduces to:
" #1
µ0 Ir z0 µ0 I
B(r) = u✓ p = u✓ . (8)
4⇡ r2 r2 + z 0 2 1

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Note that we have had to compute the limits of the expression in brackets when
z 0 ! ±1 adequately.

2. Compute, using Biot-Savart law, the magnetic field created at any point
in space by the plane 0XZ if a surface current density K = K0 k flows on
Solution: The symmetry of the problem is translational along any axis contained
within the plane, or rotational with respect to the axis perpendicular to the plane
(the Y axis). Thus, we can choose either Cartesian or Cylindrical. We will do
Cartesian. Since the magnetic field cannot depend on x or z, our choices for the
elements within Biot-Savart’s law,

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µ0 Z Z dSK ⇥ (r r0 )
B= . (9)
4⇡ |r r0 |3

will be given by:

r = yj (10)
r0 = x0 i + z 0 k (11)
KdS = K0 dx0 dz 0 k (12)

Note that, since in Cartesian all unit vectors are the same everywhere, we drop the
prime in that notation. The choice of r is, again, the simplest that satisfies the
symmetry. The di↵erential of surface is, as usual, the product of the two di↵er-
entials associated to the two coordinates that vary as we move around the current
distribution. With these choices, the integral that needs to be calculated becomes:

µ0 Z Z dSK ⇥ (r r0 ) µ 0 K0 y Z 1 Z 1
dz 0
B(r) = = i dx0 3/2
4⇡ |r r0 |3 4⇡ 1 1
x0 2 + y 2 + z 0 2


KdS ⇥ (r r0 ) = K0 dx0 dz 0 k ⇥ (yj x0 i) = yK0 dx0 dz 0 i x0 K0 dx0 dz 0 j. (14)

The integral along j clearly vanishes because the function being integrated is odd in
x0 , whilst the limits of integration are symmetric. We can now apply the formula
providen in the first exercise to carry out the integral in z 0 (assuming in the formula
that a2 = x0 2 + y 2 ):
2 31
µ0 K0 y Z 1
0 z0 µ 0 K0 y Z 1 dx0
B(r) = i dx 4 q 5 = i 02
4⇡ 1 (x0 2 + y 2 ) x0 2 + y 2 + z 0 2 2⇡ 1 x + y2

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where the proper limits when z 0 ! ±1 have been computed. The remaining integral
is trivial, since it is the derivative of (1/a) tan 1 (x/a):

µ 0 K0 y Z 1 dx0 µ 0 K0 y h i1 µ 0 K0 y
B(r) = i 02
= i tan 1 (x/y) = i, (16)
2⇡ 1 x + y2 2⇡|y| 1 2|y|

since tan(x) ! ±⇡/2 when x ! ±1.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Thus, the field created by the plane is constant in magnitude (equal to µ0 K0 , but
points in opposite directions (parallel to the plane) to the left and right of the plane,
so that the right-hand-rule is satisfied! That is represented by the sign function,
sgn(y) = y/|y|, that is either one or minus one, depending on which side of the XZ
plane we are.

3. Compute, using Biot Savart’s law, the magnetic field created by a circular
ring of radius R that carries a current of intensity I at any point of the
axis that goes through the center of the ring and that is perpendicular
to the plane that contains the ring.

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Solution: The symmetry of this problem is rotational around the axis that is
perpendicular to the plane that contains the ring and passes through its center. We
will choose cylindrical coordinates with z running along the symmetry axis. Then,
we simply need to find, in these coordinates, appropriate expressions for all the
elements within Biot-Savart’s law:
µ0 Z Idl ⇥ (r r0 )
B= . (17)
4⇡ |r r0 |3

r = zuz (18)
r0 = Rur0 (19)
dl = Rd✓0 u✓0 (20)

since all points in the conductor, to which r0 refers4 , are on the ring of radius R.
Finally, the di↵erential of length has to be associated to one of the coordinates of
the system5 . In this case, ✓0 is the only one that changes as we move along the
conductor. But to become a length, it must be multiplied by the radius which, in this
case, is R, the radius of the ring. Thus, dl = Rd✓0 u✓0 .

With these choices, the integral that gives the field becomes:

µ0 Z Idl ⇥ (r r0 ) µ0 IR2 Z 2⇡
0 µ0 IR2
B(r) = = uz d✓ = uz , (21)
4⇡ |r r0 |3 4⇡(R2 + z 2 )3/2 0 2(R2 + z 2 )3/2
dl ⇥ (r r0 ) = Rd✓0 u✓0 ⇥ (zuz Rur0 ) = Rzd✓0 ur0 + R2 d✓0 uz , (22)
and the integral in ✓0 of ur0 over [0, 2⇡] vanishes.
Remember we use the prime to denote the sources of the field. And since the radial and azimuthal
vectors depend on the point, we need to keep that prime!
If we have chosen the coordinates properly!

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