2012 - 5 Exam PhysicsI Enonce Correction FAIRE

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Física II

1º Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriales

Escuela Politécnica Superior. Campus de Leganés

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.

1. Let’s consider three infinite planes, parallel to the XZ plane, respectively located
at y = 0, y = 2 and y = 5. They are also charged, respectively, with surface charge
densities σ1 = 3nC/m2 , σ2 = 3nC/m2 and σ3 = −2nC/m2 . Then

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a) Calculate explicitly the electric field in all points in space
b) Calculate the difference of electric potential between points A = (0, 1, 0) and
B = (0, 3, 0).

a) First, we compute the electric field created by an infinite plane charged with a density σp ,
that we assume located at y = 0. By symmetry, the field is directed along j and, to apply Gauss
Theorem, we choose a parallepiped with side of length 2y along the OY axis, and with its faces
parallel to the y = 0 plane with area S, located at +y and −y. Since the flux of the electric field
is only non-zero across those two faces, Gauss Theorem says that:
σp S ~ p (x, y, z) = σp y ~j.
2SEp (y) = →E (1)
0 20 |y|

Here, we use y/|y| to make explicit the fact that the field is positive for y > 0 and negative for
y < 0. To compute the total field, we apply the principle of superposition:
~ 1 y y−2 y−5 ~
E(x, y, z) = σ1 + σ2 + σ3 j. (2)
20 |y| |y − 2| |y − 5|

b) To compute the potential difference between A = (0, 1, 0) and B = (0, 3, 0), we compute the
integral: Z A Z B Z yB
VA − VB = − ~ r) +
d~rE(~ ~ r) =
d~rE(~ dyEy (y). (3)
r0 r0 yA

Using Eq. 2, the electric field in the region between 1 and 2 is:

~ 1
E(x, y, z)(1−−2) = (σ1 − σ2 − σ3 ) ~j. (4)
and in the region between 2 and 3 :

~ 2
E(x, y, z)(2−−3) = (σ1 + σ2 − σ3 ) ~j. (5)

1 1 (σ1 − σ3 )
VA − VB = (σ1 − σ2 − σ3 ) + (σ1 + σ2 − σ3 ) = . (6)
20 20 0

2. Let’s consider an infinite strip with a width 2a. A current with total intensity
I = 500A flows along the strip uniformly distributed, as shown in the figure with
red arrows. A proton (mass mp and charge e) is initially located at A = (0, 0, z) with
a velocity v = vo k. Compute:

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a) the magnetic field vector created by the strip AT point A.
b) the force exerted on the proton when it is located AT point A.

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Help: The following integrals may be useful:
dx x dx 1 x
Z Z  
2 2 3/2
= √ 2 2
= arctan .
(x + b ) b2 x 2 + b2 x +b b b

a) The problem does not have any clear symmetry, except for translation along y. Thus, we
apply Biot-Savart law in Cartesian coordinates:
µ0 ZZ K × (r − r0 ) 0
B(r) = dS . (7)
4π |r − r0 |3
The values of the quantities appearing in the integral are:
K = j, r = zk r0 = x0 i + y 0 j r − r0 = −x0 i − y 0 j + zk (8)
 3/2 Ix0 Iz
|r − r0 | = (x0 )2 + (y 0 )2 + z 2 K × (r − r0 ) = k + i. (9)
2a 2a
Because of symmetry, the only non-vanishing integral contributing to the field at A is:
dy 0
" #
µ0 Izi Z a Z0 ∞
B(0, 0, z) = dx 3/2
4π 2a −a −∞ ((x0 )2 + (y 0 )2 + z 2 )

Integrating first in y applying the formulas provided we find:

µ0 Izi Z a dx0 µ0 I
B(0, 0, z) = dx 0 2 2
= tan−1 (a/z) i. (11)
4πa −a ((x ) + z ) 2πa
qv0 µ0 I
b) The force on the charge would be simply F = qv × B = tan−1 (a/z) j.

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3. Let’s consider the setup shown. It is composed of a vertical structure formed by
three perfectly conducting rigid cables and a moving piece of mass M , length a
and electric resistance R that falls due to the gravity. A constant magnetic field B,
perpendicular to the structure, is directed into the plane of the paper, as shown

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by the X markings in the figure. Compute:
a) The terminal velocity of the moving piece (assume that the cables are sufficiently
long so that it reaches the terminal velocity before it hits the ground).
b) If the maximum power that can be dissipated in the moving piece is Pm , what
is the maximum value of the resistance R of the moving piece so that it reaches
the terminal velocity without melting?

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a) By choosing the orientation of the loop so that the flux is positive, and calling x the vertical
distance downwards from the fixed horizontal part of the setup, we have that the magnetic flux
through the loop closed by the moving part is:

φ = B · a · x, (12)

which is valid although we do not know what x is as a function of time. From here, the induced
current is given by Faraday’s law:
1 dφ B·a·v
Iind = − =− (13)
R dt R
and the force on the moving part,
B 2 a2 v
Fmag = Il × B = − i. (14)
The limiting velocity is reached when this force becomes sufficiently large to balance gravity,
mgi. This happens when v is equal to:
vlim = . (15)
B 2 a2

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b) The dissipated power in the moving part is:

B 2 a2 v 2
PJoule = RI 2 = . (16)
At the limiting velocity,
lim B 2 a2 vlim
m2 g 2 R
PJoule = RI 2 = = . (17)
R B 2 a2
Thus, for PJoule ≤ Pm :
B 2 a2 P m
R≤ = Rmax . (18)

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m2 g 2

4. A Carnot AC system is used to keep a house cool in the summer. Its target is to
maintain it at 180 C. On a day, the average outdoor temperature remains at about
420 C. If the amount of heat coming into the house from the outside happens at
a rate of 5, 5000kJ/h per degree of temperature difference between outdoors and

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indoors, and the AC system consumes 15kW of power to be operated, determine:

a) how long must the AC system ran on that day.

b) the total cooling costs, assuming an average price of 0,1Euro/kW h for electricity.
c) what is the maximum outdoor temperature for which the AC system should
still be able to maintain the indoor temperature at 180 C?

The coefficient of performance of the AC is:


C.O.P. = −1 = 12,125. (19)

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a) The amount of heat dumped inside the house from the outside, that must be vacated by the
AC is,
QL = 5, 500kJ/hrK × 24hr × (TH − TL ) = 3, 168, 000kJ. (20)

The net work (energy) needed to power the AC to do this is:

Wnet,in = = 261, 278kJ. (21)

And the amount of time the AC must be on is simply,

Wnet,in 261, 278kJ
∆t = = = 17, 418s = 4,83hr. (22)
Ẇnet,in 15kW

b) The cost is:

261, 278kJ
Cost = × 0,1Euro/kW hr = 7,25Euros. (23)
3, 600s/hr

c) If the AC is running ALL day, the energy it uses is:

Wnet = 15kW × 24hr × 3, 600s/hr = 1, 296, 000kJ. (24)

With this energy, the maximum amount of heat that can be vacated from inside in a day is:
1, 296, 000kJ
L = TH , (25)

which must equal the flux of heat coming from the outside,

L = 5, 500kJ/hrK × 24hr × (TH − 291). (26)

Equating both expressions, and solving we find:

TH = 344,45K = 71,450 C. (27)

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