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fo. p10 .1 E,1u
Froquontly lx11mln1_d ,. �fftloot

C (I,() I 11wl d111" I ICI
,, (),()(II) I rnol {IIH ,i , l?fj (: ;;1111 I/111;1,1// I/fl t/t,7it
A 01111,lytit 11r1,vltltlh 1111 11ltcrnurlvc rc,utc f'(,r II reaction

I r,,11,11111 r:11111:uflln r1:,,11,1 'l,1111,111'1/,; 'Alili,,y 111 lllk<J 11fuco wltlt u luwcr actlvLtll<m c11crgy �o th:,t
ufli r wll!' ' I•: 7 co11111l11 J 11 11111<1111'0 of11 w Ilk ll t. llw .t;fJ ·cd 1,f' the rc1u.:tlor1 In,
Ab Y '. cl J
(I II H llUIL I 111111, 11 wc11l� ucld It, , ·qui, •d, All oxc ·NN A: ft lr1ero1t/jC/I both the forward a11d btwkward
:�;: 1110 11 •Id co11v rlN N110II lo IIN Null. 'lt•l(ull i tJr with ruw co1111ta11t� to tho 1rnmc extent.
hullur would or111l1, f luwuvcr, lhc
1110 xcom ,wld, 11 B: 'I lie ylcl1I I ,wr aff'c ctud.
cor1ccu1rutlo11H of' 1ho rt ·Iii 1111d lhu twit, 11111 it 1101 IJu C: 'l'lw 1,vcr111!c 1rwlccular t1pccd l11 not nffcctcd,
100 Nfllllll llO 111 10 111nl11f11l11, �1 Huff1cl ·111ly lareu ,·c,wr- It 111 011ly all'cc:tcd by II charrgc In tcrnpcrn­
volr of holh tho 1111 ·<:lcfl (off •ctlvu hul'for), 'f'l i ltt rulcN turc,
0111 (0), 1'11r1hcr111oru, 1 1/1 lfl more volutllo 11t1111
II,1 c;02II lo ho 11110d.

14. A ew1 X dl1i1;ncl,1tcu on hcatin� to r1ct up the equi­

librium hclow.
12. rho plI of' 11 I .0 11101 drn·� nol11tlo11 of a wc.ik X(ti) � ·- Y(g) + Z(g)
111011ohrnllc 11cld ir, ti. Whal 111 the dlnrioclati on cor1-
slnnl of tlw wcuk 11<.:ld? ;\ quantity CJf' X wm1 heated at con1Jtant pressure
. pat a certain tcmpcrnture. The equilibrium partial
A 1.0 x I W 2 rnol dm �
pre1rnure of X w,l!I found to be p. What is the f
u 1.0 x l (J' 4 11101 dm-3 c,1uilihriu111 constant K, at thi11 tcmpcraurc?
C l .Ox l 0�7 mol d111··3
A !!..p n 2.p
D l .Ox l w H mol dm-3
7 7
C H!p D Gp
Hol11lna Concopts '-_1;,f/111.lfltlfllll't'lv 7'�,l/11'//***
Holplno Concepts ,Dw,11 7a111,11rll« 7?a!111z>***
Let x be the partial pressure of y at equilibrium. There­
inillal conc/11101 dm"J 0 () fore, the partial pressure of z at equilibrium is also x
cone nt cqm/11101 <.Jm-3 I-(/ since from the stoichiometry of the equation, equal
amounts of y and z ere formed.
(I {I

K =..!J_�a 2 (forrmrnlla, J-a�I)
• I-a
If ence, total presurc, p = p + x + x

= oo-4 ,2 x=lp
= I.Ox 10-H 1110I dm-·1 Py ·P1. (fp)(fp)_9
:. Kr = --= 1 -7p
Px 7P

13. Which one of the following is a correct statement

about the effect of a catalyst.
J s. When SOCl2 is added to Ba(OH) 2, a vigorous re­
A It increases the rate constant for the for­ action occurs and the temperature falls from
ward reaction but not that of thc back reac- 25 °C to O °C.
tion. What arc the correct signs of /J.G and /lS in this
B It increases the yield of product in an equi­ reaction?
/J.G /J.S
C It increases the speed of the reacta nt p ar­
ticles and therefore the rate of molecular A - -
collision. n - +
D It provides an alternative ro ute for a reac­
C + -
- D +

m�� Chemistry rf/ci with Helps

�a Fro uentl( ExamlnodG_ uo11llons
yc,pl Section D
this section, one or more
Molpinu Conco11rn t,111111 ?,,,,,,,,,.,.,., ?i\i1111y **
/the questions in A cntulyst speeds up both the forwurd n11d backwurd
for each o ed state ments I to 3 may be cor­
th e t h r ee number reactions to thu s11111c extent by providing an nltcmu­
of tive path with lower nctivntion uncrgies. The equilib­
,eel. rium is thus not affected, i.e. composition unaltered
of the statements is or is not
1 t /,er each
oeci·dew ,eI may find ii help/11/ to put a tick against except thnt the equilibrium is nttuincd faster.
correct Cym nts that you consider to be correct).
te e
the sta
s A to D should be selected on the basis
The respo nsc


55. The reaction shown is reversible.
N� O.1 (g) � 2NO2 (g); Ml =+61.7 kJ moJ 9 1
1,2 and 3 I and 2 only 2 and 3 only . I only
are correct are correct 1s correc t
When, at the same temperature, the pressure is
arc correc t increased, which of the following decrease'?
tion of statements is used us a cor­ the proportion of NOi(g) present at equilib­
No other combina
rect response.
2 the value of the equilibrium constant K
following could act as buffer solu­ P
53• Which of the 3 the activation energies of both forward and
tions? reverse reactions.
t NaHCO3 and Na2CO3
2 CH3CO2 H and NaCl
Helping Concepts D.wm 7mir,11ri/<1 "J.',,tim ***
*l. When p increases, the equilibrium shifts to the
3 HNO3 and NaNO 3

left according to Le Chalelier's principle to pro­
Helping Concepts C.wm 'Jal)(,11r1'f<• '1'iali117 duce less gaseous particles so as to reduce the
pressure. Hence, the proportion of NO 2 at equi­
A buffer solution usually comprises a weak acid and
librium decreases.
its salt, or a weak alkali and its salt.
2. K is only affected by a change in temperature.
Hco1- � H + co/-
•1. p
3. Ea is not affected by a change in p.
weak acid: HCO3-
salt (or conjugate base): co/-
2 acid: CH 3CO2H
salt: absent 56. For the gas phase reaction
3. weak acid: absent 2X + Y � 22 M-/ = -x kJ mor'
salt: absent the yield of Z at equilibrium could be increased
increasing the pressure.
2 increasing the temperature.
54. A reversible reaction is catalysed. 3 using a catalyst.
Which of the following statements about this sys­
tem are correct?
Helping Concepts t:.wm 'Ja11,1111·1'f<' 'i?afim ***
. *I. There is a reduction in volume in the forward re-
l Th� catal t alters the mechantsm O f t he re-
� action. By Le Chatelier's principle, increasing prcs-
sure will shifl: the equilibrium to the right, i.e. higher
2 The catalyst reduces the energy of act,.Jl- yield of Z, so as to produce less number of par-
tion (the energy barrier) for both the for- ticles in order to reduce the pressure.
ward and the backward reaction.
2. If x > O, then M--1 < O. lncreasing temperature shifts
3 The catalyst alters the composition of the
the equilibrium to the left so as to absorb the
equilibrium mixture. excess heat since the backward reaction is endot­
hermic. Hence, less Z is produced.

1000 Chemistry 'fflc with Helps





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