2021-Earths Forces-STUDY GUIDE

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1. The outermost layer of the earth is the _________________.

2. Beneath this layer is the __________________________, home to the earth’s _______________.

3. Going further down into the earth is the ____________________________, a fluid layer that contains the
________________________________________ that drive plate movement.

4. The thickest part of the earth is the __________________.

5. After this thick layer is the __________________________ that behaves like a thick liquid.

6. Finally, the _________________________, is pure solid due to the enormous amount of ____________________ found this far into the

7. ______________________________________ is the theory that the plates are in constant, slow motion driven by convection currents in
the mantle.

8. _____________________________ proposed the theory of continental drift.

9. He used 3 pieces of evidence to support his theory: ________________________, _________________, and _________________________.
 Give examples of each of his 3 pieces of evidence:
o 1.
o 2.
o 3.

10. A ________________________ plate boundary is created when 2 plates move away from one another. A _________________ is a common
landform created at such a boundary and has a _______________________________ at its top.

11. The mid-ocean ridge is a great example of the type of boundary described in question #10. At its opening, magma from
within the earth, comes out, hardens and cools to form rock (new crust). As this process continues, __________________ rock gets
pushed farther and farther away from the ridge’s opening. The process of continually adding new rock to the ocean floor is
known as _________________________________ and is believed to be the reason why the __________________ Ocean is expanding and the
____________________ Ocean is shrinking.
 Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform:

12. A ____________________________ plate boundary is created when 2 plates collide (come together). When this occurs between
oceanic and continental plates, we will almost always find a ________________ in the ocean floor. This is created because the
oceanic plate has a ____________________ density than the continental crust and sinks beneath it back into the ____________________.
As a result, ____________________ often form on the continental crust.
 Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform(s):
13. If 2 continental plates collide, the result is the formation of ___________________________.
 Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform:

14. A __________________________ plate boundary is created when 2 plates slide past each other in opposite directions. This type of
boundary creates ________________________ in the earth’s crust and often results in the shaking/trembling of the earth known as
an ______________________________.
 Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform:

15. The _________________________________ is a belt of volcanoes that circles the ________________ Ocean. It is created due to the Pacific
Plate _____________________________ under all of the surrounding continental plates.

16. _____________________________ occurs when the earth’s surface is worn away by wind, water, or ice. The important thing to
remember, however, is that in this case there is NO __________________________ of the pieces of the earth’s crust.

17. _________________________ occurs when pieces from the earth’s crust are transported to a new location by wind, water, or ice.

18. __________________________ occurs when pieces of the earth’s crust are dropped in a new location, helping to build up the earth’s

19. A topographic map shows the shape of the earth’s surface using ______________________ lines. Such lines can never
_________________ each other.

20. No matter how far apart or how close together lines are on a topographic map, the distance between the lines is

21. A steeper hill on a topographic map would be shown by lines that are very _________________________________, where as a gradual
slope would be shown by lines that are _____________________________________.
 Sketch an example of this below:

22. A closed loop that has hash marks on it represents a ______________________ in elevation.
 Sketch this below:

23. V-like formations on a topographic map represent the presence of a ______________________________. It is important to remember
that this feature is always moving away from the ______________________ and in the direction of the ____________________________.
 Sketch an example and label the direction of movement:

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