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IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA’ STANDARDS, NFPA" codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides ("NFPA Standards), of which the dacument ‘contained herein is one are developed through a consent standards development process approved bythe ‘American National Standards Institute. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints And interests to achieve consensus on Rre and other safety sues. While the NFPA administers the process and ‘Stablishes rules to promote fares in the development of consenss, it oes not independently text, evaluate, oF ‘ery the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any jdgments contained in NFPA Standards, ‘The NFPA diclaimslailiy forany personal injury, property o other damages of any nature whatsoever, “whether special, indirect, consequential or compensator, direct of indirectly resulting from the publication, use ‘for rehunce o1 NFPA Standards, The NFPA also makes no guarany or warranty ao te accuracy or ‘completeness ofany information published herein In issuing and making NFPA Standards available, the NFPA i not undertaking to render professional or other services for oro» behall of any person or entity. Nort the NFPA undertaking o perform any duy owed by any person or entity to someone ele. Anyone using this document should rely on hit or her own independent Judgment ora appropriate, seek the adsice of «competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable carein any given circumstances, “The NFPA his no power, nor does it undertake, to police or enforce compliance with the content of NFPA Standards, Not docs the NFPA ls, certify, text, or inspect products, designs, or installations for compliance with this document Any cerca or other statement of compliance wit the requivements of this document shall ‘nat be atte tothe NFPA and is solely the responsibilty ofthe cerder of maker ofthe statement. REVISION SYMBOLS IDENTIFYING CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION “Text revisions are shaded, A A before a section mumberinleates that words within that setion were deleted and a tothe left of table or figure number indicates a revision to an existing table or Figure When a chapter was heal revised the entire chapter is marked throughout with the & _mbol, Where one or more sections were deleted, a+ spaced between the remaining sections Chapters, annexes, sections, figures, and bles that are new are indicated with an W. [Note tat these indicators are a guide, Rearrangement of ections may not be caprured inthe markup hit wers can view complete reviion detain Une Fist and Second Drat Reports located in {he archived revision information section of each code at Any Subsequent ‘changes fom the NFPA Techaical Meeting, Tentative Interim Amendments, and Errata are also located there. REMINDER: UPDATING OF NFPA STANDARDS Users of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (NFPA Standards") should be aware that these documents maybe superseded at anytime by the mance ofa new edition may be “amended ith the isuanceof Tentative Interim Amendments (TIA) or be comtcted by Errata, Is intended that through regular revisions and amendment, patcipans in the NFPA standards development proces consider the dhem current and avaiable information on incident, materials, technolo, innovations and methods a these develop over time and tht NFPA Standard reflect this consideration. Therefore, any previous edition ofthis document no longer represents the current [NFPA Standard on the subject mater addressed, NFPA encourages the we ofthe mort current edian fof any NFPA Standard [ast may be amended by TIA(s or Errata} to take advantage of current texperienee and undersending, An official NFPA Staidard at any point in me consists of the curent ‘Ulin ofthe docuseng including ny sued TLAs and Levata then in cece ‘To determine whether an NFPA Standard has been amended through the imuance of TAS or corrected by Errata, vsk the "Codes & Standards” section at woe nip oe |SBN: 9761485850667 (Print ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA" STANDARDS Upaating of NFPA Standards ‘Users of NFPA cde, standards, recommended priciest gues (NFPA Standart) shoul be ware tha these documents nay be supersede at ny me bythe sane of nex edn, ay be atended wath the ance of ene ler Amendments (IAs), oe be corsets by Eat Is inended that through relat Fess see ‘arpa inthe NEPA andads development procex eomsderhethencurent an able nba on eden, {Baterals technology, novtons and tthe se hese develop net tne se tat NEPA Saad fee hs ‘omsidersion. Therefore any previoar edit ofthis docuent longer represents he carers NFPA Standard onthe Sehjeet ater adiened NFPA encourage the eo the Mo crete fay NFPA Sanda [a tiny be seed iy TIA() or Eat to ake advange of cuvent experience and undreand a oil NFPA Standards any pata Une conti of thecuren econ af the document including so taved TIA a rt thes ele ‘To determine whether an NEPA Sadar ha ben amended through the since of TA® or one by Ex, vi the ‘cade Sandan section a wap. [Interpretations of NFPA Standards A statement, writen or or hats not proces in accordance with Seton Bf the Regulations Governing the Development of NIPA Standard tall ot be emer the offal onion of NEPA or ol a Comets nd shall not be conlidred wo be or be red upon a, Formal Intrpreation “The NFPA does not ake an pos with espect tothe vai fay patent ight reference in related sor amet in ‘connection with an NEPA Stanvir. The ses of NFPA Standards ea th sole epoca for determing the aly of Syme patent rg ae well he Hit iningement of sch ght andthe NPA dla aly forthe ndingenent ‘any patent ening rom these of or felance on NEPA Standards [NFPA adheres the pole of the American National Sandards wre (ANSD regarding he incision of patents “American National Suntards (the ANSI Pent Poi), ana hereby gs the following noe pura 0 hat pli NOTICE: The we’ tendo scaled wo the possibilty tha compiznce with an NEPA Standard may requis we ofan Invention covered pte gis NFPA aks psn othe au any such patent ight or whether sac pent right conse or nl een patet clams under the ANSI Patent Pl in connecon wath the ANSI Patent Foti patent holier as feds watement of wilingnes grant ieee under these ight on reasoned ‘ondiciminatory ims and onditons to applians Sorin oobi such scenes, copie of ich Re sateen an be tained, on requ. tom NEPA Foraker inlormason contact the NFP at theses ie bon Law and Regulations ‘Users of NFPA Sandan should consult appleabe federal, tae and lela and regulations. NFPA does no. by the publication ots ces, andar recommended practices and guide, intend wo wge Seton that notin comple th Epplicce, and thene dacaments may not be cons dng, Copyrights [NFPA Standardsare copyrighted. They are made swale ora wie ait ofboth publican pre wes: These inside both ae ty reference in rand regulations and sei pra elbsyultion,sandardeaon, An the promaton oe races and methods By making these documents vil for ve and adap by pbc sure sa pate aca the [NFPA doesnot wae an ight in copigh to there documents, Use of NFA Sundards or egulatory prpores shouldbe secomplshed through adopion by eference The enn “adoption y reference” meus the clung af, eon, ae pang informanon ony. Any leone ons ad hanes desired by he adopting author shoul be noe sears nthe adopting orament. In onde a aie NFPA fatowing the wes made of ts documents opting sorter re quests en ot the NEPA (tenon Sees SndardsCounciin wring such wwe For techn stance and questo oneemsing adoption of NFPA Seanad For Further Information All quesions or other communications rang wo NFPA Standards and al request for information oa NFPA procedres governing ir coder and andar development proce including ifrmation othe procedures for requ Forma [iterpreaions, for roperng Tentative Inurim Amerviments a for proponng yen wo NFPA star dri regular fevson ees sbnld be sent o NEPA header, addrencd to the enon ofthe Secreta, Standards Coun NFPA Bauerymnnch Park, PO, Box 9101, Quin MA 028609101; mandy admin or For more information about NFPA vst the NFPA website ef rg AllNFP coer and standards can be ewe at ocean aeons ‘Copyright © 2025 Nona ire Protection Axacnton® Al Rights Reserved ‘NFPA 708 Electrical Safety inthe Workplace” 2024 aon “This edion of NAPA 7OE, Sonar fr ler! te Wop wa prepared bythe ‘Teche Comle o Fc Sfey in the Workplace ad ease by the Coven {Commie on National Fecel Code’ Iwas sued bythe Standards Cauca on Ape 29, 2028, ‘han eect dat of May 18, 309% and sperscdes ll pres eon, “This edition of FPA Twat approned aan American Navonsl Standard on May 15,208, Iebegame apparent hata need exited fora new standard lore co ull OSHA's response fat road el be fl constent nth the NEC Am ofr of sstance was ube {sy 107 to he Autre Seren of bor for OSHA. who responded as fallow "The concep procedures and scope of thee dc ith my sal for preparing te subject saat appear {have getter and an apparent need ext fr ti proposed consents document which (OSHA could consider for promulgation under the potions a econ (ofthe At. OSHA does Ive an itera in hs efor and believes the propoved standard woud sre 9 seal purpose” The ‘Stndards Coun af the National Fire Proton Awcaton announced the formal appt of 2 new lei standards development commie on january 070, The Commis 00 Elec) Sify Recuirementfor Employee Wordpace war formed sp siat OSHA in preparing an elect ‘Stay sunlard that wuld wine OSTA eed nd tn comping with te equines of Secon 6) ofthe Occupational Stet and Health Ae “The sandr wa van a contig of four major are: art Intalion Sey Requiemans: Pare Safety: elsed Work Prachees Put Safe Relate Maintenance Requlremsns and Part Safe quirement for Special Equine ach part war cco at being an nportancaspect of elec ey inte woripace, bu the pars were salient Independent each othe: to peemit the separate pubeation. The freon of NFPA 7OE Sant Bel Safty Rept fr Epler Wop, painted 170 ad inched ‘nly ar insaaon ae Resueoent “The second edition publ in 198] included Pre I, Sley-Relaed Work Paces tn 185, (he thd eon added Par, Safe elated aintnance Regement In 1986, the fourth ‘tion ws ped yh ony min evsone “The 1985 eon inched major revsons to Paro conform othe 1988 elton of the NEC ‘The concept aie of approsh and “cuabluhinen ofan a were insured in Par Ia 200, test eaidon inched an ups of Pareto the 100 NEC wel Pre NS Requirements or Spc Eurpment Parl continued ofr on eaehing Nae poteeson ‘oundaris and these of personal process equipmene (PPR) Chars were sided 9 Pa Ie natin agphing pprepinteproteine clot and PPE lor common ik The 204 edon preted ser silica changes. Thee vas changed i Sede fr ‘ra se Hest: Naor ng chased sale ork pcos ly aay of the document ere entancr Te cue wr tomated wo ccoghy sah he Nate erat Chae Speman prs vre eae chapeau he ly ‘ened wr peace sate te ont ct the Soca fled by stercated. tnalmenace eget ily equ foc tpl sun sed ferred ean tequrees The chp on eyed work pecs eee e phe ta ‘Silinrn ep iu septe okpcie A nei ecl wanprmiand 1 Sond for Hes Skene Wor, Pn Nao Fi Poe Anion eee nde of he Nan Fe Pron ‘cto, Quin nn, Cchaper 4, Speie Purpose Equipment and Insllaons, ws ype 0 corte with he 2002 ton ofthe NEG but ‘cquitemens sor dey Sociaed with employee sey wove noticed. The NEC intended appa 6 those who ‘Sg, instal and sospect cecal lstalons, NFPA TAs on She thera, steed foe uke by employes employes, seat Requirement were wpe hughou the 2009 eon. Chapter as delete case as dupa of NEC instastion recur Arle 890 war ad for RAD faites Ott changes inched sigan eon 0 Antex D, ‘Annex and nex} andthe adon af Annex M, Annex Nand Antes. “The 2012 ton continued wo eve to meet he elect fey need of employers and emplones New and revised seguements dese the electra hava eneoontere by mploees in caren workplaces, Expanded or cried ‘efulrerent neo of tral rater previa inetd sd femnaal requirements eae he ale [itallodon of Seer cquipmen were some oe mo eons Requirements eanering he separate Dut recreated Concept haan! Henan and ik acumen were reed to lary the concep A feito Annex proved ‘Rte cone age oft top ost er dr mplementng ete hard westtcadon and rk seamen ‘procedure: Annex Pon aligning NFPA SE iplementaton nth ocupaioal Behan Safety management andar as Sie Many changes occurred in Chapter 1, Asie 105, Applicaton of Safer Related Work Practices as added a5 were sequrcenir Sine we ot cole potest employees cisco wr mae it rhe 130 app ete ident {oer anairor te hase able wa wed determine we of PPE, Shorea current, a cearing tne, and are ‘at oundar Information vere ached ote barr tac category abet Another revo eluded changing Tame ‘ean (FR to"areated (ARY"for PPE ‘The 2015 efiton incorporated a major shitin how stakeholders elute elect sk Throughout te document, ange mere nade fo citys changing ha evapo ak ansmon Then lal changes provided conse) itencen NEPA 7oand oe sandards tht adres has and ik Other major fons need he allwang (1) An lea safety program mast comider condition of malntenance (2) Now requirement cared where normal operation of elec equipment permite. (8) Anew ask-hnsed able combined she prevoly septate cand de aes wed determine whe ac fash PPE is sequied (4) Equipment tables were added for determining the ac lash PPE exegory frac stem and for de sens ‘The 2018 ation adrewed sk suewment and node human factors spat of at assent Annex Q, Human Pesfornance and Workplce Electra Salen wae added to provide uiance in his area. NFPA 7OEexphe sated ha the ‘poonty must ete ination of te elec hazard The bls and tex hat peed PE standards were moved 10 [Rfornatonalotes Th change dence the employers exons fr trsfng tat appropiate PPE gen to employes. [Atle 1800 rearanged to prevent the eguirement for eatblshing an leery me wrk condition in alee application ane Avie onto wlegetreshols of 0 Vac and 100 Vet adress the unique stations for ‘eres and hater rooms. Arle 0 wa reed to ade eyed malntenanee sues aes han fue asclated Whine metic 390 induced an lect sft ator 4 pole author fang urn for oratories, Forte 20 elon, rte 110 a revised o ncorporae the general requltement for electrical safey related Work programs prices, and procedures own be article Arce St, Steele Reguzesena for Capac and Annex A loring ih Capactors, were added wo are specie eleereal fey quirements unique to capac Annex D. [ielden ny st Ar lish Boundary Calelaion Methods wa reed to teerence IEE 942019 +a method of Revision the 024 eton wer or aricaton, for way ano comply wih the Natonat Bla Ce Sl Manta ma LECTICALSMEIVINTHEWORRFACE 8 Eon Contents Chapter Steed York races omtetoert neways 105 ‘enon Wor ris ae Irma Anes in Anema Rk Gere fepinemenn Orci ‘noone Anes Sal Laoag son Eshgee cal SW oa oo e a Epc a Ee 76 eee mae nen Big ota Ho Sie gear acai Innate Anes eg Bt Wa Sebati oes Comt none eT ko Conoler Egupmen me Bice Heed = a HS Fanemiceon ben me Ine Anes pe pion of Sy Rasing enn mee ‘Scpmotiote Cita pane HE 8 a i ‘noone Anes Ling Pie HS Povaeticrc tea tgcipmcn. "38 (Sing an tol ye ag roe a Se RioalStkysnt Ree spac 36 nai ane aa ‘Chapter 8 Safety Requirements for Special Equipment {neon gupment ern mo ete creatine” mabe ano kop eer scot fe ae oie Cop cy Ove Reem. 70= 58 am Steyoiicacen iad rand Infrae ne Ain nemo of sn Sityl ie pace ness. Ye 30 ae Go eet Inna Arex amon Pima soo Speed tink Regen Rc orgs Be ten “ mo a1 CLL noe Ane Linn o Appa me Correlating Commitee on National Electrical Cade ye Cha ie Con ec te OM (0) ep adept Eel Comoe net Gli Ten En, MT) Puimer Hc Eee Ting ace M0 () opines Bote of ere Werke: ihr A Ha, The Dons Company ne DE TU) ep Ares Chem Canc ‘ean Hur Nines Deparment of abo Indy MN ie Dav emda AB nT 1M "ep Navond etal noes Asian Deri iim Minna era TATC NV (L) Th fms Ha “Teor Bow Bua Tkcom Cansing LLC, ME [UT] ‘aie wree Cal) ‘ona Gok Devery/mond Engng ALE) Tal roDant fan Rel Dei Cerf Er ne, TUT] ‘ito ope b Neda Wana fuk Teng Sees NYT] (hi to Chine Poe) Did ing indepen Hest Coser A IM “Ait ote She) 1% Herm re ero (6) "aactebeneH Kena “Tinety Pop Can Ss nC 5) Rodger Raimi Jono Conta VA MD ‘aa re uC 10) tire Serge NEPA Sal Linon sama Ser ei (8) ‘Roger Me, Pace Poe Sao LLC, CA epee ight Pwer Coup ER Robert, Ovbrne ULLLE NC (RTT tse: Poteet Teg Seve WA OT) “Tami Jae Sais 1a, Scale ec, PA ava Wilams De Cre Tove ME Per Str ot ar 8 Ao Tima Jes ch) ca ony a ste 3) pe Not UL MLE LT Ta toate Dan Poa atom, Dao 50) TalewoRcare A Hob) Newadng tad Was Libr Bere Compa. OK (0) ‘Member met) ‘se nent ce meni ie te Coit nate he an of on, eRe ee atpmriecam htc {he Amen oy dacuent developed by he omits on wich he member see ‘mun a yam fen aan ‘opus ean cxpaens eto ec aon mes LACTIC SAERVINTHEWORRFACE. Eon “Technical Committee on Electrical Safety in the Workplace ‘She Global Sto, TX [U1 op aioe cee Coase ‘ut Bort: NC Sten 6 Capon Rohe oman Ine I) ‘ee Fal Conti Ener enh Ue (0) sgt eae smoot petnunap sant este sow tee Sar Rec ean ee 4 hese iit cs tea tio! Spon st nest a ‘ Cate tea eh (RTL Rein}. ippert ston Coporan, PAM Tp. Neto Hectares ton et MeNai, Sela Natoma above, NMC] (hres Mir ihe Edo Sees TX (SE Dap Mel DEM Heal Const Sess nT () eee esr ere Ni Sk lie Cnn. 1M) Tome, Nervods Ca Corpora SE) Dei ra Corin 410), Janer Seep Crt ne TSE jon een heer mceancmacnat SEER Ener. ee een sep nt O40 se taraa separa oar tomen a sag on ma votes ete eared Pe eager odie peng nisi pa etc eee aaa Ma ne ot Comp (1 mn Newson ULE NC OT] ‘hie wi brary ‘ary. Pin US Deprent of nen TN (8) Te aby crs in Pili eile ne 2 (SE) (aie es Esc Zane Semon, Helix Bee A (1) iAietolamenees yer oy se Cp 18 pees W Sep Jey Grae TSE] “automa @ Sale) Greer} Stam, ABB nein roduc. TM) "Rie ke Lippe AC pron 8) Neorg De Rate io hy Sos CaaS ig a aga Ene Crd SE ey. Castine orp Can NFPA Sain ov Mil Constnt MD 0}, irons meno et ine oie la fa of a ee ee arte te section LECMUOW SET BVT WORE ms m6 ELECTRICAL SAFETY DV THE WORKPLACE Tieden or fy dat Scopes yh omnes hh he ember ee oti eral che Ts Cotes hale pr ito, bt se ARTICLE 90 — INTRODUCTION NFPA 708 Electrical Safety in the Workplace IMPORTUE NOTE: Ts NFPA dace! i made cull for (in diner appr al pubs cnening is done in ay be fod under the heading “Tarot Notes Dace "NEPA Deeement” Thy can ly be sie ‘tener ners odo os from NFP LUPDATES, ALERTS, AND FUTURE EDITIONS New eto of [NFPA ode standards, rsd prc and is (ey [NFPA Stan) versed om scheduled ron je. hit ‘dion may repre by Tern or maybe ade ‘Se of shod eso je hgh ne of Tx ‘eI endnote NEPA Serdar a ‘unin fin enh cao stn of he donne ogee ‘Sih al Tks nd ca fer To if a hs dace the “ervent ition a dre has Bon amended by TI ‘Frum, lw cal the Nain Fire Code™ Sern Sie rte sof NEPA Cas Standard a weasfpo-orgdeinf ‘radon 8 Trend Brae, te dosnt formation aes a dnd option tino or rt or initundacomert ond (Seed mi dlp of mt ton ‘A rfeence in traces [ } fllowing aston or paragraph indicates tater hat bar Been extracted ro another NEPA tlocament Esta sexe may be edited for consiency and fle and may inch the econ of eral pararap ee ‘hecs and other erences appropri, Requer a ner [premons or sevdon of extract text sal be Sen 10 he [Shh commie sponse forte source document Information on referenced and exacted pabliaons ean be found informative Annex ARTICLE 90 Introduction [N90 Scope. This ance covers the we ngencnt of hie sanar ‘02 Purpose, The purpose ofthis standard co provide a ‘aie working area for employer else the [Rosas ang rom the ue of lect ‘0:5 Workplaces Covered and Not Covered (Covered, This sna addres elec Sateyrelted wos picices sfeyested maintenance Foqurcments anf oer adminisntveconol for employee ‘Seip ina neces forte pata ean of nla during acini such ihe Inalnton, remora, Iipeton operaton, sintenance, and demolson of ecte ondtrs, Sect cuipment,nignling sed cmmancauons nda’ and eqlpment and few Thi standard so ppliation, and Sine ek =Retes, Text deleon an ire able resins Inches safe wrk practi for employees performing other Work acuvies that cn expore them to elect arn Vets ae work practices fr the flloninge (0) osallaon of conductor al equipment hat connect 0 theruppy of elecwity (2) satllone ute by the else wi, ach a8 office Tmidingswarehoues, rages machine shops, and ‘crestal baling that are nota ineral Part oa eneaing plant subeaion, or cn enter Iefomaool Note: Thi anda ores feof workers eerie ea ‘sin qulpnne and pee wir penal exon Seal Sancti wand re en pied ‘Saher worker bone pete to al herr ‘onal ne eopiedp of te sponse, sete nentonl conac os end one bet ‘anette machines ooh an apanes 8) Modiplaces Not Covered. This standard does not cover ‘Sferested werk pac! for the ftlowing: (0) stains in ships, terra osher than Noting bul ing aay rling tock erator aomerie vehicles tier than mole homes and recreational weber (2), Inlaions of rave for enerson, vansformation, ‘Camm, or dstbon of power used excel for Sern hing ck ans we ei (going ned eommaniatons purpoes (3) maloons of communications equipment under the sche consol of communications wales, lected Suudoos or in ling space ed excuse fr such Invasone (4) Inallgons under the excave contol of an let tly wee sth nals 1 Const ence drops or service lateral, and soc Sed metering oF by. Are lmnted i ely exablhed earemensso igh ‘thay aesgmted by or recognized by pte sence ‘Smuninon, ul cominaone or other regeltory ‘Sgences hing jacedon for seh asaltns of cc Neon propery owed ort bythe elect ity in pc comin ming, ner thom af crc nergy ot 4, Are located by oer wien agreements cher dei ‘ate yor recone by pubic sence commision, {lp ommisions, or oter regulatory agences avg retin for such ssullatons, These wee ten agement shale Unt olson fo he [onto sassiormton,tasamtnion, or asebuton ‘Select nen wher egal enabled exerts Sr ghteobasy cannot be obained These tall ol be edo de an Nae re fan reerations tough tne US. Department of he {ner Breau ond Aare tary base, ans onto by port stories and ae agencies abd ‘Eparnent tnd lands owned by raifouds 0 Stands Arrangement. This stand ied int te Mevofucnon and three chapicrashown in Figure. 904 {Ghapes I sppiesgeseralh, Chaper 2 nddremes sleet funttenanctregufementy and Chaper 8 supplement oF Iodine Chapes I with sey requzemens fr spetal eqlp- = Secon eo = New ater 07 sas ARTICLE 99—tNTRODUCTION formative ances are not part ofthe requ ofthis standard but sre sted for formatonal purpose oly 95 Mandatory Rales, Perminive Rules, and Rxplnaory Matera (Wy Mandatory Rules. Mandatory rules of this wandard are Those hat identy actons ha are specicly required or [roiled ad are charateaed by the use af the terms sal (8) Permiive Res. Perisive rules of this standard ate (howe hae deny cons tht are allowed Bt no equi, ‘i lea a rwcucton |} Sant nae Gheoirs els rey sects guetrraea | Soyo woos } heper } Aswan sated | swinruona || Minna eta [orn enue haps fey iecureners || eames archer} Sea Eno tntrmauve amon || Stones? } Inhomatinal mars ny FIGURE 994 Sundar Arangement, mes are normaly seo describe options or skeratve method, 2nd are charac by he ef he term thal eri ‘esha te (© Explanatory Material. Espnstiry meri ch refer. ces bother andar, references to elated acto of this Standard, or iformaton related tou in ths standards Incded ints standard in he frm of inoiatona tesa Informative abies. Such now and aiexet re nome ‘onal nly and are not enforceable ae requirement ths andar Unless he standard erence ges date the ‘cfowac no he core the et edo oes Braces containing section references to another NEPA document ate for inlraatons purpores ony and are pvt fea asa guide to indiate the sure of the exacted text “Thee bracketed elerencs lawned fellow the ext anda flow guidelines exis by NFPA an ae te en owe op man (©) Informative Ames, Noamandatory information reste {5 mee ofthis andar provied in lformne nanenes Informative annexes aze ot par ofthe fequrenes ot Standard, but are incladed for information proses on 96 Forma “To promote uniformity of nee pretdon and applaiton of the provsons ofthis sandard, Formal inerpretiton procedures ave been eaiied ae found inthe Regulaions Governing the Development of ‘tra Sandarde Sha Revonk, = Texto ad figure/ bless. + Secon leon B= New mater ARTICLE 100 — DEFINITIONS Chapter 1 Safety-Related Work Practices ARTICLE 100 Definitions Seam. Tis aici ony hte don ena to theproperaplnation of this standard Ie rao intended to Incite conhenydefinet gene tems or commonly ‘fine tech tems from reed codes and vandatds At Sle number ie folinsing the debi lod ‘Ets tare dethion only apliae otha Accrable (at spled to equipment). Admiting lose Spprosehy not ded by locked doors elevation, or her ‘Revie mean 70100] Approved ceptable tothe authority hvng json ‘Are Rath Sui. complet arerated clothing and equipment {Puen hat coves the endre body excep forthe and and iter MishaS bree Sak ‘Are Reg. The valve ausboted to materials that devrbes their perfermanc: to expose oan cecal are dacharge {The ae rating expressed in cal/cm and dered fom he

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