Pugh 1981 Book Review Williams Obstetrics

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Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 74 October 1981 783

warriors and travelling mountebanks. These and and 'lymphomicrotoxicity' tests which may aid
many others are surveyed in this first HLA-typing and prove useful in tissue trans-
comprehensive history of dentistry in English plantation. Also described are developments in the
since Guerini's volume - which, astonishingly, was use of immunoassay for the quantitation of the
published as long ago as 1909. They are skilfully biologically active peptides of complement and the
delineated against the general social and medical advancement of general understanding of the
background of each period starting in Ancient pathways of complement ·activation. This is a
Egypt and Mesopotamia, and progressing useful, up-to-date review and reference text.
through India, China, pre-Columbian America, G R DORAN
Greece, Rome to early Islam. The central section Senior Lecturer in Chemical Pathology
of the book is devoted to the evolution of Charing Cross Hospital. London
European dentistry from the lith to the 18th
century. The story is then brought up to the
present day by abandoning strict chronology Disease of the Liver and Biliary System
and examining in turn specific themes such as 6th edn S Sherlock pp 537 £24
prosthetics, conservation, surgery and Oxford: Blackwell Scientific 1981
orthodontics. Before the rise of scientific dentistry The sixth edition of this well established textbook
in the 19th century our' kaleidoscopic view reveals has appeared after an interval of six years. There
much that was irrational - such as the use of tree are new chapters on hepatobiliary scanning and
frog fat, urine gargles and salves of white dog cholangiography. The chapter on virus hepatitis
manure, or gruesome - such as the fashion for has been completely rewritten and includes the
implanting teeth from corpses. work on hepatitis B vaccines published in the New
This profusely illustrated and fascinating book England Journal of Medicine in 1980. Other
is likely to remain the leading authority for many chapters have been revised to incorporate the new
years to come. Despite its very high price it should concepts of cholestasis, primary biliary cirrhosis
find a place in every medical and dental library. and sclerosing cholangitis. Advances in
SYDNEY SELWYN chemotherapy and the use of drugs which alter
Editorial Representative immunological processes form the basis of much
Section of the History of Medicine other revision.
Like the first edition, this edition remains an
Immunoassays: CUnical Laboratory Techniques invaluable work of reference as well as a compact
for the 19805 (Laboratory and Research guide to the vigour and freshness of Dame Sheila's
Methods in Biology and Medicine, vol 4 views and practice.
R M Nakamura et al. (ed) pp 464 VICTOR BLOOM
US$58 New York: Alan R Liss 1980 Editor
This book is a summary of the proceedings of the
'Second Annual Conference on Immunoassays in WilUams Obstetrics. 16th edn
the Clinical Laboratory' held in San Diego, J A Pritchard & P C MacDonald pp 1179
California in February 1980. Despite the large £31.55 Hemel Hempstead: Prentice/Hall 1980
number' of contributors (over 50) the editors have The sixteenth edition of 'Williams Obstetrics'
succeeded in producing a publication, diverse in maintains the reputation of this book. It is more a
topic, yet where the format of the individual book of reference but it has the valuable quality of
chapters is commendably consistent in style. The being a readable source of information.
text includes reviews of different modes and Naturally the content has a distinctly North
applications of immunoassay techniques as well as American flavour. The management of eclampsia
specific detailed methods. The spectrum of based on sedation with magnesium sulphate
techniques covered is very wide, including the now almost to the exclusion of the other regimes would
well established radioimmunoassay, fluorescence surprise British obstetricians. The achievements of
immunoassay, enzyme immunoassay, a maternal mortality of9.9: 100000 demonstrates
chemiluminescence and electron-spin resonance an enviably high level of care.
assays. While the applications of these various The authors in their very comprehensive reviews
procedures are equally diverse, including the assay quote very recent work - many from journals
of drugs, specific proteins and hormones, the published in 1980, and they pay ready tribute to
majority of topics will be of interest to the ideas and methods from outside America.
serologist and immunologist. Of particular This book will prove most useful to the
interest are the chapters devoted to 'cellular postgraduate because of the wealth of detail. It
immunoassay' whereby the functional efficiencyof provides valuable reviews of obstetric and related
the various lymphocyte classes can be assessed, medical problems in which the practical
784 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 74 October 1981

descriptions are sound. Operative obstetrics Care of the Burn-Injured Patient

together with surgical technique receives detailed Mary M Wagner (ed) pp 310 £11.95
attention. Again the measures described do not London: Croom Helm 1981
always coincide with UK practice, but the This American book emphasizes the fact that an
instructions given are sound and in sufficient extensively burned patient requires the services of
detail to be of practical assistance to the obstetric several specialists. These include surgeons,
surgeon in training. specialist nurses, physiotherapists, occupational
The book will be helpful both in preparation for therapists, physicians, psychologists, etc.
a higher degree and to specialists seeking an up-to- There are 28 contributors, each of whom deals
date review of all the topics in this branch of with different aspects of burn treatment, and the
medicine. The price is its greatest disadvantage. A book includes a large section on nursing as well as
comparable British text (Ian Donald's Practical medical and surgical chapters. As with most books
Obstetric Problems) is half the cost. Nevertheless, with a large number of contributors there tends to
this book can be recommended. be repetition in some of the chapters, but this does
MICHAEL PUGH not detract from the interest. The editor states that
Consultant Gynaecologist the text is an attempt to represent some of the
The Hospital/or Women, Soho Square. London aspects of a multidisciplinary involvement in burn
care and to serve as a guide for learners in this field
Maternal Nutrition in Pregnancy - Eating of practice.
for Two? J Dobbing (ed) pp 198 The book should be useful for persons
£13.80 London: Academic Press 1981 interested in the treatment of burns including,
A mouse's pup gains weight in utero at a rate particularly, junior doctors in training as well as
equivalent to 2% of its mother's weight per day; specialist burn nurses, nursing officers and
the equivalent figure for the offspring of the blue physiotherapists. No attempt is made to give
whale (weighing in at 2000 kg) is 0.0007%, and for details of the secondary reconstruction or plastic
the human infant, 0.02%. Faced with the surgery repair procedures and attention is
enormous variation of fetal growth rate in the confined mainly to the acute stages of treatment.
mammalian kingdom it is hard to believe that The text appears to be written primarily for a
maternal nutrition does not playa major part in North American audience so that certain minor
its control. Yet the influence of nutrition on aspects of treatment differ from practice in the
human fetal growth has proved elusive to those UK. It contains a great deal of useful and
who have tried to investigate and quantify it. This interesting information.
small book is the proceedings of a workshop on J S CASON
maternal nutrition in pregnancy held in France in Consultant Surgeon, Burns Unit
1980. The unusual feature of the conference is that Birmingham Accident Hospital
each of the seven main contributing authors Rapid Maxillary Expansions. D J Timms
prepared and precirculated a paper, which was pp \40 US$42 Chicago: Quintessence \98\
then criticized and discussed by the other The profession has long been waiting for some
participants, all internationally known, before positive conclusions about rapid maxillary
final revision for publication. Each paper is expansion which has perhaps been considered one
followed by a selection of considered comments, of the grey areas of orthodontic knowledge.
and the result is a fascinating record of debate and Mr Timms has been the principal exponent of
uncertainty, revealing the extent of current this technique for many years and, now that he has
knowledge in the field with a fund of useful data had the opportunity to assess his treatment results
and the best set of references available, while at over a period of time and quell the doubts aroused
the same time making no bones about the extent over the stability of rapid maxillary expansion, his
of our ignorance. experience assumes immense value. There is no
The principal authors are A Lechtig, R L doubt that this technique has a very positive place
Naeye, D J Naismith, M Ounsted, E Papiernik, L in orthodontic treatment. This acceptance is due
Papoz and E M Widdowson. The editing is in no small way to Mr Timms' enthusiasm over
admirable, except that the expressed criticism, the years. This very readable book has been
which is refreshingly uninhibited, is never followed produced by Quintessence to a very high standard.
by comment from the authors. Nevertheless, it is Last but by no means least, the bibliography is
this criticism which makes this contribution such a very widely spread and adds to the value of a well-
valuable record. balanced book.
Reader in Paediatrics Consultant Orthodontist
St George's Hospital. London London W1

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