8 - A Health Problem

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A health problem – 8

Describe a health problem you once had (or you can talk about someone else's problem)

You should mention:

the nature of the health problem and symptoms
why the problem occurred and what the doctor prescribed
what you or the other person could not do because of the problem
and what you or the other person had to do to get better

A health problem that I want to talk about is appendicitis. It goes back to 5 years ago, when I
suffered from appendicitis. When I surfed on the internet about it, I found the appendix as a
useless organ near our bowel. At that time I had nausea, malaise and a severe pain in my
stomach. So, I visited a surgeon, and he told me that the reason of this problem is not fully
understood and prescribed some medications for me that unfortunately they were not
effective. As it was a killing pain, I could not do anything even my personal activities.
Finally, a surgery was elected for me, after it I was kept to hospital for 3 days, and after that I
.was discharged in good and healthy condition

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