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he great

ou are entering an empire ruled by the mighty Sapa Inca, child of
the Sun, master of 10 million souls and vanquisher of any foolish
enough to resist him. The word of our glorious ruler is law, his
temples and palaces sacred. Go forth with his blessing, explore
his lands and walk among his people. Prepare to learn the history
of the Inca, from the birth of Manco Capac, founder of civilisation
and favourite of Viracocha, the great creator, to the Earthshaker,
conqueror of the jungle. Wander the stronghold of Machu Picchu,
marvel at the might of our army and learn the history of our tongue.
When the Moon emerges and you seek rest after long days travelling
on our famous roads, feast on the foods of the Inca and witness our
ceremonies. And when your journey is at an end, do not forget what
befell the Inca at the hands of the invaders from across the endless
ocean, nor the legacy they left behind. Safe travels wanderer, and may
the gods guide you.


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