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qhsedocsSaturday, January 22, 2022HSE TRAININGS0 Comments

To download quality health safety and environmental free and editable documents,
QHSE DOCS is providing its visitors with a totally free download option. In QHSE DOCS,
visitors have a great option for the HSE content such as health and safety risk
assessments, method statements, she plans, technical guidelines, health and safety
posters and signs training Ppt's, and forms.

Contents of the training slides shall include the following

main points:
1. Emergency Arrangements and Emergency Response
2. Significance of Health and Safety
3. Organization's HSE Policy
4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work
5. Working at Height and Ladder Safety
6. Excavation Work
7. Fork Lift Safety
8. Workplace transport safety
9. Electrical Safety
10. Environment Protection
11. Hazardous Materials
12. Conclusion

1-Significance of Health and Safety

1. Every 15 seconds, 160 workers have work-related fatal or minor
2. Every day, 6300 people die due to occupational accidents million
deaths per year
3. 337 million accidents annually
4. Costs are estimated at 4 per cent of global GNP each year /
US$1,251,353 million
5. The fatality rate in developed countries averages 5.3 deaths per
million people
6. In the Middle East, the rate is 22.5 per million
7. One of the highest in the world

2-Group HSE Policy

1. Identify and manage all risks related to operations
2. Meet all legal requirements, customer needs and industry best
3. Co-operate with authorities and all interested parties
4. Conduct operations in an environmentally responsible manner
5. Provide all necessary safety equipment and personal protective
6. Provide necessary Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE)
Management training to ensure excellent HSE performance of our
3-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
1. Use the Personal Protective Equipment provided to perform the work
2. Check the PPE before use to make sure it is in good condition and fit
for the purpose
3. Maintain and store the PPE properly after use
4. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to use it safely.
5. If in doubt, seek further advice from Supervisor
6. Mandatory PPEs required for Factory and Site:
7. Safety Helmet (Mandatory for the site)
8. Company Overall
9. Safety Boots
10. Examples of Task-specific PPE’s:
11. Safety Goggles
12. Mask
13. Gloves
14. Safety Harness
4-Working at Height
1. Examples of Hazards while working at height:
2. Holes or openings in the Floors
3. Gaps on Working Platforms
4. Shafts and Stairwells not Adequately Covered or Barricaded or
Fenced Off
5. Damaged ladder used for working at height

5-Control Measures
1. Use appropriate equipment or safety devices provided for work at
height by the company following any training or instruction received.
2. Do not perform any work near unprotected edges at height without
the required safety measures. Report any hazardous condition if found
immediately to the Supervisor or Line manager.
3. Scaffolding must be inspected and should have Scaffold-tag. Never
use incomplete scaffolding
4. Safety harness must be used always wherever required and while
working at height near unprotected edges
5. Holes and openings on floors should be protected with clearly
marked and fixed covers to prevent falls
6. Follow the safety signage and safety instructions posted at the
workplace and follow the safety instructions given by the Supervisor
or line Manager
6-Ladder Safety
1. Check the ladder before use and ensure it is free of damage.
2. Do not use a damaged ladder
3. Make sure it is long enough or high enough for the task.
4. Do not overreach
5. Select a ladder that will extend at least 1 meter above the access area
6. Place the ladder on a firm base and follow the 1 in 4 rules (i.e., 1 unit
out for every 4 units up)
7. Secure (nail or lash) the ladder to avoid movement of the ladder while
8. Always have a firm grip on the ladder and keep a good balance.
9. Always maintain and follow 3-point contact with all types of ladders
7-Environmental Protection
1. Wastes generated from operations must be segregated and disposed
of as per local regulations (Hazardous and General Waste)
2. Extra care must be taken in filling diesel to vehicles and equipment to
avoid spillage
3. Littering must be avoided, and wastes must be disposed of only in
the designated bins
4. Drip Trays provided must be used where required to avoid spillages
5. Preventive measures should be taken to avoid the leaking, colliding,
dragging and dumping of hazardous materials during transporting,
loading and unloading
6. Reduce, re-use, recycle – caring for the environment is in everyone’s
interest (e.g., switch off lights, do not print, turn off engine etc.)
8-Electrical Safety

1. Exercise caution while working with electrical equipment to prevent

electrical shock
2. Never repair electrical tools and equipment if you are not competent
to do that
3. Perform pre-use check of electrical tools to ensure it is free of
damages. Check the equipment including cables for any damage. In
case you find any equipment damaged, report to your supervisor and
do not use any damaged equipment
4. Keep trailing cables off the ground and away from water
5. Never overload electrical sockets or make octopus connections.
6. Do not use metal ladders for or near electrical work
7. Ensure sufficient access and working space around all electrical
8. Ensure adequate illumination for all working spaces around electric
9-Handling Hazardous Materials

1. Hazardous substance includes materials that are corrosive,

flammable, explosive, poisonous and contain oxidizers
2. Refer to MSDS of the material before using. Understand the safety
measures to be followed while handling and using the material. Ask
your supervisor for clarification if you need to
3. Dusty or fume-laden air can cause lung diseases. Use the appropriate
PPE while handling the hazardous substance. Make sure that PPE is
regularly checked and replaced if necessary
4. Make full use of any local exhaust ventilation provided to remove
vapours from the work area
5. Prevent unnecessary evaporation of solvents by using the minimum
amount for the job, keeping lids on containers and using sealed
containers for solvent-contaminated waste
6. Do not leave solvent contaminated rags lying around. Dispose of
them in closed containers
1. Take care of your health and safety and others who may be affected
by you
2. Co-operate with the employer and follow training instructions and
safe working procedures
3. Use any Personal Protective Equipment provided
4. Do not tamper with anything provided in the interests of health,
safety, environment or welfare
5. Follow Labour Laws - (article 140) terminated under “safety violation”
6. Be responsible for visitors’ safety
7. Reduce, re-use, recycle – caring for the environment is in everyone’s
interest (e.g. switch off lights, do not print, turn off engine etc.)

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