CTEVT Entrance Exam PAST Question Papers With Solutions 2074 Scholarship

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CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

CTEVT 2074 (Scholarship)

Time : 2 hours 15 minute Full marks : 60

1. There…………… a problem.
a. arise b. arised
c. arising d. arises
2. Everything ………. Ready for the party.
a. was b. were
c. are d. have
3. The interrogative of „ somebody broke the bench‟ is ………… the bench ?
a. did some body broke b. did no body break
c. did anybody break d. do somebody break
4. The statement of this question „ was Shyam in the car ? is ……..
a. Shyam is in the car
b. Shyam would be in the car
c. Shyam was in the car
d. Shyam were in the car
5. You will join us, …………
a. Wont you b. will you
c. are you d. shall you
6. It smells tasty , …………. ?
a. will it b. wont it
c. doesn’t it d. does it
7. He is a fan of Shahrukh Khan, ………….?
a. is he b. am he
c. are he d. isn’t he
8. Sri lanka is …………. Island .
a. a b. an
c. the d. nothing
9. Miss rai teaches us …………..Tuesday to Thursday.
a. at b. since
c. on d. from
10. He is accused …………. Theft .
a. in b. of
c. to d. from

11. If Mira …… the exam, she will not come to school .

a. fails b. failed
c. fail d. has failed
12. Shibani said that she ………. Pokhara.
a. Has visited b. had visited
c. was visited d. has been visited
13. If I were a bird, I ……fly in the sky.
a. will b. would
c. would have d. could have
14. My friend …………. Is a singer, came to dharan.
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
a. whom b. who
c. that d. where
15. That‟s the house ……. I was born.
a. whom b. which
c. that d. where
16. We made the gardener ………. out the grass.
a. to cutting b. to cut
c. cut d. cutting
17. They looked at ………in the mirror.
a. theirself b. themeself
c. ourself d. themselves
18. She asked me ,” Can I borrow your bike” ?
a. She said that she wanted my bike.
b. She wondered if she could
borrow my bike.
c. she told if she could steal my bike
d. She asked me my bike
19. The synonym of rich is ………….
a. poor b. handsome
c. wealthy d. healthy
20. The antonym of ancient is ……………..
a. modern b. old
c. era d. age
21. The speed of light in vaccum is ….- z'Gotfdf k|sfzsf] ult ============<+
a. 3×108m/s2 b. 3×108m/s
c. 3×10 m/s d. 3.8×10-4m/s
22. “ Liquid exerts pressure on all sides”. This law is called. – t/n kbfy{sf] rfk rf/}l/t k}mlnG5 “ . of] s'g lgod xf] < _
a. Ohm’s law b. Law of flotation
c. Pascal’s law d. Mendel’s law

23. All what temperature the water has highest density. – slt tfkqmddf kflgsf] 3gTj clws x'G5 _
a. 0oC b. 1oC
c. -1oC d. 4oC
24. Which device converts mechanical energy to electrical energy ?
- s'g pks/0f n] oflGqs zlQmnfO{ law'lto zlQmdf ?kfGt/0f ub{5 <_
a. Dynamo b. Electical motor
c. Transformer d. Galvanometer
25. A resistance of 18 is connected to a battery of 9 volt. What is the current in the circuit ? Pp6f !* 
sf] cj/f]ws tf/nfO{ ( V sf] Aof6«Ldf hf]8\bf slt s/]G6 axG5 <
a. 0.05A b. 5A
c. 5.0A d. 0.50A
26. A person who used the glass of power +0.5D, Which defects he has suffering ? Pp6f +0.5D ;fdYo{ ePsf] r:df
k|of]u ub{5 eg] p;sf] ;d:of s] xf] <
a. Prosbyopia b. Myopia
c. Colorblindness d. Hypermetropia
27. Why diamond sparkles ? lx/f lsg rDsG5 <
a. due to refraction of light
b. due to total internal reflection
c. due to reflection of light
d. due to dispersion of light
28. How many electrons can be accommodated in second orbit of an atom ? k|df0f'sf] bf];|f] sIfdf slt cf]6f On]S6«f]gx?
/xg ;S5g _
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
a. 2 b. 6
c. 8 d. 10
29. What is the molecular formula of Ethane ? Oy]gsf] cf0fljs z'q s] xf] <
a. CH3 b. CH4
c. C2H6 d. C2H5
30. At what temperature does silver melts ? slt tfkqmddf l;Ne/ kunG5 <
a. 960oc b. 1955oc
c. 1083 c d. 660oc
31. Very active metals belong to ……….group of modern periodic table . slt ;lqmo eft' cfw'lgs k]l/of]l8s tflnsfsf]
============= u'|kdf kb{5 <
a. IA b. IIIA
c. VIIA d. IVA
32. What is the valency of calcium ? SoflN;odsf] ;Do'Hotf slt xf] <
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
33. Name the pigment which gives red colour to the blood . /utnfO{ /ftf] /ª lbg] lkud]G6 s'g xf] <
a. Melanin b. Haemogolobin
c. Cholorophy II d. Thrombin
34. Which bacteria is present in curd ? bxLdf s'g AofS6]l/of x'G5 <
a. Streptococci b. Streptobacillus
c. Lactobacillus d. Mycobacterium
35. Which plasma protein helps in clotting of blood ? s'g KnfHdf k|f]l6gn] /ut hDgnfO{ d2t ub{5 <
a. Fibrinogen b. Globulin
c. Albumin d. Globin
36. In which phylum Bat belongs to ? rd]/f] s'g kmfOnddf kb{5 <
a. Protozoa b. Mollusca
c. Mammals d. Porifera
37. In which stages silk worm feed on mulberry leaves ? s'g r/0fdf /]zdLls/fn] lsDa'sf] kft vfG5 <
a. Bombyx mori moth b. Larva
c. Cocoon d. Pupa
38. Which plannet is called living plannet ? s'g u|xnfO{ hLjLt u|x elgG5 <
a. Mars b. Mercury
c. Earth d. Saturn
39. Which layer of atmosphere contain ozone layer ? jfo'd08nsf] s'g txdf cf]hf]g tx x'G5 <
a. Troposphere b. Startosphere
c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere
40. Which is the first artificial satellite launched in space ? klxnf] s[lqd pku|x s'g xf] <
a. Sputnic b. Appollo-II
c. Moon d. Titan
41. Runs scored by a cricketer 5 matches are 70,90,80,64, and 46. Find the average score . Pp6f ls|s]6/n] kf+rj6f
v]nx?df k|fKt u/]sf] /gsf] ;+Vofx? 70,90,80,64, / 46 lyof] eg] p;n] k|fKt u/]sf] cf};t c+s slt xf]nf<
a. 80 b. 90
c. 85 d. 70
42. What is the difference between compound interest and simple interest at 5 % per annum for 2 years on
Rs. 20000? ? @)))) sf] aflif{s %% sf b/n] @ jif{df x'g] rlqmo / ;fwf/0f Jofh sf] cGt/ slt x'G5 <
a. 250 b. 230
c. 80 d. 50
43. A and B can do a piece of work in 10 and 15 days respectively . In how many days will they complete work
together ? A / B nfO{ Pp6f sf d ug{ s|dz M 10 / 15 lbg nfu5\ olb b'a} ldnL sfd u¥of] eg] slt lbgdf ;f] sfd ;lsPnf <
a. 5 days b. 6 days
c. 25 days d. 15 days
44. What is the area of triangular field having sides 42m, 34m and 20m respectively ? 42 ld= 34 ld / 20 ld =
e'hfx? ePsf] Pp6f lqe'hfsf/ d}bfgsf] If]qkmn slt xf]nf <
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
a. 336m2 b. 300m2
c. 363m d. 636m2
45. Find the curved surface area of the given figure . lbOPsf] lrqaf6 as| ;txsf] If]qkmn lgsfNg'xf];\<
a. 600cm2 b. 550cm2
c. 54cm2 d. 500cm2

46. Find the value of + ? + sf] dfg lgsfn

a. a b. m
c. n d. 1
47. When a number increases by 10% it becomes 22, find the number. S'g} ;+VofnfO{ 10% n] a9fpbf 22 x'G5 eg] ;f]
;+Vof kQf nufpg'xf];\
a. 12 b. 20
c. 10 d. 18
48. In the given ∆ABC , ABC = 90o and ACB = 30o . If AB = 20m then what is the length of AC ? lbOPsf]
∆ABCdf , ABC = 90o / ACB = 30o5g\ . olb AB = 20m 5 eg] AC sf] nDafO{ slt x'G5 <

a. 20m b. 40m
c. 10cm d. 40√3 cm
49. In a continuous series, total marks obtained (fx) = 100+75x and f =20+15x, find the mean of the data .
olb Pp6f lg/Gt/ >]0fLdf hDdf k|fKtf+s (fx) = 100+75x and f = 20+15x eP dWos dfg kQf nufpg'xf]‟\ .
a. 5 b. 8
c. 10 d. 15
50. Find the probability of getting 3 on dice and head on the coin when a dice is rolled and a coin is tossed
simultaneously . Pp6f 8fO; / Pp6f l;SsfnfO{ Ps} k6s dfly pkmfbf{ 8fO;df 3 cfpg] / l;Ssfdf 6fpsf] kg{] ;DefJotf kQf nufpg'xf];
a. 1/6 b. ½
c. 2/3 d. 1/12
51. IF A = {1,4,9,16} and B = {2,3,4,7}, What will be the value of n(AB) ? olb A = {1,4,9,16} and B =
{2,3,4,7}, eP n(AB) sf] dfg slt xf]nf <
a. 1 b. 4
c. 7 d. 8
52. If the total surface area of a hemisphere is 243π2;]=dL= 5 cw{ uf]nfsf/ Aof;sf] nDafO{ slt xf]nf<
a. 7cm b. 9cm
c. 15cm d. 18cm
53. A fruit shopkeeper losses the selling price of 14 bananas by selling 36 bananas, what percent doses he have
losses ? Pp6f kmnk'mn k;n]nfO{ #^ s]/f a]Rbf !$ s]/fsf] laqmo d"No 3f6f eP5 eg] p;nfO{ slt k|ltzt 3f6f eP5 .
a. 10% b. 14%
c. 28% d. 40%
54. If the height of a tree is equal to the length of the shadow of the tree, what will be the altitude of the sun ?
olb Pp6f ?vsf] prfO{ ;f] 5fofsf] nDafO{l+u a/fa/ 5 ;'o{sf] prfO{ slt xf]nf<
a. 30o b. 45o
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
c. 60o d. 90o
55. At what rate percent compound interest is Rs.700 amount to Rs. 847 in 2 years. Slt k|lyzt rs|Lo Aofhb/n] @
jif{df ? &)) sf] ld>wg ? *$& x'G5 <
a. 8% b. 10%
c. 12% d. 15%
56. A fair dice is rolled twice . What is the probability of getting 5 in the first roll and 3 in the second roll?
Pp6f 8fO;nfO{ b'Ok6s pkmfbf{ klxnf] k6sdf % / bf];|f] k6sdf # cfpg] ;Defjgf slt x'G5 <
a. 1/3 b. 3/36
c. 2/9 d. 1/18
57. If 5 added to the square of a naturalnumber then the result is 41, what is the number? olb Pp6f k|fs[lts
;+Vofsf] au{df % hf]8\bf kl/0ffd $! X'G5 eg] ;f] ;+Vof s'g xf] <
a. ±5 b. ±6
c.-6 d. 6
58. If m = ( ) , what is the value of x ?
x-3 x-1

a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4
59. what is the area of circle in terms of its circumference ?
Pp6f a[tsf] If]qkmn kl/lwsf] ?kdf klt x'G5 <

a. c2/4π b.
c. . c /2π d. c/4π
60. A and B are sub-sets of a universal set “U” in which n(U) = 70, n(A) = 40, n(B)= 20 and n( = 15 , what
will be the value of n (AB) = ? A / B ;j{ Aofks ;d'x “” sf pk;d'xx? X'g\ h;df n(U) = 70, n(A) = 40, n(B)= 20
and n( = 155g eg] n (AB)sf] dfg slt xf]nf <
a. 5 b. 10
c. 15 d. 20
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

CTEVT 2074 Scholarship Hints and Solution

1. (d)
The subject ‘a problem’ is singular
2. (a)
Everything is singular
3. (c)
did anybody break
Some body – any body
Something – anything
4. (c)
Shyam was in the car
5. (a)
won't you ?
6. (c).
doesn't it ?
7. (d).
Isn't he?
8. (b)
9. (d)
10. (b)
11. (a).
If sentence type I
12. (b)
had visited
Past tense is used
13. (b).
14. (b).
Person – who
Place – where
Thing – which /that
15. (d).
16. (c)
1. (d.)
2. (b)
she wondered if she could borrow my bike
3. (c).
Antonyms :
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
Rich = Poor
Handsome = ugly
Healthy = unhealthy.
4. (a).
Antonym of Ancient is modern
Synonym of Ancient is old.
5. (b).
The speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108m/s
6. (a)
Pascal's law
Ohm's law V = IR
Mendel's law  Law of Heridity
Father of Genetics. Mendel
Law of flotation:
Wt. of floating body is equal to the wt. of water displaced by it.
Archimedes‟ law:
Up thrust is equal to wt. of displaced fluid.
7. (d).
The water has highest density at 4°c and lowest volume at 4°c.

8. (a)
Dynamo  Converts Mechanical energy to electrical energy
Transformer  High voltage to low or vice-versa.
Electrical Motor  Electrical energy to Mechanical energy.
Galvanometer  used to detect the current flow.
25. (d)
0.50 A
Voltage = current × resistance
V = IR
or, 9 = I × 18
or, I = 18
or, I = 2
or, I = 0.5 A.
9. (d).
Myopia = If power is Negative.
Colorblindness  cannot detect the colour
10. (b).
Diamond spark due to total internal
reflection. Sky is blue due to dispersion of light.
11. (c).
AK + 0 2n2 rule or octate rule.
2nd orbit  2×22 2× 4 = 8 electrons.
12. (c)
C2 H6.
For – ane  CnH2n+2
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
Methane = CH4
Ethane = C2H6
Propane = C3H8
Butane = C4H10
 having single bond between two carbon atom i.e. – C – C –
For – ene  Cn H2n
Ethene  C2H4
Propene  C3H6
Butene  C4H8
 having two bond between two carbon atom i.e. – C = C
For – yne  CnH2n–2
Ethyne = C2H2
Propyne = C3H4
Butyne = C4H6
Having 3 bond between two carbon atoms.
(– C  C – )
Note: Methene + Methyne are doesn't exist.
30. (a).
 Melting point of silver is 960°C
 Boiling point of silver is 1955°C
 Melting point of copper = 1083°C
 Melting point of aluminum = 660°C
13. (a).
IA  Alkali metal
IIA Alkali earth metal
VIIA  Halogen group
VIII  Inert gases.
32. (b).
Elements Valency
Hydrogen 1
Oxygen / Calcium 2
Iodine / Fluorine / Chlorine 1
33. (b)
Hemoglobin  Red colour to the blood
Green colour chlorophyll
Black colour  Melanin.
34. (c)
35. (a)
36. (c)
Protozoa Paramecium, Amoeba, Euglena, Trypanosoma etc.
Mollusca  Snail, Slug, Octopus etc.
Porifera  Sycon , Sponge, Euspongia etc.
37. (c)
38. (c)
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
Mercury  Nearest planet
Mars  Red planet
Saturn  Ring planet
Venus  hottest and brightest
Jupiter  Largest planet
Neptune  Coldest Planet
39. (b).
40. (a).
 The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball (58 cm or 22.8 inches in diameter),
weighed only 83.6 kg or 183.9 pounds, and took about 98 minutes to orbit the earth on its elliptical path.
Note: Moon is the satellite of Earth.
Titan is the satellite of Saturn.
41. (d).
x 70 + 90 + 80 + 64 + 46
Mean = N = 5
= 70
42. (d). R = 9%
T = 2 years
P = Rs. 20,000
S.I. = 100
20000 × 2 × 5
= 100
= Rs. 2000

 R T
CI = P1 + 100 –1
 
 R T 
= 200001 + 100 –1
  
= Rs. 2050.
 CI – SI = 2050 – 2000
= Rs. 50
43. (b).
6 days
Here, In 10 days, A can do 1 work
or,In 1 days, A can do 10 work
or,In 15 days, B can do 1 work
or,In 1 days, B can do 15 work

Now, (A+B) can do ( ) work in 1 day

3 + 2
or,(A+B) can do  30  work in 1 day
 
or,(A + B) can do 6 work in 1 day
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
or, (A + B) can do 1 work in 6 days
 They do the work in 6 days.
44. (a).
336 m2.
Semi-perimeter of triangle (s) = 2
= 2
= 48
Area of triangle ()= s(s–a) (s–b) (s–c)
= 48(48–42) (48–34) (48–20)
= 48 × 6 × 14 × 28
= 112896
= 336 m2
CSA of a cone = πrl
or, r2 = 252 -242
or, r = √ 2 7
or, r = √4 = 7
CSA = πrl
= ×7×25 = 550
46. (d).
1 1
= 1 – am–n + 1 – an–m
1 1
= m +
a an
1 – an 1 – am
1 1
= an – am + am – an
an am
an am
= an – am + am – an
an am
= – (am – an) + am – an
an + am
= – am – an
am – an
= am – an
= 1.

47. (b). 20
Let the number be x
x + 100 × x = 22
or, 10x + x = 220
or, 11x = 220
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
∴x = 20
48. (b). 40 m A
ABC = 90° ?
ACB = 30° p h
BAC = ? 30°
Now, b
ABC + ACB + BAC = 180
or, 90° + 30 + BAC = 180
BAC = 180 – 120
= 60°
Here, AB = 20 M
AC = ?
sin = h = AC
20 m
or, sin 30° = AC
1 20 m
or, 2 = AC
∴ AC = 40 m.
49. (a). 5
fx = 100 + 75x
f = 20 + 15x
Mean =
100 + 75x
20 + 15x
5(20 + 15x)
= 20 + 15x
50. (d). 12
Probability of getting 3 on dice, P(3) = 6
Probability of getting head on coin, P(H) = 2
The probability of getting 3 on dice and head on the coin when a dice rolled and a coin is tossed simultaneously;
1 1
6 × 2
= 12
51. (c). 7
A = {1, 4, 9, 16}
B = {2, 3, 4, 7}
n(AB) = ?
Note: n(AB) = {1, 4, 9, 16}{2, 3, 4, 7}
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 16}
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
52. (c). 15 cm
T.S.A of Hemisphere = 243 2
3r2 = 2432
3r2 = 243
243 22
r2 = 3 × 7
r = 21
r = 254.57
r = 15.95 cm
Let the SP of a banana be x
Total SP = 36x
Loss = 14x
CP = SP + Loss
= 36x+14x = 50x
Loss % =
= 00
= 28%
54. (b)
Tan θ =
or,Tan θ =
or, Tanθ = x
or, Tan θ = Tan 4 o
∴θ = 45o x
55. (b). 10%
P = ?
T = 2 years
P = Rs. 700
A = Rs. 847
P = A–I
I = A–P
= 847 – 700
= Rs. 147
T = 100
I × 100
R = PT
147 × 100
= 700 × 2
= 14 = 10.5
56. (a)
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
In 1st time,
n(5) = 1
n(s) = 6
P(5) = n(s)
= 6
In 2nd time,
P(3) = 6
1 1
P(5 or 3) = 6+6
= 3
57. (b)
Let natural number be x
According to question;
x2 + 5 = 41
x2 = 41 – 5
x = 36
x = 6
58. (b)
 1  x–1
mx–3 =  
 1  x–1
or, = m
 
or, –x + 3 = x – 1
or, 3 + 1 = 2x
59. (a)
Area of circle = r2
Perimeter of circle (c) = 2r
r =
 c 2
Area of circle =  
×c 2
= =
42 4
60. (a)
n() = 70
n(A) = 40
n(B) = 20
n(AB) = 15
n(AB) = ?
CTEVT Entrance Exam Past Question Papers with Solutions in Help For SEE App.
n(AB) = n() – n(AB)
= 70 – 15
= 55
n(AB) = n(A) + n(B) – n(AB)
= 40 + 20 – 55
= 5

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