1997 Gully Erosion and Sediment

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ELSEVIER Catena 29 (1997) 161-176

Gully erosion and sediment transport in a small

subtropical catchment, South China
Peter D. diCenzo, Shiu-hung Luk
Department of Geography, Universi~ of Toronto, Erindale Campus, Mississauga, Ont. L5L 1C6. Canada


Discharge and sediment concentration were monitored at two dams, as well as gully erosion at
four locations during 1988-1989 in the Shenchong experimental basin (0.73 km 2) located in
subtropical Deqing County, Guangdong Province. The temporal pattern of sediment concentration
at the basin outlet is closely related to gully discharge and due to the proximity of the gully
sediment source to the gauging station, the hysteresis pattern at the lower dam is dominantly
clockwise. Discharge thresholds exist in the sediment concentration-discharge relationships at both
the upper and the lower dams. At the upper dam, they are related to the presence of local wetlands
which act as a buffer to sediment transport in the channel. At the lower dam, they result from
variable sources of sediment as well as early flow cessation in gullies. Computation of sediment
yield from gullies confirms that they accounted for over 85% of the sediment load that passed
through the lower dam.

Keywords: Gully erosion; Sediment transport; Dams; South China

1. Introduction

Much research on soil erosion has employed the relationship between sediment
concentration and streamflow to evaluate sediment transport and sediment sources of
small basins (Walling and Webb, 1982). Owing to variable sources of sediments, this
relationship frequently exhibits hysteresis effects. Where channel sediment sources
prevail (Bogen, 1980; Carson et al., 1973) higher sediment concentrations occur during
the rising streamflow stage, resulting in a clockwise hysteretic pattern in the bivariate
plot of sediment and discharge. Rapp et al. (1972) observed similar results in the
Morogoro River basin in Tanzania. In the Loess Region of North China, however,
Hamilton (1991) found that most events have a counterclockwise hysteresis loop due to
the substantial contribution of sediments from hillslopes in a small basin. All these

0341-8162/97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S034 1-8162(96)00053-7
162 P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176

studies considered the pattern of the hysteretic loops as a possible indicator of the
sediment source in the basin, but the actual causal relationships are difficult to define
because of the many factors involved, including storm characteristics, antecedent
moisture conditions, sediment availability and, above all, the presence of rich sediment
sources such as gullies.
Klein (1984) developed a simple conceptual model which showed that as major
sediment sources shift away from the gauging station, the observed hysteresis pattern
should change from clockwise to counterclockwise. This concept was enlarged upon by
DeBoer and Campbell (1989) who showed that in the Red Deer badlands, Alberta,
Canada, where tunnel erosion was a major source of sediment, rainfall amount and
antecedent moisture conditions controlled the type of hysteresis observed. Piest et al.
(1975) provided one of the few studies which considered the role of gullies in hysteresis.
They found that for valley bottom gullies in western Iowa, clockwise hysteresis occurred
due to the ready availability of loose debris from the gullies. However, little considera-
tion was given to how the gully source may relate to water and sediment discharge
patterns in the main channel.
In this study, discharge and sediment concentration at the outlet of a small basin were
monitored, as were the runoff and sediment contribution from the gullies. Thus,
inferences concerning sediment sources and sediment transport based on information
collected at the basin outlet can be compared with the measured gully contributions.
Specifically, the objectives of this study are: (1) to investigate the patterns of sediment
transport and sediment sources in the research basin by considering the sediment
concentration and discharge relationship; and (2) to assess the significance of gully
erosion as a contributor to basin sediment load by relating the basin response data to
information obtained from the gullies in the basin.

2. Study area and methods

Located in western Guangdong Province and on the northern shores of the Xijiang
River, Deqing County (23010 ' N, 111050 ' E) has a sub-tropical climate, with a mean
annual temperature of 21.5°C and an annual precipitation of 1520 mm. The physical
setting of Deqing County is presented by Luk et al., 1997a, (this issue) and will not be
repeated here. Severe erosion occurs in the granitic hills where tropical weathering has
produced a thick weathering mantle about 30 m deep. In this area, a range of erosional
processes is active, including sheet and rill erosion, but gully erosion predominates.
Slope disintegration features, locally known as benggang, are typical of the advanced
stage of gully development in this region (Fig. 1). These large scale gullies are
characterized by deep dissection (often exceeding 25 m), the presence of steep headwalls
and sidewalls, a gently sloping gully floor, and the accumulation of sediments on the
gully floor. Extensive colluvial fans are formed at the mouth of most gullies.
The Shenchong basin, a small experimental basin located in the western part of
Deqing county, was selected for detailed investigation. This basin has an elevation of 46
to 160 m, and a relative relief of 70 to 100 m. The valleys are wide and shallow, with a
P.D. diCenzo, S. -h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176 163

Fig. 1. A large gully dissecting the hillslope. This feature is locally called benggang (or slope disintegration)
typified by steep headwalls, gently sloping gully floor and sediment accumulation forming a colluvial fan at
the gully mouth.

gradient of 1/600. Much of the valley is buried by generations of colluvial fans and
virtually all the pre-existing farmland has been abandoned.
Two dams were constructed in the lower basin during April and May 1987. The
lower dam is located at the basin outlet and the upper dam about 230 m upstream (Fig.
2), controlling drainage areas of 0.73 k l n 2 and 0.58 km 2, respectively. V-notch weir
plates were initially installed at the dams but were removed on 24 May 1988 because
these plates caused ponding of water behind the upper dam, creating unnatural flow
164 P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176



• u~ i S
"l Y~


P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176 165

conditions. Since then, a continuous record of basin runoff was available at both dams
(Luk et al., 1997b, this issue).
Suspended sediment samples were taken from three vertical observation profiles
during each storm. Sampling frequency was 10 to 15 rain during the rising stage, and 20
to 40 min during flow recession, depending on the size of the storm and availability of
sampling bottles. When the stage was below 0.75 m, one sample was collected at 0.5H
(where H is stage height). When the stage was between 0.75 and 1.5 m, either the
two-point method with two samples taken at 0.2 H and 0.8 H, or the three-point method
with three samples taken at 0.2H, 0.6H and 0.8H, was used. In total, samples were
taken from 10 and 15 runoff events from 24 May to 31 August 1988 and from 1 April to
31 August 1989, respectively. All sample volumes were measured before they were
filtered, dried and weighed. Suspended sediment concentration was determined as:
SC= -- (1)

where S C is suspended sediment concentration (g l-I), SS is the weight of suspended

sediment, and V is the volume of the sample.
Suspended sediment concentration and discharge were monitored at Gully 9, located
between the two dams (Fig. 2). Measurements were made at a metal box flume
(200 X 37.5 X 33 cm) installed in a cement spillway which integrated runoff from the
entire gully system. Stage height was recorded manually at the flume at irregular time

Fig. 3. Tri-level flow divider installed at the mouth of Gully 11. The Tanks A, B and C of the divider are
described in the text,
166 P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176

intervals during the storms. The flume was not calibrated, but relative discharge
magnitudes can be inferred from stage heights. Suspended sediment concentration was
determined from water samples collected manually at the time when stage height was
In addition, total storm discharge and sediment yield from three gullies between the
two dams were monitored during 1988-1989, using tri-level flow dividers (Fig. 3).
These gullies (Nos. 4, 11 and 12) exhibited a range of vegetation cover conditions
characteristic of other gullies between the dams. After each storm, runoff volume was
determined in Tank C (the lower tank) and three sediment concentration samples were
collected to determine the total amount of sediment in this tank. As these are ten-part
flow dividers, the volume of water in Tank C represents 1 / 1 0 0 of the gully discharge.
Furthermore, because the pipes used to divide flow could not be fixed right at the base
of each tank, residual water and sediment collected in Tanks A and B (upper and middle
tanks) had to be added to the final estimated amount of water and sediment discharge.
Qs = lO0(CcWc) + 10SB + Sa (2)
where Qs is total sediment discharge, C c sediment concentration in Tank C, Wc volume
of water in Tank C, S B residual sediment in Tank B, and SA residual sediment in Tank
A. Similarly, total runoff (Qw) was determined by:
Ow = 100(Wc) + 10WB + WA (3)
where W8 and WA are the volumes of residual water in Tanks B and A, respectively.

a) b)
200- ,300 2OO 450
~ * 250 '00
/ \ 160

\, 1,o
.~ 12o


~," '~ 100




50 150

0 • • , - . . . . , - • 0 0 100
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 17 18 19 20

ct d)

[: %
-~00 .~ 4OO 300

160 16o
i' '~
: ,,. 30o

120 120
8O 150
,' 200
i *I
i •
r.,/3 150

0 100 04-- ! r,O

21 22 23 24 15.0 16.0 17.0
Time (11) Time (h)
Fig. 4. Stage height and sediment concentration at Gully 9 during four storms: (a) 21 July 1988; (b) 16 May
/989; (c) 29 May 1989; (d) 1 July 1989.
P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk/Catena 29 (1997) 161-176 167

3. Gully runoff and sediment yield

Due to limited resources, stage height and sediment data from only four storms were
collected at Gully 9 during the 1989 field season (Fig. 4). Data from the storms of 21
July 1988 and 29 May 1989 show that the peaks of sediment concentration and runoff
were more or less synchronous (Fig. 4a and c). On the other hand, data from May 16
and 1 July 1989 storms indicate that the sediment concentration peak lagged behind the
runoff peak by 5 to 20 min (Fig. 4b and d). This lag is contrary to what has been found
elsewhere in valley bottom gullies (Piest et al., 1975). It suggests limited entrainment
and transport of previously deposited sediments in the wide and shallow channels of the
gully floor, and fresh sediment from the footslope and headwall of the gully did not
arrive at the monitoring station until the runoff has peaked.
For Gullies 4, 11 and 12 where totalized runoff and sediment yield were measured,
the relation between storm rainfall and gully erosion is:
qs = c R d (4)
where q~ is sediment discharge per unit area of the gully, R is storm rainfall and c and
d are coefficients which vary depending on the gully (Fig. 5, Table 1).

4. Basin sediment transport

In view of the hysteretic relationship between sediment concentration and discharge,

separate sediment rating curves are often established for the rising and the falling limbs
of the hydrographs. This procedure was followed for the analysis of sediment data in the
present study. Thresholds in the sediment-concentration and discharge relationships were
developed through successive regressions using different thresholds until the r 2 values
were maximized.



~ o.1

-~ o.oi

10 100 100o

Rainfall (ram)
Fig. 5. Relation between storm rainfall gully runoff and gully erosion rate, 21 July 1988 to 15 April 1989. All
regressions are significant at the 0.05 level.
168 P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176

Table 1
Relationships between storm rainfall, gully discharge and sediment production
Gully number
Coefficients 4 11 12
a -7.4 -5.3 -4.4
b 0.84 0.53 0.58
c 0.005 0.0004 0.0004
d 2.375 1.781 2.081

Relationship between rainfall (P, in mm) and gully runoff (Q, in mm) is Q = a + bP.
Relationship between rainfall (P, in mm) and gully erosion (qs) is q, = cP d.

4.1. Upper dam

Below a threshold value of Q = 0.06 m 3 s - l , the rising limb of SC increases with Q

according to the relationship (Fig. 6):

SC = 15475Q z'521 (5)

with r 2 = 0.47 (significant at the 0.05 level). Above the threshold where Q > 0.06 m 3
s -1 , the rating curve levels off to a mean SC value of 12.45 g L -1 . On the other hand,
when Q is falling and Q > 0.08 m 3 s - 1, the SC-Q rating curve may be expressed by the
regression equation:

S C = 1 5 9 7 Q 2"198 (6)

with r 2 = 0.51 (significant at the 0.05 level). When Q fails below 0.08 m 3 s-~:

S C = 1 2 Q 0'272 (7)

with r 2 = 0.44 (significant at the 0.05 level).


o • •


0.01 = • • I RisingStage I
t~A •

[ Fani~ Stage
o.001 . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . .

o.ool 0.01 0.1 1 l0

D i s c h a r g e (m3/s)
Fig. 6. Sediment rating curve for the rising and falling stages based on 1988 and 1989 data from upper dam.
P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176 169

a) b)
~ 12- 12:0


~ 8
~ 6
O 8
Q') 4-

E 2- 4

r~ 0 • , .... . , . , . 0 . . . . , , , .
0.0 0.2 0.4 06 0,8 1.0 1.2 oo (~., 02 03 04

Discharge (m3/s) Discharge (m3/s)




r~ 0
• ~, . , . , . , .
0.00 002 0.04 0.06 0.08 0,10

Discharge (mVs)
Fig. 7. Sediment concentration hysteresis effects during three storms at the upper dam: (a) 29 July 1988; (b) 16
August 1 9 8 9 ; ( c ) 4 August 1988.

The above rating curves suggest a clockwise hysteretic loop between SC and Q (Fig.
7a and b). Such a loop was found in 85% of the storms monitored during 1988 and
1989. A loop of this shape implies the dominance of sediment sources in the valley as
opposed to sources on the hillslopes. During low intensity events, a slight counterclock-
wise hysteresis loop was observed (Fig. 7c). In this case, because of the low magnitude
of the event, the wetland above the dam was able to buffer the sediments from rapid
arrival at the dam.
4.2. Lower dam

At the lower dam, SC increases with Q on the rising limb of the hydrograph (Fig. 8)
but the large scatter in the data renders the relationship statistically insignificant. On the
recession limb of the hydrograph, SC also increases with discharge, but there is a
distinct break of slope in the rating curve at Q = 0.22 m 3 s - l , such that:
SC = 14.13Q °'453, for Q > 0.22m3s -1 (8)
with r 2 = 0.17 (not significant at the 0.05 level, significant at the 0.10 level) and
SC = 82.45Q 1'5°8, for Q < 0.22m3s -1 (9)
with r 2 = 0.63 (significant at the 0.05 level).
170 P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk/ Catena 29 (1997) 161-176

,.--, 100
% 69
o o oo ~



( ];..s {
• o []

• • ] Fallin8 Stage
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

Discharge (m3/s)
Fig. 8. Sedimentrating curvefor the rising and fallingstagesbasedon 1988and 1989data fromlowerdam.

The lack of significant SC-Q relations may relate to several factors. When Q is rising
at the lower dam (Fig. 8), it probably receives sediments from variable sources in the
channel and the gullies. The high input of sediment from the gullies raises the temporary
storage in the channels which enhances the flushing effect in subsequent storms. During
the falling stage, gully discharge typically ceases earlier (e.g. Fig. 11), and consequently
there is a more rapid reduction in sediment concentration with discharge, hence
producing the observed threshold discharge (0.22 m 3 s-1) for the sediment transport.

5. Sediment transport at the lower dam and at Gully 9

To investigate the contribution of gullies as a source of sediment, we relate the

temporal patterns of sediment transport at the lower dam to that at Gully 9. This
relationship is illustrated by four types of hydrologic responses. Examples are drawn
from four storms which covered a range of rainfall conditions experienced in the
research basin during the study period (Fig. 9).
(1) Low magnitude events. During low magnitude events, with rainfall < 10 mm, the
gully generated no runoff and a single peak in sediment concentration at the lower dam
was observed before the hydrograph peak, as is shown by the event of 30 August 1988
(Fig. 10).
(2) Multiple peaks in sediment concentration before the hydrograph peak. Multiple
peaks in sediment concentration usually indicates different sediment sources and deliv-
ery times (Piest and Spomer, 1968; Rapp et al., 1972). On 1 July 1989, both peaks
appeared to be influenced by gully input which exhibited similar temporal patterns of
sediment concentration (Fig. 11). Incorporated into this double peak were the sediments
flushed from the streambed. It should be noted, however, that sediment concentration in
the gully discharge was one order of magnitude higher than that observed at the lower
dam. With both sediment peaks occurring before peak streamfiow, a modified clockwise
hysteresis loop for sediment concentration was produced (Fig. 12a).
P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176 171


",,--~~, "~ 0.80.6 ]1988 to August 3 l, 1989

I~ 0.4 ~ July 1, 1989

0.}e~ ~
\1 May29,1989
I/day 16, 1989
~,~ 0.2 ~ Julyi 1989

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Rainfall (ram)
Fig. 9. Exceedance probability distribution of storm rainfall at Shenchong basin, 1988-1989.

o.3 [3o
- -e- - SC x_~

24 =

0.2- ¢~

°' • 12 L)

•6 .~


0.0 ~. . . . . . , . . . . . .
18 19
0 r..¢)

Time (h)
Fig. 10. Discharge and sediment concentration at the lower dam, 30 August 1988.

~" 0.2

O' 0.1


0.0 ......
j ~ k

• ........

- ."".-. ~ . . . .

, .....





g ', ..... s~" 200

.. 40 '
~ 20 00~

0 . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . i . . . . . , . . . . .

15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (h)
Fig. 11. Discharge and sediment concentration at Gully 9 and at the lower dam, 1 July 1989.
172 P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk/ Catena 29 (1997) 161-176

a) b)
3O 60

25 50

20 40

15 30
10 20

5 10

0 • . . , • , . 0 • , . . . . . . •

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 08 1.0

c) d)
3O 30
25 25,
2O 20

15 15
r..9 10 10

e 5 5

0 • , . , . , ,
0 . . . . . , • . . . .

0.0 0,5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Discharge (mVs) Discharge (mVs)

Fig. 12. Sediment concentrationhysteresis effects during four storms at the lower dam: (a) 1 July 1989; (b) 16
May 1989; (c) 21 July 1989; (d) 29 May 1989.

(3) Peak sediment concentrations on both limbs of the hydrograph. On 16 May 1989,
the first sediment peak at the lower dam occurred with no corresponding peak at Gully 9
(Fig. 13), suggesting the flushing of channel sediments. In contrast, the second sediment

1.2 60

0.8 Dam ..... SC 40 ~"

0.4 . 0

o.o . . . . . . C ..... , .......... T ;'Y':-.-.-: ~ .....

~ Gully9 ~'N ~ Stage ~500

100 I~/~l i 1~, ~ j . 300 ~

50 -VN i s ~

..... I 200

0 ..... , ..... , ...... • .... , ..... , ..... 100

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

T i m e (h)

Fig. 13. Discharge and sediment concentrationat Gully 9 and at the lower dam, 16 May 1989.
P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176 173

Lower / /~'-, Q

0.5 10

00 . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gully 9 ~ / ~ Slagc

. . . . . . . .

" J""

" .....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

24 1 2

Time (h)
Fig. 14. Discharge and sediment concentration at Gully 9 and at the lower dam, 29 May 1989.

peak at the lower dam was matched by a corresponding input from Gully 9. Since
multiple peaks in sediment concentration appeared on both limbs of the hydrograph, a
multi-looped hysteresis pattern for sediment concentration was observed (Fig. 12b).
Furthermore, when the second sediment peak is of greater magnitude, as was observed
during the 21 July 1989 storm, the hysteresis loop becomes involuted (Fig. 12c).
(4) Synchronous peaks for sediment concentration and discharge. During the storm
of 29 May 1989 (Fig. 14), peak gully discharge occurred at the same time as peak gully
sediment concentration, and the sediment discharge reached the dam at peak streamflow.
In addition, a small storm of 13 mm on the previous day already flushed the available
channel sediments so that the usual flushing process was insignificant on 29 May.
During the recession of the hydrograph, a second peak in gully sediment concentration
coincided with relatively high sediment concentrations at the lower dam. The sedigraph
at the lower dam became more symmetrical and the resultant hysteresis pattern was a
long and narrow loop (Fig. 12d).

6. Discussion

In view of the proximity of the gully sediment source to the streamflow gauging
station, the observed hysteresis pattern at the lower dam in the Shenchong basin is
dominantly clockwise, as was suggested by Klein (1984). Some complications in the
pattern arise because of multiple rainfall intensity and discharge peaks and varying
magnitude of rainfall events. Furthermore, the flushing effect in the channel can hardly
be distinguished from the gully input in the sedigraphs except during very low
magnitude events. Thus, hysteresis patterns are not definitive indicators of sediment
source unless information regarding slope and gully erosion upstream is available. In the
literature, several methods have been introduced to determine basin sediment source,
using sediment characteristics such as particle size (Carson et al., 1973), sediment colour
(Grimshaw and Lewin, 1980) or mineralogical composition (Peart and Wailing, 1986).
174 P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176

Table 2
Estimated contribution of gullies to Shenchong basin sediment yield, July 21, 1988 to April 15, 1989
Gully number Drainage area (m 2) Cover conditions Sediment contribution (Mg)
2 9120 Moderate 100
4 3600 Bare 124
9 6040 Bare 207
10 3680 Moderate 36
11 1400 Well vegetated 5
12 3040 Moderate 31
13 3360 Bare 115
14 1280 Moderate 13
Total 31520 631

Comparison of the temporal patterns of flow and sediment concentration at a gully

and at the outlet of Shenchong basin indicates that the timing of gully sediment transport
was related to the temporal variation in sediment concentration at the lower dam. To
estimate the contribution of gully erosion to basin sediment yield, all gullies between the
two dams were classified according to three grades of vegetation cover. Regression
equations (Eq. 4 and Table 1) were used to estimate total gully sediment yield from
these gullies for the period between 21 July 1988 and 15 April 1989 (Luk et al., 1997b,
this issue). The results, summarized in Table 2, show that total sediment contribution
from the gullies was 631 mg. In comparison, the total sediment contribution of the basin
area between the two dams was only 728 mg. Thus, 21% of the basin area which was
occupied by gullies contributed 87% of total sediment yield. This study therefore offers
another example of the large contribution to basin sediment load made by a small
portion of the catchment (Bryan and Campbell, 1982; Bufalo and Nahon, 1992; Burt,
1989; Crouch, 1990).
Further evidence of the contribution of gullies can be obtained by comparing the rates
of hillslope erosion by different processes in the Shenchong basin (Woo et al., 1997, this
issue; Woo and Luk, 1990). Results provided in Table 3 demonstrate that gully erosion
is the dominant erosional process.

Table 3
Rates of sediment yield from various hillslope erosion processes, Shenchong basin (after Woo et al., this issue;
Woo and Luk, 1990)
Landform Vegetation cover Sediment yield (kg m -2 )
Slope Bare 1.34 x 101
Slope 25% fern 3.50 × 10 -z
Slope 50% fern 1.20× 10 -2
Slope 75% fern 1.00× 10 -3
Slope 100% fern < 1.00 X 10 -3
Rill Bare 5.65 × 101
Rill 100% fern 6.00× 10 -3
Gully Bare 1.24 × 105
Gully Moderate 3.05 × 104
Gully Well vegetated 4.98 × 103
P.D. diCenzo, S.-h. Luk / Catena 29 (1997) 161-176 175

7. Conclusions

1. The temporal pattern of sediment concentration at the basin outlet is closely related
to gully discharge. Overall, clockwise hysteresis loops are produced during most
discharge events due to the proximity o f the gully sediment source to the gauging station
at the lower dam.
2. Discharge thresholds have been observed in the relationship between sediment
concentration and water discharge at both the upper and lower dams. At the upper dam,
they are related to the presence of local wetlands which buffer sediment transport in the
channel. At the lower dam, they are the result o f a variable source of sediment as well as
early flow cessation in gullies.
3. Comparison of the temporal variations of sediment concentration and discharge at
the lower dam and at a gully reveals four types of patterns, each corresponding to a
different set of flow and sediment release conditions. These conditions have definite
effects on the form of the hysteresis loops observed in the sediment discharge plots for
the lower dam station.
4. Estimates o f gully sediment yield demonstrate that although gullies occupy about
one-fifth of the basin area, they provide over 85% of the sediment supply to the lower
dam, thus confirming the gullies as the primary contributor of basin sediment load.


W e are grateful to the International Development Research Centre, Canada, for

financial support, and to members of the Agricultural and Forestry commissions in
Deqing County who facilitated the local field work. W e are indebted to our many
colleagues in China, in particular X.Z. Liu, Guangzhou Institute of Geography, who
provided assistance in conducting the field studies.


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