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Human Resource Management System


Submitted to: Mr. Manish Saxena Training & Placement Coordinator, Department of Computer Applications. Submitted by:
Lalit Kumar Verma MCA 6th Sem. Uptu Roll no.:0605414044


1. About e.soft. technologies. 2. Project introduction. 3. Objective. 4. Project category. 5. Problem statement. 6. Problem Definition. 7. Tools,plateform and software. 8. Basic system requirement. 9. Requirement Specification.

Analysis(DFDs,ER Diagram).

11. Proposed system. 12. Complete Structure with module detail. 13. Data Structure. 14. List of report to be generated. 15. Future scope and further enhancement of the project. 16. Implementation of security mechanisms. 17. Bibliography

About e.Soft Technologies

e.Soft Technologies Limited is a software development and business process consulting company providing business process re-engineering consultancy and services, enterprise solutions, ERP, Engineering Services, e-business intelligence, data warehousing, ecommerce solutions and CAD solutions. e.Soft was incorporated with the prime objective of providing on-site and off-site professional services specializing in system integration, application development, CAD and web services.


"To Make Technology More Useful for our Clients" This is the mission for each and every e.Soft employee. e. Soft deliver premium IT services, CAD services and software solutions that clearly execute the strategic business objectives of their clients and want to be the technology partner that empowers businesses to succeed. e. Soft accurately reflect your business vision through IT implementations. e. Soft Technologies was initially formed to leverage experience solving complex IT issues. Designing, developing and delivering solid solutions has become our forte. Custom application development, web solutions, Business Intelligence software, ecommerce and CAD are our specialties. Today it continue with the same methodology helping our commercial and government customers to achieve their strategic IT goals. Larger IT issues center around integration using multiple technologies. For companies attempting to integrate systems or move its back office to the forefront, they have consistently delivered desired outcomes. Successful business strategy execution begins with a clear understanding of fundamental goals for use of technology. e.Soft can move your company through the analysis phase and help you to clearly define your requirements before investing in the more costly development phases. The resulting solution will accurately reflect your vision. At the end of the day " We will Make Technology More Useful to you achieving Your Business Goals"

The Human resource management includes the processes required to coordinate the human resources on a project. Such processes include those needed to plan, obtain, orient, assign and release staff over the life of the project. The Human resource management is an essential factor of any successful business. The competitive environment of the next millennium with its economic and technological challenges, will affect the HR department in the same way it will all other areas of an enterprise. The HR modules of most ERP system have a set of rich features and will Integrate seamlessly with other modules and are thus invaluable aids in improving productivity.They offer company wide solutions for HR departments and make it possible for other departments to access specific employee data. The Human resource management system has to be adaptable to company specific requirements, and should constantly grow with increasing HR requirements. It should cover all the functions required in business practices. It should be flexible enough to allow you to optimize your business processes by tailoring the ERP solution to suit your organizations need. Competition in todays age has a new face-Agility. Companies need to act and react faster to a rapidly changing business environment. Smart Information Management is the key to the companys growth. The human resource segment of a company has always found itself constrained may be because each functional area is working in isolation with other and causes confusion and other adverse effects on growth and development of the organization. The HR Management System is an enterprise wide single application consists of solutions for all functional areas of an HR enterprise.


The main objective to develop the project is to make the HRM system simple, easy and increase the productivity of the Managers in taking decisions because all the information is available in the organized form.

This software provides a user-friendly interface for the user and it reduces the data redundancy. Centralized information is available which can be accessed by number of users. The other objective of software project planning is to provide a framework that enables the manager to make reasonable estimates of resources and schedule. Improved Processing speed: The inherent speed, with which computers process information is one reason why organization seeks the development of the system projects. Faster Retrieval of information Locating and retrieving information from storage. The ability in conducting complex searches. Greater accuracy and consistency: Carrying out computing steps, including arithmetic, correctly and consistently. Better Security: Safeguarding sensitive and important information in form that is accessible only to authorized person. Enhanced Communication: Speeding the flow of information and messages between remote locations as well as with in offices. This includes the transmission of documents within offices. Integration of business areas: Coordinating business activities taking place in separate areas of an organization though capture and distribution of information.

Monitor Cost: Tracking the performance of employees and overhead is essential to determine whether a firm is performing in line with expectations within budget.

Reduce Cost Using computing capability to process at a lower cost than possible with other methods, while maintaining accuracy and performance level.

Project Category
Internet (Web Designing) including RDBMS The project is based on client server architecture .In client server architecture the interface for user is created in any programming language (Front end) and the database where data is stored is called back end .User interface is treated as client to which user request for data and user interface sends the user request to server or database and then server returns the data required by the client program manipulation. RDBMS provides a set-oriented database language. For most RDBMS, this set-oriented database language is SQL. All information in a relational database (including table and column names) is represented explicitly as values in tables. Every value in a relational database is guaranteed to be accessible by using a combination of the table name, primary key value, and column name. All views that are theoretically updatable can be updated through the system.

Problem Statement
At present the system is not computerized, the whole procedure is very time consuming. All work including data entry to report generation is done manually. A fair amount of errors are encountered during computation and maintaining detail of employees. For viewing even minute data one has to search a huge archival of data.

For generating report based on employees, various information related to individual is to be considered which is very difficult in manual system.

The main problem is with security of data and redundancy.

Companys strength is increasing day by day so there is need of some system which is capable to keep large databases, security of data, multi-user support.

Problem Definition
The different ERP systems offer many different subsystems under the HR umbrella. Listed below are some of most common subsystems. The idea is not to be comprehensive but to give an idea about the options available. The various subsystems under the HR module are:

Personnel Management. Organizational Management.

Payroll Accounting.

Time Management.

Personnel Development.

Tools/Platforms & Software

Platform(OS) :Tool Database ::-

Windows 2000 Professional/200 Server/XP Professional. ASP.Net 2005 USING C#. SQL Server 2005.


There are three types of system requirements for the proposed system:

Hardware Requirements. Software Requirements. Man Power.



o o o o o

Pentium III processor or higher 1.6 GHZ 256 MB RAM. 512 MB RAM (RECOMMANDED). 40 GB HDD. 52X CDROM . Color monitor, mouse, and keyboard.

Software Requirements :o
o o

WINDOWS 2000 Prof./2000 Server/ XP. RDBMS MS SQL Server 2005. ASP.Net 2005 using C#.

Man Power :o System Administrator. o Well-Qualified Computer Operator.

Requirement Specifications
The Login box should appear when the system is invoked. The screen available for browsing should be based on the login condition. Administrator can create the user of the system. The Administrator can allocate the task of approval of Employees. Administrator sends Feedback regarding the CVs. Administrator can see all activities requested by the Employees and other sources. Administrator has the right to conduct Exam for Recruitment.

Proposed System
Automate the existing manual system.

Online registration of employees.

Quick and fast communication.

Tracking of status of employees is easy.

Notify the employees about the updates and schemes.

Financial position of the company can be easily determined.

Reports can be customized.

The users can upload their profile.

Data Flow Diagram:


DEPARTEMENT Job detail Job request Select candidate list



Employee profile

Candidate list

Selected list


HR MANAGER Salary structures

0-Level DFD


Information about selected candidates

Selected candidate s list Job request rerequest


Vacancy details

Interview details

CV Entry


Written exam

Candidate details Written Exam Marks Written Marks Advertisement details Job Advertise


Job details

Send application

Information about selection


1-Level for Recruitment process



Employee profile

Employee details

emp official

Transfer details

emp transfer

Employee official information Employee personal information


Training details emp training Qualification details emp qual

emp master

Employees experience

Family details emp family

emp experience

1-Level DFD for Employee Module

Allowance details

Payroll Process 1.3

Salary structure details Salary formula

Allowance master

Salary formula

Allowance details


1-Level DFD for Payroll Module




Last_dat e Specification

Req_cod e

Recruitment_ Details

advertise d


Total_ vacancy Interview_dat e Job_code

take s


Emp_cod e Employee

Description Emp_nam e

Interview_ Details has

Dept_cod e Designation_cod e


Candidate_cod e

Human Resource Management System

h as Basic_pay

transferre d

Pay_details Deduction

Transfer_dat e



Bonus Transfer_from Transfer_typ e



ER Diagram

Complete Structure

Application is divided in four modules. They are listed as below: Master Database Module Recruitment Module Employee Module. Payroll Module

Master Database module contains five options:-1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Country State City Department Designation Grade

Access to master database is provided to only administrator. Country

This module provide an interface to the administrator through which administrator can Add, Update, Delete the records of the Country Database. 1. Country Code(In text box, auto generated) 2. country Name(In Text box) From here administrator can change the details as well as delete the record of that country. Proper validations and checks are provided for entered data. State

1. Country Name (In combo box) 2. State Code (In text box, auto generated) 3. State Name (In Text box) From here administrator can change the details as well as delete the record of that state. Proper validations and checks are provided for entered data.

This module provide an interface to administrator the through which user can Add, Update, Delete the records of the State Database. The existing country names are displayed in a combo; administrator can select a country from here and can enter the state name for that country. He can also see the existing records.


This module provide an interface to administrator the through which user can Add, Update, Delete the records of the City Database. The existing country names are displayed in a combo; then states according to selected country are displayed. Administrator can select a country from here and then state and can enter the city name for that record. He can also see the existing records. 1. Country Name (In combo box) 2. State Name (In combo box) 3. City Code (In text box, auto generated) 4. City Name (In Text box) From here administrator can change the details as well as delete the record of that city. Proper validations and checks are provided for entered data. Country

This module provide an interface to the administrator, through which administrator can Add, Update, Delete the records of the Department Database. 1. Department Code (In text box, auto generated) 2. Department Name (In Text box) From here administrator can change the details as well as delete the record of that department. Proper validations and checks are provided for entered data. Designation

This module provide an interface to administrator the through which user can Add, Update, Delete the records of the Designation Database. The existing country names are displayed in a combo; administrator can select a country from here and can enter the state name for that country. He can also see the existing records. 1. Department Name (In combo box) 2. Designation Code (In text box, auto generated) 3. Designation Name (In Text box) From here administrator can change the details as well as delete the record of that state. Proper validations and checks are provided for entered data.

This module provide an interface to the administrator through which administrator can Add, Update, Delete the records of the Grade Database. 1. Grade Code (In text box, auto generated) 2. Grade Name (In Text box) From here administrator can change the details as well as delete the record of that grade. Proper validations and checks are provided for entered data.


Recruitment Module contains following parts:-Job Opening o Job Identification o Job Advertising Candidate Details Candidate Entry Candidate Shortlist Written Exam Details Written Marks Short listed Candidates . Interview Interview Details Selected Candidates

Job Opening This module contains two parts: o Job Identification

This part identifies the vacancies for different designations in different departments. Here user can enter the details and also update, find and delete the records. The existing department names are displayed in combo and with respect to selected department, designation names are displayed in a combo. User can update and retrieve the information as well as can also delete any selected record. o Job Advertising

This part is used to fill the details for advertising the identified job. In this part advertising details are filled according the job code. User can update and retrieve the information as well as can also delete any selected record.

Candidate Details

This module contains two parts: o Candidate Entry

This part is used to fill some important details of the candidates and stores the path where candidates CV is stored. CV path can be stored in CV path text box by clicking the browse button. o Candidate Shortlist

This part shows the details of candidates, according to a job code in a listview. By checking a particular CV code and clicking show detail CV, user can see the detail CV of that particular candidate. Mail can also be send to checked candidate. By checking a row in listview and clicking the sent mail button, mail sending form is opened and in TO field, that candidates mail id is automatically placed.

Written Exam Details o Written Marks

This part stores all the details of written exam. Marks of each candidate are stored here for further processing. These details can be seen by user at any time. o Short listed Candidates

This part shows the selected candidates details according to job code. By selecting job code in a combo, all candidates, who are selected in written exam according to criteria, their details are displayed in al list. A mail can be sent to notify them about their selection for interview round.

Interview Interview Details

This part is used to store all the information of the interview round. All information of a particular candidate can be stored here and also can be retrieved after. o Selected Candidates

This part shows the list of finally selected candidates. Mail can be sent to all the candidates about their selection and about other information.

Employee Module contains three parts: Employee Profile Employee Training Employee Transfer

o o o

Employee Profile

This is used to store all the details of companys employees. In this employees personal, official, experience, qualification and family details are stored and all details of a particular employee can be retrieved, updated or deleted. Each employee has a unique emp code. If an employees personal information will be deleted, all other information related to him will be deleted so that no duplication of data will be there. Employee Training

When a person joins the company as a employee, company give him/her training. All information related to the training of employees can be maintained in this module. Employee Transfer

Employees transfer details are stored here. As user select a emp code from a combo, all details such as employee name, department, designation, grade are displayed in text boxes. New department,

designation and grade can be selected through combos. It can also be stored whether it is a promotion or a simple transfer. This information can be retrieved, updated and deleted. Payroll Module contains three sections: o Allowance Details o Allowance Values o Salary Structure Allowance Details

This part is used for all the allowance related details that are given by company to its employees. Allowance Values This part is used for the information related to allowance values. Here all details of the values of the allowance are stored according to the department and designation. Particular information can be seen in listview by clicking the add button. Salary Structure This is used for determining the salary structure of a designation according to department.

Data Structure

Country master
Type Varchar(10) Varchar(30) Constraints Primary Key Not null Description Autogenerated

Field Name country_code country_name

Field Name state_code state_name

Type Varchar(10) Varchar(30)

Constraints Primary Key Not null

Description Autogenerated


city_master Type Varchar(10) Varchar(30) Constraints Primary Key Not null Description Autogenerated

Field Name city_code city_name

dept_master Type Varchar(10) Varchar(30) Constraints Primary Key Not null Description Autogenerated

Field Name dept_code dept_name

desg _master Type Varchar(10) Varchar(30) Constraints Primary Key Not null Description Autogenerated

Field Name desg_code desg_name

grade Type Varchar(10) Varchar(30) Constraints Primary Key Not null Description Autogenerated

Field Name grade_code grade_name

recr_master(Recruitment related Information) Type Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Constraints Primary Key References dept_master References desg_master Description Autogenerated

Field Name req_code dept_code



total_vacancies req_date remarks Priority

Int(4) Datetime(8) Varchar(50) Varchar(10)

job_advertise Type Varchar(10) Constraints References recr_master Description

Field Name job_code

description last_date

Varchar(50) Datetime(8)



cv_entry Type Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Constraints Primary Key References recr_master References desg_master Description Autogenerated

Field Name cv_code job_code



address date_of_bitrh contact email_id qualification skills cv_path selected sent_mail

Varchar(50) Datetime(8) Varchar(20) Varchar(30) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(10) Varchar10) Not Null

written_marks Type Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Constraints References cv_entry References recr_master Description

Field Name cv_code job_code

written_date technical_paper general_marks gmax_marks paper1_marks paper2_marks grand_toatal totalmax_marks g_percent total_percent selected sent mail

Datetime(8) Int(4) Int(4) Int(4) Int(4) Int(4) Int(4) Int(4) Numeric Numeric Varchar(10) Varchar(10)

interview_detail Type Varchar(10) Constraints References Description

Field Name job_code

recr_master cv_code interview_date no_of_interviewers Int_1 Int_2 Int_3 Int_4 comm._skills tech_skills Varchar(10) Datetime(8) Int(4) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(10) Varchar(10) References cv_entry

emp_transfer Type Varchar(10) Constraints References emp_master Primary Key Description

Field Name emp_code

transfer_no deptcode_from deptcode_to desg_from pre_grade new_grade transfer_date

Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Varchar(10) Datetime(8)



List of Reports to be Generated

List of Employees in an Organization. Allowance Report paid to Employees. Recruitment Report. Report of CVs. Report of selected Candidates. Department wise List Generation. Reports of Training. Report of Transfer of Employees.

Future Scope and Further Enhancement of the Project

The project Human Resource Management System is flexible enough to meet the requirements of the Organization. This project will help in enhancing the knowledge and alleviating the skills in the field of software development by adding up hands on experience in the same for anyone. This software not only increases the efficiency of the working but also attains maximum user requirement by providing them suitable service. The most important aspect of any organization is how quickly and accurately one can get up-todate information from one place.

Implementation of Security Mechanisms

Security features are implemented. No unauthorized access to the package as the security is implemented through login and passwords. Only authorized person can view web pages and can access/modify the data store in database. The far most security is provided by the database itself being implemented. It installs with a much higher level of security. In this system there are two types of user General user and administrator type user and different types of permissions are given to them according to their rights. The Backup and Restore components allow creating a copy of database for protection of data. This copy is stored protected from the potential failures of the server, the instance of the database server. If any problem occurs the backup copy is used to recreate or restore the database.


An integrated approach to software engineering, by Pankaj Jalote, Narosa publishing house.

System analysis & design, by Elias M. Ewad,Galotia publication.

Database system concepts, by Korth.

Fundamentals of database systems, 3rd edition, by Elmasri & Navathe.

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