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English level A1 • CEFR

At the end of English level A1, you can:

 understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.
 introduce yourself and others.
 ask and answer questions about personal details (for example, where you live, people you know
and things you have.
 interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

English communication

 Exchanging greetings
 Giving personal information
 Using numbers, days, months, years
 Asking for and telling the time
 Describing people
 Giving information about objects
 Describing places
 Describing habits and routines
 Expressing likes and dislikes
 Describing simple actions

English vocabulary

 Days of the week and months

 Numbers and prices
 Countries and nationalities
 Colors
 Personal possessions
 Parts of the body
 Family and friends
 Food and drinks
 Household rooms and objects
 Clothes

English grammar

 Questions words
 Possessive adjectives and pronouns
 Present simple
 There is/There are
 Imperatives
 Present continuous (now or in progress)
 Prepositions of place
 Modals: can, can’t, do, doesn’t
 Simple adjectives
 Comparatives and superlatives
English level A2 • CEFR

At the end of English level A2, you can:

 understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to common areas (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
 communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information.
 describe in simple terms aspects of your background and immediate matters.

English communication

 Describing habits and daily routines

 Expressing ability and inability
 Describing past experiences
 Asking for and giving directions
 Describing personality and feelings
 Making comparisons
 Describing jobs
 Describing places
 Making requests (e.g. at a restaurant)
 Expressing future plans

English vocabulary

 Personality and feelings

 Food and drinks
 Education
 Jobs
 Weather
 Family and friends
 Daily routines
 Free-time activities
 Places in towns
 Body and health
 Transport and travel

English grammar

 Questions words
 Adverbs of frequency
 Past simple
 Present continuous
 Present perfect simple
 Prepositions of time and place
 Comparatives and superlatives
 Like + ing
 Future simple: will
 Future: going to
 Past continuous
English level B1 • CEFR

At the end of English level B1, you can:

 understand the main points on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure,
 deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an English-speaking area.
 produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of personal interest.
 describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and
explanations for opinions and plans.

English communication

 Describing experiences and events

 Expressing hopes and ambitions
 Describing feelings
 Giving reasons
 Giving opinions
 Expressing preferences
 Stating obligations
 Expressing certainty
 Describing events in the past
 Describing events in the future

English vocabulary

 Feelings and emotions

 Travel and transport
 Entertainment
 Leisure activities
 Sport, health and fitness
 Education
 News and media
 Technology
 Time expressions for the past
 Time expressions for the future

English grammar

 Adverbs for time, degree, manner  Past continuous

 Past habits and states (used to)  Past perfect simple
 Present perfect simple  Conditionals (first and second)
 Modals: should have, might have etc  Future continuous
 Present continuous (future)  Passives
 Future simple: will
 Future: going to
 Present perfect continuous
English level B2 • CEFR

At the end of English level B2, you can:

 understand the main ideas of complex text on a variety of topics, including technical discussions in
your field of specialisation.
 interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native
speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
 produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue
giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

English communication

 Describing experiences
 Expressing opinions
 Expressing agreement and disagreement
 Giving advice with advantages and disadvantages
 Making suggestions
 Expressing feelings and emotions
 Reporting events
 Speculating about events in past, present, future
 Adding emphasis
 Describing hopes and regrets

English vocabulary

 Work and education

 Lifestyles
 Money
 Crime and punishment
 Technology
 Media and communication
 Global issues
 Multi-word verbs
 Reporting verbs
 Linking expressions

English grammar

 Compound adjectives  Modals of speculation

 Adverbs for time, degree, manner  Conditionals (second and third)
 Relative clauses  Mixed conditionals
 Past perfect simple  Reported speech
 Past perfect continuous  Future perfect simple
 Present perfect continuous  Future perfect continuous
 Passives
English level C1 • CEFR

At the end of English level C1, you can:

 understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning.
 express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
 use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
 produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, with controlled use of
organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

English communication

 Expressing feelings and attitudes

 Emphasizing an issue or a feeling
 Expressing opinions tentatively
 Developing an argument systematically
 Negotiating and conceding
 Describing cause and effect
 Expressing empathy and sympathy
 Expressing reservations
 Speculating about events in past, present, future
 Discussing complex subjects in detail

English vocabulary

 Life experiences and lifestyles

 Books and literature
 Money and business
 News and current affairs
 Global issues
 Technology
 Scientific developments
 Vague language
 Colloquial expressions
 Idiomatic expressions

English grammar

 Futures (revision)
 Passives (all forms)
 Compound adjectives and modifying gradable adjectives
 Adverbs and adverbial phrases: degree
 Modals in the past
 Mixed conditionals
 Ellipsis and substitution
 Adding emphasis – cleft sentences
 Adding emphasis – inversion with negative adverbials
 Multiword verbs
English level C2 • CEFR

At the end of English level C2, you can:

 understand virtually everything heard or read with ease.

 summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and
accounts in a coherent presentation.
 express yourself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning
even in more complex situations.

English communication

 Express yourself fluently and precisely in any topic

 Includes complex situations and the ability to communicate accurately in formal and informal

English vocabulary

 Excellent range of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions and colloquial language

 Can use phrases and expressions accurately with natural and sophisticated control

English grammar

 Can use a full range of grammatical structures accurately and appropriately

 Can naturally use different linguistic forms to convey finer shades of meaning.

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