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German University of Technology in Oman

Name : Hassan Ali Khuzam Al Mamari

Date of Birth : 07/07/2000 ID : 18-0234

Degree / Curriculum : Bachelor / Mechanical Engineering Award : Date Awarded :

Cumulative GPA : 3.5 No Award Yet

Winter 2020

Course ID Course Name Credits Final Grade (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

ENG 1 143 Programming for Engineering 3 90.00 A 4.00

ENG 1 145 Mathematics 1: Calculus 6 91.00 A 4.00

ENG 1 146 Mathematics 2: Linear Algebra 6 89.00 A- 3.90

ENG 1 102 Physics 1 5 90.00 A 4.00

ENG 1 103 Chemistry 1 5 68.00 C 2.30

ENG 1 140 Project Work 1 3 P P 0.00

Attempted Earned Transfer Total

Credits Credits Credits Credits

Semester 28 28 0 28 3.6

Overall 28 28 0 28 3.6

Spring 2021

Course ID Course Name Credits Final Grade (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

ENG 1 141 Engineering Principles and Calculation 4 53.00 D- 1.20

ENG 1 147 Mathematics 3: Advanced Calculus 6 74.00 B- 2.80

LS 1 017 Creative Design 4 98.00 A 4.00

ENG 1 139 Engineering Drawing 3 92.00 A 4.00

ENG 1 108 Physics 2 5 80.00 B 3.20

ENG 1 109 Chemistry 2 5 59.00 D+ 1.70

ENG 1 112 Project Work 2 4 P P 0.00

Attempted Earned Transfer Total

Credits Credits Credits Credits

Semester 31 31 0 31 2.7

Overall 59 59 0 59 3.2

Authorised Signature Stamp

Printed Date : 01/18/2024 00:00:00 1 Of 4

German University of Technology in Oman

Name : Hassan Ali Khuzam Al Mamari

Date of Birth : 07/07/2000 ID : 18-0234

Degree / Curriculum : Bachelor / Mechanical Engineering Award : Date Awarded :

Cumulative GPA : 3.5 No Award Yet

Winter 2021

Course ID Course Name Credits Final Grade (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

ENG 2 120 Thermodynamics 1 5 93.00 A 4.00

ENG 2 148 Mathematics 4: Numerical Mathematics 6 91.00 A 4.00

LS 1 019 Digital Life 4 94.00 A 4.00

ENG 2 114 Mechanics 1 5 86.00 A- 3.70

ENG 2 115 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 5 89.00 A- 3.90

ENG 2 116 Environmental Engineering 5 92.00 A 4.00

Attempted Earned Transfer Total

Credits Credits Credits Credits

Semester 30 30 0 30 3.9

Overall 89 89 0 89 3.5

Spring 2022

Course ID Course Name Credits Final Grade (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

MECH 2 101 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 5 80.00 B 3.20

ENG 2 144 Thermodynamics 2 4 98.00 A 4.00

LS 1 001 German 1 4 97.00 A 4.00

ENG 3 126 Fluid Dynamics 7 92.00 A 4.00

ENG 1 104 Introduction to CAD 3 91.00 A 4.00

ENG 2 119 Mechanics 2 5 93.00 A 4.00

ENG 3 123 Material Science 1 6 81.00 B 3.30

Attempted Earned Transfer Total

Credits Credits Credits Credits

Semester 34 34 0 34 3.8

Overall 123 123 0 123 3.5

Authorised Signature Stamp

Printed Date : 01/18/2024 00:00:00 2 Of 4

German University of Technology in Oman

Name : Hassan Ali Khuzam Al Mamari

Date of Birth : 07/07/2000 ID : 18-0234

Degree / Curriculum : Bachelor / Mechanical Engineering Award : Date Awarded :

Cumulative GPA : 3.5 No Award Yet

Winter 2022

Course ID Course Name Credits Final Grade (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

MECH 3 103 Material Science 2 5 75.00 B- 2.90

LS 1 003 German 2 4 84.00 B+ 3.50

ENG 3 149 Mechanics 3 5 82.00 B+ 3.40

ENG 3 125 Thermodynamics Laboratory 4 96.00 A 4.00

ENG 4 131 Heat and Mass Transfer 7 85.00 B+ 3.60

MECH 3 102 Machine Design 1 5 74.00 B- 2.80

Attempted Earned Transfer Total

Credits Credits Credits Credits

Semester 30 30 0 30 3.4

Overall 153 153 0 153 3.5

Spring 2023

Course ID Course Name Credits Final Grade (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

ENG 4 132 Control and Automation 7 65.00 C- 2.10

MECH 3 104 Machine Design 2 5 80.00 B 3.20

LS 2 004 German 3 4 90.00 A 4.00

ENG 2 117 Project Work 3 4 86.00 A- 3.70

ENG 3 128 Measurement Techniques Laboratory 4 P P 0.00

ENG 3 129 Business Engineering 3 81.00 B 3.30

Attempted Earned Transfer Total

Credits Credits Credits Credits

Semester 27 23 0 23 3.1

Overall 180 176 0 176 3.4

Authorised Signature Stamp

Printed Date : 01/18/2024 00:00:00 3 Of 4

German University of Technology in Oman

Name : Hassan Ali Khuzam Al Mamari

Date of Birth : 07/07/2000 ID : 18-0234

Degree / Curriculum : Bachelor / Mechanical Engineering Award : Date Awarded :

Cumulative GPA : 3.5 No Award Yet

Winter 2023

Course ID Course Name Credits Final Grade (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

MECH 4 105 Production Technology 5 91.00 A 4.00

MECH 4 106 Machine Tools 5 90.00 A 4.00

LS 3 005 Entrepreneurship: Creativity and Innovation 4 83.00 B+ 3.50

ENG 2 121 Project Work 4 4 95.00 A 4.00

ENG 3 127 Simulation Techniques 6 92.00 A 4.00

ENG 4 130 Research Methods 2 87.00 A- 3.80

Attempted Earned Transfer Total

Credits Credits Credits Credits

Semester 26 26 0 26 3.9

Overall 206 206 0 206 3.5

Total Credits Earned at Gutech : 206

Total Earned Transfer Credits : 0

Overall Credits : 206

End of Transcript

Authorised Signature Stamp

Printed Date : 01/18/2024 00:00:00 4 Of 4

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