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Anthropology 103

Gender and Sexuality

Module 5
Profe Pepe Aguilar
Gender and Sexuality
• Every culture has norms regarding how individuals should act
with others based fundamentally on their sex and gender
(Gonzalez de Tubelle 2019: 164).

• …these socio-cultural norms are learned very early life…

• …the significance of being a boy & what it means to be a


• ...these norms, combined with the individual’s biology,

make up a person’s gender identity (Gonzalez de Tubelle
2019)…or “they are supposed to make up…?”.

• … and every culture has different norms…correct???

 Natural human biological development allows for gender and
sexual identity along a spectrum, with many variations and
fluidity (Gonzalez de Tubelle 2019: 164).

 …a binary approach to both gender and sexuality is just

one of many possibilities!!!!
Defining Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
 (The mind needs to discern helps us survive!).

 (Discern: to distinguish someone or something by sight or

with the other senses).

 (In some cases discern leads to definitions and opinions…).

 Some of us tend to use the three terms interchangeably…

 BUT, anthropologically speaking, sex and gender refer to

different aspects of a person.

 AGAIN: Sex & gender refer to different aspects of a person.

 Sex refers to our biological and physiological differences:

 Sex Chromosomes (XX, XY)…
 Hormones…
 Reproductive Structures…
 External genitalia!

 Sexuality refers to attraction, either romantic or physical.

 Gender is a person’s internal experience of their identity as

male, female, both, or neither, as well as the expression of
that identity in social behavior…

 IMOFO: how one feels about our own sexual persona, and
how we externalize…IMOFO.

 Sex, Sexuality, & Gender have origins in our physiological

development, although cultural expectations of sexuality and
gender will differ based on the society in which they are found
(Gonzalez de Tubelle 2019: 165).
 Males & females are different anatomically, hormonally, &
 But there’s variations within each “category”!
 ...and this is “normal”…
 The most obvious external difference between ♂’s and ♀’s
is in da “junk”!
 ...even though the penis and the clitoris grow from the same
undifferentiated fetal tissue (Gonzalez de Tubelle 2019: 165).
 Approximately one person in every 2,000 is born intersex
(Gonzalez de Tubelle 2019: 165).
 People with a combo of physiological or morphological
traits that puts them on the sex spectrum in a way that
does not allow a simple definition of male or female (same
Physiology: the organic processes and phenomena
of an organism or any of its parts or of a particular
bodily process…

Morphology: the form and structure of an organism

or any of its parts…
“People do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies”

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

 In some cases, doctors and parents decide to surgically
manipulate the genitals and assign the child’s sex…

 Thus gender follows...

 Most of the times, this is not very healthy in the long run...

 …they often face gender identity & sex challenges when

they go through puberty…
Sexual Identity

 One’s sexuality, or sexual orientation (romantic or sexual

attraction to another person), may be formed biologically or in
conjunction with social factors (Tubelle de Gonzales 2019:

 …orientation for most people is determined at birth.

 …a person’s sexual attraction to, and habitual sexual

activities with, persons of another sex, the same sex, or
both sexes…

 Sexual orientation is expressed within a set of cultural

values and expectations...

 …and each culture is different…

 ...different and equally valid, of course!

 Some societies within a culture accept only heterosexuality…

 Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, etc.

 Some parts of the USA! : (

 Others see sexual orientation as a continuum or spectrum!

 Some parts of the USA! : )

 Heterosexuality: romantic or sexual attraction or sexual

behavior with persons of the opposite sex!

 Homosexuality: ….sexual attraction…of the same sex!

 Hetero: the most common sexual orientation...supposedly!

 Read about lesbi, tomboi, and femmes (P.166).

 IMPORTANT: sexual orientation is independent of gender
identity, as a person of any gender maybe heterosexual,
homosexual, or bisexual (Tubelle de Gonzalez 2019: 166).

Additional Sexual Orientations

 Pansexual: attracted to anyone regardless of gender or


 Polysexual: attracted to people of several specified genders

or sexes.

 Asexual: having few or no sexual feelings.

 Aromantic: having sexual feeling towards others but not

romantic ones.
 In other words, a person of any gender may prefer men
(androphilia), prefer women (gynophilia), both, some, or none
(Tubelle de Gonzalez 2019: 166) .

 So why do some societies accept homosexuality and others

do not?

 To slow down overpopulation in order to prevent food


 IDK!

 What I do know: there appears to be a correlation between

the rejection of abortion (or infanticide) and homophobia.

 The overturn of Roe vs. Wade...

 …and more to follow!

 Read Masculine and Feminine (P. 169).

Gender Identity

 Gender identity is predetermined by biological factors and then

formed through interactions with others in society Tubelle de
Gonzalez 2019: 171).

 Regardless of society, children are dressed according to

their gender, and are encourage to behave according to its
gender norms!

 Boys pants, girls skirts or dresses...supposedly…

 Now, a person experiences their own gender in two parts:

 Gender Identity: one’s sense of self as a masculine or

feminine person, or as a man or a woman.
 Gender Expression: the external expression of masculinity
or femininity through clothing, mannerisms, makeup, and
speech patterns (p. 171).
 People who experience their gender identity as matching
their assigned sex are referred to as cisgender.
 “feeling masculine”…”feeling feminine” : )
 Some people internally experience their gender identity as
different from their assigned sex at birth. They may identify as
transgender, or having a gender identity that more closely
matches another gender (2019: 171).
 Example: Kaitlin Jenner, Chelsea Manning, Rue Paul (?).
 Gender Queer: someone who does not subscribe to
conventional gender distinctions, but identifies with both,
neither, or a combination of male and female genders.
 They may identify somewhere along the gender continuum,
fluctuating, or androgynous (2019: 172).

 RECAP: Humans are the result of evolution!

 …Morphological…Physiological…Cultural…

 But we still need to evolve some more...

 Language!

 “Google it”, “Going Postal”, “Emojis”, etc.

 NEW Pronouns!

 He/Him/His/She/Her/Hers…reflect either M or F identity.

 They/Them/Theirs/…reflect a fluid or queer identity

Put simply, don't use the pronouns that identify the person as male or
female. While that seems easy enough, it can lead to some awkward-
sounding sentences as singular and plural concepts collide

Don't Use Do Use

he or she they

him or her them

his or her their

 This is difficult for Romantic Languages because nouns are
always gendered...

 Gato vs. Gata...

 Perra vs. Perro…

 Muchachos vs. Muchachas...

 The concept of Latinx...things that make you go hmmm!

 The concept of ell@s (ellos, ellas, & everyone in between).

 Read on Kathoey (p. 172)…

 Read up on Gender Dysphoria and Gender Spectrum (p.

Third and Other Genders

 Across cultures, there are many examples of societies that

recognize multiple genders (2019: 177).

 …we’re talking about a third gender…

 Book : masculine man, feminine woman, or other not-man

not woman gender! : )

 Other societies recognize 4 genders: masculine or feminine

man, feminine or masculine woman, or other variant!

 Book: there are gender non-conformant persons who…

 ...are accepted and sought for spiritual guidance and blessings,

and thought to occupy special roles in society (2019: 177).
Two Spirit

 A pan-Native community term for gender fluid or gender

non-conforming individuals!

 ...recorded across more than 120 Native American and First

Nations cultures (2019)…

 Witke among the Lakota…

 Aayahkwew among the Cree...

 Used to be known under the generalized name of Berdache.

 …derogatory term meaning “kept boy”… : (

 Luiseño of California: Walkers of the Two Worlds.

 Read on Hijras (p.177)...

Gendered Body Modification

 Body modification is one of the most common ways people

express their gender identity and make themselves attractive to
others (2019: 178).

 In the USA: make up, earrings, cowboy boots, turquoise

belt buckles, trimmed beards, tactical gear, etc.

 With exceptions, of course! : )

 NOTE: not all modifications are gender or non-gender


 Book: tattoos, piercings, and scarification!

 …these things “talk” about volumes about ourselves!

 …our individuality…or group of affiliation…

 ...our life experiences…

 …our place in society…


Female Genital Mutilation

 A.k.a. Female Genital Cutting or Female Circumcision!

 It is seen by some as a rite of passage.

 ...rituals marking life’s important transitions from one

social or biological role to another…

 Tubelle: part of a young girl’s entry into the community and

preparation for marriage (2019: 180).
 …”surgical” removal of the clitoris, labia majora, and labia
minora for non-medical reasons (2019: 181)!
 Infibulation: the sewing together or cauterization of the
labia minora, leaving only a small opening for urination.
 Young girls.
 30 countries around the world, including many in Africa and the
Middle East (2019: 181).
 Etic perspective: regulates a female’s sexuality…
 Emic perspective: form of cultural identity and social
 honor…
 Unwanted pregnancies!

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