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BATTLE ROUND Climbing: A fighter touching a part of an obstacle can

A fighter may also use 1 ability if you have sufficient

move vertically up or down that terrain feature (and
activity dice, either before the fighter’s first action or
1. INITIATIVE PHASE horizontally once at the top). Once a fighter begins
after their first or second actions. Each warband has a
climbing, they are considered climbing until the centre
Discard any remaining singles or ability dice from the set of unique abilities and there are 5 universal abilities. of their base is on the battlefield floor or a platform.
previous round. Some abilities may only be used by fighters with certain
SETUP runemarks. Once a fighter has used an ability, discard Fighters with the mount runemark cannot climb, with
Each player rolls 6 dice (the initiative dice). the ability dice used. You can use a triple for an ability the exception of climbing stairs.
Use a battlefield mat or setup a battlefield roughly 22"
by 30". The battlefield floor is the flat playing surface Each player counts any singles (a dice whose result score that requires a double, or a quad for a triple, but all theFlying: Fighters with the fly runemark can move
and not any of the terrain features; the battlefield does not match any other result in their roll. The player dice must be discarded. through the air horizontally and vertically. Count the
refers to both playing surface and terrain. with the most singles has the initiative (one a tie, The value of an ability is the value shown on the ability horizontal distance but not the vertical distance. Once a
Each player musters a warband of at least 3 but no players roll off and the winner has the initiative). dice used for that ability. fighter begins flying, they are considered flying until the
more than 15 fighters with a combined points value of centre of their base is on the battlefield floor or a
The remaining dice are ability dice. 2 with the same Bonus actions are actions that can be carried out in platform. A fighter cannot end a move action flying.
no more than 1,000. All fighters in a warband must score are a double, 3 with the same score are a triple, addition to a fighter’s 2 actions.
share the same runemark, a warband must include at and 4 or more with the same score are a quad. Falling: A fighter is falling if it finishes a move action
least 1 and no more than 3 fighter(s) with the leader Reactions are things a fighter can do during an enemy with its base not on the battlefield floor or a platform,
Each player then receives 1 wild dice. fighter’s activation.
runemark. and it is not climbing; if it is climbing when its activation
Players roll off, the winner picks attacker or defender.
The player with initiative first declares how they will use For a fighter to be able to make a reaction, they must finishes; or if it falls from a platform after being
Starting with the defender, each player splits their
their wild dice, followed by their opponent. A wild dice not have activated yet in the battle round, or they have attacked.
may be used to add 1 to the number of singles you have activated but they are waiting. The opposing player picks a point on a platform or the
warband into 3 groups: the dagger, the shield, and the
(the value doesn’t matter) or to turn a single into a battlefield floor that is 2" horizontally of the fallen
hammer. Models must be divided as evenly as possible. Each time a fighter makes a reaction, they forfeit one of
double, a double into a triple, or a triple into a quad (in fighter and vertically lower, but not one that would cause
Shuffle the 4 decks of battleplan cards separately. One these cases, turn the dice to match the value). their actions in that battle round.
the fallen fighter to be placed on or through another
is drawn from each deck, and placed face up. The
upwards arrows on the terrain and deployment cards
You cannot add multiple wild dice to the same single or MOVE ACTION fighter or through a terrain feature. The fallen fighter is
ability dice. placed with its base centred on that point.
should point in the same direction. A fighter may move up to its move characteristic in
Each wild dice can only be used once per battle, but inches in a single move action. If it is impossible to pick such a point and the centre of
Terrain card: Set up the terrain features to match those
those not used can be saved and used in a subsequent the base of the fallen fighter is on a platform, they
on the card. There are 4 types of move that can be used in any
battle round. remain where they are; otherwise they are immediately
combination: normal, jumping, climbing, and flying.
Deployment card: The dagger, shield and hammer taken down instead.
Each player counts the number of singles they have A fighter cannot move through other fighters or any
symbols are the deployment points. Roll off to chooses If the fallen fighter is now 2" or more vertically lower,
again. The player without initiative may seize initiative if part of a terrain feature, and cannot ever move over the
which player uses the red deployment points and which they suffer impact damage.
they now have more singles (if it is now tied, roll off and battlefield edge.
uses the blue. The attacker sets up their dagger,
the winner has the initiative). CONTROLLING OBJECTIVES
followed by the defender, then shields in the same A fighter cannot start a move action if they are within 1"
order, then hammers in the same order. All fighters 2. RESERVE PHASE A player gains control of an objective if, at the end of a
of any enemy fighters. They must make a disengage
from a battle group must be wholly within 3" battle round, they have more friendly fighters within 3"
After the first battle round, the reserve phase comes into action instead if they wish to move away
horizontally, but any distance vertically, of their of it than there are enemy fighters within 3" of it
play. Reserve battle groups may be set up on the If a fighter’s move causes them to break one of the
corresponding deployment point. Once a player gains control of an objective, it remains
battlefield in round 2 (RND2) or round 3 (RND3). limitations of a move action, it is a disallowed move.
RND2 or RND3 are reserve battle groups and are not set under their control until another player gains control of
Starting with the player with initiative, set up reserve Place the fighter back at their starting position and
up before the battle begins. it.
fighters wholly within 3" horizontally, but any distance choose a new direction to move.
Victory card: If necessary, place any tokens. vertically, of their corresponding deployment point. Impact Damage If a fighter suffers impact
damage, roll a dice. On a 1, allocate 3 damage A fighter that moves within 1" of a treasure token during
Twist card: Note the special rule that applies. Deployment lines designate deployment points that are their move may pick up that token and carry it (remove
points to that fighter. On a 2-3, allocate 1 damage
GENERAL RULES off the map: the battle group must be set up wholly the token from the battlefield). A fighter cannot pick up
point to that fighter.
A dice roll may never be re-rolled more than once. within 3" horizontally of that deployment line. treasure if they are already carrying treasure. Fighters
Normal moves: A fighter may make a normal move if
with Monster or Beast runemark cannot carry treasure.
If players need to roll-off, each player rolls a die and If it is impossible to set up for some reason, each fighter the centre of its base is on the battlefield floor or on a
whoever rolls highest wins (on a tie, roll again). from the battle group must be set up one at a time as platform. The centre of its base must remain on the floor If a fighter begins a move carrying treasure, reduce the
close as possible to their deployment point/line. or platform at all times, unless it moves over low terrain move by 2" (to a minimum of 3) and they cannot fly
Players may measure distances at any time. When
that is 1" high or less (do not count this vertical distance during that move.
measuring to objectives and treasure tokens, always 3. COMBAT PHASE
as part of the move). fighters cannot make disengage actions while carrying
measure to and from the centre of the marker. When a Player take turns activating their fighters . The player
rule requires you to measure the vertical distance only, with initiative chooses which player takes the first turn. Jumping: A fighter may move in a straight line treasure.
round up to the nearest half inch. horizontally through the air, and any distance vertically A fighter can use an action to drop a treasure they are
On your turn you must activate 1 of your warband’s
downwards through the air. carrying. A fighter that is taken down automatically
A fighter is visible to another fighter if a direct line can fighters if you can, or pass. You cannot pick a fighter
Do not count the distance moved downward. drops the treasure before they are removed from play.
be drawn between them without it passing through a that has already activated this phase. Continue taking
turns until both players pass. If a fighter finishes its move in the air, immediately move In both cases, place the token on a platform or the
terrain feature or another fighter. Do not include bases.
them vertically downwards until a part of their base is on ground within 1" horizontally of the fighter, visible to
If necessary, the player whose turn it is to activate a An activated fighter makes 2 actions (move, attack, them, and either level or any distance lower than the
or touching a terrain feature or the battlefield floor.
fighter chooses the order in which rules are resolved; in disengage , or wait ). Finish the first action before fighter.
any other phase, the player with initiative chooses. In starting the second. You may make the same action Each time a fighter moves 2" or more vertically
any other case, roll-off and the winner chooses. twice. downwards, they suffer impact damage.
ATTACK ACTION The fighter makes a normal move up to 3" in any The target fighter of an attack action receives the benefit runemark may be included .They must be from the same
direction, but must finish the action more than 1" away of cover if an imaginary line drawn between the closest Grand Alliance as your warband.
To make an attack action, follow these 4 steps: from any enemy fighters. points on each fighter’s base passes through an
Monsters are gargantuan creatures that rampage
1. Pick a weapon and target obstacle. However, if the fighters are more than 1" away
If this is impossible, the fighter cannot use this action across the battlefield .You can include 1 fighter with the
Pick a weapon from the attacking fighter’s card, and a from each other, do not count parts of obstacles within
and must use another instead. Monster runemark in your warband. They must be from
visible enemy fighter within range to be the target of the ½" of the fighter making the attack action.
the same Grand Alliance as your warband.
attack. A disengage action is not considered a move action, and
the fighter cannot jump, climb, or fly as part of it. A monster is activated 3 times in a battle round instead
If there are any enemies within 1", one of them must be A platform is a horizontally flat surface on a terrain
Reaction: Strike Them Down A fighter can make this of only once, but only makes 1 action.
the target, and the weapon used cannot have a feature with a surface area larger than 1" by 1", that is
reaction when a visible enemy fighter within 1" of
minimum range.
them makes a disengage action but before that
raised 1" or more above the battlefield floor. MONSTER-HUNTING ABILITIES
Each weapon has a range in inches. If a weapon has a fighter moves away. When an attack action targets an enemy on a platform, [Double] Binding Ropes
minimum range, it cannot be used to target enemies Roll a dice. On a 4+, allocate D6 damage points to that the target fighter receives the benefit of cover if the Pick an enemy monster within 1" of this fighter and roll a
outside of the given range. enemy fighter. attacker is 2" or more vertically below the target fighter.
number of dice equal to the value of this ability. For each
Reaction: Take Cover A fighter that is in cover can When an attack action targets an enemy that is within ½"
4+, subtract 1 from the Move characteristic of that
make this reaction after they are targeted by a missile
WAIT ACTION of the edge of an non-enclosed platform and scores any
monster (to a minimum of 3) until the end of the battle.
attack action but before the hit rolls are made. After If a fighter makes the wait action as their last action in critical hits, the target fighter must take a d6 falling test
after the attack has been resolved. On a roll of 1 the [Triple] Go for the Eyes
the hit rolls have been made, roll a dice for each crit- their activation, their activation ends.
fighter has fallen. This rule does not affect fighters with If the next attack action made by this fighter this
ical hit. On a 4+, that critical hit becomes a hit instead.
If a fighter makes the wait action as their first action, the fly runemark. activation that targets an enemy monster scores any
Fighters with the Mount runemark cannot make this
they are waiting: place a wait token by them. The critical hits, subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic (to
activation ends, but they can be activated once more a minimum of 1) of attack actions made by that monster
Reaction: Counter A fighter can make this reaction later in that combat phase. When that fighter is Agree which parts of terrain features are deadly terrain until the end of the battle.
after they are targeted by a melee attack action but activated for a second time, they can only make 1 action. when setting up the battlefield.
[Quad] Taunt
before the hit rolls are made. For each hit roll from They can use 1 ability in this activation even if an ability A fighter that moves onto deadly terrain immediately
Pick a visible enemy monster within 6" of this fighter and
was used the first time they activated (before or after suffers impact damage. A fallen fighter placed within 1"
that attack action that misses, allocate 1 damage roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. If a
point to the attacking fighter. For each hit roll of 1, al- their action). of deadly terrain immediately suffers impact damage.
4+ is rolled on any of the dice, then until the end of the
locate 2 damage points to the attacking fighter in- UNIVERSAL ABILITIES A fighter may suffer impact damage more than once battle round or until this fighter is taken down, attack
stead. due to deadly terrain. actions made by that monster must target this fighter.
[Double] Rush
Add 1 to the move of this fighter until the end of their MONSTER ABILITIES
Make a hit roll by rolling a number of dice equal to the Stairs and ladders are treated as obstacles. Fighters
weapons attacks. that finish their activation climbing stairs or a ladder can [Double] Monstrous Reach
[Double] Onslaught remain part way up them.
Compare the weapon’s strength to the enemy’s Until the end of this monster’s activation, do not count
Add 1 to the attacks of attack actions made by this When an attack action targets an enemy that has ended the vertical distance when measuring the range for
fighter that have a range of 3 or less until the end of their activation climbing stairs or a ladder and scores attack actions made by this monster.
Str vs T Hit Crit their activation. any critical hits, the target fighter must make a falling [Triple] Drag and Maul
Str greater than T 3-5 6
[Triple] Respite test after the attack has been resolved.
Str equal to T 4-5 6 Pick a visible enemy fighter within 6" of this monster.
Str lower than T 5 6 A fighter cannot use this ability if they are within 1" of ARCHWAYS AND DOORS Remove that fighter from the battlefield and set them up
enemy fighters. Remove a number of damage points Agree which parts of terrain features are archways and within 1" of this monster. Then, roll a number of dice
If a targeted fighter receives the benefit of cover, add 1
allocated to this fighter equal to the value of this ability. doors when setting up the battlefield. equal to the value of this ability. For each 4+, allocate 3
to their toughness.
3. Allocate damage
HERO [Triple] Inspiring Presence As part of a move action, a fighter touching an archway damage points to that fighter.
Pick a friendly fighter that has not activated yet this or door can make a normal move through it even if the [Quad] Demolishing Rampage
For each hit, allocate a number of damage points equal
battle round and that is within 6" of this fighter. You can figure or its base is too large to fit, or if the door is Pick a terrain feature within 1" of this monster. In an
to the first value of the weapon’s damage.
activate that fighter immediately after the activation of closed. Measure in a straight line through the horizontal order of your choice, place each objective, treasure
For each critical hit, instead allocate a number of this fighter ends. centre of the archway or doorway. If the fighter has token and fighter that is on that terrain feature, and on
damage points equal to the second value of the [Quad] Rampage enough move to be placed on the other side, it can any other terrain feature that is on that terrain feature,
weapon’s damage. move through. on the battlefield floor in a location of your choice as
This fighter makes a bonus move action. Then, they can
4. Remove taken down fighters Fighters with the gargantuan and/or mount runemarks close as possible horizontally to its current location.
make a bonus attack action.
cannot move through archways. Fighters Then, in an order of your choice, each fighter placed on
Allocate damage points 1 at a time. If the damage points
allocated to a fighter ever equals its wounds, that
TERRAIN with the gargantuan, mount, and/or beast runemarks the battlefield in this manner suffers impact damage.
cannot move through doorways. Then, remove the terrain feature(s).
fighter is taken down and removed from the battlefield. A terrain feature is the scenery itself and any base it’s
Any left over damage points from the attack action are
mounted on, but not empty space around or within it. ALLIES,THRALLS, AND MONSTERS VICTORY
discarded. A taken down fighter takes no further part in OBSTACLES Allies are powerful fighters from other factions that can The victory condition will dictate after which battle
the battle. An obstacle is any part of a terrain feature that prevents be included in your warband. Up to 2 allies with either round the battle ends and which player is declared
a fighter from moving horizontally and that extends the hero or ally runemark may be included. They must
DISENGAGE ACTION vertically more than 1" high from the battlefield floor or
the winner.
be from the same Grand Alliance. When the battle ends, if neither player has achieved the
If a fighter is within 1" of an enemy, they can make a the platform upon which it is placed.
Thralls are beasts and other creatures a warband can victory condition, the battle is a draw and neither player
disengage action to move away.
bind to do their bidding. Up to 3 fighters with the thrall wins.

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