Fields Notes Module

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Maxwell’s equations. Laplace and Poisson equations and their solution. Boundary conditions.
Plane waves in a perfect dielectric; propagation in imperfect dielectric. Propagation in
imperfect conductors, skin effect. Generalized wave equation, field distributions in rectangular
waveguide. Radiation field, dipoles, radiation resistance, impedance, mutual impedance, linear

Worked Example

a. Consider three point charges located at the corners of an equilateral triangle, as shown in
figure 1. Calculate the resultant electric force on the 7.00-μC charge. Be sure to specify
both the magnitude and direction.


1. We define the electric field intensity E to be the force per unit charge exerted on a test charge
in the field.

F 12 Q1
E 1= =k 2 r 1 (volts/metre) (2)
Q2 r

E1 is the same whether the test charge Q2 is in the field or not, even if Q2 is large compared to

2. The flux (action of flowing out)
d ∅ of a vector F field through aninfinitesimal surface ds is defined as :

d ∅ =F .n ds



Where the vector A field comes out normal to element of area da. Electric units are (Vm).

Hence, ∅ total =∬ ( F . n ) ds , since ds = xy (no need for proof here).

3. Divergence (div) is “flux density”(flux per unit volume)—the amount of flux entering or
leaving a point.

∅ total=∬ ( F . n ) ds=∭ ∇ . F dV (3)

4. Given the charge density ρ v C/m3, the electric field due to net enclosed charges is given by:

E=k ∫ ((ρv ¿ d (vol))/r )ar ¿


Where ar is unit vector .

Problem 4. In a 1cm cube lying between (0,0,0) and (1,1,1), the charge density is given by –
(x2+y2+z2)2.5 C/m3. Show that the electric field strength E at the origin is:

7 V
48 πϵo
( a x + a y +a z ) ( ).

Worked Example

Three identical point charges, each of mass m = 0.100 kg and charge q hang from three strings,
as in Fig. Q1. If the lengths of the left and right strings are L = 30.0 cm and angle θ=
45.0◦, determine the value of q. [14]


Choosing the leftmost mass in Fig. Q1. The forces on this mass are shown in below.

Gravity pulls down with a force mg; the string tension pulls as shown with a force of magnitude
T. Both of the other charged masses exert forces of electrostatic repulsion on this mass. The
charge in the middle exerts a force of magnitude Fmid; the rightmost (far) charge exerts a force

of magnitude Ffar. Both forces are directed to the left. We can get expressions for Fmid and Ffar
using Coulomb’s law. The distance between the left charge and the middle charge is

Worked Example

a. Find the total charge contained in a 2-cm length of electron beam shown in Fig. Q2. [15]

b. Assuming these electrons are moving at a constant velocity of 10 percent of the velocity of
light estimate the value of the electron beam current in amperes. [5]



-Gauss's law states that the net flux of an electric field through a closed surface is proportional to
the enclosed electric charge. It is one of the 4 equations of Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism.

Derivation of Gauss's law

Gauss's law is another form of Coulomb's law that allows one to calculate the electric
field of several simple configurations. Gauss's law relates the electric field lines that
"leave" the a surface that surrounds a charge Q to the charge Q inside the surface. Let
us compare Gauss's law on the right to Coulomb's law: {note that k has been replaced
by 1/(40), where 0 = 1/(4k) = 8.85E-12}

Here, A refers to the area of a spherical surface that surrounds the charge, which is
4r2. Gauss's law is more general than Coulomb's law and works whenever the electric
field lines are perpendicular to the surface, and Q is the net charge inside the closed
surface. If part of the surface is not perpendicular to the closed surface, a cos term
must be added which goes to zero when field lines are parallel to the surface. The
adjective "closed" means that the surface must not have any holes.

The quantity EA is known as the electric flux (from equation (3)), as it can be
associated with the net electric field lines that leave the surface.

Problem 5:

Consider equation (7):

Assume that an infinite line of charge has linear charge density λ. What is the magnitude of the
electric field a distance s away from the line?

Remember that the key to this problem is creating a surface over which the we can write the
surface integral of the electric field in terms of the magnitude of the electric field. Use a cylinder
for linear arrangements of charge, a box for planar arrangements of charge, and a sphere for
spherical arrangements of charge.

Problem 6: Consider an infinite sheet of charge with uniform charge density per unit area .
What is the magnitude of the electric field a distance r from the sheet?

An Infinite Sheet of Charge

To apply Gauss' Law, we need to know what the field looks like.

From the symmetry of the situation you should be able to convince yourself that the field is
uniform and perpendicular to the sheet, going out from the sheet if the charge is positive and in
toward the sheet if the sheet is negative.

Come up with an appropriate gaussian surface. Here are some possibilities:

1. a sphere whose center lies on the sheet

2. a cylinder whose axis lies on the sheet
3. a cylinder whose axis is perpendicular to the sheet
4. a cube or rectangular box with two faces parallel to the sheet

Either choice 3 or choice 4 would be fine. Let's go with a cylinder with a cross-sectional area A.

Once again, to apply Gauss' Law, we need to answer two questions:

What is the total charge enclosed by the surface?
What is the net electric flux passing through the surface?

The total charge enclosed is qenc = σA, the charge per unit length multiplied by the cross-
sectional area of the cylinder.

To find the net flux, consider the two ends of the cylinder as well as the side. There is no flux
through the side because the electric field is parallel to the side. On the other hand, the electric
field through an end is E multiplied by A, the area of the end, because E is uniform. There are
two ends, so:

Net flux = 2EA.

Now bring in Gauss' Law and solve for the field:

By Gauss' Law the net flux = qenc/εo

2EA = σA/εo

The factors of A cancel, leaving:

E = σ/2εo

Problem 7: Consider a cube of side a with charge Q at point shown. Find magnitude of the flux
coming out of each of the six sides.


Solution: This cube can be constructed from eight cubes each of side a.

Place q at the centre of this larger cube. Total flux through larger cube by Gauss’ Law is .

Since each face is identical, the flux through each face of the larger cube = 1/6 of total = .
6ϵ 0


1. Biot-Savart Law

a. Biot-Savart's law states that the magnetic field intensity dH produced at a point P,
as shown below, by the differential current clement Idl is proportional to the
product Idl and the sine of the angle α between the element and the line joining P to
the element and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between P
and the element.

Problem 1:

a. Derive expression for the magnetic field at point P due to a finite length of wire carrying
current I amperes. [10]

Solution 1:

Problem 2:

a. Define and briefly explain the terms:

i) Ampere’s Circuital law. [4]

ii) Magnetic vector potential [4]

b. Two parallel wires carry currents I1 and 2I1 in opposite directions. Use Ampere’s law to find
the magnetic field at a point midway between the wires. [7]

Solution 2:
a. i) Ampere's circuit law states that the line integral of the tangential component of H around a
dosed path is the same as the net current Ienc enclosed by the path. (2)

Note: H=B/μo , and

(Since the magnetic field B is defined as the curl of A, and the by vector identity the curl of a
gradient is identically zero, then any arbitrary function which can be expressed as the gradient of
a scalar function may be added to A without changing the value of B obtained from it). (4)

2. Faraday’ Law of electromagnetic induction

The results of Faraday’s experiments may simply be stated that a magnetic field varying in time
produces an electromotive force (e.m.f) which causes a current to flow in a closed circuit in the
field. The e.m.f which is produced in a closed circuit is proportional to the time rate of decrease
of magnetic flux linkage in the circuit.

-negative sign(due to Lenz0 emphasis that the direction of the possible current flow is such as to
tend to prevent the flux change taking place.

From Stokes’ Theorem (line integral = surface integral) we get:




Solutions of Laplace’s equation are known as Harmonic functions.

The expressions for the Laplacian operator in Cartesian, spherical and cylindrical coordinates are
given by the following expressions (here V =φ ¿ :


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