Reflection in The Seminar (IBITS DAY)

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Reflection on Netiquettes and Computer Ethics from the IBITS Seminar

During our IBITS day seminar, we had a fascinating session on netiquettes and computer
ethics, and it got me thinking about how I interact online and the responsibilities that come with
using technology. Here's a casual reflection on what I learned and how it applies to my life.

Netiquette, or internet etiquette, is basically the dos and don'ts of online behavior. It's about
being respectful and polite when you're communicating over the internet, whether that's through
email, social media, or even online gaming.

One key takeaway for me was the importance of respect. It's easy to forget there's a real person
on the other side of the screen. Simple things like not using all caps (because it feels like you're
shouting), saying thank you, and acknowledging other people's opinions can make a big
difference. I realized that being clear and concise in my messages also helps avoid
misunderstandings, especially in group chats or when working on projects.

Reflecting on my online habits, I noticed that sometimes I might rush my replies or forget to
acknowledge someone's point, which isn't the best way to communicate. This seminar reminded
me to slow down and be more thoughtful in my responses.

Computer ethics are about the moral guidelines we should follow when using technology. This
includes issues like privacy, intellectual property, and the ethical use of information.

One big topic we discussed was privacy. With so much personal information floating around
online, it's crucial to be aware of what we share and who can see it. This got me thinking about
my own social media accounts and the apps I use. I've become more conscious about checking
privacy settings and thinking twice before sharing personal details.

Another important aspect is intellectual property. It's about respecting other people's work,
whether it's music, art, or even software. For me, this means making sure I always credit
sources properly in my school projects and not downloading pirated software or media. It's easy
to overlook, but respecting intellectual property is key to fostering creativity and innovation.

We also tackled/discussed the ethical use of information, especially with the rise of fake news
and cyberbullying. It's scary how fast misinformation can spread online. The seminar made me
realize the importance of fact-checking before sharing anything and standing up against
cyberbullying if I see it happening.

Combining netiquette and computer ethics is about being a responsible digital citizen. This
means continuously learning and reflecting on our online behaviors. For example, I plan to join
online workshops or follow blogs that discuss digital citizenship to stay updated on these topics.

Reflecting on my behavior and getting feedback from friends and teachers can also help me
improve. After the seminar, I feel more committed to being respectful, protecting my privacy,
and using information ethically online.

The IBITS day seminar on netiquettes and computer ethics was a real eye-opener. It highlighted
the importance of good online manners and the ethical responsibilities we have when using
technology. By following these principles, we can all help create a more positive and
responsible online community. This experience has inspired me to be more mindful of my online
interactions and to strive for integrity in everything I do online.

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