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The Impact of Gadget for Today’s Adolescent

   

Before starting off the topic, I would like to ask the honorable judges and audiences.
Isn’t anybody here familiar with gadgets?
Perhaps it’s totally nonsense to say, as to which we live in a world where gadget itself
has been playing significant role in our society nowadays. Moreover, gadgets here refer to
smartphones, televisions, laptops, computer and such.
Mostly, we hear some people say that gadgets are noxious for our daily life. Thus, we
are wondering why they could say that?. On what basis?
For instances. Indeed, we experience in ourselves, lot of useful applications, such as
Nakhtim, Dhikr, and other google apps. It’s getting pretty convenient to use the latest ones to
manage our daily activities to the fullest. On the other hand, their usages are still less
compared to social media apps and games which is not few, but quite massive usages noted
That is because it drives happiness and enjoyment toward us, hence we totally forget
the consequences we have to bear. For that reason, we still need to remember both favor that
mainly often be forgotten by human being?. Favor of health and favor of leisure. I don’t get a
single due on what they might be watching for a very long time. Why but of course plentiful
creative and enlightening contents.
Those contain knowledge, useful facts, and even become a bridge for our dakwah or
preach. After filled, those contents have been wrapped into gorgeous gifts, so it looks
promising and enjoyable. And that goes also with negative contents.
In addition to bad influences, less self-control, and lack of parent’s authority,
becoming an undeniable cause, the main reason, why children and adolescents have been
contaminated, in one example, saying what they shouldn’t.
And this is on the contrary, as Allah ‫ ﷻ‬says in Al-Baqarah in verse number 83
………………...   ………… 

And speak nicely to people

As well as our dearest Prophet Muhammad ‫( ﷺ‬Peace be upon him) said:
. ))‫ومن كان يؤمن باهلل واليوم اآلخر فليقل خريًا أو ليصمت” ((متفق عليه‬

".Who believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak what is good or remain silent
Cited in al-Bukhari and Muslim
Then, it is our duty to prevent or minimize it, starting by trying to take care of
ourselves first, and for sure our prophet Muhammad ‫( ﷺ‬Peace be upon him) mentioned
‫ِف ِع‬
‫وَمْن َيْس َتْع ْف ُي ِّف ُه اُهلل‬
Whoever tries to preserve Allah, thus Allah will preserve them (cited in al-Bukhari and
Then it came to conclusion, that this very light gadgets have a major role in our daily
life as a whole, especially including adolescent, so try to take care of ourselves and be aware,
because we cannot judge the book by its cover.

              …

  …… 

You might not like something, even though it would be good for you, and you might like
something even though it would not be good for you (Al-Baqarah 216)
Muazzam Nizarul Haqq
SMP Terpadu Rahmatika
Pesantren Rahmatika al-Atsari
Technology is a Good Tool
   
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, The Compassionate, and Praise to Allah, the Lord
of the universe, prayers and peace be upon our prophet, Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬who has
brought from the dark ages to the light ages.
On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “Technology is a good tool”
Honored ladies and gentlemen, technology is a good tool. If it is used by a good user,
if the user uses technology to execute negative things, technology will become negative. On
the other side, technology can make our life easier and help human’s needs and interests.
In the recent years, there are many violence and terrors. Those things sometimes are
associated with Islam. This is misunderstanding and misconception with our beautiful
religion. By operating and using technology, people can learn Islam through internet, so those
misunderstandings can be clarified.
Technology and social media are very close with young people, we cannot deny that
Islamic knowledge can be somehow boring for them since it’s all about history. The
existence of technology has thankfully solved this matter and young Muslims are able to
learn Islam with more friendly way.
As we know, seeking for knowledge is counted as a good deed in Islam. The
messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
‫َمْن َس َلَك َطِر يًق ا َيْلَتِم ُس ِفيِه ِعْلًم ا َس َّه َل الَّلُه َلُه ِبِه َطِر يًق ا ِإىَل اَجْلَّنة‬
“Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to
Paradise.” (cited in Shahih Muslim)

Useful knowledge that is spread between people even counted as good deeds that
never stop flowing even after they pass away.
‫ِه ٍد ِل‬ ‫ٍة ٍة ِع‬ ‫ٍة ِم‬ ‫ِم‬
‫ِإَذا َم اَت اِإْل ْنَس اُن اْنَق َطَع َعَم ُلُه ِإاَّل ْن َثاَل َث ْن َص َد َق َج اِر َي َو ْلٍم ُيْنَتَف ُع ِب َو َو َل َص ا ٍح َيْد ُعو َلُه‬
“When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except three: Ongoing charity, beneficial
knowledge, and a righteous child who will pray for him.” (cited in Shahih Muslim)

Nevertheless, seeking for knowledge is not always executed only in school, but
actually can be done through other ways, internet and technology which are good
combination to seek for knowledge in the modern era. We can learn about Islam through
smartphone which is very easy, because we can access it anywhere and anytime.
Islamic preachers are now using technology to spread their da’wah as wide as
possible. Their speeches are often recorded and uploaded on Youtube or they often have live
streaming on Facebook, and many Muslims use technology to strengthen their iman or faith
to Allah ‫ﷻ‬. The people often access da’wah from Islamic scholars from all over the world
and learn about Islam deeper through it.
This is very positive impact of technology for Islam. Islamic education should be
started from the very young age. Children should understand their basic obligation about
iman and Islam. Once again, thanks to technology, educating children is easier and more fun
by using it. There are many Islamic apps that can be downloaded for free to teach children
how to send Al-Qur’an verses, doing prayers, and making wudhu.
Technology is very beneficial for Muslims who start their business in which the
promotion and marketing become easier and more effective through the internet. Moreover, it
doesn’t require a lot of money.
Technology and internet can make us easier to help our Muslim fellows who in need
by giving charity through the internet and people in every part in the world can participate in
the charity Technology is very helpful when it is used for good thing.
So, that’s why technology is a good tool. As Muslims, we have to use technology as
wise as possible, because beside a lot of benefits that we can get from the technology, there
are also many negative things from technology.
The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said
"‫ِم ْن ُحْس ِن إْس اَل ِم اْلَمْر ِء َتْر ُك ُه َم ا اَل َيْع ِنيِه‬

“Part of the perfection of one’s Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him.”
(cited in Tirmidzi)

Faliq Mulki Adietya

SMA Terpadu Rahmatika
Pesantren Rahmatika al-Atsari
   
The Impact of Gadget for Today’s Adolescent 2
In the previous section, I have delivered several impacts of gadgets towards Children
and Adolescents, the positive and negative sides. Then, will we be discussing the same thing?
Yes, however it will be quite a little bit extensive and detail. In syaa Allah.

Firstly, we are going to dig a little bit about smartphone. We usually call it hand
phone, in which it should be called smartphone either than it, because quite few clear reasons
and we have probably known it already. And when smartphone itself already has been known
as smart device - as well as laptop and computer- , hence its users should be smarter in terms
of using it. It will eventually control us, rather than the ones who is controlling them, if they
are not smart enough when using it.
It can affect us negatively, bringing us beyond fantasy. Even though we are in the
middle of social engagement whereas it is believed that is not a trivial matter.
As well as Allah ‫ ﷻ‬said in Al-Qur’an Surah An-Nahl verse number 90
    ………… 
In deed Allah order justice and good conduct and gaining help to relatives
I would like to ask the honorable audiences. Is it acceptable to ignore relatives? Is
being ignorant actually justifiable? No, definitely, we shouldn’t be careless concerning this.
And also about the existence and its functions of whatsapp, telegram, and such, because there
is nothing but to pass the difficulty of relationship, if it is already easy, why do we make it
Then, it actually becomes an important matter lately, perhaps some of us have been
familiar with terms “fury” as well as “rage”. A state where our addiction to gadgets no longer
be controlled, and gets the best of us resulting in disobeying parents, even the religion. The
indications may vary, but without a doubt, it would be truly frightening. In most cases, worst
took place. Na’udzubillah, even punching their own parents, wrecking their own houses, it
cannot be helped. They are caring of it. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬says in the Qur’an
   …………..  ..…………
When Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬was asked about the foremost person shall be serve.
He answers,“Your mother”, “then who?” “your mother”, “and then who?”, “your mother”,
“and then who?” “your father”

It shows how dangerous gadget can be, if it is not wisely used. Like a double-edged
sword, then can only be used by the chosen heroes.
Gadget can bury young sprouts, making them firmer and more gorgeous which will
grow in to big trees, replacing old ones. The roots will pounce on the ground deeply, and try
to give benefit as much as possible to society where they live. There are also sprouts out there
who thought that they have already grown perfectly, but only to know that they the ones who
root first. How come we outreach our dreams, with a lot of rotten sprouts? Are those all
dreams we all wanted?
Do not blame the gadget itself, let us take a look at the past. Back when Charles
Babbage, Martin Cooper, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates made their inventions. They did it all for
own goodness. None other reasons. All they wanted to prosper and make our life easier. No
wonder if there is saying “Do not let the strongest weapon falls into the wrong hands”
because, we have already felt the consequences and eventually fantasy becomes reality.

Muazzam Nizarul Haqq

SMP Terpadu Rahmatika
Pesantren Rahmatika al-Atsari

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