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Received: 7 February 2024 Revised: 7 March 2024 Accepted: 14 March 2024

DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.14599


Modeling Maillard reaction kinetics in spray dryers using both

lumped- and distributed-parameter modeling approaches

Zelin Zhou | Timothy Langrish

Drying and Process Technology Group, School

of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Abstract
The University of Sydney, New South Wales,
This study aimed to develop a simulation model for the kinetics of Maillard reactions
during the spray-drying process of model systems. Two different modeling
approaches were used: lumped-parameter and distributed-parameter models. The
Zelin Zhou, Drying and Process Technology
Group, School of Chemical and Biomolecular reaction kinetic model was developed by fitting experiment results from iso-thermal
Engineering, Building J01, The University of
heating experiments with different model systems at various temperatures and mois-
Sydney, Darlington, New South Wales 2006,
Australia. ture contents with Arrhenius-type equations. The developed reaction kinetic models
were coupled with drying kinetics and segregation models adopted from previous
Funding information studies. The prediction results from the models developed were then compared with
Department of Education, Australian
those from spray-drying experiments, and both modeling approaches showed a rea-
sonable agreement with the experimental data. The distributed parameters modeling
approach showed a 17.7% improvement in sum of square errors compared to the tra-
ditional lumped-distributed modeling approach.

Practical Applications
Two different mathematical models with different approaches were developed and
have shown reasonable performance in predicting the kinetics of Maillard reactions
in spray drying. The models developed in this study can be used to improve the
spray-drying process of thermally sensitive products where Maillard reaction or other
types of thermal degradation may occur.

Maillard reactions, particle residence time, spray drying

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Langrish, 2021a). Therefore, developing a deeper understanding of

the kinetics of Maillard reactions in spray dryers is desirable. One
Spray drying has been widely used in many industries, including food of the approaches is developing mathematical simulation models for
manufacturing, chemical production, and pharmaceutical applications. Maillard reaction kinetics during spray drying. Mathematical simula-
During the spray drying processes of feeds that contain proteins and tion models can provide a better insight into how the quality of the
sugars, Maillard reactions may occur. Maillard reactions occur spray-dried products may be affected by different factors. Addition-
between reducing sugars and amino acids, and they have some unde- ally, a well-developed simulation model can also significantly reduce
sirable consequences, including loss of nutritional values for the the difficulty and cost of the optimization process. Other than the
spray-dried products (Friedman, 1996; Martins et al., 2000; Zhou & common factors, such as temperature and reaction time, the kinetics

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© 2024 The Authors. Journal of Food Process Engineering published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

J Food Process Eng. 2024;47:e14599. 1 of 11
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2 of 11 ZHOU and LANGRISH

of Maillard reactions in spray dryers can be affected by both the mois- study by Zhou and Langrish (2021b). The overall heat loss coefficient
ture content and the ratio between the reactants. Several studies of the spray dryer to the environment was approximately
have investigated the kinetics of Maillard reactions that occur during 5 W m2 K1. The particle residence time distribution for the pilot-
the spray-drying process, while the potential impact of the segrega- scale spray dryer was measured in the previous study by Zhou
tion process on such a process has not been considered or modeled et al. (2022).
(Gómez-Narváez et al., 2019; Gómez-Narváez et al., 2022; Miao &
Roos, 2004; Park et al., 2016). The segregation process is a process
whereby different components separate from each other. The segre- 2.4 | Isothermal heating of the samples
gation process occurs during the spray-drying process of a mixture
(e.g., milk) and leads to a heterogenous distribution of the components In order to predict the Maillard reactions in spray dryers along with
within all particles, which may play an important role in the kinetics of the segregation process, the combined effect of moisture content,
Maillard reactions as these reactions involve many different stages component ratio, and temperature on the reaction kinetics of Maillard
and components (Baklouti et al., 1998; Kim et al., 2003; reactions was investigated. Model systems with different moisture
Nursten, 2005). As shown in our earlier study and other studies, the contents and lactose-to-WPI ratios were prepared. Three different
ratio between the two primary reactants (i.e., sugars and proteins) is ratios between lactose and WPI were used: 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1 to repre-
an important factor affecting the kinetics of Maillard reactions sent the heterogeneous distribution of different components in differ-
(Nursten, 2005; Zhou & Langrish, 2021b). Therefore, the potential ent layers of the particles due to the segregation process. Three
impact of the component segregation process needs to be addressed different moisture contents were used: X = 1 kg/kg, X = 5 kg/kg, and
to better understand the kinetics of Maillard reactions that occur dur- X = 10 kg/kg, since most of the segregation process occurs within
ing spray drying. The focus of this work is to develop a model for this range of moisture contents (Putranto et al., 2017). Samples pre-
Maillard reactions that occur during the spray-drying processes with pared were subsequently heated isothermally at either 60, 80, and
the segregation process in mind. 100 C for up to 35 min in a sealed glass bottle in a fan-forced oven.
After heating, the samples were cooled using an ice–water mixture to
reduce the extent of subsequent reactions.

2.1 | Chemicals 2.5 | Modeling approach

Fresh skim milk (99% fat-free) was purchased from Coles (Australia) in 2.5.1 | Modeling of drying kinetics and component
1 L bottles. Skim milk powders were also purchased from Coles segregations
(Australia) for the manufacture of the reconstituted milk. Potassium
acetate (analytical reagent), lactose (analytical reagent), and acetate The modeling process for predicting the Maillard reaction kinetics in
acid (1 mol/L, laboratory grade) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, spray dryers involves two parts, one for the drying and segregation
Australia. kinetics and the other for the reaction kinetics. The drying and segre-
gation kinetics model accounts for the physical part of the overall
model, including temperatures, moisture contents, and distribution of
2.2 | Measurement of the extent of Maillard components. Then, the reaction kinetic model estimates the chemical
reactions in the samples reaction kinetics of Maillard reactions based on the conditions pre-
dicted by the drying kinetics model.
The extent of Maillard reactions in the samples was measured using The main focus of this study is the kinetics of Maillard reactions
the method described in the previous study by Zhou and Langrish in spray dryers while developing a new model for the drying kinetics
(2021b), which is a fluorometric method for measuring the extent of and segregation process is beyond the scope of this study. In this
Maillard reactions proposed by Birlouez-Aragon et al. (1998). Samples study, two types of modeling approaches were used, namely, a
were reconstituted with distilled water to a concentration of lumped-parameter model and a distributed-parameter model. The
8.8 wt.%, and the fluorometric measurement of the diluted samples main difference between these two modeling approaches is that
was carried out by using a Horiba FluoroMax-4 spectrometer. the distributed-parameter model allows for a heterogeneous distribu-
tion of heat and mass within the particles, while the lumped-
parameter model assumes homogeneity inside the particles. The
2.3 | Spray drying experiments and particle distributed-parameter model used in this work has been adapted from
residence time determination a previous study by Wang and Langrish (2009), and the lumped-
parameter model is the parallel-flow model adapted from previous
Spray drying of the model systems with different whey protein isolate study by Langrish (2009). For both lumped- and distributed-parameter
(WPI) and lactose ratios was described and carried out in the previous approaches, the changes in the external conditions outside the
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ZHOU and LANGRISH 3 of 11

particles have been based on a parallel-flow model for the gas and 3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
particle conditions in the dryer. This parallel-flow approach assumes
that the gas and the solid particles flow in parallel to each other 3.1 | Results of iso-thermal heating experiments
through the dryer and allows for changes in solid particle and gas
properties as functions of distance through the dryer (Langrish, 2009). An overview of the effect of the three main factors on the Maillard
This approach is different to the approach used in a similar study by reaction kinetics is shown in Figure 1.
Gómez-Narváez et al. (2022), where “the temperature and humidity As shown in Figure 1, the reaction rate increases as the heating
of air in the drying chamber are” assumed to be “homogeneous and temperature increases, which is common for many reactions. In the
equal to the temperature and humidity in the outlet.” Their approach study by Gómez-Narváez et al. (2022), an increase in the rate of
to the drying kinetics has some difference compared with the parallel- 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF) formation has also been observed
flow modeling method. The well-mixed approach of Gómez-Narváez for the system (lactose:WPI = 7:1) as the temperature increases. Simi-
et al. (2022) only predicts the outlet temperature of the gas and the lar to the advanced Maillard reaction products (AMP)/tryptophan
solids, and this approach assumes that the temperatures are “homoge- (Trp) ratio used as an experimental indicator in this study, HMF is
neous and equal” throughout the chamber. This situation may result another indicator for Maillard reactions (Morales & van Boekel, 1998).
in differences between the actual and predicted temperatures in the The reaction rate at 60 C is low regardless of the moisture content
dryer, particularly since peak particle temperatures have been and the reactant ratio. When the temperature increased from 80 to
reported inside co-current spray dryers that are higher than the outlet 100 C, a significant increase in the reaction rate was observed for all
temperatures (Chiou et al., 2008). As shown in many studies on Mail- conditions. These observations are similar to those in our previous
lard reactions in spray dryers, the particle temperature is an important study (Zhou & Langrish, 2021b), where the reaction rate also
factor for the kinetics of Maillard reactions in spray dryers (Gómez- increased significantly when the temperature rose above a certain
Narváez et al., 2019; Miao & Roos, 2004; Nursten, 2005; Park value.
et al., 2016). Additionally, the effect of moisture content has not been In terms of moisture contents, the reaction rates for model sys-
considered in their model for heat damage simulation, although rele- tems with lower moisture contents are much higher than those with
vant data were measured and reported in their study. higher moisture contents. The higher reactant concentrations in the
samples with lower moisture contents are a key cause of these obser-
vations. When the moisture contents are high, the reaction rate is
2.5.2 | Modeling of the reaction kinetics decreased due to the dilution effect, and the reaction rates are higher
at low moisture contents due to higher reactant concentrations. In a
The second part of the simulation model is the model for the relevant study by Carabasa-Giribet and Ibarz-Ribas (2000), glucose
kinetics of Maillard reactions. Three factors need to be considered in solutions with moisture contents ranging from X = 5.7 kg/kg to
the reaction kinetics model: temperature, moisture content, and ratios X = 1.2 kg/kg and a fixed sugar-to-protein ratio of (5000:1) were
between the reactants. The effects of different factors were investi- heated at temperatures from 85 to 100 C for up to 80 h. The highest
gated using the iso-thermal heating experiments described in reaction rate was also observed for the model systems with the low-
Section 2.4. Then, the experimental data were fitted using Arrhenius est moisture content. The relationship between moisture content and
equations and Arrhenius-type equations (Arrhenius, 1889) for temper- the reaction rate is complicated for systems with lower moisture con-
ature and moisture content dependency. tent. In the study of Gómez-Narváez et al. (2022), model systems with
The temperature dependency of the reaction rate can be lower moisture contents (X ranging from .0291 to .0974 kg/kg) were
described using the well-known Arrhenius equation (Arrhenius, 1889): used. The rate of protein denaturation (measured as loss in available
lysine) increases as the moisture content decreases, probably due to
Ea higher reactant concentrations. While for the Maillard reactions indi-
k ¼ A  exp : ð1Þ
cators (i.e., furosine and browning index (BI)), the rate of formation of
these markers was found to be reduced as the moisture content
Here, k is the rate constant, A is the constant, Ea is the activation decreased. This observation is probably due to the mobility of mole-
energy of the reaction (J/mol), R is the ideal gas constant (J/K/mol), cules being limited at lower moisture contents, and thus the reaction
and T is the absolute temperature (K). rate is decreased (Schmitz-Schug et al., 2014).
The Arrhenius equation has been widely used in many studies to As for the reactant ratios, a higher Maillard reaction rate for
study the reactions during food processing, and an alternative form of model systems with higher protein-to-lactose ratios at all moisture
the Arrhenius equation is often used (Peleg et al., 2012): contents and heating temperatures has been observed. The highest
reaction rate has been observed in the model systems with the lowest
kðT Þ ¼ kref  expðc  ðT  T ref ÞÞ: ð2Þ lactose-to-WPI ratio (1:2). Also, for the samples with the lowest mois-
ture content (X = 1 kg/kg), the Maillard reaction rates in those sam-
Here, k(T) is the rate constant at temperature T (K), kref is the rate ples were similar, especially at higher temperatures. This observation
constant at the reference temperature Tref (K), and c is a con- suggests that, at lower moisture contents and higher temperatures,
stant (K1). the actual ratios of the components available for Maillard reactions
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FIGURE 1 Experimentally measured changes in AMP/Trp ratios at different temperatures as functions of heating time for different model

may be different from those in the model systems due to reduced sol- As shown in Figure 2, there is an induction lag in the changes in
ubility. Unlike lactose, whose solubility increases with temperature the Amp/Trp ratios during the initial stages of the experiment. During
(Hudson, 1904), the solubility of whey protein decreases when the the induction period, the changes in the extent of Maillard reactions
temperature increases, likely due to denaturation (Pelerine & were not significant. Such an induction period could also be found in
Gomes, 2008). Protein unfolding (denaturation) exposes more reac- samples collected under other experimental conditions. Miao and
tion sites, which may increase the reaction rate. At the same time, the Roos (2004) have also reported similar behavior in changes in optical
exposed hydrophobic functional groups reduce the solubility of pro- density (OD) at both 280 and 420 nm, which is also an indicator for
teins in water and thus limit the mobility of the molecules (Pelerine & the extent of Maillard reactions. In their study, an induction period
Gomes, 2008). was also found for the changes in OD. The rate of changes in OD dur-
ing the first 15 min of heating time is low, and beyond the induction
lag period, the change in OD appeared to be following zero-order
3.2 | Reaction kinetics parameters kinetics (Miao & Roos, 2004). In both their study and this study, sam-
ples were initially at room temperature prior to heating. Thus, the
3.2.1 | Fitting of the reaction kinetic parameters actual temperature of the samples at the start of the experiments is
lower than the desired reaction temperature. However, it is not rea-
The experimental results have been fitted with different kinetic sonable to preheat the samples to the desired temperature before
models to represent and evaluate the reaction rate for each combina- experiments, as thermal degradation does occur during the preheating
tion of factors quantitively. process. This disagreement between the actual and experimental
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ZHOU and LANGRISH 5 of 11

(ANOVA) was performed for all the fitted kinetic constants. The
ANOVA results show that different heating temperatures significantly
impact the fitted reaction rate constants (P < 0.05 for all conditions).
The effect of moisture contents on the fitted reaction rate constants
is significant except for the experiments with a heating temperature
of 60 C, probably linked to the larger variance for those experiments
due to the low extent of Maillard reactions in the heated samples. The
component ratios appear to have the least impact on the fitted reac-
tion constant, especially for experiments with a high heating tempera-
ture and low moisture contents (P > 0.05). This observation agrees
well with the previous hypothesis for the effect of solubilities for dif-
ferent components on the actual reactant ratio. In conclusion, out of
the three factors, the component ratios have the least impact on the
reaction kinetics.
In this study, there are three independent variables and one
dependent variable, making the rate constant prediction model effec-
F I G U R E 2 Experimentally measured changes in AMP/Trp ratios
for model systems with different reactant ratios at a moisture content tively a four-factor (x, y, z, w) mathematical model. Fitting a four-factor
of X = 10 kg/kg and at a temperature of 100 C. mathematical model is possible but difficult, especially considering
that three independent variables may not be truly independent of
each other. For example, the temperature and the moisture content
T A B L E 1 Fitted kinetics parameters (k in cps/cps/S  105) for
the experimental data (zero-order). can affect the actual reactant ratios by affecting the solubility of the
reactants. Therefore, in this study, the kinetic constant prediction
Lactose:WPI 1:2 2:1 1:1
model has been reduced to a three-factor (x, y, z) mathematical model,
100 C and the effect of the third factor has been included as “switches” in
X = 10 kg/kg 6.6 ± 0.8 15.0 ± 1.7 9.6 ± 1.0 the overall simulation model. In other words, three-factor models have
X = 5 kg/kg 12.3 ± 0.7 18.9 ± 2.0 13.9 ± 4.2 been developed separately based on the two independent variables
X = 1 kg/kg 31.4 ± 1.7 37.8 ± 0.2 34.1 ± 3.5 that have the most impact on the reaction kinetics for each corre-
80 C sponding value of the third independent variable. Based on the sensi-
X = 10 kg/kg 0.8 ± 0.0 1.8 ± 0.2 1.5 ± 0.2 tivity analysis of the factors investigated, the changes in reactant

X = 5 kg/kg 2.8 ± 0.4 4.3 ± 0.1 2.5 ± 0.6 ratios were found to have the least impact on the reaction kinetics. As
a result, a prediction mode for the kinetic constants has been devel-
X = 1 kg/kg 4.1 ± 0.9 9.2 ± 0.4 4.5 ± 0.5
oped based on the temperature and moisture content of each reac-
60 C
tant ratio.
X = 10 kg/kg 0.4 ± 0.4 0 ± 0.1 0.1 ± 0.0
X = 5 kg/kg 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 0.2 ± 0.0
X = 1 kg/kg 0.2 ± 0 0.1 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1
3.2.3 | Temperature and moisture content
dependency of the kinetics constant

temperatures is likely to be the main cause of the induction lag The temperature dependence of the reaction rate constants obtained
observed in the experimental results (Miao & Roos, 2004). As a result, from fitting zero-order kinetic models has been fitted using the modi-
the reaction kinetics constant fitted in this work is based on the fied Arrhenius equation (Equation 2). The fitting processes were car-
changes in AMP/Trp ratios at steady state (i.e., after the induction ried out using the nonlinear curve fit function in OriginPro 2022
period). (Figure 3). The reference temperature (Tref) is set as 80 C as it is the
The zero-order kinetic constant, k, of experimental data after the average heating temperature used in this study, and its corresponding
induction lag period has been fitted using MATLAB 2022b with average rate constants are regarded as reference rate constants (Kref).
the least-squares method, and the fitted results are summarized in Unlike modeling the temperature dependency of the reaction rate
Table 1. alone, which usually can be described using the Arrhenius equation or
Arrhenius-type equations, modeling the effect of both the moisture
content and temperature is more complicated. In most studies con-
3.2.2 | Sensitivity analysis for different factors cerning reactions that occur during drying processes, different models
were used to account for the effect of moisture content as the exist-
To determine the relative importance of the various factors on the ing models do not fit well with the experimental data (Di Scala &
reaction kinetics constant for Maillard reactions, analysis of variance Crapiste, 2008; Qiu et al., 2018; Schmitz-Schug et al., 2014). The
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6 of 11 ZHOU and LANGRISH

FIGURE 3 Fitting results of the Arrhenius equation for the rate constant.

general approach used in those studies is making the constants in the

modified Arrhenius equation (i.e., kref and c) moisture content depen-
dent. Here, in this work, a similar approach has also been used for
modeling the temperature and moisture content dependency of the
rate constants.
The moisture dependency of the frequency factor (kref) can also
be described using Arrhenius-type equations, and can be
expressed as:

kref ðXÞ ¼ kx  expðcx  ðX  Xref ÞÞ: ð3Þ

Here, kx and cx are the constants and Xref is the reference mois-
ture content.
The changes in these two factors, kx and cx, with different mois-
ture contents have been plotted as functions of moisture contents
and are shown in Figures 4 and 5. F I G U R E 4 Moisture content dependency of the constant kx in
the Arrhenius equation.
The constant cx appears to be relatively constant regardless of
the changes in moisture contents compared with kx. This observation
arises because the constant cx in the Arrhenius-type equations relates be considered constant regardless of the conditions. Another study
to the apparent activation energy (Ea) of the modeled reaction. The has reported that the apparent activation energy for lysine loss in
apparent activation energies are specified for each reaction and can model dairy formulations varies significantly at lower moisture
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ZHOU and LANGRISH 7 of 11

dMR kref  expðc1  ðX  X ref ÞÞ  expðc2  ðT p  T ref ÞÞ

¼ : ð5Þ
dh Upx

Here, dMR/dh is the change in the AMP/Trp ratios as a function

of the axial distance traveled by the particles within the dryer. The
constants in the reaction kinetic model were selected based on
the lactose-to-WPI ratio in the feed solutions.

Modeling Maillard reactions kinetics with distributed-parameter

For the distributed-parameter model, the kinetics of the Maillard reac-
tion for each sub-layer can be described as follows:

¼ kref  exp c1  Xj  X ref  exp c2  T j  T ref : ð6Þ

F I G U R E 5 Moisture content dependency of the constant cx in

As mentioned previously, the effect of different component ratios
the Arrhenius equation.
in the samples is introduced into the simulation as switches to reduce
the complexity of the kinetic reaction model, as discussed earlier. For
constants (X < .1 kg/kg), which is probably linked to changes in the example, when the lactose-to-WPI ratio is not greater than .5 in a
physical state of lactose (e.g., glass transition) (Schmitz-Schug sub-layer, the reaction rate constants will be estimated based on the
et al., 2014). Their findings may not be applicable here, as for all the kinetic model fitted based on data from heating model systems with a
conditions used in this work, the heating temperatures were all above lactose-to-WPI ratio of 1:2.
the glass transition temperatures of the model system (Tg <0 C). Since a zero-order reaction kinetic is used in this study, the reac-
The combined effects of the temperature and moisture content tion rate is independent of the reactant concentration. To compensate
can be described as: for this issue, the overall changes in the extent of Maillard reactions
for each particle were estimated by the weighted sum based on the
K ðT, X Þ ¼ kref  expðc1  ðX  Xref ÞÞ  expðc2  ðT  T ref ÞÞ: ð4Þ mass fraction of protein in each individual sublayer in the distributed
parameter model:
Here, again, the average moisture content (X = 5 kg/kg) and tem-
perature (T = 80 C) are chosen as the reference moisture content dMRoverall X n
dMRj mprotein j
¼  n : ð7Þ
(Xref) and the reference temperature (Tref). Kref is the average reaction dt dt P
j¼1 mprotein j
rate at the reference temperature and moisture content and c1 and c2
are the constants.
The fitting of Equation (4) was performed using MATLAB 2022b
based on the trust region algorithm and the least squares best fits, 3.3 | Simulation results from different modeling
and the results are summarized in Table 2. The initial guesses for the approaches
fitting process were specified in the following way: c1 and c2 were
the average values obtained from fitting experimental data with Equa- 3.3.1 | Prediction results from the lumped-
tions (3) and (4). kref was the average rate constant at the reference parameter model
temperature (Tref = 80 C) and moisture constant (Xref = 5 kg/kg). The
fitted parameters were also limited to be within the same magnitude The simulation results from the lumped-parameter model were
as the initial guesses (e.g., the fitted Kref was limited to the range of compared with the experimentally measured results in our previ-
106 to 105). ous study (Zhou & Langrish, 2021b). The parameters of the simu-
lation models are shown in Table 3, where the inlet gas
temperatures and feed compositions were changed to match
3.2.4 | Modeling Maillard reactions kinetics with experimental conditions.
different drying kinetic models For consistency, the predicted extent of Maillard reactions in the
spray-dried products was also converted to percentage changes in
Modeling Maillard reaction kinetic with lumped-parameter models AMP/Trp ratios compared with the feed (average AMP/Trp in feed is
To model the Maillard reactions occurring during the spray-drying .0055 cps/cps). As shown in Figure 6, the predicted values from the
process, the following equation was added to the existing parallel flow lumped-parameter models are similar to the experimentally measured
model: values for all the conditions (R2 ranging from .88 to .92). The
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8 of 11 ZHOU and LANGRISH

T A B L E 2 Fitted parameters for a

Lactose:WPI kref (cps/cps  106) c1 c2 R2
model describing the temperature and
1:2 4.064 ± 2.499 0.108 ± 0.0367 0.0900 ± 0.03091 0.97 moisture content dependency of Maillard
1:1 2.465 ± 1.710 0.1947 ± 0.0561 0.092 ± 0.0600 0.98 reaction rate constants.
2:1 2.1898 ± 1.043 0.2134 ± 0.0431 0.0901 ± 0.0231 0.98

Note: Fitted parameters are expressed as the estimated mean ± 95% confidence interval range.

TABLE 3 Initial conditions of the simulation models.

dryer. Temperatures up to 100 C were used in the isothermal heating
Lumped Distributed
experiments, while the outlet temperatures of spray-drying experi-
Conditions parameter parameter
ments were up to 145 C. Thus, the temperature difference was up to
Initial moisture content 10.37
45 K. Other than the temperature difference, the difference in mois-
ture content could also contribute to the difference between the pre-
Inlet gas temperature ( C) 190
dicted and actual values. In this study, the lowest moisture content
Initial droplet temperature 20
( C) used for the heating experiments was 1 kg/kg, as most segregation
occurs when the moisture content is above 0.1 kg/kg. During the
Inlet gas humidity (kg/kg) 0.005
spray drying process, the moisture content of the particles falls signifi-
Overall heat loss coefficient 5
(W/m2/K) cantly below 1 kg/kg, and the diffusion process limits the reaction rate
at lower moisture contents (Gómez-Narváez et al., 2019, 2022;
Feed flow rate (mL/min) 27
3 Miao & Roos, 2004; Schmitz-Schug et al., 2014). In terms of the over-
Drying gas flow rate (m /hr) 257
all trends in predicted and experimentally measured values, the pre-
Particle diameter (m) 20  106
diction model has underestimated the temperature dependency of
AMP/Trp of the feed 0.0055
the Maillard reactions during spray drying. In other words, it overesti-
mated the extent of Maillard reactions at lower temperatures and
Lactose-to-WPI ratio 2
underestimated them at higher temperatures. Parameter c2 describes
Particle velocity (axial) (m/s) 19.3
the temperature dependence of the reactions in the model developed.
Particle velocity (radial) (m/s) 5.18
As mentioned previously, c2 is proportional to the apparent activation
Particle velocity (tangential) 0
energy (Ea) of the reaction in Arrhenius-type equations. An increase in
the apparent activation energy in the samples at lower moisture con-
ODE solver ODE 23s
tents was reported in an earlier study by Schmitz-Schug et al. (2014).
Number of sub-layers N/A 5
This finding further emphasized the importance of investigating the
reaction kinetics at lower moisture contents. In summary, the kinetics
of Maillard reactions for model systems with lower moisture contents
need to be addressed to obtain a better estimation of the kinetics for
Maillard reactions in spray dryers, which can be a focus of future

3.3.2 | Prediction results from the distributed-

parameter model

In the distributed-parameter model, the reaction kinetics in each sub-

layer were calculated separately based on the temperature, moisture
contents, and component ratios for each sublayer. Different reaction
rates were predicted for each individual sublayer due to different con-
ditions for each individual sublayer. As shown in Figure 7, the outer-
most layer was predicted to have the highest reaction rate compared
F I G U R E 6 Predicted results from the lumped parameter model
with the inner layers. This observation is due to the outmost layer of
and the experimental data.
the particle having the highest temperature and protein-to-lactose
ratio and the lowest moisture content.
difference between the predicted and actual values is likely to be Again, the simulation results from the distributed-parameter
because reaction kinetics are modeled based on data obtained via model were compared with the experimentally measured results from
heat at temperatures lower than the particle temperatures within the the previous study (Figure 8). The same input parameters and reaction
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ZHOU and LANGRISH 9 of 11

distributed-parameter model better predicted Maillard reaction

kinetics during spray drying. The better performance of the
distributed-parameter model is probably linked to the more realis-
tic temperature, moisture content, and component distribution
profile within the particles compared with the lumped-parameter
model. In summary, the distributed-parameter modeling approach
showed a clear advantage over the traditional lumped-parameter

3.4 | Limitations of the current model

3.4.1 | Particle residence time

In the simulation models developed, the particle movement within the

dryer is estimated based on a plug-flow simulation approach

F I G U R E 7 Typical predicted reaction rate for each sublayer from (Langrish, 2009). This approach did not consider particle–wall interac-
the distributed-parameter model at the beginning of the drying tions, gas recirculation, and other factors that could affect particle res-
process. idence time. In order to have a more accurate description of the
particle movement and the particle temperature and moisture content
history, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations would be

3.4.2 | Moisture contents and glass transitions

As mentioned earlier in the discussion, the reaction kinetics model

developed in this model is based on model systems with a moisture
content of no less than 1 kg/kg. Therefore, the effects of lower mois-
ture contents on reaction kinetics are extrapolated based on the
trends in the measured results. In this study, the reaction rate con-
stants were found to increase as the moisture content decreased,
likely due to the concentration effect. However, as shown in other
studies, the reaction rate decreases at lower moisture contents due to
limited molecular mobility (Schmitz-Schug et al., 2014). This difference
F I G U R E 8 Predicted results from the distributed-parameter
between the predicted and actual correlation between the reaction
model and the experimental data.
rate constants may lead to an overestimation of the extent of the
Maillard reaction in the final product by the model, even though
kinetic constants were used. The predicted values were also con- the segregation process tends to be completed at lower moisture con-
verted to percentage changes. tents (Putranto et al., 2017).
As shown in Figure 8, the overall trend in the predicted values Additionally, for reaction kinetics at lower moisture contents, the
from the distributed-parameter model is the same as those predicted physical state of the particles also needs to be considered. Lactose is
by the lumped-parameter model (R2 ranging from .87 to .95). This an amorphous material whose physical properties depend on moisture
observation is probably due to the overall drying kinetics predicted by content and temperature. The mobility of the lactose molecules is
the models used here being largely the same. The predicted values affected by their physical state, and molecule mobility is higher when
from the distributed-parameter model are slightly higher at higher the temperature is above the glass transition temperature of the parti-
inlet gas temperatures compared with the predicted values from the cles. The glass transition temperatures of the model systems (<0 C)
lumped-parameter model. are significantly lower than the heating temperatures (60–100 C), so
The performance of the models was evaluated based on the the model effectively considers the particles to be amorphous and
total sum of square errors (SSE) compared with the average rubbery. This amorphous and rubbery condition means that the
experimental values under the same conditions. The SSE for the molecular mobility is assumed to be relatively high, so this situation
distributed-parameter model is 17.7% less than that for the may mean that the model also overestimates the extent of the Mail-
lumped-parameter model. This result suggested that the lard reaction.
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10 of 11 ZHOU and LANGRISH

Zelin Zhou
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How to cite this article: Zhou, Z., & Langrish, T. (2024).
Qiu, J., Vuist, J.-E., Boom, R. M., & Schutyser, M. A. I. (2018). Formation Modeling Maillard reaction kinetics in spray dryers using both
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