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readings: ch6

Development of Filipino Nationalism

⁃ more aggressive, ideology, reason why a nation will be form
⁃ you would find the uniqueness of your own nation, ours is better (superiority)
⁃ compete with other nations
⁃ united as one
⁃ love and will die for your country
⁃ love for nation
⁃ will die for nation

when did ph have nationalism?

⁃ 19th century
when are we colonized
⁃ 1565, 16th century

causes belated development

⁃ insular condition of the ph: geographical
⁃ it was hard to act as one, hiwa hiwalay
⁃ difficulty in transportation and communication (diff island and dialects)
⁃ no lingua franca (same language)
⁃ requirement of passports to travel to diff province
⁃ divide & rule tactic/strat
⁃ early revolts (fellow filipino natives din ang nagpa fail, loyalty to spaniards)

spanish misrule/ exploitation + political and economic development in europe & phil
(technological advancements in 19th)
= development of filipino nationalism

development: 19th
⁃ introduced to steam engines
⁃ invent machines to make lives easier
⁃ telephones, telegrams
⁃ railroads, trains
⁃ engineering feed: maritime
⁃ travel easier by suez canal in Red Sea (1869)
⁃ electricity

industrial revolution started where?

⁃ Great Britain, spread to Europe

factors of political and economic:

• opening of the ph to international trading
⁃ industrialization
⁃ ideology
⁃ result: rise of middle class
• rise of the middle class
⁃ klase media
⁃ means why liberalism introduced thru their production
⁃ middle class: ilustrados
• European liberalism
⁃ french revolution: overthrow monarchy, message is no longer absolute

• racial discrimination
⁃ on the part of spain: lowly tingin sa natives,
⁃ didnt introduce their language to natives
• secularization controversy
⁃ transfer of regular to secular
⁃ 2 types of priest: regulars (religious orders: agustinians, dominicans, jeswits,
franciscans, recollects)
⁃ seculars (diocese)
• cavite mutiny and execution of gomburza and

Gov Gen Maria dela Torre

⁃ very open
⁃ filipinos are able to say their criticism about spaniards
⁃ very liberal
⁃ 3 yrs

Rafael Izguuerdo
⁃ very strict
⁃ targeted the one who criticize spaniards

1872 - development (gomburza)

⁃ dramatic change sa wants and desires of ph

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