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Lab 5

Biomedical Modeling and Simulation

Task 2:
Question 1:
Create Tangent plot having marker of asterisk, line of Dash-Dot line and Cyan in color.

Figure 5.1: shows the code for the tangent plot

Figure 5.2: shows the tangent graph

Question 2:
Create three arrays named: Time, Travel in kilometers and Steps taken and apply following:

 Show all arrays in one figure with proper labeling of the figure.
 Visualize all arrays in different figures. Every figure should have proper labeling.
Figure 5.3: shows code for all array in one figure

Figure 5.4: shows the graph

Figure 5.5: shows array in different plot

Figure 5.7: travel plot

Figure 5.6: step plot
Question 3:
Choose any example of 3-D visualization of Matlab program from internet. Paste the code and
output and explain it in your own words.
Figure 5.8: shows a mesh plot


Figure 5.9: shows the code for the code


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