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Name: __Evie R.

Alig_____ Score: _______________

Course Code: _PA119_____ Date: __November 23, 2022__
Course & Year: __BPA 4-C_ Instructor: _Ms. Cheryl L. Quilang


1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True

Activity 1
-On this debate the one side believe that no need to teach ethics on adults because since
the one person was young good morals and values are teaching by their parents, adult
person already learned what is right or wrong through to their experience so adult
person already known ethics.
- While on the other side of the debate they believe that ethics should be teach to adult’s
lifelong education can influence and modify behavior, and ethics should be taught.
-For me YES, ethics should be teaching to adult the lifelong education can influence and
modify behavior. Ethics describes what ought to be. Studying ethics help further
understanding on how ethical decisions to made; it help to accelerate ethical
development. But I believe that learning it in the classroom is part of the process and
facilitates the development. Ethics is something developed over time through life
experience and interaction through people surrounded us.

Personal ethics refers to a person’s beliefs about what’s right and wrong. The
purpose of personal ethics is to make individuals morally better; example of personal
ethics is integrity, selflessness, honesty, loyalty, equality, fairness, empathy, respect, and
self-respect. While political ethics is the practice of making moral judgement about
political action, it serves as guide to the actions of individuals; it does so only with
respect to their institution roles and only to the degree necessary for the greater good of
the institution or society. Example of this are respecting others rights, fulfillment of
obligations, fair treatment, and truthful words and actions.
Activity 2
A bad education movie is about the public school embezzlement scandal. The film tells the story
of school district superintendent Dr. Frank Tassone who was a district superintendent of schools
in Long Island, New York. Together with his able assistant of several years Pam Gluckin,
Tassone had elevated Roslyn High School into becoming one of the top public schools in the
country. One day Gluckin expose of her long history of embezzlement of school fund because his
son used her credit card.
High school student Rachel Bhargava was only supposed to write a piece about the much
anticipated bridge way project in the campus. With her persistent and through investigation of
school financial records, it soon became apparent that the multi-million-dollar corruption did
not stop at Gluckins level alone, Dr. Tassone are also part of the corruption of school fund.
This school scandal ruins their reputation and give the big changes into their lives. These two
officials imprisoned and live their life full of regret.
We better value our morals, knowing what is right and wrong before doing the decisions in our
life. It is better to live in simply life having the good morals and values because, it will make us
to be the better person.

1. Ethics
2. Ethics
3. Morality, Ethics
4. Descriptive ethics
5. Values

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