Chemistry Unit 2

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Chemistry Unit 2-20240207_222636-Meeting Recording

February 9, 2024, 1:46PM

1h 4m 0s

Trudy Jackson 0:03

Determine the amount of an analyte by the measurement of mass.

Emaydine PetitFrere started transcription

Trudy Jackson 0:09

So thanks.
Yes, we do want to record for those who are not here.
So it's a quantitative method.
You know, when looking at quantitative methods such as titrations you know tells us
how much of something we have.
And gravimetric analysis involves mass measurements.
So we want to determine how much of a certain end light we have using mass
And to do that, analyze is converted to a substance of known composition that can
be separated from the sample and weighed.
So for example, you might have.
Let's say you know we've seen examples in titrations where you maybe have, let's say
linstone and you want to know how much calcium carbonate is in it.
It's a similar idea, except that.
Well, in this particular case, you're using weighing, not titration or anything like that,
to determine the amount of the unknown in your sample.
So you might have a mixture of different salads and you want to somehow get that
unknown cell that you're interested in, that unknown substance out separately wait,
and then that can tell you how much of it is present.

Verdina Potter joined the meeting

Trudy Jackson 1:27

So as it says here.
Sorry, so in principle the mass of the iron in the pure compound can be determined
and used to find the mass of the iron in a known quantity of the empire compound
and essentially the master the product is used to calculate the mass of analytes in an
impure compound and essentially what that's saying is that if we can somehow
convert the peer substance that we're interested in into some sort of iron, then we
can determine how much of that pure substance was in our original substance.
So there's two ways of going about this.
One is precipitation and the other is volatilization.
So the names are pretty, you know, explanatory precipitation.
Are gonna be precipitating out your analyte and in volatilization you're gonna be
doing something with, you know, gasses and using volatile substances.
So precipitation govern metric analysis.
In this method, uh, the Ian of the analyte is isolated into a sparingly soluble
And that precipitate must have a known composition.
So all your rails need doing is you're taking your impure solid and you're going to
somehow, let's say, dissolve the whole thing, and then you want to precipitate out
only the pure substance that you're interested in.
And so that's the work you have to know that you can form some kind of, you know,
sparingly soluble precipitate.
So you're going to add enough of something else that will give you that precipitate
that just barely dissolved.

Malik Mellis joined the meeting

Trudy Jackson 3:16

So once you start adding, it will start to precipitate out of solution and then you can,
uh to some calculations with that.
So the first step is, you know, preliminary treatment, which usually involves dissolving
your impure solid.
So you dissolve the whole thing and water.
You might have to adjust the pH depending on you know circumstances.
If you need to make things acidic, basic to get it to dissolve or whatever, you have to
do, then you precipitate.
Next step is precipitation.
So you add something to precipitate out the, so the the substance of interest.
So on Moodle you'll see that there is a link to some information on you know.
Solubility of different types of chemical compounds.
So for example, you'll see that all nitrates are generally soluble, whereas sulphates
are generally insoluble, for example, and so there's solubility rules that you can
follow or sort of memorize to give you an idea of which substances are tend to be
soluble and which ones tend to be insoluble.
So carbonates, you know, often some of them a lot of them are insoluble, that sort of
So on the other hand, Group 1 substances tend to be soluble, so these sort of
information gives you some ideas as to what you can do.
So for example, if you want to precipitate out an insoluble carbonate, you can add a
solution of a, let's say, add some a Group 1 carbonate.
So let's see.
Trying to precipitate out some calcium carbonate, you can add some sodium
carbonate so you have your first substance dissolved somehow you add some
sodium carbonate which is soluble, and then the the other substance will precipitate
So the carbonate from your sodium carbonate will combine with the calcium from
whatever you had to give you that precipitate.
Or maybe sulfates are pretty insoluble, so you might wanna go with the sulphate and
that sort of thing.
So once you have an idea of which substances are insoluble, you can add the
appropriate ion to combine with whatever you have in your solution, and that will
allow you to precipitate out a form of the substance that you're interested in.
And this all goes back to the solubility rules that you would have outside the
The solubility product calculations and so forth and concepts that you would have
learned about last year where you know it all comes from the fact that, uh, you can
work out the the product of the well.
Certain substances are fairly insoluble.
The products of certain ions will, if you have a concentration that's above that KSP
value, then you have precipitation, that sort of thing.
So when things are sparingly soluble, or what we might call insoluble, sometimes,
then we can precipitate them out easily.
So you'll just add an Ian that will give you a precipitate easily.
So I'll dissolve your sample, precipitate out your iron of interest by adding another
substance that forms a precipitate with it.
And then once you would have formed that precipitates, you can filter it off.
And to do that, the different methods you can use your standard filter funnel.
Oh, you make more often use something like a Buchner funnel.
If we were in the lab, I would probably do a demo for you, but let's just uh show you
what that looks like.
So here's your Buchner funnel and Buchner flask so.

Njosana Edwards joined the meeting

Trudy Jackson 6:59

Uh, most often you would use this sort of setup.
Uh for gravimetric analysis and this apparatus allows you to.
Filter things that are difficult to filter because you have a lot of solids involved, and if
you put them in filter paper it you know it might tear to filter paper.
You may not get to a good filtration.
You may have difficulty washing, so both the funnel is a filtration system, bond fund
and flask is a filtration system that operates on the pressure.
So you have the Buckner flask.
It's very thick flask.
And it has this little area that you can attach a hose to so you can attach, as they say,
and aspirator to it via rubber tubing.
So you added Tasha rubber tubing and the tubing basically goes to a vacuum pump.
That's just going to pull the air towards the pump.
So you'll have this vacuum pump set up.
Then you put a little adapter on top and I'll show you when we get back to the lab
and you put your book in the funnel on top of that, and then you put a little bit of
filter paper at the top of the box and funnel.
You'll put a little water to kind of get it wet and then you would put for your.
A precipitate and solution through that and they are vacuum will basically caused the
filtration to happen very quickly.
It'll just be pulling on the substance.
It's coming out of the flask, so it's suction filtration that allows everything to just be
pulled through very quickly and it's helpful when you have, you know, fix salads and
things like that.
That can take a long time to filter normally, so everybody with me so far.
Thumbs up.
Yes, OK.
So we would have, you know, at this update substance we would have precipitated
out the substance of interest in a different form that you know.
And then we would filter off the precipitate that we just created using this apparatus.
Then the next step is washing of the precipitate, and that, of course would just take
place while you're filtering.

Semira Mussington joined the meeting

Trudy Jackson 9:20

So you know, in order to ensure that you get rid of any impurities and so forth, you
know, for example, let's say you some DNS logs there and you just kind of squirt it
through your funnel and allow your precipitate to, uh, he washed off.
Of course, you're only gonna use a little bit of solvent because you don't want to
dissolve away some of it, even though the salt precipitated out, it's still, you know,
sparingly soluble.
Still disable little, so you just wash it with a little Diana's water together and you
know all the impurities and stuff away.
Get all the filtrates away and just be left, hopefully with a nice pair of precipitate.
Then there is drying or ignition of the precipitate.
So we say drying ignition, but essentially all that means is that you're gonna be
putting your precipitate into a Crucible of some kind and putting it into the oven.
Let's see.
Do we have an oven here?
So there's your oven, so you would put your sample and so across table such as the
one on the lab.
So we have these silica crucibles is a have a high resistance to heat shock and they're
used for heating or what we call igniting small quantities of solid.
So we're not actually lighting them on fire, which is heating them at very high
temperatures just to dry them off completely, because if you were to wear your
precipitate after filtering, of course they would have water in it and that would be
giving you an incorrect mass.
So you wanna get it as dry as possible and so you have to heat it in an oven.
And so the oven.
I mean it don't.
Have you used them before?
I mean and any of the labs, so this is what they look like in the CHEM lab.
I'm sure you're seeing them.
But if you haven't there at the front of the lab at this one next to where you put your
bags and stuff like that, and so pretty much they look like what you see here, there's
usually at the moment TER for the analog once it's thermometer at the top that you
can read for digital ones, you might have the reading on a sort of screen.
So you would just put your Crucible in here, close as the temperature that you want,
close the door and allow the sample to dry for as long as it's needed.
When you do your solid experiment, you're gonna be drying for up to 48 hours.
But if you were working with a typical simple inorganic salts, it might not take that
It might just take maybe up to six hours or something like that or less.
So you put your sample in that oven.
You'll notice that on this slide with the crucibles, there's another type of Crucible, the
center glass Crucible, and the difference between this and what we talked about so
far is that this center glass Crossville can replace the Buchner funnel and the silica
So for some situations you can just directly filter and dry in the same apparatus.
So instead of using the Buckner funnel, you can use the center glass Crucible with the
Buchner flask, and so you can filter your precipitate in it and then actually take that
same funnel with the precipitate in it and take it directly to the oven and dry it in the
So these as it says here, they're porous.
A mixture can be filtered, dried and weighed directly.
They have a porous disk of sintered glass fused in the body of the Crucible so that
little white disk at the bottom where you would normally, let's say, put the filter
Umm this this center glass costs have already has its own porous surface that's used
for filtering, so there's no need to add any filter paper that needs you.
Just put your pour your residue.
Infiltrates your directly through and it will be filtered using through this porous uh
surface and when you're finished, you just put the Crucible, as I said, directly in the
oven and it can dry me.
Used to dry your sample.
So advantages of course would be that you don't have to transfer your solid to
another container, so you're not losing any of it.
Also useful for situations where you have a substance that is very difficult to filter
using filter paper, because filter paper you know it has holes of certain sizes and so
Some solids will actually get through that, so you can't filter them well, but if you
used incentive glass crucibles, usually while they're different, they're different, you
know, different ones.
So you, I mean they're different types with different or acidity and so forth.
So you have to choose one that will allow, let's say, only tiny particles through.
So the tightness of the tanious, on other words, you don't want your solid to get
through at all.
So you have to choose one that is going to retain that solid that you want and only
allow the water through.
So normally filter paper may not be able to filter everything.
Some solids are so small that they can get through the pores and the filter paper.
So some of these crucibles do a better job, but you also have to choose one that has
a poor size that you want.
Does that make sense so far?
OK, so we've made our precipitate.
We have filtered it.
Either using the Buchner funnel or at a center glass Crucible, then we're going to try
this in the oven, either in the silica Crucible or in the same center glass Crucible, and
then the next step is, uh, you gonna wanna weigh the dried precipitate.
So before you can weigh the dried precipitate, you have to cool it down.
So when you take your possible out of the oven, it can absorb moisture from the
atmosphere so it can pick up, you know, water, you know whenever you have
Uh, that is hot and it's calling, you know, moisture can attach to it, but it's nice and
dry from the oven.
There's no water at all.
You take it out, you put it in the air and it can pick up moisture.
So a lot of times we'll use what we call a desiccator.
If you're doing very accurate work, we'll use a dessicator to try and maintain a dry
atmosphere for compounds that are sensitive to reaction with water from the air, or
if he just really wants it.
Very accurate mass.
You don't want any watts and any significant wants it getting on to your container or
your sample.
So this desk OK?
Yeah, it has a lid that you have to slide off carefully to the left or the right.
You don't just pick it up, you slide it off.
Between the lid and the body of the desk?
OK, so there's some, as you say, it's a bit of some grease to kind of umm, give it sort
of a seal.
Sort of an airtight seal, and then in the desiccator itself is where you put your
So you'd slide off the lid.
You would maybe use tongs since you would have been taking something hot out of
the oven and you could pick up your hot Crucible from the oven with some tongs,
and then you would put it into the desiccator as shown here.
And what's may not be visible in this particular picture is that below the area where
you have your Crucible, you would have a drying agent.
So there's certain substances that are we use as desiccants, they are substances that
will absorb water.
So for example, some you know sauce, as you know, have waters of crystallization.
If you take those salts and dry them in an oven, they become anhydrous and you can
put those into a desiccator and then whenever you're putting a substance in the
desiccator that you want to keep, try if any wants to gets in as you open the desk
case or anything like that, the substance that the then hydro substance at the bottom
will absorb that water.
So it acts the desiccant to them.
So I was any water from the air.
So that way you can keep this up, your substance and your Crucible nice and dry,
because all the water is going to the desiccant.
So when you use desiccated in the lab, you get a chance to see that dessicants at the
Some of the useful ones actually change color, so when they have what?
That of loss of crystallization.
They might be one color and then when they're dry, they are different colors.
So you can tell when the desk Ant is getting a little bit has too much water and it's
time to refresh it to either change it or try it out again.
That sort of thing.
So you're basically, you know, cool.
Cool your Crucible in the desiccator and then when it's cool, you would weigh it
because we don't wanna put anything hot on the balances.
Uh, that can damage the balance and so forth.
So you take it straight from the desktop to to the waiting room.
Weigh it and then hopefully get an accurate mass.
Something that's often done for the most accurate work is that you might do what
we call heating to constant mass or constant weight.
So when you do that, you would basically not assume automatically that your
substance is perfectly dry.
You try this in an oven for a certain amount of time and you cooled it and then you
But how do you know that that mass you're getting really is of the dried substance?
How do you know it's really completely dry?
You just assuming that the time that you use was good enough, based maybe on a
procedure, but if you're not quite sure what you can do is put it back in the oven.
So you recall that first mass you put it back in the oven.
Let it dry for another couple hours.
Take it off.
Put it in the desiccator again.
Let it cool, then weigh it and then check the mass and then you do that again and
again until this node significant change in the mass.
So let's say you had just hit dried it for two hours.
You took it out.
You got a meeting?
Out of I don't know 3.4 grams or something like that.
You put it back in the oven and you take it out.
Cool it way.
It's again you're reading is now 3.2 grams.
OK, that means that it wasn't actually perfectly dry the first time.
There was a little water left.
You put it back in the oven for a couple more hours.
You take it out.
You cool it?
You with now you're getting 3.1 grams.
OK, those are still a little bit of water left.
You put it back in the oven.
You dry it to take it out too cool.
It's you.
Weigh it now.
It's 3.1 again.
So now you know that.
OK, all the watts is definitely gone.
So a lot of times we repeat that drying and cooling and weighing step until we're
recording a constant mass on the balance.
And so at that point, we know all the water is really and truly gone.
So that's something that's done for the most accurate or.
And then once you would have.
Wade, your final amount, then you can now calculate the amount of the original.
I am that is present in the precipitate.
So again, fairly straightforward.
You dissolve your substance, you precipitate out something of interest.
You filter what with washing you dry in the oven and then you will take that out.
Cool limits and then weigh it.
You know when you are confident that that is your actual weight of your dried
Kosovo and substance, then you will calculate the amount of the original Ian present.
Does everybody good with that so far?
Just to make sure.
Uh, why is it that we use a Buchner funnel and?
Flask as opposed sometimes as opposed to like, what's the difference between that
and regular filtration?
What's special about this apparatus?

Jadon Reid 22:10

And sometimes the precipitate can with the filter paper.

Trudy Jackson 22:17

Well, this well, this one wasn't really so much about the filter paper.
That would be more the center glass Crucible, although you normally will still use
filter paper with above the funnel.
But what is special about this apparatus is, you know, this special filter flask and all of

Deshan Simon 22:38

This does it ensure that you collect all of the filtrate.
Trudy Jackson 22:43
Well, this does collect the filtrate.

Deshan Simon 22:44

So it's been great.

Trudy Jackson 22:45

So you definitely want to get rid of all the liquid, but how does it operate differently
than just putting, you know, a funnel in filter paper?

Emaydine PetitFrere left the meeting

Trudy Jackson 22:54

What's special about it?
Why does it have that little thing sticking out?
What is that for?

Verdina Potter left the meeting

Trudy Jackson 23:19

It says here it's attached to a rubber tubing, but do you remember what I said?
Like what is the rubber tubing attached to?

Emaydine PetitFrere joined the meeting

Deshan Simon 23:30

The aspirator.

Trudy Jackson 23:32

OK, but what's that?
What is it doing?

Deshan Simon 23:37

It's like pulling something much what it pulls us sucking something.

Trudy Jackson 23:42

OK, so let's go back.
OK. Yeah.
So for writing suction, it's it's a vacuum pump or aspirate.
If you want it so, this is just basically pulling things through faster so you can have a
faster filtration then with the normal process because it might take a very long time
to actually allow the filtrate to get through in a typical funnel setup.
But with the vacuum filtration you would you if someone was in the chat and the
vacuum filtration you can get uh to get things through faster.
I thoroughly they are.
So it's a vacuum flask.
Uh, it's assessed.
It's attached to I think was an aspirator or you know it's a vacuum pump that will just
kind of pull the filtrate through quickly and efficiently.
And then just really quickly, we said the advantage of using a center funnel is what?
As I sent a glass Crucible.
I guess the answer is right there.

Lauwen Burton 25:00

You wouldn't have to transfer it to a different, you know, Crucible or different
container, so you wouldn't use any of the precipitate, and also it I think you said it
dragged more accurately, but we and you filter is more accurately.

Deshan Simon 25:01


Trudy Jackson 25:17

So yeah, so you don't lose any of your precipitate because you can just use the one.
Apparatus for both filtering and drying, and it also does.
Generally filled to more accurately.
So that's your typical setup for precipitation Prometric analysis.
So this is just a summary of what we just said.
So you have filtration, the precipitate is filtered by a vacuum filtration, which
increases the rate of the filtration.
And here you can actually see a little pump attached to that Buchner flask.
And there's a little adaptive rubber adapter and then you put the phone along.

Semira Mussington joined the meeting

Trudy Jackson 26:07

And you can also use a center glass Crucible instead.
That's we said.
So you should be familiar with all this apparatus, and then of course you'll turn on
the poem.
Uh, still moist in the well Shannon pump first.
Then you add your funnel moist in the filter paper with a bit of water.
You'll, uh, pour your mixture into the funnel, usually down a glass rod, so that's
everything flows it nicely.
He wants the container to ensure all the precipitators transferred to the funnel.
I don't see it's more water than necessary.
Just use small amounts.
Don't wash for longer than necessary.
And so forth.
You can also watch with a solution containing the Ian to prevent it from going back
into solution.
OK, so now I precipitation graph metric analysis.
Add precipitate on the filter paper can be transferred to a Wade silica Crucible and
placed in an oven to dry for one to two hours at 110 degrees Celsius.
That removes surface water from the precipitate.
So so far it's pretty much very similar.
All we can do is a center glass Crucible, as you said, contains a porous disk fused to
the Crucible and therefore the sample can be filtered weight and dried in one vessel.
He's as a high temperature.
It's removed most of the water present.
And when the sample is, he said to what we call red heat, it is said that the sample
has been ignited.
So you basically, you know, you might see your sample looking a bit red, so it's called
igniting the sample and after heating the sample is cooled and desiccator and we
need uh, yeah.
So this was actually just what we just continue to precipitation.
Sorry, yes.
So then you continue doing that until you're a constant mass.
So now in terms of, yeah, we'll get the volatilization in just a minute.
So in terms of calculations, I guess we could look at that first.
Yeah, OK.
So precipitation normally is carried out with halides and sulfates.
Iems, because those tend to be insoluble.
So you can add something.
Uh, that will give you the insoluble halide, or the insoluble sulfate.
If you're substance itself contains a halide, then you can add some silver nitrates
cause you know silver halides are insoluble.
And if you have something with the sulfates, then you can add some barium nitrate.
Barium nitrate is soluble, but then when you add the barium nitrate to your sulfates,
then you get insoluble barium sulfate that you can precipitate out.
Then you can carry on with the rest of the process.
So yeah, so.
You can separate out halides and sulphates using the same substances that you
would have used for your qualitative tests.
So silver nitrate, if you are trying to get a headlight out and barium.
Nitrates will give you a precipitated barium sulfate, so those can be collected by
vacuum filtration and dried in weight.
Of course, other substances can be used as well, but if you're working with halides or
sulfates then those would be common.
So just an example you're saying.
Uh, some halide exam.
He led salt so example #1 the treatment of a 0.800 gram sample of impure
potassium chloride with excess aqueous silver nitrate resulted in precipitation of
1.460 grams of silver chloride.
Calculate the percentage of potassium chloride in the sample.
So you have some empire potassium chloride.
Now, as I said earlier, one of the solubility rules is that Group 1 salts tend to be
soluble, so potassium chloride is a soluble substance.
If you put it in water, it will dissolve.
However, as we just said, silver halides are insoluble.
So if you add the silver nitrate to this, then silver chloride will precipitate out.
It can be helpful, you know, to write your full reaction out so you can see what's
going on so you can write your potassium chloride plus silver nitrate gives you silver
chloride solid and potassium nitrate left in solution.
Or you can write it's an ionic form as well, so anionic form.
Of course, it's the silver ions and the chloride ions that are reacting to give the silver
chloride solid.
So we want to actually find out the percentage of potassium chloride in the original
But we have to work through the silver chloride that we just precipitated.
So the first things you'd first thing you wanna do is know well what are the modes of
precipitate that I just collected.
So you know, you went through your whole precipitation analysis.
Everything would have been dried and then weighed, and so you would know what
mass of silver chloride precipitates.
You would have obtained at the end, so using that mass and the molar mass of the.
So if a chloride, you can find the moles of silver chloride that but present in the
Then we're interested, as I said, in going back to the potassium chloride.
So like all the chloride in the silver chloride came from the potassium chloride.
When the silver, of course, is not part of the original sample, so we wanna know how
many moles of chloride there are.
So the moles of chloride you can do it in different ways.
You can look at the formula of silver chloride and you can see that in every molecule
of silver chloride is 1 chloride ion.
So it's one to one those same number of moles as you would have had of silver
Ohh you can write out the equation for their precipitation, so the silver plus equals
and the CL minus equals giving you silver chloride solid.
And look at it that way and you can see that.
One mole of chloride ions went into making one mole of silver chloride solid, so
therefore the most of chlorine or chloride ions is exactly the same as what we just
So in this case 0.01.
Now we want to go back to potassium chloride.
That's what we're really interested in.
So you could look at the formula for potassium chloride and you can see that in
potassium chloride there's one chlorine atom and so of course we expect to see the
same number of moles of potassium chloride.
That would have been present for those those chloride ions.
Or you can write it out as a nice little equation.
The original potassium chloride solid when it dissolved gave us the silver ions that we
had precipitated out and as well as some potassium ions.
So the equation for that is there.
Then that's ionic equation.
Silver chloride, potassium chloride solid gives 1 mole of chloride ions, aqueous plus a
mole of potassium ions, aqueous.
So we see that there's a one to one mole ratio between the original potassium
chloride and the chloride ions that we had precipitated codes as silver chloride.
So that also was 0.01 moles.
Now, of course, it's not always going to be a case at all.
The ions and substances have the same number of moles.
It depends, of course, on the salt.
So once we have the most of potassium chloride that originally were dissolved.
Then we can calculate the mass of that using smaller mass and then we can take that
mass and put it over the mass of the impure solid to find the percentage of
potassium chloride in the sample.
In this case, that's 93.13%.
So again, just working back from the precipitate, we have a mask that we weighed
out of the civil chloride that was precipitated.
So we had this empire, potassium chloride.
We added silver nitrate to precipitate at to get a silver chloride precipitate.
We wait.
You know, we tried it, we put it in the desiccator.
We weighed it.
We ended up with 1.460 grams of silver chloride.
So since we know the mass of precipitate, we can find the molds and then that can
tell us the molds of the chloride that came from the potassium chloride.
And then that can tell us the moles of the original potassium chloride.
Then we can work out the mass of the potassium chloride and the percentage that
was present in the empire sample.
Does that make sense?
Any questions on that?
And I asked two different things there.
But is everybody good with that?
So again, I with his calculations, if you just think through them.
They you should be able to work backwards to get to what you started with.
Second example.
0.497 grams of eight chloride of a group, one mental X. So some unknown metal is
dissolved in water.
Excess acidified silver nitrate is added to the solution.
The resulting precipitate is filtered and dried to be constant mass.
The mass of silver chloride formed is 0.957 grams.
Did you switch?
Metal is present in the original sample, and you're given some.
I remember values for silver chloride and chlorine.
So again, uh, we're gonna deduce which metal is present.
We're definitely interested in finding the moles of the molar mass of the original
substance and so forth so we can start with as usual, triggering.
Now his helmet, cervical or ride?
We have and then how much chloride we had and then we can work back to.
Other substances that might be present.
So here you can see the equation for the precipitation.
The XL aqueous.
You know it's Group One, so that's useful.
XL ASC plus silver nitrate equals giving silver chloride solid and Xeno 3 aqueous.
So again, we know what mass of silver chloride we obtained at the end.
So we can find the moles of the silver chloride.
Using those molds, we can find the moles of chloride ions that went to produce the
silver chloride.
So how many chloride ions or what amount was present in solution originally?
How many moles?
So one to one mole ratio is 1 chloride ion and every silver chloride molecule or one
mole of chloride ions and every mole of silver chloride produced.
So it's the same number of moles.
And again, in this case of the chloride.
Now this time we're trying to find a molar mass, so if we think about it.
We in this case, we weren't told that the sample was in here, so we can assume that
the full mass was actually pure.
So if we can find the massive chloride present in that sample, we can use a
subtraction to find the mass of metal that was present.
So I find the mass of the chloride using the molds of the chloride and it's molar mass
as shown there, you get to 238 grams of chloride present.
In the solution or in the original sample, and so then you can subtract that from the
original mass of the sample.
So the .497 grams of the original sample, which in this case would have been a pure
sample minus the .238 grams of the chloride giving .259 grams of the unknown
So we have a Max.
Now if we can get them, figure out the moles of the unknown metal, we can figure
out it's molar mass and then identify it from the periodic table.
So you think about it, it's a Group One metal and we know that the original formula
was XL and so therefore in this particular case, it's going to have the exact same
number of moles as the chloride.
So one to one mole ratio for that we have the most of bags, which is the same as the
most of the chloride in this case.
So we have the modes.
We have the mass, so then we can workout the molar mass, grams over moles and
that once we see the molar mass then that tells us that X is potassium.
So again, it's just a matter of thinking through the question.
In this case, it wasn't an imperial sample.
They used the method to determine an unknown.
So the use of peer sample dissolve it added the silver nitrate to get the silver
You know, precipitated it, as you said, to get.
So to get to the third, he said it tried it, waited and then but determine the most of
silver chloride.
Would you used and that tells us the molds of chlorine that were present of chloride
ions that were present and this time around because we're trying to find the molar
mass of the metal, we need the massive chloride to subtract from the total to get the
massive metal need to figure out the most of the battle, which is straightforward
since we know it's a Group One metal.
So it's gonna be the same as the chloride and then we can work out the molar mass
of X and determine its identity.
Is that one makes sense and.
OK so.
So that's airall questions should have some examples of it's one of precipitation
So you can try that out for Monday.
So we're going to move on to.
Volatilization gravimetric analysis.
In this particular one, uh, the mass or concentration of the analytes is determined by
ignition or decomposition of the sample.
The gaseous products can be collected and weighed, or the mass of product can be
determined indirectly by measuring the loss of mass in the sample.
So basically this method involves production of gases and either you collect the
gases and determine how much gas was collected or you determine how much gas
was lost.
So how much the solid decreased by after the loss of the gas.
So you're basically, you know, decomposing the sample using heat and then seeing
how the difference in mass is based on guests, gasses presence over I mean gases
that what evolved gases that were lost.
So this method is a bit more indirect than the previous method, and it's complicated
by the fact that heating of many substances results in their decomposition and
consequent change in mass.
So you know you have to be careful to only use it in a situation where you know that
it's just your substance of interest that's really gonna be changing the mass.

Samuel Buaku left the meeting

Trudy Jackson 44:00
If there are impurities other substances, then you're gonna be, you know, a bit
confused because you may not be getting accurate results since other things may be
decomposing as well.
So if you're pretty confident in what you know the purity of what you have and what
reaction is going on, then it can be useful.
So for example, it can be used to find the water of crystallization of a hydrated salt.
So if you have a pure sample of a hydrated salt, you know your heats it.
The only thing you're losing is water.
There's nothing else going on, so that's the useful method for finding water of
crystallization, for example.
So again, it's based on heating things and then determining I mean what mass was
Or you can also collect gases and measure those.
So I in terms of finding waters of crystallization.
For example, let's say you have some barium chloride with some kind of water
We don't know how much.
So barium chloride and H2O solid.
If we heated then of course the water will go off as a gas water vapor and you'll be
left with just the anhydrous barium chloride solid.
So there's our equation, the bacl 2 and H2O solid gives me a CL2 solid plus and
moles of water vapor.
So a Wade Crucible is filled with some of the hydrated salt.
And we wade other words, you weren't empty.
Crucible you add the salt, you reweigh it so that you know, of course, by difference.
How much salt you added?
Then you heat the salt and a gently at first than ignites it in an oven, so you can you
know you can use it to using other methods, so it's a Bunsen.
Or what about whatever it is you might hate it gently at first, and then you put it in
the oven at higher heat and after cooling the sample is then weighed again.
So it's still in the Crucible and you just weight again to see what the difference in
mass is.
And as before, with the precipitation, you can keep repeating heating and heating,
cooling, weighing, heating, cooling, weighing until you have a constant mass.
So that tells you, OK, yes, you've driven off all the water.
This is the final mass of the anhydrous cell.
So the loss in mass, of course, can tell you the mass of water that was present and so
that can tell you the number of moles of water per mole eventually can calculate it
per mole of the barium chloride.
So we can determine the mass of water that was lost, so we can find the moles of
water that was lost and then by comparing to the moles of about him chloride, we
can determine the.
The arts of crystallization per model of the barium Gloria.
So example number one, when 0.611 grams of a hydrated barium chloride is he said
the constant mass 0.521 grams of residue are formed.
Deduce the formula of the hydrated barium chloride and you're given some relative
atomic masses.
So right away we can see that, OK, we had .611 grams of the hydrated salt, the .5 to 1
grams of residue would of course be the barium chloride and hydrous without the
So we can first of all calculate the amount of water loss, so we can first find the mass
of water loss.
So of course we just do a simple subtraction .611 grams minus .521 grams gives us
0.090 grams of water was lost.
We can convert that to moles using the molar mass of water.
Of course in these examples, because it's just, you know, simple examples for
learning purposes, we're not too interested in a lot of sig figs.
You can just use your simple Rams, but in the real world, if you were doing this in an
analytical lab, of course you're using.
You're a nice accurate values from your periodic table and so forth.
And following your synfig rules and all of that, if you were doing a lab.
But for now, we're just, you know, doing simple calculation.
So we divide our masks by our molar mass and we get the modes of water also.
But yeah, so we got amounts of water and so now we need to figure out, OK, how
many moles of anhydrous salt do we have?
Because that number of moles of water is not necessarily the models in one mole of
arm chloride, it's just the moles in the modes of barium chloride hydrated that we
So we find the moles of barium chloride that were left.
So the .521 grams divided by the molar mass of barium chloride.

Verdina Potter joined the meeting

Trudy Jackson 49:23

Then we'll get in this case 0.0025 volts.
So when you had a 0.0025 moles of barium chloride, there was 0.005 moles of water.
So we need to know what are the molds of WhatsApp for one mole of iron chloride.
So most of water per mole of arm chloride, we divide the moles of water by the
moles of barium chloride.
And so we're getting that there are two moles of water per mole of barium chloride.
So the formula is BCL 2.2 H2O.
So again, remember that you know the most of barium chloride in the hydrated and
in the anhydrous salts are gonna be the same, of course.
Umm, but we have to use the moles we have to use the mass of the anhydrous salt
to find the molds because we don't we can't use the .611 grams cause obviously that
includes the unknown amount of water.
So just be careful.
Make sure you're using the mass of the residue to find the moles of barium chloride,
not the original mask.
Was that was hydrated just a mass of the residue.
Then once you use that number of moles that you find using that mask with the
moles of wall so you can determine how many moles of walls are there are per mole
of barium Gloria.
Everybody understand this example.
I see a couple comes up.
It's great.
Again, remember all of this, you can just think through them and they will make
OK, so that was an example of, you know determining.
What was left after the gas was lost in this case?
Water vapor.
So now we'll look at, you know, if we were using the other method.
So the amount of product can also be determined by igniting a sample and
collecting the product in a solid desiccant or absorbent. So.

Malik Mellis left the meeting

Trudy Jackson 51:50

The increase in mass of the sorbents can be used to determine the amount of analyte
present in the sample.
So as I said, you can, you know, you can collect the gases that are evolved.
One way of doing that is by using sorbets.
So things that can absorb these gases basically.
So you can collect the product, meaning the gaseous product in a solid desiccant or
absorbent, and the increase in mass of sorbents can be used to determine the
amount of analyte present in the sample.
So you can determine the amount of water or carbon dioxide using this method.
So for example, if you wanna know if you're interested in studying at carbonate, you
know and carbonates decompose, reduce carbon dioxide.
So you can determine you know the amount of carbon dioxide produced from such
decomposition and absorbent.
Commonly used is ascarate 2, which is something that's made from sodium
hydroxide in non fibrous silicate.
So there's a special store, Benn, that's often used in that case.
And that will allow you to determine how much carbon dioxide was produced, and
that can tell you something about you're a carbonates and then the carbon and
hydrogen and oxygen and organic compounds are you can also be determined via
whatever metric analysis.
So you can also, you know, ignite samples and uh from.
There was reactions if you think about things like your combustion reactions, where
your carbon and hydrogen they form gaseous products, you can also determine how
much carbon and hydrogen was in your original organic substance using this
So again, you can use sorbent step sort of gaseous products and that can tell you
something about what you started with.
OK, so an example using the carbonate.
If 5.0 gram sample of impure calcium carbonates was decomposed with excess
hydrochloric acid.
So in this case it wasn't ignited per se.
It was just reacted with some acid.
Then liberated carbon dioxide collects it in an absorbance was found away 1.66
Calculate the percentage of calcium carbonate in the sample.
So a 5 gram sample of impure calcium carbonate was decomposed with excess
hydrochloric acid deliberated carbon dioxide collected was found to weigh 1.66
Calculate the percentage of calcium carbonate so.
And you can see down there in Step 2 that would be your equation for the reaction.
Sometimes it's helpful to write it out for us.
So you have some calcium carbonate reacting with some itcl giving calcium chloride,
carbon dioxide and water.
And of course, you'd balance your equation and you can see that OK if you can
determine the amount of carbon dioxide produced, then that can tell you the
amount of calcium carbonate you started with, and then you should be able to work
out that percentage.
So the first thing you want to do is find the moles of carbon dioxide produced.
So you have the grams that were produced because you know the difference in the
absorbent weight.
So you have 1.6 grams over your molar mass of carbon dioxide, and again in the real
world, if you're doing very accurate work, you would use your super accurate values
from your periodic table.
But you know, this is fine for our simple examples here.
So we divide by the molar mass of carbon dioxide and we get in this case 0.038
And then in that we just said we can use our mole ratio from our decomposition
reaction to find out how many moles of calcium carbonate decompose, says the one
to one mole ratio between the carbon dioxide and the calcium carbonate.
So it's the same number of moles of calcium carbonate, so that decomposed we can
take those moles and the molar mass of calcium carbonate to find the mass of
calcium carbonate that decomposed.
And then we can justify that mass by the mass of the impure sample.
Define the percentage that was in the original sample.

Malik Mellis joined the meeting

Trudy Jackson 56:36

So does that example make sense to everyone?
So could someone just remind me really quickly, So what does volatilization
gravimetric analysis involve?
What's the difference between that and precipitation analysis?
What do we do in volatilization governmentwide analysis?
And precipitation we you know, we added some kind of substance to produce a
sparingly soluble precipitate that we can collect.
You know we can filter it off, dry it and then weigh it and then, you know, go back
and calculate something about our original sample.
What do we do in the volatilization gravimetric analysis?
It two ways of working with it, but what do we do in it?
What's involved in that method?
Sample as he said.

Jadon Reid 58:58

Miss you?

Trudy Jackson 58:59

OK, that's umm, go ahead.

Jadon Reid 59:01

He didn't sample and you can find the weight of the paper released by different or
by Queen.

Trudy Jackson 59:11

OK, good.
So we're interested in making use of the fact that favor is released and we can either,
yeah, take a difference, see what was lost or we can actually weigh the vapor.
We can collect it in some way with and then use that to back calculate something
about our original sample.
So again, it just kind of think through these and just practice the calculations a little
They should, you know, be fairly easy to work out, I hope.
So just really briefly how graph metric analysis can be used?
It can be used in quality control processes.
So for example, can use it to estimate the concentration of pollutants such as sulfur
dioxide in the air.
It can be done by conversion to barium sulfate, so sulphur dioxide can be converted
to precipitate.
Of barium sulfate.
And you can determine something about, you know, the presence of these
somewhat toxic substances in the air.
You can estimate concentrations of sulfur dioxide in wine and soft drinks.
So similarly we can you know, determine how much sulfur dioxide is present in those
Those products you can measure phosphorus in fertilizers, so you can, you know,
produce an insoluble salts, magnesium, monium, phosphates.
So you can precipitate that out, and that can tell you something about the level of
phosphorus that's present in a particular fertilizer.
You can determine things like chlorine and water supply so we can use that same
silver nitrate or any other silver substance.
Former precipitate of silver chloride and then determine how much chlorine was
originally present.
So those are just some applications of gravimetric analysis in the real world.
So that's pretty much it for that topic.
And now that we've come to the end of the topic, well, you can go through the, UM,
tutorial questions.
Hopefully I think those would be different and those are different than what we had
here, right?
So yeah, so work for us to travel questions and we'll go through them on Monday
and well, I guess we're due to have a test.
So I did update Moodle to say that we should be having a test on everything we've
done so far, including the first three topics in module 3.
Just to give you guys a chance to maybe study, those are a little bit.
So we'll try and do that next week, Friday.
So any questions on anything we did today or?
So I mean, it's pretty straightforward, just kind of goes through the calculations again
and try this tutorial and you guys should be fine of course next week in the lab will
be a groupie and then could you PLS titration to the lab schedule change to the pH
situation and then you'll do a gravimetric experiment after the break.
So you can take a look at the schedule since it was just updated a little bit.
All right.
So I guess I'll see you guys on Monday have a good weekend.

Jadon Reid 1:02:59

Get your mind.

Xandea Hobson left the meeting

Trudy Jackson 1:03:01

Thank you.

Journey Browne left the meeting

Verdina Potter left the meeting

Njosana Edwards left the meeting

Kiara Gordon left the meeting

Emaydine PetitFrere left the meeting

Jadon Reid left the meeting

Vinne-Cara Lindsey 1:03:10


Odijah Benta left the meeting

Semira Mussington left the meeting

Lauwen Burton left the meeting

Vinne-Cara Lindsey left the meeting

Deshan Simon left the meeting

Ashauny Rattary left the meeting

Ihailely Durand left the meeting

Zion Williams left the meeting

Malik Mellis left the meeting

Malik Mellis joined the meeting

Malik Mellis left the meeting

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