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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

This following text is for question number 1-6 2. Who gave the least reliable opinion in the thread?
A. Catherine Jones
Catherine I am a music enthusiast yet I have never been in a B. Jeff Grace
Jones concert. In the near future, I will watch a concert. C. Kyle Jon
What’s the best way to buy concert ticket? D. Valentine Holmes
Jeff Grace What always works for me is to arrive about 15-,20 E. Merugu Pradeep Kumar
minutes before the concert starts. I head toward the
ticket booth, looking for scalpers on the way. I just
3. What’s the tone of the thread?
out loud, “Anyone have ticket for sale?” when the
A. Negative
seller gather around I start asking for “Location?”
when someone have seat I like, I ask their price. B. Critical
Sometimes another guy will come forward with the C. Supportive
price, and I ask again if the seats are what I like. D. Indifferent
Kyle Jon I work for a secondary ticket marketplace, TickPick E. Entertaining
(similar to StubHub, but without the buyer fees) and
can help answer this as simply as possible. If you’re 4. The word “scalpers” in the thread has the closest in meaning to …
near the venue, then you should try to purchase from A. Touts
the box office. If you do not have that luxury, then I B. Clients
would purchase the ticket during presale (following C. Consumers
mailing lists, artist groups, etc.). D. Users
Valentine Well, my go-to place or method of buying ticket is E. Purchases
Holmes from online scalpers or platforms. It is really crucial
to observe which platform you’re opting for to buy 5. From the thread, who suggested to get ticket from online scalpers or
tickets they are a lot of scammers (beware of such). I
always go for TicketRap. The ticket pricing of this
platform is far better than many other famous A. Jeff Grace
platforms. If you don’t believe me, you can check in B. Catherine Jones
your own and see the price difference. C. Kyle Jon
Merugu To sell ticket for local event, you can follow these D. Merugu Pradeep Kumar
Pradeep two general steps; determine the ticketing method and E. Valentine Holmes
Kumar set up an online ticketing platform.
1. What does thread mainly discuss? 6. Which account offered tips to get the ticket through the authorized
A. The ways how to offer concert ticket people on location?
B. Some tips how to purchase concert ticket A. Valentine Holmes
C. Discussion among contributors concerning the ticket price B. Kyle Jon
D. Some ideas about purchasing tickets from peers C. Catherine Jones
E. Some people’s experiences in promoting ticket D. Jeff Grace
E. Merugu Pradeep Kumar

This following passage for question number 7-13

Text 2A
The number of Japanese couples tied the knot last year likely fell below 500,00 for the first time in 90 years, as more people struggled to find
their soulmate and financial concerns have weighed heavy on young people’s minds.
The ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will publish marriage data for 2023 late this month. When excluding foreign couples, the data is
expected to show a5,8% decrease from the previous year to 476,000 marriages, according to estimates by Takumi Fujinami, a researcher at the Japan
Research Institute. The number is approximately 200,000 fewer than 10 years ago.
If that estimate holds true, it will be the first time since 1933that the number falls bellow 500,000. In 1933, Japan’s population was roughly half
what it is today and people were marrying younger at an average age of 25 – about 5 years younger than first marriages today.
As of 2020, the share of men who remained unmarried during their lifetime was 30%, a figure that didn’t even reach 2% in 1933. The current
‘marriage ice age’ in which even people who want to get married are unable, stems from unstable employment among young people and the resulting
decline in income.
Low and unstable incomes make it more difficult for young people to get married and have children. But the survey results show that those
who choose not to marry due to economy difficulties are a minority. The main reason for both men and women are non-economic, such as being
unable to meet a suitable person. A possible factor for the reluctance of Japanese women to marry is increasing ‘opportunity cost’ of marriage. With
higher education, more young women have similar wages to men, so their average search period for spouses is longer.

Text 2B
The decline and ageing of the Japanese population over the last 20 years have been severe. According to Japanese National Census, the
population aged between 15 to 64 years declined by 11 million, while those aged 65 and above increased by 14 million. A record proportion of men
and women in Japan say they do not intend to marry; a trend expert have warned will undermine efforts to address the country’s population crisis.
Central and local governments so far have focused their effort in their fight against the low birth rate on supporting couples who are trying to
have children. They have increased the number of day care centres, made medical care for infant free of charge, and introduced free early childhood
education and tuition free high school education programs. The burden of having children of young couples must be much less than before. While are
of course important policies, they are not effective for increasing marriages.
Some local government have also gone beyond cash handouts. The town of Nagi, in Okayama prefecture, has advisers to give ongoing child-
rearing support. It also provides opportunity for parents to exchange the idea with other. The aim is to give both psychological and financial support
and create an environment where people can get married and raise children with peace of mind. The government also proposed a proposal on
increased financial assistance, including more government subsidies for child rearing, more generous student loans for higher education and greater
access to child care services. It also aims to change the cultural mindset toward more gender equality both at work and at home. The proposal also
includes increased government assistance to companies to encourage more of male staff to take paternity leave, which has been the point of
contention for working fathers fearing retaliation.
7. According to text 2A, the reason why young Japanese people C. Women’s propensity to marry eldest son (eldest daughters
found it’s difficult to get married was due to … with no brothers) is increasing
A. The low and unstable incomes D. The low marriage number was a reaction to the large
B. The idea of fighting the societal trend number of marriages
C. The maldistribution of the young population E. A declining birth rate is expected to greatly increase the
D. The burden of having children at young ages nation’s population rate
E. The cultural mindset toward more gender equality
11. “It also aims to change the cultural mindset toward more
8. Based on the information of both passages, it can be predicted gender equality both at work and at home” (text 2B paragraph
that if many younger Japanese postpone to marry, … 3).
A. The lack of public tolerance for small children in Japan will It refers to …
be shrinking rapidly A. Child-rearing support
B. There will be greater access to childcare services and cares B. Government’s proposal
for families in the country. C. Medical care for infants
C. Japan will face severe population crisis as its national D. Assistance to companies
population declines E. Generous student loans
D. There will be limited impact despite subsidies for
pregnancies, births and childcare 12. “A possible factor for the reluctance of Japanese women to marry
E. Young Japanese people’s average search period for spouses is increasing ‘opportunity cost’ of marriage” text 2A paragraph 5
will be much longer The word ‘reluctance’ is closest in meaning to …
A. Eagerness
9. The paragraph following text 3B will possibly discuss about … B. Readiness
A. The decline and ageing of the Japanese population over the C. Willingness
last 20 years D. Happiness
B. How paternity leave offered by companies influence E. Unwillingness
working fathers fearing retaliation
C. Reasons why average search period for spouses among 13. Based on the information in the text 2A, which of the following
young Japanese people is longer statements is NOT TRUE?
D. Existing paternity leave programs fir reducing the marriage A. Takumi Fujinami is the one of the researchers at the Japan
rate in some countries Research Institute
E. Some other possible factors for the reluctance of Japanese B. Low and unstable incomes make it more difficult for young
women to marry people to get married and have children
C. The increasing ‘opportunity costs’ of marriage is one of the
10. It can be inferred from the passage that ,.. factors contributing to the low marriage rate
A. The dropping number of couples trying the knot has D. The number if the marriage rate is approximately 200,000
consequences for Japan’s depopulation concerns. fewer than 10 years ago
B. Many young women in Japan find the prospect of E. The majority of people surveyed that they chose not to
caregiving for aging parent-in-law to be unappealing marry due to economic difficulties

Question 14 – 15 are based on the following text.

Regular aerobic exercise such as walking may protect the memory center in the
brain. Meanwhile, stretching exercise may cause the center called the hippocampus toshrink, the researchers reported. A study involving
men and women in their mid-60 shows that walking three times a week for a year increased the volume of the hippocampus, which plays
an important role in memory. On the other hand, the control participations who took stretching classes in the volume with only moderate
exercise, which leads to better fitness and perhaps to better special memory.
The researchers noted that the volume of the hippocampus falls with age by between1 percent and 2 percent a year,
which leads to impaired memory and increased risk for dementia. However, animal research suggests that exercise reduces the
loss of volume and preserves memory. To test the effect on humans, they enrolled 120 men and women in their mid-sixties and randomly
assigned 60 of them t a program of aerobic walking three times a week for year. The remaining 60 were given stretch classes three times a
week and served as a control group. Their fitness and memory were tested before the invention, again after six months, and for a last
time after a year. Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of
their brains were taken at the same time in order to measure the effect on the hippocampal volume.
The study showed that over all the walkers had a 2 percent increase in the volume of the hippocampus, compared with an
average loss of about 1,4% in the control participants. The researchers also found that improvements in fitness measured by exercise
testing on a tread mill were significantly associated with increases in the volume of the hippocampus.
On the other hand, the study failed to demonstrate a group effect on memory. Both groups showed
significant improvements both in accuracy and speed on a standard test. The apparent lack of effect is probably a
statistical thing that result from large individual differences within the groups.
The analyses showed that higher aerobic fitness levels at baseline and after the one-year intervention were associated with
better spatial memory performance. They found that c h a n g e i n a e r o b i c f i t n e s s w a s n o t r e l a t e d t o i m p r o v e m e n t s
i n m e m o r y f o r t h e i r e n t i r e sample or their group separately. On the other hand, larger hippocampi at
baseline and after the intervention were associated with better memory performance. The researchers have drawn
a conclusion that aerobic exercise is neuro-protective. Starting an exercise routine later in life is then for either
enhancing cognition or increasing brain volume.

14. Which paragraph shows the procedures of 15. Based on t he passage, which of the fol lowin g
conducting the research described in the passage? reflects the idea of relations hips between aerobic
A. 1 exercise and memory in brain?
B. 2 A . Reading and knowledge
C. 3 B. Recipe and good food
D. 4 C. Teacher and student
E. 5 D. Camera and object
E. Drink and water

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