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Soal-Soal Latihan UTBK

Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris

The questions number 1-3 are based on the following passage.

Loneliness and social isolation in older adults are serious public health risks affecting a significant number of people in the United
States and putting them at risk for dementia and other serious medical conditions. A report from the National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) points out that more than one-third of adults aged 45 and older feel lonely, and nearly one-
fourth of adults aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated. Older adults are at increased risk for loneliness and social
isolation because they are more likely to face factors such as living alone, the loss of family or friends, chronic illness, and hearing

Although it's hard to measure social isolation and loneliness precisely, there is strong evidence that many adults aged 50 and older are
socially isolated or lonely in ways that put their health at risk. Recent studies found that social isolation significantly increased a
person's risk of premature death from all causes, a risk that may rival those of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. Poor social
relationships (characterized by social isolation or loneliness) was also associated with a 29% increased risk of heart disease.
Loneliness among heart failure patients was associated with a nearly 4 times increased risk of death, 68% increased risk of
hospitalization, and 57% increased risk of emergency department visits.

1. The writer's intention in writing the passage is to .... C. Pensioners who have just left their jobs
A. disseminate the information about the impacts loneliness D. Senior citizens living alone in the suburbs
and social isolation in the elderly E. Employers having old workers in their companies
B. encourage people to be more concerned about the elderly
who are lonely and socially isolated 3. From the last paragraph, we can infer that ...
C. prove that the elderly experiencing loneliness and social A. Those who experience loneliness may develop heart
isolation actually exist in the United States disease.
D. convey the pain and sadness experienced by lonely and B. Feeling lonely aggravates the heart condition of the
socially isolated elderly based on research elderly.
E. tell about the loneliness and unhappiness felt by the elderly C. Heart disease is the worst ailment that a lonely older
who are socially isolated, as well as research findings person will suffer from.
D. The older people get, the more lonely they will feel.
2. To whom is the text likely addressed? E. Loneliness and social isolation that people experience
A. Families staying with elderly makes them unable to survive
B. People living around elderly

The questions number 4-6 are based on the following passage.

Those in the retail industry that are successful in digitally transforming will be ones that leverage technology to innovate around an
immersive and disruptive customer experience. These "lighthouse" retailers are the ones driving innovation, adopting emerging
technologies early, and showing the industry what works and is possible. They are the ones experimenting with new models and store
formats, playing with recombinations/reconfigurations of scale, assets, product, place, and people. The "store of the future" is the
keystone of this effort.

The store of the future will combine multiple formats to deliver an immersive and unique experience across all customer touchpoints
online and in the store. It will be heavily instrumented for operational efficiency and digitally connected end-to-end to leverage a
single view of customer, product, and order. The store of the future - despite its reliance on sophisticated technology and
infrastructure - will be trying to look smaller and less intimidating, more personalized, and frictionless.

The deployment of these and other digital technologies in disruptive ways can turn visitors into shoppers and shoppers into brand-
loyal customers. However, understanding which consumers want personalization and which want contextualized and relevant
experiences, while protecting everyone's privacy, has grown more difficult. With so much at stake, data privacy has become a
challenge for every party involved.
4. Who needs to see the passage? damage.
A. Online customer C. personality changes already occur at the time a child has
B. Businessperson measles.
C. Manufacturer D. measles can cause children to become physically
D. Importer handicapped.
E. Distributor E. measles is the first killer of childhood disease in the world

5. One of the important findings of the research on measles is 6. Which of the following statements is correct?
that .... A. Customers demanded stores with cutting-edge infrastructure
A. children who have got measles may become difficult to to be user-friendly.
handle because of their behavior. B. The more advanced the technology is, the more successful the
B. in reality, there are no measles patients who get brain retailers will be.
C. Each customer will receive a better and more unique combination of formats.
experience in online shopping. E. Stores of the future are trying to achieve the ultimate goal that
D. Providing a one-of-a-kind shopping experience will require a is to attract more visitors.

This text is for question number 7 to 11.

Tech company Google’s popular word processing software, Google Docs, will be equipped with a feature that suggests
ways to improve the quality of your writing in addition to fixing straightforward grammar and spelling errors. A purple squiggly line
will helpfully appear under suggestions to help make your writing more concise, inclusive, active, or to warn you away from
inappropriate words.
“The feature will give you suggestions when there are opportunities to structure a sentence with an active voice or when a
sentence can be more concise, helping to make your writing more impactful. Potentially discriminatory or inappropriate language
will be flagged, along with suggestions on how to make your writing more inclusive and appropriate for your audience,” reads the
official blog post about the nifty addition.
These kinds of suggestions have long been available via third-party writing assistant applications like Grammarlee, which
is able to integrate with Google Docs and aims to help improve the quality of your writing. Depending on the quality of Google
Docs’s native suggestions, it could vastly reduce the need for these third-party services. This is not the first time that Google has
turned third-party services unnecessary, and it’s kind of awful of Google to keep doing that, but then again, fierce competition is
always to be expected in the world of tech.
The catch is that Google isn’t rolling out this assistive writing feature to all Google Docs users. It says that the feature,
called Tone and Style Assistant, will be available for subscribers of the enterprise and education plans, including “Business Standard,
Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, [and] Education Plus”. Google’s internal list of eligible users has shown that
more than ten million Google Docs users are subscribed to those plans, and therefore will get the upcoming assistive writing feature.
However, that means if you’re on a more basic plan like Google Workspace Essentials, you won’t get this neat feature.
Source: (with modifications)

7. What does the passage mainly talk about? E. they would have subscribed to the enterprise or education
A. Google’s word processing software plan
B. a replacement to third-party writing assistant applications
C. the Tone and Style Assistant 10. The paragraph following the passage most likely
D. the features of Google Docs discusses ….
E. improving writing quality A. what makes an assistive writing feature good
B. third-party writing assistant applications
8. What is the author’s attitude towards the upcoming writing C. how to earn money to purchase the enterprise and
quality improvement feature in Google Docs? education plans
A. understanding D. how to improve tone and style in writing
B. objective E. what Google Docs’s upcoming assistive writing feature
C. critical does
D. positive
E. uncertain 11. What most likely motivates the author to write the
9. From the information provided in paragraph 4, we know A. Public awareness of Google Docs is low.
that if someone is in the list of users eligible for the B. The author is an employee of Grammarlee.
upcoming assistive writing feature, …. C. People’s general writing quality is on the decline.
A. they subscribe to the enterprise or education plan D. Google is receiving acclaim for releasing its word
B. they subscribed to the enterprise or education plan processing software.
C. they will subscribe to the enterprise or education plan E. There is a recent announcement from Google.
D. they would subscribe to the enterprise or education plan

This text is for question number 12-15

Most people associate the company Michelin with car tyres, guide books and stars for quality restaurants. However, the
French tyre maker is now helping ships to be more environmentally friendly. The company has tested giant sails that it hopes will
make shipping greener.
Shipping currently produces a lot of carbon dioxide as oil tankers, container ships and giant cruise ships rely on fossil fuels
to move around the world's oceans. Experts say the industry produces around 940 million tons of CO2 annually, and that it is
responsible for about 2.5 percent of the world's greenhouse gasses. Michelin's engineers say their revolutionary new sails could
reduce the amount of CO2 produced by the shipping industry by 20 percent.
Michelin is using the ancient technology of sails to tackle the most urgent problem facing the world today – climate
change. Boats have used sails for 5,000 years to cross oceans or travel along rivers. The new Michelin sails are different. They are
inflatable. This means a ship's crew can fill the sails with air to inflate them to full size. The sails can be deflated quickly if a ship
needs to sail under a low bridge. The sails Michelin tested are 280 square meters in size. The company hopes to start manufacturing
and selling them in 2022. A company spokesperson said: "Our aim is to contribute to the de-carbonization of maritime transport." He
added that the good thing about wind is that it is a free fuel.

12. The noun “the industry” refers to ….

A. Michelin
B. giant sails
C. shipping industry
D. giant cruise ships
E. the French tyre maker

13. Which of the following is not true about the passage?

A. Michelin is trying to take part in conquering global warming.
B. Giant sails are believed to be more eco-friendly than the current ones.
C. The shipping industry contributes the most carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
D. The use of giant sails is considered to be able to reduce fuel consumption in a ship.
E. Greenhouse gasses caused by the shipping industry are due to the use of fossil fuels

14. How does the first sentence relate to the other sentences in paragraph 3?
A. The other sentences vaguely support the idea in the first sentence.
B. The first sentence contains information that contradicts the other sentences.
C. The first sentence shows an example of the new innovation made by Michelin.
D. The other sentences explain the impact of using sails to cope up with climate change.
E. The other sentences explain the integration of the ancient technology of sails used by Michelin.

15. What is the best summary of the passage?

A. Michelin is trying to take part in climate change by contributing to maritime transportation. The company hopes that developing
giant sails that are fuel free could help the shipping industry to be greener. B. Not only tires, guide books, and restaurants, Michelin is
starting to expand its business to the shipping industry. It believes that the production of new sails could ease shipping around the
C. Michelin realized the ships that rely on fossil fuels are responsible for greenhouse effects so that the revolution of free fuel ships
are needed.
D. While the world is experiencing climate change, shipping companies are forced to make new innovation using ancient
E. Michelin will start producing eco-friendly ships in hope to make a greener shipping industry

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