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Cape Law Syllabus


Content: Natural Law and Positive Law, Influence of Morality and Religion on Law, Concepts of
‘sources of law’, Classification of law, Structure and Hierarchy of the Criminal and Civil Courts,
Role and function of legal personnel, and the Jury, ADR,etc

1. Describing the various theories and meanings of law

2. Describing the interrelationships of law, morality and religion
3. Explaining the phrase 'sources of law'
4. Describing the bases on which the law can be classified
5. Evaluating the structural and hierarchical operation of the court system
6. Evaluating the role and function of named functionaries and institutions of the legal process
7. Assessing alternative methods of dispute resolution
8. Assessing the main ethical standards that lawyers should follow
9. Describing the sanctions available against attorneys for breach of the code of ethics
10. Evaluating the role and function of the Ombudsman
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Cape Law Syllabus


Content: Characteristics of the Constitution of any one Commonwealth Caribbean State

1. Distinguish between supremacy of the Constitution and Parliamentary Sovereignty

2. Describing the fundamental rights under the constitution
3. Describing the role and functions of Service Commissions
4. Outlining the composition of Parliament
5. Analysing the concept of the separation of powers, including the independence of the
6. Outlining the appointment and functions of the Head of State
7. Analysing the concept of the rule of law
8. Describing the general principles of Administrative Law and Constitutional Law
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Cape Law Syllabus


Content: Criminal Liability, Application of the basic principles of criminal liability, Select defences
available in Criminal law sentencing

1. Explaining the basic principles of criminal liability

2. Applying the basic principles of criminal liability to offences against the person
3. Applying the basic principles of criminal liability to sexual offences
4. Applying the basic principles of criminal liability to offences against property
5. Applying the basic principles of criminal liability to Inchoate offences
6. Explaining select defences available in Criminal Law
7. Evaluating the theories and practices of sentencing practices in the Commonwealth

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