Project Report

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Monthly Report

August 2011
Batch X

Group Members
Sonal Pinto 8449 Mehzin Baker 8441 Kamilli Venkata Prashanth 8429 Adithya Narayan 8403

Project Guide
N.V.S.N. Sarma

Monthly Report August 2011

Field of Study
Antennas Arrays Beamforming Synthesis Adaptive Algorithms Support Vector Machines Neural Networks

Current Status
The project is in its initial stages, with the members getting a holistic idea of the fields of study. As such, much of the work involves gathering and understanding the concept of antennas and antenna arrays. The different methods of synthesis are being researched on. From the various methods, DolphChebychev method is given particular interest. This can be the base for the synthesis and design of the antenna arrays. The basic function of the algorithm is studied and the application of the same in antenna arrays is being noted. This involves studying on Chebychev polynomials, antenna weights and obtaining Array Factors. The next step deals with beamforming and other methods to do the same. Different adaptive algorithms for the same are noted, and we are looking into details on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and its applications in antenna arrays. Various other algorithms like the Genetic Algorithm are recommended. A basic study is being done on the same. Smart Antennas are also discussed in this period. Barbieres method is used to simplify and optimize Dolph-Chebychev computations. Various papers, theses and books are being looked into for a more detailed understanding and finalizing the course of action, so that a clear view of the topic is set. Computer simulations with MATLAB are carried out for each topic under study and results were obtained. MATLAB Simulations: Radiation Pattern for a two element array Radiation Pattern for an N-element linear array Radiation Pattern 3-D for N-element linear array ( Normalized/ dB) Radiation Pattern for Hansen-Woodyard Linear Array Radiation Pattern for Binomial Linear Array Radiation Pattern for Dolph-Chebychev Array Barbieres Numerical Technique for computation of Dolph-Chebychev Weights

Current Books being read: Phased Array Antenna Handbook, Second Edition (Robert J. Mailloux) Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design (Constantine A. Balanis) A Primer on Digital beamforming (Toby Haynes) Papers, Journals, and Other Materials: NEURAL NETWORKS IN ANTENNA ENGINEERING BEYOND BLACK-BOX MODELING (Amalendu Patnaik, Dimitrios Anagnostou, Christos G. Christodoulou) Neural Networks FPGA Controller for Reconfigurable Antennas (E. Al Zuraiqi, M. Joler, C. G. Christodoulou) A Neural Network-Based Smart Antenna for Multiple Source Tracking (Ahmed H. El Zooghby, Christos G. Christodoulou, Michael Georgiopoulos) Software for Synthesis of Radiation Patterns by Linear Antenna Arrays (JOS LUIS RAMOS Q., MARTN J. MARTNEZ S., M. SUSANA RUIZ P.) Multiple Support Vector Regression for Antenna Array Characterization and Synthesis (Rafael Gonzlez Ayestarn, Mara Fernanda Campillo, and Fernando Las-Heras) A Modified DolphChebyshev Approach for the Synthesis of Low Sidelobe Beampatterns With adjustable Beamwidth (Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu and Ryuji Kohno) Smart Antennas for wireless applications (Susan Soo Foo) Other Online References :

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