Notice Civil Engg

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Government Polytechnic Vaishali

Department of Civil Engineering

With respect to Government Polytechnic Vaishali ,office order number 310, dated 03.05.2024, it is to
inform all students that classes will run on the mentioned timing from 04.05.2024 for week students and
whose attendance fall below 75%. So consult your respective subject teacher and ask them for
necessary arrangements for extra classes. Due to this 3rd and 4th class test and submission of practical
and term work file will be done as per below mentioned date.
4th Semester class test:
S.No Name of Subject Date 3rd Date 4TH Name of faculty/ Lab
CT CT Instructor/Nats.
01 BPD 04.05.24 11.05.24 Miss. Shristi Kumari/Rishi kant.
02 Transportation Engg. 04.05.24 16.05.24 Mr. Akash Kumar/Rishikant
03 Adv Survey 06.05.24 16.05.24 Mr. Akash Kumar/Rishikant
04 Theory of Structure 07.05.24 18.05.24 Mr. Jitesh Kumar/Rishikant
05 Hydraulics 08.05.24 18.05.24 Mr. Jitesh Kumar/Rishikant

4th Semester Term work & practical file submission with conducting internal practical Examination:
S.No Name of Subject Date Timing Name of faculty/ Lab Instructor/Nats.
01 Hydraulics lab 22.05.24 Class time Mr. Jitesh Kumar/Mr.vivek Kumar/Rishi kant.
02 ADV. Survey lab 20.05.24 Class time Mr. Akash Kumar/Mr.Vivek Kumar/Rishikant
03 TOS LAB TW 25.05.24 Class time Mr. Jitesh Kumar/Mr.vivek Kumar/Rishikant
04 Transportation lab TW 21.05.24 Class time Mr. Akash Kumar/Mr.vivek Kumar/Rishikant
04 BPD TW 22.05.24 Class time Miss.ShristiKumari/Mr.vivek
05 AutoCAD TW 22.05.24 Class time Mr. Jitesh Kumar/Mr.vivek Kumar/Rishikant

6th Semester class test:

S.No Name of Subject Date 3rd Date 4TH Name of faculty/ Lab
CT CT Instructor/Nats.
01 Ent & Startup 04.05.24 11.05.24 Mr. Akhilesh Kumar/Rishikant.
02 Phe Engg. 04.05.24 15.05.24 Mr. Jitesh Kumar/Rishikant
03 Adv Dos 06.05.24 11.05.24 Miss. Shristi Kumari/Rishikant
04 Tend & Accounts 07.05.24 15.05.24 Mr. Akash Kumar/Rishikant
05 3d printing 08.05.24 11.05.24 Miss. Shristi Kumari/Rishikant

6th Semester Term work & practical file submission with conducting internal practical Examination:
S.No Name of Subject Date Timing Name of faculty/ Lab Instructor/Nats.
01 3d Printing lab and 10.05.24 Class time Miss Shristi Kumari/Mr.vivek Kumar/Rishi
term work kant.
02 Seminar 08.05.24 Class time Mr.Akash Kumar/Mr.Vivek Kumar/Rishikant
03 Major Project 08.05.24 Class time Mr. Akash Kumar/Mr.vivek Kumar/Rishikant
04 Adv Dos TW. 07.05.24 Class time Miss.ShristiKumari/Mr.vivek Kumar/Rishikant
Extra Classes: Date Timing 4th Semester 6th Semester

01. 04.05.24 9:30 am Mr. Akash Kumar Mr.Jitesh Kumar

02 04.05.24 2:00 pm Class test Class Test

03 06.05.24 9:30 am Mr. Akash Kumar Miss. Shristi Kumari

04 07.05.24 9:30 am Mr. Jitesh Kumar Miss. Shristi Kumari

05 08.05.24 9:30 am Miss. Shristi Kumari Mr. Jitesh Kumar

06 09.05.24 9:30 am Miss Shristi Kumari Miss Neha(Nats)

07 10.05.24 9:30 am Miss Neha(Nats) Miss Shristi Kumari

08 11.05.24 9:30 am Miss Neha(Nats) Miss Shristi Kumari

09 11.05.24 2:00 pm Class test Class Test

10 13.05.24 9:30 am Miss Neha(Nats) Miss Shristi Kumari

11 14.05.24 9:30 am Miss Shristi Kumari Miss Neha(Nats)

12 15.05.24 9:30 am Mr. Jitesh Kumar Miss Neha(Nats)

13 16.05.24 9:30 am Miss Neha Mr. Jitesh Kumar

14 18.05.24 Practical term work Practical term work submission

and submission


Akash Kumar
Hod Incharge
Dept. of Civil Engg.
Govt. Polytechnic Vaishali

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