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Journal title history:

➢ The first 32 issues, from Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1975) to
Vol. 4, No.2 (February 1978) were published under the
name EUREKA.
➢ Issues from Vol. 4, No. 3 (March 1978) to Vol. 22, No.
8 (December 1996) were published under the name
Crux Mathematicorum.
➢ Issues from Vol 23., No. 1 (February 1997) to Vol. 37,
No. 8 (December 2011) were published under the
name Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical
➢ Issues since Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 2012) are
published under the name Crux Mathematicorum.
Vol , 11, No. 9
November 1985
Publie par la Societe Mathematique du Canada
The support of the Carleton University Department of Mathematics and Statistics
and the University of Ottawa Department of Mathematics are gratefully acknowledged.
* * *

CRUX MATHEMATICORUM is a problem-solving journal at the senior secondary and

university undergraduate levels for those who practise or teach mathematics* Its
purpose is primarily educational, but it serves also those who read it for profes-
sional , cultural, or recreational reasons.
It is published monthly (except July and August). The yearly subscription rate
for ten issues is $22*50 for members of the Canadian Mathematical Society and $25
for nonmembers* Back issues* $2.75 each* Bound volumes with indexs Vols* 1&2
(combined) and each of Vols* 3*-10: $20. All prices quoted are in Canadian dollars.
Cheques and money orders, payable to CRUX MATHEMATICORUM, should be sent to the
Managing Editor*
All communications about the content of the journal should be sent to the
Editor• All changes of address and inquiries about subscriptions and back issues
should be sent to the Managing Editor*
Editors Leo Sauve, Algonquin College, 140 Main Street, Ottawa, Ontario* Canada
K1S 1C2,
Managing Editors Dr, Kenneth S* Williams, Canadian Mathematical Society, 577
King Edward Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIN 6N5a
Assistant to the Editors? Mrs, Siu Kuen Lanw
ISSN 0705 - 0348,
Second Class Mail Registration No* 5432^ Return Postage Guaranteed.
ft * *


The Olympiad Corner: 69 . . . . . . . . Ma$, Klamkin 270

A Message from the Managing Editor , . , . . „ , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . 287
Problems - Probl6mes: 1081-1090 . , . . t , , . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . 288
Solutions: 6829 962-970 • . « • . , . . . . , „ , . . , . . « . . 290

The r^een Book . , , . , . . „ . . , . . . • . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

- 269 -
- 270 -

I start out with two new problem sets* for which 1 solicit elegant solutions
from all readers: selected problems from the Bulgarian Winter Competition which
took place in Varna on January 14, 1985, and selected problems proposed by students
at the 1985 U.S.A.M.O. training session. I am grateful to Jordan B, Tabov and Gregg
Patruno, respectively, for these problems,
1, Determine each term of the sequence {a\ 9 a 2s a 3f «..} of positive numbers9
given that a^ = 4, as = 5, and
1 1 1 n
+ — — - — ~ + ,, # + a
aia2a3 a2a3ak Vn+l n+2 ^+1^+2

holds for n = l s 2 9 3 s ,, s . (Grade 9)

2, ffi and s 2 are two dtsjoint nonempty finite sets of points in a plane. If
es/epy segment whose endpoints are elements of one these two sets contains
a point of the other set^ prove that all the points of Si u S2 are collinear.
(Grade 9)
3, In 9 given tetrahedron ABCD, M is the centroid of face ABC9 and A ^ B ^ C i
are the feet of the perpendiculars from A,B,C, respectively, to line DM,
(a) Prove that there exists a triangle EFH whose sides HE, EF, and FH have
lengths equal to those of the segments AAi, BBi, and CC 1 ? respectively,
(b) Find the volume of tetrahedron ABCD if the area of triangle EFH is S and
the length of segment DM is d, (Grade 10)
l\t Determine the number of real solutions of the equation
x 2 + 2xs\nx - 3cosx = 0, (Grade 11)
5S A plane intersects a given regular square pyramid in a regular pentagon.
Determine the angle between 9 lateral edge and the base of the pyramid.
(Grade 11)


1, Proposed by Waldemar Horwat^ Hoffman Estates3 Illinois.
N being the set of positive integers, determine all functions f : N ^ N
such that
- 27! -
f(f(n)) = n + k9
where k is a given odd positive integer.

7B Proposed by Bjorn Poonen3 Winchester3 Massachusetts.

Is there a function f such that, for all real numbers x9

f(f(x)) = sin 3x?

3, Proposed by Bjorn Poonen3 Winchester3 Massachusetts.

For a given positive integer n 9 prove that there are infinitely many
positive integers 777 for which

is an integer,

l\ % Proposed by Robert Adams3 Annandale3 Virginia.

Starting with a given triangle ABC inscribed in a circle 9 show how to con-
struct a directly homothetic triangle A ? B f C ! with A' 9 B' on the circle and C ! on
segment AB.

5, Proposed by Peter Yu3 Richmond^ California.

A circle is tangent to the sides AB 9 BC 9 CD 9 and PA of a quadrilateral at
points P9 0 9 R, and S 9 respectively. If AP = l, BQ = 2 9 CR = 2 9 and DS = 4, deter-
mine the area of ABCD.
B Proposed by Patrick Brown3 Fairfax3 Virginia,
In a given quadrilateral ABCD9 line AC is a nonperpendicular bisector of
BR, If the bisectors of angles B and D intersect on AC 9 prove that they meet at
right angles.

7S Proposed by Zinkoo Han3 Brooklyn3 N.Y.

A zigzag path across a unit circle consists of n
chords lying in two directions. If the initial and terminal
points of the path are ends of a diameter and the first
chord has length l9 find, in terms of I and n% the angle 6
between the first and second chords. (The figure illus-
trates the case n = 4.)

°'\ Proposed by Randall Rose3 Flainview3 N9Y.

The Heronian mean (a + /ab +fc)/3of two distinct positive numbers is
certainly less than the arithmetic mean and greater than the geometric mean* Deter-
mine the largest r > 0 and the smallest s < 1 for which
- 27?
s 1/s
t<z + £> \ < a + /aft + r < /g + &
2 )

are valid inequalities,

Q, Proposed by Joseph Keane3 Pittsburgh3 Pennsylvania.

Por 0 < x < l, it is conjectured that

{1 + X) 4- (1 + X) (i - x) * - ci - # ) ' > 4#.

Prove or disprove,

If), Proposed by David Grabiner3 Claremont^ California*

A sequence of real polynomials (P l 5 P 2 * ..., P } has the property that for
any permutation TT of (l,2,...,w) there is a real number ^ such that

Is it true that max {degree of p.} > w-l? If not, find a sharp bound.

I now give solutions to some problems published in previous columns, starting

with the official solutions to the problems of the 1985 Canadian Mathematics Olym-
piad .

1 % [1985: 13*41 From the 1985 Canadian Mathematics Olympiad.

The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 6, 8, and 10 units* Prove that
there is exactly one straight line which simultaneously bisects the area and peri-
meter of the triangle.
Official solution*
Let ABC be the given triangle, with side lengths BC = 6, CA = 8, and AB = 10.
There are three cases to consider.

Ficmre 3

Case 7. Suppose a line I cuts AB and BC, as shown in Figure l. Then I bisects
the area and perimeter of ABC if and only if there are positive numbers x and y,
- 273 -
with x < 10 and y < 6 5 such that x+y = 12 and xy = 30. The only possibilities are
{a*,?} = (6±v/6}9 the roots of £2-l2t+30 = o. Since 6-/6 < 6 < 6We" < lo, the unique
solution for this case is obtained by taking x = 6+/6 and y = 6-/6.
Case 2. Suppose a line I cuts CA and AB, as shown in Figure 2, Then I bisects
the area and perimeter of ABC if and only if there are positive numbers x and y
such that x+y = 12 and xy = 40. Since the roots of £2-l2i-f40 = o are imaginary,
there is no solution in this case.
Case 3« Suppose a line I cuts BC and CA, as shown in Figure 36 Then I bisects
the area and perimeter of ABC if and only if there are positive numbers x and y9
both less than 8 3 such that x+y = 12 and xy = 24* Since one root of £ 2 -12t+24 = o
is 6+2/3 > 8 9 there is no solution in this case either.

2, T1985: 134] From the 1985 Canadian Mathematics Olympiad*

Prove that there does not exist an integer which is doubled when the initial
digit is transferred to the end.

Official solution*
Suppose, on the contrary^ that there is an integer with the stated property9
n n -1
d *10 + d •lO + ... + di*±0
l + dr\
u 9
n n-±
where the d. are digits and d * o s and let
^ n
n r~\
s =d .®10 + .., + d\*±0 + do*


2{d ®10n + s) = 10s + d , (1)

n n'
from which d (2*10n - l) = 8s. Hence 8\d , so that d = 8. But then
n n n

2{d ^10n + s) > 1 0 W + 1 > 10s + d ,

contradicting (1).

3 S [1985: 1341 From the 1985 Canadian Mathematics Olympiad*

Suppose that a given circle has circumference c. Let x denote the length
of the perimeter of a regular polygon of 1985 sides circumscribed about the given
circle. Let y denote the perimeter of a regular polygon of 1985 sides inscribed
in the given circle. Prove that x + y ^ 2c,
Official solution,
Suppose t h e c i r c l e has u n i t r a d i u s 5 as shown in A
the f i g u r e , so t h a t a = 2TT0 Then x = 2*1985AR9
y = 2 19R5fD 9 and i t s u f f i c e s to show t h a t

AB + CD >
1985 s
tan 6 + sin e > 20,

Now &/? = T T / 2 « 1 9 8 5 < TTA, so 0/2 < tan (0/2) < 1

and, with £ = tan ( 6 / 2 ) 9

s i n 0 + tane = — ^2 +r 2 t2 > nt > 2i

l+t l~t " l-th

l\ ("1985: 1341 From tire 1985 Canadian Mathematics Olympiad,

n~l k~\
rove t h a t 2 d i v i d e s nl i f and only i f v = 2 for some p o s i t i v e i n t e -
ger 7<.

Official solution.
For any positive inteqer n 5 the exponent of the highest power of 2 dividing nl
Tn/21 + [n/22l + Tn/2 3 1 + , . , ,

where the brackets denote the greatest integer function.

Suppose n = 2 for some positive integer fc. Then the exponent of the highest
power of 2 dividing nl is

^-2 J:-3 „ , J:-l

2 +2 -*-„.. + 2 + 1 = 2 - 1 = n - 1,
and so ? \n\
n-1 k~l k
Conversely, suppose 2 | n ! , and l e t fc be such t h a t 2 < n < 2 , so t h a t

n = 2 fe ~ 1 + 5,. „-2 f c ~ 2 + fi,. . • 2 f e " 3 + . . . - < V 2 + So*

>-2 fc-3

where each 6- € {o 5 l}„ Then

fn/2 J *l - 2P~1~J - 67 «2^~?~J* -f 67 Q -2

fc 3 J#
" " + ...+«. *2 + 6 .

for j = 1,2,. ..,k-l, and r n / 2 , 7 l = o for j > k. Thus t h e exponent of t h e h i g h e s t

power of 2 d i v i d i n g nl is

o = J r n / 2 ^ 1 = (2* - l ) + 5^ „(2*""
( -l) + 6Z 3 (2*' - l ) + . . . - < - 6 2 < 2 2 - l ) + 6 X (2-1)
fe-2 k-y
775 -
= n - 1 - (6. + fi. + . . . + S x + 6 0 )
'k-2 "" "k-3
< n - 1.
It - 1
But a > n-1 from t h e h y p o t h e s i s . Hence a = w - l , a l l 5 . = 0 9 and n = 2 ,

^ , T1985: 134-1 From ifeg 1.955 Canadian Mathematics Olympiad,

Let 1 < xi < 2 and, for n = l 9 2 9 3 s o , , 9 define

07 „ = 1 + X - ~X *
n+1 n 2 n
Prove t h a t \x - /?\ < 2~ for n > 3.
Official solution.
We have a? . = fix ) , where
n+1 • w

fte) = 1 + x - ~x2 = /2 + |(> - v/2)(2 - /2 - x).

Now f(x) decreases from 3/2 to 1 as x increases over the interval fl52l. Hence

1 < Xl <2 => 1 < x2 < T; => ~ < ^3 < j

11-8/2 ,~ 12-8/2

1 ^ 11-8/2 ,~ 12-8/2 1
=> -3 < - T - < * 3 -/2 < - T ~ - <-,

and so \x3 - /2| < 2 .

We now proceed by induction. Suppose |x - /2| < 2 for some n > 3. Then

\x A - / 2 | = ~ k V 2 | •|2-2/2+/5-tf |
n+l ' 2 n n1
< J|*
2 n
-/2KI2-2/2I + \xn ~/2|)

< | k -/2|(2/2-2+2^3)

< ~ k -/2| ( s i n c e 2/2~2+2~ 3 < l )

2 n


and t h e i n d u c t i o n i s c o m p l e t e .

II B ri981: 73; 1985: 1731 From t/ze 1979 Moscow Olympiad.

Karen and Billy play the following game on an infinite checkerboard. They
take turns placing markers on the corners of the squares of the board. Karen plays
- 276 -
first. After each player ss turn (starting with Karen's second turn), the markers
placed on the board must lie at the vertices of a convex polygon. The loser is
the first player who cannot make such a move, For which player is there a winning

II. Solution by Leroy F. Meyers, The Ohio State University.

Andy Liu's partial solution uses symmetry with respect to a line. By using
symmetry with respect to a point, it can be shown that Billy has a winning strategy,
provided it is assumed that after n moves (n > 3) the resulting convex n-gon must
always be strictly convex.
Let Karen place her first marker at A, Then Billy places his first marker at
B, one of the four corners nearest A, Let Karen place her second marker at C 9 which
cannot be on the line AB. Then Billy places his second marker at D so that ABCD is
a parallelogram. Thereafter, all markers must be placed between the lines AB and
CD. Whenever Karen places a marker at a corner 9 say K, Billy places a marker at
the point symmetric to K with respect to the centre of the parallelogram. Since at
most two markers can go on a line,, and there are finitely many lines of corners
parallel to AB and CD and between them9 there are only finitely many moves that can
be made. Since Billy can counter every move of Karen, the game must end with Karen
paralyzed, i.e., unable to move, •
Similar games can be played on other boards. For example, the same strategy
will work for Billy on a half-plane as well as on an infinite strip* provided that
B is chosen so that AB is parallel to the edge(s)« For a finite mm board, Billy
can play symmetrically with respect to the centre of the board, unless both m and n
are odd and Y^er\ occupies the centre with her first marker, in which case I do not
know the outcome, I also do not know the outcome for a quadrant,

III, Further remark by Andy Liu^ University of Alberta*

It is not difficult to show that Billy can win on all 3xn and 5xn boards. This
is clear if n is even. Suppose n is odd, Then9 as mentioned above, Karen must
start at the centre A of the board, Billy plays at B adjacent to A with AB parallel
to the longer side of the board. When Karen places her second marker, say at C,
Billy plays at D9 where ABCD or ABDC is a parallelogram. Play ends here for a 3m
board. For a 5 w board7 there may be one other grid line between and parallel to
AB and CD, on which exactly two other markers can be placed. Hence Billy wins again,

6„ ri981: 73; 1985: 174] From the 1979 Moscow Olympiad,

A scientific conference is attended by k chemists and alchemists, of whom
the chemists are in the majority. When asked a question, a chemist will always
- 277 -
tell the truth, while an alchemist may tell the truth or lie, A visiting mathema-
tician has the task of finding out which of the k members of the conference are
chemists and which are alchemists. He must do this by choosing a member of the
conference and asking him: "Which is So-and~So9 a chemist or an alchemist?" In
particular, he can ask a member: "Which are you, a chemist or an alchemist?" Show
that the mathematician can accomplish his investigation by asking
(a) ^k questions;
(b) 2k ~ 2 questions;
(c) 2k - 3 questions.
(d) [After the Olympiad, it was announced that the minimum number of questions
is no greater that r^3/2)?cl - l, ^rove it.]
II. Comment by Fred Galvin3 University of Kansas,
A complete solution, including the lower bound as well, and a history of the
problem can be found in P.M. Rlecher, "On a logical problem", Discrete Math. 9 43
fl983) 107-110.

ps F1985: 2] From the 1984 Leningrad Olympiad (proposed by S.Ea Pushkin).

Two students take turns in writing their choice of one of the signs +, ~9
or x between each pair of consecutive integers in the series
1 2 3 ... 100.
Prove that there is a strategy such that the student who wrote the first (and hence
the last) sign can ensure that, after the ninety-nine signs have been filled in,
the arithmetical result is (a) odd, (b) even.
Solution by K.S. hurray3 Brooklyn^ N0Y«
The parity of the final result is unaffected if only + and x signs are used.
We show, more generally, that the first player can win if the sequence o^ the first
100 consecutive natural numbers is replaced by an even number of arbitrary alter-
nating odd (o) and even {E) integers:
0 E 0 E ... 0 E.

(b) We show that the first player can win by using only x signs. Note that
when a x sign is placed between two of the numbers, the resulting 0*E or E*0 can
be replaced by a new even number E. Let the first move be a x between the first two
numbers, resulting in a new sequence
E 0 E 0 ... 0 E.

Thereafter, for every move of the second player (denote by & ) , say
?7d -
E 0 X E ... Of ... E & 0 E

the first player places a * on the other side of the 03 thus

E * 0 * E ... Of ... E * 0 xE

resulting in ... E * E ... . Fventually, we end up with all even numbers. This
process can easily be formalized by induction,
(a) The first move is
0 +E 0 E ,., 0 E,

Proceeding thereafter as in (b), the first student can ensure that the term to the
right of the + comes out even.

78 T1985: 31 From the 1984 Leningrad Olympiad (proposed by A*S. Merkuriev).

D 2
rove t h a t t h e i n t e g e r a can be r e p r e s e n t e d in t h e form x -f~2z/29 where x and
y a r e i n t e g e r s , i f 3a can be r e p r e s e n t e d in t h e same form.

Solution by Bob Prielipp3 University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.

By h y p o t h e s i s 3a = x%+2yl for some i n t e g e r s x0 and J/Q. Thus 3|te§-2/§) 9 so
3 {x or
\ o~Uo^ 3|fa?o+^ 0 ). ^f 3
K^O"2/o^ then r 0 r
j/o+ 3 ^ for some i n t e g e r fc. Hence

3a = (y0+3ks>2 + 2j/§ = 3 { r j / 0 ^ ) 2 + 2fe2} s

making a = Cj/o +7 0 2 + 2k 2 . If 3\(x0+y0)9 then ^ 0 = ~#o+3J f ° r some i n t e g e r j .

3a = r-i/o+gj) 2 + 2y\ = 3 { ^ / 0 - j ) 2 + 2 j 2 } ,

making a = (y§-,j)2 + 2j2.

P,, T1985: 3^ From tfcg .2P54 Leningrad Olympiad (proposed by I.V* Itenhera).
Prove that at least 8 different colours are needed to paint «*«_
the (infinite) squared plane so that the 4 squares of each L-shaped ——-——
tetromino (see figure) have 4 different colours. LJ—J J
Solution by Aage Bondesen3 Royal Danish School of Educational Studies3 Copt 71-
hag en3 Denmark.
There are eight possible orientations in the plane for the L-shaped tetromino.
Six of these appear in Figure l, and it is clear that seven different colours (de-
noted by the numbers l to 7) are needed to colour it. All eight orientations appear
in Figure 2 5 and it is clear that seven colours still suffice, provided the colour
1 is used for square x . Seven colours still suffice in Figure 39 provided colour 5
is used for square y ; and seven colours still suffice in Figure 1, provided colour 2
- 27q -

1 1 1 1 5 1 5
2 3 4 2 4 2 3 41 2 3 4 2J 2 3 4-
' 2

56 6 7
r) F 7J 5 6
1 1
7 5

6 7

figure J Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure Fi gure 5

Is J$ed for square z. But in Figure 5 a new eighth colour is r

1 4 ^ 8J
needed for square wm
3 6 7 2
To show that eight colours suffice^ we can use the module
5 8 1 4 1
shown in Figure 6 9 repeat it periodically right and left and
1 7j 2 3 LLJ
up and down 3 to colour the entire plane*
Figure 6

9, T1985: 3] Frew? the 1984 Tournament of Towns Olympiad (proposed by A.B,

In a ballroom dance class 17 boys and 17 girls are lined up in parallel rows
so that 17 couples are formed. It so happens that the difference in height between
the boy and the girl in each couple is not more than 10 cm. Prove that if the boys
and the girls were placed in each Ifne in order of decreasing height, then the
difference in height in each of the newly formed couples would still be at mostiocm,
Solution by K. Seymour3 Toronto3 Ontario,
Let the boys and the girls' heights in cm be given by the monotonic decreasing
sequences {&.} and {gA 9 respectivelys so that
bx>b2> ... > Z>i7 and gi > g2 > . ^ 017'

Then the final pairing is

u 17

Sfi 92 '17*

Suppose that in this final pairing there is an i such that b. - g. > 10, Then, in
the original pairing
2>! b2 ... Z>i7

9,TT(1) g
it(2) 9.TfCl?)^

where IT is a permutation of { l 9 2 5 . . , 9 17}, we must have gt ..v >g»« Consequently.,

there is a j < i such that q ... < g .\ so

b . - q , .v ^ b. - ge > 10,
- 280 -
and we have a contradiction. Similarly, the assumption that g. - b. > 10 for some i
in the final pairing leads to a contradiction.

IP, T1985: 31 From the 1984 Tournament of Towns Olympiad (proposed by I.F.
Six altitudes are constructed from the three vertices of the base of a tetra-
hedron to the opposite sides of the three lateral faces. Prove that all three
straight lines joining two base points of the altitudes in each lateral face are
parallel to a certain plane.
Solution by Aage Bondesen3 Royal Danish School of Fdu»ationa1 Studies3 Coper-
hagen3 Denmark*
It is a well-known result that, in the figure, B f C ! ^<^f\^^^^\
is parallel to the tangent line at A, It then follows ^"^ / / \ \
for the given problem that the plane tangent to the cir- / / _^KJ* \
cumsphere of the given tetrahedron at the vertex opposite ( P^yc ^\ )
the base is parallel to the three lines formed by the vSls ^^^^^ I
base points of the altitudes, \^r^^^^""">^
[Note by M.S.K. The following theorems are relevant:
The tangential and the orthic triangles of a given triangle are homothetic. Tl '
An antfparallel section of a tetrahedron relative to a given face is parallel
to the tangent plane to the circumsphere of the tetrahedron at the vertex opposite
the face considered, T2])

1. Nathan Altshiller Court, College Geometry, Barnes & Noble, Mew York, 1952,
p. 98, Theorem 191,
« » Modern Pure Solid Geometry (Second Fditton), Chelsea, New York,
196U, p, 285, Theorem 759 (p, 247, Theorem 795 in the original 1935 Macmtllan

]1 8 £1985: 3] From the 1984 Tournament of Towns Olympiad (proposed by A9V*

The two pairs of consecutive natural numbers (8,9) and (288,289) have the
following property: in each pair, each number contains each of its prime factors
to a power not less than 2,
(a) Find one more pair of consecutive numbers with that property,
(b) Prove that there are infinitely many such pairs.
- 781 -
Solution by Curtis Cooper3 Central Missouri State University.
(a) Another such pair is (67S, 676).
(b) Since Urx(x+l) + 1 = (2^+l) 2 9 it follows that if O , x-fl) is a pair with
the desired property, then so is (Hx(x-il), (2x+l) ) a Hence there are infinitely
many such pairs.

]? t T1985: 31 From the 1984 Tournament of Towns Olympiad (proposed by V,G»

II ichev).
An infinite (in both directions) sequence of rooms is situated on one side of
an infinite hallway* The rooms are numbered by consecutive integers and each con-
tains a grand piano. A finite number of pianists live in these rooms. (There may
be more than one of them in some of the rooms,) Every day some two pianists living
in adjacent rooms (the fcth and (fc+i)st) decide that they interfere with each other's
practice., and they move to the (fc-l)st and (k+2)nd rooms, respectively. Prove that
these moves will cease after a finite number of days.

Solution by Aage Bondesen3 Royal Danish School of Educational Studies^ Copen-

hagen 5 Denmark.
Without loss of generality, we may make the assumptions more specific in the
following way: There are n pianists P l 9 P2 S «.. 9 P inhabiting a set of rooms numbered
consecutivelys say from left to righta by the integers (positive, negative5 and
zero). The pianists are ordered from left to right according to their indices, that
is 3 V\ is leftmost, then p 2 , e t c , and this ordering is maintained inside a room if
ft has several inhabitants. Each day s as long as there are inhabitants in adjacent
rooms9 a basic operation takes place in which, for some pair of adjacent rooms, k
and k+l9 the leftmost inhabitant of room k moves to room fc-i and the rightmost inha-
bitant of room k+l moves to room fc+2. Thus a basic operation preserves the ordering
of the pianists*
If P. and P. A have more than two rooms between them5 then a basic operation
affecting either one of them can only bring them closer to each other. If at a
certain stage (maybe from the beginning) they have at most two rooms between them
(they may even be in the same room) 5 then from then on they will never have more
than two rooms between them. It follows that if at the start the settlement has a
breadth (the number of rooms from that of P-. to that of P inclusively) of r rooms,
v L
then its breadth will never exceed r+Sn rooms.
Now assume that each pianist has a unit mass and consider the moment of inertia
of all the masses with respect to the room numbered o. Since the settlement has
bounded breadth, the moment of inertia of all the masses with respect to room o must
- 28? -
be bounded. However, note that each basic operation adds 4 to this moment of
(k~l)2 + (fc+2)2 - (k+1)2 - k2 = 4.

Therefore only finitely many basic operations are possible,


13 8 T1985: 31 Fro??? tTze 2SS4 Tournament of Towns Olympiad (-proposed by A.V.

Let p(n) be the number of partitions of the natural number n into natural
summands* The diversity of a partition is by definition the number of different
summands in it. Denote by q{n) the sum of the diversities of all the p(n) parti-
tions of n.
(For example, pf4) = 5, the five distinct partitions of 4 being

*49 3+1, 2+2, 2+1+1, 1+1+1+1;

and q(n) = 1+2+1+2+1 = 7,)

Prove that, for all natural numbers n,
(a) q(n) = 1 +p(l) +p(2) + p(3) + ,, „ + pOz-1),
(b) <?(n) < /2n»p(n),

Solution by Aage Bondesen3 Royal Banish School of Educational Studies^ Copen-

hagen 3 Denmark.
(a) Our solution is by induction on n. It is obvious that ^(l) = l and
q(2) = 2 = 1 + p(l). The induction proof will be complete when we have shown that
q(n+l) = q(n) + p(n)m
Let 5 be the set of ordered pairs (#,#), where x is a partition of n and y is
a partition of n+l obtained by adding an extra term 1 to x or by increasing by 1
one of the summands of x. It is clear that §n x with diversity k appears fc+l times
in s while a <y with diversity I appears I times in s. It follows that

q(n) + p(n) = \S\ = <?(n+l),

(b) The diversity of n is greatest when the terms of the partition form an
arithmetic progression with common difference l and each type of term occurs just
once, except possibly one them. Thus

1+2+ ,,, + t < n, that i s , t2 + t < 2n9

Thus t t /?n and q(n) < /?n*p(n),


\L\ t f~1985: J+l From the 1984 Tournament of Tobins Olympiad (proposed by A.V.
- 28^ -
Prove t h a t , f o r any n a t u r a l number ft, t h e qraph o f any i n c r e a s i n g function
r ?
f 0 j l y [ 0 , 1 1 can be covered by n r e c t a n g l e s each o f area 1 /n whose sides are
parallel t o the c o o r d i n a t e a x e s ,

olution lij Anqe Tomdc-ev, Poval Pani?h rchool of Vducational Ptudier. Coper-
haqens Denmark*
He can assume w i t h o u t l o s s o f qenerality
t h a t f(o) = o, We f i r s t choose an aY e ( 0 , 1 1
such t h a t t h e r e c t a n q l e w i t h s i d e s p a r a l l e l to
the c o o r d i n a t e axes and w i t h o p p o s i t e vertices
(0,0) and (<zi9f(ai)) has area ±/n2 (see f i g u r e ) .
Then we choose an a2 w i t h a\ <a\^a2 < 1 such t h a t
a s i m i l a r l y oriented rectanqle with opposite
vertices {al,f(ai)) and {ax m2,f(aY+a2)) has area
l/n23 and so on as f a r as p o s s i b l e . We now ask*
Can t h i s process be repeated u n t i l we have n <*l (1,0)
rectangles w i t h the point

(a\+a2 •-... +a , /^a 1x +a 2 +... +a ))

n * v
belonqinq to the unit square K so, this would imply that

+ a < 1 and 1/1

Since by the fauchy inequality

(a\ r a2 + + a )(— + -±-) > « 2 ,

ft ai a2 ft

w i t h e q u a l i t y i f and o n l y i f a\ = a2 = . . . •= a , t h i s c o u l d o n l y occur f o r the

function f ^ ) = x. Otherwise the process can be repeated a t most k t i m e s , where
k < ft. Then t h e p a r t o * t h e graph r e m a i n i n g uncovered can be covered by a r e c t a n g l e
o f area l e s s than l / f t 2 5 so n r e c t a n q l e s o f area l/n2 would c e r t a i n l y s u f f i c e to
cover t h e e n t i r e q r a p h .

]C)I T1985: 41 From the 1984 Moscow Olympiad*

Let X = (x1,x2,... ,o- ) be a sequence offtnonneqative numbers whose sum is l.
(a) Drove that x\x2 *- ^ 2 ^3 + • •• + # #i - ^A-
(b) nr0ve that there exists a permutation 1 = (y\9yz>...y ) of X such that
+ +
1/12/2 + 2/22/3 - 2/n2/l ^ 1/w.
- 284 -
I. Solution to part (a) by M»S«K«
The condition n > 4 was left out of the proposal . Note that for n = 3 we can
have x \ = x 2 - x$ = l/39 giving
1 1
3?1X2 + # 2 # 3 + X%Xi - r >j " .

We will prove by induction on n that

+ + + x
^1 %2 • • • ) 2 ~ ^^1^2 +
^2^3 + • • • +
# ^1) 5 (1)

where # . > 0 and n > 4 $ and the desired r e s u l t will follow from Ix. = 1. For n = 4 5
the inequality is equivalent to (^1-^2+^3"-^ ) ^ 0 with equality if and only if
xi+x3 = x2+xi±* We assume that (1) holds for some n = fc > 4, Our induction proof
will be complete if we can show that t h i s assumption implies that

(xi + x 2 + . •. + x^ + ^fc+i) 2 - ^(^1^2 + ^2^3 +

••• + " ^ 4 - 1 +
^ + 1 ^ * ^

Since the two sides of this last inequality are cyclic 9 we may assume without loss
of generality that x , < x . for i = 1 5 2,.,, 5 L Then, by the induction hypothesis,

Since the right member of this inequality equals the right member of (2) plus

*{xk-ixk+i +x (x x
k ^ k+i)] - °»
then (2) holds and i t follows that (1) is valid for n - fc+l5 and thus for all n > 4.
There is equality for n > 5 if and only if all the x»ls are zero except

possibly for three cyclically consecutive ones, say x . * 9 x . 9 x . ., which must then
satisfy x, = x.^-l
^ ^ A +x . „ . D
For related results for both parts (a) and (b) 5 see Problem 1059, "Cyclic
Extrema" 5 Mathematics Magazine s 53 (1980) 115-116; and Problem 516, Pi Mu Epsilon
Journal, 7 (1983) 551.
II, Solution to part (b) by Aage Bondesen^ Boyal Vanish School of Educational
Studies3 Copenhagen3 Denmark,
For every permutation Y = (2/1,2/2»• • - »2/ ) °f x> ^et
Sy = 2/12/2 + 2/22/3 + . . . + 2/ n 2/i-

Also, let 5 = E5 , where the sum is over all the n! permutations of J. Now, for
i9j e (1,2,...,n} with i * j , the number of permutations of X having x . immediately

before x . (cyclically) is n(n-2)!„ Therefore

- ?85
n n
S = n(n-?)l I xx = n(n-?)l[l - T x2) r n<n-?)\{\ - -{ V x,}2) ,

S < n(n-2)l(l - -) = te-1)!.

Hence the mean value 5 of s satisfies

? - A <1
J wI n

and so there must be a permutation J of J such that s < l/n.

]f)t T1985: 41 From the 1984 Moscow Olympiad.

Prove that the area of the triangle which is the intersection of a cube of
edge 1 with an arbitrary plane tangent to the sphere inscribed in the cube does not
exceed 1/2.

Solution by M.S.K.
We introduce a rectangular coordinate system such that four of the v e r t i c e s of
the cube are at (o 9 o 9 Q) 9 a 9 o 9 o ) 9 f o 9 l 9 o ) 9 f o 9 o 9 l ) 9 and i t s center is at (}AA)*
Let the equation of the tangent plane be

- + U- + - = 1, where 0 < a9b,c < 1.

a 0 0

Since this plane must lie at distance 1/? from the center of the insphere9 we have

+ +
2a 2b 2c 1
from which
V a 2 +
b2 +
<? 2

Tic 4 caa + afc - 2abc)2 = £2c2 + e2a2 + a2b2. r


The tangent plane cuts o f f a t r i a n g l e of area A, say, and a rectangular tetrahedron

of volume V, say9 from the cube. Then

v = £|£ = ~* (distance of o r i g i n to tangent plane)

and so
- 28B -
To show that A < 3/2 is equivalent to showing that

L = bo + ea + at - 2a£>c < 1 for 0 < a ,6 ,c < 1.

Since £ is linear in each of ayb,c, it takes on its maximum at the endpoints, i.e.,
at a9b9c = 0 or 1. Thus L is a maximum for (a9b9o) = (1,1,1), or else for (1,1,0)
and permutations thereof. However, only (1,1,0) satisfiesd) , and it yields a
right triangle with unit legs. Put we cannot achieve this result, since this plane
corresponds to a face of the cube and does not cut off a triangle. However, we can
get the area of the triangle cut off from the cube arbitrarily close to 1/2 by
letting a = b = l-e and c = e, where e is an arbitrarily small positive number. D
As an extension of the problem* we find the minimum area cut off. This is more
bothersome* We will show that, as expected, it occurs for the symmetric configura-
tion for which

a = 2> = <? = --—-, which gives A = ~~(2 - /3) w 0,348,

Our problem is to minimize

be + ca + ab - 2abc

subject to 0 < a,b,c < 1 and to the constraint (1), which is equivalent to

a + b + c - 2(be+ca*tab) + 2abc = 0.

Using Lagrangian multipliers, we find that the critical points must satisfy

Therefore all the critical points are given by a = £ = c = (3-/3)/2, and by

(a,£,e) = (IAA) and permutations thereof. Finally, the symmetric configuration
corresponding to a = £ = e turns out to produce the least area*

17, T1985: 4] From the 1984 All-Union Olympiad (proposed by A.A. Fomin),
(a) The product of n integers is equal to n, and their sum is 0. Prove that n
is divisible by 4 9
(b) Prove that, for every natural number n divisible by 4, there exist n in-
tegers with product n and sum 0.

Solution by Bob Prielipp3 University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh,

(a) Let be the given integers, and let P be their product and ,9
their sum*
Suppose n is odd. Then all the x. are odd since P ~ n, Hence S must be odd,
it being the sum of an odd number of odd integers. But this contradicts the hypo-
- 287 -
thesis that 5 = 0. Now suppose n is of the form 4fe+2B Since P = n9 exactly one of
the x^ is even and none of them is d i v i s i b l e by 4. We assume without loss of gener-
a l i t y that xi is the even f a c t o r of P9 Then xY/2 is odd, and so is
xi xi

since it is the sum of an odd numbers of odd integers. Again, this contradicts the
fact that £ = o. Therefore n is divisible by 4 R
(b) Suppose n is divisible by 4, If n = 4(2fc-l), then for the following n

-|. 29 (|-2) i's, rj) i ! s 9 rj) (-i)'s,

we have p = n and 5 = 0. If K = 4(2&) 5 then for the following n integers

|. 29 (|+2) (-l)!s, (£-2) i 8 s, (|-2) (~l)fs9

we have p = n and 5 = 0,

1 8 , T1985: 41 Frcm t/ie 2£#4 All-Union Olympiad (proposed by N9 Agakharov).

Two boys paint the twelve edges of a white cube in two colours: red and
green. The first chooses any three edges and paints them red; the second chooses
some other three edges and paints them green; then, once more, the first paints
three edges red5 and, finally* the second paints the last three edges green. Can
the first boy make all four edges of a face red?

Solution by Jordi Dou3 Barcelonas Spain.

Let the edges of the cube be numbered as in the figure.
If the second boy chooses well, then the first boy cannot
make all four edges of a face red9 because he cannot pre-
vent the second boy from choosing one of the triads
A 6
8 !

(1,5,9), (296910)9 (3,7,11), Or (4,8,12). 1

Editor's note. All communications about this column
should be sent to Professor M.S. Klamkin, Department of f11
Mathematics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6G 2Gle


Members of the Canadian Mathematical Society can initiate or renew a subscrip-
tion to Crux Mathematicorum as part of the annual renewal of their membership to
the C.M.S, They will benefit from a special subscription price of $22*50 ($25 for
nonmembers). Communications from all subscribers intended for the editor and foi
the managing editor should be sent to their respective addresses as given on the
front page of this issue.
- 288 -
Problem proposals and solutions should be sent to the editor, whose address
appears on the front page of this issue. Proposals should, whenever possible, be
accompanied by a solution, references, and other insights which are likely to be of
help to the editor. An asterisk Ck) after a number indicates a problem submitted
without a solution.
Original problems are particularly sought* But other interesting problems may
also be acceptable provided they are not too well known and references are given as
to their provenance* Ordinarily, if the originator of a problem can be locatedf it
should not be submitted by somebody else without his permission.
To facilitate their consideration, your solutions, typewritten or neatly hand-
written on signed, separate sheets, should preferably be mailed to the editor before
May lr 1986f although solutions received after that date will also be considered
until the time when a solution is published.

10811 Proposed by Loren Ce Larson3 St, Olaf College3 Novthfield3 Minnesota,

For a given integer b > l, evalutate

log. dx«

(The floor of x, denoted by L#J» is the largest integer < x; and the ceiling
of x, denoted by r#l» is the smallest integer > x.)

]^82» Proposed by 0, Bottema3 delft 3 The Netherlands.

The midpoints of the edges A ^ * Ai+Ai, A X A 2 of a tetrahedron A1A2A3A4
are R2, B 3 9 B^, respectively; lx is the line through Ax parallel to A 2 A 3 ; and Z 2 ,
l 3 , lh are the lines A 2 B 2 s A 3 B 3 , A^B^, respectively.
(a) Show that the four lines Z. have two conjugate imaginary transversals

t and t 1 .
(b) If S. is the intersection of t and L , and Si that of t1 and I. (i = 1,2,
^ ^ ^ ^
3,4), show that S, and SI are equianharmonic quadruples of points.
1083, Proposed by Jack Garfunkel3 Flushing3 N*Ym
Consider the double inequality

—Zsin A < Icos ^ < -4zcos J,

where the sums are cyclic over the angles A9B,C of a triangle. The left inequality
has already been established in this journal (Problem 613 [1982: 55, 67, 138]).
Prove or disprove the right inequality,

1084 t Proposed by Allan Wm« Johnson Jr«3 Washington^ B.C.

Prove that every symmetrical fourth-order magic square can be written as
- 289 -
IF+W-H/ F~W+z ' F~w-z F+W-y

F-x-y F-tx-z F+x+z F-x-^y

F+x-y F-x-z F-x+z F+x+y

F-w+y F+w+z F+w-z • F-w-y j

1 0 8 5 1 Proposed by George Tsintsifas3 Thessaloniki3 Greece.

Let a - AQAI...A be a regular ^-simplex in R , and l e t TT. be the
hyperplane containing the face a A = AnAi...A. i . „, I f B . e Tfe for i = 0 9 l 9
. . . 5 n s show that
y |B.fe.| > 'ii±. e
i J
where g is the edge length of a .
1 0 8 6 . Proposed by M9S* Klamkin3 University of Alberta.
The medians of an n-dimensional simplex A Q A I . . . A in R intersect at the
centroid G and are extended to meet the circumsphere again in the points B Q , B I , . . . ,
B J, respectively.
(a) Prove that

A0G + AXG + . + A G < B 0 G + BiG + + B G.

u 1 n
(b) Determine all other points P such that

A 0 P + AxP + + A P < B 0 P + BiP + B P,

n u i n
1^87, Proposed by Robert Downes3 student3 Moravian College3 Bethlehem3 Penn-
Let a9b3c3d be four positive numbers.
(a) There exists a regular tetrahedron ABCD and a point P in space such that
PA = a, PB = b9 PC = o, and PD = d if and only if a9b,c9d satisfy what condition?
(b) This condition being satisfied, calculate the edge length of the regular
tetrahedron ABCD.
(For the corresponding problem in a plane, see Problem 39 [19753 64; 1976; 7 ] J

1088" Proposed by Basil C, Rennie3 James Cook University of North Queensland,

If R9r9s are the circumradius, inradius, and semiperimeter, respectively, of a
triangle with largest angle A s prove or disprove that

= 2R + r according as A = 90 ,
- 290 -
10RQ, Proposed by J.T. Groenman, Arnhem3 The Netherlands*
Find the range of the function f : R + R defined by

f(6) = Y 3~ COS fee, 0 € J?.

fc = l

2pQ0 s Proposed by Dan Sokolowsky, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg,

Let r be a circle with center 0, and A a fixed point distinct from 0 in the
plane of F. Tf P is a variable point on r and AP meets r again in Q, find the locus
of the circumcenter of triangle POQ as P ranges over r.

No problem is ever permanently closed. The editor will always be pleased to
consider for publication new solutions or new insights on past problems.

682. ri981: 274; 1982: 287; 1983: 231 & comment was received from BENO ARBEL,
Tel Aviv University, Israel.

HR2. ri98*4: 2161 Proposed by S9C« Chan, Singapore.

Two gamblers play a game with 5 c o i n s , taking alternate turns. At each
turn the player calls either "Heads" or "Tails" and then throws the 5 coins. If
fewer than 3 coins fall as he has called, he pays one dollar Into the pool; if 3 or
4 coins fall as he has called, he does not pay anything into the pool; if all 5
coins fall as he has called, he receives the contents of the pool.
Determine the probabilities
(a) that the pool is paid out after exactly n turns;
(b) that after n turns since the pool was last paid out if contains r dollars;
(c) that when the pool is paid out it contains r dollars.

Solution by Friend H, Kierstead, Jr«3 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio*

At each throw the probability of less than three correct calls is 1/2, the pro-
bability of three or four is 15/32 s and the probability of five is 1/32,
The state o f a game can most easily be represented by 9 untt U t t f c e on which
the abscissa is the number of throws, n f since the last payout, and the ordinate is
the current size, r , of the pool. Thus the lattice point (n9r) represents the state
of a game when n throws have been completed and there are r dollars in the pool.
Let the probability of arriving at the state (n9r) be p(n9r)* The state (n9r) can
be attained from state (n~l>r-l) with probability 1/2 and from state (n-l,r) with
probability 15/32,
- ?91 -
(b) It is easily seen that the state ( n ^) can be reached along any one path
with probability ^1/2)^15/32)^ _ 2 \ and there are exactly (n) distinct allowable
paths from (0,0) to (n,r)« Thus

P(n9r) = (r)(-) (—)

(a) The p r o b a b i l i t y of a payout a f t e r n throws with v d o l l a r s in the pool is

( l / 3 2 ) P ( w - l , r ) , and thus the p r o b a b i l i t y o f a payout a f t e r n throws i s

Pn = 3^XQP(n-l^) = V2IJ v )( 5 ) (35)

32 l 2 32 J " 32 l 32 j

31 l 32 j 8

Note that

n=l n=l
as one would expect.
(c) The probability of a payout with r dollars in the pool is

P p = j j I P(n,r) = 32 I (^(5) (32* = 32 ( 2 } ( l ~ 32 }
n =r n =r
17l17J -

Note that in the above derivation we have used the identity [l]


) ( )x = (1 - a;) , a? < 1,

Note also t h a t
00 00

Vr 17 V 1 7 1?

as one would expect.

Also solved by t h e p r o p o s e r .

Editor's comment.
The proposer wrote that part (b) seemed to cause d i f f i c u l t y to many people he
has asked, and indeed his own answer to part (b) d i f f e r s from the one found above*
This probably r e s u l t s from a d i f f e r e n t i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the problem. As we i n t e r -
- 292 -
pret part (b), the answer should reduce to 1/2 when n = r = 1, This agrees with
the value found above but not with the proposerfs,
1. Milton Abramowitz and Irene A* Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions^
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D e C, 5 1964 (or Dover, N„Y,5 1965), p 9 822 0

9R5» [1984: 216} Proposed by Stanley Rabinowitz3 Digital Equipment Corp.^

Nashua^ New Hampshire,
Find consecutive squares that can be split into two sets with equal sums.
Solution by Susie Lanier and David R, Stone3 Georgia Southern College^ States-
boroj Georgia,
Whenever we find it convenient, we will denote a2i-b2+«.. ft 2 by [a,b 9... 9tl.
The equation [a,a+l] = [a+2] has only the (nonnegative integer) solution a - 3, so
3 2 + 142 = 5 2
is the only solution for three consecutive squares. There are no solutions for
four consecutive squares because neither of the equations [a9a+l9a+22 = [a+3] or
[a9a+3] = [a-fl9a+2l has a nonnegative integer solution. Similarly* we find that
for five consecutive squares the solutions are
22 + 4 2 + 52 = 32 + 62,
10 2 + ll 2 + 12 2 = 13 2 -* 14 2 ;
that there are no solutions for six consecutive squares; that the solutions for
seven consecutive squares are
l2 + 2 2 + 4 2 + 7 2 = 32 + 5 2 + 62@
5 2 + 7 2 + 8 2 + 10 2 = 6 2 + 9 2 + ll 2 ,
13 2 + 14 2 + 16 2 + 17 2 = 15 2 + 18 2 -f 19 2 ,
21 2 + 22 2 + 23 2 + 24 2 = 25 2 + 26 2 + 27 2 ;
and that some of the solutions for eight consecutive squares are
02 + 32 + 52 + 62 = l2 + 22 + 42 + 72
l2 + 42 t 62 + 72 = 22 + 32 + 52 + 82
35 2 + 38 2 + 40 2 + 41 2 = 36 2 4- 37 2 + 39 2 + 42 2 5
150 2 + 153 2 + 155 2 + 156 2 = 151 2 + 152 2 + 154 2 + 157 2 ,

Now for some more general results, The result mentioned above for six conse-
cutive squares is a special case of the following theorem.
- ?°3 -
THEOREM l. For all V > i, 4fc+2 consecutive squares cannot be split into two
subsets having equal sums.
Proof. Suppose, on the contrary, that there are n = nk+2 consecutive squares
that can be split into two subsets having equal sums. Then there is a permutation
(£o>M> •• ° ^ n _ 1 ) o f f 0,l,...,w-l) and an integer m < n such that, for some a > 0,

This equation can be rewritten as

I e^(a
+ i-§)2 = 09
w =0
where each e is l or - 1 , or as
n-l n-l n-l
) e a2 ^ 2a ] e i ^ ) e i2 - 0. (1)
^n u A u u ^ u u
u-0 u-0 u-0
Now (all congruences are modulo 2) each e = l, so
Y e a2 = n a 2 = (4fe+2)a2 = 0

YL £ i2 = (0 2 -l 2 ) + (2 2 +3 2 ) + ... + { ( n - 2 ) 2 + fn-l) 2 } = ?J = 27<-l
^u u 2
Mow fl) gives 0 + 0 + 1 = 0 9 and we have a contradiction. •
We now consider balanced solutions for sets of n consecutive squares, by which
we mean a splittinq of the set into two halves having equal sums. In view of
Theorem l and the statement made earlier about four consecutive squares, a balanced
solution may exist only if n = ^k9 where k > 2 9
THEOREM 2e For each k > 2 9 every set of hk consecutive squares has at least
one balanced solution.
Proof. Any set of S or 12 consecutive squares has a balanced solution, for it
is easily verified that, for any a > 0 9
l a , a ^ 3 9 a + 5 9 a + 6 ] = [>+l, a + 2 9 a-H49 a+71
[a, a+23 a-t6, a<-79 a + 8 9 a+101 = Ca+1, a + 3 9 a + 4 9 a ^-5 9 a+9 , a+11].

The desired result now follows by decomposing the *+fc consecutive squares into sub-
sets of 8 or 12 consecutive squares and then combining the balanced solutions of
these subsets. Note that the splittinq process can usually be done in several ways,
corresponding to the ways in which M-fc can be split into 8 8 s and I 2 ! s ; and there may
also be other ways not using the 8 or 12 patterns. •
We now consider m-uribalanced solutions for sets of n consecutive squares, by
which we mean splitting the n squares into two subsets whose cardinalities differ
by 777, and having equal sums.
1-unhalanced solutions. Here a set of n = 2^+1 consecutive squares is to be
split into two subsets of k+1 and k squares having equal sums. Let a2 be the
smallest square in the set. We may assume that a > 0 9 since if a = 0 we can drop
a2 and have left 2k consecutive squares with either no solution or infinitely many
balanced solutions. Let
L = [a, a+i 9 ..., a+k'] and U = la+k+l9 a+k+2, ao9> a-^2k~\9

LEMMA, We have

L =U according as a = k(2k\-l).

Proof. With the familiar f(t) = l 2 +2 2 +„..+t 2 = t(t+l)(2tfl)/6, we have

I = f(a+k) - f(a-l) and [/ = f(a+2k) - f(a+k)9

from which
L - [/ = 2f(a+fc) - / ( a - 1 ) - f(a+2fc)
= (much tedious algebra)
= (a+k){a - k(2k+l)} 9

and the desired r e s u l t follows,. •

THEOREM 3, For any given k > l9 there is at l e a s t one and at most f i n i t e l y
many l-unbalanced solutions for sets of n = 2k+± s t r i c t l y positive consecutive
squares* Moreover, the l a r g e s t l-unbalanced solution is the one where a = fc(2fc+l).
Proof. Let

£* = la+iQt aH\9 . . . , a+i^l and [/' = Vjx+i* 9 ^HV 9 * . • • » a+i - ] ,

where (£ 0 >M»• •• *^or,) fs a permutation of ( 0 , 1 , . . . ,2k). I t is a consequence of the

lemma t h a t , whenever a > k(2k+l),

V > L > U > U\

This shows that a 1-unbalanced solution Ls = Ul is possible only if a < k(2k+l)9
that is, in at most finitely many cases. Moreover, for the largest value a = k(2ktl)9
we obtain a 1-unbalanced solution by taking the identity permutation i = u for
u = o 9 l 9 a .. ,2k 9 since then we have L* ~ L - U ~ U\ D
2~unbalanced solutions. Here a set of n = ufe consecutive squares, with k > 29
is to be split into two subsets of 2&+1 and 2fc-l squares having equal sums. In this
case we may allow the possibility that the smallest square in the set is a2 - 0,
THEOREM 4. For any given k > 2, there is at least one and at most finitely
many 2-unbalanced solutions for sets of n = i\k consecutive squares.
Proof. At least one 2-unbalanced solution is obtained from a balanced solution
of the set {o 2 9 I 2 , ? 2 9 ..., <i\k-l)2} by transposing the o 2 to the other side of
the equation. To show that at most finitely many 2-unbalanced solutions exist, we
proceed as in the proofs of the lemma and Theorem 3, and we find that a 2-unbalanced
solution exists only if the smallest square a2 satisfies

a < k(2k - 2 + A P ^ 2 ) , D

Corollary. A set of hk consecutive squares, where k > 2, has only balanced

solutions if the smallest square a2 satisfies

a > k(2k - 2 + A ^ 2 h D
3'-unbalanced solutions. Here a set of n = 2k+l consecutive squares is to be
split into two subsets of ?c+2 and k-± squares having equal sums* As noted at the
beginning of the solution., there are only l-unbalanced solutions if k = l, 2, or 3,
so we assume that k > 4,
THEOREM 5e For any given k > 4, there are at most finitely many 3-unbalanced
solutions for sets of w = 2k+l consecutive squares,
Proof. Proceeding as in the proofs of the lemma and Theorem 3, we find that a
3-unbalanced solution exists only if the smallest square a2 satisfies

^ k2 - 2k - 2 + /l?U^^^^k^2 n

I t can be verified from Theorems 3 and 5 t h a t , for odd m, as expected, the

upper bounds for the smallest square a2 in an m-unbalanced solution decrease as m
i n c r e a s e s , but the algebra involved in finding t h i s upper bound is prohibitive if
77? > 3, But there are ^-unbalanced solutions for at l e a s t some odd m > 39 Here9
for example, is a 5-unbalanced solution:
1+2 + 5 2 + 6 2 + y2 + g 2 + 1Q2 + 1±2 + ±22 + 132 - Q2 + ^2 + 152 + 162 ^

But in such cases the smallest square must be r e l a t i v e l y small . I t may then happen
t h a t there are several solutions for the same set of n = 2fe+l consecutive squares.
For example, the 13-element set {2 2 9 3 2 9 99,9 142} has t h i r t e e n s o l u t i o n s , eight of
which are l-unbalanced and five 3-unbalanced:

22 + 32 + ^2 + ?2 + 82 + 1 3 2 + lif2 = 52 f g2 f g 2 + 1Q2 + JJ.2 ^ 1 2 2 ^

2 2 + 3 2 + 6 2 + 8 2 + 9 2 -f 1 2 2 + 1 3 2 = h2 + 5 2 + 7 2 + 1 0 2 + l l 2 + li+2 9
42 + 52 + 6 2 + ? 2 + 82 + n2 + 1 4 2 = 2 2 + 3 2 + g 2 + ±Q2 + 1 2 2 + 1 3 2 9

22 + 42 + 52 + ? 2 + 1Q2 ^ 122 + 132 = 3 + 62 + 82 + 92 + 3 1 2 + 1 4 2 ,
- 2% -
2 2 -i 4 2 + 5 2 + 8 2 + 9 2 + ll 2 -i 14 2 = 3 2 + 6 2 + 7 2 -f 10 2 -* 12 2 + 1 3 2 ,
2 2 j. 5 2 4.? 2 + 8 2 + 1 Q 2 + 1 1 2 + 1 2 2 =. 3 2 + ^2 + 6 2 + g 2 + 1 3 2 + ^ 2 ^

32 4 4 2 + 5 2 + g 2 + 1 0 2 + l x 2 + 1 2 2 = 2 2 + 5 2 + 7 2 H 8 2 -f 13 2 + 14 2 9
32 f ^ 2 ^ 5 2 ^ 6 2 + g 2 + 1 2 2 + 1 4 2 r 2 2 -) 7 2 -f 8 2 + 10 2 + ll 2 + 1 3 2 ,
22 + 3 2 + ^2 + 5 2 ^ 6 2 + 1 Q 2 + t l 2 + 11+2 = ? 2 + Q 2 + g 2 + 1 2 2 + 1 3 2 s

22 + 32 + ^2 ^ 5 2 + y2 + 8 2 + 1 2 2 + 11+2 - 62 + g2 4 1Q2 _f n 2 _, 1 3 2 ^
22 f 32 ^ 42 + ?2 + 82 ^ 1 Q 2 + ij2 + 122 , 52 + Pj2 ^ g2 + 132 ^1 4 2 }
?2 ^ i42 4 5 2 _, 6 2 + ?2 + 82 + 122 + 132 - 32 + g 2 4 1Q2 ^ 1±2 + ^2^
22 + H2 -l 52 + 6 2 + 7 2 -f 9 2 4 10 2 + 14 2 = 3 2 + 8 2 + ll 2 + 12 2 -\ 13 2 .
It will be found that the sum of the squares on both sides of each equation is
507, so 507 can be expressed as the sum of distinct squares in at least 26 different

Also solved by M.S. KLAMKIN, University of Alberta; KENNETH M. WILKE, Topeka,

Kansas (two solutions); and the proposer. In addition, one worthless "solution"
was received.

Editor's comment.
For special^ related, or more general results, Klamkin referred to Pickson [1]
and Wilke mentioned Vidger [2],


1. Leonard Fugene Dickson, History of the Theory of Numbers, Chelseas New

York, 1952, Vol. II, Ch. XXIV.
2. <1.S. Vidger, "Consecutive integers having equal sums of squares", Mathema-
tics Magazine, 38 fl965) 35-42.
& it it

964T £1984: 217] Proposed by R«B9 Ki7lgrove3 Alhambras California,

Let T be the Image of the Fuler ^-function, that is f
T = {<|>Oz): n = 1 9 2 9 3 5 ...},
Prove or disprove that T is a Dirichlet set, as defined in the proposer's article
"Elementary Dirichlet Sets" [1984: 206-209, esp. p. 206 and last paragraph p. 209],
Editor's comment.
Mo solution was received for this problem, which therefore remains open.
»*» •?» A

^65 s [1984: 217] Proposed by George Tsintsifas^ Thessaloniki3 Greece,

Let AXA2A3 be a nondegenerate triangle with sides A ? A 3 = a l 5 A 3 A X - a 2 ,
- 297 -
AiA 2 = a3, and let PA. = x. (i = 1,2,3), where P is any point in space. Prove that

x x x
l 2 3 ,-
— + — + _ > /3 (!)

a\ a2 a3

and determine when equality occurs.

Solution by Wong Ngai-ying3 Hong Kong,
Let Q be the orthogonal projection of P onto the plane of the triangle, and
let QA. = v., i = l 9 2 9 3. The desired result (i) will follow from

— + — + _ > — +!__ + „ (2)

a a a a a a
l 2 3 l 2 3
^I+^2+^i>/^ (3)
a a a
l 2 3
How f?) certainly holds since x. > y. 9 i = 1 9 2 9 3. To establish (3), let z,zi,z2,z3
be the affixes of n 9 A l 5 A 2 5 A 3 9 respectively., in the complex planes and let

(z~z2)(z-z3) (z-z3)(z-zl) (z-zl)(z-z2)

Since the quadratic equation f(z) = 1 has the three d i s t i n c t roots zi3z2,z3, we
therefore have / ( B ) = l . Now the absolute values of the three terms on the r i g h t
side of (n) are y2y3/a2a39 y^yi/ct^ai^ and y\y2la\a2^ r e s p e c t i v e l y ; hence

^ 3 , ^ ,
a a a
|f(a)| =1. (5)
2^3 3&\ \^2
,y\ vi 2/3, 2 fyiy3 y$y\ yw3. ,c,
(— + — + _ ) > 3(. + _ + — ) (6)
a\ a2 a3 oi2a3 a3a\ CL\CL2
and (3) follows from (5) and ( 6 \
Suppose e q u a l i t y holds in (3). Then i t holds in (o)9 so

ai a2 #3S

and it holds in C5), so yja« = 1//3, i = 1 9 2 9 3 9 and, in particular, Q is not a

We f1nd
vertex of the triangle. Let 0! = /A 2 QA 3 9 e 2 = /A 3 QA l 9 and 6 3 - /AiQA 2 .
cos 0! by applying the law of cosines to triangle A 2 QA 3 , whose sides are a2//3,
a 3 //3 5 and a j , then do likewise for 9 2 and 6 3 , and substitute in the identity

COS^! + COS 2 0 2 + COS 2 0 3 = 1 + 2COS BxCOS 02COS 6 3 ,

vfhich is valid because Q is not a vertex, i . e . , Y,B{ = o or 2TT, The r e s u l t is

- 2^8 -
Therefore the t r i a n g l e i s e q u i l a t e r a l and Q i s i t s c e n t r e . I f e q u a l i t y a l s o holds
in ( 2 ) , then x. - y . for i = 1 9 2 , 3 9 and P = 0B Hence, i f e q u a l i t y holds in (2) and
f 3 ^ and hence in (l)9 then t h e t r i a n g l e i s e q u i l a t e r a l and P i s i t s c e n t r e . Con-
versely,, i f t h e t r i a n g l e i s e q u i l a t e r a l and P i s i t s c e n t r e , then e q u a l i t y c l e a r l y
holds in (l)B

Also solved by M.S. KLAMKIN, Universitv of Alberta; and the proposer.

Editor's comment.
The other two solutions received were roughly equivalent to our featured solu-
tion. But they both saved space by taking inequality (5) directly from [1], a
reference that may not be available to some of our readers.


l. M.S. Klamkin, "Triangle i n e q u a l i t i e s from t h e t r i a n g l e inequal i t y " , Elernente

dor Mathernatik, 34 (1979) 4 9 - 5 5 , No, ^ 2 - 1 ) .
•% A A

% R 8 [1984: 217} Proposed by Charles W« Trigg3 San Diego, California*

A topless prism has square vertical faces hinged to the sides of a regu-
lar n-gonal bases edge e. The top coinciding vertices of adjacent vertical faces
are connected with cords of length e< The vertical faces are permitted to fall out-
ward until stopped by the cords. What angles do the faces then make with the sur-
face upon which the box rests for various values of n?
(The case n - 4 is considered in problem 3898, School Science and Mathematics,
83 (February 1983) 177-179.)

Solution by Friend H* Kierstead^ Jr»3 Cuyahoga Falls3 Ohio,

It is apparent from considerations of symmetry that, after the vertical faces
have been permitted to fall, the top face of the polyhedron is a regular 2n~gon
with edges of length e. The inradius of a regular n-gon is r = \e cot (?r/n) and
that of a regular 2n-gon is r = \e cot (-n/2n). The angle, 0, that the sloping faces
make with the horizontal is given by

COS6 = Urn - r ) = k c o t — - - cot-) - TTT^T^rT-
e 2n n 2 2n n 2 Sin (TT/ft)
We solve this equation for 8 for various values of ft. The results are:

ft = 2 , 0 = 60°; ft = 59 G « 31°43 s ;
ft = 3 9 0 re 54°44 f ; ft = 6, 0=0°;
ft =- 4 9 6 = 45°; ft > 6, 0 = 0°.

Note that when n = r> the squares are horizontal, and when n > 6 formula (3) no
- 299 -
longer applies and the cords are no longer taut. The regular 2-gon is, of course,
degenerate9 but the figure can be constructed (although, unlike the others, it is
unstable) and (l) gives the correct result.
Also solved by SAM BAETHGE, San Antonio, Texas; and the proposer.

967, [1984: 217] Proposed by Jordi Dou3 Barcelona^ Spain*

Let ABC be a triangle with sides b = CA and c = AB of fixed length, with
b < c, and variable angle A. If S is the intersection of the symmedian of vertex A
with the circumcircle of the triangle* construct the limit segment of AS as angle A
tends to 180°,
Solution by the proposer.
Let A be the foot of the median through A and M its intersection with the cir-
cumcircle. Arcs BM and SC are equal , so MS || BC. The pencil M(BC,AfS) is harmonic,
so (BC,AS) is a harmonic range on the circumcircle. Keeping vertices A and B fixed,
when ^/BAC tends to 180° the point C tends to the point C ! on line AB such that
A C = b5 and point S tends to the point S f on line AB such that (BCf,AS') is a har-
monic range. Therefore to obtain S 1 it suffices to construct the harmonic conjugate
of A with respect to BC' S and it is clear that AS 1 = limAS. Since
2 _JL L= i I c -b
ASf AC AB b ~ c be '
we have 1 im AS = AS' = 2bc/(c-b\
Also solved by J.T. GROENMAN, Arnhem, The Netherlands,,

9R8, [1984: 2171 Proposed by J«Ta Groenman3 Arrihem3 The Netherlands.

1 n n
For r e a l numbers a3b,c3 let S =• a + b + o. If Si > 0 9 prove t h a t

±2S5 + 3 3 5 ^ 1 + 3Sf + 6 5 ^ 3 > 1 2 5 ^ + ±0S2S2 + 20S\$2.

When does e q u a l i t y occur?

Solution by Vedula N. Murty3 Pennsylvania State University3 Capitol Campus,

We f i r s t e x p r e s s Sk and S5 in terms of Si9S29S3. he equation whose r o o t s are
a9b9c is
z3 - pz2 + qz - r = 0 9 r

p = a+b+c -Si, q = be^a\ab = •z(Si-S2), r = abc - -(Si-3SiS2+2S3). (2 s

If we m u l t i p l y (1) by z3 s u b s t i t u t e s u c c e s s i v e l y z = a,b,c and then add t h e r e s u l t s ,

- 500 -
we q e t
Sh - pS3 + qS2 ~ rSi = 0 (3)
and similarly

Substituting the values (2) in (3) and Hi) gives

Si* = jr(S} - 6 ^ 5 2 + 8^53 + 35^)


With these values of Si+ and 5 5 ) the proposed inequality turns out to be equivalent
3Sl(S% - 3S2)2 = Sfa+J-h^Uffe-e)2 + to-a)2 -f (a-b)2}2 > 05

and t h i s is c e r t a i n l y true since S\ z 0. Equality holds j u s t when

a + 2> + c = 0 or a = 2> ~ a.

Also solved by W.J. BLUNDON, Memorial University of Newfoundland; M.S. KLAMKIN,

University of Alberta; P.C. LYNESS, Southwold, Encrland? and the proposer.

969, [1984: 217] Proposed by M.S. Ylomkin, University of Alberta.

Find a 3~parameter solution of the Diophantine equation

x v z 2w2 (A x
.—. + -—s>—_ 4. . = —— — - = •——, (1 )
2j 2 2 2 2 2
x rW y +w z +w /Tip--tw^Ty^-\-w^) (z^"TiP~)
Solution by the proposer (revised by the editor).
I t is clear that (x9y9z9w) is a solution of ( l ) if and only if (kx9ky 9kz 9kw) is
a solution for any k > 0S so i t will suffice for our problem to find a 3-parameter
family of primitive s o l u t i o n s , corresponding to k = 1.
We f i r s t show that (1) is s a t i s f i e d by i n f i n i t e l y many solutions of

yz + zx + xy = w2 , (2)
so it will make sense to look for solutions of (l) among those of (2). It is clear
that (1) is satisfied by any solution of (2) in which w = 0 and xyz * 0. For solu-
tions of (2) with w * 0, we can choose x9y9z such that

~ = cotA 9 ~^=cotB9 - = cotC 5 (3)

w w w
where A9B,C are the angles of a triangle. This can be done in infinitely many ways
for each w * 0, Substituting (3) into (2) and then into (1) gives
- 301 -
cot B cot C + cot C cot A + cot A cot B = 1
s 1 n 2A + s i n 2B + s i n 2C = 4 s i n A s i n B s i n C,
respectively, both of which are valid triangle identities. Hence every solution
C3) satisfies (2) and (l).
To solve (2)9 we use the method of Desboves and assume that

x = a + \p9 y = a + \q9 £ = Xr9 w = a + Xi, (4)

where X * 0 9 is a solution of (2). Substituting these values into (2) gives

\ - cc(2t - p - q - 2v)7
qV .f. rp + pq - "t "e

Since (2) is homogeneous , we can multiply (4) by qv+vp+pq-t2 and obtain

x = a(qv+vp+pq-t2) + ap(2t-p-q-2v) 9

y = a(qv+vp+pq-t2) + aq(2t-p-q~2v) 9

z = ar(2t-p-q-2r),
u = atqv+vp+pq-t2) + at (2t~p-q-2v)»

With m - t~p and n = t - g , we get

x = air(m-n) - m2} 9
y - a{r(n-m) - n2} 9
z = av(mm-2v) 9
w = aOm - vim-m)}.

I t will be found that these values s a t i s f y (2) for all ajnji>v% but they satisfy
(1) for all tf?9n9r if and only if a < 09 (To f a c i l i t a t e the l a t t e r verification
process, we note that
x2 + w2 - a2 (m2jm2 ) (m2-2vm+2v2) 9
y2 + w2 = a 2 (m2-m2 ) (n 2 -2rn+2r 2 ) 9
s 2 + w2 = a 2 (m 2 -2:rm+2r 2 )(n 2 -2:m+2r 2 ).)
Consequently, we take a = -1 and obtain the following 3»parameter primitive soluti
set of ( l ) :
x = m2 - r(m-n) 9

y = n2 - r(n-m) 9

z - v (2v -m m),
&? = vim-m) - mn«

Editovfs comment.
Equation (2) is extensively discussed in L.J. Mordell, Diophantine Equations,
Academic Press, New York, 1969, pp. 291-292,
- 302 -
Q / ^ 8 T1984: 2171 Proposed by Walther Janous3 Ursulinengyrnnasium, Innsbruck3
Let a,b9o and m 3mhim denote t h e s i d e l e n g t h s and median l e n g t h s of a t r i a n g l e ,
Find t h e s e t of a l l real t and, for each such t9 the l a r g e s t p o s i t i v e c o n s t a n t A ,
such t h a t
t t t
m mnm m + mn + m
aba > , m jx b_ o
abo ~ t a + b + c

holds for a l l triangles.

Solution by Jordan B. Tabov3 Sofia3 Bulgaria.

We t a k e an a r b i t r a r y r e a l t and c o n s i d e r the family F of t r i a n g l e s with s i d e s
a = l9 b - l , and c = x s where o < a? < 2. Since for t h i s family

3 3
l im — ? — = . A 9 ~ = 0
^->2 <2*<? 1•1 2

l1m J 2 _ £ _ _ £ - „2 2 £±2__„£ > 1(3**

ii2 ^ + b + e " 1 + 1 + 2 " 2l2j °>

it follows that there is no positive constant A, with the stated property, and so
the required set is the empty set. •
If the inequality in the proposal is reversed, then for the same family F we
t t t
m m^m m - m, + m A t A
i . a t e _ ^ . T. a b c fl% 1
Mm — ? — = °° ana urn ?—-— - \n) + T:*
so aqain there is no positive constant A with the stated property, and the required
set is again empty.

Also solved by M.S. KLAMKIN, University of Alberta.


The Green Book: 100 practice problems for undergraduate mathematics competi-
tions, compiled with hints and solutions by Kenneth Hardy and Kenneth S* Williams*
Carleton University, 173 pagesf soft cover, Obtainable at $15 per copy from Jnteqer
Pressf P,0, Box 6613, Station J, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2A 3Y7,
These 100 problems (several of which were ta,ken from Crux Mathematicorum) con-
stitute a useful source of practice material for students who are preparing for
the William Lowell Putnam and other undergraduate mathematical competitions.

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