Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat XII

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (LM) Hari/tanggal : , Oktober 2023
Fase/Kelas : XII Waktu : –
I. Pilihlah satu jawaban paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang huruf a, b, c, d atau e pada
lembar jawab yang tersedia !

1. Ada : We will have a long holiday in the next semester, what are you going to do?
Ida : ….
Ada : I do hope you have a nice trip.
A. I Don’t know
B. I am busy
C. I am thinking of going to the Beach
D. The beach is not clean
E. The holiday will be boring
2. Indah : Look at the views. What do you think about the river?
Andil : I Think ….
A. It is amazing
B. I can do nothing
C. Yes. Good
D. I can swim
E. We go fishing
3. Wina : I’ve Problem with my mobile Phone. What’s your Idea?
Sina : ….
Wina : That’s good Idea.
A. I Think you should buy the new one
B. How a pity you are.
C. That’s not my business
D. Making a call is easy
E. I don’t know nothing
4. Kano : How do you feel the temperature here?
Andi : ….
Bina : I think so. We need to open all windows
A. So hot here.
B. Good job.
C. Yes I believe
D. Nice weather
E. good weather
5. Sista: …. about the math test?
Marda: It’s too hard to do. I couldn’t answer number 3.
A. In your opinion
B. Would you agree that
C. What do you think
D.I believe
E. When do you attend
6. Arbi: ….
Sita: I love it
A. Where do you go?
B. Do you think so?
C. How do you like the movie?
D. Are you sure?
E. I am fine
7. Amina: It’s nearly school holiday. What are you going to do?
Marta: ….
Amina: Have a nice holiday!
Marta: Thank you.
A. I think I am going to Bandung
B. I don’t know yet
C. It’s a secret
D. What do you think about holiday?
E. We will move
8. Doni: What do you think of my drawing?
John: It’s really good, but maybe adding some Doni
Doni: No problem
From the dialog above. we know that Doni is ….
A. Asking for help
B Asking opinion
C. Giving opinion
D. Disagree
E. Expressing of grateful
9. Ina: I like the new playground near our school. What about you?
Jun: I like it too, there is a lot of space, interesting games and a nice place to play.
We can conclude that Jun is expressing:
A. Asking opinion
B. expressing doubt
C. Disagreement
D. Intention
E. Giving opinion
10. Dili : What’s your opinion about that novel?
Theo : I like it. It is an interesting story
From the dialogue we conclude that ….
A. Dili is giving her opinion
B. Theo doesn’t like the novel
C. Dili is asking Theo’s opinion
D. Dili agrees with Theo’s opinion
E. Dili is answering Theo’s opinion
11. Doni: …. ?
Mike: I think it is nice and clean.
A. What about the new apartment?
B. What do you think of this match
C. How do you feel about the election
D. How about watching movie
E. What do you think about this t-shirt?
12. Andri: How do you feel about living overseas?
Marta: I think that’s a good opportunity for your career.
From the dialog above we know that ….
A. Andri is disagree with Marta
B. Andri is giving opinion
C. Marta is asking Andri’s opinion
D. Andri is asking Marta’s opinion
E. Andri is answering Marta’s opinion

13. Dido: What do you think about my English test?

Gina: ….You have prepared well.
A. I believe you passed the test.
B. I can’t imagine
C. I am not sure
D. I disagree
E. I don’t know
14. Enny : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Yani : ….
Enny : I hope you have a nice trip
A. I am thinking of going to Bali Sorry
B. Sorry, I can’t tell you
C. It’s not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I don’t know what to do
15. Alex : What do you think about the film ?
Bram : I think ….
A. I like it
B. Thank you
C. I can’t hear you
D. You forget it
E. Let’s go
16. I …. In Solo last week.
A. Were
B. Was
C. Am
D. Is
E. Are

17. My mother was in the kitchen, she…. some cakes for four hours ago.
A. Cooked
B. Cooks
C. Cooking
D. Cook
E. The cook

18. He …. always study hard when he was a student.

A. Did not
B. Does not
C. Do not
D. Did
E. Does

19. Shela : Hi Mela, what did you do last night?

Mela : ….
A. I am watching drama series on VIU last night
B. I watch darama series on VIU last night
C. I watched drama series on VIU last night
D. I watches drama series on VIU last night
E. I watch for drama series on VIU last night

20. Mr. Angga …. Mr. Joe in the afternoon.

A. Meet
B. Have met
C. Has met
D. Met
E. Meeting

21. The children …. And ….

A. Sing and dance
B. Were singing and dancing
C. Sang and danced
D. Had sung and danced
E. Singing and danced

22. She …. out of the window.

A. Looks
B. Looked
C. Had looked
D. Look
E. Looking

23. The boy …. tell lies

A. Did not
B. Do not
C. Does not
D. Had not
E. Has not

24. Students …. in the class.

A. Drinks
B. Drunk
C. Did not drink
D. Does not drink
E. Drank

25. Dona …. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago.

A. Cooking
B. Cooked
C. Cooks
D. Cook
E. The cook

26. I …. this floor yesterday

A. Swept
B. Sweep
C. Sweeps
D. Sweeped
E. Sweeping

27. We …. in this restaurant 2 days ago.

A. Ate
B. Eaten
C. Eating
D. Eat
E. Eats

28. I …. in this sofa with him.

A. Sleeping
B. Sleep
C. Slept
D. Sleped
E. Sleeps

29. We …. Each other 2 years ago.

A. Love
B. Be loving
C. Are love
D. Loved
E. Loves

30. I …. This scissors to cut the grass yesterday.

A. Cuted
B. Cuting
C. Cut
D. Be cutted
E. Cuts

31. My brother …. I went to the workshop to repair our car.

A. And
B. Or
C. Neither
D. But
E. Also
32. He apologized …. His mistakes.
A. As
B. But
C. For
D. Because
E. With
33. After months of trying and studying hard, Nana …. Passed the UTBK.
A. Initially
B. Therefore
C. Consequently
D. Finally
E. After that
34. …. there is a storm here, we have delayed our flight.
A. Due to
B. Since
C. Because of
D. Yet
E. Not yet

35. Radha knows French …. we have selected her to head our operations in France.
A. Therefore
B. Otherwise
C. Moreover
D. Provided
E. Aftwe that

36. It wasn’t my will, …. Yours

A. Nor
B. Or
C. But also
D. But
E. Also

37. She never helps anyone …. Having a lot of money.

A. Otherwise
B. However
C. Inspite of
D. Instead
E. Moreover

38. My mother …. I went to the market for shopping.

A. Or
B. Neither
C. Either
D. And
E. Nor

39. Thomas was not telling the truth. …. he was shouting at me.
A. Provided
B. Moreover
C. Although
D. In order to
E. After that

40. Our new classmate is not bad, …. he’s very kind.

A. Furthermore
B. Rather
C. The more
D. The less
E. Moreover

II. Essay!

41. Write 3 expression of opinion!

42. Make a dialogue about offering help/service!
43. What is the formula of Simple Past Tense?
44. What is conjunction?
45. Please mention 5 conjunction that you know!

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