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April 2024 Monthly CA

Topic Wise Selected Ques Top 300 Ques Days and Themes
G7 Summit 2024 — Italy

Archery World Cup 2024 — China

Chief of Indian Navy — D K Tripathi
T20 World Cup Brand Ambassador — Yuvraj Singh
SSC CPO 2024 | CHSL 2024 | CGL 2024 | UP Police | JPSC | CDS | RPF

What is the theme of World Autism On which date is the United Nations Mine
Awareness Day 2024? / वि आ केंवित Awareness Day celebrated every year?/ हर
साल संयुक्त रा र खिान जागरूकता वििस वकस तारीख
जागरूकता वििस 2024 का विषय क्या है?
को मनाया जाता है

a) Light It Up Yellow a) 4 April • International Day for Mine Awareness and

• World Autism Awareness Day is observed on 2nd April
b) Wear Red for Autism Assistance in Mine Action (United Nations Mine
every year around the world. b) 3 April
Awareness Day) is observed every year on 4 April.
c) Embrace the Rainbow • This Day underscores the need to help improve the
c) 2 April • Theme 2024 is "Protecting Lives. Building Peace.“
d) Empowering Autistic Voices quality of life of persons afflicted with autism.
• The purpose of this day celebrated by the United
• The theme of World Autism Awareness Day 2024 is, d) 1 April
Nations is to raise awareness about landmines and
Option : D Empowering Autistic Voices.
make progress towards their elimination.
• UN resolution on Dec 18, 2007
Option : A
• Proposed by Moza bint Nasser Al-Missned

When is National Maritime Day On which date is World Health Day

celebrated every year? / रा र ीय समुिी वििस celebrated every year? / वि ा वििस हर
हर साल कब मनाया जाता है ? साल वकस तारीख को मनाया जाता है?

• 61st National Maritime Day celebrated on 5 April

a) 03 April • Commemoration of the maiden voyage of the first Indian a) 5 April

Vessel "S.S. LOYLTY" owned by M/s. Scindia Steam
b) 04 April b) 6 April
Navigation Company from Mumbai to London on 5 April,
• World Health Day- April 7
c) 05 April 1919. c) 7 April
• Theme 2024 - "My Health, My Right"
• The 'National Maritime Week' synonymous with the
d) 06 April d) 8 April • World Health Day was started with the establishment of the
‘Merchant Navy Week’ is being observed from the 30 March,
World Health Organization (WHO).
2024 to 5 April, 2024.
• The first World Health Day was indeed celebrated on 7 April
Option : C • Theme of the week - ‘Sustainable Shipping: Opportunities Option : C
and Challenges’.

When is CRPF Valour Day observed ? When is World Homeopathy Day

CRPF शौयय वििस कब मनाया जाता है ? celebrated every year? / वि हो ोपैथी वििस हर
साल कब मनाया जाता है ?

a) 9 April • Every year April 9 is celebrated as Bravery Day (Valour a) 08 April • World Homeopathy Day is celebrated annually to honour the
b) 8 April Day) to pay tribute to the brave soldiers of the Central work of German physician and chemist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
b) 09 April
Reserve Police Force (CRPF). • The day is celebrated in India under the aegis of the Ministry of
c) 4 April • This year (2024), CRPF is celebrating its 59th Bravery Day c) 10 April
d) 2 April • The day is significant as it honors the courage, dedication d) 11 April • India is celebrating World Homeopathy Day with the theme
and sacrifice of CRPF personnel in protecting the security “Homeoparivar: One Health, One Family."
and integrity of the country. • It is celebrated to raise awareness about homeopathy and to
Option : A Option : C
improve its accessibility to people.

When is the International Human Space Flight World Chagas Disease Day observed
Day observed every year? / अंतराय र ीय मानि अंतररक्ष on _____. / वि चगास रोग वििस _____ को
उडान वििस हर साल कब मनाया जाता है ? मनाया गया

• The UN General Assembly, in its resolution of 7 April 2011, • World Chagas Disease Day – 14 April
a) 11 April • First case of chagas disease in a human was reported on this
declared 12 April as the International Day of Human Space a) 13 April
b) 12 April Flight. day in 1990.
b) 14 April
• On 4 October 1957 the 1st human-made Earth satellite • Theme 2024: "Tackling Chagas disease: Detect early and care
c) 13 April
Sputnik I was launched into outer space, thus opening the c) 15 April for life.“
d) 14 April way for space exploration. • The disease is also called American trypanosomiasis, silent
d) 16 April
• On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the 1st human to disease, or silenced disease. It is caused by the parasite

Option : B orbit the Earth, opening a new chapter of human endeavour Trypanosoma crizu. This parasite is transmitted to humans
Option : B
in outer space. through the triatomine bug.
When is World Art Day celebrated What is the theme of World Hemophilia
every year? Day 2024? / वि हीमोफीवलया वििस 2024 का
वि कला वििस हर साल कब मनाया जाता है? विषय क्या है?

a) "Equitable access for all: recognizing all

a) 12 April • World Art Day is celebrated every year on 15 April
bleeding disorders"
all over the world.
b) 13 April b) "Treatment for All: Ensuring • Every year on April 17th, 'World Hemophilia Day'
• First observed in 2012, World Art Day was
Comprehensive Care" is observed.
c) 14 April celebrated to commemorate the birthday of
c) "Global Unity for Hemophilia Awareness" • Theme - 'Equitable access for all: recognizing all
renowned artist Leonardo Da Vinci - renowned for
d) 15 April d) "Advancing Research for Bleeding bleeding disorders’.
his incredible artistic work ‘Mona Lisa’. Disorders" • The foundation of World Hemophilia Day was laid
• Theme 2024 - A Garden of Expression: Cultivating
in 1989 by the World Federation of Hemophilia
Option : D Community through Art Option : A (WFH).

When is the World Heritage Day When do we celebrated World Liver

celebrated every year? / वि विरासत वििस Day? / हम वि यकृत वििस कब मनाते हैं ?
हर साल कब मनाया जाता है?

a) 16 April • Globally, World Liver Day is celebrated on 19th April

a) 17 April
every year
b) 17 April b) 18 April • Theme 2024 is "Keeping your liver healthy and disease-
• 'World Heritage Day' is celebrated every year on 18
c) 18 April April to respect and protect the cultural heritage. c) 19 April free
• Around 20 lakh people die due to liver diseases every
d) 19 April • The International Council on Monuments and Sites
d) 20 April year across the world.
(ICOMOS) declared this day in 1982.
• The numbers are expected to shoot up to a 35 %
• The theme of World Heritage Day this year is
Option : C 'Discover and Experience Diversity'.
Option : C increase by 2030.

What day is World Earth Day celebrated When is National Civil Services Day
each year? / वि पृ ी वििस हर साल वकस विन celebrated? / रा र ीय वसविल सेिा वििस कब है
मनाया जाता है? प्र यात?

• World Earth Day is observed on April 22 each year.

a) 21 April a) 21 April
• 2024 Theme - 'Planet vs. Plastics.'
b) 22 April • Purpose of the day - to raise awareness of the b) 26 April • The first National Civil Service Day in India was

c) 23 April rapidly-rising levels of pollution, climate change, celebrated on 21 April 2006

c) 22 April
and other circumstances that contribute to • The day is dedicated to recognizing and motivating the
d) 24 April d) 24 April services of government employees
damaging .
• On April 21, 1947, India's first Home Minister Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel addressed the probationers of civil
Option : B Option : A
service officers

Where was India's biggest Climate Clock On which date is 'National Panchayati Raj
installed to celebrate Earth Day on 23 April Day' celebrated every year? / हर साल 'रा र ीय
2024? / 23 अप्रैल 2024 को पृ ी वििस मनाने के वलए पंचायती राज वििस' वकस तारीख को मनाया जाता है?
भारत की सबसे बडी जलिायु घडी कहााँ लगाई गई थी?
• In the early 1950s, the 1st National Development Council
• In celebration of Earth Day, the Council of Scientific &
a) Hyderabad Industrial Research (CSIR) recently unveiled India’s largest a) 24 April recommended the formation of a democratic system of governance.
• In 1993, by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, the Panchayat
b) New Delhi Climate Clock at its headquarters in New Delhi. b) 24 April system came to be implemented in rural areas.
• CSIR was founded in 1942 by the Government of India • Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated the Panchayat at Nagaur on 2
c) Bengaluru c) 24 April
• Autonomous body under the Ministry of Science and October 1959.
d) Kolkata Technology d) 24 April • 3 - Tier Panchayat System:
• Notable achievements - creation of India’s first computer, the • Gram Panchayats

Param series of supercomputers, and the discovery of novel • Panchayat Samiti

Option : B drugs and medicinal plants.

Option : C • District Councils

When is World Malaria Day What is the theme of the World Intellectual
Property Day 2024? / वि बौद्ध क संपिा वििस
celebrated? / वि मले ररया वििस कब 2024 का विषय क्या है?
मनाया जाता है?
a) Reach for Gold: IP and Sports • The World Intellectual Property Organization
a) April 24 observes on 26th April.
• World Malaria Day is on April 25. b) Powering Change: Women in Innovation
b) April 25 and Creativity • WIPO's roots go back to the signing of the Paris
• The theme for 2024, “Accelerating the fight
c) Innovation — Improving Lives Convention for the Protection of Industrial
c) April 26 against malaria for a more equitable world,” d) IP and the SDGs: Building our common Property in 1883.
d) April 27 • Malaria is caused by protozoa called Plasmodium future with innovation and creativity.
• It was in 1974 that WIPO was designated as a
• Carrier-Female Anopheles mosquitoes. specialized agency under United Nations.

• Aims to eliminate malaria across India by 2030 • WIPO HeadQuaters : Geneva, Switzerland.
Option : B Option : D
What is the theme of World Immunization International Dance Day is celebrated by
Week 2024? / वि टीकाकरण स ाह 2024 का which institution? / अंतराय र ीय नृ वििस वकस
विषय क्या है? सं था ारा मनाया जाता है ?

a) "Protecting Communities:
Vaccination Campaigns" a) International Theatre Institute • The idea of World Dance Day was first introduced

b) "Global Health: Vaccine Equity and • World Immunization Week, celebrated in the last week b) International Dance Council in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of
Access" of April, aims to highlight the collective action needed c) Arthur Murray International the UNESCO International Theatre Institute.
c) "Humanly Possible: Immunization to protect people from vaccine-preventable diseases. Dance Studios • World Dance Day is celebrated in over 200
d) Choreo Culture International
for All" • Theme: "Humanly Possible: Immunization for All." countries all over the world.
Dance Academy
d) "Essential Vaccines: A Global • This year, World Immunization Week celebrates 50 years • International Dance Day is dedicated to the art
Initiative" of the Essential Programme on Immunization (EPI). form of dance and it is used to raise awareness
• EPI is a WHO program aimed to make vaccines available about its importance all over the world.
Option : C Option : A
to all children.

By which year does India aim to build its first

privately managed strategic petroleum reserve
(SPR)? / वकस िषय तक भारत ने अपना पहला वनजी तौर पर

National CA प्रबं वित रणनीवतक पेटरोवलयम ररजिय (SPR) बनाने का लশ रखा है ?

• India to Build First Commercial Crude Oil Strategic

2024 a) 2025-26
b) 2029-30
• first privately managed storage facility in partnership

c) 2031-32 with a private company by 2029-30.

• As the world’s third-largest oil importer and
d) 2033-34 consumer, India seeks to enhance its SPR capacity to
mitigate global supply disruptions and price
Option : B fluctuations.

Who has launched the new version of 'Girl Where was the Pre-Cyclone Exercise for the season April-
June 2024 conducted by the Indian Meteorological
Child Empowerment Mission' (GEM)? / 'गलय
Department? / भारतीय मौसम विभाग ारा अप्रैल-जून 2024 के मौसम के
चाइ ए ािरमेंट वमशन' (GEM) का नया सं रण वकसने
वलए चक्रिात पूिय अ ास कहााँ आयोवजत वकया गया था?
लॉ वकया है ?

• NTPC Limited has launched the new edition of Girl Child

a) NTPC Limited a) Paradip • The Exercise was part of a biennial exercise conducted
Empowerment Mission (GEM)
b) Reliance Industries • This programme is in line with the Government of India's Beti b) New Delhi during Pre-cyclone Season And post-cyclone season to take

c) Adani Private Limited Bachao, Beti Padhao initiative the view of the preparedness of various disaster
c) Visakhapatnam
• The aim is to end gender inequality by fostering girls' potential management.
d) Tata Sons
d) Kandla • IMD is celebrating the 150th year of its establishment and
• Started as a pilot project in 2018 with only three locations and
392 participants. service to the nation.

• Today this GEM mission has grown into a nationwide Option : C • Indian Meteorological Department Chairman - Dr.
Option : A Mrutyunjay Mohapatra.

Who inaugurated Digantara's global 'Indian Historical Records Commission', which

headquarters in Bengaluru? / बेंगलुरु में was in the news recently, is functioning under
विगंतारा के िैव क मुূालय का उि् घाटन वकसने which Ministry? / 'भारतीय ऐवतहावसक अवभलेख आयोग',
जो हाल ही में खबरों में था, वकस मं त्रालय के तहत कायय कर रहा है ?
a) Home Ministry
a) Jeff Bezos
b) Ministry of Science and • The Indian Historical Records Commission
• Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman S
b) Sundar Pichai (IHRC), operating under the Union Ministry of
Somanath inaugurated the global headquarters of space Technology
c) Elon Musk sector start-up Digantara, c) Ministry of Culture
Culture, has adopted a new logo and motto.

• which is gearing to launch the first ever space surveillance • New motto of IHRC - ‘Yatra Itihasam
d) S Somanath d) Ministry of Mines
satellite, in Bengaluru. Bhavishyaam Prasakshantah’
• The control centre will play a crucial role in monitoring and • It is an apex advisory body on archival matters.
Option : D Option : C
managing space traffic • It was established in the year 1919.

Which Indian actor's wax statue was

unveiled at Madame Tussauds in Dubai in
2024? / 2024 में िु बई के मैडम तुसाि में वकस भारतीय
अवभनेता की मोम की प्रवतमा का अनािरण वकया गया?
International CA
a) Shah Rukh Khan
2024 b) Allu Arjun
• Allu Arjun’s Wax Statue at Madame Tussauds
c) Prabhas • Honoured with a wax statue at the renowned

d) Ranveer Singh Madame Tussauds Museum in Dubai.

• Pose from Pushpa
Option : B • Allu Arjun's journey reflection
• Currently filming Pushpa: The Rule
Recently Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi has been sworn
Who has been appointed as Congo's first
in as the President of which country? / हाल ही
female prime minister ? / कांगो की पहली मवहला
प्रिान मं त्री के रूप में वकसे वनयु क्त वकया गया है ?
में अ े ल-फतह अल-वससी ने वकस िे श के रा र पवत के रूप
में शपथ ली है ?

• Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was sworn in for his

a) Albele Ndele • Judith Suminwa Tuluka is named Congo's first
a) Qatar third term, securing the position until 2030 after winning
female prime minister amidst political reshuffling
b) Ngozi Okonjo Iweala 89.6% of the vote.
after Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde's resignation. b) Egypt
c) Judith Suminwa Tuluka • Egypt/Capital - Cairo
• Congo/Capital - Kinshasa c) Bahrain
d) Palumba Lumumba • Currency - Egyptian Pound
• Currency - Congolese Franc
• President - Felix Tshisekedi
d) Malaysia • REVISION : 2nd edition of India-Egypt Joint Special Forces
Exercise CYCLONE. Conducted at Anshas, Egypt

Option : C • 34 countries including India and US to participate in joint

Option : B
military exercise, BRIGHT STAR-23, begining in Egypt.

Which country has introduced eVisa for Which organization has joined Meta's Third Party
Indian tourists? / वकस िे श ने भारतीय पययटकों Fact-Checking Partnership? / कौन सा संगठन मेटा की
के वलए eVisa पेश वकया है? थडय पाटी फैक्ट-चेवकंग पाटय नरवशप में शावमल ुआआ है?

• Japan launches eVisa for Indians, enabling 90-day stays • PTI has joined Meta's Third Party Fact-Checking
a) South Korea a) Press Trust of India
for tourism without physical visa stickers, applying via Partnership to target misinformation on Facebook,
b) Japan VFS Global. b) All India Radio Instagram, and WhatsApp.

c) Taiwan • Applicants receive an electronic visa and must show a • Meta has announced PTI's inclusion, emphasizing the
c) Doordarshan
digital visa issuance notice with a barcode at airport expansion of its fact-checking network ahead of Lok
d) Singapore check-in. d) ANI News Sabha elections.
• India passport ranking as per the Henley Passport Index • Founded: 27 August 1947
2024, is ranked at the 82nd position, with access to 62
Option : A • Chairman) - Aveek Sarkar
Option : B
countries. • Editor-in-Chief - Vijay Joshi

Which country recently declared the El Katchatheevu Island, a disputed territory

Nino-induced drought a national between India and Sri Lanka, is situated in the
disaster? / वकस िे श ने हाल ही में अल नीनो से ___________ / कৡातीिू ीप, भारत और श्रीलंका के बीच एक
प्रेररत सूखे को रा र ीय आपिा घोवषत वकया? वििावित क्षेत्र है , जो ___________ में द्ध थत है

• Zimbabwe declares a national disaster as El Nino causes a a) West of Rameswaram

a) Malawi
severe drought, affecting over 2.7 million people with
• Recently, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister revived the debate
b) Zambia food shortages.
b) Palk Strait
over the Katchatheevu, a longstanding point of contention
• An urgent $2 billion aid request by President Mnangagwa c) Gulf of Mannar
c) Mozambique between India and Sri Lanka, particularly with regard to
aims to combat hunger amidst this crisis.
d) East of Jaffna fishing rights and sovereignty over the uninhabited island.
d) Zimbabwe • The drought, one of the five strongest due to El Nino,
• Katchatheevu Island is a small, uninhabited island
disrupts electricity production and threatens food security
Option : B • located in the Palk Strait between the southeastern coast of
Option : D across southern Africa.
India and the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka.

Who became Slovakia’s new Which is the second international port

to be acquired by India? / भारत ारा
president? / ोिावकया के नए रा र पवत कौन अविग्रवहत वकया जाने िाला िू सरा अंतररा र ीय
बने? बंिरगाह कौन सा है ?

• Peter Pellegrini Becomes Slovakia’s Sixth President

a) Ivan Korčok a) Sittwe Port, Myanmar
• Pellegrini will be Slovakia's sixth president since the
b) Robert Fico country gained independence after the split of b) Shahid Beheshti Port,
• India's 2nd Global Port in Sittwe, Myanmar
c) Zuzana Čaputová Czechoslovakia in 1993. Chabahar, Iran • Approved by Ministry of External Affairs
• He succeeds Zuzana Čaputová, the country’s first female c) Karachi Port, Pakistan • Shahid Beheshti Port, Chabahar of Iran – 1st post to come
d) Peter Pellegrini head of state. under the control of India Ports Global Limited.
d) Colombo Port, Sri Lanka
• Capital: Bratislava • India Ports Global Limited is a subsidiary of Sagarmala

• EU member country: since 1 May 2004 Development Company Limited, which is under the Union
Option : D Option : A Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.
• Currency: euro.

Who has been recently elected as the Chairman of

What is the name of Zimbabwe's new the Senate, the upper house of the Pakistani
gold-backed currency? / वज ा े की नई Parliament? / हाल ही में पावक ानी संसि के ऊपरी सिन,
सोने की समवथय त मुिा का नाम क्या है ? सीने ट के अ क्ष के रूप में वकसे चु ना गया है ?

a) ZimGold a) Nawaz Sharif

• Zimbabwe has introduced a new gold-backed currency
b) Zingolo called ZiG - the name stands for "Zimbabwe Gold".
b) Yusuf Raza Gilani • Former Pakistan Prime Minister and Pakistan Peoples Party
• It aims to replace the severely devalued Zimbabwean dollar (PPP) leader Yusuf Raza Gilani has been elected Chairman of
c) ZiG c) Imran Khan
(RTGS). the Senate, the upper house of Parliament.
d) Zulu • Zimbabwe's economy has been under strain with an annual d) Hina Rabbani Khar • In a session of the Pakistani Senate, a total of 41 newly
inflation rate reaching 55% in March, marking a seven- elected senators took oath as members of the House.
month high. • Revision - Shehbaz sharif takes oath as PM of Pakistan for
Option : B
Option : C • Zimbabwe Central Bank Governor - John Mushayavanhu. the second time
Lee Hsien Loong is the Prime Minister of which Ahmed Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah has
country who has announced to resign from his become the new Prime Minister of which
post? / ली ह्वसयन लूंग वकस िे श के प्रिान मंत्री हैं वज ोंने country? / अहमि अ ु ा अल-अहमि अल-सबा वकस
अपने पि से इ ीफा िे ने की घोषणा की है ? िे श के नए प्रिान मंत्री बने हैं?

a) Japan • Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong announced his resignation after a) Saudi Arabia
• The Emir of Kuwait has appointed Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah
nearly 20 years of service.
b) Malaysia b) Bahrain al-Ahmad al-Sabah as the new Prime Minister of Kuwait.
• He has been succeeded by his deputy, Lawrence Wong.
• This decision has been taken after the resignation of
c) Singapore • Lee, 72, was sworn in as Singapore’s third Prime Minister in 2004. c) Qatar
former Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed Sabah Al-Salem
• Republic of Singapore, is an island country in maritime Southeast
d) Vietnam d) Kuwait Al-Sabah on April 7.
Asia, off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula.
• Official languages: Malay, English, Tamil, Singaporean Mandarin. • Kuwait is a country in West Asia.
• President - Tharman Shanmugaratnam Option : D • Capital: Kuwait City
Option : C
• Currency- Singapore dollar • Currency: Kuwaiti Dinar

Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan

Which country has become the 39th country to join the has embarked on an official visit to which European
Artemis Agreement ?/ कौन सा िे श आटे वमस समझौते में country? / चीफ ऑफ वडफेंस ाफ (सीडीएस) जनरल अवनल
शावमल होने िाला 39िां िे श बन गया है चौहान वकस यू रोपीय िे श की आविकाररक यात्रा पर गए हैं ?

a) Slovenia a) Germany
b) Nepal b) Ukraine
• Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan
c) Sri Lanka • Slovenia has become the 39th country to join c) Poland
has gone on an official visit to France
d) USA the Artemis Agreement d) France • The objective is to further strengthen the strong

• Earlier, Sweden became the 38th country to defence ties between the two countries
Option : A • General Anil Chauhan to visit French Space
join the Artemis Agreement on 16 April 2024 Option : D
Command and Land Forces Command

Volcano Mount Erebus was in news recently, Which country's parliament has passed
in which continent is it located? / ৹ालामुखी a bill to send refugees to Rwanda? /
माउं ट एरे बस हाल ही में खबरों में था, यह वकस महा ीप में वकस िे श की संसि ने शरणावथय यों को रिांडा भेजने
द्ध थत है? के वलए एक वििेयक पाररत वकया है?
• UK has approved new legislation named Rwanda Security
a) Antarctica a) America (Asylum and Immigration) Bill
b) Asia • Antarctica's most famous active volcano, Mount Erebus, • The bill would allow the UK government to deport
b) Japan
has recently come into the news because of the release of immigrants to Rwanda
c) North America 'gold dust' worth $6000 every day.
c) Britain
• The idea to bring this bill was first brought in 2022 by
d) Europe • Mount Erebus is the second highest and most active d) Ukraine former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson
volcano in Antarctica and is located on Ross Island in • UK govt to pay Rwanda Rs 3,000 crore for illegal
Antarctica. Immigrants With this money, Rwanda will arrange housing
Option : A • It is the most southerly active volcano on Earth. Option : C and employment for refugees

Prabowo Subianto has been appointed as Which country is contemplating lifting vehicle import
restrictions to stimulate economic growth, as reported by the
the new President of which country? / प्रबोिो Ministry of Finance, by the end of 2024 or early 2025? / कौन सा
सुवबयांतो को वकस िे श के नए रा र पवत के रूप में वनयुक्त िे श आवथय क विकास को प्रो ावहत करने के वलए िाहन आयात प्रवतबं ि उठाने पर
वकया गया है? विचार कर रहा है , जै सा वक वि मंत्रालय ने 2024 के अं त या 2025 की शु रुआत में
बताया है ?

• The decision follows Sri Lanka's ban on vehicle imports in

a) Japan a) India response to economic challenges faced by the country in 2022.
• Recommendations from a committee appointed by President
b) Indonesia b) Vietnam
• Prabowo Subianto has been appointed as the new Ranil Wickremasinghe are expected to influence the decision-
c) China President of Indonesia. c) Bangladesh making process.
• The committee's recommendations align with meeting revenue
d) Vietnam • Before this he was the Defense Minister of the country. d) Sri Lanka
targets set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the
• Subianto will replace Joko Widodo in October.
upcoming year.
• In Indonesia, the term of the President is five years and
Option : B • This move may strain Sri Lanka's foreign exchange reserves by
the President can be re-elected. Option : D approximately 800 million USD.

In which state is the world's first-ever

Om-shaped temple being
constructed? / वकस रा৸ में िु वनया का
पहला ओम आकार का मंविर बनाया जा रहा है?
First in India &
World 2024 a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Madhya Pradesh
• World’s first-ever Om-shaped temple Inaugurated in Pali,

c) Gujarat • Global architectural marvel

• 250 acres, 1,008 Lord Mahadev idols, 12 Jyotirlingas
d) Rajasthan
• Initiated by Vishwa Guru Maha Mandleshwar Paramahansa
Swami Maheswara Nanda Puriji Maharaj
Option : D
• Construction started 1995, expected completion 2023-24
Where was India's first domestic gene Who launched India's first private sub-
therapy for cancer launched? / कैंसर के वलए meter resolution surveillance satellite? /
भारत की पहली घरे लू जीन थेरेपी कहााँ शुरू की गई थी? भारत का पहला वनजी उप-मीटर ररजॉ ूशन वनगरानी
उपग्रह वकसने लॉ वकया?

a) Agnikul Cosmos
a) IIT Bombay • The President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu launched • Tata launches India’s first private earth observation satellite
b) Dhruv space
b) IIT Delhi India’s first home-grown gene therapy for cancer at IIT • a subsidiary company of Tata Son’s.
Bombay. c) Tata Advanced Systems • India’s first private sector built earth observation satellite
c) IIT Kharagpur • This line of treatment is named “CAR-T cell therapy.” Limited TSAT-1A
d) IIT Varanasi • India’s first CAR-T cell therapy has been developed d) Skyroot Aerospace • The TSAT-1A was launched on board the SpaceX Falcon 9
through collaboration between the IIT, Bombay and Rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Center,
Tata Memorial Hospital in association with industry Option : C Florida,United States
Option : A
partner ImmunoACT. • American billionaire Elon Musk owns the Space X company.

Uttar Pradesh's first glass skywalk bridge has Who is set to become the first Indian space
tourist by joining Blue Origin's NS-25 mission? /
been installed in which district? / उ र प्रिे श का ू ओररवजन के NS-25 वमशन में शावमल होकर पहला भारतीय
पहला ৕ास ाईिॉक विज वकस वजले में थावपत वकया गया
अंतररक्ष पययटक बनने के वलए कौन तैयार है ?

a) Santhosh George Kulangara • Jeff Bezos-led space startup Blue Origin unveiled the
a) Chitrakoot
• The state's first "Glass Sky Walk Bridge" has been built in b) Abhishek Prakash Singh six-person crew set to embark on its NS-25 mission.
b) Lucknow Tulsi waterfall of Chitrakoot district of Uttar Pradesh
c) Gopichand Thotakura • This makes him the “first Indian space tourist” and
c) Kanpur • This bridge has been constructed by the Forest and the second Indian to venture into space after Wing
d) Krishen Kumar Sukhen
Tourism Department Commander Rakesh Sharma in 1984.
d) Pilibhit
• The bridge in the shape of a bow and arrow has an arrow • Blue Origin/Founded - September 8, 2000
(its length 25 meters) towards the chasm while the bow • Founder - Jeff Bezos
Option : A Option : C
(its width is 35 meters) between the two pillars • Headquarters - Washington, United States

Which is the first stadium in India to use

Which has become the first multinational car
hybrid pitch technology? / हाइविड वपच
manufacturer to export EVs from India?/भारत से ईिी
तकनीक का उपयोग करने िाला भारत का पहला
वनयायत करने िाला पहला बुआरा र ीय कार वनमायता कौन बन गया
े वडयम कौन सा है ?
• French automaker Citroën has achieved a milestone by
a) Citroën exporting 500 electric cars of Made in India ë-C3 a) Narendra Modi Stadium
• Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association (HPCA) has
electric vehicle to Indonesia. b) Wankhede
b) Tata always been at the forefront in using technology in
• Citroen thus becomes the first multinational carmaker c) Dharamshala cricket.
c) Ather Energy to export EVs from India
d) Sawai Mansingh • In this connection, HPCA has started using hybrid pitch
d) Hero Electric • Citroën is the French automobile company technology in its practice facilities.
• Founded in 1919 • The first ever hybrid pitch installation in Dharamsala
• Citroen India was founded in 2019 will take Indian cricket to new heights.
Option : A Option : C
• The HQ of Citroen India – Tiruvallur (Chennai)

Which IIT launched the country’s first mobile

Who has become the first country to introduce
medical devices calibration facility? / वकस IIT ने
a vaccine for meningitis? /मेवन जाइवटस के वलए िे श की पहली मोबाइल वचवक ा उपकरण अंशांकन सुवििा
टीका पेश करने िाला पहला िे श कौन बन गया है ? शुरू की?

• Nigeria has become the first country to deliver the WHO

a) Nigeria a) IIT Madras • IIT Madras launched India's first mobile medical devices
recommended Men5CV/Men5 conjugate vaccine for
b) Bulgaria calibration facility, enhancing healthcare accuracy.
meningitis b) IIT Delhi
• The facility can calibrate 45 types of life-saving devices
c) Somalia • Meningitis is an infection that causes inflammation in the
c) IIT Bombay like defibrillators and dialysis meters for reliable patient
membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord
d) Bangladesh • These membranes are called meninges d) IIT Kharagpur treatment.
• It aims to support rural hospitals by providing
• Meningitis can be caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses,
accessible calibration, improving healthcare standards
fungi, and parasites
Option : A Option : A nationwide.
• The infection can spread from person to person

In which country has the first Hindi India's first multipurpose (heat and power) green
radio broadcasting started? / वकस िे श hydrogen pilot project was launched in which
में पहला वहंिी रे वडयो प्रसारण शुरू ुआआ है? state? / भारत की पहली बुआउ े शीय (गमी और वबजली) ग्रीन
हाइडरोजन पायलट पररयोजना वकस रा৸ में शुरू की गई थी?

a) Japan a) Uttarakhand • SJVN Limited has commissioned India’s first

• For the first time in Kuwait, radio broadcasting has started
multipurpose (heat and power) green hydrogen
b) Kuwait in Hindi b) Arunachal Pradesh
pilot project at the 1,500 MW Nathpa Jhakri
c) Indonesia • The Indian Embassy said that this step taken by Kuwait will
c) Sikkim Hydro Power Station at Jhakri, Himachal Pradesh.
strengthen the relationship between the two countries
d) Iran • The project will also generate electricity using
• In 2021-2022, the two countries celebrated the 60th
d) Himachal Pradesh
green hydrogen and a 25 kW fuel cell.
anniversary of diplomatic relations
• Indian Ambassador to Kuwait - Adarsh Swaika.
Option : B Option : D
UNESCO’s Executive Board has endorsed the addition of 18 sites
to the UNESCO Global Geoparks network. As of 2024, how many
UNESCO Global Geoparks are there? / यूने ो के काययकारी बोडय ने यूने ो
৕ोबल वजयोपाসय ने टिकय में 18 साइटों को जोडने का समथय न वकया है 2024 तक,
वकतने यू ने ो ৕ोबल वजयोपाकय हैं ?
Art & Culture and • Recently, the UNESCO’s Executive Board has
a) 178
Festivals & Fairs b) 213
endorsed the addition of 18 sites to the UNESCO
Global Geoparks network.
• In Brazil, China, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France,
c) 245
Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, And Spain to
d) 289 the UNESCO global geoparks network.
• With this, the total number of geoparks in the
Option : B network becomes 213 geoparks in 48 countries.

Which state in India has recently been granted GI tags for traditional
crafts including Bihu Dhol, Jaapi, and Sarthebari bell metal craft? / भारत Where is the Shigmo festival celebrated ?
के वकस रा৸ को हाल ही में वबहू ढोल, जापी और साथे बारी घं टी िातु वश सवहत
वश৒ो उ ि कहााँ मनाया जाता है?
पारं पररक वश के वलए भौगोवलक सं केत (जीआई) टै ग प्रिान वकया गया है ?

• Vibrant, colorful festival in Goa

a) West Bengal • Bihu Dhol, Jaapi, Assam Asharikandi Terracotta Craft, Assam a) Goa • Marks arrival of spring in Konkan
Pani Mateka Craft, Sarthebari Metal Craft, and Assam
b) Odisha b) Manipur • Celebrated in Phalgun, spans 2 weeks
Missing Handloom Products receive GI tags.
• Fusion of Holi & carnival
c) Assam • Support from organizations like NABARD and RO Guwahati. c) Arunachal Pradesh
• Features street parades, folk dances, floats
• Dr. Rajani Kant, Padma Shri recipient, facilitated. d) Sikkim
d) Meghalaya • Rooted in ancient harvest celebrations
• Crafts support nearly one lakh people.
• Showcases Goa's rich cultural heritage
• GI tag certifications confirmed in 2024, enriching cultural
Option : C Option : A • Popular Festivals in Goa: Sao Joao, Feast of St Francis Xavier,
Sunburn Festival. etc.

Kathia wheat, which has recently been given List of New GI Tags
GI tag, belongs to which state? / कवठया गेहूं, Assam
वजसे हाल ही में GI टै ग विया गया है , वकस रा৸ से संबंवित
है? • Asharikandi terracotta craft • Bodo Eri silk,
• Pani Meteka craft • Bodo Jwmgra (a traditional scarf)
• 'Kathiya Gehu' from Bundelkhand, UP • Sarthebari metal craft • Bodo Gamsa (traditional dress of
a) Haryana
• Uttar Pradesh has emerged as a leader in • Jaapi (bamboo headgear of rural Bodo men)
b) Punjab acquiring GI tags Assam) • Bodo Thorkha (a musical
c) Uttar Pradesh • The first state to achieve a remarkable 69 GI
• Mishing handloom products instrument)
d) Rajasthan • Bihu dhol • Bodo Sifung (a long flute)
• First GI Tag – Darjeeling Tea (2004-05)
• Bodo Dokhona, the traditional attire
Option : C of Bodo women

List of New GI Tags

To which historical period do the coins unearthed
Uttar Pradesh Tripura at the Phanigiri Buddhist site belong? फणीवगरी बौ
• Banaras Thandai( a drink made by • Pachra-Rignai( a traditional dress थल पर खोजे गए वसक्के वकस ऐवतहावसक काल के हैं ?
blending milk with a nutritious mix worn on special occasions)
of nuts, seeds and spices) • Matabari Peda(a sweet
a) Gupta period
• Banaras Tabla preparation)
• Archaeologists unearth lead coin hoard from Ikshvaku
• Banaras Shehnai b) Maurya period
Meghalaya period in Phanigiri, Suryapet
• Banaras Lal Bharwamirch • Meghalaya Garo Textile weaving c) Kushan period • The team led by N. Sagar, the excavation director found

• Banaras Lal Peda • Meghalaya Lyrnai Pottery d) Ikshvaku period an earthen pot with 3,730 lead coins with elephant
symbol on one side and Ujjain symbol on the other side.
• Meghalaya Chubitchi
• The coins belong to the Ikshvaku period dated between
Option : D
3rd century and 4th century Common Era

Recently, Sitar and Tanpura of which state have

got Geographical Indication (GI) tags ? Who will organize 'Shakti - Festival of
हाल ही में वकस रा৸ के वसतार और तानपुरा को Music and Dance’? / 'शद्धक्त - संगीत और नृ
भौगोवलक संकेत (जीआई) टै ग वमला है ?
महो ि' का आयोजन कौन करे गा?

• The small town of Miraj in Maharashtra's Sangli district

a) Maharashtra a) Sangeet Natak Academy
is known for its craftsmanship in making musical • Sangeet Natak Akademi will organise 'Shakti -
b) Karnataka instruments, particularly sitars and tanpuras. b) Global Music Institute Festival of Music and Dance' from 9 to 17 April at

c) Uttar Pradesh • The tradition of making sitars and tanpuras in Miraj c) IIFA seven different Shaktipeeths across the country.
goes back more than 300 years d) Swarnabhoomi Music Academy • 'Shakti Utsav' is starting from Kamakhya Temple in
d) Rajasthan • Other Gi tag in Maharastra - Solapur Chaddar, Puneri Guwahati.
Pagadi, Nashik Grapes, Alphonso, Sangli Onions, • Sangeet Natak Akademi is the National Academy of
Option : A Bhiwapur Chilli Option : A Performing Arts and an autonomous body of the
Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
Sarhul festival is celebrated in which 'Poila Boishakh' is celebrated in which
state? / सरुआल ोहार वकस रा৸ में मनाया Indian state? / 'पोइला बोइशाख' वकस भारतीय
जाता है? रा৸ में मनाया जाता है?

a) Andhra Pradesh a) Punjab • Pohela Boishakh is the Bengali people's traditional New
• Sarhul festival is celebrated by the people
b) West Bengal Year Day.
b) Uttar Pradesh of Sarna society • According to the lunisolar Bengali calendar, the festival
c) Rajasthan • There is a change in nature during Sarhul
c) Kerala takes place on the first day of the first month, Baishakh.

and at this time people see new flowers d) Maharashtra • In India, however, the festival is held every year on April
d) Jharkhand
14 or 15.
and leaves growing
• Pohela means "first" in Bengali, and Boishakh is the
• It was started in 1967 Option : B
Option : D Bengali calendar's first month.

Which metal is the recently unveiled 50-gram Tiranga Barfi and Sloping metallurgical have
colored souvenir coin of Ram Lalla Pran Pratishtha been given GI tag It belongs to which state? /
made of? / हाल ही में अनािरण वकया गया राम लला प्राण प्रवत ा का वतरं गा बफी और ोवपंग मेटलवजयकल को GI टै ग विया गया है
50 ग्राम रं गीन ाररका वसक्का वकस िातु से बना है ? यह वकस रा৸ से संबंवित है?

a) Gold • The Government of India unveiled a 50gm colored souvenir

a) Uttar Pradesh
• Tiranga Barfi of Varanasi, associated with India's
b) Silver silver coin to commemorate the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of b) Chhattisgarh independence - has been given the status of GI product.
Ram Lalla at Ayodhya's Ram Mandir.
c) Maharashtra • Besides, another product of Varanasi, Dhalua Murti
c) Bronze • The release, led by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman,
Metal Casting Craft, has also been included in the GI
d) Copper includes limited-edition coins to celebrate India's rich cultural d) Arunachal Pradesh
and religious heritage.
• Total of 34 products in Banaras region and 75 products
• Sitharaman had also revealed a coin of Lord Buddha and the
Option : B in Uttar Pradesh have now received the GI tag.
Greater one-horned Rhino Animals. Option : A
• Kashi is also called the most diverse GI city.

Which Indian institution played an important Where were the fossils of the colossal snake
role in the Shri Ram 'Surya Tilak' program in "Vasuki" found in India (April 2024)? / भारत में
Ayodhya? / अयो ा में श्रीराम 'सूयय वतलक' काययक्रम में विशाल सांप "िासुकी" के जीिा कहााँ पाए गए (अप्रैल
वकस भारतीय सं था ने मह पूणय भूवमका वनभाई? 2024)?
• The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), an autonomous body
a) IIT Varanasi a) Gujarat
under the Department of Science and Technology, played a key
b) IIT Delhi role in the Shri Ram 'Surya Tilak' programme in Ayodhya.
b) Madhya Pradesh • Paleontologists have discovered a massive fossil of the
c) Indian Institute of • The opto-mechanical system used in the 'Surya Tilak' programme world’s ‘largest snake’ that ever existed’ in Gujarat!
at Ayodhya was designed by CBRI and the device was
c) Visakhapatnam
Astrophysics • The enormous serpent, named Vasuki Indicus in science,

d) IT Madras
manufactured by Optics, Bangalore. d) Jharkhand also finds mention in Hindu mythology, named Vasuki.
• Indian Institute of Astrophysics was set up in its current form in • The fossilised remains are between 10 to 15 meters in
1971 length and were found in Gujarat’s Panandhro Lignite
Option : C Option : A
• Director: Annapurni Subramaniam Mine in Kutch.

Where is the first International Rainbow In which state is the Seng Khihlang
Tourism Conference held? / पहला अंतराय र ीय festival celebrated? / सेंग द्धखहलांग ोहार
इं ििनुष पययटन स ेलन कहााँ आयोवजत वकया गया है? वकस रा৸ में मनाया जाता है ?

a) Paris, France • The first Rainbow International Tourism Conference has a) Assam
b) Berlin, Germany been held in Kathmandu, Nepal b) Mizoram
• It was organised by a non-governmental organization • Khasi Tribe’s 34th Seng Khihlang Festival
c) Kathmandu, Nepal c) Nagaland
'Maya Ko Pehchacha' Nepal in collaboration with Nepal Concluded in Wahiajer, Meghalaya
d) New York, USA
Tourism Board d) Meghalaya • The Khasi people are an indigenous ethnic group
• The aim was to promote Nepal as a safe and respectful residing in the eastern part of Meghalaya, in the
destination for the sexual minority community in South Khasi and Jaintia Hills of north-eastern India.
Asia such as the LGBT community
Option : D
Option : C • They are the largest community in the state

The GeM Portal of Government of India

deals with ________. / भारत सरकार का GeM पोटय ल
________ से संबंवित है

Banking & Economy

a) Telemedicine

2024 b) Distance learning

c) Public procurement
• GeM launched by Indian govt in Aug
d) Aadhaar based digital signature • Facilitates online procurement
• National portal for public procurement
• Services Govt Ministries, PSUs,
Option : C
autonomous bodies
Which new toll collection system did Which port recently became the highest cargo
handling major port of India by achieving a record-
Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari breaking 145.38 MMT cargo throughput in FY 2023-
announce in 2024? / केंिीय पररिहन मंत्री वनवतन 24? / हाल ही में वि िषय 2023-24 में ररकॉडय -िे वकंग 145.38 MMT कागो
गडकरी ने 2024 में वकस नई टोल संग्रह प्रणाली की थ्रू पुट हावसल करके कौन सा बं िरगाह भारत का सबसे अविक कागो हैं डवलं ग
प्रमुख बं िरगाह बन गया है ?
घोषणा की?
• Paradip Port in Odisha surpasses Deendayal Port
a) FASTag 2.0 a) Mumbai Port
• Toll fees deducted from bank in cargo.
b) QR code system b) Chennai Port
accounts by distance • 7.4% YoY growth, 10.02 million metric tonnes.
c) Paradip Port Authority (PPA) • Highest coastal shipping traffic at 59.19 million
c) License Plate Recognition • Saves time and fuel
d) Deendayal Port, Kandla tonnes.
d) Satellite-based • Reduced travel time highlighted • Aims 300 million MT capacity in 3 years.
• Aim for US-level highway • Plans 100% berth mechanization by 2030.
Option : D network by 2024 • Chairman: Shri P.L. Haranadh.
Option : C

What was the total value of UPI transactions Who has been recently appointed as a member of the
in the Financial Year 2023-24? / वि ीय िषय 2023- Economic Advisory Panel by the World Bank Group? /
24 में UPI लेनिे न का कुल मू क्या था? हाल ही में वि बैं क समू ह ारा आवथय क सलाहकार पैनल के सि के रूप
में वकसे वनयु क्त वकया गया है ?

• The value of UPI transactions for FY24 reached a record • Rakesh Mohan has been appointed to the World
a) Rs 19.78 Trillion a) Amitabh Kant
high of Rs 199.89 trillion, Bank Group’s Economic Advisory Panel by President
b) Rs 199.89 Trillion b) Rajiv Sinha Ajay Banga.
• Increase from Rs 139.1 trillion in the previous fiscal year.
• The World Bank is an international financial
c) Rs 139.1 Trillion • In March 2024 alone, UPI transactions soared by 55% in c) Rakesh Mohan
institution that provides loans and grants to the
d) Rs 27.996 Trillion volume, reaching 13.44 billion, and surged by 40% in d) Ajay Mohan Singh governments of low- and middle-income countries.
value to Rs 19.78 trillion compared to March 2023.
• Founded in 1944.
• IMPS transactions saw a 17% increase in volume to 581
Option : B • President: Ajay Banga.
Option : C
million transactions. • Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA.

When is the Government of India planning to

At what rate has RBI maintained the repo end the import of urea in the country? भारत
rate for the seventh time in a row? / RBI ने सरकार िे श में यूररया के आयात को कब समा करने
लगातार सातिी ं बार रे पो िर को वकस िर पर बनाए रखा है? की योजना बना रही है ?

a) 6.00 • The RBI's Monetary Policy Committee has kept the repo a) 2023 • According to Union Chemicals and Fertilizers Minister
rate steady at 6.5% for the seventh consecutive time. b) 2025 Mansukh Mandaviya, India will stop importing urea by the
b) 6.20
• Focus has been maintained on controlling retail inflation, end of 2025
c) 6.50 c) 2030
which has exceeded the 4% target. • Urea production in the country has increased from 225.08

d) 6.75 • The 6-member Monetary Policy Committee was d) 2024 lakh tonnes in 2014-15 to 284.95 lakh tonnes in 2022-23
constituted under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, • Total import of urea in 2022-23 was 75.8 lakh tonnes,
comprising 3 members from RBI including Governor and 3 Option : B which is about 30% of the domestic demand
Option : C members appointed by central government. • Urea is imported from Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE

Who has launched an upgraded version of the Which company has partnered with eSewa and
Grievance Redressal System (SCORES 2.0)? / HAN Pokhara to promote UPI in Nepal?/ वकस
वशकायत वनिारण प्रणाली (SCORES 2.0) का उ त सं रण कंपनी ने नेपाल में UPI को बढािा िे ने के वलए eSewa और
वकसने लॉ वकया है ? HAN पोखरा के साथ भागीिारी की है?

• Fintech firm PhonePe has partnered with Nepal's digital

a) SEBI • Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India a) Google Pay wallet service eSewa and the Hotel Association of Nepal
(SEBI) launched an upgraded version of its SEBI (HAN) Pokhara to promote digital payments through UPI.
b) LIC b) Amazon Pay
Complaint Redress System (SCORES 2.0) • The partnership is a part of the Fewa New Year Festival
c) BCCI • This enhanced system features automated routing, c) PhonePe which started from April 11-14 in Nepal.

d) ICC oversight by designated authorities, and streamlined d) HDFC PayZapp • PhonePe CEO: Sameer Nigam
processes. • Parent organization: Walmart
• SEBI Complaint Redress System (SCORES) is an online • Headquarters: Maharashtra
Option : A Option : C
platform launched in June 2011 • Founded: 2015

Which bank has become the first private Which country became the world's fourth-largest
bank to open a branch in Lakshadweep? / कौन exporter of digitally delivered services in 2023? / कौन
सा बैंक लक्ष ीप में शाखा खोलने िाला पहला वनजी बैंक बन सा िे श 2023 में वडवजटल रूप से वितररत से िाओं का िु वनया का चौथा
गया है? सबसे बडा वनयाय तक बन गया?

a) Indian Overseas Bank a) Japan • India has become the world's fourth-largest exporter of
• Private lender HDFC Bank opened a branch at Kavaratti

b) HDFC Bank
Island in Lakshadweep. b) China digitally delivered services, constituting over a fifth of global
• Lakshadweep Tourism Officer - Imthias Mohammed T B. trade in services.
c) ICICI Bank • The islands are also poised for a substantial Rs 3,600 crore
c) India
• In Europe and Asia, exports rose by 11% and 9%, according to

d) Axis Bank
boost in infrastructure, including new ports, roads, and d) US the Global Trade Outlook and Statistics report released by the
beachfront amenities.
• HDFC Bank/Headquarters: Mumbai
• India's exports of digitally delivered services stood at $257
• Founded: August 1994 Option : C
Option : B billion in 2023 registering a 17% increase from previous year.
• CEO: Sashidhar Jagdishan
In the fiscal year 2023-24, how much renewable Who has been appointed by Fintech firm BharatPe as
energy capacity did India add, setting a new its whole-time Chief Executive Officer? / वफनटे क फमय
record? / वि ीय िषय 2023-24 में, भारत ने एक नया ररकॉडय भारतपे ने अपने पूणयकावलक मु ূ कायय कारी अविकारी के रूप में वकसे
थावपत करते ुआए वकतनी निीकरणीय ऊजाय क्षमता जोडी? वनयु क्त वकया है ?

a) 15.5 GW a) Suhail Sameer • Fintech firm BharatPe has promoted its interim CEO
• India added a record 18.48 GW renewable capacity in and chief financial officer Nalin Negi as full-time chief
b) 18.48 GW b) Rajiv Sinha
2023-24, 21% higher than previous year. executive officer.
c) 20 GW • Total renewable capacity is 143.64 GW, aiming for 500 c) Ravi Singh • Negi was given the charge of interim CEO after the then
d) 22 GW GW by 2030, needing 50 GW/year. d) Nalin Negi CEO Suhail Sameer stepped down in January 2023.
• Gujarat and Rajasthan have the largest renewable energy • “BharatPe is a truly ‘Indian’ payments company serving
capacities of about 27GW each. offline retailers and businesses.
Option : B Option : D
• Union Power and Renewable Energy Minister: RK Singh • Founders: Ashneer Grover, Shashvat Nakrani

Who is the MD of International Monetary

Fund, who has been elected for the second Hindustan Zinc has reached what position in
five-year term? / अंतराय र ीय मुिा कोष के एमडी कौन silver production globally? / वहंिु ान वजंक िैव क
हैं, वज ें िू सरे पांच साल के काययकाल के वलए चुना गया है ? र पर चांिी उ ािन में वकस थान पर पुआंच गया है?

a) Soumya Swaminathan a) First

b) Kristalina Georgieva b) Second • Vedanta Group company Hindustan Zinc has become
• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has
the third largest producer of silver globally.
c) Geeta Gopinath reappointed Kristalina Georgieva as Managing c) Third
• Last year the company was at fourth position in silver
Director for a second five-year term starting October
d) Anshula Kant d) Fourth production.
1, 2024.
• Silver plays a vital role in the global energy transition.
• Kristalina Georgieva of Bulgaria has served as the MD
Option : C • The chairperson of Hindustan Zinc is Priya Agarwal.
Option : B of the IMF since 2019.

Who was appointed as the new chairman of

HDFC Life Insurance in April 2024? / अप्रैल 2024 में RBI approves Ajit Kumar K.K. Who has been appointed as
HDFC लाइफ इं ोरें स के नए अ क्ष के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त the MD of which bank?/ ररजिय बैंक ने अजीत कुमार के.के.
वकया गया? वकस बैंक के एमडी के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है

• Reserve Bank of India approves Ajit Kumar K.K. The

a) Deepak S Parekh a) UCO Bank
bank has approved the appointment a Managing
b) Aditya Puri • Deepak S Parekh resigned as HDFC Life Insurance b) SBI Director (MD) and CEO of the bank for a period of
chairman; the company announced in a filing. three years
c) Shikha Sharma c) HDFC
• Keki M Mistry has been named new chairman by • Ajith Kumar, Shivan J.K. Will replace
d) Keki M Mistry unanimous board decision. d) Dhan Laxmi Bank • Dhanalakshmi Bank was established in 1927 in Thrissur,
• HDFC Life Insurance CEO: Vibha Padalkar. Kerala Dhanlaxmi Bank is an old private sector bank
Option : D • Founded in 2000. • Tagline: Tan Mana Dhan
Option : D
• Headquarter: Mumbai.

Which state has topped in electronics Climate Strategy 2030 document has
exports in FY 2023-24? / वि िषय 2023-24 been launched by / जलिायु रणनीवत 2030
में इलेक्टरॉवनস वनयायत में कौन सा रा৸ शीषय पर है? ि ािेज वकसके ारा शुरू वकया गया है?

a) Uttar Pradesh a) NABARD • On the occasion of Earth Day, the National Bank for Agriculture
and Rural Development
b) Maharashtra b) SBI
• Tamil Nadu has achieved a record-breaking $9.56 • (NABARD) has released its Climate Strategy 2030 document
c) Karnataka billion in electronics exports in FY 2023-24
c) RBI • The document has been released by NABARD Chairman Shaji KV
• Objective: To meet India's Green Financing Requirement
d) Tamil Nadu • Tamil Nadu has achieved about 33% of the total d) PNB
• According to NABARD, India needs $170 billion every year to
national share of electronics exports
reach a total cumulative amount of over $2.5 trillion by 2030
• Karnataka ranks second in the list of top electronics
• About $49 billion has been collected by India in green financing
Option : D exporting states
Option : A
as of 2019-20

With whom has C-DOT signed an agreement to What is the National Institute of Public Finance
increase the efficiency of 5G networks? / C-DOT ने and Policy's GDP growth forecast for India in
5G नेटिकय की िक्षता बढाने के वलए वकसके साथ एक समझौते पर FY25? / FY25 में भारत के वलए नेशनल इं ीਅूट ऑफ पद्ध क
ह ाक्षर वकए हैं ? फाइनें स एं ड पॉवलसी का GDP विकास पूिाय नुमान क्या है ?

• The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) has

a) IIT Jodhpur a) 6.5%
signed an agreement with IIT Jodhpur to enhance the
b) IIT Varanasi efficiency of networks in 5G and beyond. b) 6.8%
• Under this, the focus will be on developing an automated
c) IIT Mumbai c) 7.0% • NIPFP predicts India's FY25 GDP growth at 7.1%,
service management system using AI.
d) IIT Delhi • C-DOT is a telecommunication technology development d) 7.1% emphasizing fiscal discipline.
• Robust state capex growth noted.
centre owned by the Government of India.
• IMF praises India's economic resilience, projecting
Option : A
Option : D 6.8% growth.
SARFAESI Act is related to ___________. /
सरफेसी अविवनयम ___________ से संबंवित है

Awards & Honours

a) Land Acquisition • Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARC) buy Non-
World Trade Organisation
Debt Recovery in banking sector
Performing Assets (NPA) from banks.
• Mandated under SARFAESI Act, 2002.
d) International Agreement on • Guidelines: Maintain Rs 300 crore minimum capital;

Biodiversity deadline March 31, 2026.

• Non-compliance faces supervisory action.
• ARCs with Rs 1000 crore Net Owned Fund can act as
resolution applicants; permitted investments with
Option : C

REC has won the "SKOCH ESG Award 2024" in the

Who has received the International Culture
"Renewable Energy Category." REC Limited comes
Award for the year 2024? / िषय 2024 के वलए under which ministry? / REC ने "अक्षय ऊजाय श्रेणी" में
अंतराय र ीय सं ृ वत पुर ार वकसे वमला है? "SKOCH ESG अिाडय 2024" जीता है REC वलवमटे ड वकस मं त्रालय
के अंतगय त आता है ?

a) Manoj Kumar Dwivedi • Recognized for contributions in education, social a) Ministry of Power
service, and political science. b) Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
b) Ajay Kumar Dubey
• Awarded by Socrates Social Research University at
c) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy • SKOCH ESG Awards honor exemplary ESG
c) Meena Charanda India International Center.
d) Ministry of Ports, Shipping and practices.
d) Ananda Kumar Sarkar • Selected from over 50 nominations by a 5-member
Waterways • REC Limited: A Maharatna PSU, NBFC, and IFC.
• Extensive work on Dalit assemblies in Uttar Pradesh. • Executive Director: Shri T.S.C. Bosh.
• Holds a PhD from Delhi University. • Ministry of Power oversees REC Limited.
Option : C Option : A
• Raj Kumar Singh - Minister of Power

Who was honoured with the 15th CIDC To whom did actress Mahima Chaudhary present
the prestigious award at the Glamour and
Vishwakarma Award 2024? / 15िें CIDC वि कमाय
Lifestyle Awards 2024? / ৕ैमर एं ड लाइफ ाइल अिाड्य स
पुर ार 2024 से वकसे स ावनत वकया गया? 2024 में अवभने त्री मवहमा चौिरी ने प्रवतव त पुर ार वकसे प्रिान
• Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited was awarded the • Actress Mahima Chaudhary presented the prestigious
a) SJVN Limited
15th CIDC Vishwakarma Award 2024 for Corporate a) Dr. Nikesh Tarachand Jain award at the Glamour and Lifestyle Awards 2024 to Dr.
b) Reliance Industries Limited Social Responsibility (CSR) Contribution. Madhani Nikesh Tarachand Jain Madhani.
c) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited • SJVN receives awards for the third consecutive b) Dr. Preeti Jhangiani • The awards ceremony celebrated excellence in style and
d) Tata Consultancy Services year: c) Dr. Khalid Abbed sophistication in Mumbai.
• SJVN Limited is a Schedule-'A' Mini Ratna d) Dr. Chandrashekhar Kulkarni • Dr. Madhani was recognized for his contributions to the
Category-I under the Ministry of Power. business world.
Option : A • It is a public sector undertaking. • The event took place at the Sethia Banquet of Raghulila
• Established on May 24, 1988 Option : A Mall in Kandivali West.

Which PSU won the 15th CIDC Vishwakarma

Award for the Barauni – Guwahati pipeline Who received the "Medal of Honour" at
project? / वकस पीएसयू ने बरौनी – गुिाहाटी पाइपलाइन Consular Day 2024 in Chennai? / चे ई में कांसुलर
पररयोजना के वलए 15 िां सीआईडीसी वि कमाय पुर ार जीता? डे 2024 में "मेडल ऑफ ऑनर" वकसने प्रा वकया?

a) K.L. Ganju • The award was presented at the ITC Grand Chola by
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) • GAIL, India’s Natural Gas leader and one of the
HCCD-India in Chennai, for his exemplary efforts in
b) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Maharatna PSUs, bags prestigious 15th CIDC b) Mohan Suresh
promoting bilateral relations between Palau and India.
(BPCL) Vishwakarma Awards
c) GAIL (India) Limited • Achievement Award for best construction projects
c) Neeraj A Sharma • The award was presented by Tamil Nadu Governor R. N.
d) Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) category d) R.N. Ravi
• Established in 1995, HCCD-India aims to promote mutual
• For its Barauni natural gas pipeline
understanding among Honorary Consular officers in
• GAIL founded in 1984, HQ in New Delhi, Chairman Option : C
Option : C India and abroad.
& MD: Sandeep Kumar Gupta.

For which mission the ISRO team was awarded the

To whom was the Pokarmal-Rajrani Goyal Memorial Rajasthani
prestigious 'John L. 'Jack' Swigert Jr.' Award was
Katha Sahitya Award given in the year 2024? / िषय 2024 में पोकरमल-
presented to? / इसरो टीम को वकस वमशन के वलए प्रवतव त
राजरानी गोयल मे मोररयल राज थानी कथा सावह पुर ार वकसे विया गया था?
'जॉन एल 'जै क' द्ध गटय जू वनयर' पुर ार से स ावनत वकया गया था?

a) Dr. Ram Singh Yadav and Premlata

a) Aditya L1 Mission • Chandrayaan-3 mission team honored with NASA's prestigious
Soni • 3rd year of Rajasthani women writers award
Swigert Jr. Award.
b) Premlata Soni and Dr. Madan Saini • Premlata Soni's "Ravankhandi" recognized b) Chandrayaan-3 mission
• This award is given by the US-based non-profit organisation Space
c) Dr. Madan Saini and Mrs. Anita • Dr. Madan Saini's "Aas-Aulad" acknowledged c) Gaganyaan Mission Foundation
Joshi • Each recipient awarded 11,000 INR, memorabilia, • Received by - D C Manjunath , behalf of the ISRO’s Chandrayaan -3
d) Mangalyaan Mission
d) Dr. Madan Saini and Mr. Harish shawl, commendation letter team

Bhadani • Chief Guest: Om Prakash Paswan, Police IG, • John L “Jack” Swigert, Jr, Award for Space - instituted by the Space
Bikaner Range Foundation in 2004 in memory of John L “Jack” Swigert, Junior.
Option : B Option : B • John L “Jack” Swigert, Junior, was part of NASA’s Apollo 13 Mission
• Special Guest: Dr. Umakant Gupta
Jain religious leader Lokesh Muni has been Who was awarded the World Literary Prize for her contribution
awarded the 'President's Gold Volunteer Service' to literature by the World Organization of Writers (WOW)? /
award in which country? / जैन िावमयक नेता लोकेश मुवन को ि य ऑगय नाइजे शन ऑफ राइटसय (WOW) ारा सावह में उनके योगिान
वकस िे श में 'रा र पवत की णय यं सेिक से िा' पुर ार से स ावनत के वलए वि सावह पुर ार से वकसे स ावनत वकया गया?
वकया गया है ?

a) Rashmi Rajagopal • Poet Mamta Sagar was awarded the World Literary Prize
a) Japan
for her contribution to literature by the World
• India's Jain spiritual leader Lokesh Muni has been b) Chinua Achebe
b) America Organization of Writers.
honoured with the US President's Gold Volunteer
c) Parakala Prabhakar • Her Works:
c) Canada Service Award for his contribution to public
d) Mamta G Sagar ➢ First anthology 'Kaada Navilina Hejje’ - 1992
d) Russia welfare and humanity ➢ ‘Nadiya Neerina Teva’ - 1999
• Lokesh Muni is the founder of Ahimsa Vishwa ➢ In 2018, she produced a set of poetry films,
Option : B Option : D ‘Interversions 1’, ‘Interversions 2’ and ‘Interversions 3’
Bharati and World Peace Center in India

Who was recently named South Asian Person of Who has been awarded the John Dirk
the Year by Harvard University? / हाल ही में हाियडय
वि वि ालय ारा िवक्षण एवशयाई द्धक्त ऑफ ि ईयर नावमत Award? / जॉन वडकय पु र ार से वकसे
वकया गया था? स ावनत वकया गया है?

a) Preeti Shah •
a) Lokesh Muni Dr. Gagandeep Kang has been selected for the John
b) Sunita Williams • Indian-American actor and 'Mean Girls' star Avantika Dirk Award
b) Alexei Navalny
c) Gracy Singh Vandanapu was named South Asian Person of the Year • Gagandeep Kang is the Global Health Director at the
by Harvard University. c) Dr. Gagandeep Kang Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
d) Avantika Vandanpu
• 19-year-old Avantika has been given this honour in • The John Dirk Prize is awarded in the field of global
d) Dr. Karthik Kommuri
recognition of her outstanding achievements and her health
impact in the international and Indian entertainment • Dr. Gagandeep Kang is the first Indian woman to
Option : D Option : C
world. receive this award

Who has been honoured with the Lata Who won the Best Airport Award at the
Deenanath Mangeshkar Award? / लता िीनानाथ Skytrax Awards 2024? / ाईटर ै স अिाड्यस
मंगेशकर पुर ार से वकसे स ावनत वकया गया है ? 2024 में सियश्रे हिाई अਊे का पुर ार वकसने जीता?

• Amitabh Bachchan is to be honored with the Lata

a) Changi Airport (Singapore)
a) A R Rahman Mangeshkar Puraskar for his contributions to the nation • Skytrax World Airport Awards 2024 - World’s Best
b) Tokyo Haneda Airport Airport 2024
b) Amitabh Bachchan and society.
• The award celebrates impactful contributions in music, c) Dubai Airport • Hamad International Airport, Doha (1st)
c) Alka Yagnik
cinema, social service, and literature. d) Hamad International • Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi (36th)
d) Shreya Ghoshal
• PM Modi was its 1st recipient, followed by Asha Bhosle • Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru (59th)
Airport (Doha)
in 2023. • Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad (61st)

• A R Rahman will receive the Master Deenanath • Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport,
Option : B Option : D
Mangeshkar Puraskar for contribution to Indian music Mumbai (95th)

Who was awarded the Malcolm Adiseshiah Who won the 2024 World Press Photo
award in 2024? / 2024 में मै म एवडसेवशया of the Year award? / 2024 ि य प्रेस फोटो
पुर ार से वकसे स ावनत वकया गया? ऑफ ि ईयर का पुर ार वकसने जीता?

a) R Pradeep Kumar a) Inas Abu Maamar

• Prof. Surinder S. Jodhka from JNU has been selected for

b) Surinder S Jodhka the Malcolm Adiseshiah Award, receiving 2 lakhs and a b) Rickey Rogers • Mohammed Salem received the 2024 World Press Photo of
citation. the Year award
c) Juliane Frommter c) Mohammed Salem
• Assoc. Prof. Vikas Kumar from Azim Premji University • For his poignant image capturing a Palestinian woman
d) Vikas Kumar has been granted the Elizabeth Adiseshiah Award, with 1
d) Robert Plant holding her five-year-old niece's body in the Gaza Strip.
lakh and a citation. • Taken on Oct. 17, 2023, at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis
• Renowned economist Utsa Patnaik receives the 2023 during Israeli bombings, the photograph reflects the human
Option : B Option : C
Malcolm Adiseshiah Award toll of conflict.

Which prestigious award is Jane Campion

Who was bestowed with the prestigious KISS set to receive at the 77th Locarno Film
Humanitarian Award 2021? / प्रवतव त KISS Festival? / जेन कैंवपयन को 77िें लोकानो वफ
मानितािािी पुर ार 2021 से वकसे स ावनत वकया गया? फेद्ध िल में कौन सा प्रवतव त पुर ार वमलने िाला है ?

a) Mukesh Ambani • Jane Campion has been named the recipient of the Pardo
a) Golden Globe Award
d’Onore Manor Award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival.
b) Azim Premji • Renowned industrialist and philanthropist Ratan Tata, b) Pardo d’Onore Manor Award • Campion, a New Zealand filmmaker, has received 2

c) Anand Mahindra Chairman Emeritus of the Tata Group, was bestowed with c) BAFTA Award Academy Awards, 2 BAFTA Awards, and 2 Golden Globe
the prestigious KISS Humanitarian Award 2021. Awards.
d) Academy Award
d) Ratan Tata • The award ceremony saw the presentation of the award by • The festival in Locarno, Switzerland, has been planned
the Founder of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology from August 7 to 17.

(KIIT) and Kalinga Iistitute of Social Sciences (KISS), Dr. • Founded in 1946, this festival screens films in various
Option : D Option : B
Achyuta Samanta. competitive and non-competitive sections.
Which media company's AI news anchor, Sana,
Who has been awarded the 2024 Lacchu won the 2024 Global Media Award for AI-led
Maharaj Award? / 2024 लৢू महाराज पुर ार newsroom transformation? / वकस मीवडया कंपनी के AI
से वकसे स ावनत वकया गया है? ू ज एं कर, सना ने AI के ने तृ िाले ू जरूम पररितय न के वलए
2024 ৕ोबल मीवडया अिाडय जीता?

a) Nikesh Arora • The Lacchu Maharaj Award, Instituted in memory of a) India Today
• Sana clinched the 2024 Global Media Award from the
the famous kathak exponent Lacchu Maharaj, was
b) Indra Nooyi b) Hindustan Times International News Media Association (INMA).
not given after 2014.
c) Pandit Rajendra Kumar c) Times of India • Recognized as South Asia's best for AI newsroom
• Thus, the Pandit Lacchu Maharaj Ballet Foundation
Gangani has decided to honour 10 personalities this year. d) DD News innovation, Sana exemplifies cutting-edge use of AI in

d) Shantanu Narayen enhancing customer engagement through its

• The award will be given on 31 August 2024 at a
multilingual and versatile reporting capabilities.
ceremony in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
• India Today Group introduced Sana as India’s first AI
Option : C
Option : A anchor in 2023.

Who Won the Miss Universe Buenos Aires

title in April 2024 ?
अप्रैल 2024 में वमस यूवनिसय ूनस आयसय का द्धखताब
कौन जीता है ?

a) Alejandra Rodríguez
• Alejandra Marisa Rodriguez, a 60-year-old lawyer, wins
Sports CA
Miss Universe Buenos Aires, becoming the first woman
b) Shweta Sharda of her age to claim such a distinguished beauty title.
• The change in rules by the Miss Universe pageant in
c) Sheynis Palacios
2023, which now allows women aged 18 to 73 to
d) Bonny Gabriel compete.
• Revision : Saudi Arabia poised to make history with
Option : A potential first-ever Miss Universe contestant this year

Anupama Upadhyaya won the women's Which Team won the 56th National Kho Kho
Championship held in Indira Gandhi National
singles at which event in April 2024? /
Stadium, Delhi? / वकस टीम ने इं विरा गांिी रा र ीय
अनु पमा उपा ाय ने अप्रैल 2024 में वकस आयोजन में
े वडयम, वि ी में आयोवजत 56 िी ं रा र ीय खो खो
मवहला एकल जीता?
चै द्ध यनवशप जीती?

a) BWF World Championships • Anupama Upadhyaya reclaims Polish a) Maharashtra

b) All England Open Badminton Open title defeating Tanya Hemanth.
b) Delhi
Championships • MR Arjun and Dhruv Kapila triumph in
• Men's final: Maharashtra vs. Railways, tie 32-32
c) Orlen Polish Open men's doubles final. c) Andhra Pradesh
• Extended game victory: Maharashtra 52-50
d) BWF Super Series Finals • Upadhyaya's win signifies her fifth
d) Uttar Pradesh
international women's singles title. • Women's final: Maharashtra vs. AAI, 18-16
• Arjun and Kapila's victory adds to India's • Champions awarded ₹300,000; runners-up
Option : C Option : A
success in the tournament. ₹200,000

Who won the men's singles title of

Miami Open 2024? / वमयामी ओपन Who has recently become India's top
2024 का पुरुष एकल द्धखताब वकसने जीता? ranked chess player? / हाल ही में भारत के
शीषय रैं क िाले शतरं ज द्धखलाडी कौन बने हैं ?

• Indian Tennis Player Rohan Bopanna along with his partner

• India's young chess player Arjun Erigaisi has become
a) Grigor Dimitrov Matthew Ebden (Australia) won the 2024 Miami Open Tennis a) Arjun Erigaisi India's top ranked chess player.
men’s doubles title
b) Jannik Sinner b) D. Gukesh • Arjun Erigaisi is ranked 9th in the world.
• With this victory, the duo of Bopanna and Eden reclaimed
c) R. Praggnanandhaa • After 21-year-old Arjun, the second Indian ranked in
c) Andy Murray their world No.1 rank in the ATP men’s double ranking.
the FIDE rankings is Vishwanathan Anand.
• Women’s singles Title Winner - Danielle Collins (USA) d) Vishwanathan Anand
d) Carlos Alcaraz • REVISION – Vishwanathan Anand deputy president
• Men’s singles Title Winner - Jannik Sinner (Italy)
of International Chess Federation (FIDE).
Option : B • REVISION - Recently Rohan Bopanna has been honoured with
Option : A • R Vaishali becomes India’s 84th Grandmaster; 3rd
the Padma Shri 2024
woman to achieve the title

Who won the title of CCI Snooker Who made history as India's first female
Classic? / CCI ूकर क्लावसक का द्धखताब वकसने jury member at the Paris Olympics? / पेररस
ओलंवपक में भारत की पहली मवहला जूरी सि के रूप में
वकसने इवतहास रचा?

• Bilquis Mir from J&K has made history as the first Indian
a) Pankaj Advani
• World champion Pankaj Advani continued his a) Anjali Bhagwat woman jury member at the Paris Olympics.
b) Kamal Chawla • She has been nominated by the Indian Olympic Association.
dominance during the CCI Snooker Classic in b) Karnam Malleswari
c) Abhay Kapoor Mumbai to win the title. • She has served as a jury member in the Asian Games;
c) PV Sindhu
• started her canoeing career in 1998.
d) Shreyansh Sinha • In the final, Pankaj defeated Kamal Chawla 8-3.
d) Bilquis Mir • 2020 Summer Olympics host - Tokyo.
• Pankaj Advani has won the CCI Snooker Classic
• 2028 host - Los Angeles.
title in the last two years and has now retained
Option : D • International Olympic Committee President: Thomas Bach.
Option : A the billiards title.
• Hq: Lausanne, Switzerland.
Which of the following weightlifters has
Which country has refused to host the Commonwealth
qualified for the Paris Olympics in 2024? /
वन वलद्धखत में से वकस भारो ोलक ने 2024 में पेररस Games? वकस िे श ने रा र मंडल खेलों की मेजबानी करने से इनकार कर
ओलं वपक के वलए क्वालीफाई वकया है ? विया है?

• Mirabai Chanu Qualifies for Paris Olympics 2024 at

a) Kunjarani Devi a) Singapore
IWF World Cup
b) Karnam Malleswari • Bindyarani Devi Wins Bronze, b) Germany
• Singapore has refused to host the 2026 Commonwealth
• WF World Cup 2024 was held in Phuket, Thailand c) England
c) Divya Kakran Games
from March 31 to April 11, 2024 • Earlier in 2023, Australia's Victoria state refused to host
d) Mirabai Chanu d) Japan
• The event was organized by the International the Commonwealth Games 2026 due to rising costs
Weightlifting Federation (IWF). • The Commonwealth Games were last hosted by the city
Option : D • Headquartered - Lausanne, Switzerland of Birmingham in England in 2022
Option : A
• President - Mohamad Hassan Jaloud.

Who has won the I-League competition Who is the first Indian to win a match in the
2023-24 title?/आई-लीग प्रवतयोवगता 2023-24 का Masters 1000 tournament on clay courts in April
द्धखताब वकसने जीता है ? 2024?/ अप्रैल 1000 में क्ले कोटय पर मा सय 2024 टूनायमेंट
में मैच जीतने िाला पहला भारतीय कौन है ?

• Mohammedan Sporting has won the I-League 2023- • Sumit Nagal defeated World No. 38 Matteo Arnaldi to record
a) Goa FC
24 competition by defeating Shillong Lajong Club a) Rohan Bopanna his maiden win at the ATP Masters event in Monte Carlo.
b) Mohun Bagan 2-1
b) Ramkumar Ramanathan • Nagal has become the first Indian singles player to win a
c) Mohammedan Sporting • The final match was held at the SSA Ground in Masters 1000 match on clay.
c) S. Mukund Sasikumar
Shillong, Meghalaya • Nagal is ranked 95th in the world
d) Shillong Lajong Club • Mohammedan Sporting Club belongs to Kolkata
d) Sumit Nagal
• Apart from Sumit Nagal, Rohan Bopanna is also playing in
• The I-League is a professional men's football league this tournament with his Australian partner Matthew Ebden.
• Started by the All India Football Federation (AIIF) in • Rohan Bopanna has won the Australian Open doubles title,
Option : C Option : D
2007-08 the first Grand Slam of the year.

Where is the first leg of the Inaugural National Who holds the record for the highest number of
Women’s Hockey League 2024-2025 scheduled centuries in the Indian Premier League (IPL)? /
to be held? / उि् घाटन रा र ीय मवहला हॉकी लीग 2024-2025 इं वडयन प्रीवमयर लीग (आईपीएल) में सबसे ৸ािा शतक लगाने का
का पहला चरण कहााँ आयोवजत होने िाला है ? ररकॉडय वकसके नाम है?

• The league’s 1st leg will occur in Ranchi from April 30th • Virat Kohli set a record for the most centuries (8) in the
a) Mumbai, Maharashtra a) Rohit Sharma
to May 9th, 2024. Indian Premier League (IPL) history.
b) Bhubaneswar, Odisha • All matches will be held at the Marang Gomke Jaipal b) Chris Gayle • Chris Gayle is in 2nd position and has six centuries in IPL
c) Ranchi, Jharkhand Singh Astroturf Hockey Stadium. history.
c) Virat Kohli
d) Chandigarh • The participating teams include Hockey Haryana, Hockey • JC Buttler, KL Rahul, SR Watson, DA Warner - 4 centuries.
Maharashtra, Hockey Jharkhand, Hockey Madhya d) David Warner • Kohli also became the first cricketer with 7500 runs in IPL
Pradesh, Hockey Bengal, Hockey Mizoram, Manipur history.
Option : C Hockey, and Hockey Association of Odisha • Virat Kohli is playing for Royal Challengers Bengaluru Club
Option : C
• Hockey India President: Dr. Dilip Tirkey. in IPL 2024.

In which country is the Asian Wrestling Who has become the eighth Indian to score
Championship 2024 being organized? / एवशयाई 7,000 or more runs in T20 cricket? / टी20 वक्रकेट
कु ी चैद्ध यनवशप 2024 का आयोजन वकस िे श में वकया जा में 7,000 या उससे अविक रन बनाने िाले आठिें भारतीय
रहा है ? कौन बन गए हैं ?

a) Iran • Udit has secured a silver in the men's 57kg at the Asian a) Hardik Pandya
• In an IPL 2024 match played in Mumbai, India's
b) China Wrestling Championships 2024.
b) KL Rahul dashing batsman Suryakumar Yadav became the
• Abhimanyou (70kg) and Vicky (97kg) have won bronze,
c) Kyrgyzstan c) Ishan Kishan eighth Indian player to score 7,000 or more runs in
bringing India's medal tally to three on the opening day.
T20 cricket.
d) India • India has missed gold in the 57kg category for the first d) Surya Kumar Yadav • With this, he has joined a special club with players
time since 2019 after consecutive wins by Ravi Dahiya and
like Virat, Rohit.
Aman Sehrawat.
Option : D • Virat Kohli (12,313) is the leading run-scorer in T20
Option : C • The championship is being held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Who became the first Indian to hit 500 Who defeated Casper Ruud to win the Monte Carlo
Masters for the third time in four years? / चार साल
sixes in T20 cricket? / टी20 वक्रकेट में 500 छक्के में तीसरी बार मोंटे कालो मा सय जीतने के वलए कै र रूड
लगाने िाले पहले भारतीय कौन बने? को वकसने हराया?

• India and Mumbai Indians star batter Rohit Sharma became • Stefanos Tsitsipas has swept aside Casper Ruud to win the
a) Virat Kohli the first Indian to smash 500 sixes in T20 cricket. a) Novak Djokovic Monte Carlo Masters for the third time in four years.
• He achieved this milestone during his side's Indian Premier • Stefanos Tsitsipas is a Greek professional tennis player.
b) Rohit Sharma b) Rafael Nadal
League match against Chennai Super Kings at Wankhede • He has been ranked as high as world No. 3 by the
c) MS Dhoni Stadium. c) Stefanos Tsitsipas Association of Tennis Professionals, which he first
d) Shikhar Dhawan • Most Sixes in T20 Cricket: d) Roger Federer achieved in 2021.
❖ Chris Gayle - 1056 sixes in 455 innings • He has won 11 ATP singles titles.
❖ Kieron Pollard - 860 sixes in 586 innings • Novak Djokovic breaks Federer's record to be Oldest No.1
Option : B
❖ Andre Russell - 678 sixes in 420 innings Option : C Player
Which among these bureaucrats recently won
multiple medals and broke records at the National
The Olympic Flaming Lighting Ceremony
Senior Powerlifting Championship? / इन नौकरशाहों में was held in which city? / ओलंवपक ৹लंत प्रकाश
से वकसने हाल ही में रा र ीय सीवनयर पािरवलद्ध ं ग चै द्ध यनवशप में कई समारोह वकस शहर में आयोवजत वकया गया था?
पिक जीते और ररकॉडय तोडे ?

• Ekta Vishnoi, a 50-year-old senior bureaucrat and a) London • The Olympic Flaming Lighting Ceremony will be held in
a) Dilkhush Meen
Deputy Director General at Sports Authority of India the city of Olympia, Greece
b) Paris
b) Nandini Maharaj wins multiple medals at the National Senior • In this, the Olympic flame has been lit with sunlight
Powerlifting Championship. c) Olympia through glass
c) Ekta Vishnoi
• She won a Silver in the deadlift with the best lift of • The Olympic Flaming Lighting Ceremony is held 100
d) New Delhi
d) Arjun Mohan 165kg and a Bronze overall with the best lifts of 132.5 days before the start of the Olympic Games
kg in the squat, 70 kg in the bench press, and 165 kg in • This flame keeps burning in the pan from the start to
Option : C the deadlift. Option : C the end of the Olympic Games

Who won the men's event at the 128th Boston Who won the silver medal in Khelo India
Marathon, marking his first Boston Marathon NTPC National Ranking Archery
title? / 128 िें बो न मैराथन में पुरुषों की िाय वकसने Competition? / खेलो इं वडया एनटीपीसी रा र ीय रैं वकंग
जीती, जो उनका पहला बो न मैराथन द्धखताब था? तीरं िाजी प्रवतयोवगता में रजत पिक वकसने जीता?

• Sisay Lemma won the Boston Marathon men's title with a

a) Eliud Kipchoge a) Sheetal Devi
2:06:17 finish.
b) Kenenisa Bekele • Hellen Obiri retained her women’s title from 2023. • Asian Para Games gold medallist Sheetal Devi won the
b) Deepika Kumari
• Lemma, 4th fastest in marathon history, led early and silver medal in the Khelo India NTPC National Ranking
c) Geoffrey Kamworor c) Shailja Sinha
secured his second major win after the 2021 London Archery Championship.
d) Sisay Lemma Marathon. d) Muskan Singh • While Ekta Rani of Haryana won the gold medal.

• CJ Albertson was the top US men’s finisher in 7th place with • Shital was awarded the Arjuna Award for winning two

a time of 2:09:53, showcasing strong international gold and a silver medal at the Hangzhou Asian Para
Option : A
Option : D competition. Games earlier this year.

Where did the 13th European Girls’ For which country does Maia Bouchier play, who was
named the ICC Women's Player of the Month for
Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) 2024 take
March 2024? / Maia Bouchier वकस िे श के वलए खेलती
place? / 13िां यूरोवपयन ग य मैथमेवटकल ओलंवपयाड हैं, वज ें माचय 2024 के वलए ICC मवहला ेयर ऑफ ि मंथ
(EGMO) 2024 कहााँ ुआआ?
नावमत वकया गया था?

a) Tskaltubo, Georgia a) Australia • England's Maia Bouchier has been named ICC Women's
b) Chennai, India b) New Zealand Player of the Month for March 2024 after dazzling in New

c) Moscow, Russia Zealand T20Is.

• The 13th European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad c) South Africa
• She has a highest T20I score of 91 in 56 balls in Wellington.
d) Paris, France (EGMO) was held in Tskaltubo, Georgia from 11 to 17 d) England • Annabel Sutherland - ICC Women's Player of the Month for
April 2024.
February 2024
• The Indian team has performed quite commendably in
• Amy Hunter - ICC Women's Player of the Month for
Option : A this competition. Option : D
January 2024

Who was awarded the Hockey India Asunta Lakra Award

for Upcoming Player of the Year during the Hockey
How many medals were won by India at the
India 6th Annual Awards 2023? / हॉकी इं वडया के छठे िावषयक 20th Asian Wrestling Championship 2024? /
पुर ार 2023 के िौरान अपकवमं ग े यर ऑफ ि ईयर के वलए हॉकी इं वडया 20िी ं एवशयाई कु ी चैंवपयनवशप 2024 में भारत ने वकतने
असुं ता लाकडा पुर ार से वकसे स ावनत वकया गया? पिक जीते ?

a) Deepika Soreng a) 9 • India finishes Asian Wrestling Championship 2024 with nine medals
• Deepika Soreng has won the Hockey India Asunta Lakra
• Held in the Kyrgyzstan capital, Bishkek,
b) Rani Rampal Award for Upcoming Player of the Year 2023.
b) 7 • Amongst the Indian wrestlers, only Antim Panghal has secured a
• She has scored 7 goals in the Women's Junior Asia Cup
c) Vandana Katariya and 9 goals in the FIH Women's Hockey World Cup,
c) 3 quota for the Paris Olympics 2024.
• Medal Winner - Udit (men) Radhika (female) Anju (female) Harshita
d) Savita Punia Oman 2024. d) 13
• She has been named in the 33-member National (female) - Silver
Women's Team Core group; currently training at the SAI • Abhimanyu (men) Vicky (men) Shivanee Pawar (female) Antim
Option : A
Option : A Centre, Bangalore. (female) Manisha (female) - Bronze

Which Indian player recently played Who has secured India's first Olympic quota in
250 IPL matches? / वकस भारतीय द्धखलाडी ने rowing? / रोइं ग में भारत का पहला ओलंवपक कोटा वकसने
हाल ही में 250 आईपीएल मैच खेले? हावसल वकया है ?

• The match against Punjab Kings (PBKS) in Chandigarh was

a) Virat Kohli Rohit's 250th in the Indian Premier League. a) Kulwinder Singh
• He became the only 2nd player in the league's history to reach • The men's singles skull event has been held in the
b) MS Dhoni b) Sonali Swain
the mark after Mahendra Dhoni.
Asian Olympic qualifiers in Chungju, South Korea
c) Rohit Sharma • Dinesh Karthik (249) and Virat Kohli (244). c) Balraj Panwar • Balraj Panwar won the bronze medal in this qualifier
• Rohit also reached 6500 runs in the IPL, becoming the only
d) Jasprit Bumrah fourth batter.
d) Anshika Bharti and secured India's first quota for the Paris Olympics

➢ Virat Kohli - 7624

2024 in rowing

➢ Shikhar Dhawan - 6769 • Balraj won the bronze medal in the 2000 meter race
Option : C Option : C
➢ David Warner - 6563 with a time of 7 minutes 01.27 seconds
Two-time Asian Games gold medallist Saurav
Who has become the brand ambassador Ghosal has announced his retirement from
of Citroen India?/ कौन बने हैं िांड एं बेसडर professional ________________. / एवशयाई खेलों के िो बार के
वसटर ोएन इं वडया की? णय पिक विजे ता सौरि घोषाल ने पेशेिर ________________ से सं ास
ले ने की घोषणा की है

• Two-time Asian Games gold medallist Saurav Ghosal has

a) Sachin Tendulkar a) Squash
announced his retirement from professional squash.
b) Mahendra Singh Dhoni • French automaker Citroen has appointed former Indian b) Badminton • Ghosal was the only Indian to enter the top 10 of the
captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni as the brand Professional Squash Association world rankings, rising to world
c) Virat Kohli c) Tennis
ambassador of Citroen India No. 10 in 2019.
d) Rohit Sharma • Dhoni will advertise products for this company nfor d) Kabaddi • He held the ranking for six months.
two years • He also holds a record of 13 Indian Nationals title wins.
• Citroen becomes first multinational carmaker to export Option : A • In 2007, Saurav Ghosal became the first ever squash player to be
Option : B
EVs from India awarded country’s second highest sport award ,Arjuna Award.

Indian milk brand 'Nandini' has become the sponsor of Who recently won the Shanghai Grand
which two teams in the upcoming T20 Cricket World
Cup? / भारतीय िू ि िांड 'नंविनी' आगामी टी 20 वक्रकेट वि कप में वकन
Prix 2024 title? / हाल ही में शंघाई ग्रां प्री 2024
िो टीमों की प्रायोजक बन गई है ? का द्धखताब वकसने जीता?

a) Scotland and England a) Fernando Alonso

b) Scotland and Ireland • Indian milk brand 'Nandini' has been announced as the b) Lewis Hamilton
c) Nepal and Sri Lanka sponsor of the national cricket teams of Scotland and • Three-time defending champion Red Bull's Max
c) Max Verstappen
d) USA and Bangladesh Ireland in the upcoming T20 Cricket World Cup. Verstappen won the title of Shanghai Grand Prix 2024.

• Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) is famous for its

d) Daniel Ricciardo • This was his fourth win in five races this season and his

Nandini brand of dairy products. 23rd win in the last 27 races dating back to last season.

• The T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 will be co-hosted by Option : C • The next Grand Prix race will be held on May 5 in
Option : B the West Indies and the United States from June 1-29. Miami (USA).

Which Indian won two gold medals in the ACC

Which Indian Grandmaster has won the title
Paracanoe Asian Championship 2024? / वकस भारतीय
ने ACC पैराकेनो एवशयाई चै द्ध यनवशप 2024 में िो णय पिक
of Candidates Chess Tournament? / वकस
भारतीय ग्रैं डमा र ने कैंवडडे ट्स शतरं ज टू नाय मेंट का द्धखताब
जीते ?
जीता है ?

• India's 17-year old Grandmaster D Gukesh has created

a) Anamika Singh • Madhya Pradesh's top para canoer Prachi Yadav has won a) R Praggnanandhaa
history by winning the Candidates FIDE Candidate
b) Ragini Biswas two gold medals at the ACC Paracanoe Asian b) D Gukesh
Championship 2024
c) Prachi Yadav c) Vidit Gujarati • Gukesh has become the youngest winner, breaking the
• Held in Tokyo, Japan.
d) Harikrishna Pentala record set by the great Garry Kasparov 40 years ago.
d) None of these • Prachi, a resident of Gwalior, won medals in the
• He became the second Indian after the great Viswanathan
Women's KL2 and Women's VL2 categories.
Anand to win this prestigious tournament.
Option : C • Prachi has also been awarded the Arjuna Award in the
• Last year, he won a silver medal at the Hangzhou Asian
year 2023. Option : B

Who recently became the first bowler to Who has dethroned Manika Batra to become
achieve 200 wickets in the Indian Premier India's No.1 in women's singles table tennis in
League (IPL)? / हाल ही में इं वडयन प्रीवमयर लीग April 2024? / अप्रैल 2024 में मवहला एकल टे बल टे वनस में मवनका
(आईपीएल) में 200 विकेट हावसल करने िाले पहले बत्रा को पछाडकर भारत की नं बर 1 द्धखलाडी कौन बन गई है ?
गेंिबाज कौन बने?
• The leg-spinner accomplished the milestone in Rajasthan
a) Yuzvendra Chahal a) Ayhika Mukherjee • Sreeja Akula has overtaken Manika Batra as India's No.1 in
Royal’s match against Hardik Pandya’s Mumbai Indians.
women's singles table tennis, reaching a career-high World
b) Hardik Pandya • He is currently 3rd in the list of leading wicket-takers for RR in b) Sreeja Akula
T20 matches after the legendary Shane Warne (67) and fast
No. 38 in ITTF rankings
c) Dwayne Bravo bowler Siddharth Trivedi (65). c) Neha Aggarwal • Her ascent includes winning the WTT Feeder Corpus Christi
• Top wicket-taker in IPL history: 2024 and WTT Feeder Beirut II, and a notable victory over
d) Siddharth Trivedi d) Mouma Das
• Yuzvendra Chahal - 200 W world No. 2 Wang Yidi at the World Championships
• Dwayne Bravo - 183 W • Sreeja is also a two-time national champion, in mixed
• Piyush Chawla - 181 W Option : B doubles at the Commonwealth Games
Option : A • Bhuvneshwar - 174 W

Who has been appointed as the brand

ambassador of ICC Men's T20 World Cup Who won the Barcelona Open in
2024? / ICC पुरुष T20 वि कप 2024 के िांड एं बेसडर 2024? / 2024 में बावसयलोना ओपन वकसने
के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है ? जीता?

a) MS Dhoni a) Casper Ruud

b) Lionel Messi • Legendary sprinter Usain Bolt has been appointed as
b) Stefanos Tsitsipas
the official brand ambassador of the upcoming ICC
• Norwegian Casper Ruud defeated Stefanos
c) Sachin Tendulkar Men's T20 World Cup 2024.
c) Marta Kostyuk Tsitsipas to win the Barcelona Open, the
d) Usain Bolt • It is noteworthy that it will be organized from 1 to 29 d) Elena Rybakina biggest title of his career.
June under the co-hosting of West Indies and the
• Ruud, a three-time Grand Slam runner-up,
United States.
Option : D had previously won 10 ATP Tour titles
• 20 teams from around the world are participating in it. Option : A
Who was elected Chairman of the Athletes Where is the Archery World Cup 2024
Commission of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) in being organized? / तीरं िाजी वि कप 2024 का
April 2024?/ अप्रैल 2024 में भारतीय कु ी महासंघ (WFI) के
आयोजन कहााँ वकया जा रहा है ?
एथलीट आयोग का अ क्ष वकसे चुना गया?

a) Narsingh Pancham a) Malaysia

• Former Commonwealth Games gold medalist Narsingh
b) Aditi Ashok b) South Korea • Archery World Cup 2024 is being organized in
Pancham Yadav was elected the Chairman of the Athletes
Shanghai, China.
c) Ramesh Kumar Commission of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) c) China
• The Indian trio of Tarundeep Rai, Dheeraj
• Wrestling Federation of India (WFI)
d) Anjali Sharma d) India Bommadevaara and Praveen Jadhav have confirmed
• WFI governs wrestling in India.
medals by reaching the men's recurve final.
• Headquarters of WFI is located in New Delhi.
• Jyothi Surekha Vennam finished second in the
Option : A • WFI is recognized by the Government of India and the
Option : C women's compound qualification round in Stage I.
Indian Olympic Association.

Who has been named as the ambassador of The Aramco company, which will sponsor
the ICC Women's T20 World Cup Qualifier? / FIFA’s major football tournament till 2027,
आईसीसी मवहला टी 20 वि कप क्वालीफायर के राजिू त के belongs to which country? / अरामको कंपनी,
रूप में वकसे नावमत वकया गया है ? जो 2027 तक फीफा के प्रमुख फुटबॉल टूनायमें ट को
प्रायोवजत करे गी, वकस िे श से संबंवित है ?

a) Sana Mir • Sana Mir, former Pakistan cricket captain with

a) United States • FIFA announced a major sponsorship deal
b) Mithali Raj 226 international caps, was named ambassador of
the Women’s T20 World Cup Qualifier by the ICC. b) Saudi Arabia with the Saudi Arabian oil giant Aramco on
c) Ellyse Perry
• The tournament, to be held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, c) Switzerland 25 April 2024.
d) Suzie Bates will feature 10 teams competing for two spots in • Under the deal, Aramco company would
d) Spain
the ICC Women's T20 World Cup 2024.
sponsor major FIFA tournaments until 2027.
• Revision - Usain Bolt to be the brand ambassador
Option : A of the 2024 ICC T20 World Cup Option : B

Who among the following is appointed Who won the Batch Open Squash title by
Ambassador of the Men's T20 World Cup defeating France's Melvil Scianimanico? /
2024? / वन वलद्धखत में से वकसे पुरुष T20 वि कप 2024 फ्ांस के मेलविल साइवनमैवनको को हराकर बैच ओपन ैश
का राजिू त वनयुक्त वकया गया है ? द्धखताब वकसने जीता?

a) Yuvraj Singh a) Saurav Ghosal • Velavan Senthilkumar has won his eighth Professional Squash

b) Velavan Senthilkumar Association (PSA) title at the Batch Open Challenger in Paris,
b) MS Dhoni • Yuvraj Singh becomes ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024
defeating France's Melvil Scianimanico.
Ambassador c) Joshna Chinappa
c) Sachin Tendulkar • The 26-year-old Indian squash sensation has taken home a
• Revision
d) Ramit Tandon
d) Kapil Dev USD 12,000 cash prize for his triumph in the finals on April 29.
➢ Usain Bolt to be the brand ambassador of the 2024
• This victory has asserted Velavan's rising status in the
ICC T20 World Cup
professional squash world.
➢ Sana Mir to be the brand ambassador of the 2024
Option : A Option : B
Women’s ICC T20 World Cup

Who secured India's 21st shooting quota for the Paris 2024 At the 21st Asian U20 Athletics Championships held in
Olympics in the women's skeet event at the shotgun Dubai, which promising middle distance runner won a silver
Olympic qualification championship in Doha, Qatar? / िोहा, medal for India in the women's 800m event? / िु बई में आयोवजत
कतर में शॉटगन ओलं वपक यो৓ता चैं वपयनवशप में मवहलाओं की ीट िाय में 21िी ं एवशयाई U20 एथले वटস चैं वपयनवशप में, वकस होनहार म म िू री की िािक
पे ररस 2024 ओलं वपक के वलए भारत का 21िां शू वटं ग कोटा वकसने हावसल वकया? ने मवहलाओं की 800 मीटर िाय में भारत के वलए रजत पिक जीता?

a) Apurvi Chandela • Maheshwari Chauhan secured the 21st Olympic • Laxita Vinod Sandilea and Shreeya Rajesh clinched
a) Nadini
silver and bronze in the women's 800m and 400m
b) Manu Bhaker quota for India by winning a silver medal in women’s
b) Laxita Vinod Sandilea
skeet at the Shotgun Olympic qualifier in Doha. hurdles respectively at the 21st Asian U20 Athletics in
c) Rahi Sarnobat c) Sabita Toppo Dubai.
• This achievement marked India's fifth Olympic quota
d) Maheshwari Chauhan in shotgun events, while missing out on three in
d) Unnathi Aiyappa Bolland • The country anticipates more medals as the

men’s and women’s trap and men’s skeet. competition progresses, highlighting a strong

• Chauhan has set a national record qualifying score of performance.

• The Asian U20 Athletics Championships is currently
121/125. Option : B
Option : D organized by the Asian Athletics Association.

Which country was appointed to chair the UN

forum on women's rights and gender equality's
69th session in 2025? / 2025 में मवहलाओं के अविकारों
और लैं वगक समानता के 69िें सत्र पर सं युक्त रा र मं च की अ क्षता
करने के वलए वकस िे श को वनयु क्त वकया गया था?
Appointments a) Saudi Arabia
• Criticism from women's rights advocates

2024 b) Switzerland
• Amnesty International's Sherine Tadros highlights
poor record
• Human Rights Watch expresses concern
c) Canada
• Saudi Arabia asserts commitment to women's rights
d) Sweden • "Saudi Vision 2030" aims for women's empowerment
• CSW session chairmanship aligns with Saudi future
Option : A vision
Who has assumed charge as the Principal Director
Who was named as the co-chair of the FIH General of the Press Information Bureau in April 2024
Athletes Committee alongside P.R. Sreejesh in upon the superannuation of Shri Manish Desai? / श्री
2024? / 2024 में पीआर श्रीजेश के साथ FIH एथलीट सवमवत मनीष िे साई की से िावनिृव पर अप्रै ल 2024 में प्रे स सू चना ूरो के प्रिान
महावनिे शक के रूप में वकसने पिभार ग्रहण वकया है ?
के सह-अ क्ष के रूप में वकसे नावमत वकया गया था?

a) Tayyab Ikram a) Rajeev Singh

• Ms. Sharan succeeds Manish Desai.
b) Sardar Singh b) Smita Sharma
• FIH Athletes Committee advises FIH Executive Board • Officer of 1990 batch, Indian Information Service.
c) Camila Caram • Focus on athlete welfare and initiatives c) Sheyphali B. Sharan • Served as PIB officer for key ministries.
• Aligned with FIH's 'Empowerment and Engagement' strategy d) Ajay Mittal • Spokesperson for Election Commission.
d) Alyson Annan
• Sreejesh honored to be part of the committee • Held cadre posts, OSD at Information Ministry.
• Commitment to global hockey improvement • Welcomed by senior PIB officials.
Option : C
Option : C • Implementing FIH's vision, prioritizing athlete empowerment

Who has been appointed as India's next Who has been elected as the new Chairman of
ambassador to Niger in March 2024? / माचय the Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association
2024 में नाइजर में भारत के अगले राजिू त के रूप में (ATMA)? / ऑटोमोवटि टायर मै ुफैक्चरसय एसोवसएशन
वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है ? (ATMA) के नए अ क्ष के रूप में वकसे चु ना गया है ?

a) Sudhi Choudhary • Meena appointed as Director in Ministry, soon to embark a) Arnab Banerjee • Banerjee: Joined CEAT in 2005, COO since 2018.
b) Vinay Mohan Kwatra on diplomatic role.
b) Ajay Joshi • Alumnus: Harvard Business School, IIM Kolkata, IIT
• Joined Ministry in 2008, chosen for diplomatic
c) Syed Akbaruddin Kharagpur.
assignment. c) Narendra Kumar
d) Sita Ram Meena • Holds Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
• Bilateral relations between India and Niger thriving since
d) Abhijit Mitra Iyer Certification.
• ATMA: Represents Indian automotive tyre sector.
• Niger opened embassy in New Delhi in 2011.
Option : A • Members: Apollo, Bridgestone, CEAT, Continental,
Option : D • Niger's capital: Niamey; Currency: West African CFA franc.
Goodyear, JK Tyre, MRF, TVS Tyres.

Who has been unanimously elected as the President

Who took over as president of the FICCI of the Federation of Indian Micro and Small &
Ladies Organisation? / वफक्की मवहला संगठन Medium Enterprises (FISME) for 2024-25? / वकसे
के अ क्ष के रूप में वकसने पिभार संभाला? सियस वत से 2024-25 के वलए फेडरे शन ऑफ इं वडयन माइक्रो एं ड
ॉल एं ड मीवडयम एं टरप्राइजे ज (FISME) का अ क्ष चु ना गया है ?

• Joyshree Das Verma has been appointed as the 41st • Sandeep Jain, an auto-component manufacturer and
a) Priya Gupta a) Prashant Patel
President of the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) for the IIT-Kanpur alumnus, has been unanimously elected
b) Joyshree Das Verma year 2024-25. b) Sandeep Jain as the President of FISME for the 2024-25 term.
c) Nisha Sharma • It aims to foster inclusive and sustainable advancement
c) Bimal Upadhayay • Sandeep Jain's selection was confirmed at the
under the theme 'Collective Vision, Collaborative Action'.
d) Neha Patel d) Subhash Karak Central Executive Committee meeting in New Delhi.
• Israel has appointed her as its Honorary Consul for
• Jain takes over the reins of FISME from Prashant
Northeast India.
Option : B • Verma is also the Director of Kaapro Management Option : B
Solutions Pvt Ltd..

Who has recently taken charge as the Who has been appointed as Inspector
President of ASSOCHAM? / हाल ही में एसोचैम General in the Special Protection Group
के अ क्ष के रूप में वकसने काययभार संभाला है? (SPG)? / विशेष सुरक्षा समूह (एसपीजी) में महावनरीक्षक के
रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है ?
• Sanjay Nayar, has taken over as president of industry
a) Alok Ranjan body ASSOCHAM for 2024-25. a) Sujoy Lal Thaosen • Love Kumar appointed as Inspector General in the

b) Abhay Kumar Singh • Sanjay Nair replaces Ajay Singh, special protection group
b) Love Kumar
• Appointed by Appointments Committee of the cabinet
c) Sanjay Nayar c) Ranjit Singh
• ASSOCHAM is a non-governmental trade association • Love Kumar: 2004-batch IPS officer
d) Prakash Kalra and advocacy group d) Lokesh Bhatt • Two-year appointment or till further orders
• HQ - New Delhi • Currently serving as DIG

Option : C • Established - 1920 • Umesh chander Datta (IPS) has also been appointed as
Option : B
• One of the largest trade associations in India. IG in SPG for 2 years

Who has been appointed as the 8th Executive Who has been appointed as the head of the internal
Secretary of the Convention on Biological departmental committee for the protection of forests in
Diversity in April 2024? / अप्रैल 2024 में जैविक विवििता Delhi? / वि ी में िनों की सुरक्षा के वलए आं तररक विभागीय
पर क ेंशन के 8िें कायय कारी सवचि के रूप में वकसे वनयु क्त वकया
सवमवत के प्रमुख के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है?
गया है ?

a) Ban Ki-moon a) Justice Najmi Waziri

b) Justice Amitava Roy
b) Javier Pérez de Cuéllar
c) Justice Deepak Gupta
c) Elizabeth Maruma Mrema • Astrid Schomaker of Germany Appointed as • Former Judge Najmi Waziri to Head Committee for Delhi
d) Justice Ranjan Gogoi
Executive Secretary of CBD Forest Protection
d) Astrid Schomaker
• CBD's first Executive Secretary from Germany. • Appointed by - Delhi High Court recently
Option : D • Appointed by António Guterres, Secretary- • Justice Waziri is known as the "Green Judge" because of
Option : A
General (SG) of the United Nations (UN), orders passed by him to increase the green cover in the city
Who has Air India recently appointed as the Who has been appointed as the full-time
head of its global airport operations? / एयर member of the Sixteenth Finance Commission? /
इं वडया ने हाल ही में अपने िैव क हिाई अਊे के संचालन के सोलहिें वि आयोग के पूणयकावलक सि के रूप में वकसे
प्रमुख के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया है ? वनयुक्त वकया गया है ?

• Air India Appoints Jayaraj Shanmugam as Head of

a) Nandkishore Kalra a) Rajeev Kumar • The government of India has appointed eminent economist
Global Airport Operations
b) Jayaraj Shanmugam • The appointment of Jayaraj Shanmugam marks a Manoj Panda as a member of the 16th Finance Commission.
b) Amitabh Kant
significant milestone in Air India's Vihaan.AI • Manoj Panda - replace Niranjan Rajadhyaksha,
c) Ravichandran Nagarajan c) Manoj Panda • The Sixteenth Finance Commission was constituted on 31
transformation journey
d) Abhinav Gupta • Air India had its origin in Tata Sons, founded by J. d) Rajmohan Sinha December 2023 by President Murmu under Article 280 of

R. D. Tata in 15 October 1932 the Constitution.

• Air India became the 27th member of Star Alliance • Article 280 provides that the President must constitute a
Option : B Option : C
on 11 July 2014. Finance Commission every five years or sooner thereafter.

Who is appointed as the UK’s first-ever woman high Who has been appointed the head of
commissioner to India? भारत में विटे न की पहली मवहला
उৡायुक्त के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है ?
the US-India Tax Forum? / यूएस-इं वडया
टै স फोरम का प्रमुख वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है?

a) Lindy Cameron • Lindy Cameron, the former CEO of the UK’s National Cyber a) Tarun Bajaj
Security Centre, will take over as the country’s first-ever • The US-India Strategic and Partnership Forum (USISPF)
b) Nancy Astor b) Akashdeep Goyal has appointed former Revenue Secretary and former
woman high commissioner to India.
c) Therese Coffey • Cameron’s appointment comes 70 years after India c) Rajesh Taneja Secretary of Economic Affairs Tarun Bajaj as the head of
the US-India Tax Forum.
d) Rosie Cooper
appointed Vijaylakshmi Pandit as its high commissioner in d) Vinay Kumar Sinha • The US-India Tax Forum was officially launched on
London in 1954.
February 25, 2020.
• Cameron has previously served in Iraq and Afghanistan • The US-India Tax Forum has around 350 member
Option : A Option : A
• India is the UK’s 12th-largest trade partner. companies

Who has been appointed as Joint Director in the Central

Who was re-elected to the International Bureau of Investigation by the Appointments Committee of
Narcotics Control Board? / अंतराय र ीय the Cabinet in April 2024? / अप्रैल 2024 में कैवबने ट की वनयु द्धक्त
नारकोवटস कंटर ोल बोडय के वलए वकसे वफर से चुना गया? सवमवत ारा केंिीय जां च ूरो में सं युक्त वनिे शक के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त
वकया गया है ?

• Ms. Jagjit Pavadia has been elected to the International • The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has
a) Jagjit Pavadia a) Anurag Kumar
Narcotics Control Board for the period 2025-2030 in the approved the appointment of Anurag Kumar (IPS) for the

b) Jay Prakash election held in New York b) Vipul Aggarwal post of Joint Director in CBI.
• This election was organized by the United Nations • Kumar is a 1994-batch Indian Police Service (IPS) officer of
c) Jagmeet Singh c) Javeed Ahmad
Economic and Social Council. the Assam Meghalaya cadre.
d) Pavneet Singh d) Rakesh Asthana • Presently, he is posted as IG, BPR&D.
• It is considered to be the most competitive election. Ms.
Pavadia secured the maximum votes. • CBI/Headquarters: New Delhi
• India got 41 votes out of 53 voting members of the UN Option : A • Agency executive: Praveen Sood, IPS, Director
Option : A
Economic and Social Council • Founded: 1 April 1963

Who has been appointed as the Director of the National Who has been appointed as the Brand
Judicial Academy (NJAC), Bhopal by the Supreme Ambassador of SPACE India? / ेस इं वडया
Court? / सिोৡ ायालय ारा रा र ीय ावयक अकािमी (एनजेएसी), के िांड एं बेसडर के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है?
भोपाल के वनिे शक के रूप में वकसे वनयु क्त वकया गया है ?

a) Justice Sanjiv Khanna • The Supreme Court has appointed Justice Aniruddha a) Shalini Bahmba • Sanjana Sanghi is a rising young Bollywood star and UNDP
Bose as the Director of The National Judicial Academy
b) Mr. Justice Bhushan (NJAC), Bhopal.
b) Shivam Gupta Youth Champion.
• Furthermore, Sanjana is a gold medalist from the Lady Shri
Ramkrishna Gavai • He served as an advocate in the Calcutta High Court and c) Mitul Jain
Ram College (University of Delhi).
was appointed as Permanent Judge of Calcutta High
c) Justice Aniruddha Bose
Court in 2004. d) Sanjana Sanghi • SPACE India is the registered Space Tutor of ISRO, founded
d) Justice Surya Kant • Justice Bose was appointed as the Chief Justice of in 2001, and has inspired over 1.5 Million students.
Jharkhand High Court by the then President of India, • SPACE India's Co-founder - Shalini Bahmba
Option : C Option : D
Shri Ramnath Kovind in 2018. • Managing Directors - Shivam Gupta and Mitul Jain

Who has recently been given the additional Who has been appointed as the Managing
charge of Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and Director (MD) of the company by Intel for
Program Implementation? / हाल ही में वकसे सांद्धূकी India? / भारत के वलए इं टेल ारा कंपनी के प्रबंि वनिे शक
और कायय क्रम कायाय यन मं त्रालय के सवचि का अवतररक्त प्रभार (एमडी) के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है ?
विया गया है ?

a) Atul Garg a) Meenesh Shah • Santhosh Viswanathan will lead Intel's India region
business as Managing Director (MD)
b) Saurabh Garg b) Rakesh Mohan
• Viswanathan took charge as the Vice President and
c) Ajay Kumar Sinha c) Santosh Kumar Jha Managing Director of the India market in July 2022
d) Ramesh Kushwaha • The Central Government has given additional charge of d) Santhosh Viswanathan • Now Intel has divided India as a separate region
Secretary of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme • Founders of Intel: Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce
Implementation (MoSPI) to IAS officer Saurabh Garg. • CEO: Patrick P. Gelsinger
Option : B
• Garg is a 1991 batch IAS officer of Odisha cadre Option : D • Headquarters: Santa Clara, California, United States
Who has been appointed as the DG of NSG Which country has appointed its first
by the Appointments Committee of the defence advisor to India? / वकस िे श ने भारत
Cabinet / कैवबनेट की वनयुद्धक्त सवमवत ारा एनएसजी के
महावनिे शक के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है के वलए अपना पहला रक्षा सलाहकार वनयुक्त वकया है?

• Nalin Prabhat becomes the new chief of National

a) Daljit Singh a) Australia
Security Guard. • Papua New Guinea has appointed its
b) Sapna Tiwari • Currently serving as the Additional Director General of b) America first defence advisor to India
the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Jammu and
c) Nalin Prabhat c) Japan • Papua New Guinea has appointed
d) Ajith Kumar d) Papua New Guinea Colonel Addison Nepyo to this post
• The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has also
approved the appointment of Sapna Tiwari as Special • India and Papua New Guinea
Option : C Director in the Intelligence Bureau (IB). formalized diplomatic relations in 1976
Option : D
• Presently the Director of IB is Tapan Kumar Deka.

Amitabh Chaudhry has been reappointed as Who has been selected for the appointment as
the MD and CEO of which bank? / अवमताभ चौिरी Director in the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
को वकस बैंक के एमडी और सीईओ के रूप में वफर से वनयुक्त in April 2024? / अप्रैल 2024 में आिास और शहरी मामलों के
वकया गया है ? मंत्रालय में वनिे शक के रूप में वनयुद्धक्त के वलए वकसे चुना गया है?

a) Axis Bank a) Ajay Bhushan Pandey • Sunil Kumar Yadav (IRS) has been
b) SBI • Axis Bank has recently reappointed Amitabh b) Sunil Kumar Yadav appointed as the Director in the Ministry
Chaudhry as the MD and CEO of the bank. c) Rajiv Gauba of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA)
c) PNB
• The Axis Bank board has appointed Chaudhry for a d) Amitabh Kant • The appointment falls under the Central
d) Yes Bank
term of three years with effect from January 1, 2025. Staffing Scheme
• Prior to this, he was the MD and CEO of HDFC Life.
Option : A Option : B

Who has been re-appointed as the deputy Who has been appointed as the Chief Vigilance
governor of RBI in April 2024? / अप्रैल 2024 Officer (CVO) of NTPC Limited in April 2024? / अप्रैल
2024 में NTPC वलवमटे ड के मु ূ सतकयता अविकारी (CVO) के रूप
में RBI के वड ी गिनयर के रूप में वकसे वफर से वनयुक्त में वकसे वनयु क्त वकया गया है ?
वकया गया है?
• Rashmita Jha (IRS) has been appointed as the Chief
a) Swaminathan J
• T Rabi Sankar re-appointed as RBI Deputy Governor for a a) Ravindra Kumar Vigilance Officer (CVO) of NTPC Limited.
b) Dr. M.D. Patra • Rashmita is an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer
year from May 3, 2024.
b) Piyush Singh
c) T Rabi Sankar • Sankar, with an M Phil in economics from JNU, began RBI of the 1997 batch.

d) M. Rajeshwar Rao career in 1990, previously Executive Director.

c) Rashmita Jha • National Thermal Power Corporation is an Indian

• The RBI's direction is set by a 21-member board: 1 Maharatna Central Public Sector Undertaking under
d) Sangitha Varier
governor, 4 deputy governors, 2 finance ministry officials, the ownership of the Ministry of Power.

10 government nominees, and 4 local board • Founded in 1975.

Option : C • Headquarters: New Delhi.
representatives from Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and Delhi. Option : C
• CEO: Gurdeep Singh.

Who has resigned as the Chief Executive

Officer (CEO) of Wipro in April 2024? / अप्रैल
2024 में विप्रो के मुূ काययकारी अविकारी (CEO) के रूप में
वकसने इ ीफा िे विया है?

Resignations a) Rishad Premji

• Thierry Delaporte resigns as CEO of Wipro.
• Srinivas Pallia appointed as new CEO and MD.

b) Srinivas Pallia • Pallia's appointment effective from April 7, 2024, for 5

c) Thierry Delaporte
• India's third largest IT company.
d) None of the above • Wipro Founder: M.H. Hasham Premji;
• Wipro Owner: Azim Premji;
Option : C • Wipro Headquarters: Bengaluru;
• Wipro Founded: 29 December 1945, India.

Who is the author of the book "Code Dependent: Living

in the Shadow of AI," which has been shortlisted for the
2024 inaugural Women's Prize for Non-fiction? / "कोड
वडपेंडेंट: वलविंग इन ि शै डो ऑफ एआई" पु क के ले खक कौन हैं , वजसे नॉन-
वफक्शन के वलए 2024 के उि् घाटन मवहला पुर ार के वलए चु ना गया है ?
Books & Authors
a) Jhumpa Lahiri
2024 b) Madhumita Murgia
• AI's societal impact: power, flaws,
c) Aravind Adiga
• Murgia's insight on AI's influence
d) Amitav Ghosh on agency
• Published by Picador, recent release
Option : B
in India
Who are the two authors of the book "The Law and
Who authored the book "Planning for
Spirituality: Reconnecting the Bond" released by
India's Urbanisation"? / " ावनंग फॉर इं वडयाज the Vice President in April, 2024? / अप्रैल, 2024 में
अबयनाइजेशन" पु क वकसने वलखी है ? उपरा र पवत ारा जारी पु क "ि लॉ एं ड द्ध ररचु अवलटी: ररकने द्धक्टं ग ि
बॉ " के िो ले खक कौन हैं ?

a) Prof. Yudhveer Singh and

• "Planning for India's Urbanisation" by Vidyadhar K. • Prof. Raman Mittal and Dr. Seema Singh wrote the
a) Vidyadhar K. Phatak Prof. Akhand Pratap Singh
Phatak, b) Prof. Yogesh Chandel and Dr. book "The Law and Spirituality: Reconnecting the
b) Siddharth Rajsekar • launched by CEPT University Press, Rimon Singha Bond".

c) Bijendra Lahori • The four main themes of the book include urbanization c) Prof. Raman Mittal and Dr. • The Vice President, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar
and its challenges, the centrality of land in planning and Seema Singh released the book.
d) Dr. Kushal Shukla d) Prof. Atul Jena and Dr.
financing of development, urban housing, and planning • Attorney General R. Venkataramani and Vice
Alokananda Majumdar
a metropolis. Chancellor of Delhi University Prof. Yogesh Singh
have also launched the book.
Option : A Option : C

Who is the author of the book "India - the

Who is the author of the book "The
Road to Renaissance: A Vision and an
Satanic Verses"? / "ि सैटेवनक िसेज" पु क Agenda"? / "इं वडया - ि रोड टू रे नेसां: ए विजन एं ड एन
के लेखक कौन हैं ? एजेंडा" पु क के लेखक कौन हैं ?

a) Salman Rushdie • Salman Rushdie's memoir Knife recounts his survival a) D Subbarao • The book is written by former UN official Bhimeswara
after the harrowing attack he faced in 2002. b) Bhimeswara Challa Challa.
b) J.K. Rowling
• He has faced death threats since his 1988 novel “The • The book was launched at Administrative Staff College
c) Jaya Prakash Narayana
c) Gabriel García Márquez Satanic Verses” was declared blasphemous by Iran’s of India (ASCI) campus.
d) Rohan Sharma
supreme leader. • The launch event was attended by former IAS officer Dr
d) Haruki Murakami
• Rushdie's celebrated bibliography also features the Jayaprakash Narayan, former ASCI chairman K.
Booker Prize-winning 'Midnight's Children,' alongside Padamanabhaiah and former RBI Governor Dr D. Subba
Option : A 'Shame' and 'The Moor's Last Sigh.' Option : B Rao.

Who authored the book "Adventure of a Who wrote the book "Heavenly Islands
Travelling Monk: A Memoir"? / "एडिेंचर ऑफ of Goa"? / "हेिनली आइलैंड्स ऑफ गोिा"
ए टर ै िवलंग मॉ : ए मेमॉयर" पु क वकसने वलखी है? पु क वकसने वलखी है?

a) Sri Sharada Peetham • Shankaracharya of Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada

a) Swami AcharyaKrishna • Over 50 years of dedication, Indradyumna Swami has b) Damodar Mauzo Peetham, Sringeri, Jagadguru Sri Sri

b) Paramahansa Yogananda shared his life experiences in 'Adventures of a Travelling Vidhushekhara Bharati Swami released a new
c) Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara
Monk', offering readers a compelling passport to life's book “Heavenly Islands of Goa.”
c) Indradyumna Swami Bharati Swami
profound mysteries and spiritual insights. • The book has been authored by Governor of
d) Sri Chinmoy d) P.S. Sreedharan Pillai
• Indradyumna Swami has journeyed globally, facing Goa P.S. Sreedharan Pillai, in Goa.

diverse challenges, from surviving attacks in Sarajevo to • The book, which is Mr. Pillai’s 221st, was

being mistaken for a terror suspect. released at a program held at New Durbar Hall
Option : C Option : D in the Raj Bhavan in Dona Paula.
• Harper Collins has published his memoir.

Which country in South Asia had the biggest

gains in life expectancy as per the recent Lancet
study? / हाल के लैंसेट अ यन के अनुसार िवक्षण एवशया के
वकस िे श में जीिन प्र ाशा में सबसे अविक लाभ ुआआ है?

Ranking & Reports a) Nepal • According to a Lancet study, people worldwide are living

2024 b) India
c) Bhutan
more than six years longer on average in 2021 than they
did in 1990.
• The study also showed that life expectancy in India has
increased by nearly eight years in the past three decades.
d) Bangladesh
• In South Asia, Bhutan saw the biggest gains in life
expectancy (13.6 years), followed by Bangladesh (13.3),
Option : C Nepal (10.4), and Pakistan (2.5 years).

According to the UNESCAP report, how much Which district has topped in providing tap water
of daily working hours is India expected to lose to people's homes according to the Jal Jeevan
in 2030 due to heat stress? / यूएनईएससीएपी की Mission? / जल जीिन वमशन के अनुसार लोगों के घरों में नल का
ररपोटय के अनु सार, गमी के तनाि के कारण 2030 में भारत को पानी पुआं चाने में कौन सा वजला सबसे ऊपर है ?
िै वनक कामकाजी घं टों का वकतना नु कसान होने की उ ीि है ?

a) 2.2% a) Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh

• United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
b) 5.8% the Pacific (UNESCAP) released a report titled "Economic and b) Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu
• The Central Government has released the rank of 299
c) 6.2% Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2024: Boosting affordable c) Meerut, Uttar Pradesh districts across the country.
and longer-term financing for Governments". d) Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu • Nilgiri district of TamilNadu achieved 1st place,
d) 8.9% • India to lose 5.8% of daily working hours amid heat stress in • while Mahoba district of UP ranked 2nd in the country
2030 as UNESCAP report under the Jal Jeevan Mission.
• This would lead to decrease in productivity and lower collection Option : B • Cuddalore (TamilNadu) ranked 3rd
Option : B
of fiscal revenues.
According to WHO, how many people have died in India due to What is India's rank in the world for having the maximum number
hepatitis infection in 2022?/ WHO के अनुसार, 2022 में हेपेटाइवटस of unicorns, as per the Hurun Unicorn Index 2024?/ ुआरुन यूवनकॉनय
संक्रमण के कारण भारत में वकतने लोगों की मृ ु ुआई है इं डेস 2024 के अनुसार, यूवनकॉनय की अविकतम संূा के मामले में भारत
की रैं क क्या है ?

• According to WHO's Global Hepatitis Report 2024,

a) 2.23 Lakh • 1.23 lakh people have died in India due to infectious hepatitis viral disease
a) Third
b) 4.23 Lakh in 2022 b) Fourt
• The Global Hepatitis Report 2024 - released during the World Hepatitis
c) 5.23 Lakh c) Sixth
Summit held in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal from 9 to 11 April 2024
d) 1.23 Lakh • WHO has set a target to eliminate hepatitis worldwide by 2030
d) First
• Hepatitis is a viral disease
• Hepatitis is a disease affecting the liver
Option : D • There are five main types of hepatitis virus: A, B, C, D, and E Option : A
• Hepatitis B can be prevented through vaccination

Hurun Global Unicorn Index 2024 What is India's rank in the World Cybercrime
• India ranks third with 67 unicorns.
Index 2024? वि साइबर अपराि सूचकांक 2024 में
• According to the Hurun Global Unicorn Index 2024, India for the first time recorded a decline
भारत की रैं क क्या है ?
in unicorn creation since 2017.
• India in 2023 had 67 unicorns, which is 1 less than 68 such startups last year.
• Experts from Oxford University and the University of New
• 1st - USA - 703 unicorns
a) 10 South Wales have done a global study on cybercrime
• 2nd - China - 340 unicorns.
• Index Based: Technical Products, Cyber Attacks and
• UK and EU ranked No 4 and No 5 in the list, respectively. b) 15
Extortion, Data, Scan Ford, Money Laundering
• The total value of the world's unicorns have reached US$5 trillion
c) 18 • According to a new research by cyber crime experts from
• the Food delivery platform Swiggy and fantasy sports-focused Dream11 are the most valuable
unicorns from India. d) 9 around the world, India ranks 10th in terms of cyber crime
• 100 countries were included in this index
• Swiggy and Dream11 were ranked 83rd in the world.
Option : A • Russia tops the list, followed by Ukraine, China, the USA,
• The third most valuable unicorn was Razorpay at $7.5 billion.
Nigeria and Romania.
• It was ranked 94th in the world.

What is the rank of Delhi airport in the list

According to Global Forest Watch, how much tree
of world's busiest airports? / िु वनया के सबसे
हिाई अਊों की सूची में वि ी हिाई अਊे का रैं क cover has been lost in India? / ৕ोबल फॉरे िॉच के
क्या है? अनुसार, भारत में वकतना िृक्षों का आिरण न हो गया है?

• According to data from the Global Forest Watch

a) 9th a) 4.33 million hectares Monitoring Project, India has lost 2.33 million hectares
• Delhi Airport ( Indira Gandhi International Airport ) has been
b) 10th
included in the list of ten busiest airports in the world for b) 5.33 million hectares of tree cover since 2000
• India shows a decrease of 6 per cent in total tree cover
c) 11th 2023. c) 2.33 million hectares • The State of Assam has suffered the maximum loss of
• Airports Council International (ACI) World has released this
d) 12th d) 7.33 million hectares tree cover
• Assam has the highest loss of tree cover of 324,000
• America's Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
Option : B hectares
tops the list Option : C

According to the United Nations Population Fund's Which magazine releases the annual list of the 100 most
(UNFPA) State of World Population - 2024 report, how influential people in the world, that has been revealed in
long is India's population estimated to double? / संयुक्त April 2024? / कौन सी पवत्रका िु वनया के 100 सबसे प्रभािशाली लोगों की
रा र जनसं ূा कोष (UNFPA) की े ट ऑफ ि य पॉपुलेशन - 2024 ररपोटय िावषय क सू ची जारी करती है , वजसका खु लासा अप्रैल 2024 में वकया गया है ?
के अनु सार, भारत की जनसं ূा कब तक िोगु नी होने का अनु मान है ?
• Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People of 2024“
• The United Nations Population Fund's (UNFPA) State of World Population
• Indians - Alia Bhatt (Indian Actor) , Sakshi Malik (Indian Wrestler)
a) 50 years 2024 Report a) Forbes
• People of Indian Origin
• India's Population (2024) estimated at 144 crore.
b) 150 years • India's Population is estimated to double in 77 years.
b) Time • Ajay Banga (President of the World Bank)

• Estimated Population (By Age Group) • Asma Khan (British Restaurateur)

c) 100 years c) The Economist
• Aged 0-14 years - 24% , Aged 10-19 years - 17%, Aged 10-24 years - 26% , • Dev Patel (British Actor)
d) 77 years Aged 15-64 years - 68% , Aged 65 & older - 7% d) Vanity Fair • Jigar Shah (Director of the US Department of Energy’s Loan Programs
• Total Fertility rate, per woman (2024) - 2 Office)
• India's Life Expectancy (For Male) - 71 Years
• Priyamvada Natarajan (Professor in the Departments of Astronomy and
• India's Life Expectancy (For Female) - 74 Years Option : B
Physics at Yale University)
Option : D • Child Marriage by Age 18 yrs (2023) - 23%
• Satya Nadella (Executive Chairman and CEO of Microsoft)

What is the projected annual death toll from breast Which has become the world's largest
cancer by the year 2040, according to a new Lancet mobile operator in terms of data traffic? /
commission? / एक नए लैंसेट आयोग के अनुसार, िषय 2040 तक न डे टा टर ै वफक के मामले में िु वनया का सबसे बडा मोबाइल
कैंसर से अनु मावनत िावषय क मृ ु िर क्या है ? ऑपरे टर कौन बन गया है ?

a) 5,00,000 • Breast cancer has become the most common cancer a) Airtel India
b) 10,00,000 worldwide, projected to cause a million deaths
• India's telecom company Reliance Jio has achieved a
b) Reliance Jio
annually by 2040, per the Lancet Commission.
c) 20,00,000 significant milestone by becoming the world's
• 7.8 million women were diagnosed in the past five c) BSNL Mobile largest mobile operator company by overtaking
d) 25,00,000 years until 2020; around 685,000 fatalities reported in
d) Vodafone Idea Limited China in terms of data traffic
2020 alone.
• The total traffic on Jio network has reached 40.9
• The risk for women globally is now 1 in 12 for being
Option : B diagnosed by age 75, with incidence rates increasing.
Option : B
• Jio has 481.8 million subscribers
According to the Global Report on Food Crisis 2023, Indexes and Reports Revision-
how many people in the world are facing a serious
hunger problem? / ৕ोबल ररपोटय ऑन फूड क्राइवसस 2023 के • Breast cancer to cause a million deaths a year by 2040: Lancet report
अनु सार, िु वनया में वकतने लोग भू ख की गं भीर सम ा का सामना कर • India's population estimated to double in next 77 years: UNFPA report
रहे हैं ?
• Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport is the 10th busiest airport

• According to the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) • India among 12 nations responsible for 60% of mismanaged plastic
a) 282 million
Global Report on the Food Crisis, around 282 million people waste
b) 382 million in 59 countries and territories suffered from severe hunger in • India added record 18 GW renewable energy capacity in FY24India
c) 482 million 2023
achieved a 16% decline in new TB cases since 2015.
• 24 million more people are facing severe indulgence
d) 882 million problems than in 2022
• V-Dem report has ranked India 104th among 179 countries.

• The report has been prepared by the Food Safety Information • India world’s top arms importer between 2019-23: SIPRI Report
Option : A
• This report was first published in 2016

Where will the Nuclear Energy Summit take

place in 2024? / 2024 में परमाणु ऊजाय वशखर
स ेलन कहााँ होगा?

Summit & a) New York City, USA

• Brussels EXPO, Palaces 10 and 11, Auditorium 2000

Conferences b) Geneva, Switzerland

c) Brussels, Belgium
• Role of nuclear energy: reduce fossil fuel use, enhance
energy security, promote economic development
• Co-chaired by Belgian PM and IAEA Director General
d) Dubai, UAE
• Focus on nuclear innovations, funding challenges
• Follows nuclear energy's inclusion in global stocktake at
Option : C COP28, Dubai (Dec 2023)

In which place will the World Future Energy Where will the 'Parivartan Chintan
Summit (WFES) be hosted? / वि भवि ऊजाय Sammelan 2024' be organized? / कहां
वशखर स े लन (WFES) वकस थान पर आयोवजत वकया होगा 'पररितयन वचंतन' स ेलन 2024 का आयोजन
जाएगा? वकया जाएगा?

a) Dubai • Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company - Masdar is gearing a) Bangalore

b) Abu Dhabi
up to host the World Future Energy Summit. b) Chennai • On 08 April 2024, Parivartan Chintan Sammelan 2024
• Masdar will also host the annual Green Hydrogen will be organized in New Delhi
c) Sharjah c) New Delhi
Summit on April 16, which aims to accelerate the • The conference will be chaired by Chief of Defence
d) Ras Al Khaimah development of the global green hydrogen economy d) Bhopal Staff General Anil Chauhan
• Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber - Chairman of Masdar • This conference will be the first ever conference of
• Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi - Masdar's Chief Executive Heads of Tri-Services Institutions of India
Option : B Option : C

In which city will the Indian Navy Half In which country will the Clean Energy
Marathon be organized? / भारतीय नौसेना हाफ Investor Forum be organized by IPEF? / IPEF
ारा ৢ ऊजाय वनिेशक फोरम का आयोजन वकस िे श
मैराथन का आयोजन वकस शहर में वकया जाएगा?
में वकया जाएगा?

a) India
a) Kolkata • The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
• Indian Navy has announced the organization of a Half b) China (IPEF) will organize the Clean Energy Investor Forum in
b) Jaipur Marathon race in Delhi on 06 October 24. Singapore.
c) Singapore
c) Mumbai • objective of this event - to strengthen the Navy's • IPEF was launched in May 2022
relations with the civil society and to spread awareness d) Malaysia • currently has 14 partners.
d) New Delhi
about the important role of the Navy in defence. • IPEF Clean Energy Investor Forum is an initiative under
• The Navy also organises such events every year in IPEF.
Option : D Option : C
Mumbai, Visakhapatnam and Kochi. • India is also included in IPEF.

Where has the 'Homeopathic Seminar' been Where was the 23rd session of the 'United
organized? / 'हो ोपैवथक संगो ी' का आयोजन कहााँ Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous
वकया गया है? Issues' held? / िे शी मु ों पर संयुक्त रा र थायी
मंच' का 23 िां सत्र कहााँ आयोवजत वकया गया था?

• President Droupadi Murmu inaugurated a two-day

a) Bangalore a) New Delhi
scientific conference and Homeopathic Seminar on ‘World
b) Chennai Homeopathy Day’ on 10 April 2024. b) New York
c) New Delhi • This Homeopathic Seminar is being organized at c) Paris
Yashobhoomi Conventional Center Dwarka, New Delhi. • The 23rd session of the UN Permanent Forum on
d) Bhopal d) The Hague
• Homeopathic Seminar Theme : - “Empowering Research, Indigenous Issues was held in New York, United States.
Enhancing Proficiency: A Homeopathic Symposium”. • It was formed in the year 2000 as an advisory body of the

Option : C • ‘World Homeopathy Day’ - 10 April. Option : B United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
• Theme 2024 – “Homeoparivar: One Health, One Family”.
In which country is the World Energy
Where is the World Future Energy Summit
2024 being organized? / वि भवि ऊजाय वशखर Congress 2024 being organized? / वि
स ेलन 2024 का आयोजन कहााँ वकया जा रहा है ? ऊजाय कांग्रेस 2024 का आयोजन वकस िे श में वकया
जा रहा है?
• The 16th World Future Energy Summit commenced in Abu
• Pradip Kumar Das, Chairman and Managing Director,
a) New Delhi Dhabi. a) Switzerland
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited
• The Summit focuses on the urgent need for financial b) Netherlands
b) Dhaka (IREDA) participated in the 26th edition of the World
investment and increased renewable energy capacity to tackle
c) Dubai climate change.
c) France Energy Congress held in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
• He also said that India ranks fourth globally in renewable
d) Abu Dhabi • Francesco La Camera - Director-General of the International d) Canada
energy installed capacity.
Renewable Energy Agency.
• Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa - President and CEO of
Option : D Option : B
the UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators.

The G7 Summit 2024 will be held in which

country India has been invited for? / G7 वशखर
स ेलन 2024 वकस िे श में आयोवजत वकया जाएगा वजसके
वलए भारत को आमंवत्रत वकया गया है?

a) Japan
MoU &
b) Italy
c) France
• Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has invited PM Modi
for the G7 Summit to be held in June
• The 50th G7 Summit is scheduled to be held from 13th to
d) Germany 15th June 2024 in the city of Fasano (Italy) in Apulia
• Representatives from Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt,
India, Kenya, South Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine as well as the
Option : B
African Union have been invited for the G7 Summit 2024

Which institution partnered with Starburst to How much is the contract signed by HAL with
support aerospace, new space, and defence CSL for the Indian Navy's NGMV project
startups in India? / वकस सं था ने भारत में एयरो े स, worth? / भारतीय नौसेना की एनजीएमिी पररयोजना के
नए थान और रक्षा ाटय अप का समथय न करने के वलए वलए सीएसएल के साथ एचएएल ारा ह ाक्षररत अनु बंि का
ारब य के साथ भागीिारी की? मू वकतना है ?

• ₹1,173.42 crore contract: 6 LM2500 gas turbines for naval

a) IIT Bombay a) ₹873 crore

• Alliance centered on IIM Mumbai for ASD ecosystem b) ₹1,173 crore • FY26-FY29 execution.
• Supports ASD startups nationwide • Enhances India's naval capabilities.
c) IIM Mumbai c) ₹1,232 crore
• Growth in aerospacae, new space, defense sectors • March contracts: Guyana (2 aircraft), Indian Navy (25 Dornier
d) DRDO • Partnership to empower ASD startup ecosystem
d) ₹1,324 crore MLU), Indian Army & Coast Guard (34 ALH Dhruv Mk III).

• Access to mentorship, funding, international • Navy Day: 4 December

Option : C Option : B • Navy Chief: Admiral R. Hari Kumar

• Motto: Shaṁ No Varunaḥ

With which company has IICA partnered to launch the HP

Future Impact Leaders - IICA Certified Environmental- Which round of talk has started
Social-Governance Professional Program? / वकस कंपनी के साथ Between India and Peru? / भारत और
आईआईसीए ने एचपी ू चर इ ै क्ट लीडसय - आईआईसीए प्रमावणत पयाय िरण- पेरू के बीच वकस िौर की बातचीत शुरू हो गई है?
सामावजक-शासन ािसावयक कायय क्रम शु रू करने के वलए भागीिारी की है ?

a) HP India a) 5th • Trade Agreement Negotiations Began between India-Peru in

b) Ericsson b) 6th New Delhi

• seventh round of negotiations for a trade agreement
c) GAIL • Promotes sustainability & empowers CSR pros in ESG c) 7th
• Talks began in 2017
d) Accenture • HP India offers 100% scholarships to 75 candidates d) 8th • Paused due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Comprehensive education on ESG principles • Negotiations resumed with a virtual round in October 2023.

Option : A • Targets professionals in business, human rights, CSR Option : C

• Aims to drive positive change & innovation in ESG

With whom has KABIL signed an agreement With whom has Bharat Electronics Limited signed an
for technical cooperation for minerals? / KABIL agreement for cooperation in quantum technology? /
ने खवनजों के वलए तकनीकी सहयोग के वलए वकसके साथ एक भारत इले क्टरॉवनস वलवमटे ड ने क्वां टम प्रौ ोवगकी में सहयोग के वलए
समझौते पर ह ाक्षर वकए हैं ? वकसके साथ एक समझौते पर ह ाक्षर वकए हैं ?

a) CSIR-IMMT a) IIT Mandi

• Khanij Bidesh India Limited (KABIL) has signed a • Navratna Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited
b) IIT Varanasi
b) Reliance Industries Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Council (BEL) has signed a MoU with IIT Mandi Himachal
of Scientific and Industrial Research - Institute of c) IIT Mumbai Pradesh for collaboration in research in the areas of
c) Tata Group Minerals and Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT) for
d) IIT Delhi semiconductors, quantum technologies and drones.
d) Tech Mahindra Technical & Knowledge cooperation for Critical Minerals.
• BEL is an Indian Government-owned aerospace and
• Shri Sadashiv Samantaray, Director (Commercial) -
defence electronics company.
Option : A • BEL/HQs: Bengaluru
Option : A • Dr. Ramanuj Narayan, Director - CSIR-IMMT
• Chairman: Bhanu Prakash Srivastava
Which Indian Institute of Technology pioneered the technology
transfer for the first India-made swine fever vaccine? / वकस भारतीय
प्रौ ोवगकी सं थान ने पहले भारत वनवमय त ाइन बु खार के टीके के वलए प्रौ ोवगकी ह ां तरण
का बीडा उठाया?

Sci & Tech a) IIT Bombay • Collaborative vaccine with Assam Agricultural Univ.

and Space CA b) IIT Guwahati

c) IIT Delhi
• Utilizes reverse genetic platform.
• Swift, cost-effective pig vaccination against classical
swine fever.
d) IIT Kanpur • Technology transferred to BioMed Pvt Ltd for
Option : B • IIT Guwahati researchers pivotal in development.
• Utilizes Newcastle disease virus as carrier.

What is the name of the global lab network Which AI company has introduced the world's
launched by the WHO to monitor and identify first conversational AI with emotional
emerging coronaviruses? / उभरते ुआए कोरोनािायरस की intelligence? / वकस एआई कंपनी ने भािना क बुद्ध म ा
वनगरानी और पहचान करने के वलए WHO ारा शु रू वकए गए के साथ िु वनया का पहला सं िािी एआई पेश वकया है?
िैव क लै ब ने टिकय का नाम क्या है?

• EVI is the world’s first emotionally intelligent voice AI

a) Inflection AI
a) CoViNet • CoViNet expands COVID-19 network to study developed by Hume.
other coronaviruses. b) Dall.E • It is powered by Hume’s proprietary empathic large
b) GlobalVirusNet
• Provides global surveillance and risk assessment c) Sora language model (eLLM).
c) PandemicPredict
for WHO. • EVI processes the tune, rhythm, and timbre of speech,
d) Hume
d) CoViNex • 36 labs from 21 countries participate. which allows it to unlock new capabilities like knowing
• Action plan for 2024-2025 finalized in Geneva. when to speak and generating more empathic
Option : D
Option : A • Emphasizes preparedness for future pandemics. language with the right tone of voice.

What is the recorded power of the Magurele Which company recently launched, a
Laser in Romania, making it the world's generative AI-driven platform for the apparel and
most powerful laser? / रोमावनया में मै৓ूरेल ले जर fashion industry? / वकस कंपनी ने हाल ही में लॉ
की िजय शद्धक्त क्या है, जो इसे िु वनया का सबसे शद्धक्तशाली वकया, जो पररिान और फैशन उ ोग के वलए एक जनरे वटि एआई-
सं चावलत मं च है ?
लेजर बनाती है?

• The laser at Magurele, near Bucharest, Romania a) Google • Navan AI has launched "", a FashionTech platform,
a) 5 PetaWatts
marked a world premiere after reaching the highest
b) Adobe after successful trials in Singapore and India, enhancing
b) 10 PetaWatts power, 10 PetaWats. apparel design with AI.
• Magurele Laser (ELI-NP, Extreme Light Infrastructure-
c) Navan AI
c) 15 PetaWatts • has reduced the design process from 10 steps to 5,
Nuclear Physics) is part of the European ELI project. d) IBM significantly cutting the time from weeks to hours.
d) 20 PetaWatts
• The laser was designed to reach 10 PT of power • It has enabled designers to experiment creatively,
through two laser arms, completed by a very bright offering vast options for rapid ideation and market
Option : B Option : C
laser beam that can reach up to 19.5 MeV. readiness.

"Proba - 3 Mission", which will be launched Dragonfly rotorcraft mission, recently seen in
aboard ISRO's PSLV, is associated with which news, is associated with which space
space agency? / "प्रोबा - 3 वमशन", वजसे इसरो के पीएसएलिी organization? / डरैगन ाई रोटरक्रा वमशन, वजसे हाल ही में
पर लॉ वकया जाएगा, वकस अंतररक्ष एजें सी से जु डा ुआआ है ? समाचारों में िे खा गया, वकस अंतररक्ष सं गठन से जु डा है ?

a) CNSA (The China National Space • NASA has confirmed its Dragonfly rotorcraft mission to
• The Indian Space Research Organisation will be
a) NASA Saturn’s organic-rich moon Titan.
b) NASA (The National Aeronautics launching the European Space Agency's new mission, b) ISRO • It is a “dual quadcopter” designed to fly across the
and Space Administration) designated as Proba-3 (Project for On-Board surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.
c) ESA (European Space Agency) Autonomy) to study the Sun later this year. • It is scheduled to reach Titan in 2034.
d) JAXA (Japan Aerospace • The launch is targeted for September and it will be d) JAXA • This mission will be NASA’s first to employ a flying
Exploration Agency)
carried from Sriharikota using ISRO's PSLV-XL rocket. vehicle for scientific exploration on another planetary
• Europe currently lacks a launch provider after the Option : A body.
Option : C retirement of Arianespace's Ariane 5 rocket.

Llama 3 and real-time image generator have been

What is the name of Microsoft's latest
unveiled by? / लामा 3 और रीयल-टाइम इमेज जनरे टर का small language model? / माइक्रोसॉ के
अनािरण वकसके ारा वकया गया है? निीनतम लघु भाषा मॉडल का नाम क्या है?

a) Intel a) Agnatox-1-Ultra • Microsoft has described the Phi-3 as a family of open

b) Microsoft AI models that are the most capable and cost-effective

• Meta has unveiled language model Llama 3 and b) Phi-3-Mini
small language models (SLMs) available.
c) Meta real-time image generator c) Llama-3-Lite • Language models (LMs) are AI systems trained on vast
d) TATA • Llama 3 is similar to AI chatbots d) ChatGPT-Mini text data to understand and generate human-like text.
• Llama 3 can be used to create a variety of textm • SLMs (Small Language Models) are lighter, more

such as poems, code, scripts, and pieces of music efficient than LLMs (Large Language Models),
Option : C Option : B requiring less computational power.
• Llama 3 can also be used to translate languages
When can comet Ponce-Brooks come
closest to the Sun? / िूमकेतू पोंस-िूস सूयाय০ा
सिायत जिळ किी येसू शकतो?

a) 21 April
• Comet Ponce-Brooks is expected to make its closest
Defence CA
approach to the Sun on April 21, 2024

b) 26 April • Currently, comet Ponce-Brooks has been seen hovering

around the planet Jupiter
c) 28 April
• Just like the planets, comets also revolve around the Sun
d) 27 April • It can be easily seen through binoculars
• Comets are made up of stone, dust, ice and gas
• They revolve around the Sun like planets
Option : D
• Comet is also called comet star

What is the name of the upcoming mega exercise To which country did Hindustan Aeronautics
expected to bring together 12 global air forces Limited (HAL) deliver two Dornier 228
starting from April 1st? / 1 अप्रैल से शुरू होने िाले 12 planes? / वहंिु ान एयरोनॉवटস वलवमटे ड (एचएएल) ने
िैव क िायु से नाओं को एक साथ लाने के वलए आगामी मे गा अ ास
का नाम क्या है? वकस िे श को िो डोवनययर 228 विमान विए?

• The Indian Air Force (IAF) is going to conduct the country's • Guyana President Ali confirms delivery
a) Bharat Shakti largest air military exercise in the name of 'Gagan Shakti- a) Philippines
• Arrival via Boeing C-17 Globemaster
b) Gagan Shakti-2024 2024’. b) Mauritius • Milestone in India-Guyana partnership
• All the Air Force stations of the country will participate in the • Hindustan Aeronautics Limited:
c) Tarang Shakti c) Malaysia
ten-day 'Gagan Shakti-2024' exercise. • An Indian public sector aerospace and defence company,
d) Vayu Shakti-2024
• This exercise will be organized at the field firing range at d) Guyana headquartered in Bangalore. Established in 1940.
Pokhran from 1 April 2024 • Chairman: CB Ananthakrishnan.
Option : B • It is held every five years as per defence establishments • The HAL HF-24 Marut fighter-bomber was the first indigenous
Option : D
• 'Gagan Shakti' was last held in 2018. fighter aircraft made in India.

What is the value of India's defence What is the name of the Indian Coast Guard
(ICG) ship that made a port call in Vietnam as
exports for the 2023-24 financial year? /
part of its overseas deployment to ASEAN
2023-24 वि ीय िषय के वलए भारत के रक्षा countries? / भारतीय तटरक्षक बल (ICG) जहाज का नाम
वनयायत का मू क्या है? क्या है वजसने आवसयान िे शों में अपनी वििे शी तै नाती के वह े
के रूप में वियतनाम में पोटय कॉल वकया था?

a) 19,500 Crore • Rajnath Singh announces milestone via • Samudra Paheredar arrives in Manila Bay, as part of
a) ICGS Samarth
social media. ASEAN deployment
b) 20,627 Crore b) ICGS Samrat • The ICG ship is on overseas deployment to ASEAN
• Exports surge by over 32% from previous
c) 21,083 Crore c) ICGS Sankalp countries – Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei from 25
fiscal year.
d) 32,700 Crore d) ICGS Samudra Paheredar. March to 12 April 2024.
• Private sector & DPSUs play crucial role. • ‘Samudra Peheredar’ is a special pollution control ship.
• Singh praises stakeholders for surpassing Option : D • Samudra Pehredar will also participate in the
Option : C
milestone. government initiative “Puneet Sagar Abhiyaan”.

Which division of the Indian Army carried out the

extensive air-defence exercise, testing new and Where was the Param Vir Chakra
integrated anti-aircraft weapon systems? / भारतीय garden inaugurated? / परमिीर चक्र उ ान
से ना के वकस वडिीजन ने ापक िायु -रक्षा अ ास वकया, नए और
एकीकृत विमान-रोिी हवथयार प्रणावलयों का परीक्षण वकया?
का उि् घाटन कहााँ वकया गया था?

• Tamil Nadu Governor, R.N. Ravi, inaugurated the Param Vir

• The Indian Army conducted a comprehensive air-defense
a) 1st Armoured Division a) Chennai Chakra garden at Kanchi Mahaswami Vidya Mandir in
exercise testing new, integrated anti-aircraft weapon
b) Trishakti Corps Tambaram,
systems. b) Thiruvananthapuram
• The garden showcases the history and statues of the 21
c) 57th Mountain Division • The "Airawat Gagan Rakshaks" division demonstrated its
c) Puducherry Param Vir Chakra awardees,.
d) Airawat Gagan Rakshaks prowess in detecting and neutralizing aerial threats,
d) Wellington • Ravindra Narayana Ravi is an Indian politician and former
including drone swarms.
bureaucrat serving as the 15th governor of Tamil Nadu.
• Indian Army/Headquarters - New Delhi
Option : A • He also served as the governor of Nagaland and Governor
Option : D • Chief of Defence Staff (CDS): General Anil Chauhan
of Meghalaya.
• Chief of the Army Staff: General Manoj Pande

Which INS was awarded the 'On the Spot Unit

Which ballistic missile was successfully tested Citation' for successful conduct of anti-piracy
by DRDO recently? / हाल ही में DRDO ारा वकस operations? / एं टी-पायरे सी ऑपरे शन के सफल संचालन के
बैवलद्ध क वमसाइल का सफलतापूियक परीक्षण वकया गया? वलए वकस INS को 'ऑन ि ॉट यू वनट प्रशद्ध पत्र' से स ावनत
वकया गया?

• Agni-Prime Ballistic Missile has been successfully tested a) INS Vikramaditya

a) Agni-Prime • INS SHARDA awarded 'On the Spot Unit Citation' for anti
by Strategic Forces Command & DRDO from Odisha coast. b) INS Viraat piracy operations
b) Nag • Agni-Prime is a two-stage, surface to surface, canister- • Awarded by Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval
c) INS Arihant
c) Trishul launched, road mobile and solid-fueled medium-range Staff, during his visit to Southern Naval Command, Kochi.
ballistic missile being developed by India's DRDO as the d) INS Sharda • The ship was involved in the safe release of all 19 crew
d) Prahar
6th missile in the Agni series. members (11 Iranian & 08 Pakistani) of Iranian fishing vessel
• Manufacturer: Bharat Dynamics Limited. Omari which was held hostage by pirates off East coast of
Option : A Option : D
• Operational range: 1,000–2,000 km. Somalia.
From which regiment is the Indian Army contingent
Where was the 'Sagar Kavach' exercise
participating in the fifth edition of Exercise Dustlik?/
organised recently? / हाल ही में 'सागर किच' भारतीय सेना की टु कडी वकस रे वजमेंट से ड वलक अ ास के
अ ास कहााँ आयोवजत वकया गया था? पांचिें सं रण में भाग ले रही है ?

• The fifth edition of India-Uzbekistan Joint Military

a) Goa • Recently, a two-day 'Sagar Kavach' exercise was a) The Punjab Regiment Exercise Dustlik will commence at Termez District in
b) Lakshadweep organised in the Lakshadweep Islands. b) The Rajputana Rifles Uzbekistan from April 15 onwards.
• All maritime security agencies including Indian Navy, • The Indian Army contingent comprises troops from an
c) Odisha c) The Gorkha Rifles
Indian Coast Guard, Marine Police, Fisheries, Customs infantry battalion from the Garhwal Rifles Regiment.
d) The Garhwal Rifles Regiment
d) Gujarat and other security agencies participated in the • The fourth edition was held in Pithoragarh,
exercise. Uttarakhand.
Option : B
• The first edition of the exercise was held in Uzbekistan
Option : D
in November 2019.

DRDO & Indian Army have recently conducted

Where was the first steel cutting ceremony of Fleet Support successful trials of MPATGM Weapon System. What
Ships for the Indian Navy held? / भारतीय नौसेना के वलए ीट is the full form of MPATGM? / DRDO और भारतीय सेना ने
सपोटय वश का पहला ील कवटं ग समारोह कहााँ आयोवजत वकया गया था? हाल ही में MPATGM हवथयार प्रणाली का सफल परीक्षण वकया है
MPATGM का पूणय रूप क्या है ?

a) Mobile Portable Anti-tank

a) Mumbai Guided Missile
• DRDO and the Indian Army have successfully
• Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane recently presided b) Man Portable Anti-tank
b) Ahmedabad over the first steel cutting of Fleet Support Ships (FSS) Guided Munition
conducted trail of the indigenous Man Portable Anti-
tank Guided Missile System.
c) Cuttack for the Indian Navy at Hindustan Shipyard Limited in c) Man Portable Anti-tank
Guided Missile • The system consisted of the MPATGM, Launcher,
d) Visakhapatnam d) Mobile Portable Anti-tank Target Acquisition System, and the Fire Control Unit.
• He also laid the foundation stone for modernization of
Glider Munition • The Warhead Flight Trials were successfully
slipways and key infrastructure to enhance the capacity
conducted at the Pokhran Field Firing Range,
Option : D and efficiency of the yard.
Option : C Rajasthan.

To which country did General Manoj Pande depart Recently India is supplying BrahMos
on a visit for bilateral defense talks and to witness a supersonic cruise missile to which country? /
military exercise? / जनरल मनोज पांडे व पक्षीय रक्षा िाताय के हाल ही में भारत वकस िे श को ि ोस सुपरसोवनक क्रूज
वलए और एक सै अ ास िे खने के वलए वकस िे श की यात्रा पर
रिाना ुआए थे ?
वमसाइल की आपूवतय कर रहा है?

• Army Chief Gen Manoj Pande embarked on a four-day visit to

a) Nepal • Recently, India supplied the first batch of BrahMos supersonic
a) Kazakhstan Uzbekistan
• Marking a significant step in bolstering the defence b) Philippines cruise missiles to the South East Asian country Philippines
b) Uzbekistan under a $375 million deal.
cooperation between india and republic of uzbekistan. c) Thailand
c) Tajikistan • The Philippines had made this deal with India in January 2022.
• Uzbekistan is a Central Asian nation and former Soviet
d) Bangladesh • BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles fire at speeds of 2.8 Mach
d) Kyrgyzstan republic.
or about three times the speed of sound.
• Capital: Tashkent. Currency: Uzbekistani Som.
• The special thing about this missile is that it can be launched
Option : B • Official language: Uzbek. President: Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Prime
Minister: Abdulla Aripov.
Option : B from submarine, ship, aircraft or land.

Who has been appointed as the next Chief The National Defense University has joined hands with
of the Indian Navy? / भारतीय नौसेना के अगले Starburst Aerospace of which country for defense
innovation? / रा र ीय रक्षा वि वि ालय ने रक्षा निाचार के वलए वकस
प्रमुख के रूप में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है ? िे श के ारब य एयरो े स के साथ हाथ वमलाया है ?

a) R K Dhawan • Vice Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi has been appointed as

a) Germany
the next Chief of the Naval Staff.
b) Dinesh Kumar Tripathi • Gandhinagar-based National Defence University (RRU)
• He will take charge on April 30, 2024. b) France
c) Karambir Singh and France's Starburst Aerospace signed a
• Current Navy Chief Admiral R Hari Kumar is about to c) USA
d) R Harikumar Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote
retire from service.
• Tripathi is currently serving as the Deputy Chief of
d) Japan innovation in the aerospace defence sector.
• RRU and Starburst will work together to enhance
the Naval Staff.
Option : B security and build a strong defence eco-system in India.
• Indian Navy Day – 4 December Option : B
• RRU was established in the year 2009.

Eastern Naval Command of Indian Navy

Which is the country with the most conducted 'Eastern Wave Exercise', where is the
military spenders in 2023? / 2023 में सबसे headquarters of Eastern Command? / भारतीय नौसेना
के पूिी नौसे ना कमान ने 'पूिी लहर अ ास' आयोवजत वकया, पूिी
अविक सै खचय करने िाला िे श कौन सा है ? कमान का मु ূालय कहां है ?

• Military spending in 2023 has increased by 6.8%

a) China a) Chennai
compared to 2022 to $24.4 trillion, according to a report • The Indian Navy has conducted 'Eastern Wave Exercise' on
b) Russia by Sweden's Stockholm International Peace Research b) Cuttack the eastern sea-coast
Institute (SIPRI) c) Kochi • Ships, submarines, aircraft and special forceshave
c) India
1. United States - $916 billion participated in the exercise
d) America d) Visakhapatnam
2. China - $296 billion • The Indian Navy is divided into three commands
3. Russia - $109 billion ▪ Headquarters Western Naval Command, Mumbai
4. India – $83.6 billion Option : D ▪ Headquarters Eastern Naval Command, Visakhapatnam
Option : D
5. Saudi Arabia – $75.8 billion ▪ Headquarters Southern Naval Command, Kochi
Which command of the Indian Armed Forces carried out
the successful launch of the new variant of a Medium-
Where has the Indian Air Force successfully
Range Ballistic Missile on April 23, 2024? / भारतीय सश test-fired the Crystal Maze-2 missile? / भारतीय
बलों की वकस कमान ने 23 अप्रैल, 2024 को म म िू री की बै वलद्ध क िायु सेना ने वक्र ल मेज-2 वमसाइल का सफलतापू ियक परीक्षण
वमसाइल के नए सं रण का सफल प्रक्षे पण वकया? कहााँ वकया है?

• India's Strategic Forces Command successfully a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands

a) Tactical Ballistic Missile Command
launched a new Medium-Range Ballistic Missile.
b) Indian Nuclear Command b) Rajasthan
• The country plans to incorporate MRBMs into its • The Indian Air Force has successfully test-fired the Crystal
c) Indian Defence Research Command
c) Maharashtra
arsenal for conventional roles, alongside the Maze-II missile in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
d) Strategic Forces Command
Pralay tactical ballistic missile and BrahMos d) Karnataka • This missile is also known as ROCKS
supersonic cruise missile. • The test was carried out using Su-30 MKI fighter jet
• There's an ongoing deliberation on acquiring • This missile belongs to the country of Israel
longer-range ballistic missiles, capable of • This missile can destroy enemy targets at a range of 200 km
Option : D Option : A
reaching up to 1,500 km for conventional use. • The Crystal Maze-2 is an air-to-surface missile

Which state in India mourned the recent

demise of singer Vanlalhlupuii in March
2024? / भारत के वकस रा৸ ने माचय 2024 में गायक
िनलाललुपुई के हावलया वनिन पर शोक क्त वकया?
a) Meghalaya • Born into artist family, father famous

2024 b) Manipur poet/composer

• Versatile singer in English/Mizo
c) Sikkim
• Sole top-grade artist of All India Radio from
d) Mizoram
• Received Jyoty Prasad Agarwal Award in 1978
Option : D

In which film industry was actor Visheshwara Nobel laureate physicist Peter Higgs, known for predicting
Rao primarily known for his roles, who passed the Higgs boson or "god particle," passed away at the age of
away recently? / वकस वफ उ ोग में अवभनेता वि े र 94. ‘God Particle’ is _________. / नोबे ल पु र ार विजे ता भौवतक वि৯ानी
राि मु ূ रूप से अपनी भू वमकाओं के वलए जाने जाते थे , वजनका पीटर वहৗ, वज ें वहৗ बोसोन या "गॉड पावटय कल" की भवि िाणी करने के वलए
हाल ही में वनिन हो गया? जाना जाता है , का 94 िषय की आयु में वनिन हो गया 'गॉड पावटय कल' _________ है

a) Telugu • Tamil actor Visheshwara Rao died at 64, in Chennai after a) Neutrino • Nobel laureate physicist Peter Higgs, known for

b) Malayalam a prolonged battle with cancer. b) Higgs Boson predicting the Higgs boson or "god particle," passed
• He is known for supporting roles, especially in Tamil and c) Meson away at 94.
c) Tamil
Telugu cinema, Rao's impact was felt in over 300 films, • Higgs' 1964 theory, crucial to the Standard Model,
d) More than one of the above
d) Bollywood including memorable parts in "Pithamagan" and "Evano explained how subatomic particles gain mass.
Oruvan". • His prediction was confirmed nearly 50 years later
• He acted in about 300 films in his long career. with the Large Hadron Collider's discoveries.
Option : C Option : B • He belonged to the United Kingdom.

What movement is Murari Lal, who recently passed Subrahmanya Dhareshwar passed away, he
away at the age of 91, most associated with?/ मुरारी was a famous singer of which folk dance? /
लाल, वजनका हाल ही में 91 िषय की आयु में वनिन हो गया, सबसे सुि ਘ िारे र का वनिन हो गया, िह वकस लोक नृ के
अविक वकस आं िोलन से जुडे हैं ? प्रवस गायक थे?

• Famous Yakshagana singer Subrahmanya Dhareshwar

• Social worker and a leader of the Sarvodaya and
a) The Freedom Movement a) Garba passed away at the age of 67.
Chipko movements, Murari Lal, died at the age of 91.
b) The Chipko Movement • He was famous as 'Bhagavad Shrestha' for his
• He devoted his entire life to social work. b) Kathakali
wonderful voice.
c) The Salt March • He was the president of Dasholi Gram Swarajya c) Kathak • Subrahmanya Dhareshwar had served in the field of
d) The Quit India Movement Mandal, the mother organisation of the Chipko Yakshagana for 46 years.
d) Yakshagana
movement. • Yakshagana is a traditional folk dance form famous in
• Lal is known for making the barren land in his village the coastal districts of Karnataka.

green and creating innovative models for the • This folk dance is similar to the Theyyam art form of
Option : B Option : D the neighbouring state of Kerala.
conservation of natural resources.

Legendary left-arm spinner Derek Underwood Lakshmana Tirtha River, recently seen in
passed away, he belonged to which country? / news, is tributary of which river? / लक्ष्मण तीथय
बाएं हाथ के महान द्ध नर डे रेक अंडरिुड का वनिन हो गया, िह निी, वजसे हाल ही में समाचारों में िे खा गया, वकस निी की
वकस िे श के थे? सहायक निी है?

• Severe drought and intense heat have caused the

• Derek Underwood, England's highest wicket-taker and a) Godavari
a) England complete drying up of the Lakshmana Tirtha River, a
left-arm spinner, has passed away.
tributary of the Kaveri in Karnataka.
b) Australia • He took 297 wickets in 86 Test matches for England.
b) Krishna
• Originating in the Brahmagiri hills, it flows eastward
c) South Africa • Underwood took 2465 wickets in 676 first-class cricket c) Narmada before merging with the Kaveri River at Krishna Raja
d) New Zealand d) Kaveri Sagara Lake.
• Underwood served as President of the Marylebone
• The famous Lakshmanatirtha Falls, or Irupu Falls, adorns
Cricket Club (MCC) in 2008 and was inducted into the
its path, near Kerala’s border.
Option : A ICC Hall of Fame in 2009. Option : D
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