Crux v12n03 Mar

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Journal title history:

➢ The first 32 issues, from Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1975) to
Vol. 4, No.2 (February 1978) were published under the
name EUREKA.
➢ Issues from Vol. 4, No. 3 (March 1978) to Vol. 22, No.
8 (December 1996) were published under the name
Crux Mathematicorum.
➢ Issues from Vol 23., No. 1 (February 1997) to Vol. 37,
No. 8 (December 2011) were published under the
name Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical
➢ Issues since Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 2012) are
published under the name Crux Mathematicorum.

Vol. 12, No. 3

March 1988
Published by the Canadian Mathematical Society/
Publie par la Societe Mathematique du Canada
The support of the University of Calgary Department of Mathematics and
Statistics is gratefully acknowledged.
* t *
CRUX MATHEMATICORUM is a problem-solving journal at the senior secondary
and university undergraduate levels for those who practise or teach mathe-
matics. Its purpose is primarily educational, but it serves also those who
read it for professional, cultural, or recreational reasons.
It is published monthly (except July and August). The yearly subscrip-
tion rate for ten issues is $22,50 for members of the Canadian Mathematical
Society and $25 for nonmembers. Back issues: $2.75 each. Bound volumes with
index: Vols, 1 & 2 (combined) and each of Vols. 3-10: $20. All prices
quoted are in Canadian dollars. Cheques and money orders, payable to CRUX
MATHEMATICORUM, should be sent to the Managing Editor.
All communications about the content of the journal should be sent to the
Editor. AJ1 changes of address and inquiries about subscriptions and back
issues should be sent to the Managing Editor,
Founding Editors: Leo Sauve, Frederick G.B. Maskell.
Editor: G.W, Sands, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University
of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4.
Managing Editor: Dr. Kenneth S. Williams, Canadian Mathematical Society,
577 King Edward Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, KIN 6K5,
ISSN 0705 - 0348.
Second Class Mail Registration No. 5432, Return Postage Guaranteed,
* t t

The Olympiad Corner: 73 M.S. Klamkin 39
Problems: 1121-1130 . . . 50
Solutions: 990-993, 995-998 . . . . . . . 52
A message from the Editor . . . . • • • . • • . 65

- 38 -
- 39 -



All communications about this column should be sent to Professor

M.S. Klawkin, Department of Mathematics, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada, T6G 2G1.

I dedicate this Corner to Leo Sauve who has recently retired as editor
after starting this journal 11 years ago. I will miss his editing of this
corner greatly. For those colleagues who wish to drop him a note, his address
is 2206 E, Halifax Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 2W6.
I give one new problem set this month: the Third Round of the 1982
Leningrad High School Olympiad (my thanks to Alex Merkujev for its transmittal
and to Larry Glasser for its translation). As usual, I solicit from all
readers, especially secondary school students, elegant solutions with possible
generalizations or extensions to all these problems. Readers submitting
solutions or comments should include their institution as well as clearly
identify the problems by giving their numbers and the year and page number of
the issue where they appear. The solutions need not be typewritten, but in
any case they should be easily legible.
I am continually grateful to receive problem sets from various national
olympiads around the world. It would be preferred if these were received in
English translation together with the official (or nonofficial) solutions
since this would make the editing job easier. In a number of cases in which I
did not have the translation and the solutions, I have had difficulty in
getting the problems down correctly. Two such examples occur in problems #6
and #12 following even though the problems were translated a second time by
another person. Consequently, if anyone comes up with the "correct"
formulation of these problems, I would be very appreciative to receive them.

1982 Leningrad High School Olympiad (Third Round).

!• Pi» Pz> and P 3 are quadratic trinomials with positive leading

coefficients and real roots. Show that if each pair of them has a
common root, then the trinomial Px + F2 + P 3 also has real roots. (Grade 8.)
2. If in triangle ABC, C = 2A and AC = 2BC, show that it is a right
triangle. (Grade 8, 9.)
• 40 -

3. Write a sequence of digits, the first four of which are 1, 9f 8, 2

and such that each following digit is the last digit of the sum of
the preceding four digits (in base 10), Does this sequence contain 3, 0f 4, 4
as consecutive digits? (Grade 8, 9.)
±. If the angle between any two diagonals of a convex polygon of 180
sides is an integral number of degreesf show that the polygon is
regular• (Grade 8, 9.)
j>. The cells in a 5 x 41 rectangular grid are two-colored. Prove that
three rows and three columns can be selected so that the nine cells
in their intersection have the same color. (Grade 8f 10.)
6. The plane is divided into regions by 2/} straight lines (n > 1) no
two of which are parallel and no three of which pass through the
same point. Prove that these regions form no more than 2/3-1 different
angles. (Grade 8•)
2- If
hz * c2 - a 2 c2 + a2 - bz a 2 + bz - c 2
2hc "2Z£~—~ + — " ~ T £ B — = ls

show that among these three fractions two are equal to 1 and one is equal to
-1. (Grade 9, 10.)
8, Prove that for any natural number A", there is an integer n such that

U + 1981T + Jn = (jmZ + 1)*.

(Grade 9,)
9. A number of points are given in a plane, not all lying on a straight
line. One is allowed to move any point to a point centrosymmetric
to it with respect to amy other given point. Show that after a finite number
of moves, the points will lie at the vertices of a convex polygon. (Grade 9.)
10. In a given tetrahedron ABCD, IBAC + IBAD = 180°. If AK is the
bisector of ICAJD, determine IBAK. (Grade 10.)
11, Show that it is possible to place non-zero numbers at the vertices
of a given regular u-gon P so that for any set of vertices of P
which are vertices of a regular &~gon (* < n), the sum of the corresponding
numbers equals zero. (Grade 10.)
12! 4n points are marked on a circle and colored red or blue. The
points of each color are paired and the points in each pair are

See introduction regarding these problems.

- 41 -

connected by a line segment of the same color (no three segments intersect at
a point). Show that the red lines and the blue lines intersect in at least n
points, (Grade 10.)
• *


West German Mathematical Olympiad 1981 [1982: 12].

First Round.

!• Let a and n be positive integers and s=a+a2+...+a. Prove

that s = 1 (mod 10) if and only if a 5 1 (mod 10) and n s 1
(mod 10)

Solution by Paul Wagner, Chicago^ Illinois.

If a E 1 (mod 10) and n s 1 (mod 10), it is easy to see that s = 1
(mod 10).
Suppose s = 1 (mod 10). Clearly a and n must both be odd and a 2 5
(mod 10). Also, a = 1 (mod 10) implies n = 1 (mod 10). Letting n = 2m - 1,
we have

s a - 1
and thus we must have
a2m - a = a - 1 (mod 10). (1)
We now try a = 3, 7, 9 successively. If a = 3, (1) becomes 3 - 5 = 0
(mod 10) which is clearly impossible. If a = 7, (1) becomes 7 - 13 s 0
(mod 10). This is impossible since 7 = (50 - 1) 5 ±1 (mod 10). Finally,
if a = 9, (1) becomes 9 -7=0 (mod 10). This is also impossible since
9 = (80 + if = 1 (mod 10).

2. See [1982: 171].

3. A cell is removed from a 2 x 2 checkerboard. Prove that the

remaining surface can be tiled with L-shaped trominoes.

Here is a proof by induction, due to Golomb (Checkerboards and
polyominoes, A7»er. Math. Monthly 61 (1954) 675-682). Clearly the case n = 1
is valid. Assume the result is valid for n = k. Now consider the case
n = A' + 1, with the indicated cell C missing. Without loss of generality it

E is in the top left quadrant of the

A'+l A*+1
2 x 2 square. Remove the 3 cells
in the interior corners of the other
three quadrants. Tile each of the four
: 2 x 2 quadrants by induction. We now
fill in the missing tromino in the
center? and so the result is valid for
2^ 2 n = k + 1 and thus for all 72.
A current paper of Chu and Johnsonbaugh (Tiling deficient boards with
trominoes, Math. Mag. 59 (1986) 34-40) contains more general results.

jL Prove that if p is a primef then 2 P + 3 P is not of the form n ,

where n and A' are integers greater than 1.

Solution by H. Abbott, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

The statement is true for p = 2.
Since 2 P + 3 P = 5(2 P " 1 - 3-2 P ~ 2 + ... + S ^ 1 ) for p > 2, if there is a
solution we must have 5jn and, since A' > 1, 5 2 |{2 P + 3 P ) , Thus it will
suffice to show that
2 P + 3 P s 0 (mod 25) (1)
has no solutions. Let p = 20s + r, 0 < r < 20, (r,20) = 1 Since P(25) = 20,
we have 2 2 0 s 1 (mod 25) and 3 2 0 s 1 (mod 25). Thus,
P P r r
2 + 3 5 2 + 3 (mod 25).
Hencef if p is to satisfy (1), we must have
2 r + 3 r s 0 (mod 25). (2)
Checking each of the values r 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, and 19, we find no
solutions for (2).

Editorial note: More generally, K. Szymiczek (On the equations a ± b* = a ,

Amer. J. Math. 87 (1965) 262-266) shows that each of the equations in the
title has at most one solution (x,y) aside from x = y = 1. Also, the author
determines the only possible solution rather explicitly.
Second Round

I- See [1983: 238]

2. A bijective projection of the plane onto itself projects every

circle onto a circle. Prove that it projects every straight line
onto a straight line.
- 43 -

Our proof is an indirect one. Assume that three collinear points A, Bf C
project into three noncollinear points A*, B', C'-. Let D' be a point on the
circle through A\ B*, C # and consider its preimage I?. It must be on the line
ABC or otherwise the two circles DAB and Z?BC would project into the same
circle A'B'C* which is contrary to the hypothesis. Thus the image of the line
AW is a circle. Now consider a circle tangent to line ABC say at A. The
projection of this configuration must be two circles tangent at A'. Consider
any line through A* intersecting the two circles in points P', Q'• The
preimages A, P, Q of A', P' and Q' are two points on line ABC and one off the
line. This gives a contradiction since the circle through A, P, Q must
project into a circle through A', P', Q'.

3. Let n be a positive power of 2. Prove that from any set of 2n - 1

positive integers, one can choose a subset of n integers such that
their sum is divisible by n*

Letting n = 2 , our proof is by induction on m. Clearly the result is
valid for m = 1. Assume the result is valid for n = 2 . Now consider the
case n = 2 . Since 2 -1 = 2 +2 4-(2 - 1), by the inductive
hypothesis we can always select three disjoint subsets, each of 2 numbers,
from 2 - 1 numbers such that the sum of each subset is divisible by 2 .
Letting the three sums bea-2 , 6-2 , c*2 , at least two of the numbers a, h,
c have the same parity. By selecting the two sets corresponding to these
numbers, we obtain 2 numbers whose sum is divisible by 2 . Consequently,
the result is valid for all positive integers m by induction.

More generally, any set S of 2n - 1 integers contains a subset of n

integers whose sum is divisible by n. This is a known result of Erdos,
Ginsburg and Ziv (Theorem in additive number theory, Bull. Res. Coun. Israel
10 (1961)). Two further proofs of this result appeared in the Mathematical
Intelligencer, one by Ron Graham [1 (1979) 250], and the other by Tim Redmond
and Charles Ryavec [2 (1980) 106].

A related result appears in H.B. Mann and J.E. Olson, Sums of sets in the
elementary Abeliam group of type (p,p), J. Combinatorial Theory 2 (1967)
275-284. The main result of this paper is as follows: Let /> be a prime, let
H be the additive group of residues modulo p and let G be the direct sum
- 44 -

G = H © H> If S is any set of 2p - 1 non-zero elements of Gf then every

element of G can be expressed as the sum over some subset of S. For p > 3,
this is test possible in the sense that 2p - 1 cannot be replaced by 2p - 2.

4* Let t! be a nonempty set of positive integers such that 4x and [Jx]

both belong to M whenever x does. Prove that M is the set of all
positive integers•

Since M is nonempty it contains at least one positive integer n, By
considering the sequence al, a 2f «** where a 0 = n and a . = [v5~7], j > 1, it

is easy to see that 1 € M. Then, by multiplying repeatedly by 4 it follows

that 4-' € M9 and by taking square roots that 2^ € Mf for j = 0, 1, 2, ... *
It also follows that if any integer in the interval [k2fk2 + 2A] is in ti9 then
also k e M* Similarly, k € M if any integer in the following intervals is in

M : [k*9k4 + 4k3]s [A-sfA8 + 8* 7 ] f ..• , [k2 $k

4- 2rk2 " " 1 ] 9 ... . Since
2r 2r r 2r-l r
2Ap < A' -l- 2 A if 2 > k, for every integer A > 2 one of the above
intervals will contain a power of two* Thus M is the set of all positive
integers *


The solutions given here are the English translations (with small
changes) of the Hungarian solutions by L. Csirmaz*

I* The points A$ Bf P$ Q, R lie in a plane* Prove that

AB + PQ + OR + RP < AP + AQ + AR + BP + BQ + BR
where XY denotes the distance between points X and Y.

Solution*, p
Case A. If there are two of the
points P, Q, R, say P and G? such that
segments AQ and BP intersect (at T, say), 4
then we have by the triangle inequality:
.4Q + PB = AT + TQ + PT + TB > AB + TO. (1)
Again by the triangle inequality,
AP ± AR > PR {2}
BR t BQ > RQf (3)
- 45 -

and by adding inequalities (1), (2), (3), we get the desired result.
Case B. The other possible
configuration is given in the figure.
Without loss of generality, P and Q
lie on the same side of AB extended.
It then follows that PQ extended must
cut segment AB. Now, without loss of
generality, Q will be contained in triangle BPR. Then,
PQ + QR < PB + BR,
AB < AQ + QB,
RP < AP + AR.
Adding, we again get the desired result.

2. Let n > 2 be an even number. The squares of an n x n chessboard are

colored with n2/2 colors in such a way that every color is used for
coloring exactly two of the squares. Prove that one can place n rooks on
squares of different colors in such a way that no two of the rooks can capture
each other.

One can place the n rooks on the chessboard in nl different ways such
that no two rooks are attacking each other. Now we estimate the number of
these placings which do not satisfy the color condition of the problem.
Choose one of the nz/2 pairs of squares of the same' color. Put two rooks into
these squares. If these rooks are not attacking each other, this placing can
be completed in (n - 2)! different ways. Therefore there are at most
n (n - 2)!/2 wrong placings, and this number is strictly smaller than n\ for
n > 4.

3. For a natural number n, r(n) denotes the sum of the remainders of

the divisions
n 4- 1, n -r 2, n 4- 3, ... , n -r n*
Prove that r(k) = r(k - 1) for infinitely many natural numbers A'.

The remainder of the division n * d9 1 < d < 77 is one more than the
remainder in (n - 1) -f d, except if d is a divisor of n when it is d - 1 less.
r(k) « r(k - 1) = (A- - 2) - (sum of the proper divisors of A).
- 46 -

Thus w e wish to find infinitely many natural numbers k such that the sum of
the proper divisors of * is * - 2. This is the case if * = 2 W : the proper
ffl 2 ffi 1
divisors of 2 are 2, 2 f ... t 2 ~ f whose sum is 2® - 2.

West German Mathematical Olympiad 1982

First Round [1982: 70]

1. See [1983: 310].

2. In a quadrilateral ABCD$ the sides AB and CD are each divided into m

equal parts, the points dividing AB being labeled (in order from A)
Sx, S2t ... s $ ., and those dividing CD being labeled (in order from D) Tif

T2$ . .. f T _-. Similarly, the sides BC and A£? are each divided into n equal

parts by the points Vlt U2t ... , 17 - (in order from B) and V l f V 2 f ... ,

V - (in order from A ) , respectively. Prove that each of the segments

S „ T . ( l < i < a ? - l ) i s divided into n equal parts by the segments

Editorial note: A more general result with extensions has appeared in a

problem in Amer. Math. Monthly 81 (1974) 666-668. For the convenience of the
readerj I include it here.

"Area Summations in Partitioned Convex Quadrilaterals

E 2423 [1973, 691]. Proposed by Lyles Hoshek, Monterey Park, California,

and B.M. Stewart, Michigan State University.
Let there be given a plane convex quadrilateral of area A. Divide each
of its four sides into n equal segments and join the corresponding points of
division of opposite sides, forming n2 smaller quadrilaterals. Prove:
(a) the n smaller quadrilaterals in any diagonal (ordinary or broken) have a
composite area equal to A/n\ (b) the composite area of any row of smaller
quadrilaterals and its complementary row (row i and row n 4- 1 - i ) is equal to
2A/n« (In particular f if n is odd this implies that the composite area of the
middle row is A/n.)

Solution by Donald Batman, M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, and M.S. Klamkin,

Ford Motor Company.
We obtain more general results by dividing one pair of opposite sides
into n equal segments and the other pair of sides into m equal segments f as
- 47 -

shown in the figure.

Denote the given quadrilateral by OBDC, where O is the origin. If X is a

point in the plane, then we make the usual identification of X with the vector
X from the origin to the point X. Define p, q by
D = (p + 1)B + (q + 1)C.
Note that p, q > -1 and also p + q > -1 since the quaxirilateral is convex.
The points of division will be denoted by P(r,s), with r = 0,1,...,© and
s = 0,1,...,n; e.g., P(0,0) = O and P(m,n) = D* Let Q(riS) denote the small
quadrilateral whose upper left-hand vertex is P(r,s) and partition Q(r,s) into
the two triangles A(r,s) and A'(r,s) as shown in the figure.
One can show that for suitable scalars x and y
P(r,s) = £
m B + x(c
[ + -(D
m - C - B ) \\ = £c
n + y (y + £(D
n - B - C )J\ .

Since B and C are linearly independent, we find that x = s/n and y = r/m.
P(r,s, = C{i • ££}B • « £ • a)c . (i)
Since P(r + l,s) - P(r,s) and P(r,s + 1) - P(r,s) are independent of r and s
respectively, each segment of the figure is divided into equal parts - m for
the ''horizontal" segments and n for the "vertical" segments (as shown in the
For the area \A(r,s)| of A(r,s) we have
2\A(r,s)\ = |{P(r + l,s) - P(r,s)} x {P(r,s + 1) - P(r,s)}|

= iil +£P + £ i \ | B x C), (2)

and similarly
(S 1)P (r 1)(j
2Ld'(r,s)| = l i l + + + + l|BxC|. (3)
Note also that if A is the area of OBD?f then
2A = (p + y + 2)|B x C|. (4)
- 48 -

Look now at any A(r9s) and its centro-symmetric A'(m - 1 - r,n - 1 - s).
From (2), (3) and (4) we have
\A(rfs)\ + |j'(» - 1 - r,n - 1 - s)\ = ~ . (5)

For n?f u odd it follows from this that the central small quadrilateral has
area A/ran. (The special case m = n = 3 was established using a long synthetic
proof by B. Greenberg, 7*af area problem, Math. Teacher 64 (1971), 79-80,)
If we take any small quadrilateral Q(r,s) and its centro-symmetric
quadrilateral Q(m - l - r s i 2 - l - » s ) w e see from (5) that
|Q(r,s)| + \Q(m - 1 - rtn - 1 - s) j = |<d(rfs) | + |-d'(r,s>|

+ \A(m - 1 - r,r; - 1 - s)| + \A'[m - 1 - r,n - 1 - s) |

-—+ — - — f
mn mn ~ mn
which proves part (b).
From (2), (3)f and (4) we have
\Q(r,s)\ = \A(rfs)\ * |4'<r,s)|

= , / •- (2 + ^1±HE + <2L±Ji£\ . (6)

/a/3(p + g + 2) \ u m f
Letffl= /?; we can now show that part (a) follows from this formula. In
fact we can show that the result holds not only for broken diagonals, but for
"generalized diagonals", i.e., for selections of n smaller quadrilaterals with
one from each row and each column, as in the individual terms of a matrix
expansion. More precisely, let a be a permutation of (0,ly...tft - 1); an easy
computation shows that
"-1 A
2 |Q(rfro)| = t ,
giving the result.
We note that Problem E 1548 [1963, 892] and its generalizations follow
from the above results."
3. A 1982-gon is given in the plane. Let S be the set of all triangles
whose vertices are also vertices of the 1982-gon. A point P lies on
none of the sides of these triangles. Prove that the number of triangles in S
that contain P is even.

Since only some of the triangles will contain P, a direct count is
difficult. So we consider all quadrilaterals formed by four vertices. For
each of these quadrilaterals P will lie in 0 or 2 of the four subtriangles of
- 49 -

the quadrilateral. Consequently this total count (with duplications) is an

even number. Each triangle of S will be contained in exactly 1982 - 3 = 1979
such quadrilaterals. Thus the number of triangles which contain P is an even
number divided by 1979 and thus must be an even number.

A. A set of real numbers is called simple if it contains no elements x,

y, z such that x + y = z. Find the maximum size of a simple subset
of {1,2,...,2n + 1}.

Clearly, the two subsets {1,3,5,...,2/2 + 1} and {n + 1,/? + 2,...,2n + 1}
are simple. Thus the maximum size of a simple set is > n + 1. We now show
that the maximum size is n + 1 by an indirect proof. Assume the maximum size
is at least n + 2 and let any n + 2 elements of this simple set be listed in
ascending order ax < a 2 < ... < a ~ = M. We will obtain a contradiction by

showing some a . and a . add to tf. Consider all the pairs from the initial set

whose sums are equal to tf. For JM = 2iV + 1 these are

(1,2AM , (2,2tf - 1) , ... , {N,N + 1),
while for ti = 2AT they are
(1,2N - 1) , (2,2N - 2) , ... , (N - 1,.V + 1).
Since ft < 2n + 1, N < /?. By the pigeonhole principle some pair of the n + 1
elements al9 a 2 , .,., a .. must fall into one of the above pairings since

there are at most n of them.

Editorial note: An equivalent problem was proposed by Erwin Just, Pi tiu

Epsilon J. 6 (1976) 315-316.

Here are the answers to the 1985 Dutch Mathematical Olympiad, First Round
[1986: 2]. I am grateful to Andy Liu for providing them.

A. (1) 1585, (2) 1156, (3) 3971, (4) 320, (5) 1985, (6) 1/2.
B. (1) 168, (2) 5/2, (3) (3,7,42), (3,8,24), (3,9,18), (3,10,15),
(4,5,20), and (4,6,12), (4) a = 56, b = 334, c = 18704.
C. (1) a6/13, (2) 3456, (3) 286.

To conclude this corner, I note that the 27th International Mathematical

Olympiad is to be held in Warsaw, Poland from July 4 to July 15, 1986. The
maximum team size will be six students, the same as last year (I am grateful
- 50 -

to Cecil Rousseau for passing on this information). Also, Greg Patruno notes
that Peter Yu's proposed problem [1985: 271, #5] appears as a special case in
J,P, Hoyt's Quickie Problem Q694, Math. Mag. (1984) 239, 242,
* * t


Proltem proposals, and s-olutlons- should le s,cnt to the editor, whos,e

address, appears- on the front pa^e of this- l&sue. ^ropos-als- should, u^-cne^er
pos^ltle, le accompanied If u solution, references•, and other insights which
are llkelf to le of help to the editor. Mi as,terls& (t) after a numler
Indicates, a prollem s^ulmltted mlthout a solution.

Original problems, are particularly, sought. 9mt other Interesting

problems may als,o le acceptable provided tAef tine not too well known and
references' are q,lvcn as, to their provenance, ordinarily, If the originator of
a prollem can le located, 6t should not le submitted If ^omclody, els,e mlthout
his* or her permls,s,lon.

To facilitate their consideration, your solutions,, tfpemrltten or neattf

handwritten on signed, separate sheets, should preferably, le malted to the
editor lefore October 1, 1986, although solutions received after that date
milt also le considered until the time when a solution c& published.

1121* Proposed by Hidetosi Fukagawa, Yokosuka High School,

Tokai-City, Aichi, Japan.

Let I be a chord of a circle C*

Let C x and C 2 be circles of radii rl and
r 2 respectively, interior to C and tangent
to C, and on opposite sides of I and tangent
to £ at a common point* Let Cli and C2f be
another such pair of circles, of radii rlf
and r 2 ' respectively, with Cl and Clt on the
p p *
same side of I. Show that — = -~-r .

1122, Proposed by Richapd K» Guy, University of Calgapy, Calgapy,


Find a dissection of a 6 x 8 x 6 cube into a small number of

connected pieces which can be reassembled to form cubes of sides 3 ? 4, and 5,
thus demonstrating that 3 3 + ^ + 5 3 = 63, One could ask this in at least
four forms:
(a) the pieces must be bricks, with integer dimensions;
(b) the pieces must be unions of 1 x 1 x 1 cells of the cube;
- 51 -

(c) the pieces must be polyhedral;

(d) no restriction,

1123. Proposed by J.T. Groenman, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Let ABC be a triangle with sides a, b, c and angles a, p, i

such that a # £>. Let the interior bisectors of a and fi intersect the opposite
sides at D and E respectively, and find Dk and Ex on AC and EC respectively
such that ADX = AD and BFX = BE. Suppose that Z?^IIAB. Find 7.

1124. Proposed by Stanley Rabinowitz and Peter Gilbert, Digital

Equipment Corp., Nashua, New Hampshire.

If 1 < a < 2 and A' is an integer, prove that

[a[k/(2 - a)] + a/2] = [ak/(2 - a)]
where [x] denotes the greatest integer not larger than x.

1125. Proposed by Jack Garfunkel, Flushing, N.Y.

If A, B, C are the angles of an acute triangle ABC, prove that

cot yj + cot ty + cot ,j < y (csc 2A + esc 2B + esc 2C)

with equality when triangle ABC is equilateral.

1126. Proposed by Peter Ivady, Budapest, Hungary.

For 0 < x < 1, show that

sinh x < 3x
- — - < tan x.

1127. Proposed by D.S. Mitrinovic, University of Belgrade, Belgrade,
(a) Let a, b, c and r be real numbers > 1. Prove or disprove
(log bef + (log,ca)r + (log abf > 3 • 2r.
a D c
(b) Find an analogous inequality for n numbers ax, a2, . . . , a rather

than three numbers a, b, c.

1128. Proposed by Roger Izard, Dallas, Texas.

Triangles CBA and ADE are so placed that B and D lie inside ADE
• and CBA respectivel}-. DE and CB intersect at O. Angle CAB is equal to single
DAE. AD = AB and CO = OE. Prove that triangles ADE and CBA are congruent.
- 52 -

1129. Proposed by Donald Cross, Exeter, Engl and«

(a) Show that every positive whole number > 8*1 can be written
as the sum of three positive whole numbers in at least four ways (all twelve
numbers different) such that the sum of the squares of the three numbers in
any group is equal to the sum of the squares of the three numbers in each of
the other groups,
(b) Same as part (a), but with "three" replaced by "four" and "twelve"
by "sixteen".
(c) Is 84 minimal in (a) and/or (b)?
1130* Proposed by George Tsintsifasf Thessaliniki, Greece.
Show that
a3/2 + 53/2 + c3/2 i 3 7/ V /2

where a, b, c a r e t h e s i d e s of a t r i a n g l e and R i s t h e c i r c u m r a d i u s .
* * *


No pio&lem l& evei permanently closed. T&e editor wLCC aCttHt-yn Ce pc&a&ed
to consider §on putllcatLon new notations on new insights on pant pnottcms.

990, Proposed by Bob Prielipp, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh,

Find all pairs (u,v) of positive integers such that
u + (u + I) 3 = v-2.

Solution by Walther Janous, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria.

The given equation can also be written as
(2*i + I ) 3 + 3(2u + 1) = (2v)2,
that is,
a(az + 3) = b2 (1)
where a =,2u + 1 and 5 = 2v. Since g = gcd(a,a + 3) = gcd(a,3) € {1,3}, we
have to consider the following two cases,
(i) g = 1. By (1), a 2 + 3 = s 2 with s a positive integer. Hence a = 1
and u = 0, which is not possible since u must be positive.
(ii) 3 = 3. By (1), a = 3k2 and a2 + 3 = 3( 2 , with £ even (a odd!), find
I2 = 3k4 + 1. (2)
By Theorem 9, page 270 of L.J. Mordell, Diophantme Equationst Academic Press,
1969, the only solutions of (2) are C = 2, A- = 1 and C = 7, A' = 2. The first
- 53 -

yields a : 1, v : 3. (As € has to be even, the second is of no interest.) So

the only solution is (u,v) = (1,3).

Also solved by HAYO AHLEURG, Benidorm, Alicante, Spain; ROGER CUCULIERE,

Paris, France; J. SUCK, Essen, Federal Republic of Germany; and the proposer.
Two partial solutions and two incorrect solutions were received.
t t t

991. Proposed by Allan WB?. Johnson Jr., Washington, D.C.

Prove that the synonymical addition
has a unique solution in base seven and in base eight, and at least one
solution in every base b > nine.
Solution by Kenneth M. Wilke, Topeka, Kansas.
Clearly N = 0 and S'+ 1 = T, with 1 + 0 = 6 where 6 is the base of
numeration. Also T + S > b by column 4 (counting from the right).
Now for b = 7 we must have:
1. (S,T) = (3,4) whence A = 1, (1,0) = (2,5) in some order, leaving no
value for P; or
2. (S,T) = (4,5) whence (1,0) = (1,6) in some order, and thus A = 2,
P = 3, 1 = 6 and 0 = 1 which yields
3. (S,T) = (5,6) whence A = 4 leaving no combination for (1,0).
Hence case 2 provides the only solution base 7. This solution can be
rewritten as
6-3 6-2 6-5 6-1 0
6-3 '3 1 6-2

6-2 6-5 6-1 0 6-2

which is also valid for all 6 > 9.
Finally, for 6 = 8 we have
N T S 1,0 unused A P
0 5 4 6,2 1,3,7 1
1,7 2,3,6 2 6
6 5 7,1 2,3,4 3
7 6 5,3 1,2,4
- 54 -

Hence the unique solution base 8 is

Also solved by RICHARD I. HESSf Rancho Palos Verdes, California;
MARK KANTROWITZ, Maimonides School, Brookline, MA (for b = 7,8, and even
integers > 10 only); J.A. McCALWtl, Medicine Eat, Alberta (b = 7 and 8 only);
and the proposer.
* t *

992. Proposed by Harry D. Ruderman, Bronx, N*Y*

Let a=(a x ,a 2f ...,a ) be a sequence of positive real numbers

such that a. < a . whenever i < j , and let p = (bxfb2,..•,b ) be a permutation

of a. Prove that
n m n m
(a) I n a t . 1. . > 2 n fc * . 1Xj . ;
j=l 2=1 ^ j=l 2=1
n m n m
j=l i=l j=l 2=1 ^

Solution by the proposer.

(a) We first establish the following "switch" lemma.
Lemma. Let x, y, u, v > 0, xy < ur, and u < y. Then xy + ur < xu + yv.
Briefly, this says that when xy < riv and u < y, we may switch factors y and u
without decreasing the sum xy 4- uv.
Proof. Since u < y and xy < uv we must have x < r. But then
(y - u){v - x) > 0, which implies xy + uv < xu + yv.

We now prove (a) by induction on n> When /i = 1 there is nothing to do.

Assume (a) is true for n = r addends, and take n = r + 1. Choose j so that
i=1 roO-l)+i

i s l a r g e s t among a l l addends of t h e r i g h t s i d e of ( a ) . Without l o s s of

g e n e r a l i t y we can t a k e j = r + 1. If

f f =
par+1 V+2 ' •'• *W+DJ { V + l ' a wr+2 ?
"' ' a
ro(r+l)/ (1)


na = n 6 J ,
i ?7?r+i . mr+i
2= 1 2=1
- 55 -

r m r m
- J = l 1= i "O-D +i "J=1 J=1 rn(j-l) + l
is true by hypothesis, so (a) holds for n = r ,+ 1 . Thus assume (1) is not
true; then there exists 5 = 6 , , 1 < s <ro,so that
b £ la ,. , . . . , a , ,. , I
\ i?zr+l ' ' ffl(r+l)J
and t h e r e e x i s t s a = a , , , 1 < t < ro, so t h a t
mr+t ~
* { V + l ' ••• ' 5jD(r+l)/ '
since the two sets in (1) have the same size. It follows that b < a, since
the a.'s are in nondecreasing order. Also, a must equal
1 some b , . . V i . for
i ZH(J-1)+I
/ < r. Without loss of generality, take a = b . Let
B' = n- 6m(r-l)+i f
Jl—5 = B' < B = *-b
b mr b
and b < b mr
, so by the lemma we have
- mr
B' + B < £1—6 + £-6
- b b mr
In other words, by interchanging b = a said b we do not decrease the right
side of (a). By continuing this kind of switching we arrive at (1), and
induction again takes over.
Part (b) is proved in a very similar fashion, using a similar switching
lemma: if x, y, u, v > 0, x + y < u + vf and u < y then (x + y)(u + v) >
(x + u)(y + v).
Part (a) (and also part (b)) implies the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean
Inequality. Given positive numbers .YX ,X 2 , . . . , x , put m = n and

Then (a) says

h 1
i x . > n i n x- . ^
j=i ' b=i J
For a companion result, see H.D. Ruderman, TVo new inequalities, Amer. Math.
Monthly 59 (1952), 29-32.
- 56 -

There was one incorrect solution received.

t %

933. Proposed by Walther Janous, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck,

Let P be the product of the n + 1 positive real numbers
xlf.v2f . .. ,x j. Find a lower bound (as good as possible) for P if the x


> i5= i T V i ;

where the a. and b, are given positive real
i J

Solution to part (a) by M.S. Klawkin, University of Alberta, Edmonton,

By letting a. = 1/(1 + x . ) f we obtain the equivalent problem: determine

the greatest lower bound for

75+1 1 - a .

given l a . = l , 0 < a . < l . This is a known result. In [1] it is shown that
n+1 1 - a
i , n+1
J a .- > n u;
i=l i
with equality if and only if a . = 1/n+l for all i. A simple proof follows

from t h e A r i t h m e t i c - G e o m e t r i c Mean I n e q u a l i t y . Since

1 - a . a x + a 2 + . . > + d a * a9 « . . a71 + 1
> i

we o b t a i n
n ( 1 - a,.)
i • n+1 a 1 a 2 . . . a n+1 72+1
i =l
= rr <? . ,
n 2=1 i=i J

equivalent to (1)•
- 57 -

Here is a related result due to Ky Fan [2]. Let alfa2$ ... fa be such
n 1 - x
that 2 a . = A with 0 < a . < 1/2 for all i. Since Cn is convex for
i=l J
0 < x < 1/2, it follows by Jensen's inequality that
1 -la.//}
fn11 - a . |> /}
I a
• I "
I a /n

i? 1 - a. %/2
T—r i
1=1J ai . ?->
with equality if and only if a. = h/n for each i. As above, this is

equivalent to: if •=— = A and x. > 1 for all i ,

i = l1 + x. i
i - '
TT x. >
i=l 2 "
with equality if and only if x. = Tri - 1 for each i.
1 A
1 - x
Similarly, by using the fact that £n is concave for x > 1/2, we

obtain: if

> T— = A and 0 < x. < 1 for all i ,

i=l 1 + x. - i-

n x. <
i=l 2
with equality if and only if x. = ~- - 1 for each i.
1 A

Finally, problem (a) is also equivalent to a previously proposed problem

of J. Berkes (Elem. der Math. 14 (1959), 132 where the solution of
C. Bindschedler is given), namely; if .v. > 0 for i = 1,2,...,n then

l i =1 J
i =l
• (just replace x. by 1/x .). Also see M.S. Klamkin, Extensions of the

Weierstrass product inequalities II, Amer, Hath. Monthly 82 (1975), 741-742.

- 58 -

[1] M.S. Klamkin and B.J. Newman, Extensions of the Weierstrass product
inequalities, Hath. Mag. 43 (1970)f 137-141.
[2] E.F. Beckenbach and R. Bellman* Inequalities, Springer-Verlag, New York,
1985, p,5.

Comment on part (b) by M.S. Klamkin.

By dividing top and bottom of the i summand by b ., we see there is no

loss of generality in letting b. = 1 for all i, Then, if any a. is less than

1, the product xlx2 • .. x - can be made arbitrarily small by choosing the

c x.i to be sufficiently small. If all a.
are greater than 1, the

problem appears difficult.

Part (a) was also solved by MARK KANTROWITZ, Maimonides High Schoolf
Brook 1ine^ MA; and the proposer. The proposer noted that in part (b) it may
be assumed that a. = 1 for each i. Readers are invited to contribute further
to part (b).

995. Proposed by Hidetosi Fukagawa, Yokosuka High Schools

Tokai-City, Aichi, Japan.
A square sheet of paper ABCD is
folded as shown in the figure, with D falling
on D' along BC, A falling on A', and A'D*
meeting AB in E. A circle is inscribed in
triangle EBD'. Prove that the radius of this
circle equals A'E.

I. Solution by Sam Baethge, San Antonio, Texas.

Label the figure as shown with k being a
y/\x xk
proportionality constant. For a right triangle \y z -£\
the diameter of the inscribed circle is the sum
X* yk
of the legs minus the hypotenuse, so we wish to D<
prove k(x + y - z) = 2x. Since
y + z + xk = x + zkf we have
A- = L±_£_^£ .
- 59 -

k(y + x - z) = y * * x * . (y + x - z)

= y2 ~ z 2 ~ x 2 + 2.YZ
Z - X

z -x
= 2x.

II. Solution hy Leon Bankolf, Los Angeles, CaI iform a.

Let s denote the semiperimeter of triangle
ifBI^ and let Tf V be the incircle contacts with
EB, £/?', Draw DD\
Since angles CB'B, D'R4 and DD'A' are
equal, Z?!?' bisects angle A'D'C, and since D
lies also on the internal bisector of angle
ABCf it is the excenter of triangle EBD'
relative to vertex B,
Therefore s = BC = AD = A'B' = A'E + FV + VI?'.
But s = EV + VD' + TB.
Hence A'E = TB.
Some interesting sidelights:
1) As B' varies along BC, the perimeter of triangle EBD' remains constant
and the quadrantal arc AC of excircle (D) is the envelope of all EB'.
2) The area of triangle EBD' = EV-V0' = AE-ET = rB-R~\
3) When D' coincides with B or with C, triangle EBD7 degenerates into two
coinciding lines, each equal to the side of the square, thus confirming that
the perimeter of square ABCB is double that of triangle EBB'.

III. Solution by Tosio Seimiya, Tokyo, Japan*

We take the point E* on AB by producing yy\ r>
A'X. Then, it is clear from AA'XE s 44XE'
that A'E = AE', and thus ££' is parallel to
BB'. Since lEB'D = /ABB' = iDD'C, BB* is
the bisector of lEB'C. Also, BB bisects
lEBB' , so B is an excenter of AEBB\ Thus B*^ -^ C
E and B' lie on a circle with diameter BO,
since lOEB and lOB'B are right angles.
'Since EBf = E'D and EE'||BB', E' lies on the circumcircle of AEDD' . This shows
that LDL'O is a right angle; that is, uP - AE' = A'E. Moreover, when B' runs
along BC, the envelope of A'B' is a circle with center B and radius AB = BC.
- 60 -

Also solved by GREG BURLILE, student, The Ohio State University,

Columbus, Ohio; JORD1 DOU, Barcelona, Spain; HERTA I. FREITAG, Roanoke,
Virginia; JACK GARFUNKEL, Flushing, N.Y.; RICHARD A. GIBBS, Colorado College,
Colorado Springs, Colorado; J.T. GROENMAN, Arnhem, The Netherlands;
RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, California; WALTHER JANGUS,
Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; KEE-WAI LAU, Hong Kong; D.J. SttEENh,
Zaltbommel, The Netherlands; DAN SOKOWSKY, Brooklyn, h\Y. ; J. SUCK, Essen,
West Germany; GEORGE TSINTSIFAS, Thessaloniki , Greece; and the proposer.

This problem was taken from an extant 1893 Japanese sangaku, a wooden
tablet on which mathematical problems were written. During the 18 and 19
centuriesj sangaku had hung beneath roofs of shrines and temples throughout
Japan. Most problems recorded on them dealt with geometry, as was typical of
wazan, the Japanese mathematics of the time. Professor Fukagawa has
contributed quite a few of these problems, and they shall be appearing here
from time to time. They are likely unfamiliar and certainly beautiful, and
seem to be popular with readers. Professor Fukagawa has written a book (in
Japanese), Study of Sangaku, on this traditional Japanese mathematics; the
current problem is on page 138 of this book. He expresses an interest in
corresponding with people about geometry and its history. For readers wishing
to do so, here is his full address:
Professor Hidetosi Fukagawa
1-121 Higohara, Ogawa
Higasiuracho, Chitagun, Aichiken
470-21 Japan.
* * *

996, Proposed by Herta r. Freitag, Roanoke, Virginia.

If G = (Jo + l)/2 is the golden ratio, prove that, for every
positive integer n,
n 2U-1) 2(Jt-i-l)
I 1 (~1)J G*ik l l)

*=1 i=0
is a Fibonacci number of even subindex.

I, Solution by Mark Kantrowitz, student, Maimonides High School,

Brook1ine, Massachusetts.
Summing the geometric series, we obtain
- 61 -

(-1)1 o 2 < * - ^ ) = o 2 ^ - D - G2<*-2> + ... + o" 2 ^- 1 1

_2(Jt-l) 1 - (-G-2)2*-1
l +a

G2* + G~2k+2
G~ + 1
from which
n 2U-1) " -,2k , ,,-2
V G +G
i i (.1)' o2'*-1-1' -
*=1 i=0

l - (f/V 1 - (Ci )
?TT 1 -G 1 -G

£ _ [G2" - G~2n]

= J. [G2" - G"2n]

= F
2„ >
where we used
G4 - 1 (G - l ) 2 = 2G - 1 = 73"

II. Solution by Bob Prielipp, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh,

n 2U
'- 1 ) i 2U-i-l)
Jt=l i=0
We shall prove that S(n) = F~ for each n. We begin by establishing the

following result.
Lemma. For each positive integer n,
2/? n, v
2 (-l)i G 2 1 " " 0 =F,2n+l '
Proof. Letting a = G and /J = (1 - Jo)/2 = -a , we have
- 62 -

2n+l 2n+l
a P
F = ~
2n+l ~
a - /3
G 2 « + l + (G-l)2n+1

G +G

S (-1)' G2"-1 (G" 1 ) i

i=0 • o/ • .
Clearly, S(l) = 1 = F 2 . Assume that S(/?) = F 0 ^ e Then
2n . o / __ • %
S(« + 1) = S(/?) + 2 (-1)2 G Z U 2 n

= F 4- F
2n 2/M-l
= F f
completing our solution by mathematical induction.

Also solved by RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, California;

WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; FRIEND H. KIERSTEAD
JR., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; J. SUCK, Essen, West Germany; and the proposer.
* * *

997, Proposed by Loren C. Larson, St, Olaf College, Northfield,

Suppose that f(x) is bounded in a deleted neighborhood of zero
and suppose that a and b are real numbers less than 1 in magnitude such that
lim {fix) + af(bx)}
exists (and is finite). Prove that lim f(x) exists.
Solution by Jordan B* Tabov, Sofia, Bulgaria.
We shall prove that the stated result is true for any a and b with
|a| •* 1 and 5 * 0 . (Clearly it is also true for a = b = 1 and for 5 = 0.)
Let a and b be real numbers Kith \a\ £ 1 and b t 0. Suppose
lim {fix) + af(bx)} exists and equals c/. We first do the case d = 0.
Suppose that f(x) is defined in the punctured interval A = (~c,c) - {0},
and let \f(x) | £ A/ for every x « -d.
- 63 -

The fact that lim {f(x) + af(bx)} = 0 means that for all € > 0 there is
6 > 0 such that if x € A = (-5,6), then
\f(x) + af(bx)\ < e . (1)
Fix an arbitrary positive integer n. Let x be such that x and b x are
both in A . Then b x € A for A' = 1,2,...,ft and, from (1),

-c < f{x) + af(bx) < e

-e|a| < -af(fex) - a2f(62x) < c|a|
2 2 2 3
-€,|a| < a f(6 x) + a f(b*x) < e|a|2

, ,n-l y > vn-l-./2n-l v . ^Ti^.jn . . , n-\

~e|a| < (~a) f(b x) - ( - a ) f ( 6 x) < e | a |%
Summing, we obtain
1 - n 1
-6 - < f(x) - (-aff(bnx) l
< e 1-^
~ [2)
Case 1: \a| < 1, 0 < |5| < 1. In this case if x € A , then b x € A for

every n. Therefore we can conclude that (2) holds for every n. From (2) and
the inequality \f(b x) | < AT we get
\f(x)\ < e(l - la))""1 + \a\DH
for every n. Hence
|f(x)| < e(l - la])^1 + lim \a\nH = e(l - ( a p ^ 1 .

Since this result is proved for every x e A and (1 - |a|) is a constant,

lim \f(x)\ = 0, so lim f(x) = 0.

x-+Q x->0
Case 2: \a\ > 1, 0 < | 5 | < 1. D e n o t e bnx b y y sand (~ \b \n&, \b\n6) - {0} b y
n 73 n
A. N o t e t h a t </* <z A . C l e a r l y i f y € xd t h e n x = b~ y € A . Now i t follows

from (2) t h a t i f y € J1,

" - 1
|a|nK(y)| < e ^ 1 + tf
and h e n c e
|f(y)| < 4(|a| - l)"1 + \af"lt.
T h e r e f o r e , c h o o s i n g e < 1 a n d n = [e ] , we g e t

lim | f ( y ) | < lim { e ( | a | - I)""1 + | a f [ e ]

tf } = 0 .
y-*0 e->0
Thus l i m f(y) = 0.
- 61 -

Case 3: \a\ * 1, \b\ > 1. If a = 0, the stated result is trivial, so we

-1 -1
assume a * 0. Let at = a , bx = b , and y = fex. Then
lim [ajibrf) + f(y)} = I lim {fix) + af(fcx)} = 0,
y-0 x-0
and |a A | * 1 and 0 < |6i j < 1, so by one of the first two cases we get
lim f(y) = 0.
This completes the proof if d = 0. We handle the general case by
defining g such that
f(x) = <?(*) + ^ .

f(x) + af(hx) = g(x) + ag(6x) + d ,
d = lim {f(x) + af(bx)} = lim {g(x) + ag(fcx)} + d .
x-*0 x-»0
lim {g(x) -i- ag(6x)} = 0 ,
and g is bounded in a deleted neighborhood of zero, so by the above proof
lim g(x) = 0. Thus lim f(x) exists and equals 1 .
x-*0 x-0
[Editor's note: We may as well complete the picture by noting that the
result is false for |a| = 1 and |b| * 0, 1. In this case, define
(-a) if x = b for some n € z ,

0 otherwise^

Then for all x, f(x) + af(fcx) = 0, so lim {f(x) + af(6x)} = 0. However,

lim f(x) doesn't exist,]
Also solved by WALTHER JAKOUS, Ursulmengvmnasium, Innsbruck, Austria;
KEE-WA1 LAU, Hong Kong; LEROY F. MEYERS, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio; J* SUCK, Essen, West Germany; and the proposer.
t * *
- 65

998, Proposed by Andrew P. Guinand, Trent University, Peterborough,

If just one angle of a triangle is 60 , show that the inverse
of the orthocentre with respect to the circumcircle lies on the side (or side
produced) opposite that angle.
Solution by Jordi Dou, Barcelona, Spain.
Let 12 be the circumcircle of ABC, O its
centre, LA = 60 , H the orthocentre. Let Qt
be the circle BOC. Then IBHC = lABH + 90° =
30° + 90° = 120° and iBOC = 2(60°) = 120°, so
H is on Qk. Qt and line BC are inverses with
respect to ft. Therefore the inverse of H will
lie on BC.
Also solved by HERTA T. FREITAG, Roanoke, Virginia; J.T. GROENMAN,
Arnhem, The Netherlands', S. IWATA and H. FUKAGAWA, Gifu and Aichi , Japan;
WALTHER JANOUS, Ursuiinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; DAN PEDOE, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbommel, The
Netherlands; DAN SOKOLOWSKY, Brooklyn, N.Y.; GEORGE TSINTSIFAS, Thessaloniki,
Greece; and the proposer. Fukagawa observed that the converse is also true.
Groenman and the proposer noted that the same result holds if one angle is
120 (and can in fact be seen by considering ABHC in the diagram).
* * *


There has been the very good suggestion made that an issue of Crux
Mathematicorum be dedicated to Leo Sauve. I suggest the September issue of
this year. Accordingly, all readers who would like to propose problems
specifically for that issue, or have clerihews, limericks, rebuses, etc.
appropriate to the occasion, or would simply like to extend their best wishes,
are invited to submit same to the Editor. As many of your contributions as
possible will be published in September.

Bill Sands

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