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1st Assumption- Parehas Quantitative

2nd- Linear9No outlyers in graph)

Positive Relationship- directb relationship (UP UP)

Negative Relationship- Inverse relation (UP Down)
No relation- No association/Doesn’t affect the other variable

2 asterisk- there is relationship

No asterisk- No relation-not significance

If there is no asterisk- no statistical significantto the interpretation

Below .05 is significant

Above 0.051 is not statistically significant

Below .05- not normal

Above 0.05- normal
The height of the person does not affect the istance that they can jump.

If the data is NON PARAMETRIC

Table 1: Mean Comparison of scores inn english placement test of respondents when group according
to class rank
Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior F(3,377) P
Mile 81.9 7.44 82.62 6.47 84.11 6.01 82.57 5.89 2.001 0.112
Run 3

Table 1 shows the mean comparison of f scores inn english placement test of respondents when
group according to class rank. The Anova result revealed that there is no significant difference
(F(3.377=2.001,p=0.112) on the scores in english placement test of the respondents when grouped
according ro class rank. This means Freshmen (m=81.93, SD=7.44), sophomore (M=82.62, SD=6.47),
junior (m=84.11,SD=6.01) and senior (M=82.57, SD=5.89) respondents have the same performance in
Table 1: Mean Comparison of mile run time of respondents when group according to smoking habits

Non Smoker Past Smoker Current Smoker F(2,368) P

Mile 7 mins 1 min 8 min 1 min 8 min 1 min 4.247 0.015
Run and 58 and 57 and 36 and 49 and 40 and 59
Time sec sec sec sec sec sec

a. Mean Difference is significant at the 0.05 level (tukey HSD)

Table 1 shows the mean comparison of mile run time of respondents when group according to
smoking habits. The Anova result revealed that there is a significant difference
(F(2,368)=4.247,p=0.015) on the of mile run time of respondents when group according to smoking
Post Hoc Tukey HSD test indicated that the mile run time of a non smoker (M=7 min and 58 seconds,
SD=1 min and 57 second) was statistically significantly lower compared to current smoker. Howwever
there was no significant difference between non smoker and past smkoer, and past smoker and
current smoker.

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