Tarea Brenda

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A: Hi, welcome to Air Bus S.A.

, thank you to aplay for Bisness administreitor, we are happy de

havened today.

B: Good Evening and thank you. I am happy to be here.

A: What is your name?

B: My name is ________

A: Nice to meet you Jeissy I am brenda and today ain going tuvi your intervier; end telmi wari like
tu work widas?

B: I would like to work with you, because I know how to work in groups, I know how to work under
pression, but I love to make people feel good when they are customers, They have to go to their
houses with a great experience.

A: I like yur enser, bat telmi wer diyu stary?

B: I studied at National University of Piura, and I made a master in economic problems in Lima in the
Pacifico University

A: das sans grueit, en wer did yu work bifor?

B: I worked in BCP, Interbank and just a few months in Pichincha Bank.

A: ai lait yur CiVi, en wed yu lait tu work part time or full time?

B: I looking for a full time job because I like to make a good job where I go, and of course because I
have free time and any issue in any Schedule.

A: end … acoriding te mod … Do you prefer a virtual jab or a face to face jab?

B: I don’t have any problem with the face to face job, but if God sends me a virtual job, I loved, jaja.
However virtual jobs are even more demanding than face to face jobs.

A: That’s raig. Wi hav empois that recuest a cheins tu da face tu face mod because virtual mode
sinsos strassfol.

B: Yeah! You got it!. That’s the reason why I think that the virtual mode is ok, but face to face mode is
more exciting because of the contact with the people.

A: Wi olso prefer da contact with the people, castomers and coworkers, because that meks the jab
more interstein and rewording Di yu sen?

B: That’s right, so, I’m ready for all the challenges you can give me.

A: Ok, ai lait yur actitiud, ai woud lait tu hav anoder aivin enterviet wityu, meibi tumorrow.

B: Its perfect for me. I´m going to be there.

A: Perfect, see you tomorrow

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