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Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT (Internet of Things) is an advanced automation and analytics system which
exploits networking, sensing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology to
deliver complete systems for a product or service. These systems allow greater
transparency, control, and performance when applied to any industry or system.

IoT systems have applications across industries through their unique flexibility and
ability to be suitable in any environment. They enhance data collection,
automation, operations, and much more through smart devices and powerful
enabling technology.

This tutorial aims to provide you with a thorough introduction to IoT. It introduces
the key concepts of IoT, necessary in using and deploying IoT systems.

IoT – 1cities 1ratio:

The most important features of IoT include artificial intelligence, connectivity,

sensors, active engagement, and small device use. A brief review of these features
is given below –

• AI – IoT essentially makes virtually anything “smart”, meaning it enhances

every aspect of life with the power of data collection, artificial intelligence
algorithms, and networks. This can mean something as simple as enhancing
your refrigerator and cabinets to detect when milk and your favorite cereal
run low, and to then place an order with your preferred grocer.
• Connectivity – New enabling technologies for networking, and specifically
IoT networking, mean networks are no longer exclusively tied to major
providers. Networks can exist on a much smaller and cheaper scale while
still being practical. IoT creates these small networks between its system
• Sensors – IoT loses its distinction without sensors. They act as defining
instruments which transform IoT from a standard passive network of devices
into an active system capable of real-world integration.
• Active Engagement – Much of today’s interaction with connected
technology happens through passive engagement. IoT introduces a new
paradigm for active content, product, or service engagement.

• Small Devices – Devices, as predicted, have become smaller, cheaper, and
more powerful over time. IoT exploits purpose-built small devices to deliver
its precision, scalability, and versatility.

IoT – Advantages

The advantages of IoT span across every area of lifestyle and business. Here is a
list of some of the advantages that IoT has to offer –

• Improved Customer Engagement – Current analytics suffer from blind-

spots and significant flaws in accuracy; and as noted, engagement remains
passive. IoT completely transforms this to achieve richer and more effective
engagement with audiences.
• Technology Optimization – The same technologies and data which
improve the customer experience also improve device use, and aid in more
potent improvements to technology. IoT unlocks a world of critical
functional and field data.
• Reduced Waste – IoT makes areas of improvement clear. Current analytics
give us superficial insight, but IoT provides real-world information leading
to more effective management of resources.
• Enhanced Data Collection – Modern data collection suffers from its
limitations and its design for passive use. IoT breaks it out of those spaces,
and places it exactly where humans really want to go to analyze our world. It
allows an accurate picture of everything.

IoT – Disadvantages

Though IoT delivers an impressive set of benefits, it also presents a significant set
of challenges. Here is a list of some its major issues –

• Security – IoT creates an ecosystem of constantly connected devices

communicating over networks. The system offers little control despite any
security measures. This leaves users exposed to various kinds of attackers.
• Privacy – The sophistication of IoT provides substantial personal data in
extreme detail without the user’s active participation.
• Complexity – Some find IoT systems complicated in terms of design,
deployment, and maintenance given their use of multiple technologies and a
large set of new enabling technologies.

• Flexibility – Many are concerned about the flexibility of an IoT system to
integrate easily with another. They worry about finding themselves with
several conflicting or locked systems.
• Compliance – IoT, like any other technology in the realm of business, must
comply with regulations. Its complexity makes the issue of compliance seem
incredibly challenging when many consider standard software compliance a

IoT Applications
It is impossible to envisage all potential IoT applications having in mind the
development of technology and the diverse needs of potential users. In the
following sections, we present several applications, which are important. These
applications are described, and the research challenges are identified.

The IoT applications are addressing the societal needs and the advancements to
enabling technologies such as nanoelectronics and cyber-physical systems continue
to be challenged by a variety of technical (i.e., scientific and engineering),
institutional, and economical issues. The list is limited to the applications chosen
by the IERC as priorities for the next years and it provides the research challenges
for these applications. While the applications themselves might be different, the
research challenges are often the same or similar.

Smart Cities
By 2020 we will see the development of Mega city corridors and networked,
integrated and branded cities. With more than 60 percent of the world population
expected to live in urban cities by 2025, urbanization as a trend will have diverging
impacts and influences on future personal lives and mobility.

Rapid expansion of city borders, driven by increase in population and

infrastructure development, would force city borders to expand outward and engulf
the surrounding daughter cities to form mega cities, each with a population of more
than 10 million. By 2023, there will be 30 mega cities globally, with 55 percent in
developing economies of India, China, Russia and Latin America. This will lead to
the evolution of smart cities with eight smart features, including Smart Economy,
Smart Buildings, Smart Mobility, Smart Energy, Smart Information
Communication and Technology, Smart Planning, Smart Citizen and Smart

Governance. There will be about 40 smart cities globally by 2025.

The role of the cities governments will be crucial for IoT deployment. Running of
the day-to-day city operations and creation of city development strategies will
drive the use of the IoT. Therefore, cities and their services represent an almost
ideal platform for IoT research, taking into account city requirements and
transferring them to solutions enabled by IoT technology.

In Europe, the largest smart city initiatives completely focused on IoT is

undertaken by the FP7 Smart Santander project. This project aims at deploying an
IoT infrastructure comprising thousands of IoT devices spread across several cities
(Santander, Guildford, Luebeck and Belgrade). This will enable simultaneous
development and evaluation of services and execution of various research
experiments, thus facilitating the creation of a smart city environment.

Similarly, the OUTSMART project, one of the FI PPP projects, is focusing on

utilities and environment in the cities and addressing the role of IoT in waste and
water management, public lighting and transport systems as well as environment
monitoring. A vision of the smart city as “horizontal domain” is proposed by the
BUTLER project, in which many vertical scenarios are integrated and concur to
enable the concept of smart life.

In this context there are numerous important research challenges for smart city IoT

• Overcoming traditional silo based organization of the cities, with each

utility responsible for their own closed world. Although not technological,
this is one of the main barriers
• Creating algorithms and schemes to describe information created by sensors
in different applications to enable useful exchange of information between
different city services
• Mechanisms for cost efficient deployment and even more important
maintenance of such installations, including energy scavenging
• Ensuring reliable readings from a plethora of sensors and efficient
calibration of a large number of sensors deployed everywhere from lamp-
posts to waste bins
• Low energy protocols and algorithms
• Algorithms for analysis and processing of data acquired in the city and
making “sense” out of it.
• IoT large scale deployment and integration

Smart Energy and the Smart Grid

There is increasing public awareness about the changing paradigm of our policy in
energy supply, consumption and infrastructure. For several reasons our future
energy supply should no longer be based on fossil resources. Neither is nuclear
energy a future proof option. In consequence future energy supply needs to be
based largely on various renewable resources. Increasingly focus must be directed
to our energy consumption behavior. Because of its volatile nature such supply
demands an intelligent and flexible electrical grid which is able to react to power
fluctuations by controlling electrical energy sources (generation, storage) and sinks
(load, storage) and by suitable reconfiguration.

Such functions will be based on networked intelligent devices (appliances, micro-

generation equipment, infrastructure, consumer products) and grid infrastructure
elements, largely based on IoT concepts. Although this ideally requires insight into
the instantaneous energy consumption of individual loads (e.g. devices, appliances
or industrial equipment) information about energy usage on a per-customer level is
a suitable first approach.

Future energy grids are characterized by a high number of distributed small and
medium sized energy sources and power plants which may be combined virtually
ad hoc to virtual power plants; moreover, in the case of energy outages or disasters
certain areas may be isolated from the grid and supplied from within by internal
energy sources such as photovoltaics on the roofs, block heat and power plants or
energy storages of a residential area (“islanding”).

A grand challenge for enabling technologies such as cyber-physical systems is the

design and deployment of an energy system infrastructure that is able to provide
blackout free electricity generation and distribution, is flexible enough to allow
heterogeneous energy supply to or withdrawal from the grid, and is impervious to
accidental or intentional manipulations. Integration of cyber-physical systems
engineering and technology to the existing electric grid and other utility systems is
a challenge.

The increased system complexity poses technical challenges that must be

considered as the system is operated in ways that were not intended when the
infrastructure was originally built. As technologies and systems are incorporated,
security remains a paramount concern to lower system vulnerability and protect
stakeholder data. These challenges will need to be address as well by the IoT
applications that integrate heterogeneous cyber-physical systems.

The developing Smart Grid, which is represented is expected to implement a new

concept of transmission network which is able to efficiently route the energy which
is produced from both concentrated and distributed plants to the final user with
high security and quality of supply

standards. Therefore the Smart Grid is expected to be the implementation of a kind

of “Internet” in which the energy packet is managed similarly to the data packet—
across routers and gateways which autonomously can decide the best

pathway for the packet to reach its destination with the best integrity levels. In this
respect the “Internet of Energy” concept is defined as a network infrastructure
based on standard and interoperable communication transceivers, gateways and
protocols that will allow a real time balance between the local and the global
generation and storage capability with the energy demand. This will
also allow a high level of consumer awareness and involvement. The Internet of
Energy (IoE) provides an innovative concept for power distribution, energy
storage, grid monitoring and communication as presented. It will allow units of
energy to be transferred when and where it is needed. Power consumption
monitoring will be performed on all levels, from local individual
devices up to national and international level Saving energy based on an improved
user awareness of momentary energy consumption is another pillar of future
energy management concepts. Smart
meters can give information about the instantaneous energy consumption to

the user, thus allowing for identification and elimination of energy wasting devices
and for providing hints for optimizing individual energy consumption.

In a smart grid scenario energy consumption will be manipulated by a volatile

energy price which again is based on the momentary demand (acquired by smart
meters) and the available amount of energy and renewable energy production. In a
virtual energy marketplace software agents may negotiate energy prices and place
energy orders to energy companies. It is already that these decisions need to
consider environmental information such as weather forecasts, local and seasonal

These must be to a much finer time scale and spatial resolution. In the long run
electro mobility will become another important element of smart power grids.
Electric vehicles (EVs) might act as a power load as well as moveable energy
storage linked as IoT elements to the energy information grid (smart grid). IoT
enabled smart grid control may need to consider energy demand and offerings in
the residential areas and along the major roads based on traffic forecast. EVs will
be able to act as sink or source of energy based on

their charge status, usage schedule and energy price which again may depend on
abundance of (renewable) energy in the grid. This is the touch point from where
the following telematics IoT scenarios will merge with smart grid IoT.

This scenario is based on the existence of an IoT network of a vast multitude of

intelligent sensors and actuators which are able to communicate safely and
reliably. Latencies are critical when talking about electrical control loops. Even
though not being a critical feature, low energy dissipation should be mandatory.

In order to facilitate interaction between different vendors’ products the technology

should be based on a standardized communication protocol stack. When dealing
with a critical part of the public infrastructure, data security is of the highest
importance. In order to satisfy the extremely high requirements on reliability of
energy grids, the components as well as their interaction must
feature the highest reliability performance. New organizational and learning
strategies for sensor networks will be needed in order to cope with the
shortcomings of classical hierarchical control
concepts. The intelligence of smart systems does not necessarily need to be built
into the devices at the systems’ edges. Depending on connectivity, cloud-based IoT
concepts might be advantageous when considering energy dissipation and
hardware effort.

Sophisticated and flexible data filtering, data mining and processing procedures
and systems will become necessary in order to handle the high amount of raw data
provided by billions of data sources. System and data models need to support the

design of flexible systems which guarantee a reliable and secure real-time

Some research challenges:

• Absolutely safe and secure communication with elements at the network

• Addressing scalability and standards interoperability
• Energy saving robust and reliable smart sensors/actuators
• Technologies for data anonymity addressing privacy concerns
• Dealing with critical latencies, e.g. in control loops
• System partitioning (local/cloud based intelligence)
• Mass data processing, filtering and mining; avoid flooding of
communication network
• Real-time Models and design methods describing reliable interworking of
heterogeneous systems (e.g. technical/economical/social/environmental
systems). Identifying and monitoring critical system elements. Detecting
critical overall system states in due time
• System concepts which support self-healing and containment of damage;
strategies for failure contingency management
• Scalability of security functions
• Power grids have to be able to react correctly and quickly to fluctuations in
the supply of electricity from renewable energy sources such as wind and
solar facilities.

Time for Convergence

Integrated environments that have been at the origin of the successful take up of
smartphone platforms and capable of running a multiplicity of user-driven
applications and connecting various sensors and objects are missing today. Such
super-stack like environments, bringing together a number of distinct
constituencies, represent an opportunity for Europe to develop Internet of Things
ecosystems. As an example this would include the definition of open APIs and
hence offer a variety of channels for the delivery of new applications and services.

Such open APIs are of particular importance at module range on any abstraction
level for application-specific data analysis and processing, thus allowing
application developers to leverage the underlying communication infrastructure
and use and combine information generated by various devices to produce added

value across multiple environments. As a quintessence the next big leap in the
Internet of Things evolution will be the coherence of efforts on all levels towards
innovation. In case of the IoT community this would mean that out of many
possible “coherence horizons” the following will likely provide the foundation for
a step forward to the Internet of Things:

• Coherence of object capabilities and behavior: the objects in the Internet of

Things will show a huge variety in sensing and actuation capabilities, in
information processing functionality and their time of existence. In either
case it will be necessary to generally apprehend object as entities with a
growing “intelligence” and patterns of autonomous behavior.
• Coherence of application interactivity: the applications will increase in
complexity and 11cities11ratio, and boundaries between applications and
services will be blurred to a high degree. Fixed programmed suites will
evolve into dynamic and learning application packages. Besides technical,
semantic interoperability will become the key for context aware information
exchange and processing.
• Coherence of corresponding technology approaches: larger concepts like
Smart Cities, Cloud computing, Future Internet, robotics and others will
evolve in their own way, but because of complementarity also partly merge
with the Internet of Things. Here a creative view on potential synergies can
help to develop new ecosystems.
• Coherence of real and virtual worlds: today real and virtual worlds are
perceived as two antagonistic conceptions. At the same time virtual worlds
grow exponentially with the amount of stored data and ever increasing
network and information processing capabilities. Understanding both
paradigms as complementary and part of human evolution could lead to new
synergies and exploration of living worlds.

Towards the IoT Universe(s)
In analogy to the definition that a universe is commonly defined as the totality of
existence, an Internet of Things universe might potentially connect everything. As
a further analogy to new theories about parallel universes, different Internet of
Things worlds might develop and exist in parallel, potentially overlap and possess
spontaneous or fixed transfer gates. These forward-looking considerations do
certainly convey a slight touch of science fiction but are thought to stimulate the
exploration of future living worlds.

The overall scope is 12 cities and foster ecosystems of platforms for connected
smart objects, integrating the future generation of devices, network technologies,
software technologies, interfaces and other evolving ICT innovations, both for the
society and for people to become pervasive at home, at work and while on the
move. These environments will embed effective and efficient security and privacy
mechanisms into devices, architectures, platforms, and protocols, including
characteristics such as openness, dynamic expandability, interoperability of
objects, distributed intelligence, and cost and energy-efficiency. Whereas the
forthcoming Internet of Things related research in the scope of Horizon 2020 and
corresponding national research programs will address the above matters,
challenges from a societal and policy perspective remain equally important, in
particular the following:

• Fostering of a consistent, interoperable and accessible Internet of Things

across sectors, including 12 cities
• Directing effort and attention to important societal application areas such as
health and environment, including focus on low energy consumption.
• Offering orientation on security, privacy, trust and ethical aspects in the
scope of current legislation and development of robust and future-proof
general data protection rules.
• Providing resources like spectrum allowing pan-European service provision
and removal of barriers such as roaming.
• Maintaining the Internet of Things as an important subject for international
cooperation both for sharing best 12 cities and developing coherent

Converging technological fields

NBIC, an acronym for Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technology

and Cognitive science, was, in 2014, the most popular term for converging
technologies. It was introduced into public discourse through the publication of
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, a report sponsored
in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation.[19] Various other acronyms have
been offered for the same concept such as GNR (Genetics, Nanotechnology and
Robotics) (Bill Joy, 2000, Why the future doesn’t need us[20]). Journalist Joel
Garreau in Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds,
Our Bodies — and What It Means to Be Human uses “GRIN”, for Genetic,
Robotic, Information, and Nano processes,[21] while science journalist Douglas
Mulhall in Our Molecular Future: How Nanotechnology, Robotics, Genetics and
Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Our World uses “GRAIN”, for Genetics,
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology.[22] Another acronym coined
by the appropriate technology organization ETC Group is “BANG” for “Bits,
Atoms, Neurons, Genes”.[23]

Converging science and technology fields

A comprehensive term used by Roco, Bainbridge, Tonn and Whitesides is

Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society (2013).[24] Bainbridge and
Roco edited and co-authored the Springer reference Handbook of Science and
Technology Convergence (2016)[25] defining the concept of convergence in various
science, technology and medical fields.[26] Roco published Principles and Methods
that Facilitate Convergence (2015).[27]

Examples of technology implications

Convergent solutions include both fixed-line and mobile technologies. Recent

examples of new, convergent services include:

• Using the Internet for voice and video telephony

• Video on demand
• Fixed-mobile convergence
• Mobile-to-mobile convergence
• Location-based services
• Integrated products and bundles

Convergent technologies can integrate the fixed-line with mobile to deliver
convergent solutions. Convergent technologies include:

• IP Multimedia Subsystem
• Session Initiation Protocol
• Voice over IP
• Voice call continuity
• Digital video broadcasting – handheld

Smart Parking System based on IoT

Living in cities can be difficult. Urbanization is on the rise, and congestion in the
city is becoming increasingly complex every day. It creates the need to launch an
automated system that allows users to book their parking slot with just a few clicks
on a mobile app. Now, the problem is quite apparent. But the big question is, what
can technology do to solve it? Is there a way out? Smart Parking System means an
IoT-based system that sends data about free and residential parking areas via a
web/mobile app.

Smart car parking systems using IoT, which include sensors and microcontrollers,
can be available in each parking slot. The user will then be able to track the
availability of all parking spaces and can choose the best one. Alternatively, the
user can also view the duration of the parking usage from the application, and costs
can be calculated and sent to the user with the help of smart parking meters. Not
only this, but the user can also decide to extend their time. All that is needed is a
working internet connection.

Parking in cities: A Perennial Problem

One of the most critical problems in urban cities is car parking and traffic control
systems. Finding parking space is often difficult for drivers in modern cities,
thanks to the growing number of private car users.

City planners can see this situation as an opportunity for IoT-based smart parking
in a busy city environment to ramp up the efficiency of their parking facilities and
lead to reduced search times, traffic congestion, and road accidents.

For instance, if drivers are notified about the availability of parking spaces for their
intended destination and surrounding areas, parking issues and traffic congestion
can be solved using smart parking using IoT technology.

Following the rapid development of sensory technology, many modern cities have
chosen to deploy various IoT-based systems for monitoring purposes. For example,
some parking programs claim that citizens get real-time information about
available parking spaces with IoT smart parking systems.

Such systems require efficient sensors installed in parking lots to accommodate

residential and data processing units to quickly obtain real-time data from various

Some major daily parking issues include:

1. Lack of parking spaces, mainly in the urban area

2. Misuse of available parking spaces
3. More time and fuel/gas are used to find open parking spaces
4. Difficulty in finding vehicles at large parking lots
5. Traffic congestion is concentrated on underutilized parking spaces
6. Business parking lots are taken over by passenger parking
7. Incorrect parking
8. Proper management of disabled areas & unused private parking lots
9. The natural impact of excessive fuel consumption in search of a parking
10.Unclear parking policies.

All these issues are a regular part of the parking experience in cities and towns
across India. But that need not be the same way. Smart Parking System can solve
the issue.

What is Smart Parking?

Smart parking system using IoT has smartphones and other sensors added into an
interconnected system to determine parking space or level and provide real-time
feedback. It is accomplished by using cameras, counters on the doors or gates of
parking lots, sensors embedded in the paved area of individual parking lots, among
other locations, depending on the deployment.

Solutions using IoT-based parking

IoT-based smart parking system transmits available and occupied parking spaces
via a web/mobile application.

Each parking space has an IoT gadget, which includes sensors and
microcontrollers. The user gets real-time updates on the availability of all parking
spaces and, therefore, an option to choose the best one. This solution alone initiates
a chain-reaction of benefits, from lesser traffic congestion to reduced fuel
efficiency, in urban areas where parking is often painstaking.

A basic flowchart for the whole process of smart parking IoT looks like this:

Architecture of Smart Parking System

It consists of the following components:

• Parking Sensors

The role of the parking sensors is to track space in the parking lot. Ultrasonic
sensors are used to detect the presence of vehicles.

• Processing Unit

The processor-on-a-chip acts as a central point between the sensors and the cloud
platforms, relaying data to and from.

• Mobile Application

It is a visual interface for end-users to interact with the smart parking system.

• The Cloud

The cloud serves as a repository for all records related to parking spaces and end-
users who have access to the system.

The deployment of smart parking systems is expected to increase thanks to the

rising issue of parking and reducing costs of implementing a smart parking system.

Another innovation is using visual image processing to capture a vehicle license

number to identify it with the help of Optical Character Recognition technology. It
then automatically opens the gate in the parking lot, and the system directs the
driver to the appropriate parking lot.

The future looks very promising for smart parking systems. The technologies
behind this solution are IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
augmented reality. By using these new approaches, smart parking will increase the
efficiency of parking systems.

Applications of Smart Parking Systems using IoT

Smart cities offer better use of space, less traffic, clean air, and more efficient
public services, increasing the quality of life. In addition, smart cities provide
many jobs and economic opportunities, and strong social connections.

Smart parking IoT project will help in:

• The seamless flowing of traffic

Public transport routes can be adjusted in real-time according to need, and smart
traffic lights systems can improve congestion.

• Energy efficiency can be improved

One can easily track down the power consumption & energy consumption by
monitoring in real-time.

M2M Value Chains
M2M literally means ‘Machine to Machine’. It describes the interaction of billions
of devices and machines that are connected to the internet and to each other. These
physical objects integrate computing capabilities that enable them to capture data
about the world around them and share this with other connected devices, creating
an intelligent network of ‘things’ or systems.
What this means is that machines can communicate and share information without
the need for human interaction. Some processes that are time-consuming or dull
can be automated, leaving people free to get on with more useful or enjoyable

M2M in everyday life:

M2M technology is all around us. It’s in our homes, on the commute to work, in
the way that we shop, exercise and entertain ourselves. Here are just a few
examples of M2M, or IoT technology that you might come across on a daily basis:
• Commuting: if your train is cancelled due to poor weather, a smart alarm
clock would determine the extra time you’ll need to take a different route,
and wake you up early enough so that you’re not late for work.
• Smart homes: a connected thermostat can automatically switch the heating
on when room temperature falls below a certain point. You might also have
a remote-locking system enabling you to open the door to a visitor via your
smart phone if you’re not at home.
• Health and fitness: wearable devices can track the number of steps you take
in a day, monitor your heartbeat and count calories to determine dietary
patterns and work out whether you’re missing vital nutrients.
• Shopping: based on your location, previous shopping experiences and
personal preferences, your local supermarket could ping you a voucher for
your favorite groceries when you’re in the area.
Architecture of Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) technology has a wide variety of applications and use of
Internet of Things is growing so faster. Depending upon different application areas
of Internet of Things, it works accordingly as per it has been designed/developed.
But it has not a standard defined architecture of working which is strictly followed
universally. The architecture of IoT depends upon its functionality and

implementation in different sectors. Still, there is a basic process flow based on
which IoT is built.
So, in this we will discuss fundamental architecture of IoT i.e.,
4 Stage IoT architecture.

4 Stage IoT architecture

So, from the above image there is 4 layers are present that can be divided as
follows: Sensing Layer, Network Layer, Data processing Layer, and Application
These are explained as following below.

1. Sensing Layer –
Sensors, actuators, devices are present in this Sensing layer. These Sensors
or Actuators accepts data (physical/environmental parameters), processes
data and emits data over network.
2. Network Layer –
Internet/Network gateways, Data Acquisition System (DAS) are present in
this layer. DAS performs data aggregation and conversion function
(Collecting data and aggregating data then converting analogue data of
sensors to digital data etc). Advanced gateways which mainly opens up
connection between Sensor networks and Internet also performs many basic
gateway functionalities like malware protection, and filtering also sometimes
decision making based on inputted data and data management services, etc.

3. Data processing Layer –
This is processing unit of IoT ecosystem. Here data is analysed and pre-
processed before sending it to data centre from where data is accessed by
software applications often termed as business applications where data is
monitored and managed, and further actions are also prepared. So here Edge
IT or edge analytics comes into picture.
4. Application Layer –
This is last layer of 4 stages of IoT architecture. Data centres or cloud is
management stage of data where data is managed and is used by end-user
applications like agriculture, health care, aerospace, farming, defence, etc.

IOT Value Chains Using Figure

An IoT solution is formed of several building blocks or components, and each of
these building blocks forms part of the IoT value chain.1 The IoT value chain
illustrates how the different components, in combination with one another or
separately, add value to the overall IoT solution and, in turn, for the end user.
Furthermore, each component is developed by a range of companies, some of
which play several roles in the IoT value chain. The following components form
part of the IoT value chain.

• Devices. This category includes existing devices such as smart meters or

vehicles in which the connectivity component has been integrated into the
product design. This could also include new devices that would not have
existed without IoT, such as pet trackers. Such a device must have a sensor
and an actuator, as well as communications hardware (described in more
detail below), but it will also have other elements (for example, a power
source such as a battery or mains electricity). In addition, depending on the
type of device, it may have a screen and other ways for the user to interact
with it directly (such as buttons or a keyboard).
• Sensor and actuators are connected to the device. Sensors are able to
capture data from the environment (for example, temperature). Actuators
respond to instructions and make changes in the device (for example,
adjusting the temperature on a thermostat). The instructions for an actuator
can come from sensors on the same device, or from other sources (for
example, a thermostat can be activated by mobile phone while the
homeowner is on their way home). A device can have sensors, actuators, or

• Communications hardware enables the device to connect to the network to
send the data from the sensors to the backend systems. This can include
hardware for connecting wirelessly via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee, LoRa,
cellular (for example GSM, 5G, NB-IoT, LTE-M) or several proprietary
technologies, or over a fixed network. Some devices will have hardware to
connect to multiple types of networks.
• The connectivity network, which can be cellular, fixed or satellite, delivers
the data from the sensors over the internet or a private network connection to
the user’s backend systems.
In addition, many different software components, which can be loosely grouped
as applications, deliver additional value to the end user.

• Backend systems include the servers to collect and analyse the data coming
from the sensors and from other sources (for example, weather forecast
data). These backend systems can be found in the public or private cloud, or
on on-premises hardware. For very simple systems, the backend can be a
standard PC.
• Software platforms such as device management, security and data
analytics ensure that IoT devices are functioning correctly and have not
been compromised. Such platforms also include data analytics software to
make sense of the data and improve business processes, as well as data bases
to store the data.
• This area also includes services such as billing and customer support.
Other parts of the value chain for IoT can include the systems integrators (SIs) or
developers that design, build and manage IoT services. The physical IoT device
will often need to be installed and maintained. Depending on the service, this
installation process can account for a high share of the overall value (for example,
in smart metering projects, where the installation process may cost more than the

Figure 1: Components of the IoT value chain

Shifting From M2M to IOT
Before the Internet of Things (IoT) captured the world’s imagination the utility
industry relied on machine-to-machine (M2M) technology to help manage
operations. Much of the industry still does and, truth be told, M2M fulfills much
the same functions as IoT, so why all the hype about IoT ushering in a new era?

First, IoT applications are potentially quantitatively and qualitatively more

powerful. In contrast to M2M systems, where limited numbers of devices
communicate between fixed endpoints, IoT can involve massively greater numbers
of intelligent devices, all of which can exchange data with each other and with a
central server. The result is a greater volume of data that can be analyzed to better
identify potential problems and opportunities.
M2M solutions typically use purpose-built infrastructure and are focused on
maximizing efficiency for specific functions like power grid control and remote
meter readings. IoT solutions, on the other hand, can perform the same tasks with

open-source tools and existing infrastructure such as mobile networks and cloud-
based applications. They achieve more with less.
Potential benefits of implementing IoT solutions include improved asset
management, reduction of supply chain risks, real-time decision-making, and
reduced operating costs. IoT offers Landis+Gyr significant opportunities to add
value to the energy industry because IoT is more evolution of M2M applications
than revolution, and the smart metering industry is a natural enabler of the Internet
of Things.
A key opportunity IoT offers utilities is the delivery of profitable services using
applications enabled by real-time data. Real-time data collection and analytics
running on industrial Internet protocols, such as iPv6, facilitate simultaneous
collaboration between many different companies as well as the integration of
multiple services. In addition, seamless system management and service delivery
are possible due to universal standards being applied across systems architecture,
communication, privacy and security.

Designing Principals and Needed Capabilities

of IOT
7 design principles for IoT
Soon, our everyday lives will be more and more filled with intelligent, connected
objects. They will appear in our homes, in our working environments and in the
cities, we live in as well as travel with us everywhere we go in the form of
wearables, smart clothing and things we cannot even imagine right now. This
development is called the internet of things, IoT.

1. Focus on value

In the world of IoT, user research and service design are more crucial than ever.
While early adopters are eager to try out new technology, many others are reluctant
to take new technology into use and cautious about using it, due to not feeling

confident with it. For your IoT solution to become widely adopted, you need to dig
deep into users’ needs in order to find out where lies a problem truly worth solving
and what is the real end user value of the solution. You also need to understand
what the barriers of might be adopting the new technology in general and your
solution specifically. For deciding on your feature set, you need research too. The
features that might be valuable and highly relevant for the tech early adopters may
be uninteresting for most of the users and vice versa, so you need to plan carefully
what features to include and in which order.

2. Take a holistic view

IoT solutions typically consist of multiple devices with different capabilities and
both physical and digital touchpoints. The solution may also be provided in co-
operation with multiple different service providers. It is not enough to design one
of the touchpoints well, instead you need to take a holistic look across the whole
system, the role of each device and service, and the conceptual model of how user
understands and perceives the system. The whole system needs to work seamlessly
together in order to create a meaningful experience.

3. Put safety first

As the IoT solutions are placed in the real-world context, the consequences can be
serious, when something goes wrong. At the same time the users of the IoT
solutions may be vary of using new technology, so building trust should be one of
your main design drivers. Trust is built slowly and lost easily, so you really need to
make sure that every interaction with the product/service builds the trust rather
than breaks it. What it means in practice? First, it means understanding possible
error situations related to context of use, HW, SW and network as well as to user
interactions and trying to prevent them. Secondly, if the error situations still occur,
it means appropriately informing the user about them and helping them to recover.
Secondly, it means considering data security & privacy as key elements of your
design. It is important for users to feel, that their private data is safe, their home,
working environment and everyday objects cannot be hacked and their loved ones
are not put at risk. Thirdly, quality assurance is critical, and it should not only
focus on testing the SW, but on testing the end-to-end system, in a real-world

4. Consider the context

IoT solutions exist at the crossroads of the physical and digital worlds. Commands
given through digital interfaces may produce real world effects, but unlike digital
commands, the actions happening in the real-world cannot necessarily be undone.
In the real-world context, lots of unexpected things can happen and at the same
time user should be able to feel safe and in control. The context places also other
kind of requirements to the design. Depending on the physical context, the goal
might be to minimize distraction of the user or e.g., to design devices that hold up
against changing weather conditions. IoT solutions in homes, workplaces and
public areas are typically multi-user systems and thus less personal than e.g.,
screen-based solutions used in smartphones, which also brings into picture the
social context where the solution is used and its’ requirements for the design.

5. Build a strong brand

Due to the real-world context of the IoT solutions, regardless of how carefully you
design things and aim to build trust, something unexpected will happen at some
point and your solution is somehow going to fail. In this kind of situations, it is of
utmost importance, that you have built a strong brand that truly resonates with the
end users. When they feel connected to your brand, they will be more forgiving
about the system failures and will keep on using your solution. While designing
your brand, you must keep in mind, that trust should be a key element of the brand,
one of the core brands values. This core value should also be reflected in the rest of
the brand elements, like the choice of color, tone of voice, imagery etc.

6. Prototype early and often

Typically, HW and SW have quite different lifespans, but as successful IoT

solution needs both the HW and SW elements, the lifespans should be aligned. At
the same time, IoT solutions are hard to upgrade, because once the connected
object is placed somewhere, it is not so easy to replace it with a newer version,
especially if the user would need to pay for the upgrade and even the software
within the connected object may be hard to update due to security and privacy
reasons. Due to these factors and to avoid costly hardware iterations, it’s crucial to
get the solution right, from the beginning of implementation. What this means
from the design perspective is that prototyping and rapid iteration of both the HW
and the whole solution are essential in the early stages of the project. New, more
creative ways of prototyping and faking the solution are needed.

7. Use data responsibly

IoT solutions can easily generate tons of data. However, the idea is not to hoard as
much data as possible, but instead to identify the data points that are needed to
make the solution functional and useful. Still, the amount of data may be vast, so
it’s necessary for the designer to understand the possibilities of data science and
how to make sense of the data. Data science provides a lot of opportunities to
reduce user friction, i.e., reducing use of time, energy and attention or diminishing
stress. It can be used to automate repeated context dependent decisions, to interpret
intent from incomplete/inadequate input or to filter meaningful signals from noise.
Understanding what data is available and how it can be used to help the user is a
key element in designing successful IoT services.

Needed Capabilities – IOT

1. Connectivity

It starts with how a device or sensor connects to the internet and a cloud platform.
There are many options to choose from Wi-Fi through a hub or gateway, 2G, or 3G
cellular networks. Once you have connectivity in place, now you can get the device
or sensor talking to your cloud IoT platform. Ensure you find a service provider that
can send data through clean API’s that are easy to implement and install. This will
ensure you can get quickly setup and start capturing your data within minutes.

2. Control

The next capability necessary when evaluating an IoT data platform is control of
the device. There are a number of different scenarios for control including
controlling a device through an application, device-to-device communication, or
control from the cloud (based on an event, rule or some other pre-determined
condition). For example, if you have a water leak detector, it can automatically send
a command to the device which could be an appliance or part of the core
infrastructure to turn off the water valve. Here, using two-way communication, a

signal can be sent from the detector to the device via the cloud to shut off the water.
Lastly, you can program the device from an app (or website) to shut off at a certain
time or schedule based on a pre-programmed rule.

3. Device Management

Device management is also a major consideration. To keep devices and sensors up

to date and functional, a strong device management solution is a core component of
an IoT cloud platform.
There are a few main capabilities a device management platform provides,
including the ability for manufacturers to send software or firmware updates OTA
(over-the-air), factory provisioning, as well as an out-of-box experience
(OOBE).OOBE is part of a core experience that is often left to the last minute or
completely glossed over. It’s the first experience that an end user, be it a consumer,
installer or technician has when interacting with a device for the first time. A great
OOBE experience significantly increases the probability of an end user successfully
installing and configuring a device. Furthermore, it reduces the likelihood of a
support call or the end user returning the product altogether.

4. Actionable Data

The last capability you should consider in a IoT data platform is how you can query
the data in a manner that is clear and meaningful. It’s one thing to get all your data
in place, but the value of the data is only realized when it’s turned into information
that can help solve a problem. We want organizations to focus on their core
competency, like making great appliances or services that deliver value to their
customers, rather than focusing on cloud infrastructure that makes it possible. At
Buddy, our job is to provide an end-to-end turn-key solution to connect the world’s
IoT devices and provide real-time business insights for decision making. That can

take the form of simple dashboard or deep analytics through integration with
partners and services.

Global Value Chain (GVC) in IOT

Integration of IOT in the global value chain network may help to solve many of
such challenges that Integration of IOT in the global value chain network may help
to solve many of such challenges that the traditional networks face. IOT helps
improve the efficiency of GVC networks by connecting links between information
flow and material flow at various stages of the GVC network.

For instance, if we consider the automotive supply chain, the main goal of the
manufacturing plant is to deliver the parts at the right time and to maintain an
optimum inventory. This is only possible if there is good coordination amongst 3rd
party logistics, transportation organizations, and multiple tiers of suppliers. These
coordination processes are often enhanced by making use of the IoT integrated
blockchain systems. Such a system utilizes smart IoT sensors and numerous smart
devices, which could track the location/whereabouts of parts as well as their
quantity along with all the other useful information in real time.

This advancement leads to various other improvements and benefits for the
manufacturing supply chain, such as improvement in material and information
flow, tracking system of goods as well as a planned production schedule. Similarly,
the suppliers also greatly benefit from this as they experience reduction of faulty
orders, improved inventory and inventory level, reduction in warehousing costs

III Unit – IoT Architecture


M2M high- IETF architecture for IoT - OGC architecture - IoT reference model - Domain model
- information model - functional model - communication model - IoT reference architecture.

ETSI M2M high-level architecture

 This high-level architecture is a combination of both a functional and topological view
showing some functional groups (FG) clearly associated with pieces of physical
infrastructure (e.g. M2M Devices, Gateways).
 There are two main domains, a network domain and a device and gateway domain.
 The boundary between these conceptually separated domains is the topological border
between the physical devices and gateways and the physical communication
infrastructure (Access network).

The Device and Gateway Domain contains the following functional/topological entities:
 M2M Device:
 This is the device of interest for an M2M scenario, for example, a device with a
temperature sensor.
 An M2M Device contains M2M Applications and M2M Service Capabilities.
 An M2M device connects to the Network Domain either directly or through an
M2M Gateway:
• Direct connection: The M2M Device is capable of performing registration,
authentication, authorization, management, and provisioning to the Network
Domain. Direct connection also means that the M2M device contains the
appropriate physical layer to be able to communicate with the Access Network.
• Through one or more M2M Gateway: M2M device does not have the
appropriate physical layer, compatible with the Access Network technology, and

III Unit – IoT Architecture

therefore it needs a network domain proxy. Moreover, a number of M2M devices

may form their own local M2M Area Network that typically employs a different
networking technology from the Access Network. The M2M Gateway acts as a
proxy for the Network Domain and performs the procedures of authentication,
authorization, management, and provisioning. An M2M Device could connect
through multiple M2M Gateways.
 M2M Area Network:
 This is a local area network (LAN) or a Personal Area Network (PAN) and
provides connectivity between M2M Devices and M2M Gateways.
 Typical networking technologies are IEEE 802.15.1 (Bluetooth), IEEE 802.15.4
(ZigBee, IETF 6LoWPAN/ROLL/CoRE), MBUS, KNX (wired or wireless) PLC,
 M2M Gateway:
 The device that provides connectivity for M2M Devices in an M2M Area
Network towards the Network Domain.
 The M2M Gateway contains M2M Applications and M2M Service Capabilities.
 The M2M Gateway may also provide services to other legacy devices that are not
visible to the Network Domain.
The Network Domain contains the following functional/topological entities:
 Access Network:
 This is the network that allows the devices in the Device and Gateway Domain to
communicate with the Core Network.
 Example Access Network Technologies are fixed (xDSL, HFC) and wireless
 Core Network:
 Examples of Core Networks are 3GPP Core Network and ETSI TISPAN Core
Network. It provides the following functions:
• IP connectivity.
• Service and Network control.
• Interconnection with other networks.
• Roaming.
 M2M Service Capabilities:
 These are functions exposed to different M2M Applications through a set of open
 These functions use underlying Core Network functions, and their objective is to
abstract the network functions for the sake of simpler applications.
 M2M Applications:
 These are the specific M2M applications (e.g. smart metering) that utilize the
M2M Service Capabilities through the open interfaces.
 Network Management Functions:

III Unit – IoT Architecture

 These are all the necessary functions to manage the Access and Core Network
(e.g. Provisioning, Fault Management, etc.).
 M2M Management Functions:
 These are the necessary functions required to manage the M2M Service
Capabilities on the Network Domain.
 There are two M2M Management functions:
• M2M Service Bootstrap Function (MSBF): The MSBF facilitates the
bootstrapping of permanent M2M service layer security credentials in the M2M
Device or Gateway and the M2M Service Capabilities in the Network Domain.
• M2M Authentication Server (MAS): This is the safe execution
environment where permanent security credentials such as the M2M Root Key are
 The most relevant entities in the ETSI M2M architecture are the M2M Nodes and M2M
 An M2M Node can be a Device M2M, Gateway M2M, or Network M2M Node.
 An M2M Application is the main application logic that uses the Service Capabilities to
achieve the M2M system requirements.

 The application logic can be deployed on a Device (Device Application, DA), Gateway
(Gateway Application, GA) or Network (Network Application, NA).
 The SCL (Service Capability Layer ) is a collection of functions that are exposed through
the open interfaces or reference points mIa, dIa, and mId (ETSI M2M TC 2013b).
 Because the main topological entities that SCL can deploy are the Device, Gateway, and
Network Domain, there are three types of SCL: DSCL (Device Service Capabilities

III Unit – IoT Architecture

IOT Reference Model

 The IoT Reference Model aims at establishing a common grounding and a common
language for IoT architectures and IoT systems.
 A reference model describes the domain using a number of sub-models (Figure 7.1).
 The domain model of an architecture model captures the main concepts or entities in the
domain, the domain model adds descriptions about the relationship between the concepts.
 These concepts and relationships serve the basis for the development of an information
model because a working system needs to capture and process information about its main
entities and their interactions.
 A working system that captures and operates on the domain and information model
contains concepts and entities of its own, and these need to be described in a separate
model, the functional model.
 An M2M and IoT system contain communicating entities, and therefore the
corresponding communication model needs to capture the communication interactions of
these entities.

 The foundation of the IoT Reference Model is the IoT Domain Model, which introduces
the main concepts of the Internet of Things like Devices, IoT Services and Virtual
Entities (VE), and it also introduces relations between these concepts.
 Based on the IoT Domain Model, the IoT Information Model has been developed. It
defines the structure (e.g. relations, attributes) of IoT related information in an IoT
system on a conceptual level without discussing how it would be represented.
 The information pertaining to those concepts of the IoT Domain Model is modelled,
which is explicitly gathered, stored and processed in an IoT system, e.g. information
about Devices, IoT Services and Virtual Entities.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 The IoT Functional Model identifies groups of functionalities, of which most are
grounded in key concepts of the IoT Domain Model.
 A number of these Functionality Groups (FG) build on each other, following the relations
identified in the IoT Domain Model.
 The Functionality Groups provide the functionalities for interacting with the instances of
these concepts or managing the information related to the concepts, e.g. information
about Virtual Entities or descriptions of IoT Services.
 The functionalities of the FGs that manage information use the IoT Information Model as
the basis for structuring their information.
 A key functionality in any distributed computer system is the communication between the
different components.
 The IoT Communication Model introduces concepts for handling the complexity of
communication in heterogeneous IoT environments. Communication also constitutes one
FG in the IoT Functional Model.

IoT domain model

 Domain model as a description of concepts belonging to a particular area of interest.

 The domain model also defines basic attributes of these concepts, such as name and
 The domain model defines relationships between concepts, for instance
“Services expose Resources”.
 Domain models also help to facilitate the exchange of data between domains.
 The main purpose of a domain model is to generate a common understanding of the
target domain in question.
 The domain model is an important part of any reference model since it includes a
definition of the main abstract concepts (abstractions), their responsibilities, and their
 The domain model captures the basic attributes of the main concepts and the relationship
between these concepts.
Model notation and semantics
 Class diagrams in order to present the relationships between the main concepts of the IoT
domain model.
 The Class diagrams consist of boxes that represent the different classes of the model
connected with each other through typically continuous lines or arrows, which represent
relationships between the respective classes.
 Each class is a descriptor of a set of objects that have similar structure, behavior, and
 A class contains a name and a set of attributes and operations.
 Notation-wise this is represented as a box with two compartments, one containing the
class name and the other containing the attributes.
 The Generalization/Specialization relationship is represented by an arrow with a solid
line and a hollow triangle head.
 Depending on the starting point of the arrow, the relationship can be viewed as a
generalization or specialization.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 For example, in Figure 7.4, Class A is a general case of Class B or Class B is special case
or specialization of Class A.
 Generalization is also called an “is-a” relationship. For example, in Figure 7.4 Class B
“is-a” Class A. A specialized class/subclass/child class inherits the attributes and the
operations from the general/super/parent class, respectively, and also contains its own
attributes and operations.
 The Aggregation relationship is represented by a line with a hollow diamond in one end
and represents a whole-part relationship or a containment relationship and is often called
a “has-a” relationship.

 The class that touches the hollow diamond is the whole class while the other class is the
part class.
 For example, in Figure 7.4, class B represents a part of the whole Class A, or in other
words, an object of Class A “contains” or “has-a” object of Class B.
 When the line with the hollow diamond starts and ends in the same class, then this
relationship of one class to itself is called Reflexive Aggregation, and it denotes that
objects of a class (e.g. Class A in Figure 7.4) contain objects of the same class.
 The Composition relationship is represented by a line with a solid black diamond in one
end, and also represents a whole-part relationship or a containment relationship.
 The class that touches the solid black diamond is the whole class while the other class is
the part class. For example, in Figure 7.4, Class B is part of Class A. Composition and
Aggregation are very similar, with the difference being the coincident lifetime to the
objects of classes related with composition.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

body for live capture of vital signals, e.g. heart rate); that location is basically fixed and
associated with the identification of the Human User.
 Nevertheless, in such cases, sometimes the location of the whole BAN or Human User is
important for correlation purposes (e.g. upon moving outdoors, the Human User heart
rate increases in order to compensate for the lower temperature than indoors).
 Therefore, the location, and often the timestamp of location, for the Virtual Entity can be
modeled as an attribute of the Virtual Entity that could be obtained by location sensing
resources (e.g. GPS or indoor location systems).

Communication model

 The communication model for an IoT Reference Model consists of the identification of
the endpoints of interactions, traffic patterns (e.g. unicast vs. multicast), and general
properties of the underlying technologies used for enabling such interactions.
 It is used to identification of the endpoints of the communication paths.
 The potential communicating endpoints or entities are the Users, Resources, and Devices
from the IoT Domain Model.
 Users include Human Users and Active Digital Artifacts (Services, internal system
components, external applications).
 Devices with a Human_Machine Interface mediate the interactions between a Human
User and the physical world (e.g. keyboards, mice, pens, touch screens, buttons,
microphones, cameras, eye tracking, and brain wave interfaces, etc.), and therefore the
Human User is not a communication model endpoint.
 The User (Active Digital Artifact, Service)-to-Service interactions include the User-to-
Service and Service-to-Service interactions as well as the Service_Resource_Device
 The User-to-Service and Service-to-Service communication is typically based on Internet
protocols and one or both Services are hosted in Service-to-Service interactions on
constrained/low-end Devices such as embedded systems.
 The communication model for these interactions includes several types of gateways (e.g.
network, application layer gateways) to bridge between two or more disparate
communication technologies.
 The Devices may be so constrained that they cannot host the Services, while the
Resources could be hosted or not depending on the Device capabilities.
 This inability of the Device to host Resources or Services results in moving the
corresponding Resources and/or Services out of the Device and into more powerful
Devices or machines in the cloud.
 Then the Resource-to-Device or the Service-to-Resource communication needs to
involve multiple types of communication stacks.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

Functional model

 The IoT Functional Model aims at describing mainly the Functional Groups (FG) and
their interaction with the ARM.
 Functional View of a Reference Architecture describes the functional components of an
FG, interfaces, and interactions between the components.
 The Functional View is typically derived from the Functional Model in conjunction with
high level requirements.

 The Application, Virtual Entity, IoT Service, and Device FGs are generated by starting
from the User, Virtual Entity, Resource, Service, and Device classes from the IoT
Domain Model.
 The need to compose simple IoT services in order to create more complex ones, as well
as the need to integrate IoT services (simple or complex) with existing Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure, is the main driver behind the
introduction of the Service Organization and IoT Process Management FGs respectively.
 All the above-mentioned FGs need to be supported by management and security
functionality captured by the corresponding FGs.

Device functional group

 The Device FG contains all the possible functionality hosted by the physical Devices that
are used for instrumenting the Physical Entities.
 This Device functionality includes sensing, actuation, processing, storage, and
identification components, the sophistication of which depends on the Device capabilities.

III Unit – IoT Architecture

Communication functional group

 The Communication FG abstracts all the possible communication mechanisms used by
the relevant Devices in an actual system in order to transfer information to the digital world
components or other Devices.
 Examples of such functions include wired bus or wireless mesh technologies through
which sensor Devices are connected to Internet Gateway Devices.
 Communication technologies used between Applications and other functions such as
functions from the IoT Service FG are out of scope because they are the typical Internet
IoT Service functional group
 The IoT Service FG corresponds mainly to the Service class from the IoT Domain
Model, and contains single IoT Services exposed by Resources hosted on Devices or in the
Network (e.g. processing or storage Resources).
 Support functions such as directory services, which allow discovery of Services and
resolution to Resources, are also part of this FG.

Virtual Entity functional group

 The Virtual Entity FG corresponds to the Virtual Entity class in the IoT Domain Model,
and contains the necessary functionality to manage associations between Virtual Entities
with themselves as well as associations between Virtual Entities and related IoT Services,
i.e. the Association objects for the IoT Information Model.
 Associations between Virtual Entities can be static or dynamic depending on the mobility
of the Physical Entities related to the corresponding Virtual Entities.
 An example of a static association between Virtual Entities is the hierarchical inclusion
relationship of a building, floor, room/corridor/open space, i.e. a building contains
multiple floors that contain rooms, corridors, and open spaces.
 An example of a dynamic association between Virtual Entities is a car moving from one
block of a city to another (the car is one Virtual Entity while the city block is another).
 A major difference between IoT Services and Virtual Entity Services is the semantics of
the requests and responses to/from these services.
 The parking lot example, the Parking Sensor Service provides as a response only a
number “0” or “1” given the identifier of a Loop Sensor (e.g. #11).
 The Virtual Entity Parking Spot #01 responds to a request about its occupancy status as
“free.” The IoT Service provides data or information associated to specific Devices or
Resources, including limited semantic information (e.g. Parking sensor #11, value5“0”,
units 5 none); the Virtual IoT Service provides information with richer semantics
(“Parking spot #01 is free”), and is closer to being human-readable and understandable.

IoT Service Organization functional group

 The purpose of the IoT Service Organization FG is to host all functional components that
support the composition and orchestration of IoT and Virtual Entity services.
 This FG acts as a service hub between several other functional groups such as the IoT
Process Management FG when, for example, service requests from Applications or the
IoT Process Management are directed to the Resources implementing the necessary


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 Therefore, the Service Organization FG supports the association of Virtual Entities with
the related IoT Services, and contains functions for discovery, composition, and
choreography of services.
 Simple IoT or Virtual Entity Services can be composed to create more complex services,
e.g. a control loop with one Sensor Service and one Actuator service with the objective to
control the temperature in a building.
 Choreography is the brokerage of Services so that Services can subscribe to other
services in a system.

IoT Process Management functional group

 The IoT Process Management FG is a collection of functionalities that allows smooth

integration of IoT-related services (IoT Services, Virtual Entity Services, Composed
Services) with the Enterprise (Business) Processes.

Management functional group

 The Management FG includes the necessary functions for enabling fault and performance
monitoring of the system, configuration for enabling the system to be flexible to changing
User demands, and accounting for enabling subsequent billing for the usage of the
 Support functions such as management of ownership, administrative domain, rules and
rights of functional components, and information stores are also included in the
Management FG.

Security functional group

 The Security FG contains the functional components that ensure the secure operation of
the system as well as the management of privacy.
 The Security FG contains components for Authentication of Users (Applications,
Humans), Authorization of access to Services by Users, secure communication (ensuring
integrity and confidentiality of messages) between entities of the system such as Devices,
Services, Applications, assurance of privacy of sensitive information relating to Human
 These include privacy mechanisms such as anonymization of collected data,
anonymization of resource and Service accesses (Services cannot deduce which Human
User accessed the data), and un-linkability (an outside observer cannot deduce the
Human User of a service by observing multiple service requests by the same User).
Application functional group
 The Application FG is just a placeholder that represents all the needed logic for creating
an IoT application.
 The applications typically contain custom logic tailored to a specific domain such as a
Smart Grid.
 An application can also be a part of a bigger ICT system that employs IoT services such
as a supply chain system that uses RFID readers to track the movement of goods within a
factory in order to update the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Modular IoT functions
 It is important to note that not all the FGs are needed for a complete actual IoT system.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 The Functional Model, as well as the Functional View of the Reference Architecture,
contains a complete map of the potential functionalities for a system realization.
 The functionalities that will eventually be used in an actual system are dependent on the
actual system requirements.
 FGs are organized in such a way that more complex functionalities can be built based on
simpler ones, thus making the model modular.

Information model

 Information is defined as the enrichment of data (raw values without relevant or usable
context) with the right context, so that queries about who, what, where, and when can be
 IoT information model captures the details of a Virtual Entity centric model.

 Association class in Figure 7.8 contains information about the specific association
between a Virtual Entity and a related Service.
 On a high-level, the IoT Information Model maintains the necessary information about
Virtual Entities and their properties or attributes.
 These properties/attributes can be static or dynamic and enter into the system in various
forms, e.g. by manual data entry or reading a sensor attached to the Virtual Entity.
 Virtual Entity attributes can also be digital synchronized copies of the state of an
 In the presentation of the high-level IoT information model, we omit the attributes that
are not updated by an IoT Device (sensor, tag) or the attributes that do not affect any IoT


III Unit – IoT Architecture

(d) a storage resource, which provides storage of data about a Physical Entity;
(e) a tag resource, which provides identification data for Physical Entities.
3. Free text attributes or tags used for capturing typical manual input such as “fire alarm,
4. Indicator of whether the resource is an on-Device resour ce or network resource.
5. Location information about the Device that hosts this resource in case of an on-Device
6. Associated Service information.
7. Associated Device description information.
 A Device is a Physical Entity that could have a sensor, actuator, or tag instantiation.

IoT reference architecture

 Architecture Reference Model (ARM) consists of two main parts:
1. a Reference model
2. a Reference Architecture.
 The foundation of an IoT Reference Architecture description is an IoT reference model.
 A System Architecture is a communication tool for different stakeholders of the system.
 Developers, component and system managers, partners, suppliers, and customers have
different views of a single system based on their requirements and their specific
interactions with the system.
 The high-level abstraction is called Reference Architecture as it serves as a reference for
generating concrete architectures and actual systems, as shown in the Figure 7.2.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 Concrete architectures are instantiations of rather abstract and high-level Reference

 A Reference Architecture captures the essential parts of an architecture, such as design
principles, guidelines, and required parts (such as entities), to monitor and interact with
the physical world for the case of an IoT Reference Architecture.
 A concrete architecture can be further elaborated and mapped into real world components
by designing, building, engineering, and testing the different components of the actual
 The general essentials out of multiple concrete architectures can then are aggregated, and
contribute to the evolution of the Reference Architecture.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 It has two types of Architecture:

Three Layer Architectures
Five-Layer Architectures

Three Layer Architectures

 It has three layers, namely, the perception, network, and application layers.

(i) The perception layer is the physical layer, which has sensors for sensing and
gathering information about the environment. It senses some physical parameters or
identifies other smart objects in the environment.
(ii) The network layer is responsible for connecting to other smart things, network
devices, and servers. Its features are also used for transmitting and processing sensor
(iii) The application layer is responsible for delivering application specific services to
the user. It defines various applications in which the Internet of Things can be deployed,
for example, smart homes, smart cities, and smart health.

 The three-layer architecture defines the main idea of the Internet of Things, but it is not
sufficient for research on IoT because research often focuses on finer aspects of the
Internet of Things.

Five Layer Architectures

 The five layers are perception, transport, processing, application, and business layers (see


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 The role of the perception and application layers is the same as the architecture with three
layers. We outline the function of the remaining three layers.
(i) The transport layer transfers the sensor data from the perception layer to the
processing layer and vice versa through networks such as wireless, 3G, LAN, Bluetooth,
RFID, and NFC.
(ii) The processing layer is also known as the middleware layer. It stores, analyzes, and
processes huge amounts of data that comes from the transport layer. It can manage and
provide a diverse set of services to the lower layers. It employs many technologies such
as databases, cloud computing, and big data processing modules.
(iii) The business layer manages the whole IoT system, including applications, business
and profit models, and users’ privacy.

 The layers are :

 Client/external communications - Web/Portal, Dashboard, APIs
 Event processing and analytics (including data storage)
 Aggregation/bus layer – ESB and message broker
 Relevant transports - MQTT/HTTP/XMPP/CoAP/AMQP, etc.
 Devices
 The cross-cutting layers are :
 Device manager
 Identity and access management

The Device Layer


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 The bottom layer of the architecture is the device layer.

 Devices can be of various types, but in order to be considered as IoT devices, they must
have some communications that either indirectly or directly attaches to the Internet.
 Examples of direct connections are :
• Arduino with Arduino Ethernet connection
• Arduino Yun with a Wi-Fi connection
• Raspberry Pi connected via Ethernet or Wi-Fi
• Intel Galileo connected via Ethernet or Wi-Fi Examples of indirectly connected device
• ZigBee devices connected via a ZigBee gateway
• Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy devices connecting via a mobile phone
• Devices communicating via low power radios to a Raspberry Pi
 Each device typically needs an identity.
 The identity may be one of the following:
• A unique identifier (UUID) burnt into the device
• A UUID provided by the radio subsystem (e.g. Bluetooth identifier, Wi-Fi MAC
• An OAuth2 Refresh/Bearer Token
• An identifier stored in nonvolatile memory such as EEPROM

The Communications Layer

• The communication layer supports the connectivity of the devices.

• There are multiple potential protocols for communication between the devices and the
 The most well known three potential protocols are :

• HTTP/HTTPS (and RESTful approaches on those)

• MQTT 3.1/3.1.1

• Constrained application protocol (CoAP)

 HTTP supports many libraries. Because it is a simple textbased protocol, many small
devices such as 8-bit controllers can only partially support the .
 The larger 32-bit based devices can utilize full HTTP client libraries that properly
implement the whole protocol.
 MQTT solve issues in embedded systems and SCADA.
 MQTT is a publish-subscribe messaging system based on a broker model. The protocol
has a very small overhead.
 It is designed to support lossy and intermittently connected networks.
 MQTT was designed to flow over TCP.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

 In addition there is an associated specification designed for ZigBee-style networks called

MQTT-SN (Sensor Networks).
 CoAP is a protocol from the IETF that is designed to provide a RESTful application
protocol modeled on HTTP semantics. CoAP is a more traditional client-server approach
 CoAP is designed to be used over UDP.

The Aggregation/Bus Layer

 This layer aggregates and brokers communications.

 This is an important layer for three reasons:

1. The ability to support an HTTP server and/or an MQTT broker to talk to the devices

2.The ability to aggregate and combine communications from different devices and to
route communications to a specific device (possibly via a gateway)

3.The ability to bridge and transform between different protocols, e.g. to offer HTTP
based APIs that are mediated into an MQTT message going to the device.

 The bus layer may also provide some simple correlation and mapping from different
correlation models (e.g. mapping a device ID into an owner’s ID or vice-versa).
 It must be able to act as an OAuth2 Resource Server (validating Bearer Tokens and
associated resource access scopes).
 It must also be able to act as a policy enforcement point (PEP) for policy-based access.

The Event Processing And Analytics Layer

 This layer takes the events from the bus and provides the ability to process and act upon
these events.
 A core capability here is the requirement to store the data into a database.
 It has the following approaches:
• Highly scalable, column-based data storage for storing events
• Map-reduce for long-running batch-oriented processing of data
• Complex event processing for fast in-memory processing and near real-time reaction
and autonomic actions based on the data and activity of devices and other systems

Client/External Communications Layer

 The reference architecture needs to provide a way for these devices to communicate
outside of the device-oriented system.
 This includes three main approaches.
• Firstly, we need the ability to create web-based front-ends and portals that interact
with devices and with the event-processing layer.


III Unit – IoT Architecture

• Secondly, we need the ability to create dashboards that offer views into analytics
and event processing.
• Finally, we need to be able to interact with systems outside this network using
machine-to-machine communications (APIs).
 The API management layer provides three main functions:
• The first is that it provides a developer-focused portal where developers can find,
explore, and subscribe to APIs from the system. There is also support for publishers to
create, version, and manage the available and published APIs;
• The second is a gateway that manages access to the APIs, performing access control
checks (for external requests) as well as throttling usage based on policies. It also
performs routing and load-balancing;
• The final aspect is that the gateway publishes data into the analytics layer where it is
stored as well as processed to provide insights into how the APIs are used.

Device Management

 Device management (DM) is handled by two components.

 A server-side system (the device manager) communicates with devices via various
protocols and provides both individual and bulk control of devices.
 It also remotely manages software and applications deployed on the device.
 It can lock and/or wipe the device if necessary.
 The device manager works in conjunction with the device management agents.
 There are multiple different agents for different platforms and device types.
 The device manager also needs to maintain the list of device identities and map these into
 It must also work with the identity and access management layer to manage access
controls over devices.
 There are three levels of device: non-managed, semi-managed and fully managed (NM,
SM, FM).
 A full DM agent supports:
• Managing the software on the device
• Enabling/disabling features of the device (e.g. camera, hardware, etc.)
• Management of security controls and identifiers
• Monitoring the availability of the device
• Maintaining a record of the device’s location if available

Identity and Access Management

 The final layer is the identity and access management layer.

 This layer needs to provide the following services:

• OAuth2 token issuing and validation


IoT − Common Uses
IoT has applications across all industries and markets. It spans user groups from
those who want to reduce energy use in their home to large organizations who
want to streamline their operations. It proves not just useful, but nearly critical in
many industries as technology advances and we move towards the advanced
automation imagined in the distant future.

Engineering, Industry, and Infrastructure

Applications of IoT in these areas include improving production, marketing,
service delivery, and safety. IoT provides a strong means of monitoring various
processes; and real transparency creates greater visibility for improvement
opportunities. The deep level of control afforded by IoT allows rapid and more
action on those opportunities, which include events like obvious customer needs,
nonconforming product, malfunctions in equipment, problems in the distribution
network, and more.

Government and Safety

IoT applied to government and safety allows improved law enforcement, defense,
city planning, and economic management. The technology fills in the current gaps,
corrects many current flaws, and expands the reach of these efforts. For example,
IoT can help city planners have a clearer view of the impact of their design, and
governments have a better idea of the local economy.

Home and Office

In our daily lives, IoT provides a personalized experience from the home to the
office to the organizations we frequently do business with. This improves our
overall satisfaction, enhances productivity, and improves our health and safety. For
example, IoT can help us customize our office space to optimize our work.

Health and Medicine
IoT pushes us towards our imagined future of medicine which exploits a highly
integrated network of sophisticated medical devices. Today, IoT can dramatically
enhance medical research, devices, care, and emergency care. The integration of all
elements provides more accuracy, more attention to detail, faster reactions to
events, and constant improvement while reducing the typical overhead of medical
research and organizations.

IoT Applications in the Oil and Gas Industry

By adopting IoT applications, the oil and gas sector can improve safety and
amplify profits simultaneously, with asset tracking and predictive maintenance
solutions having the greatest impact. Oil and gas IoT applications may even
become necessary for a competitive edge among rising geopolitical and climate
change tensions.

Almost every article written about the Oil and Gas (O&G) industry claims we may
not see $100-per barrel oil for years, if at all. Combine this uncertainty in price
with downstream O&G companies (those who process, sell, and distribute oil-
based products) who no longer benefit from just competitive prices alone and have
to compete for customers who are increasingly searching for an enhanced digital
experience. These issues go a long way toward promoting the adoption of these
IoT applications in the oil and gas industry.

According to McKinsey, IoT has a total potential economic impact of $3.9T to

$11.1T by the year 2025. With a potential economic impact of $930B from mining
and O&G companies within the next ten years, it’s no surprise that the O&G
industry is interested in leveraging IoT.

For the O&G industry, the advantages of oil and gas IoT applications lie in
creating value through an integrated deployment strategy. IoT will allow the
industry to digitize, optimize, and automate processes that were previously
unconnected to save time, money, and increase safety. Below, we’ll discuss how
IoT can add value and be applied to the O&G sector.

Smart Factories: The Role IoT in the Future

of Manufacturing
The term “smart factory” refers to digitized manufacturing—incorporating modern
technologies such as IoT sensors , AI, robotics, and machine learning in the inner
workings of a factory. Digitization provides valuable insights that can help
manufacturers achieve greater efficiencies around quality control, predictive
maintenance for machines, and better communications between information
technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) sides of the company.

The smart factory is one component of an innovation revolution known as Industry

4.0 or the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT). Altogether, IoT promises to
revolutionize industry processes and help organizations take advantage of all types
of data.

Shifting toward digital technologies can yield many benefits for manufacturing
companies. Added efficiencies across production systems mean smart factories can
produce more at a lower cost. The shift toward smart factory technologies will
likely result in threefold productivity improvements in the manufacturing sector
over the next decade, according to a recent report.

Many workers spend time entering or tabulating data. Automating simple,

repetitive tasks can help them focus on priorities and complete projects faster—
with fewer people involved. This streamlining effect allows companies to innovate
more quickly without the need to make additional investments.


Generic Adaptive Middleware for Behavior-

driven Autonomous Services
The overall objective of the GAMBAS project is the development of an innovative
and adaptive middleware to enable the privacy-preserving and automated
utilization of behavior-driven services that adapt autonomously to the context of

With the advent of powerful Internet-connected objects an increasing number of

Europeans have constant access to information on the Internet. Nowadays, these
connected objects are causing a drastic paradigm shift in the way people deal with
information. Yet, the technical means to access information have only changed
marginally. In most cases, information is accessed via the web which requires
persons to memorize long URLs, click through web pages or browse through
search results.

In contrast, ubiquitous computing envisions services providing distraction-free

support. To realize this vision, services themselves must adapt to the user’s
situation, behavior and intents at runtime. This requires services to gather and
process the user’s context.

Internet-connected objects provide a promising basis for determining user context

in an automated manner on a large scale. The vision of ubiquitous computing,
however, extends beyond the boundaries of a single service as it envisions

seamless support for everyday tasks. To close the resulting gaps, the GAMBAS
project has the following scientific and technical objectives:

1. Development of a generic adaptive middleware for behavior-driven autonomous

services that encompasses:

▪ Models and infrastructures to support the interoperable representation and

scalable processing of context.
▪ Frameworks and methods to support the generic yet resource-efficient multi-
modal recognition of context.
▪ Protocols and tools to derive, generalize, and enforce user-specific privacy-
▪ Techniques and concepts to optimize the interaction with behaviour-driven

2. Validation of the middleware and its components using lab tests and a prototype
application in the public transportation domain.

Smartie approach for IOT

The vision of SMARTIE (Secure and Smarter Cities data management) is to create
a distributed framework for IoT-based applications storing, sharing and processing
large volumes of heterogeneous information. This framework is envisioned to
enable end-to-end security and trust in information delivery for decision-making
purposes following the data owner's privacy requirements. SMARTIE follows a
data-centric paradigm, which will offer highly scalable and secure information for
smart city applications. The heart of this paradigm will be the 'information
management and services' plane as a unifying umbrella, which will operate above
heterogeneous network devices and data sources and will provide advanced secure
information services enabling powerful higher-layer applications.

IoT – Security
Every connected device creates opportunities for attackers. These vulnerabilities
are broad, even for a single small device. The risks posed include data transfer,
device access, malfunctioning devices, and always-on/always-connected devices.
The main challenges in security remain the security limitations associated with
producing low cost devices, and the growing number of devices which creates
more opportunities.

Data Aggregation IOT

Data aggregation in IoT is the process of gathering and summarizing data from
multiple sensors or devices at intermediate nodes and transmitting the aggregated
data to the base station or cloud. Data aggregation can help reduce the network
traffic, data transmission delay, and energy consumption of IoT devices. It can also
provide more valuable insights for IoT applications in smart cities and other

Security and Privacy Issues with Internet of

Things (IoT)

IoT is considered a worldwide network of individually connected devices which
communicate with each other, passing data across the internet. This data is collected
about individual users and in some cases may contain very personal and private
information about the user. Because this data can also be used for malicious purposes
it presents security and Privacy Issues with Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The
number of IoT devices is quite large. IoT devices are typically dispersed across the
globe, allowing for instant communication between connected devices. Domestic
appliances, automobiles, TVs and other devices are collecting and transmitting their
data across the internet in order to complete a variety of tasks. Users are typically
unaware of how much data is actually collected and how the data is used or shared
with others. As a result of the collecting, passing and sharing of data among these
networked devices and data recipients there is a concern among security and privacy
experts about how this data is collected, shared and used.
In addition, the IoT devices and their networks are increasingly becoming a prime
target for cybercriminals which has resulted in the breach of data security and
privacy. According to a new threat report from security firm Symantec, the number
of IoT attacks increased from about 6,000 in 2016 to 50,000 in 2017—a 600% rise
in just one year. The majority of IoT attacks in 2017—21%—originated from China,
the report found, followed by the US (11%), Brazil (7%), and Russia (6%).

In 2016, a malware known as Mirai was used to attack the execution of several DDoS
(Distributed Denial of Service) attacks and in 2017 Ransomware remained a major
threat, with the WannaCry and Petya/Not Petya attacks taking down systems
worldwide. While the number of ransomware variants increased 46% last year, the
average ransom dollar demand dropped.

Therefore, many countries are enacting additional privacy and security regulations
in order to prevent the harmful consequences that may arise due to the privacy and
security obstacles IoT presents. New regulations, including the EU’s GDPR
(General Data Protection Regulations) and the guidelines recently released by US’s
Federal Trade Commission enhance the obligations and liability for failure to take
adequate protective measures into consideration.


OGC standards relevant to


George Percivall
Chief Architect, Open Geospatial Consortium

IERC Meeting, Poznan, October 28th 2011

© 2011 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

OGC Snapshot

• A Voluntary Consensus
OGC Membership Distribution
Standards Organization,
founded in 1994.
• Currently 424 members
• Standards for Web Services,
LBS and Sensor Webs Academic
• Hundreds of product
• Broad user community Government
implementation worldwide
• Alliance partnerships with 30+
standards & professional orgs

OGC Copyright © 2011, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

GeoWeb will expand to Internet of Things




The emerging Internet of things:

-- indoor/outdoor location
-- sensor webs
-- building information models
-- location apps
-- location marketing
-- smart grid
Today’s Internet

OGC 56
OGC themes relevant to IoT

• Location
– All objects are located somewhere
– Accurate handling of location information is vital

• Sensors
– Many objects will include sensors of local environment
– Sensor Web Enablement for scaling sensors to web scale

OGC Copyright © 2011, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.


•Geotagged Text Messaging -- significant potential for

emergency / disaster response and other applications
–Harmonized with many existing
–Incorporates relevant
ISO standards

Consider any IoT Object might

send GeoSMS message

OGC © 2011, Open Geospatial Consortium

OGC supports consistent location standards

• ITU • W3C
– Initial coordination on – Points of Interest
GeoSMS – Geolocation API
– GeoPriv • Standards “in the wild”
– SIP – GeoRSS
– EDXL Location errors typically traced to:
• Coordinate order: Lat/Lon vs. Lon/Lat
• Differing Coordinate Reference Systems

OGC Copyright © 2011, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

Presentation of the Internet of Things

OGC Slide from 1Spatial

Indoor Spaces and Locations
– Semantic 3D city and building
models provide (nowadays)
• the geometry and
• a thematic differentiation of the
indoor areas (at least
separation in building parts,
storeys and rooms)
– OGC standard CityGML
– Thematic differentiation
already suitable for
addressing, route descriptions
and route tracking (homing)
• e.g. by room numbers

OGC 03/11/2011
Multilayered Space Model
• 1st layer: Topographic space model
– modeling of the building’s structure (topography)
– Primal space: geometric-topological model
– Dual space: network for route planning

• 2nd layer: Sensor space model

– Modeling of sensor / transmitter structure
– Primal space: coverage of sensor areas
– Dual space: transition between sensor areas

• Further layers: e.g. further sensor space model, mode of

navigation, logical layers

OGC 03/11/2011
Examples for Sensor Space Model



OGC 03/11/2011
Roadmap towards IndoorGML SWG
in the RFC
team Writing
RFC draft

Review and
the team
Writing Submission
Charter Charter

1. Report on RFC draft

Report on and charter Approval of
RFC draft and charter 2. Comments and replies new SWG

June, 2011 Sept. 2011 Nov. 2011 March 2012

Taichung Boulder Meeting Brussels Austin Meeting
® Meeting
OGC 64

OGC 65
OGC Sensor Web Enablement

OGC © 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc..

Basic Requirements for Sensor Web

• Quickly discover sensors and sensor data (secure or

public) that can meet my needs – location, observables,
quality, ability to task
• Obtain sensor information in a standard encoding that is
understandable by me and my software
• Readily access sensor observations in a common manner,
and in a form specific to my needs
• Task sensors, when possible, to meet my specific needs
• Subscribe to and receive alerts when a sensor measures a
particular phenomenon

OGC © 2009 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

SWE Model of a Sensor System

Sensor Web Enablement Architecture, OGC document 06-021r4

OGC Copyright © 2009, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.,

All Rights Reserved.
SWE model for Observations
• An observation is an event that estimates an observed property of a
feature of interest, using a procedure, and generating a result
• Sometimes „observed property‟ and „feature of interest‟ are conflated in
describing geophysical parameters, e.g. sea surface temperature
• Observations are modeled within General Feature Model [ISO 19109]

OGC Copyright © 2010, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

SWE Web Services

• Sensor Observation Service

– Access Observations for a sensor or sensor constellation, and
optionally, the associated sensor and platform data
• Sensor Planning Service
– Request collection feasibility and task sensor system for desired
• Alerts and Notifications
– Sensor Alert Service, Web Notification Service, Pub/Sub Event
• Sensor Registries
– Discover sensors and sensor observations

OGC Copyright 2007, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)

Discovery and tasking of sensors. Access, fusion and

application of sensor observations for enhanced
situational awareness
•Sensor Model Language (SensorML)
•Observations & Measurements (O&M)
•Sensor Planning Service (SPS)
•Sensor Observation Service (SOS)
•Catalogue Service
•Events and Notifications

OGC Copyright © 2010, Open Geospatial Consortium

Air quality monitoring pilot

Emission/imission Air Quality Air quality management

modeling in Moulin, Fr Vendor
(simple site) and Linz Cross-border
monitoring and
(complex site; more data alerting
QA automation
sources) SANY-compliant
data acquisition
Cross border integration
on French/Belgium
border in Flanders
Other data SANY infrastructure
SANY/SWE compliant sources
Managing QA
information within SOS Added-value Generic Services

Fusion & modelling Fusion

services -spatial
- diffusion
- transport
- Colour-coded
-≠kind of data - Time series

Internet of Things

• IoT is the networked interconnection of everyday objects

with embedded computers, sensors and actuators.
• Data “authored” by objects everywhere will transform
society at a scale beyond that WWW
– “pre-configured information” already in the device, e.g. RFID
– “sensed information” from physical world by sensors.
– All information will have a location
• Communication networks for IoT will be fixed Internet and
embedded mobile – Machine to Machine.

OGC is used in IoT and IoT informs OGC

OGC Copyright © 2011, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

How to build the Internet of Things
participate in who manage to create an open
cooperating rapid standards standards framework
Stakeholders… Standards prototyping, testing & (interfaces and
Development deployment activities… encodings) for
connecting with
the real world:

indoor/outdoor location
Corporations: OGC Sensor/actuator
IT platform providers IETF description & control
Search companies W3C Testbeds Observations/measureme
Carriers bSa Interoperability nts
Router companies OASIS experiments Machine-to-machine
Cell phone manufacturers IEEE communication
Sensor companies Plugfests
IEC Security & privacy
Government agencies/offices Pilot projects
Non-governmental organizations
Publishing & discovery

Research centers ITU Rights management

Universities etc. Data provenance, quality,

OGC 74
For Details on OGC Standards…

• OGC Standards
– Freely available

• OGC Reference Model (ORM)

– Overview of OGC Standards Baseline
– Resource for defining architectures for specific applications

George Percivall, gpercivall at

OGC Copyright © 2011, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.


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