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Mol Cell Toxicol (2013) 9:327-334

DOI 10.1007/s13273-013-0041-0


Effect of dental implant materials on the extracellular matrix

formation and cellular adhesion in MG-63 cells
Yu-Ri Kim1,*, Sang-Hui Seo1,*, Eun Jeong Lee1, Mi Jung Pyo1, Hye Won Kim1, Sung Ha Park1,
Dong-Woon Lee3,4, Jae-Eun Pie5, Jae-Jun Ryu3 & Meyoung-Kon Kim1,2

Received: 14 August 2013 / Accepted: 15 October 2013

�The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics and Springer 2013

Abstract Surface characteristics of various metallic Keywords Metal implant, Extracellular matrix, Cell
implant materials has been known that influence the adhesion, Hydroxyapatite-coated titanium, Zirconia
growth and healing in the implant-transplanted tissues.
In recent years, the use of metallic implant materials
was increased for the functional and structural recov- Titanium is one of the biological materials that are most
ery in damaged tissues. The aim of this study is to commonly used and it is used for the first time as im-
examine the effect of the dental implant material on plant materials late 1930s1. As titanium has great fea-
cell proliferation and attachment. In addition, we have tures for implant applications such as mechano proper-
examined the mechanism of cell adhesion and extra- ty and lightness, it is also ideal for use in dental implant
cellular matrix (ECM) formation of implant materi- alloy instead of chtomium and cobalt or stainless steel.
als. The MG-63 cells were cultured on three different However, the metal containing more than one element
implant materials such as titanium (Ti), hydroxyapatite has complex properties of strength and corrosion resis-
coated titanium (HA) and zirconia (Zr). We found that tance, titanium alloys use more frequently than the pure
cell proliferation on the rough surface of HA and Zr metal2-4. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a form of calcium
was higher than on the smooth surface. Also, mRNA phosphate and is a mineral component of bones and
and protein expression of ECM-related molecules, teeth5,6. Because hard tissues uch as bone, dental ena-
including collagen-1, elastin and bone morphogenic mel and dentin contain the HA, HA is commonly used
protein (BMP) was higher in cells cultured on HA a biomaterial due to its good mechanical properties and
and Zr than in those on Ti. Further, phosphorylation excellent biocompatibility7-9. Zirconia (Zr) is ceramic
of Smad3 and p38 MAPK was increased in cultured compound used for the fabrication implants10,11. In gen-
cells on HA and Zr. Thus, our data suggest that an eral, Zr is hughly biocompatible and can be used for
important determinant of cell growth and adhesion is large implants such as femoral head and total hip joint
the suorographi thographicrface morphology of the replacemen12. Zr is also ideal for femoral head implants
implant material. due to its low friction properties and excellent biocom-
The biological process of overall development of
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology the interface in the dental implant is divided into two
Korean Research Institute of Molecular Medicine and Nutrition phases. Phase I is the clinical healing phase and phase
Department of Dentistry, Korea University Medical School &
College, Seoul 135-705, Korea
II is the functional phase. Biological processes such
Department of Periodontology, Veterans Health Service Medical as first protein deposition, cell adhesion, cell migration
Center, Seoul 134-791, Korea and development of ECM are generated in the healing
Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Science and phase. It becomes extablishment of ECM, which is the
Engineering, Anyang University, Anyang 430-714, Korea initial response, and leads to cellular interface with
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
dental implant15-22. One of the most important biologi-
J.-J. Ryu (, cal events in clinical healing phase is a cell adhesion
M. K. Kim ( at the interface between the host tissue and the dental
328 Mol Cell Toxicol (2013) 9:327-334

Table 1. Sequences of PCR primers used in this study.

Gene Sequence Length (bp) Cycle
Tm. (�C)
VIM 259 35 55
COL1A2 225 35 55
FBN1 285 25 57
ELN 256 25 55
GAPDH 430 25 57

implant. This development of the ECM is related to

cell adhesion, determining characteristics of the tissue
is known. Also, ECM is an important factor in the cell
behavior, which is also crucial factor of cell prolifera-
tion. The ECM consists of structural proteins including
collagen, elastin and reticulin and fibronectin, special-
ized proteins including fibrillin and laminun, and pro-
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), a multi-
functional cytokine, is a regulator of ECM assembly
and remodeling. It is known that chemically and phar-
macologically stimualted healing of bone fractures and
augmented bone deposition occur via a TGF-β mediat-
ed pathway hat includes te activation of bone morpho-
genic protein (BMP). In particular, TGF-β activiety Figure 1. Cell proliferation of MG-63 cells on metal implant
inreases the expression of ECM-related molecules such materials. cells were cultured on Ti, HA or Zr for 11 days. Cell
as collagen, fibronectin, and elastin24,30,31. In addition, proliferation was assessed by MTT assay. ***P⁄0.001 HA
previous studies have reported hat TGF-β-induced syn- vs Ti, ###P⁄0.001 Zr vs Ti (Two-way ANOVA).
thesis of ECM proteins was mediated by activation of
the Smad family protein and p38 MAPK25,26.
In this study, we examined the proliferation and cell day by MTT assay. The proliferation of MG-63 cells
adhesion of human osteoblast-like MG-63 cells on the cultured on Ti, HA, or Zr steadily increased in a time-
Zr and HA-coated Ti compared to those grown on the dependent manner until 11 days. After day 5, MG-63
pure Ti. In addition, we explored how the expression cells cultured on on HA or Zr statistically grew faster
of ECM-related molecules such as collagen, elastin than that cultured on Ti (Figure 1). We can suggest that
and fibrillin were related to cell attachment to dental osteoblast cell proliferation appeared to be affected
implant materials. Finally, we investigated the activa- the disk surface used.
tion of the p38 MAPK signaling pathways and Smad
to elucidate mechanisms by expression of ECM-relat- Cell morphology cultured on different mental
ed molecules induced by TGF-β. implant materials
The surface morphology of Ti, HA and Zr and the cell
morphology of these three implant materials were
Results observed by SEM at day 7. As shown in Table 2, sur-
faces of HA and Zr were determined to be rougher
Cell proliferation assay of different metal implant
than Ti. In addition, we observed that cells cultured on
HA or Zr more extended pseudopodia across the sur-
MG-63 cells were cultured on Ti, HA, or Zr for 11 face of the implant materials than that cultured on Ti.
days, and cell proliferation was measured every odd These results demonstrated that the rough morphology
Mol Cell Toxicol (2013) 9:327-334 329

Table 2. The appearances of surface of dental implant materials and the cell morphology.
Materials name Surface MG-63

Titanium (Ti)

Hydroxyapatite (HA)

Zrconia (Zr)

Surface of materials and cell morphology were assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Magnification 3000X

of HA and Zr provides and ideal surface for the attach- in HA was increased by -2.2 and -2.1 fold (P⁄0.01
ment of human osteoblast cell. vs Ti), respectively. In addition FBN1 and ELN mRNA
levels in cells cultured on Zr were increased by -1.9
Differential effects of metal implant materials on and -2.1 fold (P⁄0.01 vs Ti), respectively (Figure 2).
mRNA expression of ECM structural proteins
Differential effects of metal implant materials on the
To determine the effect of surface roughness of metal protein expression of ECM structural proteins
implant materials on mRNA expression of ECM struc-
tural proteins including fibrillin-1 (FBN), elastin (ELN), To analyze the protein expression levels of ECM struc-
collagen-1 (COL1A2) and vimentin (VIM), we perform- tural proteins including elastin and collagen-1 and
ed RT-PCR. We found that the mRNA expression of BMP1 in cells cultured on three metal implant mate-
all four ECM structural proteins was increased with rials, we performed Western blot analyses. Compared
significance in cells cultured on HA or Zr, compared to cells cultured on Ti, the expression levels of ECM
to cells cultured on Ti (Figure 2). For example, the structural proteins were highly increased when cultur-
mRNA expression of FBN1 and ELN in cells cultured ed on HA or Zr (Figure 3). For example, the expres-
330 Mol Cell Toxicol (2013) 9:327-334

Figure 2. mRNA expression of ELN, FBN1, VIM and COL1A2 in MG-63 cells cultured on Ti, HA or Zr. MG-63 cells cultured
on Ti, HA or Zr for 7 day, after than total RNA were extracted and subjected to RT-PCR. The mRNA levels were normalized by
the basis of GAPDH expression. (A) A representative ethidium bromide (EtBr)-stained agarose gel showing ELN, FBN1, VIM
and COL1A2 mRNA levels. (B), (C), (D), (E) Quantitative analysis of FBN1, ELN, COL1A2 and VIM mRNA expression in the
gel shown in (A), respectively. *, ** indicates statistically significant differences, *P⁄0.05, **P⁄0.01 (Two-way ANOVA).

sion of elastin and BMP1 on Zr was increased by -2.7 cules are mediated by the activation of Smad and p38
and -2.8 fold, respectively, as compared to cells cul- MAPK signaling pathways. As shown in Figure 4, the
tured on Ti (Figure 3). Also, the BMP1 on HA was level of phosphorylated Smad3 was elevated in cells
increased by -2.0 fold, compared to cells on Ti (Fig- cultured on HA or Zr compared to those cultured on
ure 3). These results are consistent with those of our Ti, while the amount of non-phosphorylated Smad3
RT-PCR analyses of ECM structural protein expres- was not changed. Phosphorylated Smad3 is known to
sion in cells grown on HA or Zr. bind Smad4, and the heteromeric complex then trans-
lates into the nucleus. We found that levels of the nu-
Activation of TGF-β signaling on metal implant clear form of Smad4 in cells treated on HA or Zr were
materials higher than those grown on Ti, whereas the level of its
cytosolic (unphosphorylated) form was not changed
It is known that TGF-β-induced ECM-related mole- in either of the cell lines on any of the three implant
Mol Cell Toxicol (2013) 9:327-334 331

In this study, we analyzed the effect of three different
implant materials on cell adhesion and ECM formation,
including Ti which is a commonly used implant mate-
rial, hydroxyapatite-coated Ti and Zr which is a cera-
We examined the formation of ECM in cells cultured
on each of the three types of implant materials and cell
adhesion. To investigate the effect of surface morphol-
ogy of the implant material on cell proliferation and
Figure 3. Western blot analysis of BMP1, elastin, collagen-1 biological response, we observed the MG-63 cells cul-
in MG-63 cells cultured on metal implant materials. Cells were tured on Ti, HA or Zr over a 11 days. The result of
cultured on Ti, HA or Zr for 7 days. Equal amounts of protein SEM showed that HA and Zr have rougher surfaces
extract (25 μg) were separated on a SDS-PAGE gel, transferr-
ed to an NC membrane and incubated with BMP1, elastin, col-
than Ti. Since HA is fabricated by coating Ti with hy-
lagen-1, and tubulin antibodies. droxyapatite, and Zr is obtained by sandblasting and
surface treatment, they have roughness surfaces. Cell
proliferation assay showed that proliferation on HA
or Zr was significantly higher than on Ti after 5 days.
Especially, at Day 7, the proliferation in cells cultured
on HA or Zr was highly increased between about 6 to
10 folds as compared to cells on Ti. Similar to these
results, our previous studies reported that MG-63 cells
treated with HA showed higher relative increased fold
(over about 7.5 fold) at Day 6 and 7, compared to Ti
control32,33. Furthermore, osteoblast-like cells attached
to the rough surface of Zr was significantly higher than
the number of cells on the smooth surface of pure Ti13.
Some studies concluded that roughened substrate of
implant materials generated the inferior soft tissue cell
attachment34-36. Also, modified Ti surface with laser
micro-groove was shown to effective property for con-
Figure 4. Western blot analysis of p38 and SMAD in MG-63 nective tissue attachment37. These results indicate that
cells cultured on metal implant materials. Cells were cultured the ideal surface for the attachment of osteoblasts is
on Ti, HA or Zr for 7 days. Equal amounts of protein extract
(25 μg) were separated on a SDS-PAGE gel, transferred to an rougher surface such as HA and Zr.
NC membrane and incubated with Smad3, Smad4, p38, and We found that the protein levels of collagen-1 and
tubulin antibodies. elastinin cells cultured on HA or Zr were higher than
those on Ti. Protein levels of BMP1 in cells grown on
HA or Zr was also higher as compared with those
materials (Figure 4). grown on the Ti. It is well known that BMP is involv-
Similar to Smad3, the amount of the phosphorylated ed in the migration of progenitor cells, proliferation
p38 MAPK was increased in MG-63 cells on HA or and cytogenesis of mesenchymal cells, reconstruction
Zr more than in those on Ti. In comparison to cells on of bone, and vascular invasion. These results were sim-
Ti, protein levels of phosphorylated p38 MAPK in ilar to previous studies showing the increased expres-
cells grown in Zr were increased by -2.3 and -1.8 sion of BMP7 and COL 1, 2, and 3 in fetal osteoblast
fold (P⁄0.01), respectively. However, there were no hFOB1.19 cultured on Zr13,38. Our results revealed that
differences in the protein levels of unphosphorylated the protein levels of the structure of ECM proteins in
p38 MAPK in cells on Ti, HA, or Zr (Figure 4). These cells cultured on HA or Zr were higher than those on
observations suggest that the increase in expression Ti. In relation to cell attachment to the surface of den-
of ECM-related molecules in cells cultured on HA or tal implant materials, it is reported that the expression
Zr may be induced by activation of Smad3 and p38 of ECM-related molecules were induced by TGF-β1-
MAPK signaling pathways that are downstream of Smad signaling pathway. In addition to Smad-depen-
TGF-β. dent signaling, the p38-MAPK pathway is triggered
by TGF-β, and p38 MAPK has been shown to increase
332 Mol Cell Toxicol (2013) 9:327-334

collagen expression through TGF-β mediated signal- Cell proliferation assay

ing24,39. Therefore, we subsequently examined the acti-
All titanium substrates were placed in 24-multi well
vation levels of Smad and p38 MAPK both of which
plate (Dorning, NY, USA). After completion of the
are known to induce their expression. There was no
treatment, 20 μL of 5 mg/mL MTT (3-[4,5-dimethyth-
significant difference in total protein levels of Smad3
iazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide) solu-
on Ti, HA and Zr, but the phosphorylated form of
tion was added to the each well and incubated for 4 h
Smad3, activated form of Smad3, was higher on HA
at 37� C. To dissolve the insoluble purple formazan
or Zr than on Ti. Moreover, compared to Ti control,
crystal formed, medium was replaced by dimethyl sul-
the phosphorylated form of p38 MAPK on HA or Zr
foxide (DMSO). The absorbance in each well was then
was increased, which indicated that the p38 MAPK
recorded at 540 nm through an ELISA reader.
was activated in cells cultured on HA or Zr. Similarly,
it was shown that collagen synthesis induced by TGF-
Morphological analysis by scanning electron
β-1 was mediated by activation of p38 MAPK in Myo-
microscopy (SEM)
blast L6E9 cells13,30. Also, some studies reported that
Smad/p38 MAPK pathway induced the expression of The scanning electron microscope (SEM) (S-4700,
collagen26,30,40. In short, our observation and those of HITACHI, Tokyo, Japan) was employed in order to
others suggest that increased expression of ECM relat- determine the curvature of the dental implant materials
ed molecules is mediated by increased activity of p38 and morphological characteristics of cells. In this study,
MAPK and Smad signaling which is stimulated by MG-63 cells were cultured on Ti, Zr, or Ti for 3 days,
the TGF-β. then the morphology of these cells were assessed by
In this study, we found that HA and Zr were able to SEM. In order to observe the appearance of dental im-
be an ideal surface for attachment and proliferation of plant materials and MG-63 cells, several nanometers
osteoblasts on dental implants. In addition, the ECM of electron beam should be projected onto the object.
molecules played an important role in cell attachment And then, secondary electrons are generated. Detected
to the surface of the dental implants and the increased electrons make light and shade. The curvature of the
expression of ECM molecules was regulated by TGF- surface is imaged by light and shade.
β-1 signaling in osteoblast cells. In conclusion, our
observations provide useful information for develop- Semi-quantitative reverse transcription (RT)-PCR
ing and improving the surface of dental implant mate- analysis
rials compared to other previous studies focused pri-
Total RNA was extracted from cell using TRIzol rea-
marily on the measurement of physical toxicity.
gent (Invitrogen Co.) according to the manufacturer’s
protocol. Aliquots of 5 μg of total RNA were used to
synthesize the first-strand complementary DNA with
Materials & Methods
MMLV RTase (Invitrogen Co.) and subjected to poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR) amplification with the
Dental implant materials
oligonucleotide primers. PCR was performed using a
Three types of dental implant mateials were used in Taq Red DNA Polymerase (GenDEPOT. CA. USA)
this study: Pure titanium (Ti), hydroxyapatite coated- system and 20 μL reaction mixes containing 2 μL
titanium (HA), and zirconia (Zr). The materials were cDNA template, 2 μL 10 X reaction buffer, 0.1 mM of
shaped into discs measuring 10 mm in diameter and 2 dNTP, 2 μL each primer, and 2.5 U Taq polymerase.
mm in thickmess (OSSTEM IMPLANT CO., Ltd.). Briefly, the samples were subjected to 10 min of dena-
The dental implant materials were washed in distilled turation at 95�C followed by 25-35 cycles of 30 sec at
water and rinsed thoroughly in 70% absolute ethanol 94� C, 30 sec at annealing temperature of each primer,
before use. and 45 sec at 72� C, and one cycle of 15 min at 72� C.
After PCR, the reaction of amplified products was re-
Cell culture solved on 1.5% agarose gel and visualized with ethid-
ium bromide. PCR array sequence (Table 1).
The human osteoblast like MG-63 cells was cultured
at 37�C in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator and main-
Western blot analysis
tained in minimum essential medium (MEM), supple-
mented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, The cells cultured on metal implant materials were
2% L-glutamine and 2% penicillin and streptomycin lysed with lysis buffer (GeneDEPOT, Inc), and centri-
solution. fuged at 13,000 rpm for 30 min at 4� C. The protein
concentration in the supernatants was determined using
Mol Cell Toxicol (2013) 9:327-334 333

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