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English IV: Past Continuous

Activity: Past continuous yes/no questions and information


Exercise 1. Write yes/no questions. Unscramble the following words.

Example: reading/ Susan/ was/ a book.

Was Susan reading a book?

1. watching/ They/ TV/ were

were they watching tv?
2. Jack/soccer/ playing/ was
Was jack playing soccer?
3. Doing/Susan/dishes/was/ last night
was Susan doing dishes last night?
4. Yesterday/Friends/ were/my/running/ a marathon
Were my friends running a marathon yesterday?
5. Sleeping/Monica/on the couch/was/ last night
Was Monica sleeping on the couch last night ?

Exercise 2. Write an information question using the information in bold.

Example: She was watching TV last night.
When was she watching TV?

1. Juanes was singing my favorite song last month.

When was juanes singing my favorite song?
2. Cristiano Ronaldo was playing soccer at the stadium.
When was Cristine Ronaldo playing soccer at the stadium?
3. Vicente Fernandez was living in Guadalajara.
When was Vicente Fernandez living in Guadalajara?
4. The boy was carrying a heavy bag.
when was the boy carrying a heavy bag?
5. The little girl was crying because she was lost.
why was the little girl crying?
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