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Jessrael C.

Deseo Ma’am Rheziel Pasco

Grade 11 Humss-A January 14, 2022

Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences

Week 6 Activity 3

Filipino values are part of our history.

A history where it becomes a sign of respect

Respecting others is our collective responsibility.

A responsibility that is hard to achieve.

The Filipino values will help me be a professional in the future.

Future that will happen according to its purpose

The purpose can only be fulfilled by respecting other people

But embracing your culture and identity makes you who you are.

Having Filipino values will help me mold myself to be responsible

Responsible to embrace my identity and uniqueness as a Filipino

A Filipino who is proud to show his moral values to other people

People who will never judge me for being a Filipino.

Embracing who you are will set you apart.

Apart from other nationalities in the whole world

A world where your uniqueness and identity will be admitted

Admitted to being a responsible citizen of the world.

Jessrael C. Deseo Ma’am Rheziel Pasco

Grade 11 Humss-A November 17, 2021

Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences

Week 1 Activity 2

1. If you were given a chance to vote for a national election, what are the qualifications of your
desired leader? Briefly explain each qualifications.

• What qualities that I’m looking for in a leader are somebody who is self-aware, very
accountable, and encourages critical thinking in a nation and action. But most importantly,
prioritizes the development of every person in The Philippines. I believe that a phenomenal
leader possesses all these qualities.

Self-aware- For me, a phenomenal leader knows what he/she is doing for the sake of every single
Filipino here in our country; The Philippines.

Accountable- For I, a phenomenal leader knows that every single word and action that he/she utters
has a responsibility embedded into it.

Critical Thinking- For me, a phenomenal leader encourages our fellow countrymen to think
creatively and purposely and must have the power to encourage himself/herself to think outside of
the box for the sake of our country.

2. State your plan/s after senior high school and explain its benefits to you and the people
around you.

• After I finish senior high school, what I would do is continue my studies until I get my degree in
education and hope to have a master’s degree specializing in what I’ve taken during my college
days which is an English subject. The benefit of my decision for myself would be having the
ability to pursue my burning desire to help our youngsters who are unfortunate when it comes to
getting a free education. The benefit of my decision to the people who’s around me would be that
I always have their backs to support me to achieve my dreams and aspirations no matter what
adversities I’ll meet along the way.

3. What are your considerations in decision-making?

• My considerations in decision-making are: Will I benefit from it?" The people who are around
me and the reason why I’m deciding on the course of my life have to know and prepare myself
for what will be the consequences of my decision, and for me, this is my consideration in

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