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Since the turn of new century, few themes have shaped the global scheme and this includes

tourism in the Philippines. Being one of the countries in the pacific ring of fire, Philippines is blessed to
have so much wonders in its nature—from its picturesque sceneries, exquisite delicacies and nice
weather to hospitable and accommodating people. Tourism really played an integral part in boosting
economy especially in the midst of this higher demand of globalization and intense competition in global

The shift of tourism slogan from Its More Fun in the Philippines to Love the Philippines poses a lot of
disagreements from ordinary citizens and even those in the government service. Was it necessary? Well
in my perspective, change is inevitable and that changing the slogan is quite necessary in order to adapt
to the changing times that the twenty first century requires.

In spite of the issues concerning the alleged video of the new slogan, I have read some that it contributes
a lot to in promoting tourism industry in the sense that people from around the world would talk about
what the Philippines has to offer and this means that it would attract tourist and generate income which
is beneficial to us. On the other hand, some would say that it would imprint a bad image in the tourism
industry and even in the Philippine government as a whole—that there is no originality in some of the
video clips hence, bogus. In my point of view, it sounds a bit hypocritic because you are promoting the
Philippines and yet you are getting other top tourist spots from other countries well in the first place, we
have a lot to offer.

Moreover, I know that just like the other issues confronted by the Department of Tourism, this too shall
be resolved. What really matters the most now is that as Filipinos, as propellers of change, it is evident
that we have a big role to play in this matter after all, if it turned out to be successful, all of us will reap
the fruit of out labor and in return, once again, we shall build back the glory that was once in us, that
tourism as one of the great employment providers in the Philippines, is and will never get to be

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