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The given diagram illustrates the process of producing electricity from coal.
Overall, the electricity production process involves eight different steps,
beginning with mining coals and ending with the provision of electricity for industrial
and residential usage.
At the beginning, coal is extracted from a mine. Coal is transported to a gasifier
via a trunk after it has been crushed into smaller pieces. In which, coal is burned with
high temperature to create gas. The amount of gas is cooled while waste heat is
After the cooling process is complete, the gas is cleaned by specialized
equipment and then sent to the gas power plant. Whereby, electric power is produced
at the same time that the plant emits waste heat. Finally, the electricity produced is
distributed to home and business to meet their energy requirements.
Some people say in order to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus on
reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?

While it is undeniable that addressing environmental pollution and housing

problems plays a vital role in preventing illness and diseases, I partially disagree with
the view that the government should totally focus on these aspects. This essay will
discuss both views of the issue and provide a logical conclusion.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that poor housing conditions and
environmental pollution are factors in a number of health problems. For example, air
pollution, which is mostly brought on by industrial processes and vehicle emissions, is
thought to be the primary cause of lung cancer and asthma. Inadequate home
circumstances can potentially negatively impact one's health by causing stress and
anxiety. Thus, many lives might be spared from needless illnesses if efforts were
made to resolve these problems.
On the other hand, I argue that simply focusing on environmental and housing
complications is not an effective way to combat all illnesses. Since people often
ignore the signs of their illnesses, increasing public awareness and putting in place
educational initiatives are significantly more crucial for preventing illness and disease.
To provide people a basic understanding of prevalent ailments, the government may,
for instance, start teaching classes and produce advertisements about them.
Furthermore, financial and geographic limitations may still make it difficult for
members of marginalized areas to receive healthcare. Governments can address this
issue by prioritizing the building of healthcare infrastructure and enacting laws that
lower financial barriers to healthcare access.
In conclusion, while addressing environmental pollution and housing problems
is absolutely crucial, I believe that governments should also consider other methods.

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