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As one of the most populated states in America, Michigan often garners a reputation for the

Great Lakes and its unique two peninsulas. As home to the Petoskey stone, the birthplace of
automobiles, and an outer shape of an oven mitt, the densely populated state carried no shortages of
sights for anyone to witness at their own leisure. If one wanted a change one trip to the other peninsula
served as a decent choice. Boating, beaches, and stray islands served as more popular choices around
the coastlines of the lakes, while going inwards displayed the industrial and civic sides. Detroit usually
stole all of the thunder when it came to recognizable cities, but one needed to look no further than
Mackinaw Island and their famous chocolate for wealthy life on the lakeside. On the surface level,
nothing too interesting stood out, but once one delved a bit deeper they found no shortages of
interesting sights all across the state. Whether one desired the city or outdoor life, Michigan balanced
both sides for a very unique and distinct vibe no other state hoped to hold like a trophy over an open

Most of the cities and towns that called Michigan home kept some type of notoriety among the
communities, and while Royal Woods sounded like some sort of exquisite campsite for the rich it
instantly brought the contrary the moment one set foot into its borders. While a quiet relaxing town on
the inside, certain families turned such peace upside down. Whether one desired to enjoy themselves at
a pizzeria, an exquisite foreign restaurant, to even an entire amusement park based on dairy products,
when one desired entertainment one not needed to search far until something of interests painted all of
the eye candy. As a tightly knit community, neighbors and friends always kept each other in their minds
to help each other out, even the elderly. Kids especially adored all of the extra company and potential
playmates even if Royal Woods’ number never reached numbers of popular cities like Detroit. The crazy
incidents mostly kept the town on the map, like upbeat holiday celebrations and unconventional
handmade structures, and to the residents that lived there it served as a good enough reason to call the
town home. As such, whether by insanity or serenity, Royal Woods had the right amount of balance for
those willing to engage and enjoy the community.

As of the particular day, nothing too crazy occurred in the world around the citizens. Whether a
certain household banged up everywhere of chaos or stayed intact completely spotless of order nothing
completely ran red flags all over the place like the apocalypse at first. Everything went by completely
normally like any other day in the town…until the residents felt tremors. At first they attributed them to
yet another Royal Woods one off or someone wrecking the sewer lines again like one particular red
hatted young girl, but as more came up they realized something off. The massive quakes only got
stronger and stronger over time which destroyed windows and other rather fragile creations almost
instantly. Citizens ended up flung into the air then back down as if someone sent them across a giant
trampoline, which resulted in some rather nasty impacts against ceilings. Panic slowly formed as some
ran for their basements, and yet nobody quite understood where the powerful tremors came from. The
local genius prodigy calculated no such disasters in the long term, yet all of her numbers ended up
thrown out the window…or what once existed there. Not until the biggest shadow cast over the entire
town did the true extent of their fates spelled out to them in big neon red letters, and her resonating
giggles brought chills to anyone unfortunate enough to witness the beginning of the end.
Meet Shelly Quinn. As a young eight year old girl to the parents of two geniuses she pretty much
lived a relatively normal life up to a certain point. Because they usually worked on certain assignments
throughout most of the day, her older sister filled the role of a playmate for the most part. They always
made up imaginary lands where they traveled to when their parents left the house, and every single
time their imaginations went wild. One time her older sister created a large cheesy smiling blob creature
who always exclaimed “motimoti” at the most random of times and another when Shelly came up with a
guy who carried a signpost for a face. Such vast creativity left the two closer than ever before. When
their parents came back they usually spouted out some scientific junk the two failed to decode every
single time, and when they brought prototypes of their work home they always remained off limits.
Shelly always wanted to get her grubby little fingers across everything, which never happened due to
good parenting, but her mother and father adored her deep fascinations since it became the first step to
a smart young prodigy. Her older sister often told her to stay careful of hazardous materials because she
cared for her safety, and while Shelly understood her concerns she still loved to stick her head in places
one wouldn’t. She wanted to understand the world and everything about it despite her youth and desire
to know everything. Shelly took after her parents in more ways than one.

Everything changed the moment the clock struck noon one day. Her parents delved into the
works of Marie Curie, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and many others in pursuit toward a better future
which put them high on the science ladders of universities and private companies. They would run the
numbers over robotics one day then the effects of a genetic implant in less ideal specimens for another.
Their knowledge expanded to various topics, but not everything as the human mind could only handle
so much. Because of such limits, when it came down to such times as “Bring your child to work day”
they saw it as no trouble at all. They required hazmat suits for protection anyway, and they already had
the foresight to fit their two kids into some at their ideal heights. They just so happened to have work
that day about potential “nonlethal” radiation where they finalized almost everything. While not
perfectly suitable for the general populace yet, if the percentages stayed in the positives then progress
continued along smoothly. Some classified such endeavors as “uncontrollable”, but Shelly’s mother and
father pinpointed certain traits which allowed for mild mutations. More control meant more chances to
potentially earn a Nobel prize, and they restricted access to human cells in compliance with the highest
of safety measures. That day with their two kids should have gone by without a hitch, but even the
geniuses never foresaw the consequences of one rather minute fact.

While further developed human cells repelled their harmless radiation experiments less mature
ones failed to recognize such change as a threat.

Because the facility remained rather private to the point nobody brought young kids, such an
oversight never passed through all of the intelligent minds. In fact, all of them never had any kids to
worry about other than Shelly’s parents. Due to their relatively new introduction into the private area,
when such a day passed they took Shelly and her sister in anyway. They walked around in heavily
guarded hazmat suits perfect for the facility, and they also made extra sure they never went close to
their radioactive studies. Despite all of the precautions though, Shelly’s presence alone automatically
meant she caught some of the radiation regardless if she wore the suit or not. Nobody else, not even
her older sister, managed to unintentionally gather part of the experiment just by going to the area.
After the visit to the highly secretive research base, once they went home nothing too outrageous
happened. Everyone got out unscathed and the Quinns continued their lives as if nothing happened.

…until Shelly literally grew out of the house.

She pretty much became talk of the town overnight she found herself hauled away back for
more research. One her parents figured out the rather terrible fault of their almost perfect precautions,
they performed many tests to figure out how to reduce her back…until she willingly did it herself. They
later figured out that the particles of radioactivity embedded into her DNA and basically became part of
her, which gravely worried the faculty around them. After that, their helpful radioactivity program went
into a highly secured lock down until the success rate reached ninety nine percent or higher. They
wanted no further risks after such a horrid accident turned an eight year old into a mutant giant girl she
could trigger on a whim. At least they learned that she couldn’t spread any excess radiation since it
would have also meant she needed a firm quarantine just like the radiation that changed her. Despite
everything that changed for her, Shelly never felt any different. Because their neighborhood lacked too
high of a populace the word never got out completely about such a phenomenon, although she liked to
bust out into a gargantuan size when she felt like it. While she understood the secrecy of her rather
unintended ability and the reasons to not often use it, her playful curiosity lead her to grow on several
occasions. She became the talk of her school and loved to expand to new heights just to see the look on
her classmates’ faces. Shelly may have accidentally become a gigantic lab experiment, which lead to her
becoming a mainstay at the radioactive research facility now without a hazmat suit since she already
became affected with harmless radiation, but she considered it both as a blessing…and a curse.

Nobody in Royal Woods expected a giant young girl like her as the main culprit, and yet she
stood over them easily. At around one hundred feet tall, although she could have grown herself bigger,
Shelly definitely commanded attention of everyone unfortunate enough to exist as specks around her
gigantic feet. She never focused too much on her appearance unlike some girls, so she went rather
casual for the most part. Her long black hair neatly wrapped around and formed two round curls at the
ends around her shoulders, although she wanted to change it at some point so nobody could mistake
her for “a rejected Saturday comic strip”. The freckles near her cheeks displayed provided a rather
outdoor feel while her shiny yellow misshapen earrings told the contrary. They once stood out in the
shape of a common hoop, but after her accidental exposure to radiation it sort of curved into a more
windup key appearance. A common black and white striped shirt with a teal skirt served as more than
enough appeal for the young girl while two teal sneakers with white fronts and bottoms further
exemplified her lack of interest in stylish appearances. She could easily blend in with any other girl
around her age on the surface, but once she got going and rapidly gained height such an illusion
instantly became cast aside.

As long as you stayed on her good side, you wouldn’t have to worry about any destruction…

“Hello Royal Woods! I’m someone from a few towns over and I’ve grown, no pun intended, very
bored messing around the same tiny buildings for fun. Sooooooooooo…I’ve decided to play here for a
change! Ignore any unavoidable damages, for it comes with the territory of my, well, ginormous size!
Look out tinies, because here I come!”

She instantly spelled the end for everyone down below, which instantly caused the panic of the
century. Everyone booked it by the time Shelly raised one of her teal shoes and took her first step. The
resounding boom sent shock waves throughout the town and decimated some of the less stable
buildings, including some under construction, but the giant girl didn’t end there. She raised her sneakers
high into the air and made her way throughout the streets, and each of her deafening steps left deep
craters the height and width of large meteors. The shrieks and screams of all the tiny dots made Shelly
giggle as she knocked a couple of buildings over with her gigantic shoes, which she warned everyone
beforehand about. She even raised her arms high into the air and grinned while she crushed everything
as she walked through the streets. With introductory actions out of the way, it became time to finally
play around as the giant one she wanted.



She bared her teeth and playfully for everyone to experience. As someone young who desired to
grow big and strong when she got older, it became rather apparent that Shelly wanted to act like the
giant reptile from her favorite monster movies. She stomped hard down the streets which sent super
strong quakes throughout Royal Woods, and acted like reality had it out for her to the point where she
felt the need to unleash her anger. Cars disappeared under the whites of her shoes while she roared and
swung her arms everywhere. Some tiny citizens escaped by the skins of their teeth away from her
gigantic sneakers while the girl herself never bothered to pay attention. Because her size completely
expanded further than one might assume straight from the movies, she only needed to use her shoes to
truly destroy anything she wanted. One slight nudge served as enough to topple anything, but then it
wouldn’t have stayed as fun in the mind of Shelly. Giant monsters used more than just one part of them
in their destruction sprees after all. She really starred in her own black and white destruction movie with
herself as the star giant girl.

After some time destroying property along with everything thing else unfortunate enough to
stand in the way of her giant teal sneakers, Shelly craved something different. She stopped walking and
put her hands on her hip as she glazed down at the total pandemonium caused by her rampaging frenzy.
Throughout all of the destruction she picked up the sights of a couple of restaurants, some shoe stores,
and a couple busting shopping malls all changed into piles of rubble at the behest of Shelly’s shoes.
Hundreds of cars fled the scene while others hastily backed up in preparation for their dangerous
escapes. As they zipped by her still sneakers though, Shelly grew more intrigued. They almost gave off
the appearance of the tiny toy cars always sold in their respective sections at stores, and from there the
giant girl just had to try them out for herself. Her eyes open wider with curiosity as she bent down and
reached for a car. The shadows of her fingers forced more terror from the dots around her until they
hovered over a few particular cars. One of the drivers, who attempted to make a beeline to the nearest
exit, felt the kitchen timer expire when completely flooring the gas pedal never moved the car and inch.
Large massive pillars of skin blocked out the windows and doors before it launched forward and
backward while the giant one above had another game in her head.

“Vroom! Vroom! Start up the engines! This car can drive anywhere! Heeheeheehee!”

Shelly took the car idea to the extreme. She held the car down and moved it around with her
fingers like an actual toy vehicle. She even flapped her lips and stuck out her tongue to mimic actual car
noises, which resulted in huge drops of saliva that rained from above the town. Shelly couldn’t help but
happily laugh as she moved the car throughout the streets, which caused some of her limbs to hit
buildings and knock chunks off of them. Huge globs of her spit splattered and caught tiny people in its
stickiness while the building pieces nearly fell on top of helpless civilians. Her fingers clipped numerous
other cars as she “drove” her snagged car down the streets, which spelled complete catastrophe for the
driver inside. She completely controlled the situation.

“Oh no! Here comes another car! Hit the brakes!”

Shelly brought the car toward an intersection where others floored it to get away from her. She
giggled while all of the citizens screamed their heads off and ignored simple “rules of the road”. One
distinct van attempted to get away but Shelly’s fingers and the car between them lunged and collided
right into it. Both cars combusted immediately, which caused the giant girl to playfully laugh from
above. She moved one of her fingers slightly afterward which provided enough space for the driver to
kick the open open and escape. The driver of the van, a guy with a pointed nose and almost bald head,
also broke the side door down and ran to kingdom come for he also wanted no part in Shelly’s
destructive activities. Her still had a life to live after all. The people escaped, but not with their

While slightly upset that both cars crashed and burned, Shelly fretted not and gazed down at
more cars in the vicinity of her gigantic presence. Once she picked one out the giant young girl smiled
and brought her hand down to snatch it from the street. As for specifics, she had one large school bus in
her sight, with no one occupied inside other than the driver, and it didn’t get far by the time Shelly
placed her eyes on it. The driver screamed to the heavens and back once the shadow of her hand cast
over him, but just like last time everything halted in place when two enormous walls of skin clamped
both sides of the vehicle. The bus elevated into the air rather quickly before all of the windows became
occupied by a gigantic eyeball aimed directly at them. Shelly’s giggles echoed throughout Royal Woods
as she curiously stared at the long bus she picked up. Her love of being humongous kept the activities
coming, much to the determent of all the specks in the town.

“Ooooooooooh! You look SO CUTE all tiny! I could just eat you up! How about a hug instead?”

Her statements spooked the driver of the bus to an extreme. He instantly attempted to hit the
brakes to back up, but in his haste he floored the completely opposite pedal. As the young girl lightly
laughed once again, the bus accelerated forward at a breakneck pace straight into Shelly’s open mouth.
It caught her by surprise, but she managed to close her lips as the bus made it halfway. While one end
stayed in her mouth, the other end stuck out like she sucked on a Popsicle. Nobody expected such a
mishap to have dire consequences, although they probably didn’t pay too much attention from all of
their panic.

As for the bus driver, he may as well have ended up in the worst possible scenario. Light only
shone through the back, which revealed the dangerous sticky back where he would end up if not careful.
Her uvula dangled only a few miles away to the pit of no return below it, although the continuous drops
of saliva obscured vision everywhere. The entire inside of Shelly’s mouth could hold an entire house
from how big she grew and even a few extras. Her tongue set a carpet for anyone daring enough, her
teeth became tables and chair as long as nobody looked up, and her throat served as a quick dip into
your very last bubble bath. If anyone ever set a house inside it wouldn’t last long, and Shelly wouldn’t
have liked it either. Shelly didn’t stand out as an apartment complex, yet her innards definitely carried
the weight of a wrecking crew if not careful.

The bus tilted outwards and inwards from the constant slipperiness of Shelly’s drool as the
driver hastily unbuckled himself and ran toward the back where he saw the light. He passed by a couple
of molars, endless globs of saliva, and her gums before her made it out. He prepared to open the back
door and jump out, but right before he could do so the bus suddenly came to a standstill. It straightened
out before it moved right out between her lips and back outside where she held the bus in place
between two fingers. From there the bus driver finally kicked the door down and jumped, but not
before two huge digits pinched him from behind. From there he met the biggest eyes in existence yet
again as he sweated bullets.

“Whoa! You almost gave me indigestion there! I’m not one to have specks like you as a snack,
for I’m not that type of cruel giant girl. Here, let me put you down.”

After that brief exchange, Shelly carefully lowered both the bus and its driver back onto the
streets near her feet. The driver wasted no time and zipped off for some sort of shelter away from her,
completely ignoring the bus. Shelly didn’t even do too much damage to it, yet she watched as pure
pandemonium progressed even further below her. One particular red capped girl in overalls frowned
from afar, as her tendencies would have steered the situation in a different direction. Even so, she
stayed safe in her younger sister’s safety bunker in the backyard. No destruction from one game
sounded like a dream, yet it happened in that one instance.

Shelly kept her eyes down on all of the wreckage but didn’t move too much until a familiar
chime hit her ears. Boredom started to settle it and she tired out from just playing around in the center
of the town. Once she placed her eyes on another potential location though, her eyes lit up. She wanted
to play there, and the fact it also existed in Royal Woods served as a bonus. Her young self completely
forgot such a place existed, but she wanted to go there immediately after she remembered. More
opportunities to play around in her giant size cropped up like popular mini malls.

She still looked down near her sneakers and addressed her intentions first even though priorities
went all over the place from her playful giant girl games.
“I’m going to play somewhere else right now, but I’ll make sure to come back and for even more
fun! I’m having a blast!”


An amusement park seemed like every kid’s dream vacation. Whether by advertisements on
television or a stray mention from a passerby, the active youths loved to ride the rides with stars in their
eyes. As a small town, one could presume such a wondrous place never stood a chance of existing in
Royal Woods. However, they only needed a short drive near the outskirts to see the amazing carnival
rides of Dairyland. With such a recognizable name attached and a mascot titled Tippy the Cow, the most
blatant detail easily stood out to the general audience. The “amoosement” park celebrated dairy
products with such activities like a roller coaster where hurling milk into a trash can afterwards became
a tradition, a tunnel where one could ride in pairs down a cheese river, popcorn coated in cheese curd
by the dozens, to even a small water park where one got drenched in chocolate milk. At one point the
staff considered a ride which involved a giant bottle of eggnog and a diving board, but after testing they
found the product too thick and scrapped the idea pretty quickly. Despite some rather weird ideas for
rides and games, it gave the park an identity nobody could take away from it. The only rule, rather
inadvertently, stood out in the form of no lactose intolerant people allowed for obvious reasons. Even
though more people were allergic to milk than anything else, the park ensured no such dangers existed
to ensure the safety of everyone involved. One could say Dairyland was the most “delicious” kids park in
the world, and it only existed in the town of Royal Woods.

In terms of when Shelly’s destruction started, Dairyland didn’t quite get the full memo at the
time and continued its operations including one of their special stage plays. Aside from their
unmistakable mascot in Tippy the Cow, another prominent character who took up screen time always
lingered on the sidelines for her moment to shine. Tippy’s friend, Heidi Heifer, occasionally stole the
spotlight whenever one of the park’s musical plays played at the auditorium, or in Dairyland’s case
“uddertorium”. Most of the actors who played Heidi came and went as puberty hit, so a certain girl
named Luan Loud currently wore the suit and performed spectacularly. She hit all of the right notes and
assisted in all of the productions crafted when the higher ups called her on stage. As far as the
spectators understood, the performers snagged their attention in more ways than one and most of the
younger kids lined up near the front in case one of the cows sprayed them silly with stray shots of milk.
The actors in the suits loved it, the audience loved it, and the musical numbers charmed the hearts of
everyone. Nothing made for a better display of milk and splendor than a performance straight from the
creative minds at Dairyland.

Both Tippy and Heidi took center stage as Heidi dropped a full bottle of dairy goodness onto the
floor in another stag production in front of a loaded audience.

“Aww! I just had that carpet cleaned!” Heidi said while she covered her eyes and cried.

“Don’t cry over spilled milk!” Tippy responded. “You just had butterfingers is all!”
“Maybe I should have spread the cheese out first then.” Heidi replied. “I still have ideas for our
picnic in my sturdy egg noggin of mine!”

“Ooh, goodie!” Tippy said. “Let’s shoot for the stars over the Milky Way!”

Both of the actors in the suits set themselves up for the music number which occurred after. All
eyes set on the two as they got into position once the music started to play, but they never uttered any
singing. Before they could act they ended up taken off of their feet by multiple quakes that struck the
whole park, which also sent portions of the audience into the air. More tremors followed as nobody
understood what caused such a ruckus and multiple rides either bent considerably or collapsed as the
ground shook. Everyone only needed a few more seconds until the quakes reached a fever pitch and
brought everyone onto their backs. Soon after the ginormous culprit appeared over everyone’s head,
and her huge eyes glistened from all of the tiny attractions. From there pandemonium occurred again
and routines ended immediately as everyone lost their minds in pure panic. The giant one didn’t care,
for she kept her eyes on the rides to the point where she placed her hands onto her cheeks adorably.
From one area to another, not even the happiest place in Royal Woods kept an immunity to the antics of
a gigantic eight year old girl.

After she stood amazed for a couple of moments while every single speck by her humongous
teal sneakers made their way to the nearest shelter, Shelly finally knew what to go for next.

“No way. I never knew Dairyland existed HERE of all places! I always wanted to come here and
experience everything dairy products had to offer, but I never had the chance! Now I can FINALLY do
so…and while I’m huge as well!”

From there, Shelly made her first couple of steps into Dairyland territory. She paid no attention
to the objects in her way for the most part, which ended up crushed underneath her shoes anyway.
Multiple concession and snack stand became flatter than a pancake after Shelly stepped on them, and
many unoccupied bathrooms completely disappeared off of the map like nothing. Several concession
stands collapsed upon contact with her shoe and many smaller rides easily rotated off of their hinges to
their demise. Surprisingly, most of the roller coasters stayed intact despite Shelly accidentally bumping
into some on her way in. Either Dairyland piled on extra materials for more sturdiness, or Shelly only
pushed into it by a little. Even so, she still dealt more damage to the tiny world below her. Time for such
a park to experience giant girl Shelly.

She took a couple of moments to glance around the rather small amusement park and squealed
a bit in glee.

“I’m so excited! I don’t know what to try first! Ooh, maybe this? Or this?”

Her head constantly went back and forth across all of the small sights while her eyes narrowed.
As she attempted to conclude on some type of choice, a certain van which showed a particular emblem
on its doors screeched to a braking halt as park goers evacuated in droves. The first to burst from the car
was recognized throughout the small town and became sort of a local celebrity in a certain sense. If
anyone covered a story in the suburbs of Royal Woods, only one distinct newswoman answered the call
without any hesitation. With a last name that matched the word of a golf do over, she took her job to
the extreme for the ultimate scoop. Shelly may have created a story on her own accord, but only
Katherine Mulligan could relay the message to a wider audience.

Her camera crew followed behind her as the pure chaos of panicked citizens flocked the streets.

“This is Katherine Mulligan reporting live from the scene of utter destruction. Details remain
vague and fuzzy for now, but as you can see behind me a giant colossus of a girl has made her way into
Royal Woods’ borders and made the entire town into her personal playground. Order has left for
complete chaos and everyone either desires shelter or a ticket to somewhere else. The general populous
collectively announced a local emergency and have alerted the authorities to figure out how to handle
the situation. To anyone who-”

“Oh wow! Am I on the news? Hello everyone!”

Shelly’s loud voice resonated throughout the entire park and forced many to cover their ears.
The entire news crew felt color drain from their face as their backs went stiff to the point where they
refused to move for the most part. From there Katherine motioned silently to the cameramen who got
the message and angled their view upward which revealed the gigantic body of the eight year old as she
happily gazed in their direction. She smiled for the camera and spoke rather cheerily while she
inadvertently crushed a spinning milk bottle ride under her teal sneakers.

“My name is Shelly Quinn! I’m eight years old and, uhhhhhh…very curious! Yeah, of course! I’m
not normally this titanic, but I came here to play anyway! You have SO MANY nice things that I couldn’t
help myself, but I MAY want to continue a bit longer because I’m having SO MUCH FUN! Ooh, I wonder
how well I can do a close up of my HUGE FACE!”

As hundreds of people fled the scene, Katherine and her team suddenly felt similar chills as the
gigantic young girl stepped forward, which sent quakes throughout the whole area, and leaned down
toward the camera crew. She giggled and got down on her knees, which also sent shock waves on
contact, before the cameras picked up the sight of one of her huge hands as she reached down toward
them. The lot around them darkened before even the news crew couldn’t take the pressure anymore.
Katherine put her legs to use and ran off right as Shelly’s large hand hit the pavement. The resulting
tremor sent almost everyone to the ground, but the moment became short lived as the giant girl used
her other hand and lowered it near them. Most of them escaped, but one ended up not so lucky. Before
she made it inside the van, Katherine found herself pinned to the ground before four massive fingers
wrapped around her and lifted her up into the air. She also unintentionally brought one of the crew’s
cameras along for the ride, which provided onlookers a front row seat to how one felt when grabbed by
the giant girl and lifted miles above ground. Before long, Katherine screamed as a gigantic eye behind
her became the background. The entire scope of Shelly’s face became too much for the camera to
capture at one angle, although viewers easily guessed from the pure terror across Katherine’s face that
she unquestionably had way more size than anyone else previously thought. Royal Woods’ official news
crew would gain first hand experience with Shelly the titan.
The camera sometimes stuttered and picked up the sight of one of Shelly’s fingers or the
occasional fingernail, but for the most part everyone witnessed Katherine completely lose it.


The gigantic eye behind her continued to stare directly at the scared newswoman before a few
childish giggles sounded out afterward. Before long, the camera picked up the sight of a partial smile
behind Katherine before it parted and revealed a dark damp maw. Katherine screamed even more and
tried to pry herself free as the darkness loomed ever closer to her, and soon enough she nearly fainted
as pure whites of teeth appeared. No matter how much she tried though, Shelly’s grip proved too much
and left her as nothing but a speck in the young girl’s hand. The giant girl’s ideals held more priority over
anyone smaller than her.

It seemed as if Shelly would have shoved Katherine straight into her mouth and consumed her,
but as the girl brought the dot closer to her mouth…she backed off. The darkness around the
newswoman dissipated as all of the anxiety built up in Katherine’s head emptied a bit while a giant took
up the background once again.

“You seriously thought I would actually eat you? YUCK! My metabolism doesn’t include tinies on
the menu, so I’ll never resort to such practices. Did you get a good angle of my face though?”

Katherine never answered. The pure astonishment of not experiencing the food chain left her
completely speechless as if someone stole her voice straight from her mouth. The camera shifted a few
times as more visuals of Shelly’s fingers and fingernails took up the screen. Before long, it zoomed it on
the ground as the giant girl set the woman carefully onto the ground. She released her grip and allowed
Katherine to have her space, although the rest of the crew also lost their words about what just
happened. From there they cut their broadcast short and booked it straight to the van before they
floored it away from giant girl Shelly. No breaking news story was worth it when you had your life on the

Shelly herself didn’t see it that way though.

“Okay! Thanks for the coverage! I’ll still play around here all huge and that if you want any

After such an encounter, Shelly cautiously sat down in the wreckage of Dairyland. Even though
she made sure to not accidentally sit on anyone, she still caused a couple of rides to collapse on impact.
A certain wave of boredom passed through her head until a certain chime hit her hearing. She
immediately perked up and turned her massive head over to the source where she saw the small
auditorium where the amusement park played their special performances. Even though nobody stuck
around thanks to her gigantic stature, it their haste someone forgot to turn the stage music off. While
pretty eased on genres, when she figured out the speakers played a particular west coast rap song she
couldn’t help herself. She already felt her legs as they itched for a go, and she couldn’t ignore it.

“Yay! I love this song! Dance time!”

As the song continued, Shelly stood back up on her feet, which sent powerful shock waves
across the ground like always, before she made her way over to the certain spot. She felt her body
slowly come to life before, soon enough, she let her dance moves do the talking. She shuffled her feet
and spun around like someone planted a disco ball above her head, which came at the cost of many
structures around her. Her titanic size left rubble in her wake. The Milk Shaker, one of Dairyland’s most
popular roller coasters collapsed and fell to the ground the most Shelly’s sneakers ran into it, and
multiple tram rides around the premises became completely crushed under her shoes. Eventually she
ended up so lost in her dancing that she wandered off the park grounds and into some smaller
communities outside the place. She swung her hips around and sent dozens of buildings to the ground
with her exuberant dance moves regardless of specific body parts. She twirled on the spot which dug
incredibly deep divots into the streets and even got on her hands before her legs made circles around
her straight out of a hip hop video. Nothing prepared for such gigantic dancing splendor and everywhere
her legs went trails of destruction followed behind. A few buildings even soared high into the air as
Shelly’s feet accidentally kicked the establishments far off into the distance. Once the dancing bug wore
off, her moves eventually lead her back to Dairyland, although she never realized she left it in the first
place. Nothing but pure dancing bliss echoed through Shelly’s head, but everything else heard screams
and shouts.

She performed a few more twirls and aerial maneuvers before she effortlessly landed, which
caused so many intense shakes that small chasms formed, and the music slowly died down into silence.
Shelly panted and wiped some excess sweat from her brow, which completely drenched a nearby
streets, as she glanced around at the surrounding destruction outside the park.

“Huh? I don’t recall ever going there before. Did some giant robot or something get there before
me?” Shelly said.

After a few more seconds though, she shrugged her shoulders and paid no more attention to it.

Despite so much destruction and chaos around her, she never noticed her stomach go empty
until it rumbled which made her hunch over a little. She shook her head and looked down at all of the
dots who still stuck around after everything she went through, although all of them still ran off in pure
terror from her antics. It only lasted a couple of seconds though, for she already made it clear that tinies
always remained off of the menu. Some type of substitute required her attention, but nobody really
constructed restaurants for one hundred foot tall eight year old girls. Even so, she probably already
wiped out every single one in Royal Woods during her rampage. Something needed to satisfy her

She scanned the entire park down at her feet and noticed something. She always heard about
the long cheese tunnel which housed a lot of animatronic dairy products and an extended cheese river,
but she never quite understood if the brochures outright lied about the details. Such a theory piqued
Shelly’s curiosity, which caused her to walk on over, while making sure she never stepped on anyone,
before she gazed down at the ride.

“I always wondered if those advertisements spouted lies.” Shelly said.

She lightly giggled before she reached down and grabbed the ride with a couple of her fingers.
Park goers bolted the moment the huge tunnel began to get pried loose from the ground. Excess globs
of cheese stuck to the ground like glue which required some extra force from Shelly until she felt the
entire structure separate. In the end, only the animatronics and cheese river remained as Shelly
completely brought the ride up close to her face. Without any hesitation, the giant girl threw the whole
tunnel into her mouth and chewed a bit loudly overhead. Even if she her theory proved false, she
completely eliminated one of Dairyland’s most popular rides in only a couple of seconds.

After one final gullet swallow, she had her answer.

“Wow. It…actually DOES taste like cheese! While a bit hard in a few places, I can clearly taste the
cheese in there! Yummy!”

She smacked her lips a few times before another sensation hit her. She may have finally got her
fix for food, but it dried out her tongue pretty quickly. A quench for her thirst became her next task on
her agenda, but she wanted something different than cheese. She could drink the cheese river from
underneath the tunnel, but she wanted a change to something different. Once again, she scanned
around until something hit her vision, and she surprised herself because she completely forgot about a
particular spectacle only Dairyland contained. When she wanted a drink, she found it very quickly.

Not everything in the amusement park stood out as a ride or concession stand, and when they
showed up it captured the eye of many. It took many years to finally construct the perfect hold for
gallons upon gallons of pink, and when the construction crews finally finished they completely outdone
themselves. Not just anyone could claim to have the largest cup filled to the brim with strawberry milk,
but an entire park dedicated to dairy products definitely had a chance. Expectations blew out of the
window to anyone who set their eyes upon such a gigantic piece of milky perfection. First drafts initially
considered plain white or chocolate milk as the substance inside, but after some revisions they went for
a more uncommon pick easily forgotten in the long run. Shelly actually found it more surprising as the
cup easily had the width and height needed for her to actually step in it because its construction went by
smoothly. If anyone desired to drink all of it, they would likely stay sick in bed for months and excrete
entire clouds of gas soon after to fill an entire building. As one of the more weird sightings on the planet,
one could easily forget about the biggest cup of strawberry milk until they saw it for themselves.

Shelly gave it some more thought, but after a short time she planned on something else.
Because it contained strawberry milk and not white or chocolate it didn’t stain as easily or more
noticeably, which instantly turned the wheels in Shelly’s head. Before long she came up with a rather
weird, and frankly crazy, idea in the end.

“Hmmmm. I wonder if…”

She got up close to the giant cup of strawberry milk and then proceeded to untie her sneakers.
Before long she took them off, along with her socks, which exposed her bare feet and brought an
immense stink to anyone around the vicinity. She lightly lifted one foot up and cautiously dipped one of
her toes in, which just so happened to feel the perfect temperature. Shelly smiled before she went all in
and placed her foot into the cup along with the rest of her body until only her head stuck out of the milk.
She even sipped at the milk a bit which tickled her taste buds, but otherwise she found it rather
delicious. It didn’t even have a single pinch of expiration, although after all of the extra mileage
Dairyland went through to get such a positive reputation Shelly only thought about it for a brief period.
For a giant cup made for the largest amount of strawberry milk it made for a nice relaxing giant pool in
Shelly’s eyes. She never quite understood pure relaxation until she literally drenched herself in
strawberry milk like she just went into a giant Jacuzzi. It felt good to finally let her mind wander after all
of the activities while colossal.

“Ahhhhhh, this feels nice. Almost makes me feel…weightless.” Shelly said as she tilted her head
back and relaxed.

Her time relaxed in the cup lasted for a decent while, but after even something incredibly sturdy
showed signs of collapsing. Despite the scope which perfectly suited Shelly’s behemoth height it began
to crack a short time later. The giant girl never noticed anything but the damage became more apparent
despite her obliviousness. She couldn’t hold her ignorance for too long as the intense pressure of both
the milk and Shelly ended up too much until the cup literally changed into one giant jigsaw puzzle. From
there everything finally burst out as the entire cup shattered and plopped the giant girl to the ground.
Entire tsunamis of strawberry milk crashed across the grounds of Dairyland and swamped the entire
park as if it sudden turned into “Lake Dairy”. Any remaining tiny people in the park found themselves
pushed straight out while all of the rides became completely flooded underneath the milk. Even though
milk made bones stronger, no amount of it would save any victims of giant strawberry flavored waves.
Shelly may have accidentally broke the largest amount of strawberry milk and inundated an entire
amusement park to smithereens, but it came with the territory of her giant size.

“Awwwww, I was just getting relaxed!” Shelly exclaimed before she pounded her fists against
the ground, which caused craters and giant tremors.

She shook herself off of some excess milk before she picked up her soggy socks and shoes and
put them back on. While squishy and a bit uncomfortable, she still found it best to wear them in case
she would unknowingly step on something sharp. Better safe than sorry, especially for someone slightly
over one hundred feet tall. Soon after, she deeply yawned and sat back down, which sent another
deafening quake below, while her eyes slowly became dreary. A glass of milk served as a good drink
before taking a nap, and after so much playtime as a giant girl over Royal Woods weariness slowly kicked
in as the seconds passed. She had plenty more time to mess with all of the tiny specks once she kicked
back into gear.

She slowly felt her eyes drift off until she knocked herself cold against the ground.


After what seemed like a while, Shelly yawned again as her body stirred back awake. She really
needed some time to herself after her last attempt flooded entire districts. She took a couple of deep
breaths and attempted to sit back up, but for some reason her arms and legs refused to work. Any
further attempts resulted in the same outcome to where she couldn’t move. The last of her drowsiness
wore off after a couple of seconds, and because she could still move her head she turned it to the sides
to better visualize what she got herself into. When it came to standing over everyone on the planet,
situations occurred without her say so and most of them went against her ideals.

…such as hundreds of tiny people who kept her locked to the ground with chain.

Her tiny opposition went in and completely trapped her while she slept, and they carried
backup. Right along the lines around her body set multiple military tanks, guns of all kinds, and specks
armed to the bring with dozens of extra weaponry. Heavily armed helicopters hovered above her in the
air and aimed their machine guns directly at the giant girl’s face. Some extra utility vehicles and
ambulances maintained a longer distance away from most of the army corps, but they still hung around
in case something happened. While a lot of the insanity that existed within the borders of Royal Woods
never triggered code red responses, clearly her giant presence became the one exception. While she
lacked any of the heavy duty extras provided by the government army, the fact they stilled pulled their
weapons against her showed their seriousness behind their intentions. While she initially had no idea
why they considered her situation serious, once she reminded herself of her destruction it became
rather obvious. At least they had the decency to not climb around her body since she never saw anyone
on her despite her lack of mobility. If she wanted to act like a giant monster, then she also got the
downsides of one as well.

“Mmmph. What the heck?” Shelly said as she pulled against the giant chains.

From there she heard some indescribable chatter from below her as the armed soldiers kept
their fingers on the trigger. Shelly mumbled some gibberish to herself as she tried to pull herself free to
no avail, but then a very stern and loud voice rang throughout the area from one of the flying

“Giant girl! You have caused irreparable damage throughout this tiny town! We can’t allow any
more destruction, so stand down!”

“Well, you sort of subdued me already!” Shelly responded. “If you give me a chance I’ll walk
away and-”

“We can’t allow that!” the loudspeaker exclaimed. “You’ll destroy even more of this place! We’ll
transport you to a safer facility where we’ll figure out everything about that growth of yours! Young
ones like you don’t deserve such unmatched power!”

From their words, Shelly figured out their true intentions all along. After they subdued and
bound her in chains, they wanted to use her as a form of study just like the facility her parents worked
at. Even though she didn’t exactly want to feel like an experiment, at least when it came to the secret
facility to test out her harmless radiation none of it outright required anything dangerous. Her parents
knew she was still only a young girl and never pushed her to the extremes, which the other workers who
worked at the same research center understood as well. For the general public though, who lacked the
understanding of what she went through, their perception couldn’t have ended up the complete
contrary. If they wanted to tear a limb and/or inject her with hundreds of syringes they would do it
without a second though, which Shelly easily wanted no part of. She wished her parents or her older
sister stood around the premises to clear up the air, but she missed that particular luxury. For now she
looked down at an army who desired to have their way with her, and it made her sick. Either she
decimated them or they hauled her off for experimentation.

She wisely went with the former.

“You seriously have no idea who you’re dealing with.” Shelly stated as she deeply frowned and
spoke with power. “If you think I’m held back right now, well, you better consider some new life choices.
I’m not just relegated to this particular height, you know…”

She wasted no time with actions soon after. The army reeled back a little as Shelly tightened her
fists and closed her eyes, which started the process. The chains shook and rattled while a light green
glow illuminated across the giant young girl’s entire body. From there they received first hand
knowledge behind what she stated earlier as they witnessed her slowly gain more height as time passed.
She not just had the ability to grow to around one hundred feet, but possibly even bigger when she put
her mind to it. She growled under her breath as she heard gunfire down below, yet they never left a
single dent across she sturdy skin. Whether something related to the radiation she gained or something
else entirely, it negated such dangerous weaponry for the most part. If their guns had a similar size to
her the chances likely lingered around higher percentages, but at sizes akin to pea shooters they stood
next to no chance of harming her. They thought they had the upper hand, but Shelly immediately placed
the reverse card and switched the state of affairs in her favor.

While she could have grown herself even higher, she rarely ever did so. Even though her
fascination knew no bounds whenever she expanded, going too high up made her rather nervous. She
didn’t want to accidentally grow out of the atmosphere and suffocate in space and/or crush any living
creature down below. Her limits usually resided around sizes where the land down below still
maintained some form of visibility just so she wouldn’t inadvertently step on anyone. She knew it too
well once she initially grew from all of the radiation and almost stepped on her parents and older sister.
She never forgot the looks on their faces as they expected their ends, and Shelly couldn’t forgive herself
for weeks. She required some pep talks and therapy sessions to eventually get over such a fatal scare,
and even since she remained more thoroughly cautious about how big she made herself. Her family still
loved her even after she almost crushed them that day, and Shelly couldn’t have felt any better for them
to support her even when she appeared as a titan to them. She learned to only gain height when

…which included the stand off between her and the army. She made a very stark exception to
her desire to not crush any living being the moment she became threatened.


Muzzle flashes ignited as Shelly angrily stared down her opposition and lifted one of her
sneakers. Some soldiers escaped, but many vanished under the bright white of her shoes as she went
for another. A stray missile temporarily blinded her for a second before she stomped down on a platoon
of tanks which sprayed shrapnel at every turn. She knocked down a couple of buildings which also took
care of portions of the army while her shoes bulldozed over others. The craters from where she
stomped left incoherent messes but otherwise her opposition ignored them. From there the
ambulances high booked it before Shelly could get to them too, and the open fire continued to little or
no effect against the gigantic eight year old. She left deafening stomp after deafening stomp as more
and more corps enters the fray for her to tackle head on, which included more fleets of helicopters that
unloaded machine guns against her. In retaliation, Shelly swatted them like flies which sent many to the
ground in fiery blazes. Her hands and fingers became huge walls that obliterated all airborne vehicles
that dared to cross her, yet they swarmed her in droves. Whether she stomped tanks or swatted
helicopters out of the skin, Shelly had a lot against her but she wouldn’t go down easily.

One lucky tank managed to gain an opening as it fired one deadly shot right into one of Shelly’s
eyes. The resulting explosion made the young girl yelp and cry which affected her balance. Eventually
she couldn’t take it anymore and fell backward which destroyed tens of districts below from her landing.
Her behind against brick and pavement left one thunderous boom that shook the whole town and sent
buildings plummeting to the ground. Some unfortunate soldiers and tanks never made it out of the
falling building materials in time and ended up buried in them, which eventually caused the fighter jets
to zoom in. While most flew expertly, a few klutzy pilots performed a few show off barrel rolls which
eventually left them to kamikaze fatally into Shelly. While they dealt some moderate damage to her
face, they only angered her even more. As the entire army lit up around her, Shelly held her arms out
then twirled around in possibly the biggest lariat on the planets. Anyone down by her sneakers flew far
away on impact or fell completely, while the helicopters and planes became sucked in. One large whack
and either they careened over the horizon in a burning fireball or were spiked into the ground in an
impact that left next to nothing left. She made it clear that they poked a bear and now they would pay
for it.

After so many waves of tanks and aerial vehicles, eventually Shelly wiped out most of them.
However, her opposition still desired her demise, so they brought out their final secret weapon.


From there, the soldiers did what the commander wanted and retreated to the best of their
ability, although Shelly still crushed a few tanks on their way out. Her young self panted from light
exhaustion as the rest of the army fell back to her giant might. She overheard the commander’s
demand, but she had no idea what it meant at first. If it kept the same irritation levels and barely
scratched her, her chances remained pretty high up. She experienced the full force of the government's
army, but a couple of red flags stuck up in her head. Her attentiveness stayed on the rather cautious
side, as her troubles haven’t ended yet.
Shelly received the answer to her question when tremendous quakes she didn’t create
reverberated throughout the decimated town. She only needed a quick turn around before she saw the
instigator specifically called upon to combat her. Nearly dozens of houses connected together and
formed a rather uncanny creature. While it stood up like a bipedal, it occasionally hunched downward
on its house shaped hands like an animal. While it had two short stubby legs made of buildings, its
midsection, while also made up of multiple houses, formed into some type of rather sturdy chest plate
that could take some punishments if hit there. A long thick snout made of tough bricks and stone made
for some serious biting power while a long house laden thick tail dragged behind it like it just crawled
out of a bayou. Out of all of the radically eye popping details though, the small cockpit up top served as
the most iconic. Everyone in Royal Woods basically understood the infamous family of thirteen,
especially since they attracted problems on a daily basis, so to see their iconic house in all of its tiny
glory atop the monstrosity made it seem like she had the entire town against her…which sounded about
right the more she thought about it. Houses served as shelters for the most part, but for whatever Shelly
saw it wielded them as actual weapons and shielding like a knight in shining armor.

From the small visuals of the cockpit, the pilot made sure her name went down in history books.
As probably the most intellectual one in all of Royal Woods, one would usually never conclude that a
child genius stood a rank above everyone else. At just a single year old she already cracked the
Pythagorean theorem and thoroughly read over the works Greek philosophers. The term “ignoramus”
became a common piece from her knowledgeable cranium to anyone who lacked even a single IQ point
away from hers. She experimented daily and hypothesized her own thesis on her findings, which came
at the cost of gaining an extra toe, baldness, and the drastic loss of teeth. Her typical attire consisted
usually of a greet shirt and standard brown shoes, although on occasion she donned a lab coat fit for her
short stature. Most of her projects either blew up the establishment where she lived or provided nasty
after effects which resulted in new living experiments. Some times she even went a bit sleezy to the
point where she secretly used her own family for her studies, which even included grotesque subjects
like fecal matter and flatulence. With a reputation as the town’s main prodigy while she also lived under
the same umbrella of ten other siblings, she always had something to sink her teeth into, or lack thereof,
when it came to her library of knowledge deep within here cerebral cortex.

Lisa Loud arrived in yet another one of her mechanical marvels built behind everyone’s backs.

Shelly heard the genius’ voice from a loudspeaker, with her usual signature lisp, similar to the

“About time I finally got to bust this genius contraption out of the garage…or underneath it. Still
have some indecisiveness on that particular front…”

Shelly watched in slight confusion from Lisa’s muttering over the speaker before the younger girl
quickly shifted topics.

“Oh, uhhhhhhh, excuse my absentmindedness! I meant to say that you’ve dealt enough damage
to Royal Woods and need to be taught a lesson! I’ve thoroughly calculated your exact height and
probabilities of growing further to match your current size perfectly! Surrender now or I’ll unleash the
mechanical beast straight from the science fiction section!”

Even though most would have felt intimidated by such a threat, Shelly nonchalantly crossed her
arms and tapped one of her feet, which sent small quakes across the ground each time, as she stared
straight at Lisa in the cockpit.

“You want to experiment on me behind that facade of seriousness, don’t you?” Shelly casually

She watched as the youngest genius of Royal Woods locked up for a few seconds before she
brought her mechanical beast into a more upright position.

“Errrr, well…” Lisa stuttered from the loudspeaker. “Okay, affirmative. I mean, girls like you
don’t just suddenly undergo growth spurts of THAT degree! You have no idea how much of a benefit
your ability could provide to humanity! Of course, the contrary may also prove useful even though I’ve
created something similar…”

“You get picked on a lot for your height.” Shelly nervelessly stated straight to her.

From there, Lisa completely went stiff as her large mech did the same, although she held on
quietly for a bit longer as if Shelly pinned her to the ground. After quite some time, even Shelly didn’t
know if she accidentally struck something sensitive, but when she least expected it Lisa finally came to.

“Why, how…how DARE YOU bring up such a calculation! Just because I’m constantly talked
about as a mastermind in a child’s body, short out of my league, AND unreliable for grown up
conventions of the scientifically gifted doesn’t mean I desire such size gains to show researchers I can
handle it! I don’t constantly exchange messages from certain pink haired IGNORAMUSES who think they
can get away with size altering shenanigans when I’M YOUNGER and DESERVE even more respect!”

Shelly didn’t say anything after that, for she just heard the genius of the Loud family completely
lose it and spill the beans on everything…which Lisa took not too calmly.

“Ohhhhhh… Who are you to judge?! I’m just going to take you down right now before my
irritation levels reach certain hypothetical thresholds. I deserve the growth treatment more than you,
and I’ll dissect you myself if I have to! RINI DOESN’T DESERVE THE CREDIT WHILE I’M AROUND!”

“Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight…” Shelly said while disappointingly listening to Lisa’s incoherent rants.

From there, the two finally initiated their fight. Lisa’s “homemade” giant robot started as
multiple roofs opened their hatches which revealed large rockets and missiles aimed directly at Shelly.
She wasted no time firing them as the eight year old rushed forward, and some struck in rather
unfortunate spots. Shelly fell sideways once she felt her knees take a hit, which brought multiple
districts into completely ruin down below, but she responded with one long leg sweep which sent Lisa’s
mech down as well. The robot only had a split second to get up before Shelly jumped back onto her feet
and lunged at it. She plastered herself all over Lisa’s creation and left it struggling to toss the giant girl to
the side at first. Shelly provided a few good punches and kicks until the robot hoisted up its house laden
claws, firmly grasped the girl, then threw itself backward in a gravity defying pile driver. Shelly’s face
stuck into the pavement and left gigantic chunks of Royal Woods in shambles upon impact before she
got back up. Lisa meant business, but Shelly matched her mood.

“Firmly accepted your defeat yet? You can’t demolish the technological advancements of the
Car Roaring Automated Powerhouse! I’ve jacked up its power to the extreme!”

Shelly stood stunned for a split second as she processed what Lisa said…and concluded on

“You realize that spells…CRAP, right?”

From there, Lisa took a moment to process the information before Shelly heard a deep sigh.

“Well…shoot. Back to the drawing board on that front…when I’m done with you!”

Both forces charged at each other again as electricity built up in the tail of “C.R.A.P”. Shelly
reached down and grabbed one of Dairyland’s infamous ferris wheels in an attempt to bash it into the
mech’s head. Lisa fought back with a skyscraper her robot plucked close by it near the ground, and soon
enough both sides fought like they traveled right from the Middle Ages. Shelly held her “shield” as Lisa
brought her “sword” down upon it as the older girl prodded the ruins of the town for something to go
against her. Some unlucky people ended up deeply pressed into the ground by her fingers in the
process, but eventually the two girls matched skyscrapers. Both buildings clashed into each other again
and again while Shelly used the ferris wheel defensively when given the chance. Despite her lack of
cover, Lisa didn’t need it when she had access to raw firepower provided by her mech. As Shelly planted
her feet firmly into the ground, Lisa aimed her robot’s tail then fired multiple rounds of electric balls that
zapped her opposition in a “shocking” fashion. She sent Shelly to the ground once more then swung her
tail toward her, but the giant girl backed up right as static electricity almost hit her again. Both sides
took advantage of what they got like any good combatant.

Shelly and Lisa’s mech locked arms and forced each other to the ground. They clasped their
opponent with both of their arms and legs before they went into one crazy wrestling roll across the
landscape. Anything within their destructive path became obliterated in an instant, and they didn’t
relegate themselves to Royal Woods either. The giant dust cloud of their bout ran across multiple
territories and landmarks across Michigan, although some interactions lasted only a split second which
left thousands dumbstruck at what just occurred, until they finally reached the coastline of Lake
Michigan. Beach goers in the sand, whether they sat relaxing in the sun or swam in the water, never saw
it coming until Shelly and Lisa butted heads toward them. A wake of devastation followed behind them
until their scuffle became so heated they they performed the biggest cannonball into the lake in
recorded history. The largest of waves doused the coastline and swept everyone away into the current.
It even reach some close by towns and cities from its humongous scope and flooded streets as quick as a
flash. Any building which didn’t have its insides filled to the brim either collapsed instantly or never
existed in the first place. Shelly’s and Lisa’s tussle expanded beyond their initial starting town to one of
Michigan’s most well known landmarks.

At the height the two stood at, although Lisa remained snug in her robot’s cockpit, Lake
Michigan matched to around a puddle as the two got back on their feet. Lisa’s house mech suit extruded
some static electricity in a few area, but it still lacked a single scratch across the surface. Shelly
appreciated having some of the dry milk smell from her outing in Dairyland removed, but nothing else
about her giant bath. She wrang some water out of her hair and forced some out of her ear, which even
came with a few schools of fish, before she looked forward at Lisa who also seemed prime for some
more action.

“As much as I like the change in scenery, it won’t stop me from getting my stubby scientific
hands on you.” Lisa said from the loudspeaker. “I can keep this up ALL DAY if I have to!”

“Well, I’m not just going to give myself up to someone who understands NOTHING about me!”
Shelly retorted.

“Then let me take you in so I CAN understand your circumstances!”

“And NOT find myself excessive experimented on? Yeah, fat chance.”

“Ooooooooooh, you ignorance of the discovery of a lifetime has REALLY MADE ME STEAMED!”

As if on command, the giant robot let off a cloud of steam from behind its back and charged
forward. Some compartments opened up from a few of the houses on its arms and legs which
immediately released lasers across Shelly’s skin which caused some harmful burns. The giant girl
shrieked and collapsed into the water in an attempt to cool off before Lisa attempted to pin her into the
water. Once she saw the robot over her Shelly acted quickly and kicked it straight into the chest which
sent it flying backward. It crashed near the center of the lake, but fired a few rockets from the bottom of
its feet in return. They homed in on Shelly but the girl punched them right out of the sky and sent them
into the water close by, which just so happened to have a few fishing boats on the water’s surface. The
rockets blew them to smithereens and set more giant waves toward the coast which flooded it even
more. Shelly attempted to capitalize on the moment, but Lisa got the robot back on its feet before she
could. The genius would need more than just rockets to take Shelly down.

From there Lisa completely lost her mind and went straight for the lethal weaponry. Both arms
of the robot began to twirl around and spin into a rather dangerous triangle until they became
dangerously sharp pointed drills. She pointed them forward and fired up the thrusters , but the speed
increase started earlier than she expected. The entire mech lurched forward and zipped straight ahead
into Shelly, but she didn’t angle the drills correctly yet. As such they swirled on both sides of her head
and barely avoided giving her a lobotomy. It didn’t just end there though, as the sudden speed increase
literally allowed the mech to pick up Shelly’s entire body and kept her stuck to the front. It zoomed
around across the water while completely blind as Lisa received a field of view taken up by Shelly’s
soaked shirt. The fight went from standard to chaotic at the flip of a switch.
Shelly wanted the moment to end immediately, and while she thought of something execution
stayed pretty shaky if she missed even one percent. Even so, she still had to go for it. She carefully
wiggled herself up near the robot’s back and clasped it tightly. A few trees and splashes of water
continued to pile on her, but she kept a leveled head. After she moved a few more inches, she brought
her feet up and attempted to place her feet in one particular spot. Once she felt like she made it, Shelly
prepared to let go and force her bottom half downward. After a small countdown in her head, she
executed her idea. Shelly planted her feet firm and pushed her legs down which sent Lisa’s robot
underwater. She put her entire weight on it and completely kept Lisa in the lake for as long as she could
even if its limbs started to thrash about. She kept it there for about half a minute until the mech finally
pushed her off and sent her to the side. It wobbled a bit but still had enough in it to stand back up.
Shelly dealt something to it if the sign amounted to anything.

“You think a bit of water would completely put me down? Hah! I admire your tenacity, but I
always account for-”

A few clouds of smoke and bolts of static electricity displayed around the house mech as it
sputtered in a few spot. Shelly watched as it slowed to a crawl and creaked in more places than one, and
soon enough it halted in its tracks. Lisa attempted to pull a few levers and push a few buttons, but
nothing worked. One particular status on one of the monitors displayed the problem.

“What?! Waterlogged?! How in the sweet mother of discovery is this possible?! I reinforced so
many extra covers just so this wouldn’t happen! I don’t make mistakes like this!”

As Lisa attempted to work the controls back in order, Shelly went for the final blow. She
stomped on up to Lisa’s giant robot while incredibly peeved that someone dared to take her down, and
she cracked her knuckles to prove it. Lisa got a face full of an incredibly angry Shelly from the cockpit as
the giant girl gave a final chilling remark.

“You may think I’m just some freak of nature that needs intensive research, but at heart…”

She then reeled one of her fists back.

“I’m still just a young girl!”

She then socked Lisa’s mech straight under the cockpit in one deadly uppercut which sent the
whole machine high up into the air far above. It twirled and spun out of control for a few seconds as a
smoke trail followed behind until the inevitable explosion occurred. Pieces of the mech flew everywhere
and landed into the lake which struck a few fishing boats on the surface. It almost seemed like the
largest firework detonated when nobody expected it, yet when it involved Royal Woods’ infamous child
genius it usually became just another Tuesday for her. As for the prodigy herself, Shelly distinguished a
very faint white parachute in the sky which just so happened to support a certain dot in the distance as
it shouted at her.

As if karma just wanted to continuously mess with her, a stray bird instantly flew by and
accidentally plunged right through her parachute which ripped a hole in it and caused her to plummet
below in a comical fashion. Lucky she wouldn’t end up seriously hurt, but her humorous defeat made
Shelly giggle a bit. The child genius lost to the giant girl she ever so wanted to learn about the secret
behind her growth. She never fancied herself a good fighter, but if her bout against Lisa taught her
anything…she may have some talent.

From there Shelly wiped some sweat off of her brow then surveyed the tiny world below her.
She lightly frowned at how much ended up destroyed from everything, as she desired to have it at a
certain medium. Trees floated in the water, wrecked boats lingered on the coastline, and hundreds of
people found themselves dangling in the treetops from the gigantic tidal waves. During any other
playtime as the biggest girl in existence she never would have left so much wreckage behind, yet
circumstances beyond her control lead excess desolation in her wake. If her parents or sister hung
around and knew what happened some very long rants about responsibility and secrecy awaited her,
but she only partially caused such a ruckus this time. Other factors on top on her playful attitude left
parts of Michigan completely destroyed, and it would take a while to fix everything back to their normal

It came with the territory of her gigantic status.

After everything said and done, Shelly glanced up toward the sky and noticed a deep sunset over
the horizon. She spent so much time having fun that she completely lost track of time, and if she skipped
out of the household for too long her parents and older sister would set out to look for her. As much as
she wanted to continue playing with many of the tiny specks around her, even giant girls like her needed
to call it quits. She usually waited until she made it close to home before she miniaturized herself back
to her normal height because of the distance benefits, so she still had a little bit more time as the
biggest girl in existence. Time to finally call it a day for one giant girl named Shelly Quinn.

“Ummmm, I had some really fun times today everyone! Even though I want to continue more
than anything, even I need to finally relax with my family. Don’t think I’m not coming back to play again
though, because I LOVE acting as a titan to all of you little people! Until next time, MAKE SURE TO

From there, she waded out of Lake Michigan and back onto the coastline before she made her
way throughout all of the wreckage she left behind. It’ll take time for everyone to rebuild everything,
and when they do Shelly will have them in mind for another gigantic play date.


A man waited in anticipation near the entrance to Royal Woods Theater as someone in front of
him read over the many pieces of paper on the steps. He shook while Shelly herself stood by with an
equal expression as the particular person finished up the last of what words existed on the final page. A
couple of commuters passed by on the sidewalk and provided looks like they just scanned over two
crazy residents. They paid no certain attention to the man on the steps with the pages, but the other
man and Shelly pretty much stole the show in terms of blatant craziness. Almost everyone wanted to
become a star in the town and Royal Woods typically existed on the low end of the spectrum when it
came to projects. Even so, it sparked some to go for it which usually pointed them toward the theater
which the town had. Some clearly thought of their works as art and desired attention.

…like the man and Shelly.

The one with the pages eventually placed the pieces of paper to the side and stared at the two
people before him.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell? What do you think?” the man whose anxiety went through the roof

The man on the steps chuckled and grinned.

“You once again costed me an hour of my time to go through this, Gu. You just can’t have it end
at a typical one thousand, can you?”

“Well…you know I can get a bit…lengthy with my writing, Cubed.” the man known as Gu replied
while he rubbed the back of his head.

“I pretty much learned all about that early on.” the other man called Cubed answered after a
few more chuckles.

“He sort of gets those remarks all of the time.” Shelly replied. “So how about it? Will I become
the next big star?”

The young girl’s eyes sparkled and expanded while she clasped her hands together eagerly. Gu
soon matched her expression as Cubed just gazed at them like they just lost a million brain cells.

“So…you wrote an entire story based on a picture created by an AI…”

“Yup!” Gu answered.

“…in the Loud House world…”

“Well, it was originally based on something else, but I changed it for more recognition.”

“…accepted ideas for scenes for the first time ever even though you barely got any…”

“Hey, I even got your sister to contribute! That amounts to something!”

“…just so it could go up on the ACGTS site.”

Gu vigorously nodded his head happily while Shelly mirrored him. Their anticipation was killing
them at that point, for he submitted multiple stories to the site before and even just one more served as
a major boon to her credibility. He promised Shelly would hit it big if Cubed accepted so she pretty much
joined his endeavors rather instantly. They just needed the one acceptance from the man himself and
everything they worked for came together. Either a yes or a no with an equal fifty fifty chance existed,
and Gu and Shelly banked on the former.

“Hate to break it to you Gu, but have you lived under a rock these last couple of years? I shut
those sites down AGES ago!”

Their futures came crashing down just like that.

Gu’s joy immediately sapped away and he hunched down in a heap. His arms hung down as the
life across his face drained into the void. Shelly took the situation in a completely different turn and
slowly heated up as the seconds ticked by. Her face turned red as she slowly turned toward the rather
depressed man next to her.

“Gu… You promised I would make it BIG!”

Gu brought his attention over to her.

“Wait! Uhhhhh, I…didn’t know about the facts! How was I supposed to know?!”

“You could have EASILY looked it up at some point!” Shelly retorted. “You worked…for months…
writing about me…and said I would become FAMOUS!”

“Well, I…” Gu nervously said as buckets of sweat poured from his head.

He never got the chance to fully respond as he and Cubed watched the girl begin to change.
Before long Shelly glowed light green for a split second before her height went higher and higher, which
caught the attention of others who walked by on the sidewalk, until she reached her common threshold
of one hundred feet. Her sneakers could crush any building in one single step, but she already had one
target picked out. She lifted one of her gigantic teal sneakers in the air and brought it over Gu’s sorry
head. Shelly had it out for him.


Gu barely had enough time to run out from under her sneaker before she stomped down hard
against the pavement. The man ran off for dear life as the incredibly angry giant girl went after him and
stomped with every step which left deep craters in her wake. Soon after she caused a miniature
pandemonium as waves of people around panicked and ran for their lives even though Shelly only had
one person in mind. Gu’s screams could be heard in the distance as Shelly’s angry yells followed behind.
Gu learned his lesson that day. He now understood to check up on current happenings so he wouldn’t
get left in the dark…if he survived Shelly’s rampage.

As Royal Woods lit up from the carnage left by Shelly, Cubed had only one thing on his mind
while he sighed and sat in disbelief at what just happened.

“Why do I always get the crazy ones?”

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