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Text for questions number 41 and 42.

Bandung, November 5, 2018
To my beloved friend, Aurora.

In Paris
Hello Aurora, How are you today? Hopefully you are fine. It’s been a while since you left me here alone,
huhuhu so sad. My family and I here are missing you a lot.
How is Paris? I guess it’s very beautiful. Winter is coming soon right? Ah, I really want to know how the
winter is. But, most Importantly, please wear warm outfits and don’t get sick.
And how about your college life? I heard that you take International Relation department. Is it run
smoothly as you expected. I guess you will be the best in the class because you are the smartest one. Oh,
By the way I will be starting my study in January. I’m very excited about it, because it is the first college
class. I take English Education as my majority. You know, I also plan to take extra college activity. I fond of
sport, so I am going to take extra activity about sport. But, I haven’t decided which one I should take since
I do like basketball and football. Of course I will decide it. Maybe after I get the explanation from the senior
following those extra activities.
Okay, I think that’s all for now. I want to hear everything about your new life in Paris. Please don’t forget
to reply my letter! See you and good luck.
With Love,

Adapted from:

41. What department does the writer take in

college? 45. Avim : Yan, how was your TOEFL test last
A. International relation month? You can see the score today,
B. English letter can't you?
C. English education Tyan : Yes I have taken the result with Jojo
D. Physical education and Alhamdulillah I got 503. I will
E. Hotel and restaurants improve my English skill so that I can
get more than 550 to study abroad.
42. From the letter above we know that … . Avim : Wow ... . I hope you can make it.
A. Aurora takes English education Tyan : Thank you for your support.
B. It is winter in Paris A. That's Marvellous!
C. Aurora is the best student in her college B. I would be the first to congratulate you
D. The writer begins her class after January C. I just love your kindness
E. The writer knows Aurora well D. You look fabulous
E. I would like to compliment you on this
43. You have your beautiful voice, and I have ... .
A. me 46. Flowrencia : Arli, I have a gift for your
B. my graduation, a beautiful dress. I
C. mine asked my mother to make it.
D. myself Arli : That's a beautiful dress! ... .
E. my owns Flowrencia : I am glad you like it.
A. Thank you for the dress.
44. Layyin : Hey Cell I heard that you got the first B. I think your mother is a really talented tailor
place in math competition held by C. I look wonderful
State University of Malang yesterday. D. Thank you very much.
Cella : Thank God. That’s not only me, but E. I love your mother
my team did.
Layyin : It was great to hear that. I’d like to 47. Rekno : You look cool in the jacket you're
congratulate your team. You did it wearing.
very well. Junan : Thank you. ... .
Cella : Thank you. We still have to learn a A. I am really great with this
lot. B. You're my best friend
From the dialogue we know that Layyin is C. I am glad you like it
expressing … . D. It's nice of you to say so
A. Congratulation E. This is very special for you
B. Complimenting
C. Grattitude
D. Intention
E. Symphaty
Text for questions number 48 to 52.
Jakarta, October 19, 2018

Dear Ashley,

Thank you for your letter. It’s always a pleasure to receive your letters.
You asked me how I spent the summer. Well, it 48)… the best summer of my life. First, I caught a cold
and was sick for two weeks. Because of this I could not go to a youth camp and I 49)… a month in a
stuffy city.
Then the weather turned bad and again I had to stay home. Only in August, I managed to go hiking
with friends. We had a lot of fun and 50)… songs around the campfire.

Oh I almost forget, you have ever said that you would send me special souvenir from your new town,
but you haven’t sent it. I 51)…for it. I hope you don’t forget it
Well, I 52)… to finish. It is now 11:00 pm, it’s time to sleep.

Take care of yourself,

Intan Permatasari
Adapted from:

48. A. is not D. would sing

B. was not E. had sung
C. has not
D. would not 51. A. wait
E. could not B. waited
C. am waiting
49. A. spend D. have waited
B. spent E. have been waiting
C. spending
D. have spent 52. A. get
E. was spent B. got
C. am getting
50. A. sing D. have got
B. sang E. have been getting
C. sung

Dialogue for number 53 to 55.

Marischa : It will be a long weekend soon. Do you have any plans?
Selvi : Uhm, I’m not sure. I don’t have any idea yet. I think I might stay at home.
Bayu : Stay at home? Well, you could do something more interesting!
Selvi : So, what about you Bayu? Do you have any plans?
Bayu : Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing.
Selvi : Fishing? It sounds boring too! Are you going to go fishing in the river near your house?
Bayu : No. We plan to go fishing in a lake near my uncle’s house. Would you like to come with us?
Selvi : Fishing? I don’t really like fishing. I would rather stay at home than go fishing.
Bayu : What about you, Marischa? What would you like to do on the long weekend?
Marischa : I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend. We are going to
practice baking cookies.
Selvi : That sounds like a very good plan!
Bayu : Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like the last time?
Marischa : Well, yes. That is my favorite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies.
Selvi : Oh, how I envy you. My mother is going to accompany my little brother to attend a drawing
competition. I don’t think I can ask her to teach me baking cookies.
Bayu : Ha ha, I guess you should enjoy staying at home alone.
Marischa : Oh, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? You can come to my house.
Bayu : It’s a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad?
Selvi : Uhm, not fishing I guess. But I think I would like to bake cookies with Marischa. Thanks for
asking me to join you Marischa.
Marischa : No problem. I will call you on Friday to let you know the time when we can start.
Selvi : Thanks a lot. I will be waiting for your call.
Bayu : Have a nice long weekend everyone. Marischa,
Selvi : You too.
Taken from:
53. What is they talking about? They are talking Text for questions number 56 to 58.
about ... .
A. what to do on the long weekend Look at the sky! I think it 56)... . You should bring
B. going fishing in a lake an umbrella if you would like to 57)... to your
C. baking Choco chips cookies English teacher. It is important to keep your body
D. staying at home doing nothing healthy since you are having smart test in
E. a plan to be done together on the long Primagama this week. However, if you'd rather
weekend 58)... at home than go there, it's up to you.

54. What are Selvi and Marischa going to do on the

weekend? They will ... . 56. A. will rain
A. go fishing to Bayu's uncle B. will be raining
B. go fishing to a river near Bayu's house C. going to
C. practice baking cookies in Marischa's house D. is going to rain
D. accompany Selvi's brother to a drawing E. is going to be raining
E. visit Marischa's house 57. A. come
B. comes
55. Why does Selvi's mother cannot teach her C. coming
baking cookies? D. came
A. She will accompany her son in a drawing E. have come
B. She is going to follow Bayu's activity 58. A. stay
C. She has a private activity B. stayed
D. She plans to teach her son in drawing C. have stayed
E. She will teach Marischa how to make Choco D. will stay
chips and ginger cookies E. staying

Text for questions number 59 to 62.

Nusa Penida is an island southeast of Indonesia's island Bali and a district of Klungkung Regency
that includes the neighbouring small island of Nusa Lembongan. The Badung Strait separates the island
and Bali. The interior of Nusa Penida is hilly with a maximum altitude of 524 metres. It is drier than the
nearby island of Bali. There is very little tourist infrastructure.
There are two small islands nearby - Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan - which are included within
the district (kecamatan). Administratively, the kecamatan of the same name, had a population of 45,178 in
2010 census, covering 202.8 km2, very little changed from 10 years prior.
Nusa Penida, and neighbouring Lembongan and Ceningan islands, are a bird sanctuary. The islands
communities have used traditional Balinese village regulations to create the sanctuary. The idea of a
sanctuary came from the Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF).
In 2006 all 35 villages (now 41 villages) agreed to make bird protection part of their traditional
regulations (“awig-awig”). Since then, the FNPF has rehabilitated and released various Indonesian birds,
most notably the critically endangered Bali starling which is endemic to Bali but whose numbers in the wild
had declined to less than 10 in 2005. After a two-year program by FNPF in which 64 cage bred birds were
rehabilitated and released onto Nusa Penida, their number had increased to over 100 in 2009. Other
released birds include the Java sparrow, Mitchell's lorikeet and sulphur crested cockatoo.
Nusa Penida covers a wide area of diving locations, including Penida Bay, Batu Lumbung (Manta
Point), Batu Meling, Batu Abah, Toya Pakeh and Malibu Point. The flow through the Lombok Strait is,
overall, south-tending, although the strength and direction of the tidal streams are influenced by the
monsoon seasons.
During the southeast monsoons, the tidal flow tends south; during the northeast monsoons, the tidal
flow tends north. In the area of the strait north of Nusa Penida, the pattern is relatively simple, with a flow,
at peaktide, of about three-and-one-half knots. Tidal streams in Badung Strait are semi-diurnal, but the
character of the stream is very complicated because its direction runs obliquely to the general south to
north direction of Lombok Strait, and the channel has a curved shape.
Based on survey in 2009, there was about 1,419 hectares coral sites with 66 percent covered the sites
in 3 meters depth and 74 percent covered the sites in 10 meters depth.

59. Why did the villagers and FNPF decide to make D. In 2005 there was an emergency situation
bird protection? of wild environment.
A. Various of birds from Java and Bali were E. It was in line with the idea of traditional
endangered. regulation, "awig-awig".
B. The number of various birds in the wild
went down sharply. 60. How do the communities make bird sanctuary?
C. The rehabilitation of the birds was hard to A. FNPF helps them to make it.
do. B. The local government assists the people.
C. They use traditional Balinese village D. Tidal streams
regulations. E. Tidal streams in Lombok Strait
D. Indonesian birds lovers community guide
the people. 62. The main idea of paragraph 4 is ... .
E. The communities have made new traditional A. Nusa Penida has beautiful and interesting
regulations to create sanctuary. places for diving
61. ... Because its direction runs obliquely to the B. Nusa Penida has large area of diving sport
general south to north direction of Lombok C. The strength and direction of the streams
Strait. (paragraph ...) are influenced by the monsoon seasons
The word its refers to ... . D. The movement of the tidal flow changes
A. The stream complication following the seasons
B. The character of the stream E. Nusa Penida covers a wide area of coral
C. Badung Strait sites.

Text for questions number 63 to 67.

Masjid Agung Demak (or Demak Great Mosque) is one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia,
located in the center town of Demak, Central Java, Indonesia. The mosque is believed to be built by the
Wali Songo ("Nine Muslim Saints") with the most prominent figure Sunan Kalijaga, during the first Demak
Sultanate ruler, Raden Patah during the 15th century.
Although it has had a number of renovations, it is thought to be largely in its original form. It is a
classic example of a traditional Javanese mosque. Unlike mosques in the Middle East it is built from timber.
Rather than a dome, which did not appear on Indonesian mosques until the 19th century, the roof is tiered
and supported by four saka guru teak pillars. The tiered roof shows many similarities with wooden religious
structures from the Hindu-Buddhist civilizations of Java and Bali. The main entrance of Masjid Agung
Demak consists of two doors carved with motifs of plants, vases, crowns and an animal head with an open
wide-toothed mouth. It is said that picture depicts the manifested thunder caught by Ki Ageng Selo, hence
their name Lawang Bledheg (the doors of thunder). Like other mosques of its era, its orientation towards
Mecca is only approximate.
Woodcarving and brickwork, they are thought to have been specially ordered. The use of ceramic
rather than stone is thought to have been in imitation of the mosques of Persia

63. What does the text tell you? 66. From the text we can infer that ... .
A. The oldest mosque in Java. A. Masjid Agung Demak is the oldest mosque
B. Center town of Demak. in Indonesia
C. Demak great mosque B. Masjid Agung Demak was built in the
D. Classic of traditional Javanese mosques. 1.500s.
E. The builder of Demak mosque. C. Masjid Agung Demak was built with a
64. What carvings are there on the main entrance D. Masjid Agung Demak is like Hindu-Budhist
of Demak Great mosque? temples.
A. Plants, vases, crowns, and animals head. E. Raden Patah was the first Demak
B. The story of the "WaliSongo". Sulatanate ruler.
C. Holy verses calligraphy of Alquran
D. Crowns, an animal head, plants, and vases. 67. ... its orientation towards Mecca is only
E. Thunder caught by Ki AgengSelo. approximate. (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word has similar in meaning
65. When was the mosque built? with ... .
A. In the era of Demak Sultanate ruler A. reasonable
B. In the 16th century. B. doubt
C. In the 19th century. C. rational
D. In the year of 1.600s D. worthy
E. When Sunan Kali Jaga formed Nine Muslim E. proper

Text for questions number 68 to 71.


Ternate is an island in the Maluku Islands (Moluccas) of eastern Indonesia. It was the center of the
former Sultanate of Ternate. It is off the west coast of the larger island of Halmahera. The city has a
population of just under 200,000 on some 111.39 km2.
Like its neighbouring island, Tidore, Ternate is a visually dramatic cone-shape. The two are ancient
Islamic sultanates (Ternate's Sultanate and Tidore's) with a long history of bitter rivalry. The islands were
once the world's single major producer of cloves, a commodity that allowed their sultans to become
amongst the wealthiest and most powerful of all sultans in the Indonesian region. In the precolonial era,
Ternate was the dominant political and economic power over most of the "Spice Islands" of Maluku.
Today, Ternate City is the largest town in the province of North Maluku, within which the island
constitutes a municipality (kotamadya). It is, however, no longer the provincial capital, a title now held by
the town of Sofifi on Halmahera.
The "Ternate Essay" was a pioneering account of evolution by natural selection written on the island
by Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858 and famously sent to Charles Darwin. Darwin at once responded by
publishing Wallace's essay alongside his own accounts of the theory.

68. What made the islands become the most 70. The two are ancient Islamic sultanates ... (First
powerful in politic and economic in Indonesia? paragraph).
A. The richness of the nature. The opposite meaning of the word 'ancient' is ...
B. The maritime power. .
C. The spices provided in the islands. A. very old
D. The troops of the sultanates. B. antique
E. The power of the sultans. C. archaic
D. modern
69. How did Charles Darwin get data to publish an E. new era
essay of Ternate?
A. He took adventure the archipelago. 71. It is, however, no longer the provincial capital,
B. He sent a letter to his men in Ternate. ... . (Third paragraph).
C. He knew well about Ternate. The word it in the sentence refers to ... .
D. He had a theory called natural selection. A. a municipality
E. He got a writing from Alfred Russell B. the island constitutes
Wallace. C. Ternate city
D. Tidore city
E. the Spice Islands

Text for questions number 72 to 76.

Mount Kelud With Crater Lake
(Before Erupted in November 2007)

Mount Kelud tourism area is about 40 km, 45 Minutes from Kediri City. Kelud is a volcano. Breezes of
fresh air and charming scenery make this area interesting for ecotourism, adventuring, and health
purposes. Here we can enjoy the shady cool plantation, an area for rock climbing, jogging, cross country,
and camping ground, a channel to the crater through the mountain, sulfur lake down the mountain
volcanology information service, and entertainment performances on weekends / holidays.
Mount Kelud is a relatively small stratovolcano with a summit elevation at 1731m above sea level or
1650m above the densely populated and fertile plains of Kediri and Blitar that surround the volcano. Kelud
volcano is located at about 27 km from Kediri city and lies between the volcanic massif of Mount Wilis to
the West and the complex of Kawi and Butak volcanoes to the East.
Kelud volcano is considered as one of the most dangerous volcanoes of Java because of its frequent
eruptions. The eruptive activity has typically generated deadly lahars, pyroclastic flows and surges that
have claimed more than 15,000 lives since 1500 AD and caused widespread fatalities and destruction. The
crater lake of Kelud is famous for its potential to release devastating lahars whenever an eruption occurs.
The 1586 eruption produced one of the worst lahar in the historical record of volcanic eruptions and
took the lives of about 10,000 people. Extensive works to control lahars have been achieved around the
volcano. A system of drainage of the Crater Lake was completed in 1926. Today, this drainage tunnel still
works and maintains the volume of the lake at a low level (2 million m3). Several dams were also built on
the slopes of this volcano in order to protect the largest towns.
The tourism objects of mount Kelud:
- Ampera tunnel 110 m comes out at the Gajah Mungkur top was built in 1940 by Japanese; the function is
to drain the lava.
- The cauldron of Mount Kelud that is believed by society can make peaceful and prosperity.
- The top of Sumbing, which was the characteristic of slope rocks structure with 90 % declining, used as
medium for wall climbing.
- The observation posts of mount Kelud.
-The ritual ceremony of Larung Sesaji in cauldron of Mount Kelud is held every September.

72. What is the text about? A. Because its eruptions always make large of
A. Mount Kelud and the charming scenery. destruction.
B. Mount Kelud and the danger. B. Because it can release devastating lahars
C. Mount Kelud and its ecotourism. whenever eruptions happen.
D. Mount Kelud and its potential. C. Because it took about 10,000 people's lives.
E. Mount Kelud and the lahar. D. Because many people dye while enjoying
the beauty of the mount.
73. Why is mount Kelud considered as one of the E. Because it often erupts which cause
most dangerous volcanoes in Java? fatalities
74. What does surround the volcano? C. Since 1500 until now
A. Sunda strait. D. In 1926
B. Forest. E. In 1500 until 1926
C. People's lands of Blitar and Kediri.
D. Mount Wilis and Kawi. 76. Japanese built Ampera tunnel in 20th century to
E. The complex of Kawi and Butak volcanoes. ... .
A. defend from Dutch government
75. When did the mountain give the most horrible B. hide its troops
lahar? C. act as medium for wall climbing
A. In 1500 D. drain the lava
B. In 1586 E. be able to make peaceful and prosperity

Text for questions number 77 to 80.

This tourist destination in Singapore consists of a massive green park which is located not far
from the Orchard Road, on 1 Cluny Rd, Singapore. Botanic Garden is famous for its Tongkat Ali
plants and often called as Tongkat Ali of Singapore’s Botanic Garden. Tongkat Ali is a small plant
with many benefits for health. To get to this garden, you can jump on an MRT from the Harbour
Front Station at Vivo City complex and get off at CC19 Botanic Garden.
As the oldest park in Singapore, Botanic Garden has more than 60,000 species of plants and
orchids and is opened for visitors from 5 AM until midnight. There is no ticket needed to get inside
unless you want to take a look at their National Orchid Garden which will cost you around S$8 for
adults. Have a slow walk, jog, or enjoy the meals at its restaurants.

77. What is meant by Tongkat Ali? 81. Waterfalls ... by many people as interesting spot
A. A small plant with many benefits for man's destinations beside beaches.
health. A. is often visited
B. A stick of great father of Singapore. B. are often visited
C. The man who built Singapore Botanic C. was often visited
Garden. D. were often visited
D. A species of iconic plants which has several E. will be visited
benefits for our health.
E. A stick made of special plant that has many 82. The roads toward the Great Bay ... by The local
benefits for people's health. government.
A. is repairing
78. Which one is incorrect based on the text above? B. is being repaired
A. The garden is situated in Singapore City. C. will be repairing
B. The garden has 60 thousands species of D. are being repaired
plants and orchids. E. was being repaired
C. The garden is able to be visited for 19
hours. 83. The beach ... before the vice President comes
D. We need a ticket for coming inside the here.
garden. A. is cleaned
E. There is a restaurant provides nice meals in B. is being cleaned
the Botanic garden. C. has been cleaned
D. was cleaned
79. There is no ticket needed to get inside unless E. had been cleaned
you want to take a look at their National Orchid
Garden ... . (paragraph 2). 84. A rector ... by the voters of the college soon.
It means that ... . A. is chosen
A. Each visitor needs a ticket to get inside B. is being chosen
B. It is totally free for visitors to get inside and C. has been chosen
enjoy the view D. will be chosen
C. We must pay 8 dollars to get inside the E. can be chosen
D. We need extra ticket to take a look at their
National Orchid Garden.
E. It is not free if we want to see National
Orchid Garden.

80. Have a slow walk, jog, or enjoy the meals at its

restaurants. (Paragraph 2).
The word its refers to ... .
A. the meals
B. the visitors
C. National Orchid Garden
D. Singapore Botanic Garden
E. a massive green park
Text for questions number 85 and 86.

For all students of SMAN Suka Maju, we announce English Speech Contest to celebrate The 73th
Indonesian independence.

Time : Saturday, 22 March 2018

Place : Hall of SMAN Suka Maju

Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :
• The Advantage of Learning English
• The Difficulties of Learning English
• The Effective Ways of Learning English

For further information, meet Mrs Susi at teachers office.

85. What does the text tell you? A. all students join the speech contest
A. The 73th Indonesian Independence B. the event is held to celebrate the
celebration. independence of Indonesia
B. Celebration of SMAN Suka Maju. C. the speech contest is held for two days
C. English speech challenge. D. every class has to register at least one
D. Registration on English speech contest. student to participate in the event
E. The topics of English speech contest. E. each participant can choose three topics
86. From the text we know that ... .

Text for questions number 87 and 88.


To commemorate National Hero Day 2018 it is notified to all the students of Al Hidayah Islamic Boarding
School that the school will hold a quiz competition between classes. The event is going to be held on
November, 10th 2018 in the auditorium of the school. Each class must send 4 students to be the
Thank you for your attention.

Surabaya, November, 5th 2018

Chairman of the Student Organisation,

Flowrencia Regina Thysa

87. What is going to be held by the Students they do not meet the minimum … for the
Organisation? position offered.
A. National Hero Day. A. Require
B. Smart Quiz Competition. B. Requires
C. Islamic quizzes. C. Requiring
D. Class meeting event. D. Required
E. English Debate competition E. Requirement

88. The synonym of representative is ... .

A. agent
B. manager
C. leader
D. chief
E. principal

89. The manager wants to improve his company’s

selling this year significantly. The …. will give
more prosperity to all the employees.
A. improve
B. improving
C. improved
D. improvement
E. improvisation

90. The human resources of the company says

that the applicants will not be considered if

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