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Theme: Human Resource and Development

Standard Situation GAP

Technological Literacy for 12 out of 30 teachers know 18 out of 30 teachers
Teachers (Layout Basics for how to create professional does not know how to
Microsoft PowerPoint) looking slide presentation create professional
looking slide
GAP Problem Situation Convert problem
situation into
18 out of 30 teachers does There are 18 teachers who Why there are 18
not know how to create cannot create professional teachers who cannot
professional looking slide looking presentation create professional
presentation looking presentation?
Question Possible Answers Which possible
answers on the left
Why there are 18 teachers 1. They don’t have the They don’t know the
who cannot create needed device basic lay outing
professional looking (Laptop, PC) techniques in creating
presentation? 2. They don’t know the professional looking
basic lay outing slide
techniques in
professional looking
3. Old teachers having
hard time to use and
adopt new
Which Possible Answer What intervention or How will you know
innovation can you think in that your effective in
order to solve the problem addressing the
They don’t know the basic I will create a program thru I will let the teachers
lay outing techniques in LAC Session relating to the create a slide
creating professional basic lay outing in creating presentation that
looking slide a professional looking have been discussed
PowerPoint in the LAC
Title: Development and Implementation of Technology-Based Training on
Enhancing Teachers’ PowerPoint Design Skills
TECHSLIDES: TECHnolgy-Based Support and Learning in Improving Teachers’
PowerPoint DEsign Skills

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